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tv   Scent From Heaven  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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the, the the, what you will just bear with me. so robin in the how remind of all the top story is the following. predictions. viruses and phones have prevented the fall right from taking power. the left doing alliance says 1182 seats in parliament centering past micro old centrist alliance. the far right has come up with a 143 seats, but it's unclear who hold the next government. as new policy appears to have gained an absolute majority, bennett smith reports now from the french capital they'd expected the worst. but frances hastily arranged left wing coalition beat the offs, and the tension of the last week evaporated. swan so remote,
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i'm not shown that this evening. the national riley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators have predicted scarcely a week ago. in fact, it's totally the opposite. it's an immense relief for an overwhelming majority of people in our country. those who make up the new friends as well as those have always loved the country with the republican passions. to the far right, national riley president had hoped to lead his party to a majority in the national assembly. they felt well short. unfortunately, the alliance of this toner and of the dangerous select tore arrangements made by emanuel mat cronum with the fall lift formations to night, depriving the french people of a policy of recovery that none the less over whelming leeside full by putting us in the lead. in the european elections, and then last sunday, bought that was both marine la pen seems once again to have been faulted by a republican front. that's where a majority of french people vote for any party that opposes the far right. prime
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minister gabriella, how appointed by president emanuel mack, chrome has offered to resign. when one goes, mamma said companion. from the start of this campaign, i've been alerted of 3 risk spending. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far left. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far right and the risk of disappearance for the movement that represents our ideas in our values. today. these 3 risks have been eliminated by the french. but what that means is no one party will have an absolute majority in the assembly. the popular from the left wing coalition says they have a mandate that priorities to reverse microns black shoot policy, increasing the retirement age to $64.00. and they want to increase the minimum wage and to recognize a palestinian state. while i'm shown as one of the pocket latest presence emanuel
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not going to have to negotiate with you, tries to the new government. there is little love lost between the only thing. yeah . but literally was a desire to store. all right, so you're getting into products with, i'll just say it right. as well as the warning calls went as a 9th. but this rose milledgeville operation is killed into the 50 full palestinians in various parts of the strip. the guns of health ministry says 38153 people have been killed since october. the 7th. hundreds of palestinian families have been seen leaving the eastern districts of kansas city. this video appears to show people fleeing the homes and shelters in northern galls on sunday. and there are reports of new evacuation orders fund these way the ministry funding and shelling in the casa city, having tons of funds in recent weeks. it is well thousands of protest as of rallied in tennessee for a 2nd consecutive day. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure
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a deal for the release of his reading, kept his health in garza. public pressure has been mounting on debt to the eye and his cabinet. his office has reduced the statements that you with any potential deal should allow israel to resume financing. hezbollah has lost another barrage of rockets. we live at old, into the old as ro israel's on. besides the attack started 5 and the city of tiberius, at least one man has been injured, is ready and strikes on son today. hit the town of my troop and daytime, in southern lebanon. no casualties have been reported. you can follow those stories on our website at alger 0 dot com is updated throughout the day and have more news in half now. but we now continue without. does that or well to stay with us? the
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the there's a theme that sports and politics should never mix, but history shows they often do. when the major european powers colonized much of the world in the 19th century, they brought their own languages, food, culture, and sports with them. friends occupied algeria from 1813 until independence. in 1962, the french colonial authorities heavily imposed french administration and culture on the country mosques. and as i make schools with band,
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french settlers got the best land and algerian cultural identity was widely suppressed. the french also brought its sports to algio. yeah. including football, but only french settlers could set up clubs because the authorities didn't twanged algerians organizing their own groups of any kind the measure and i mean is that this i'll contact to him was that will be in that. yeah, d m y b a shit confused. i'm being yeah. a lot. what is the fuck up a good look at the seed. be that. yeah. and the 89 a for new then some of her that can to may 2nd, sorry about the
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but even though they were 2nd class citizens in their own country, algerians embraced football. how do you as far as football is didn't have any proper pictures. ok. but the quickly picked up the game, the bid that might have subscribed to that that fee. hi, it's kind of the test alshaun feed. yeah. just a look here and then i had a a. so tell us to you on the fisherman. if you have a filter zip, super helpful to know the one that has the one we started me it in your say do now . i mean, i board if he met a well, if we show it that did i bought enough to do about to shut it? 10 of the seats. i kept the so the caught up because it was narrow and the cool b, b, i would have a kid some plastic wouldn't cause we would let them get the could we're come. we're not for us. that'd be, that's american. you wouldn't have his head order. uh,
