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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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to sizing their constitutional rights, there's still a great deal of anger against the government protesters here say their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand. they're coming out and protests, the front spaces, political deadlock off the left wing alliance wins the most states and call them entry elections. but no policy gains actually a majority on sub class. and then fire was where people have to come up to a new freshman just from the landscape. the hello again, i'm associated, hey, this is al. does 0 live from done thousands of palestinians. flea is randy attacks with poets of a new evacuation order for the eastern parts of casa city. having on time some
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boeing, it accepts a plea deal on a criminal for charge, release it to fatal crashes of its 737 macs just killed. 346 feet allegations of war crimes in northwest and me on law. where the minute treat is accused of funding. schools in charge of the high stakes parliamentary election and france has left no k a when a and an unexpected outcome. the left wing alliance, one the most seats, but it's still full in sort of an absolute majority, as well means that from says now facing the prospect of a hung parliament. so the left 182 seats, but that's not even close to the 289 that's needed to control the national assembly president and manual microns centrist on formula alliance can 2nd with
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a $0.16 with 3. is it still less than has time i call? well now have to form alliances to run the country. the far right national riley, which did so well in the 1st round, came inside with a 143 states. and the republicans finished forth with 45 seats. but as smith's reports now from paris, they expected the worst. but frances hastily arranged left wing coalition beat the offs. and the tension of the last week evaporated. so, so i don't know, so i'm not sure now this evening the national riley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators have predicted scarcely a week ago. in fact, it's totally the opposite. it's an immense relief for an overwhelming majority of people in our country. those who make up the new fronts, as well as those have always loved the country with the republican passions. the far right national valley president had hoped to lead his party to a majority in the national assembly. they felt well short. manual was no.
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unfortunately, the alliance of dis, toner, and of the dangerous to look toral arrangements made by emanuel mat cronum with the fall lift formations to night, depriving the french people of a policy of recovery that they none. the less over whelming li, sided full by putting us in the lead in the european elections. and then last sunday, bought dallas boss, maureen le pen seems once again to have been faulted by a republican front. that's where a majority of french people vote for any party that opposes the file. right. a prime minister gabriella towel appointed by president emanuel mac chrome has offered to resign. let me guess, mamma said companion. from the start of this campaign, i've been alerted of 3 risks. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far left. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far right and the risk of
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disappearance for the movement that represents our ideas in our values. today. these 3 risks have been eliminated by the french. but what that means is no one party will have an absolute majority in the assembly. the popular from the left wing coalition says they have a mandate that priorities to reverse microns blackshoe policy, increasing the retirement age to $64.00. and they want to increase the minimum wage and to recognize a palestinian state. while i'm strong, as one of the populate is present, the manual micro will have to negotiate with the price of the new government. there is little love lost between the 2. and the only thing right now politically was the desire to stop in the fall, right? so you're getting into but i'll just say for most of us and joins us now from outside of the national assembly in paris. step as we were saying earlier, funds doesn't exactly have
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a historic coach of coalition politics. so what exactly happens now? the completely on certain situation here in france right now. and what we do now is expect is that the 5 minutes for gabrielle a tyler department is part of the president. my call will hand in his resignation in the next half an hour or so. this is a formality off of the election. he is supposed to do so, but we also expecting maybe that my call is not allowing him to resign and uh wants him to stay on for awhile because what we're hearing from the day the presidential office is that the the president will take his time. now to appoint a new prime minister because it's all very uncertain that he wants to does to saddle in and see what happens next. with these 3 big blocks now in parliament. what we also know is that the parliament members who have been alexis or relax it, will come to the national assembly here and to stop their work. but only on the
