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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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5, the best of the world's largest imports in india uses especially those can use this product from roosting to call. leaving work is with a dangerous one on the east. investigate, especially in just signing on, al jazeera, the exit polls and problems as pull them entry. elections, predict, to victory for the left string alliance will be nice. from paris. the fall ride full show to expectations. george, montana, and marina penn national are ready is projected to be pushed to the nice the meet the this is all to 0 life from the also coming up palestinian homes under moiz
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rarely fired and the new se about risk of g camp at least $27.00 people have been killed across the strips and stores as a campaign under pressure with presidential biden's, looking to assure votes as his fit to run for a 2nd to the exit polls. protections from the 2nd round of frances parliamentary elections show the lift between the lines, leading with the highest number of seats. thousands of people have gathered that placid republic and central powers celebrating that result. the new popular front, which is set to come out on top, is on track for an unexpected wind over the fall, right? but the left block is to, to full short of an absolute majority of fluoride natural riley has fallen short of expectations. so let's just recap the latest numbers, formats and polls and fonts. projections have be left when coalition the new
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popular from getting 872292 seats. and manual, my con, centrist ensemble alliances on top, and 450 to a 170 of those seats. well, the fluoride national riley is set to pick up between a 152 and a 152 seats in the parliament. the left wing coalition leaders on look melancholy and says the will of the people must be respected. uh, my name, if you get onto movies that shows tv, except for me, i'm gonna get this and the storage of civic globalization has emerge. and you old know how remarkable that is or people have clearly or rejected. the worst case scenario for them to night is the national valley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators were predicting for them just a week ago. it's quite the opposite. i was hoping you will hear from natasha buckler. she's at the headquarters of the fall, right?
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national riley party in paris. but 1st bonus most. he's at the left wing coalition courses in the french capital bud the at this point it's unofficial results. but projections are pointing to a surprising results and also political landscape. it was expected no, no, no soul of the landscape that anybody was expecting particularly here, which is why when those exit poll results pay through, this crowd erupted in cheese. and this is ton into a celebration, tickets. the reason they've been awake, many people believe, don't believe the poles after the close round the posing suggested a really significant showing for the fall, right? national riley's, these exit polls suggests there's nothing like the seats they would expect to do in a while. the poll is not a guarantee, it's not enough. uh, never very far off. so really very significant results. so this coalition of sends
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a lot to fall of policies don't very literally call the normally warring factions warning with each other, but they manage very quickly from cold and stuff election they managed to form is coalition the new popular chain together. and i feel good candidates across the country. the benefits said he'd see so much. well, the principal, the republican from the one, there is a risk of the fall, right? getting into the government, people get together as opposed to stop by how big themes do what has happened. they don't look non shock spoke to the press earlier he's the leader of from some filed one of the major policies in the sense that the fall that's coalition. he's also expected. he's been keeping people waiting about an hour now, but he's expected just yeah. putting speaking to the prep or all and he's already made it clear. but emmanuel, my problem, the president should be calling on the,
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excuse me, the need to be the ones to for the next. but it's so that coalition only coming together in recent weeks, again, a surprising result, you've mentioned that address that will happen in the next few moments. might indicate a give greater detail of what happens next. he has said that he expects to be approached the very so it's very noisy, pretty decisions would be the question for me. what are we expecting happens next in terms of the formation of the government. especially given that this coalition came together not long ago and the i mean, so man and so on is now on some of these newly elected m. p 's that are on stage at the i mean, i can tell you that the will be now as an expert is made by my chrome to pay
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a couple months. i think gays visual mcmillan shown is going to be one of the people, one of the, populated for macro, and is going to have to take to, to see how they work out how to pay them with open batteries. very little level between math chrome and melanie shown melons one is already said, i'm not from was bound to what the people have said the point. and you can't do the phone a something, but it's going to be a very challenging period. these, these by different policies, by the influence, say what kept together 5 desire to stop there. not for raleigh, the fall, right? getting into the power. so these are these left the very little in common. so it will be tricky negotiation, right? so 2 me potentially difficulties in terms of those negotiations going forward, but it's the same service. thank you very much. now speaking in the last,
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all the to support is at the national riley headquarters, nita jordan, but they're listen phones is being thrown into the hands of the fall left are pretty they, they mean the on the call say i am saying tonight we have deprived millions of french people to see their ideas materialize. this will be unfortunate for friends tonight by deliberately choosing to block our institutions and manual background to not only lead the country to uncertainty, but also to instability is given the consequences and will deprive french people from being given real ounces to will that can sense a fraud attached to barclays at the far right. national relatives election headquarters also in paris. natasha. how much of a disappointment is this result? not official yet, but this projected result. how much of a disappointment is it for the national riley? the so i think it's all explains why it's just how much of a disappointment, cities for the national riley, you know,
