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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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start dances has really helped a lot of generation trauma connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere the stream on out just the or the, the exit polls and from this is paula mentally elections predicts a victory to the left between the lines will be line from paris, the fall rightful sort of expectations, jordan boss, and then the reading of hands, natural, ready is projected to be pushed to 3rd place the on for me, the, this is all to 0 life from del also coming up 1st and you and homes under blue is verify it and then to save a refugee camps at least 27 people have been killed across the strips and stores on
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the campaign under pressure with presidential biden's looking to assure votes as is for to one for a 2nd time, the exit polls projections from the 2nd round of from says paul elementary, election showed lifting. the lines is leading with the highest number of seats. thousands of people have gathered at plus the republican central power of celebrating the results. the new popular front, which is said to come out on top is on track for an unexpected wind over the fall, right? but the left lock is set to show to an absolute majority fall, right national riley's forward and show to the expectations. here's a look at the latest numbers from make some polls. projections have the lift wing coalition, new popular for getting 872292 seats. and i know my colleagues interest on
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some of the lions is on target for a 15270 seats. while the fall right, national riley is said to pick up between a $152.00 and a $151.00 seats in parliament to the last hour french prime minister gabriela tal, announced he would submit to his resignation. on monday. he said it would so full as long as required, and he will defend several ships informed the $52.00 in white of tonight's results . many french and people are feeling uncertain about the future because there is no absolute majority. we are witnessing an unprecedented political situation. we are ready to host the world in the coming weeks, and i am ready to continue my work as much as needed because this is important to our country. to the left wing coalition, need us all look minish on says the will of the people must be respected money. if you get older movies us, you'll see the feel me, i'm gonna get this and the storage of civic globalization has emerge. and you old
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know how remarkable that is or people have clearly or rejected. the worst case scenario for them to night is the national valley spar from having the absolute majority, the commentators were predicting for them just a week ago. it's quite the opposite. uh natasha butler is in central paris, paris. excuse me, just as people uh, celebrate to natasha where you are. people have come out to celebrate the results. tell us more about what's happening. yeah, that's right. we're in central paris on the popular everybody. can you hold these 3 people behind the of calling to set you that they all waving slot, little bit area we so our tree color slide and on it you said phones is built on immigration because what has happened is next. when supposed to say, oh, absolutely. delighted that the letter in the line seems to be according to various like save holes in the least in these parliamentary elections. it was projected
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that this new next, when the lions that had been put together early a few weeks ago when the french preston a cool this not the next you was projected that they would do well possibly become the 2nd force. but in fact, they all the 1st for many people, also send a pricing is the fact of the same, say all release the fall, right? national riley policy of marine, the fed has effectively dropped into 3rd place according to those exit polls to fall, right? so they've been projected for the past weeks. so normally when the mercy of a but actually even possibly when upon demetri majority becoming a power, taking power and phones for the 1st, on the back half of the happens. and the frontier of detroit is they all singing for them. it really is the noise maximum, riley, we were out there in a jeanette pool just as a while ago. and the moves is very simplest, upholstered sneezing. we heard from george and bought the trying to put a positive spin on it. we heard from the marine, the pen saying, look,
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even though we didn't win this let you know, maybe we've come in so we still double the amount. so same piece, we haven't told me that is the fact it is true, but never the less it is a huge loan to the far right and to bring the pay. and we're really hoping that this election would be a stepping stone. she was typing a self, the selection piece that say for her to the 2027 presidency. oh natasha and the prime minister. gabriel. that's always designed. what does it mean and what happens next? gabrielle, i tell resigning people that is procedurals as a prime minister of designs all through an election by itself and mean those are the french present to manual michael necessarily except his resignation service. so many scenarios that could happen now, because no policy, one, the majority in the selection. what may happen is the present, michael might almost gabriella child to stay on his prime minister. well,
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we see what the final result. so the presence of already indicated that he wants to see what those results, so he wants to try and work out what to do next. with this now for frank meant to call them at the most likely scenario, being some sort of center with his interest policy, send some mess, transmission with this next week and lines being done. and then that will take a lot of negotiation. now 2 sides of the political spectrum that don't necessarily get on ser emanuel macro might all gabrielle, it's houses stay on. perhaps those are the periods of the lengthy games that are coming up here in paris in just a few weeks and report off to that. and decide what happens next, at some point. so he will have to a point 5 minutes to the left when the line so suddenly saying it has to be a 5 minutes from the account are right. natasha, thanks very much for that. latasha butler in central powers as thousands come out to celebrate that election results. oh, speaking to supporters at national riley headquarters, jordan. but unless it falls as being thrown into the hands of the far left p,