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18th. they will have their 1st real meeting. also the olympics. the preparations are here in full swing, so there's a lot of expectation up. nicole wants to take this old very slowly, but the new popular from to the left wing coalition where to one, the election doesn't want to wait that long. they say they want to propose their own prime minister or candidates by the end of the week. and there's also some flex already appearing in this coalition. someone from the green chest that, that's even a techno, perhaps someone outside of politics would be acceptable to them as a prime minister candidates. so a lot of negotiations will happen now in the next few hours, days ahead. and it's still very uncertain how it is that leads to a stable government step by saying that it was all very nice just for us from the french capital. thank you. step as well. it does. i'm getting so it has more on reaction to these results from last, se in southern france. well here in central must say some people are celebrated
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throughout the night as they gathered in the streets. uh, they took part in an n t for rights or valley just up to appear at thousands of them. and we spoke to some of them and they told us of their release and their supplies at the far right scores weaker than expected, a coming in as the 3rd political, a force not as this 1st, political force impala meant like some for diction suggested. however, there are also many folks here in my say that are disappointed by the national results. they did not come out on the street, but they didn't show up in numbers yesterday in the voting booth. in the 2nd round, they gave us 3 seats out of the 7 here in my say to the national riley party that is slightly less then the lead that they had in the 1st round. they were leaving and 5 out of those 7 constituencies. so contrasted reactions and results. here on
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the one hand, you have the relief from left wing and centrist voters, that the fall right, did not become the 1st political force and parliament. on the other hand, you are seeing a strong a confirmation that the fluoride is slowly but surely rising in popularity. here in this region in southern france is i'm getting food for all to 0 and must say the was really attacks, have killed at least 50 for palestinians across the gaza strip and a 24 hour period. these were some of the scenes in garza city in the north. those thousands of palestinians were forced to leave their homes. as you can see, that in near complete darkness this followed and is really about to ation or to these families, forced to search for a pace to set up tents with got inside. and ultimately we're setting nearby. let's
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show you some of the latest images coming from garza city where that heavy bombardment continues is really forced to say that carrying out strikes on how much target civilians say they have no wet safe to go. well that speak to honey about what he joins us now from there all on the central part of the gaza strip. honey. talk us through exactly what's happening right now in garza city. yes. well, within the past 4 or 5 minutes, we're getting reports confirmed reports of this really military conducting tactical withdrawals of from certain parts of the eastern side of gauze and city. we're talking mainly about the neighborhood where this really monitors pulling out from certain areas and read the voice in. others is given an impression, an overall impression for a really displeased population. it is safe to go back and as soon as people display standards in trying to get back to their residential, locked in on their being fired at and shut out by times and by the quite captivated
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chase. one more time outside the uh, the outskirts of the neighborhood, while at the same time this very military is, is operating aggressively in the southern western part of god. just the me in the around the area of the honor. what headquarters at the west print, the southern western part of the city of very close to the university, a college complex of, of dollars, a city where hundreds of displaced families have been children in the, in the area and nearly inside the headquarters and the residential buildings around the display of military before moving in in the air moving it's time for the area to get can carried out relentless air attacks, then the fires around data preventing people from leaving. they also these reports of, of people are trapped inside residential homes. the areas talk as we in the advance of the forces on the ground from the north eastern part of the southern western
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part of the city, leaving at further civilian casualties and new trails of destruction. the usual business of this really military getting on into any of the areas and either severely damaged it's building as a structure completed as far, you know, honeywell for does have important across from the ground, from the central part of the gaza strip level. the latest, thank you. i mean lot of these 10 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces in a targeted strike on a home in jamalia, which is also in northern gaza. again, most of those killed for women and children. how does there is honest al sharif has more on that attack. this is the firewall and how to be uh, this is really aircraft talked to the house phone by the gene family in jamalia, northern cause a close the announcement cemetery, a number of people were killed and injured inside the house. as a result of the striking medical cruise of attempting to extract the bodies from under the rubble of the destroyed house. how many members of said the 15 individuals were living in the house, including several people who already displaced
