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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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conditions, it says that even if an immediate cease fires into the man said it will take kids to repass the damage close to the destination of plants, sewage systems, and networks of war to supplies the front spaces, political and deadlock, off to our left wing alliance. one the most states and parliamentary elections, but no policy games. i came in jars. i'm step 5. so then cyrus rep, people have broken off to a new fragmented political landscape. the hello there, i'm associated, hey, this is alex is here at life and also kind of thousands of how the syrians fee is really a tax with reports of
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a new of actuation order for the eastern pas have gone to city allegations of war crimes and northwest and me and not for the minute tree is accused of funding schools and churches montagna times for boeing and accept clevi alone. a criminal full judge related to to faithful crushes of its 737, max gen the pills. 346. the as a high stakes parliamentary election in france has left no k a when a and a surprise outcome the left wing alliance, one the most states, but it's still for controls of an absolute majority is all means that front is now facing the prospect of a hung parliament, so the left $182.00 states, but that's not even close to the $289.00 seats that needed to control the national assembly presents a manual knock on centrist on psalms alliance came 2nd with
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a 168 seats with 3 as to left and this time, no problem, we'll now have to form alliances in order to run the country. the far right national riley, which did so well in the fast round, came inside with a 143 seats. the republicans finished forth with 45 seats runners west against our coverage. now from paris. they expected the worst with friends is hastily arranged left wing coalition, beat the offs, and the tension of the last week evaporated. so, so i don't know, so i'm not sure now this evening the national riley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators have predicted scarcely a week ago. in fact, it's totally the opposite. it's an immense relief for an overwhelming majority of people in our country. those who make up the new fronts, as well as those have always loved the country with the republican passions. the, to the far right, national riley president had hoped to lead his party to a majority in the national assembly. they felt well short manual was no.
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unfortunately, the alliance of this toner and of the dangerous to look toral arrangements made by the manual mat cronum with the fall lift formations to not depriving the french people of a policy of recovery that they none the less over whelming leeside for by putting us in the lead in the european elections, and then last sunday, bought that was both marine la pen seems once again to have been faulted by a republic, confront. that's where a majority of french people vote for any party that opposes the fall. right? prime minister gabriella, how appointed by president emanuel mack, chrome has offered to resign. let me get a moment, said companion. from the start of this campaign, i've been alerted of 3 risk spending. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far left, the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far right and the risk of
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disappearance for the movement that represents our ideas in our values. today, these 3 risks have been eliminated by the french. but what that means is no one party will have an absolute majority in the assembly. the popular from the left wing coalition says they have a mandate that priorities to reverse microns blackshoe policy, increasing the retirement age to $64.00. and they want to increase the minimum wage and to recognize a palestinian state. the lymphoma is one of the party latest present. on we'll have to negotiate with. you tries to come. there is little love lost between the 2. and the only thing the only cover done was the desire to store follow, right? so you're getting into but it's with algebra, or let's retail costs on step by century joins us now for outside the national assembly in paris. step, what exactly happens now? me fonts doesn't exactly have
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a culture of coalition politics. so how far away from the new government? well, they're looking at a completely on certain political situation right now. and all the signs are the president, my call will take his time to appoint a new prime minister. we heard from the say the presidential palace that the president will wait and see how it is for all settled in this whole new landscape that we're looking at right now. so we know that the new elective and re elected members of parliament to the 577 will stop their work here at the national assembly today. but not much will happen until this real new 1st meeting they have on the 18th. and that's when more things will become clear. meanwhile, the preparations for the olympics and powers are in full swing. so there's a lot of times that said, my call will wait and see because we know that his prime minister