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they meet the plastic. i am saying tonight we have deprived millions of french people to see their ideas materialize. this will be unfortunate for fronts tonight by deliberately choosing to block our institutions and manual background to not only lead the country to uncertainty, but also to instability is given the consequences and will deprive french people from being given real ounces tool that concerns opening is only have come to is a research director at the think tank sound show foundation. he joins us from paris for more on the sod come from the election watch. would a president my con, wants to prioritize at this point. would you be looking at the impression that he's dealing with a stable government as well? what they need to do is find fault who is just falling accommodation,
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most probably of goals before install today, or then big games. you also need to remind you that we would have national day on july, the 14th so that it would be very good to haven't gotten it adds that, dont now the possibilities. yeah. the prime minister got on. yeah. and i've done my stay on is i've saying quite high because he was along on the evening of if the strong was the one we say the most clearly is that as a friend should stop the national right union trying to succeed cardwell. so the possibility that they might stay on a breeze during the or then be games uh, is a, you know, i've seen quite strong, not very many to probably about a lot of the, again, president michael who called into government diesel, involved to your goals, which did pretty well, and also the social democrats, when it comes to mental,
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showed that there is no common ground on domestic and foreign policy. so as a new way to stay out of government. right, and we've also heard from mr. malone shown, uh the lift, as leader. he has said that this result at this point is a relief for a majority of people in front. so do you agree with that statement? a oh, yeah, such a huge really easy needs. the similarly, every age, the bro day day, in most cases, all cities except maybe moscow. i saying the, the government and saw quite heavy that for us when the government of people who know how to run it in country. the problem was the national righty is not on the use policies, especially immigration policies, but defense at b as never be each. i have never written to follow and resistance a fact have very few people who can become a ministers over. no,
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it is. that's what's probably the reason why a number of french citizens say, well, we do not want to try this positive because uh they seem not to and i've been assessed already experienced during this conference. and courtney will this snap election of president mccrendon. he had perhaps wanted to pull votes, his back towards the center. how would you view this outcome and how tricky would things be for him going forward? things packed mccullough's gamble and incoming a stab at action is up to fix a little because it is own box. he does pretty well. i'm better than expected in cash. the mainstream comes over that he's who can support some of his uh, economy, policies, or solely most uh, quite strongly vsoft has dental trash with roommate can as well find that icon
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from uh, also successful. the only problem is what do you do with the most fifties? confident of the new box or from that d 0 to expand our sales bobby. because uh, the easiest case there is no possibility of finding any kind of agreement between the president and mental show. so that's me, is that the, the, the last paper on top of the left is divided, and at some point i would have to choose between a stall left agenda and the traditional saucer and democratic the gen i had of the resignation of gabriella. tell he is due to do that, but before that happens, or all the post that's happening, how would mccord be able to select a prime minister, especially if he has to deal with an individual who might be opposed to all of
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these domestic policies as well? usually the present fix, the problem is to from the ranks of between policy wage gums that had a technical team be an extra so you're easy problem the front, the left, his front is not to policy. it is a coordination of degrees. the communist, the cross in boat, delta dental trans policy, and the sasha. so do that, is that the, we're not pick up a prime minister from the communist ball to you, which is a very cool and e, with not pick up middle showing because is waiting to devise even way to it as twins. the possibility is that the easier stays with gab, right? yeah, it has prime minister or e snacks. and someone from the social democrats who can
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go into this kind of go, are you sure who is getting again at the end, the presidential policy that they do need to remains and get the unit that comes from the soft choice. paul, the john nar, calling 2017. that's already the guns from the software is $58.00. so east, quite compatible with the more moderate waiting for the new popular as well. all right, thank you very much sir. thank you, jones. you've come loose a research direct at the same time shown show foundation. we appreciate your insights as fronts and navigates uh the outcome of that election. so the hundreds of palestinian families of seen i've been seen leaving the east some
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districts of gauze of city. these videos appeared to show people leading their homes and shouts as in northern gauze. when late on sunday, the reports of oceans evacuation orders from the is really ministry. fighting and shutting in. and he, a garza says, he has intensified in the past weeks. posting a journalist, abraham o' kelly, since as this report from the area we are here in the center of the city. as you can see, just place from the bottom. you ever heard? officer, the minister operation expanded. just like now, like simple you have been and as well also elizabeth you in minutes of the neighborhood as you can hear, mag guns us on the neighborhood. like on the area, it just upside down. also just to air strikes, pulling down the rest of the ever hope i've got. i've never heard of the that you wish to do. you have nowhere to you can see the software. you can use it
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all. they have no place to go to causes deputy label ministers among 27 people killed buys very forces in stone on sunday. and now the attack has hit the residential building and they own the say, right? refugee camp in central cause a can i see people. this comes off to it is really strike killed 16 people and injured 50 others and saturday. the attack hits a you in run, school sheltering displays, people in the say right? and then goes to city, another school was hit on sunday, killing at least 4 people. this is, rose was now killed at least 58153 palestinians handle quarterly reports from alexa hospital in darrell butler. is there any forces continue to expand its ground invasion and artillery and or strikes us hawks on the
