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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  July 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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is to force them to return to their country with the latest global news. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 16 and alonda insightful documentary . so i'll just see, it was teams across the world. when you closer to the house of the story, they left the echo are saying it's influenced by foreign countries. now these here molly and pertain and also have set up their own block, calling it the alliance of stuff in states. but what's behind their new agreement. and what impact will it have on the wider regions? this is inside sort the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm june, molly 14 and also and this year have come together to form the alliance of have states. each is ruled by a military john to and that's led to
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a split from the larger west african regional block echo was the 3 military rulers have pledged to support each other against outside threats and internal security challenges. but can they find success by going it alone, or will they divided savvy region make regional challenges even more difficult to tackle? well, bringing our guests in a moment at 1st this report from sent him on the 3 leaders united in their isolation chair, molly and for keen of fall. so have announced their withdrawal from echo was that was after the west african regional block suspended, then slicing the recent military takeovers. the 3 nations signed security agreement last year to come to each other even case armed rebellion or foreign intervention. on saturday they held their 1st meeting in the chair. oh, really woke up room. our people have turned the backs irrevocably on. echo was, it's now up to us to create the alliance of the health states. consideration the a b s. it's amount sensitive to any onto the visual regional grouping by building
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a sovereign community of people. see the 2nd in 2021. molly's military over through disability and government empties power that was followed by coo and berk unit fall. so in 2022. when the shares military followed suit in 2023 echo off threatened the military intervention. the 3 states back together saying attack on one will be considered an attack on all the military leaders of the newly formed alliance of so health states say they planned to work together to confront armed groups the past year receive hundreds of attacks across the region. thousands are dead and millions are displaced. previously these states relied on france and united states for military support, but relation to sour on accusations, frances, interfering and their internal affairs. a french and american troops have been ordered to leave. and the 3 nations are now increasingly turning to russia to
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frontier, not just also for africa as the continent that has suffered and continues to suffer due to imperialist these imperialist have. but one key saying they had africa isn't empire of slaves. that's how they view africa for them. africans belong to them. all land belongs to them. they've never been able to change their ways. and also sort of the parts in echo off is also fighting still the same arm to groups. it's seeking to form a dedicated security force, and it's also trying to bring molly new share and for clean up also back into its full, which has been cut my pride title isn't in the us. i'm of participation. by this way. the commission proposed, the sanity for the most part of the council of ministers rep can please my be under suspension. there should be allowed to take part
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in meetings relating to security as well. ask and set toward our matrix the military leaders of molly new jr and bertina fall, so are relying on each other to remain in power. the test now is whether they can split from the rest of the region. well, still confronting common security challenges. bits monahan, l, just sierra for inside story the all right, let's go ahead and bring our guests in board though everyone to share as a specialist, an applicant on forces who has been imbedded with military operations in cameroon. and molly, in the workshop, how can i do it without delay form or for administer more tenea and president of the san jose harris security strategy center. and i've got some of that i'm on permanent secretary of this, i had international solidarity for him. he specializes in japan to terry and, and development issues in the south region. a warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story i heard you let me start with you today.