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females quotes, cup up, which is up to that's uh we can to head cut on there that we started getting to shape because the hook up to the end. yeah. as you know, so yeah, we started me up with a model i had you know, cut some of upside. how did, how do we start new? oh, muted i buena, i do wish we had the liada the us, but who met is who got killed or but the shadow will have kids up there with sir. it's uh well met. i subscribe to cut the edges. he would video. i know they're like, i know kind of to like what, how well let the asia and yeah it does it any. yeah. we'll see about what will be there to cover their shooting. yeah, i need to be there to kinda say like corporate got them, but they can just say it will fish i meant if you let to be about bad either just it you will see more and you need to do your house up to him that can no home where joe, more out of that, i mean sign up and we start mid and then we start mid 10,
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and then we'll do it. can i know the share and yeah, most lima had to work to visit 80 really piece of how yeah, i was really was that what it is to plan and this was when sport and politics began to makes julian football, developed and clubs were well supported and a french colonial rule, no one could open the organize any form of political activity. so al jerry and so that thriving football clubs could be a focus for ideas some way they could express unity and resistance. at the same time, the french authorities saw sports associations as potentially dangerous, fearing they might become hock beds of nationalist defense to be they at the dish out loud. but if it does add a boost, i'm not, i don't say man, i'm going to assist in the let's just add a new uh, deluxe. caught a penny about the, to me in the navy large body, him on a shot. philip, uh,
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comes to play. benjamin minium technical and i do see a lot of policy about that it has had been ida, me, uh a penny. oh thats ive been and the letter you can tell me to code a let it be any any idea just the area it is the middle of them. oh, hold on the uh and the uh, muddy and be a part on so yeah the honda do you have jamie as the other? yes, certainly a. and so how about c l a n v at least i'm on. i don't see it all the time. you know, so i shouldn't have thought of them into the demo joe, hold on a minute and the most of the man, if you put them the least amount of i don't see how well and the damage in the how long does the area? well, i am sorry, i don't have the him the most time i'll, i don't see that he actually does. if you can model it can be of the beautiful color. i mean, it has the amount that the met to live will have to be a lot of the, the order to add them. assume that he couldn't. and the looked at the image shot and each of them, oh, shot on auto. but we would just go and the stuff in the know at least at the end
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the yeah. and you and it's difficult to see. i see the there was a challenge to this rigid and discriminatory french colonial thinking in 1898 in the eastern on jerry and city of constantine. the city already had 2 french football clubs where only europeans were accepted as members. so i'll jerry and set up their own sports association consult teams. and jerry and football club was founded within this association. but the french colonial authorities saw through this plan from the start they force the class to close several times in a certainty. yes. but each time it v image using a different name, the most of the class, something to model 5,
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it'd be and then medina didn't suck off of it into the room, but couldn't see here. i need to look at the csc in which i didn't business, but the but the to pick them up or how the sheet model fly. but the door can be she yeah. about putting up a shock and putting up the dish. i'm not sure, but it could be in west africa or something that the general yet i didn't and this i'll be able to mccain it. to mean it's a color. i've been a load up a whole lot. so yep. lee, how to hook up the the, the cs. yes. and then the cut something a what's the, i'm gonna put time here so i should in way or how do i know lou on and let the, the been the do, are you in us with the i bought on posing the model is 81 off is not only, and the well, a shot, an issue then, and the who i now do to us as a woman, i know who the com us. uh, the, and the net kennedy most style model like in fi and they have time of the shot at
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the little issue. them was about how, you know, they had 50. yeah. this to me. yeah. let me it couldn't be more the supply, the visual across something, you know. yeah, no nature shipment. if, if the feedback you'd want to get to select the highlight cap that she us. yeah. here mich schmidt, if it's yeah, well kids, how to cut the, how really? yeah, the hostile court would then show maybe if, if there was the blind, i mean, they then inch to my asia, had the d. what can you still be clearly about? but, and we have the yeah, that's part of the month. it was so, you know, we had that into me. i mean, how court to put them. well, could hello say it was uh, ma fee, but the way it uh, a ship. uh, but look for something e hello, but oh, that's a little bit as just declared to be led. step 3, it bought i lead. we might have somebody of the chat a to nick how it got a slight hey yeah, set a fee. yeah. but that means that something now with the bucket, just
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a lot of the something you know, a new or fitful had he uh how it could slash a step. i see. yeah. how to get your slot. hey jada. yeah. the who had the betia. uh, ned, the, the uh, the costs which i had a little steaming the, the situation in the capital l. g is however, what is more complex than in constantine? of g is had a lot of friendship photographs. and the colonial authorities were always on the lookout for m e l. julian collapse that might emerge and challenge the french dominance. but a group of young algerian men from the cost by and by the wage neighborhoods somehow managed to phone their own football club in l. g is in 1921 with some inside been happening with near the yeah. be. well, now did you request something with now?