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a number of injured have been pulled out. and the such as ongoing for people still missing under the rubble. but that's a bit, i know was just, you know, i was at home with my wife and children. suddenly and ms. south feld smoke filled the house. my daughters started screaming and praying, and we realized that all hygiene family home had been bombed. and everyone had been killed, including women and children. absolutely, the names that i thought they were all children, all of them, most of the people living in the house for children. they pulled them out in pieces . what have they done? their children? what have they done to deserve having their house brought down on their heads? how many of the developments the middle of the civil defense, cruise and local residents are continuing this a medical cruise appeared to a sound body, parts belonging to children who have been killed. these really occupation forces around pick up their attack, the last of which is this attack on the alleging family home. we should have to have attend people that mostly women and children. a number of people are still missing under the rubble. the end of the city is
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a good deal better than as well as really forces her fide to gas and life bullets during confrontations and novelists and the occupied westbank. so what happened also the minute recession of the security code and to allow is really services to enter joseph to him in cities east at some monument that's important to jews, muslims, and christians of regularly been a size of tension. witnesses have a set set in cash, and that's what triggered the violence between palestinians and is there any forces? the whole family members of captives and goals i have entity is really polymers the connected to increase pressure on the government to reach sci fi deal. come us, the security will even call to remove the brother of one of the captives forcibly removed. and some family members have amazing with politicians. so that gathering quickly turned into
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a demonstration known as riley strike has had a farm in the disease district, a southern 11 on in the early hours of monday morning. several homes were damaged in the strike. thousands of livestock full, also killed on sunday has launched a barrels of rockets from 1100 to northern israel. i'm the occupied garden heights and what the group described as one of its most sophisticated attacks against israel since early october. let's meet his name called as she joins us now from marshal unit in southern lebanon. the st intentions have been rising for months, but it suddenly feels like we're seeing a new phase of these costs, border attacks and recent weeks as well. no doubt, each side, the warring sides have been sending messages to each other. and as the diplomatic efforts are revive to bring about a ceasefire in garza as well as the release of israeli captives, then the biggest question is the impact that it will have on the northern front. we
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have to remember that has been that opens up this front in october to help relieve its ally home us in gauze. hezbollah has repeatedly said it will hold fiery ones, how mos agrees, you know, there's, there's some sort of a deal in gaza, something that thomas agrees to. but the biggest question is, you know, what will is it, will this be enough for the is really, is the, is really, is one tens of thousands of people to return to their homes in northern israel. and they want those people to feel safe. what is role is demanding is that has well, a pull back from the board, or at least 8 kilometers from the board are now has the law, at least from its sources and statements from officials, is not ready to do that. so you see it has the law as a tax, becoming more sophisticated yesterday for the 1st time hitting a surveillance center in mount herman. that's in the is really occupied syria and goal on heights. a very strategic surveillance center. so showing its capabilities to the is really saying or strengthening, if you like,
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it's bargaining position. so both sides sending messages, messages of the terence a trying to improve or strengthen their bargaining positions as negotiations happen . but no doubt, you know, this is a very dangerous, this conflict is dangerously poised. yes, we here is really official say time and time again. they would prefer a diplomatic supplement, but at the same time they also say that they would be ready for confrontation. instead of hold up their reporting for us from the ground and mazda unit, and so the 11 on the thank choosing as hostile a head here. here on out of there came barrel megs landfall and texas upgraded to a category one. hurricane often getting strength over the gulf of mexico on one of the lots of biggest small, fine companies and faces industrial on rest as samsung work is go on strike. the mountains special wages, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the of the ultimate jordan. you all to 0. and it's monday about top stories here. this out. a
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new left doing alliance has one of the most states in the 2nd round of french parliamentary elections that it's still following sort of an absolute majority. raising the prospect of a 100 problem. thousands of palestinians fled to their homes and officers in the early hours of monday morning. during intense is randy bombardment. families are forced to search for a place to set off the tents with gun fun and artillery selling nearby. and it was very striking at a farm images in district, a southern 11 on any of the alice, 2 of monday morning several homes were damaged and that strike and thousands of livestock accounts of boeing has accepted a plea deal on a criminal fraud charge or license a to fatal crashes of its 737 max jets. the times include a fine of more than $243000000.00. at least 346 people killed and crashes and indonesia. and if you, if you, between 20182019,