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central parts of the causal city where that is where the forces order new evacuation orders to policy new initiative, stuff in a but as in the old city of the gods assist you in those areas are very close to edges. i yes, according to the policy news who received their orders? they set this is where the courses did not pop at firing a live in munition and also are tend to resetting. but they're trying their best to evaluate those areas. and this is not the 1st a bug situation that happened during this week. a couple of days ago, kind of sinews in community also had they've got to wasting orders, but policy needs to leave that. where ever they thought few ways they're still going to be targeted just like the policy means that evacuated to the middle area. and the area has been constantly taught by is ready, artillery. and is there any straightforward yesterday? is there any forces on the top and lunar with school where actually 16 policy news
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have been killed and dozens have been injured. and so far today in the play, a lot of these 3 policy needs have been killed, including omen. and we just received a policy to meet women that was also critically injured in a, in a box a hospital way. she was injured with our teller, we're sending it to an escalating and intensifying all air in all areas across the causes trip. thousands of israelis have been demonstrating in television for a 2nd consecutive day. their origin prime minister benjamin to, to now to secure deals for the release of is where the captives held in gaza. public pushes the mounting on it's and you all who are these cabinets is office has released the statement saying any potential deal should allow as well to resume fighting. still ahead on ultra 0. the memorial concepts in kenya to remember active as killed in protests against the
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government. we examined the treatment of prisoners of war in the conflict in mind more between the gentle forces and revel fighters. the how i would say is a bit silly. cold weather across southeastern pots of australia recently that should change over the next come to the agency. this kind of cloud making its way through the but i will graduate nadia it's way in high pressure. well that's why it has been so cold, quite fault. and for us like when's, we're not going to see this one. i just a little further, reese with as we go through the next couple of days, the whole yes, something like a show we say. so it's been blocking off systems pushing it from the west, but they will just knock on the doors that go through monday. why? so whether windy weather, mild weather coming back in. so we get it to the teen celsius. and how about 16?
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17, i like, i'm for melvin todd warm of that for rest. sidney. why? so? why the window, whether it will make his way a little further east was next past a cloud of rain coming in across some parts of wy, frustrating his dry. a few showers over tools used to be safe in new zealand as long as you drive there for the next couple of days are faring quite well here. but so the weather weather whatsoever, we'll try to make his way a little further east was still running into that blocking high. meanwhile, wet weather across northern parts of china. more pulse is flooding rains. coming through here, pushing into the korean peninsula, it stays hot and sticky for much of japan. the nature of 9 made catastrophes, and the rate was quite severe. weather events are resulting, an adult was think devastation. the variety of human factors means the intensity
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and impact. is it purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate change as was to fact, if i was supposed to be seen as normal, but instead, something that should have to happen to any one. is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera, the the, or technology. is there a reminder about top stories? the sour exit poll projections from the 2nd round of process full of entry elections show the lifting alliance is leading with the highest number of seats for the left, the office of some sort of an absolute majority. meanwhile, the fall arrived national riley's for the short of expectations trading in 3rd
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place is where the forces of killed at least $27.00 people across calls us and the one on sunday. one of the latest attacks targeted a school sheltering displays, people waste of cause a city at least whose ballast indians were killed. thousands of his writings have been demonstrating in tennessee for a 2nd consecutive day erosion prime minister benjamin. it's a now to secure a deal for the release of his way the captives housing garza. to you as president joe biden is campaigning in the swing state of pennsylvania as close to him to drop off until the election race intensify. senior house democrats will be meeting later on sunday to discuss biden's candidacy at least 5 of what he publicly call for him to step down. a primetime interview on fridays failed to dispel doubts about his capacity to one for a 2nd time, but a defiant, abiding, and says he'll not quit the race. hardy to castro's while living divide and
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campaign in the philadelphia, and has this update to live in still behind the pulpit here at mount airy, church and god in philadelphia, and delivered a very short speech. lasting fewer than 10 minutes. and occasionally looking down at his notes, there were no stumbles, his voice was strong and he seemed to be in his element. biden's campaign is trying to convince voters that his candidacy for re election is still viable after a shaky debate performance 10 days ago that many from his own parties have leveled a disaster. a handful of democratic lawmakers have since hopelessly called for biden to step aside in order to allow another candidate, potentially vice president comma la harris to take his place. by them though, has vowed to stay in the race to spiteful showings, email trails from 59 points among registered voters, and 67 percent of those polled say he is too old to serve a 2nd term. i know with every fiber my being i know i will look like i'm 40 years