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the fall i suppose is work. and this was the election that was going to propel that policy into power phones the 1st time. because over the past few weeks, the opinion polls this is just about what happened. we had the election in from a month ago in which the national raleigh policy is the best standard for the other policies. this was supposed to be said big money was. this was supposed to be the moment when the only days to fall, right, have the most amount of sleep and the problem most of late could even have the majority. not only is an actual, rarely policy number one policy in the parliament say on the to policy for say all it's see if he's actually posed all right into place. a huge disappointment for this policy that really felt inside the printer. they have, however, increase their number of seats right, that their hold in parliament is that to any sort of consolation for the parties
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might be some combination certainly of the way the georgian marine defense voltage, a repeating deflection company suddenly the way that he was trying to spin, age, winning came out here, and suppose think this is just the beginning. this is the beginning of some change of something, you know, whichever way you put it. so it is not the result they want to. yes, they have the most deep and they have reasons to be in the problems and they become in that way, a much knowledge of and this is not, is something for the manual. my for will have stones to stream in as legacy at a subsidy is allowed this far wide search and he's allowed to compete and call them a never less, as i say they all over the place. so then there with the our cloud, that's a hotel. so it is a confirmation of all the information prize moved out menu menu. from here at the
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election. i seem to have known that the trash a thank you very much. natasha buckner. they in powers keeping us updated as those projections come out. know around sarah oller, one is a researcher with police capital university, she joined us from to lose room. this alliance, as we've said, it's only come together in recent weeks. how surprising all these projections. we already seen people celebrating a but still of perhaps potentially unexpected. for many of them to oh, it was up so see, because until like you said, a 3 weeks inside it was crazy. 3 weeks ago. so nobody. so it's coming really. but you know, divide and conquer and you know, the annual for the folks as we say. and friends, the union may the force. i think people realize how much of
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a danger we were in and how close to power the far right was. and to be fair still is because they might have came there this time, but there were still to search the presence the normalization of the file, right? it's still, it's still here, is still very prisoned, is still felt. and i think people realize that people are not stupid. people are not there probably additions. so i think that's why they tried their best to make their voice heard the practice you patients level was very high and be because people know what, what was a stake and how much they could lose in one evening. how would you look at this outcome at this point in terms of perhaps the concerns around the right or potentially well, so a lot of trust in my crohn did these come together to, to bring us to this point. if it's the combination of
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a lot of elements, i would say that indeed a lot of people actually voted for the far right. not necessarily because they were racist, even though voting for them or so means of probing of their very races. and you know, for because the gender, but it's also because it's put some of them a towards a response to the establishment and how that rejected. the policy is that ongoing policy that has been going on for years. so some time it was more a vote against my quote against the establishment. then for the political agenda again, even though when you vote for a property, usually it's because your approval most of the agenda. and i also think that maxima has to be on the road. acosta by not listening to its people for so many years, be spiteful the strikes, despite all the calls from the people. look at what's happened with the pension reform. all this trying to comment based on
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a janera look at what happened when so many oaks motion laws were passed by force of bypassing the national assembly itself. so at some point of the people may they force her then that towards the result of it? what happens next, especially within the context with it hasn't necessarily been agreement in terms of policy, in terms of the way forward and working together how. what happens for mark on what happens in terms of deformation of a new government? and i do believe that it will be hard to govern the country the next couple of years. it's going to be hard because my call will disney have. he has no choice to make new alliances. he will have to compromise and also vice versa. so the last we also have to come from us on those issue. we have to make alliance and the left within the left proxy. there are still the vision dispute. even though they decided to gather for this election, but there are still
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a strong divisions between especially at a fee of i mean the fall left and the socialist party. so the question is on what are they going to compromise? who is going to pay the price and my kids to has the ability to the soul, the national assembly again, next year. so $812.00 be a very new, exceptional situation and probably leading to some sort of instability of political instability. so stay tuned in terms of how this voters, as polarized the french society, all the concerns around the future front, in terms of the political upheaval, potentially. absolutely, absolutely. i think it's time for us as french people to do some sort of searching on what kind of country do we want to be? do we want to be in the country of show them about the pen where we go after the
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most vulnerable communities, or do we want to be a country that's thrive by its motility, but to you call each in for tennessee. and i do believe that now for the additions, i have a choice is to pick one of those choices and there is no middle ground. unfortunately, the far right has been so normalized that even mainstream parties have adopted a part right narratives. so the future friends as a country, as a nation, as a democracy, is still at stake. and if we do not do the work right now, let me tell you in 2027 the far right we'll come even closer. urban sarah, how then would you look at this great to turn out in the 2nd round of this vote compared to the 1st and that more people came out. how would you interpret that in terms of the difficulties that are being experienced and, and the very sort of 2 extreme sides in terms of options?