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observer say the timing of the alliance as that had states announcement and summit was deliberate. they say it's to show echo us the economic community of west african states that burkina faso molly and this year can do without the regional block. but is that realistic? i sent you very much uh, given this opportunity with this to go north in 2 days and is it communication for the ticket they should have taken care of? show me to enter. so please call me i think visited it to somebody out on this. but i think provide the customer name the put a ticket to economy security situation. is that going to be the short of the security or the economy? no, no, no. but this is all right,
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so as to what you know, people seeking of give to them. i see what is behind us, so i don't think they have, i think this point so it shouldn't affect the, the going to be the origin. but trying to put everything into court. uh, to me is all to bear one. um, what does the establishment of this alliance the alliance of how the states, what does it mean for an already volatile region and what impact will it have on the wider region as well? uh, the science uh is its 1st and foremost intended to ensure the safeguard of each of these 3 regina's switch to the top outcast with the in the rest of the region. and they've been suspended from echo was so uh, i think that the, for the driver was really the concern other and it was really to me and dimension which bolted the development of these and science. and the statement that then at
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tech on any of the member countries would be an attack on oh. and now they are trying to develop between 2 and 9 talk to reason mechanism, which is basically a refraining what existed before with the g 5 cell which also included more returning it to and will like into the intelligence sharing the, the possibility of joint operations and also, you know, incursions pursue tribes when assuming the a and i'm group into one of the neighboring countries. whether you can help turn the tides on the surveys in, in the, in security situation. but these are molly and bertina are leaving is difficult to say because they have lost a thought of the novel is that they had a thanks to the for you. the supporters where there was the united states with the diesel friends or, or the european countries which provided the transport ridiculous support training . so now they're, they're a lot more on their own. yes, there was russian support, but uh that's the that's,
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it's too early to say whether that's effective in any way and it's the support that uh they have to pay for. so it's uh right now the security situation has degraded significantly. we've seen a spot for major defeats for the root canal benoit's area recently with hundreds of uh, soldiers sealed. so right now it's not taking good, and it's quite a re to say whether the seller wants to be able to improve this setting in any way . okay, so i'm from your vantage point. how easy or how difficult will it be for the alliance? if so, have states to form some kind of, whether it be economic agenda or whether it be security policies that will benefit the citizens of their country. the next day that treats the patio table more time. yeah. to set it from the core and to the what exactly i think he's been done with the 55. so to see if it's possible for one of the above country to be uh, this, uh, the country. so before,
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under the, maybe to we are the speak, the same sort of the front of the creation or some of the idea is since i last is the quote, the all the above the minutes each, the video, the what are these countries but the, the, the the so on, but anyway of course the dc but support for me for sunday. unfortunately, according to janet july 26th, i think for the record on the title, the weather media, which we know which kind of consequences between the races and also uh i just sometimes cmt showing by the display of the yeah, it's not because it wasn't much possible for the display of the company's inside of
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the player how to make to get a combined loosely or ration under the start of key. because when do we start talking to jackie combo? but if you need somebody under these kinds of things, you don't have to stop up and us on the please. so this is the situation. so that's why i think, you know what they're going to do. like, what do you know about 2 months ago the, the full and the been so i did try to get back to point bryan and meet people wish in just a i never knew there might be other ones where the i think this is something definitely right and the must be the is the goal. you have the, the full of the, the c, r o in this video. and now you have $4050.00 to what would you see the page on of the previous person?
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it's from woodson countries, but when it comes, i think it easy to push it on to dc the y. mm hm. oh goodness. and uh, so quoting the company and the how the price to get it down to least um channel basically. i think 15. 0, did you choose somebody to come on more on the more difficult and then somebody to you stuff relating to you? yeah. okay. so i think, yeah. okay, so my, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but i want to get back to you about the point your menu items debility just a minute. let me go to do again. right now, do i want to ask you about the fact that we know that echo was suspended? molly burkina faso in his year after those respective military coups that happened in the past few years. but you know echo as also they impose sanctions on this year . and molly, but they've also, they've also indicated that they're initiating moves to, to bring these countries back into the fold. how do they hope to do that?