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a w i saw with him in his resignation today, that's a formality, but there's a lot of expectation that he might something you to do to job while this whole political, this whole political developments and all the negotiations, so will be ongoing to form this new government, which at the moment looks like fairly much of mission impossible. also looking at what's happening at the left, the left swing coalition to officially won the election. but all of the block so far we similar are we are already seeing that in this that we lose last spring alliance, the corrects appear. and that's also something maybe that my call is waiting for a strategy that makes my made it easier for him to make it so relation. so you've, we've talked a little bit about the left and the center. where does the one of this now leave the fall, right? so that's, i mean, off to the fast from there was not suggest them. they could even take an absolute mature, seeing that a full and file saw sort of as well as cleared out really, really disappointed at all. so sorry,
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much frustrated as the vice president of the national valley totals french radio, the spokesman of the national valley said that they are really feeling locked by this republican from, from the center and the law. and that they're also looking at the quality of the candidates that they have to be had to put forward. because mark only told this election 4 weeks ago. so that was not much time to prepare. but from the other hands. if we look at the number of states, the national riley has actually won the most seats in the, in parliament because they want more than 60 states. so this is definitely a very strong for us of the fall right in the new parliament. and what that means also for the presidential election, for example, in 2027. 0 we know my in the find is really looking at aiming at a to joining that race. again, it does not mean that from yesterday we know that the majority in france really dislikes a far right government and really rejects it. or is this something that's
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a change, for example, in the next few years? so fast and they're approaching for us live from paris this morning. thank you step . well, it just, i'm going to has more of the reactions to the results we've seen from the south. and i'm all say here in central must say some people came out to celebrate and they said right it throughout the night, thousands of people sent to the street. they participated in an n t fall right. raleigh just stopped to appear here and we spoke to some of them and they express their relief. they said that they were surprised by the fall, right. a result, a week or course than expected. they felt that it would become the 1st political force in parliament, turns out they are only the 3rd after the new popular front and the close coalition . awesome at. but there are also many people. many folks here in my say, who are disappointed as well by the national results, and they didn't come out on the street,
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but they did show up and numbers to vote yesterday and they gave 3 seats out of the 7 here in my say to the far right, that's less than the results that they had in the 1st round where you had them in the lead and 5 out of those 7 constituencies. so it shows that this strategy of building this republican front to keep the far right from getting seats has worked here to a degree. however, those results are interesting as well because they do show the steady rise in popularity of default, right in this region. just to give you an idea uh, 3 seats out of 7 this time that was only one seats 2 years ago. so they've doubled more than doubled the number of seats that they got here and must say, and that's actually a push that's even clearer in the wider region where we are the booster whole. and so not just must say, but all the cities around us where we've seen that they've got 11 seats this time. that's uh, compared to 6 feet of back in 2022. the
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israeli attacks have killed at least 50 full palestinians across the goal is a strip and a 24 hour period. have a look at some of the scenes in gaus associated him and all those thousands of palestinians were forced to leave their homes. as you see in near complete darkness is all followed and is really evacuation order. so these companies will then forced to search for paste assessment tends with govern fine. i'll tell her re selling the by and these are some of the latest images. imagine from garza city where that heavy bombardment has been continuing, is ready for society to carry out strikes on him off targets. but civilians are saying they have no way of safe to go. we'll have to be to hunt him up when he joins us now. from general bala in central garza, i think it will go through exactly what's happening right now and also city the yes, well more disturbing news coming from jobs is 50 right now,
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particularly from my witnesses who are called right now in an area between where does really military and turn the southern the western part of golf is that from a broad neighborhood all the way through the university college complex, near the headquarter of on or this, the area where the vast majority of this place, palestinians family, within the past few days that we have moved to speaking shoulders from the ongoing bombing campaign in tins bombing campaign in the ground encouraging recurrence encouraging of certain areas of the spring golf trip. these people find themselves trapped into cloud between the floors these occupying forces it from this side, the photo. what's the inside out, as well as the northern eastern side of the city, making it very difficult for them to evacuate. those who were those who managed to leave the area and did you, why do you hesitate to describe the horror of the out the fear?