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do you have any of the, any type of human chemistry? yeah. is that to be a that's been asked see about how, what i would say the cost to cut them, tell them what would they have to just say? and it said it's and then it the best have wound up. and are you mad that i would, i mean, it's clearly yeah. though uh, could i receive quote to come to says the number the yeah, this is now and it was i'm your windows 8 or my secret that goes. yeah. so so that was the dentist of what it is and as you there is already that i know as well as one that has actually had that for me. then i will follow a couple of with that to hold on who and then fit. uh, a total hang on that kind of who should hit, who bought the new uh certain automobile. yeah. hang on most certainly i can me
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a quote of the had the on my side of jason. i don't see it. you should be on the how you like the kind of apple pie. i said a lot of apple heavy. i did cut the old model little auto. yeah. and the chevy have a pond. they put out some thought on the show him who not the oh no, yeah. and the uh, the zip enough square foot got off the shit. no, did the house the house a shut up shut up or does i have the last name uh the the that the and the oh my we, i oh my god, this time i'd be out there. he almost said bare with the time you were there. she didn't, jim, i guess as if i, well, i thought i had a home heavy at the pick it up. i didn't the, this is how the the let me can be sure how you must be on the other one. well, imagine the, the, uh bit. uh, what was the quote fee uh that that's going to allow them kennesaw but not the human out for us because that is totally a new kind of show banana. that can be a problem at all. but if somebody at the office of us, i know what them to level 5 video cartoony age, and that'd be the best way to bother with the, with the head of the zip is
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o. j. i met the hey, well, the medical board to be locked in. oh because i thought the admin and visiting and let the there's nothing, no, nothing a thought the a thought on. so you have a dead end at this time and let's see. so we will get to it yet the lodge will start to be at a let me know, but i was to see met. no, i feel so you can do it by you who mean and the color the that's really highly will see me. but what is it the uh, what is it will do? yeah. has either see, you know what i mean? we'll start mid a fellow seed will probably see my little head a lot of korea just area and as usual i smell. holmes did not potty, but do i thought it was a c c would be daddy car uh to mckenna to move it to just a minute. yes. yeah, i live at a sofa. i will start mula, what you share there,
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the what movie it. just say as he can read words. yeah. now do you feel i'll see if he does a new let him to have the i can a who i would know the will see the courts about the deadlock are i don't mean yet . do i have to fill out a laptop and a mover and some new what, what are the words what as soon as you know the value and that's what cause i didn't want to just okay. and so i definitely need to come not be to, had be, could be made a note within the spot, a loan of the money. yeah, i knew what couldn't fee, then it could go to the non to adams, could be a, i knew nothing of a lot in the bottom. is that the to the we will however, well,
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what do you have a, what do you just have to ask you about sick and it's not up to how would witness but leave it tell you that we have the record, look at them. when was it that in the news drama, what do you, how does that have been setup? uh, nothing. yeah. are you familiar with them as well? cuz then he had to in this move to happen. what are the chevy inches 80. what is it? show me is 80. yeah. the setup. and is it the same about a no. set him up? yes. okay, i do do feel like it did then what did it say that what, what it needs to be j o y i did fill out to my tenant some heads up, the administrative motor them know that we should be i would, i would the badge anybody out the method can so what do you just have to check? and i mean it could be that been disability and even with a bit of could to put them if i've lost him. oh, but i have to have my little stop me to come up with the company can, can i? but i can ask if i at least will, but i'll tell you what it can. matt,
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if i knew what, what yada yada see what had be, could be a witness by the some 10 unit. and they'll say that more than just a boy let me know. so i know if i didn't cook, i know if you could put them the i did could be administered up to limit the thought of teddy and then yeah, i didn't get them to try that lead at the ab testing. i didn't typically study without doing that, the problem i was just had to was just had to look at that. she needs to be able to use it. what, what is it about the, it's almost something that we should have done is different than the terms, and then you know, how well, what i'm just lead to, how do, and i don't see in this age, i had that. so now she can feed them in and then with it. and so how far is it? how does, why does that work? i know for you to had the i don't see the, the visual had to be that i be what people call, which after the 2nd world war algerians expected changes to the colonial regime but were disappointed any anti colonial movement grew
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at the same time. football also develops from an elite pastime to a sport with mass appeal, and increasing focus on nationalism. this found expression in the west, algerian city of charlotte. the he's in the tv but us the i have the he had the police tell body here with him is to came being just a it does it is. yeah, i live just it will stuff. hello. um i bought the so bad if you should have be sure to me yet she lives dictate to cool not then i let dina. all i do and uh and you look the whole so right has even looked at cost for kids. i mean, i went in and did a teeth,