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that was sent to me. uh i think it is much easier for the vehicle to do what it says. uh uh there is no nothing is uh, pretty decent position, but the 2nd call submitted. the nurses taking implementation of this isn't changed even more difficult. but their goal was to do is to try to confuse what uh for 3 to stage the, the, the, the best way to access to receive it, to madison. i'm saying they shouldn't do this for no good. i see why it's presented because they don't have to make but at the same time, for me,
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what is most important is the place in your warranty. should go to the tennessee. the cheese is as to whether or not it's gonna cities for the and they have to do to get access to the neighboring states on football. this is true, especially for the need. and so here's, here's what i think i'm the organization. i come for the community bank, they don't have mississippi's or cities to this is you may have to remodel on fixing the trying to break for a ticket finished on the 17 is also due to the national. the constitution tried to
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unite the domestic pro the with the with the the see if i saw the 72 is a big country and we've got things going on with the, what is going on the, the more care. and there wasn't going to air one of the military leaders of new jerry malia burkina faso. they have ruled out returning to the echo us regional block. but from your perspective, is there anything that could change that that could bring them back into the fault? i don't truly think the current regimes will concede or rejoining a course which they see as a enact into uh uh, values west student interest with the fact that the, the, the,
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the ticket was uh is, i mean even though there isn't any cut on me. i'm wanting to re transition plans. the plan is still using the c a f f frank. so that's also viewed as a, an instrument of domination by phone. so i only see a return of any of these countries to request if there was a receiving change. i don't really see it happening in the current regime unless it was or a country you turn in terms of outreach from like was to these countries. uh, i think the bedding strongly on these uh, sale states alliance to, to satisfy the needs. and we'll probably try to work out an individual deal with a one or more countries with access to the c. we've seen that to the, to bring these up, your relationship is to go. so the thought might be the country the, the in for when trying to get to announce that to, to see, rather than being gauging uh to join back in a cost to consume. i'd molly burkina faso in his chair. they've regularly accused
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france of meddling, and echo was how much did anti french sentiment impact the action that was taken the formation of this alliance? yeah, so let's do that because i, i think uh uh, when it was part of dumpy decides to make a senshi against my new york. you know, in the middle that, uh oh, bradley flew my seat, was around maybe the meeting before or something. and uh, also the position would be under 10, the positional government for the position of the airport sunday, created an air conditioning we, when, oh, that's why you see something that happened. but to the, the see to see the need anything the completion of the machine. yeah. yeah,
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of course would be under to be in the next one. this would be the one file company. it would not be easy for the buyer. i think i see um, but if somebody is going to be possible for them to the service inside or do what spectrum nearby that could do when they think she needed from me was on the wrong is for the beautiful being. cuz i do um, how much will the creation of this alliance draw in non western powers like china and russia? cindy, this is a very important question. as you know, shining. uh, you know, big credit is pretty sufficient. its international relations and bucket is that pretty sure they have been there since sixty's piece literally succeeds in getting
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it, but there's been got the they have the benefits in there today in medicine my the, my data and they also don't able to say this is works okay, so what can you share? this being said, i have mentioned earlier were not envisioned i feel comfortable with. it's easy to do that site tricity, if it said we should look into that, if you look to see if you look for it to some extent, think so the shouldn't be more but the general chicken and with that, so send a truck with easy access to menu, you're just the biggest financial really, but the supposed to be out of the conclusion that shouldn't be careful to try to
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the 17 and put to good on the back concrete was a, with the start of the sauce. but to finish this up soon, are you going to change this to something i can kind of change it should be, is that you know that you'll see the excess then you have to say it for 12 not to go what cannot, why we have good access if it to turn it in, so could you while i'm sitting i might be difficult to if i haven't put once the time. yeah. so my point is should be inside of the motor vehicle for 60. so i'm just learning about is not a citizen. i am convinced or so the i'm not sure it shouldn't be
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too long. i'm not going to the supervisor case quantity is to be more aware what kind of situation everyone echo is has over the years provided troops and security to counter the arm groups that operate in the region. what is the risk now that this split becomes more of a, of a power vacuum? i mean, does that increase the risk of a violence going forward, more violence from these arm groups operating the region? if they perceive the split to be a power vacuum, a bolt. most of the more likely thing is that the, even the security situation in these 3 countries which form the alliance degrades, there is an increased risk that these are in groups will be in a position to strengthen more aggressively neighbors for these countries. whether