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because nothing, nothing that happened to them was part of really evacuation orders. they have to leave their homes and run out of it under the artillery event. the fact that laptop there did talk of growing the chief them from the residential homes, into their neighborhoods, to the i'll just scared of golf the wide horrific scenes that experience of the many of the people, the vast majority of them when women and children have to endure this difficult experience as the lift java city. do. why the it has that. but this is the tim be in a row right now. these the military still operating aggressively, and cecilia neighborhoods leaving it in incomplete. roland right now. there's so much destruction. this is not the 1st time we're seeing this really monetary storming, a neighborhood days from park the cities in the 3rd time for the past 9 months, just destroying any remaining facilities that infrastructure and residential buildings. the vast majority of it has either been completely destroyed or severely damaged, but within the past 24 hours is really military. all of
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a sudden expanded its military operations, includes neighboring neighborhoods, the la hondo's, a dozen neighborhoods, and further to the west from park to a sub bro and around the, the comp like the university college complex of golf and city at people who managed to escape describe that many of the people were still in the street. those were killed in the past. if you did the defense, civil, defense, civil defense, the crew members, paramedics, as well as volunteers, held on them, are unable to remove these bodies and from the streets. we're expecting the number to the increasing as these really monetary continues within a brutal attacks across the city. honeymoon, one of our fortunes across from the ground level, the latest from there all on central garza. thank you, honey. meanwhile, at least 10 palestinians have been killed by his ready forces and a targeted strike on a home in jamalia, which is all 7 of them, garza,
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most of those killed for women and children. yet again to 0 is on the social. we've has more on that attack. is the firewall and how to be uh, this is really aircraft talk to the house phone by the gene family in jamalia, northern cause a close the announcement cemetery, a number of people were killed and injured inside the house as a result of the striking medical cruise of attempting to extract the bodies from under the rubble of the destroyed house. how many members of said the 15 individuals were living in the house, including several people who already displaced a number of injured have been pulled out. and the, such as ongoing for people still missing under the rubble. but that's a bit, i know was just, you know, i was at home with my wife and children. suddenly and ms. south feld smoke filled the house. my daughters started screaming and praying, and we realized that all hygiene family home had been bombed and everyone had been killed, including women and children. episode of the names that i thought they were all children, all of them, most of the people living in the house for children. they pulled them out in pieces
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. what have they done, their children, what they've done to deserve having their house brought down on their heads. how many of the developments the middle of the civil defense, cruise and local residents are continuing this a medical cruise appeared to a sound body, parts belonging to children who have been killed. these really occupation forces around pick up their attack. the last of which is this attack on the alleging family home. we should have to have attend people that mostly women and children, and a number of people are still missing under the rubble. the end of the city is a good deal. you're better than as well. is there any forces of 5 to i guess and life bullets during confrontations and novelists and the occupied westbank? this happened of to these really minute recess up the security court and to allow is rarely settlers to enter joseph's tomb. and the cities east, now it's a monument that's important to jews, muslims, and christians, and has regularly been a size of tension. witnesses a receptor,
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and has and frigates, the violence between palestinians and his ready forces. the only law of thousands of demonstrators rallied and television for a 2nd day on sunday. the edging prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree on a deal for the release of his really captives being held in gaza. public pressure has been mounting on this from yahoo and his cabinet. his office released a statement saying any potential deal should allow israel to review the small, still a head here on out of the tensions rise in the south china sea. japan signs its best defense packed in asia with the philippines. although it's pouring and roaring in south africa, rain, snow, and wind alerts remain, and it's not tough to see what high this was around. cape town in this area,
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we saw those winds pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour, so that fueled the roof off of this home. still today on monday winds really the big story for south africa, south coast. once again, we'll see those winds get up to about a 100 kilometers per hour. so certainly there will be some more damage. top end of africa, it's more quiets along the mediterranean coast, their heat wave alert conditions in central algeria and the rain really picking up around send a go down, be, can you be so jenny and see are the own. so expect to see some flooding here. that's your portugal, it's been breezy up and down the coast is winds loose in the off a bit. so this winds up to 27 degrees. and we've got a spinner here that's going to throw brain into western france and southwest england, assigning storms that impacted the eastern baltic states. now in western russia, that central bell the roost. and pretty much on that border with poland and ukrainian surprised some severe storms spots the balkans is going to duck in dodge most of this. so in fact, if anything, it's going to get hotter here on tuesday,