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old, but of the wrong impression of our talking about that check turn 40. well, can't decide. you know, i've been doing this a long time and i, honest to god have never more optimistic about america's future. if we stick together by didn't stop here at mount airy church is also intended to court black voters, a demographic that delivered him to the white house in 2020 well, who support has been eroding ever since. mostly due to concerns about the economy. democrats know they must turn out black voters in order to rescue biden's hopes to remain president, especially in battleground states. like here in pennsylvania, in philadelphia, heidi to castro al jazeera activism. can you have held a memorial concert to demonstrate as killed dri, anti government protest? they belong to the wide crosses with the names of at least 59 people who died last
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month in confrontations with police. the protest against proposed tax increases which president william, brutal, ultimately scrat testing. so it has moved from nairobi about what has been happening in the, on the one on young people here and say that people in those process. but then again, now one of the things that she that like that has been talking to bucks a lot of of a for optional and a lot of the new needs to be taken care of for them. people don't. i don't think we need to speak to everyone,
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but now i'm not saying that that's not very sweet. and i mean yes people died but did want to pull the government accountable, the politicians accountable, the president himself has to be well accountable. and this thing that it's not going to be business as usual. these are names of people who died in those. okay. most of them want you then twenties. but kennedy here was only 12 and then days, rec, messiah, he was killed right outside parliament. so many people here are very angry about what has happened and particularly angry with the police. they want the police to be held accountable because this cannot happen. they say they want to
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talk to me. so the xerox nairobi. and he's a molly and, but you know, for us of ball through exit from the west african block echo us off to signing a new treaty to set up a configuration decision to lead to countries have cuts, military and diplomatic ties with regional allies and western powers. then also when comes as leaders from west african states meeting, the idea i'm gonna address is that the summit and has this report from a bush, joe? it's been demoted here for west africa's regional block, of course. and, and this is why the number of codes subset of civil crisis leading to the construct mentors. and there's somebody near me on saturday, the ministry leaders of working a fossil, molly images who have already renounced the membership of echoes. so the new alliance of the health states was born out of necessity. but said don't. the
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alliance of the health states is the only grouping, especially a regional one size effective in the fight against terrorism, coalescence, conspicuous by its lack of involvement in this fight. while working in the process of lead took a swipe of what he called colored years. we blamed so africa's problems. and that's what it. so punch in not just also for africa is a consummate that has suffered and continues to suffer due to imperialist. these imperialists have one police and they had that africa as an empire of slaves. that's how they view africa for them. africans belong to them. a land belongs to them. a subsidy well belongs to them. they've never been able to change the ways until now. during the cool and unrest in this year last year, echoes threatened to send troops any po sense that they have let the military lead mission to join molly and breaking up also was quoted as an early abreast of echo schools to return to constitution of democracy. was the side of the timing of the alliance of the health states was deliberate to it's to show
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a course that but again, a fossil molly image you can do without the original book. but some i normally say molly end is in particular could phrase difficulties if all member countries of course decide to isolate the tool unlocked countries, of course need is meeting in a bu joe on sunday. what do you do with the latest, all which is meant to the june to meet as they will also review security on the economy of the region? economic slowdown as a result in high cost of living, leading to violent protest in some industry as the identity which holds the echoes . cham i ship so as much has been achieved in the past year. the handling of the front dryly solutions in these countries have even though perhaps not id me what's we would want bought. it has helped to de escalate attention because at the point tension was really high and of things could help going south. i know the se,
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then use the headlines will still need the support of echoes and its members. if they decide to operate on their own, i'm biased. the lead to know the for the costco increase or the countries that we didn't need to help this groups and continue to exploit the discovery that could be created. and then of course, continue to impact uh, maybe to on board the security for the citizens of the $300.00 reformation of the alliance of the health states. an equity and ability to bring back for 3 countries appears twice a week. and a one slight brent regional organization. at the moment, it's not clear how we can maintain unity or chief progress. how many degrees of do 0? how about you? man mas minutes return to is facing resistance from the groups determined to topple the government. fighting has been fixed in the town of to them and west in 10 states, both sides of taking prisoners of war. sony chang has more now and a warning. his report contained some disturbing images. a
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resistance forces pushed back against government troops on the outskirts of to the west. and man fighting is the 5th and the town battles ranging from house to house, slowly that pushing him in the tree out into deep township alone there at least one or 2 um groups of resistance scientists. we're confident we control at least 70 percent of to dim township. so the city itself, we think we now control about 40 percent of it, is the military withdrawals, homes and businesses. the 2nd lines here and both sides take prison visible. yeah, and most military is notoriously brutal with the resistance by cuz it catches in february. so just post the videos on social media. a fight has been beaten and bound and chains, then they will button to live it to them. however,
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soldiers taken captive by resistance pulse is a given access to basic medical aid and in some instances.


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