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it's chad for a more time. yeah. or toggle between and we've seen attacks already taking place, particularly um in the even toggle, also some indications. uh in the gonna, i've also include the browser. there is it's, it's a reset that if the security situation further degrades in the sales state alliance countries, then i'm going to be able to move expand area of operations and targeted other countries, whether the moving away from megawatts has any direct impact on the b young b, could i make implications resulting from the sanctions from the, from the, the, the disconnection or, and the difficulties in doing between the, these 2 countries in their neighbors. and it might not be a direct consequence, but this whole crises of credit uh and attention that has been ongoing since 2020
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has definitely impacted security in a negative way. and that alone is increasing the risk of uh, of a spread of, uh, uh, the army boots activities to other countries innovation costume. um, i want to talk more about some of the armed groups in the region on groups linked to outside that link to i. so they've jacket for control of territory in, in molly burkina faso and this year. how bad is the situation currently? and so i think it is not uh and so in some of the criteria and uh, on the whole i would like to just do one thing before we continue on your quickie. because in the completion on that easy uh, when maybe to decide on the obama so cozy under coming onto the 7 days. yeah. you saying went back to dish. we bought the somebody, she went to madison, but that does something on the vehicle. she needs to become most of the looking at
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this time. so the way i think even the thinking that the solution we come from to create a folder and the kind of the, the, the, the place for p t r was that was the solution. because the from the, from so now we have the one way you see, so now the next night, correct. i mean, it might be on the not, this is usually the new. it's now the come from the, the big the, uh, competitive what, uh, what type do $450.00. yes. the 2nd from the busy. yeah. the do you have to be on the on the to have someone come by and under join the police suspicion. but i just came to the bank and uh,
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now we go see the list on the let me find the uh, lennox fit for the television. and the, because the mac connected is done with me becoming a little more under more strong, got done. the, the, i think still in individually and the, the place that the probably the one that you might have under the can come make the shower on the lease to go back and much more. can you say that think that's what the people that the uh, what would be great to be at home branding. be joining a quote without it mixed. i'm pretty sure because this went to uh, pretty cool. yeah. be what you would because it might be, you have initiated how, what else you have there may not have some what's, what's good for them to come back together. so that's why the data because they
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have to get some decent money 3 uh around the companies on the publicity. i think this one is due to the end of the month. oh yeah. oh, there is a fee i do um, if i could just get your opinion on on this, who has more to lose from the creation of this alliance going forward for from your perspective ultimately, might it, we can echo us more or might it we can molly new share and burkina faso more so cool pictures of the products. course the news is that big of a c o v, a very citizen very well decide of looking, but i go to see oh the it should give you
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the condition. very sure is no full quarter for veterans to so see moments of migration with z a. oh, that's easy to to. yeah. so the uh, zip code please. because an expensive option. uh, which is, well, what i go to the station where seems to end up in the small to well working to unified values. if any of these kinds of situations have been cut, this has a tendency to do by to go back to try. but assisted me so much, i saw a female dentist in human shore on the
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go was come with the we in the organization is not the to bring to get the smell is bad. but one second for the zip code please. uh, the multi plan or like point to should be a tech hasn't including what sort sort of any like coil mine from minnesota to benny. and this is really good, and it's going to be what some of this when you have a crisis in finishing that for one is vivian me or is it so the, should it go was tested viruses but mississippi. yeah. i'm gonna do. i'm, i'm so i'm sorry to interrupt you but, but we, we have run out of time, so we're going to have to leave the conversation there today. thanks so much to all of our guest, everyone to share as a i'm
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a do word i've de la and our costume that i have mine and thank you to for watching . you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'd 0. com and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash age a inside story. you can also, during the conversation on x r handle is at the g inside story for me, how many times on the whole team here, and they'll hon. bye for now. the in 1995 more than $8000.00 the mostly men and boys were mounted by both noon set forces in forever in each of these. here the u. n. voted to create an annual dave commemoration. so the victims join us for live coverage of the 1st day of remember it's for this rep any such an aside july, the 11th on tuesday, around
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a. then this is been use live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. polls close in francis 2nd round of snap elementary elections. counting on the way will bring you the exit polls show the palestinian homes and the more is riley fighter. and the site author of the g can least 27 people killed across the strips


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