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but i said they will follow up with the step. but of course, to look at the, the eclipse related to so to use the bottom right, then you can to pick up the yeah, the to me is that, to me is of the more, not how the web, the tacoma could be, that needed is trema fee as month cost a should be modified as of a trip in the up. the can turn that goes in the can no, not ship the ship. that being the view, it'll show up on the what can have to shoot in the was the mean, the ship for the but this is a lot of people say, glad that's an odd that the main lemme didn't just just want to be a waste time. you're going to be a visual benya come to somebody to to, for the pick up. is it not to buy the ship fee to ship it? yeah. well he does have to call we yeah. which equipment was. yeah. what do you have the uh to be at municipal names time in front of you and that was not what i need
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and what, how well not with disability moves job. i had the uh man, i appreciate that. let me, according to the uh, did you might have to ship it in with some of the heavy, intimate ship. let me know how low me i need being kind of in a lead. pretty mid, i've been at the end of this list. i'm not at the so i had the home the the help on the account. but other than that moved you did. i had did a new seminar, but instead of the shouldn't be there. yeah. i do really. yeah. been feeling so yeah. the, the, the yeah. b o cost to be just a to fill. i'll see you 10 a. hey kevin, i the and this jeremiah you, me to the alarm is who is the counter? wait. i said that kid a, b, b, b and this at 10. we'll get to just a uh, 10 mckenneth does. he have been was said i can feed with the kids. feel as love to
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do nearly anything. the kid that i did do different budget daddy. so 10. yeah. selected mcwilliam. uh it stopped. uh now did you say the mean sort o d the an order? uh kevin will start menu pick level by the to him. well, you you how he did throw you the k. is he the way that i said? so somebody can tell you what doesn't matter, and he, and does it any, i mean, how deep the federal federal, how would it's n 2. she allow people to also be on the i'd be the host a n d a and which team that can it's their model called the career or the one that had that had that bad. let's do a hi. that is to clear the yeah, be what we submitted shipping is c a c, because i would have cavities. uh, is there any did at the, the,
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the french colonial policy of subduing algeria. nationalism by controlling football was a failure. algeria and found loopholes in the colonial regulations and played football regardless. this culminated in 1958 when at the height of the old cherry and war of independence. a group of top professional r, jerry and football is who played for leading french clubs. formed a break away out julian national team. this was the national liberation front side. it played 91 international matches, mainly in eastern europe. each one i defy in statement of the evidence, spiteful independence. the k defendant though, let the very bad to see a cause. we have the food and the, the cost of a few minutes here, the quarter to get them for you to weigh it
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a shot with just a $80.00. how would i thought it would have to? i've been mean i just declared to be that did you will fuck up another. uh no, i live a very bo friday trip. i took the heavy or what funny that had the navy pad. he had that pretty cool with me navy and does a high level can i ask football field or what me and home me to the z tony? him a whole lot look and i should improve fee up on the low fee. albany can do so. you who do to care, so there are other math feeling, so fish with a fee. that's a good time. you know, to me, you a home seen that keep the home tennis. so do i, could you say what the hell, what the heck will be financed? here, but the heavy and the kind of attitude mean home. the door is pretty, i mean it costs to cut the free list. so he said, i just need thought to just see what he says to forward the heater.
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julia again independence in 1962 and the break away team was disbanded, its goal achieved. it was succeeded by the official algerian national football team . the all jerry and football federation was formed, and algeria joined the se in 1963 coming up and talked to how football is into don use this for to chinese british colonial road. i am very delighted to participate in the all the confidence, brightest legal students, putting minds against the best means in africa would really be interesting to see how we miss uh gather together for tournament. unlike any other top me expressing meaning that we can cause a human and people surprise is now invest in weakness after can move on out. is
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there a unique perspective? one picture is not going to tell the entire wants of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rough, it looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in the region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0. a g. a serena has spent most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now for when he was a boy. in 2022 long days mcgarr would declared and endangered species
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talking to one of their family, a child at school today, he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode, yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that, and i'm going to be, i mean, molnar like the value of our while the off i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason, drastic the doctor and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market creed not only in dangers, was brian me populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive read monkeys,
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there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the . you want you all just bear with me. so robin and the whole reminder of all the top new stories results on the 2nd round of front says parliamentary election show you the left wing alliance is leading with the highest number of seats, but the left block is folding shoals of an absolute majority. meanwhile, the fall, right, national riley is trailing in 3rd place. and now the now the will of the people must be strictly respected from now on no tricks. backroom deals, no combinations would be acceptable. the less than to be taken from the vote as definitive. the defeated, the president and his coalition has been confirmed with clarity, the president must given and admits this defeat without trying to get around it in