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33 degrees in san diego, and there's been some flooding for turkey as ne black sea coast and more rain today . on monday, the ellis teams in the gaza strip as easily as long last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned the state as coverage that actively humanizes as waves and actively use humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the
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welcome back to watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound. a new left during alliance has won the lowest seats and the 2nd round of french parliamentary elections. but it is still for them to have an absolute majority raising prospect on thousands of palestinians flip their homes. and it also says nearly as of monday morning, during an intense is randy from boston. families were forced to search for paste and set off tens with gun fine and artillery. shutting me as the international has released to report revealing what it costs ratcliffe, shipments of jet fuel to me on law. the human rights organization says supplies and china single pool and the united arab emirates of old channels deliveries through vietnam to avoid detection international sanctions on jet fuel to me and was much
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we were introduced in order to stop the aerial attacks on civilian populations. but as tony tangled thoughts may have had level impact, look at the ruins of some piece of the baptist church and can village. so going north west to me and it's been on touch since january on the 1st sunday of the year, the ministry found it and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children. that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family, but immediately the bubble from the sky. and then the di, much of the village was also destroyed and several other rates that day over several hours. most minute treat the noise responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place where they knew people would be gathering, with no military target. nearby is clear evidence of
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a crime where the term work time comes in. it's just the, the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the, they have to know that civilians will die when they're launching is attacks. the minute just use the power to terrible. so in april last year, composite, you village also in this again region fight to jet in a helicopter gunship attacked, they killed a 165 people. it was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military to willows, responsible, ever faced justice. and that is certainly, i think, a hot topic or, or, or topic of discussion among them are people who feel let down by international mechanisms of international bodies. however, they do exist and, and they have been effective in the past a semblance of normal life has returned to can. the area is now under control of
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resistance forces. opposed to military rule. in school has started again, but the children still wear the danger from the sky. tony chang, owl to 0. at least 11 people have been killed off to a landslide crashed onto an illegal gold mine and indonesia. 19 people have been reported missing and sort of way sea island. the landside was triggered by torrential rain indonesian officials say, rescue missions for the dead on the engine, a proving difficult, due to roads being covered with the canada and debris. slowing has accepted a pretty deal on a criminal, full charge related to 2 faithful crashes of it's 737 max jets. the tabs include a fine and move in to a fund of more than $243000000.00. at least 346 people were killed and crashes, and indonesia and the hero of yes. between 20182019. the justice department found being guilty of violation. a settlement then which the company avoided criminal
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charges. the company was accused of a piece of safety failures, a relatives of the deal, relatives of victims, i'm sorry, have criticized the deal, saying that it means that boeing now avoidance criminal charges in cost, as well as billions and compensation. well, the ceo of the consultancy as safe dot com, who is himself a former safety engineer for by joining me on a, i to discuss the impact of the steel based on the company and senior members of stuff that. and i'm certain that the people of the line who do this sort of thing i negotiate, but the government in washington dc is working hard at at this moment because for smaller companies certainly a, an infraction like this. a guilty plea like this usually spells a disaster for their government contracts going forward. but the thing is a very, very large contractor, not just with the defense but even with the spacecraft. and there's one of their spacecraft of the international space station as we speak. so again,
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this could have wide ranging repercussions, although immediately newer professions against any individuals, especially against any managers for ceo's going. this has gone up to an extent that is unusual in the united states. the amount of the fine that they have is approximately the same amount they would have spent have going originally provided proper training for the pilots into the 7 to 7 max. in fact, this is the very same amount that was a deliberate against boeing 3 years ago. when the 1st agreement was met, they valued violate in that agreement. as a result, they were convicted of defrauding the united states government and they doubled to find another $243000000.00. us president and i buy them has been campaigning and the critical swing state of pennsylvania, where he focused his attention and message on black closes 5 and has reaffirmed his intention to run for re election despite a growing number of voices for him to step aside. how does your customer reports from the state capital philadelphia to don't let anybody talk about your age. you