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a probably as the light of hope, in the sense that uh when people decide to mobilize 8 words voting rights. are there for a reason. and when people mobilize the results, and i think people realize how close to these danger we were. i heard apparently that the number of corporate us deal, so that's the system for people who cannot go boat to low. someone they tries to go vote for them has been increasing massively. i know people in the work she had to queue for, for like 2 hours to be able to do it at the cops. so i think it's a sign that democracy is still alive. it's a sign that people want a country where everybody can be part of it, regardless of their origins, religion, sex or the sexual orientation, etc. and this is where you see the divide between reality and the political
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are going to have to leave. it's a for the moment that we were speaking to room, so all the one, but let's ever listen now to john, look them in and show to is addressing a supports of their have exerted so much effort so that you young people can exist and also to give us this beautiful country no physical problem before, because if i'm going to be louder, i will start screaming and if i will scream, they will record me. all right, let's, let's go back to bernard smith just to keep us updated in terms of what is happening in paris and, and what is the latest where you are in terms of what you were hearing. 5 and, and, and in terms of the, the political rights i reschedule,
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i told the prime minister is speaking at the moment. uh, he was appointed a prime minister just in january. lets have a listen to what he has to say duty. since the beginning of this campaign i have alerted against 3 risk, the risk of, of absolutes maturity by the front on somebody's party or absolutes. maturity of the national riley or the risk of the disappearance of the movement that embodies our values in our principles. those 3 risk tonight have been completely marginalized by the french people tonight. there is no absolute maturity that will be led to by the far wednesday. i believe in this french starts, that is a deeply rooted in the republic and committed to the values of the republic. to night, the trend political party that i've represented,
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which is the one of the republic and the progress and be forwarded to you in words . the one of the ecological transition and the rebuild of the you are a tough and know and thanks to our determination at a false of the thanks to the strength of our values we have been able to obtain and to prove off what to do to get the 3 wars most is representatives or m p 's, then what the opinion polls have predicted before. not all the candidates of the ensemble, the parties of the boundary, and i congratulate them. and those who i think also of those who lost and those who withdrew during the 2 tours or frowns, i would like to the, please think them for their faithfulness and for their commitments. ladies gentlemen's, being a prime minister was the honor of my life. did you get killed in a concrete? i have been bonnet. i have the pleasure to meet you to talk to you to speak to somebody just about to listen to you every think that you said to me and made me think the relations that we have created is very precious to me. the night before
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digit, because of the political group that i used to represent during this campaign, i have a long that's too long just to prove it and to get more of seats than what have been predicted by the opinion. polls faithful to the traditional, the republican tradition, to them at all, i will. tomorrow morning, something in my resignation to the president of the republic and lights up the tonight's results. many french people are feeling in search and about their lives because there was no majority or absolute maturity is clear as of yet. we are witnessing an unprecedented political situation. we are ready to host over the world in the coming weeks. and i am ready to continue my work as much as needed or because this is important to retrieve. it is spent with us within 2 hours to teach and also the respect of the sovereignty of our people. this is what i was
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trying to convey and to, to respect in my capacity of prime minister to nights and you, era will start this amount of stuff as of tomorrow for walk through the center of power will depend on the willingness of the french and will be between the hands of the tournaments more than ever and as a result will be between the hands of our fellow citizens. our responsibility is immense. semi, i will not concede and was never conceit switched on to a problem. i will not accept the power will be split in 3 blocks shut off, because this is not friends. it does not represent friends and it does not represent the french people. i would never conceive that most as well, particularly tonight, just as the most popular from it has decided to vote for both extremes. it's ready to go to those french people. i told them, and i tell them again, i respect each one of you. but for sure, regardless of your choice,
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you just have to go with the because we do not have several categories of friends. so if you have a french people to book those who would be right or wrong, or those who vote correctly or those who vote wrong, the, our lives that are more difficult than others to district and we are compelled to make their lives better. remember, i will always have the same goal, which has to unify, to relieve and all those to act swiftly with actually your method. you'll know that we will never fail or fix to betray our values, and we will never betray those with whom we share values. don't put down the we will also respect the values that our candidates embody. we needs to create something new, something useful, something big. and for this woman, we needs to question everything as of tomorrow, do most of our political face will need to start to work in order to create a new single future. we need to think, 1st of all, about french people, and we need also to embody the clear help for them with