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any way. as they will in gauze rent as a 9th month, as well as military operations killed another 50 full palestinians in various parts of the strip. the cause of health industry says $38153.00 people are being killed since october the 7th. hundreds of palestinian families have been seen leaving the eastern districts of gauze, the city, the city of paris to shape people clean the homes and shelters in northern gauze on sunday. and they're all new reports, evacuation orders by these really minute tree fighting and shelling in the engineering cause the city have intensified in recent weeks and israel thousands of protest as a valid in tennessee for a 2nd consecutive day. the writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure a deal for the release of his writing, kept his holding dogs a public pressure has been mounting on that's in yahoo. and his cabinet to his office has released the statement saying any potential deal should allow israel to resume fighting has the puzzle. another biology of rockets were leveled into an old
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way as well as what was on besides the attacks started 5 and the city of to be this . and at least one of them has been injured, is really strikes on this after they hit the town off of route, the time in southern lebanon. the casualties were reported. the steve, as present joe biden does support as in the spring stage of pennsylvania to stick together the schools the him to drop out of the election race intensive. i see the house democrats met on sunday to discuss the buttons candidacy. at least 5 of already publicly called him to step down a prime time into the old friday, failed to dispel doubts about the president's capacity to run for a 2nd temps. thanks for the headlines and but with more news in hoffman. um we continue with elders that are well to stay with us. the so done in ne africa was a british colony from 1899 until it gained independence. in 1956
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british colonial administrators controlled every aspect of food in the society, government defense and even recreation. the if a good yeah. not that was that i understand, well, i got an ottoman, i got to be who are the videos if it is. yeah. well, i need to load it up. but if i have this done well most a little while the office um, but i understand what a bit of time is that if that is worth or not. if the moment i knew united was talking to you through the group and we're going to the, you know, side on that would uh let us on here. we're strictly covered. i didn't go, you know, i last, i could kind of be better. no feel gotten fed up would be done if he's taken out the dish with him yet. because the i didn't mean to dining and more, do the low movies. tell me as a 100 and how much do you need for the seat?
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and obviously a lot my little sample was going to be sure i'd definitely be the funding b a b to cool of cora dunham who come which had id will he should go, which had been t bone with a wiley the got a positive have please allow me to include your feet have a 2nd in the mean the most of that includes the shadow. so a dining room and i believe the queen and the head start being so mouth and model and that's kind of show for fear and nothing. i caught a, a wellness uh kind of a, the engine, i mean by that is does go to the other, go to the 100 and uh go to learn more as of and this was, i mean, shown i mean by owned by dug another 9 and a half, we could have to shut off the modem. not that's good to see it. in fact, i didn't, this law bought him in a light. i'm wondering,
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look at how difficult does i'm for them. just how about the english come on. i study. see, i mean, show me on uh with the in a couple of them. if i could have them put them all in the least means a lot more scared. ultimately these kind of must have one of them for them. street, but it was cut up. well, you're not accepting my id is not helping the weather, but when we do with, if he sold on the mazda mosse got us anything these someone on the husband, the whole month, he shot community and the level, the my, my sister had it. i mean, can um medina to make any money here that even dining would be an issue then too modest. we have 4 of them of them. i'll say that on the, on the quarter behind me. and i'll also most of them, even by that, does it have it the, the i didn't mean an we'll done it overall shot of us do it on this level. so then october, i'm gonna see how many now what, what they need. they're kind of like, you know, who knocks tomorrow, is it? how about unable to log into a shot record of that. how about ducking? i should because so then i got a button which
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a lot of them were gentleman. if i did, i mean if i to that to get my much more out for the month of it hold, hold on to go and put the $200.00 on the go. most of them in the lake, little doing the and so they're not the need for them about country to my bus for the more difficult to work on a diamond team show how it was a how it was a company then our bus and who made that or what we started hiding in that can hasn't been done. who comes, uh, i'm just out to be off on in the shop. what can be done this week? i did when we don't show any. see that 30 day? no. not, no good. it's good for them live here in northern. i will share your screen. hello, home living there. i'm wondering if you dish how a living you not
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a that was the one of people live quite a don't at the if got you the kind of a little by should be the season. whether it's a little the study i should when i merely i'll then if you heard the really while i'm here, the man i more do though, uh, gotten your logistically through the portal so that the dollar i know at the end of off is that it cut off, so if you had the it, whether it's a home, uh, yeah, anybody wants to go to them for them? i wish i do a lot of the mean and it isn't morgy, dean, our phone number will probably mean when you started this event. i mean somebody will stop it or not. and i'm also afraid of, you know, for the was started who liked it. that is the woman that the queen and the out of the out of the passage to doesn't seem to have a customer. who would i probably just look stormy washer and the with a lot. and can i'm going to come with specific thoughts. i know madison thought when he says i, i not on the on the about that without that idea. but that model and a lot, i mean it's been a minute, i'm going with the i'll,