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are young whippersnapper introduced as a young whippersnapper and only enough to genario and by a church and bishop in his ninety's, joe biden, age. 81 embraced the opportunity to be the younger man for once during the make or break moment in his campaign. i know with every fiber my brain, i know i will look like on 40 years old, but i've been around the bush of our talking about that check turn 40. okay. decide. you know, i've been doing this a long time. i and i, honest to god, have never been more optimistic about america's future. if we stick together by then glanced down at notes and spoke for less than 10 minutes before an african american congregation and mount airy church in philadelphia, the crowd was mostly adoring. i thought it was wonderful and we're looking for 4
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more years. but there were also cracks. did you watch the debate last we? yes. i was very disappointed in the debate, but like you said, when you try it out and you get up with a growing number of democrats, have called for biden to step aside for someone else to lead the ticket. but the president has vowed to stay put. that's despite a recent poll showing donald trump now leading biden by 9 points among registered voters. at least she had spoken occurs to come out before the several parishioners we spoke to said they would be happy as vice president, cala harris became the party nominee for president. this woman says she is undecided between trump the invited. are you at all disappointed in his 1st term? kind of yes. yes, i am. by what i mean. i mean look at the academy is, is like everything is seemed like everything is all messed up. everything is high,
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it is, is crazy. it's been argued that black voters in the swing state of pennsylvania helped deliver by them to the white house in 2020. but ever since support for him among african americans has been eroding. they seem to think that they did better on the truck, and i don't know why i didn't under biden unemployment is down in household wells is up among black americans. yes, his campaign has struggled to energize this or group of voters compounded by doubts about his age. heidi jo, castro, alj, a zebra. philadelphia. the philippines and japan have signed a land lock defense packed that would allow their forces to take part in training and military exercises together. the new agreement will also give reciprocal access to the millet trees took care has shed. one of those concerns, not visions, actions and the south trying to see we have engaged each other in key areas,
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especially if you cannot make and development a cooperation, security defense as well as a matter of time for operation. japan is a trusted friend and the said best partner in promoting overall it would be in development, especially in member know a free and open international order based on the rule of law is the foundation of regional peace and prosperity. we would like to work closely with your country to maintain and strengthen this. how does it respond to below has more for us it from the law to seventies for administer your full stomach, our end defense minister and minority hire us are in manila for the 2nd round up 2 plus 2 meetings between japan and the philippines. the 1st one having been held in tokyo last year, but more importantly here for the reciprocal access agreement, which was signed into president. i'm going to be president brandon and marcus junior at the presidential palace. now the reciprocal access agreement is similar
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to the visiting forces agreements between the united states and the philippines. so whereas before, japanese troops could only be in the philippines as of servers, the military exercises between the united states and the philippines, and to provide humanitarian assistance. now they can come to the philippines to train with philippine troops and in a similar way philippine troops. 10 now visit japan to train with the japanese troops. the 2 countries. the 2 countries have been elevating their military ties with japan, providing the filipino with radar systems and the newest coast guard vessels of the philippines. but china has criticized washington for worse. we're heading these alliances in the region. it has called these alliances between washington and japan . south korea, the philippines, and australia, a sort of an asian nieto and says that this raises pensions in the region. but from
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the philippines perspective, officials say that it needs all the help that it can get from its allies, be able to build a minimum credible defense force, and to be able to show a united front in the face of what is called growing chinese suppression in the south china sea, and from the japanese perspective, it is in their interest to maintain the balance of power in the region as well as freedom of navigation in the south china sea gardens below a 0. this whole samsung, his and south korea has gone on strike, demanding the best of pay and washing conditions. thousands of union members deposit a rally in the city of las young, which is near samsung's headquarters this month. the start of a 3 day strike. the company expects its profit this quarter to rise to move in 7 and a half $1000000000.00 for the pride reports from hot plus on in south korea. a defiant
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display in spite of the rain and the size of the chip making julia into the striking against a 3 day general will count against samsung.


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