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a clear values and clear principles, never concede to division between many, we needs to as preserve our humanity and to ask for our security. and to be on the side of those who believe in friends, always, and also to be on the side of our fellow citizen, always the adventure that is a way to do is what you know, the 2 a and by the hour, ideals and also to riley all the french people who refused to see our values disappear, to those who told us told me that we need to change in order to change the future of our country. from it, we will always refuse to accept the extremes or to please the country because of the different debates where everyone wants their own interest. we've always tried to relieve the situation and to avoid the populace and to come in a terrorist. structural we will always seek to be at the expectations of to meet
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the expectations of the french people. we will always remain faithful to our values . dear fellow citizens, although we need to show the greatness and the strength of our country, let's show what friends is capable of. let's show that we are cables and capable to build back, because we are friends and nothing would resist to the french people. thank you. i probably would just a hearing there from a gabriel to tell the french prime minister, but he's also said that he will submit his resignation on monday morning. but let's cross now to button it's most he's live in paris. a bonus. you are at that riley with a new popular front at this point a lot happening in terms of the outcome and still not official, but in terms of that outcome development. so moving quite rapidly, we've just heard from the prime minister here. oh,
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it came in at the time of crisis, and now we're hearing that he will resign a by monday morning, following these results coming out. the, yeah, i mean, i told richard nation gabriella tells me, is actually not entirely unexpected, although he said that he's will stay on until you come to school, and so he'll offer his resignation. but he may well be put him on your macro and asked him to stay on in a sort of a cab. pat, take a capacity while negotiations takes take place on the make up of the new government. set a couple of very interesting things in the though he said that you know, because it doesn't mean the country to be divided. you said we will never make an alliance with people that don't share the same values as we do. that is not only the illusion for the fall, right, the national valley. it's also an illusion to you on luke island, sean speaking behind me,
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the late fall. luckily upfront about that little up. most between the mileage on my phone is an indication perhaps of the changes that are going to be in an hour in the coming days of my phone size to find a problem and for the group on a line that was willing to work in coalition. so i thought i was only paid on prime minister to, to moment the guy that was the maximum pay the election, many people, because it was why the electrical ops are like you to know and he was amongst them . now. you pursued the house of a job, but until the end stays in house while the government. so all the precedents tries to bring models together. as you said, best buy. i know that a bit ago space is most likely it would be quite tricky, quite complex. what do for see in. 6 terms all,
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perhaps the concessions mccord might have to make looking for some sort of parliamentary majority well, the particularly, you know, particularly you heard the sense of fall a coalition talk about particular policies they want. they want to abandon the best plan to raise the retirement age and friends they want to raise the minimum wage is one of the promises they've made. so the particular um, excuse me, their particular policy of the fall let's go back from would find very difficult to spend as expended a lot of the jeep example pushing through a raise in the retirement age and those sort of policies, a whole mocks, all my crumbs legacy, he would although he's much now diminished, present the importance of the power that he's had. he would find it very difficult, i think, to a point that the policy would want to abandon one of these
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a couple of years. so that's why i got a com. all right, so in the opening, the effective government, the was to the could have even been a total across the government, the ministers appointed with no political loyal loyalty. but given this result, it looks like my funds gonna have to try out a point. somebody points a policy which is led by the law very difficult. and you promised the people would never have to go left. go right again. but now he's going to have your point is going to have to look for a line susan, a from a from talk is of which i'm going to thank you very much for that. we are going to return to the room. sarah l one a lisa joe. with to lose capital university that we heard from god relatable. talking about the importance, excuse me, of unity and also mentioning
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a new political era. what do you foresee in terms of what happens next and trying to bring together a viable working government that is going to be the next most difficult task is to actually have a functioning government. you know, nothing and the constitution actually, oh blah, i mean i did a deadline for the formation of a government, but no regulatory legislation can be passed without someone obviously. so a couple of options can happen. a coalition is made and of things go by. but in, in the sense of a, such a unity that could be also what we called a technical government. so the appointment of, of people who don't necessarily belong to a clear political property to manage current affair. assume another situation that happened, especially with my google drive, a in
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a easily or that could be as well my normally to government. and this is a compromise whether coupon government, we'll have to compromise with the majority of the national assembly on a case by case basis. regardless, it won't be easy. motion of confidence hoops to can pass. and i still believe that a collection is possible. but again, like i said, what compromises are going to be made and toes all of that viable government? i think you potentially would be some level of stability looking at the snap election and the changes that are developing. and just as quickly as was also coming out, how important is on the long going stability. do you have any concerns around that or you have a concern about the stability of the government? absolutely. now we still don't have the final results. so if
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a clear majority appears again, i still think come from.


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