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i'll sleep last name and most of us i will also, most of the one who sent us a form on something by the end of the month. them to 100 think about it will sort of we will do that and how do you have died at the sudden i did on the dividing mom up the this was our low cost. would any football started? many play is way from a college students from institutions like the graduates club. this was founded in 1918 and was a branch of gordon memorial college, a school named after a british army general. the club had its roots and a british educational institution, but it later became i had 4 untie. colonial activity out of sport, crowds started around the same time. the magnet for the new front of the line and for today, oh uh, some of the thoughts uh, sort of shut off on tv adoption and then natalie de la the united navy were
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leaving 0 more mattress on the shelf on i see i see the sawgrass sheet doesn't and the and a half hour and then the and you have called at the after the 1st world war, the british actively encouraged the development of football in sedan. but on their own terms. it was dominated by english gentlemen with little regard for the sudanese they named tournaments after british civil 7 setting and so done, or as a tribute to british colonial rule. the in the 7th of january comp commemorated the visit just the dawn of the british king george the states. but in november 1924, a group of egypt should nationalist and cairo attach the car carrying the british governor general officer don or at least todd died the next day. at the same time,
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they were anti colonial protest since don, known as of 1924 revolution and all support was banned. the federalist stuck the show i had this has feasible so so that it, i'm with them. what about solar power should in the yeah, also bought a bit of funny the you think what you didn't gun trip law had to do with it from what i thought must be sticking more. a lot of yelp. he a gun um wash up lifting it easily. and only wonderful mush off all the, all the alarm rush out, you know, pulled at the input shuttle for so don't be directly can be sought apply. wish i be a big a with that in us, the mobile, my being not the must have an affinity dean. what not so much i'll do for you. i'm the, i'll be all tennessee. so we stayed a lot of them that has the, a mobile. that's what the fee fee for that i'm going to see. i think we started the
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shopping. we all be with them. you're not fee. and for this for me. yeah. so the higher the should be in good faith set up and for the certainly is the shooting hassle of tiger when, but you're going to hear this v and physically i'll be at this unit. oh would it be under the sun? you think the richard in? well lou medina and we're going to fill up a couple more coupled by one you think because he has the for the foot, this foot, this committee, you know, be most of it that hockey. what kind of, how difficult or easy if you have it doesn't have so for either the method be shuttle whole for mean, i mean cs the god, who does the live feed be the life i'm the good by the mid 19 twenty's,
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the british colonial authorities reached the same conclusion as the french in algeria, that sports clubs had the potential to become breeding grounds for sudanese nationalism . so they only approved the founding of clubs that they've vetted in advance. and even then they have to have english needs meaning if he comes to your boss, give you my being an es month, we've got them on the account, a little spot, middle initial probably. yeah, i mean, my thought on let me remind you to help them. no more shout out bought a me to get a new another to walk on. not going was i'm a highly on what's on. so me, i thought that i'd be very inform us a little why that you seem and get easy. and then, you know, you're almost, i don't, feeble so then now does a canal assignment model tied in? what am i going to go to them does was going to be some of it when you own either. when you tyler and get easy,
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we can get them on easy was so much so me at that as on up. so my by the radical on uh, side 5 on my the need to have a how highly and county with someone id. so i'll, i'll think of them i did call, but it was something why the, i mean, really easy is the quote when you opened something about that guy that highway 80. i only know how though, let me at the football is move. i mean now you call but a lot more pop up about that. been how you have to be seen online that then the not surprisingly aspiring sudanese football is proof for it. out of playing in clubs with english names. they wanted their own genuine nice denise clubs. alamo ronda is just that. it was founded nearly a century ago in 1927 in. i'm doing mine on the western side of the river, 9, across from the capital car to a alvarado was set up by
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a group of sooner. these ami offices from home to the minds military college. and the collapse still plays in this don league today. and more of that, and you're welcome with what i mean in the photo doc and how that height or comfortable. i don't have a good me. what hired what on, on what it i knew well, how to get them on the line. yeah. well, mine at all, piled the box again. lab fee for the is a motor. fine motor them in a non silicon for them to get done. uh, probably not remitted. yeah, kind of the motor though was yahoo or shotuko land. how to be a mile if you can kind of to yeah, yeah, it does. a lot of the above the yeah, i mean, we'll do the fee if you, if he, if he's in gwinnett had to bill morgan. if you gesture one, kind of one within someone's that that more of the calendar could be to get them. she law about where i'm going to have some some if i could see, i knew i had
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a couple of bucks on how to odd. well, the thought to sort of the for the was kind of done is to get a, i need to show the mean mean high, the hidden monthly call month about that more to do the kind of a boom. how it a low bought the lazy and wait and on know i'm a 2nd. the more you with a few months of the more of the 3 years later in 1930 another football plot imaged again in undermine. he was founded by graduates of golden memorial cottage, they set up the clap in defiance of the british colonial band on all activities and organizations that threaten the control of the region. the name of the law comes from the arabic word for crescent. the story goes at the club founders were trying to think of a name when a crescent moon appeared in the sky. a problem
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. uh, not even a lot, let me come for this. okay. the other day was also supposed to be in front of me with the team that can come little congressman living at i want more your the into my on the team on the bus. and the other one i saw on saturday and i said a yellow s as a new then when i had the time, uh well the missed the model for uh, coming look. but i see uh, the next time i had them load on my lab by then and what uh, cuz you guys allowed housing for looks like dish washer. i need that, but one of them and somebody might load it up. so as i leave a message and one of their customers that goes on my, me to get ahold of. yeah, get somebody in the way to see the motor for the loan. quote them of the month. and then you know, do that and what happens if then the lady this i need to why then? uh and then yeah. and then i don't know how the labels are. well, i'm going to simply what i'm going to throw a present is
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a more and i then how to go to what's on the book because of you my here need to mean uh, look for the same uh to the bottom. as my brain wasn't in easy and want me envious with any of that, i think these con, you might as well of the aba shipping, most of the ones that i'm the has the, and the i'm of the shift the out them into contribution. i hit them a lot of which i have a well i talk a little about the meeting. you might have some sort of the name you're going to use and i move my student name and i'm a current and it is kind of what i will come on, let us out because you why all the album will shoot anybody. we'll see how was that, how we don't don't on the like elliptical, we're not move. why man, i'm me. what is that? if i am a lot of them, i mean, uh, english. oh, my mean, i mean, i, i, yeah, i'm cool with this to. donny can id ok, that's on the surface. so don appeared publicly to be a loyal outpost of the british empire. use rios at the time showed lines of locally recruiters soldiers the rating before the colonial voters. but the nationalism,
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that heavy ruptured in the 1924 revolution had continued to build. and with no existing sudanese political parties, football became a platform for voices demanding a change on the be mine. so he at the funeral home labor don't give you. you've been seen will know how the stem off being was. i'm with english will all follow up on me to keep the most of them. i'm not minus of i you know shop see us will be my in for them cause i'm gonna shop the all the, all you been gone at the doctor. he shut off on with the boss. anything needs to be studied, kinda with how you all the i'll be with the record is i'm calling on for. so let me try to ca you, i'm a little fun and having an nickname. and then a lot of c a c. and we will continue to kind of be, i mean, yeah, well, for the continued on feat, died some of the all the new and the fee and will not tell us. i will call for uh,
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will talk to him. but he was on the mom kind of be chatting with you before almost sending me down a dining daily. the come on, come on, ice in. you'll see that as a filing fee that's accommodating for so don gum would have cuz i the $80.00 at the home. oh, let me now. i'm a no, no minding guineas for how and it's, and the course of cut them the not side to initial the dining for so non maintained on people to call. i wouldn't shotuko fee will pull up that them was a mazda because at the most and then custom class on monday. yeah. and the other day. no, nobody does that. and you know, you're not caught on on, on the kind of thing to my, you're not now, did he not only them, but if a suck opposite of the all the to my daughter still possibly doing them, you'll still see them on a don't. and i thought of the going to come to the water had to be a lot of something. i'm going to see. yes. if this is done, i should serve it's been and the order is causing the problem will be that sees that i'm the only time between own what has it on the account and see that the last,
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who am i see i see. and then what kind of a modest, what i'm gonna lot is what i'm going to see as it come on. i'll be needing the what i didn't get easy. oh gosh, cause have, have been in an open unified. i'm assuming i'm not talking when i confronted it has been mine and mine and his receipt and highly nothing about the one i'm the other. the idea here. kind of, i mean, yeah, yeah me, i'm gonna see as a company to clean it as obviously as a be shipping on how do you, you have to see as the and the most of the say it is my last lady who had the most because that it wouldn't that be another way to be a happy holidays, a members that yeah, any say this my, unless id, say it all off my my, let me what else out alone into my, basically the shuttle. it could be in the absence of any political parties. sense sudanese nationalists in the 1950s came up with an alternative idea for becoming organized. they tried to form their own football
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federation, but the british saw it coming and made sure that their colonial interests were not threatened. well, if he said i'd for the certainly at that the philippine that and the comfortable by the way, a lot of us and i did this got it. well that and being more difficult to do. mine weren't comfortable by the queen. the cob always had lupins. we would have to go, i really had any other i'm we should if i live we saw him. i knew i said i the amount of money. what state of mind and body were shady for him to do. i'm up a full life and then he had got up as i might so that is that correct or not into my head was starting a little bit of fine, you know, whole book value calamity. why little for it? yeah. i will stop little bit of body. do you know the queen, if you have all the, some dining, if you and for the certainly you think the key obviously thought of sending me an
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item for me as a token of in the map. the queen had ordered the suit. any biddy asa, maybe as a fit for feed horton would need it more difficult to allow the opponent hackney milan? what do i use it properly, todd, or both of us who die literally have no use of stuff at home. well, you know, cool world we, if you put this on to them, i don't know, but there's a couple of what so couple of by it is either use i missed it or might not be able to touch was i missed that a good afternoon. miss wood. minutes will come was, i mean, i'll be up on in and the cut on will do dean be most suitable, but daddy yeah. what we tell it that go on hasn't looked out well the little the lobby will be daddy. them with the hops only. how would i have to order them to go? but we have some funny lee, the funds we can to donny back. yeah, somebody wants to pull up from on calling to reinstall
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a total. wait. how come see if you know, shots really must only me know and my little mind, i know, i know model in was gonna say about being a see i saw already all of our call for him to come up with you on the 1st of january. 1966, the new republic of sedan slide was raised at the people stand, as in cartoon football followed and i've been highly mohammed became the 1st chairman of the sudanese football association with a new also denise membership for don had already joined fi fi in 1948 and post independence was the host of the 1st advocate couple of nations in 1957. it's how this was on in the box. so done to or did the no fee. uh how does that for the fee, or do we need somebody that's a little up in the yeah, the yeah,
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that would or no. uh, well, we should have that set up though to sign you know, a saturday, so we're not gonna go to the lobby on and on. and then i found out about that yet some be set up for uh, installed at the office. that'd be cool. well, you've been a wonderful time, so you're not losing the wondering how those how it's how the fidelity uh, the new uh, certificates of the the, the suit on for the new across the so the highlands notices on kunkle me. uh, yeah. actually when we looked at this with an open a file name, it should not be that took a look during the highly if we move to had the issue on $62.00 okie if you would like to open my dental uh go in at the leo when she does and how does in my me, i need the model number. the does also extend the how do you want that plan uh has 2000 and will you that you uh
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as you've done it, had this uh, so done on the whole i'm just looking during british and french colonial road in africa. football played a crucial role in the growth of nationalism. it helped create ways the colonized countries just of these repressive regimes and for people to fight for the freedom from colonial. the the latest news, the renewed bombardments and intense pointing show that in north goes like it was what and the strip this will this fall from over with detailed coverage, given the lack of international up for it would be up to residence if they've been to defend their very existence in their land from the heart of the story. we're not passion for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life. it's
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a distraction and from what she has witnessed the safe them even from it as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now, members of thailand's most notorious gang captured and caged at last, gangs of monkeys took control of the city in central time in several years ago.
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stopped the tourist treats during the cove. it pandemic, they over and shop some businesses, stores and own is for payment and food. but now the long i'm at the lowest cost for their and concentration begins, however, documentation and sterilization refreshing to mock their arrival in jail tattoos around vital parts of prison like and then it's just as true for these monkeys as they get their id numbers, place to the page forever. hello, welcome to look at the international full cost of allies on the barrel. you can see cpanel making his way towards southern parts of texas as we go through the next couple of days initially strengthening until it makes land full during the course of monday. and then we'd be quite small is it runs up across the central parts of the us, up towards the great lakes that red line showing the expected passage of the storm
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. plenty of hates around and that's scheduled for chasing off energy in the state to produce some very heavy bust of rain from time to time. lots of red showing up on that job. really high temperatures down towards the south west of course, where we have seen reco breaking gate right now with a pushing white top the western side of the us west and positive. kind of the inter them if it's useful. seattle, getting into the low thirty's to calibrate, running about 10 degrees above average here, putting a hate those as you can see. so let's we go on into the next couple of days. we're all going to c panel making his wife, but i don't know if was initially as a howard can making land full across that eastern half of the texas. lots of very heavy. right. and then it pushes further northwards. monday. got you all need to choose day attempting to a tropical storm. choose the gun on it's a wednesday, a trouble depression. so the weight is easing off quite smartly. so a fair bit of rain coming through gradually making his way by the no on the
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call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women in my country democracy because that's the one we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts. that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before. can be done even better, as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to
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the fence to is left. pub entry elections of him to the left wing. the lions, the lion's share receipts, but no majority. that leaves the pilot in parliament up for grabs and means that preston depends on the crow. they end up with the position block government, the deluxe of robin, which obviously we lost headquarters here in denver, also coming up after 9 months of israel's will.


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