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the justice department has found boeing guilty of violating a settlement in which the company had avoided criminal charges. the company was accused of replacing it just safety failed. his relatives of the victims have criticized the deal saying it means that boeing avoids criminal charges in quote, as well as billions and compensation. while the ceo of the consultants, the s h dot com, who was himself a format safety engineer for boeing joint be on here to discuss the impact of the p deal on the company and senior members of stuff that i'm certain that the people of the line who do this sort of thing i negotiate, but the government in washington dc is working hard at, at this moment because for smaller companies certainly a, a, an infraction like this. a guilty plea like this usually spells a disaster for their government contracts going forward. but the thing is a very, very large contractor, not just with the defense, but even with the spacecraft. and there's one of their spacecraft of the international space station as we speak. so again,
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this could have wide ranging repercussions, although immediately newer professions against any individuals, especially against any managers for seals are going. this has gone up to an extent that is unusual in the united states. the amount of the fine that they have is us approximately the same amount they would have spent have doing originally provided proper training for the pilots into the 727 max and say, this is the very same amount that was a deliberate against boeing 3 years ago when the 1st agreement was met, they value violating that agreement. as a result, they were convicted of defrauding the united states government and they doubled to find another $243000000.00. well, samsung watches in south korea have gone on, strikes, demanding, best of pay and working conditions. thousands of union members to pausing are riley and the city of las young, which is near samsung's headquarters and all the stores of
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a 3 day strike. run the pride reports from boston in south korea, a defiant display in spite of the rain and the size of the ship making julia. and this striking against a 3 day general will count against samsung. electronics was called by the union, representing the quotes, or whether it's work is your budget. it's an honor to be here with union members at this historic moment. while there may be negative views from outside and even from within. we stand here with urgent believe that it must be now or never as positive, says careers. largest conglomerates, samsung galaxy chronics has always been regarded as providing. among the best pagan conditions, in spite of samsung sized trade union influence overlays has traditionally, renee smoke for the 2020, the company dropped his policy of discouraging the union and union membership has arisen rationally. other unions that samsung have criticize this union for taking
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strike action. while these workers took a hit to the bonuses last year, afterward down to the chip businesses of the south koreans still because, well treated people the live with that song. so how has provides the best to benefit to the employees that desktop property a perception as a significant producer of specialized semi conductors, especially high band with memory chips for the burgeoning artificial intelligence sector. it's still not known what impact this strike will have, but the union has threatened more action if it's the months. nope, but rob mcbride, l g 0 plus on south korea understands national, has released a report revealing what it caused the reckless shipments of jet fuel to me and my human rights organization says supplies and china seem to pull out in the united arab emirates of old channel deliveries through viet non to avoid detection.
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international sanctions on jet fuel to me and laws military. what introduced to stop ariel attacks on civilian populations. but as tiny chang reports that they seem to have had initial impact, looked at the ruins of some piece of the baptist church and connecting village going north west to man. it's been on touch since january on the 1st sunday of the year. the ministry found it and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children. that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family. but immediately they bubble from the sky. and then they die. much of the village was also destroyed in several other rates that day over several hours. most military denies responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place where they knew people would be gathering,
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with no military target. nearby. is clear evidence of a crime where the term war crime comes in. it's just the the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the they have to know that civilians will die when they are launching is attacks. the militarist, used its power to terrible effect in april last year. in posit you village also in this the going region fight to jets and how do you cope the gun ships, protect? they killed a 165 people. it was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military to, well, the willows, responsible, ever face justice. and that is certainly, i think, a hot topic or, or, or a topic of discussion among them are people who feel let down by international mechanisms of international bodies. however, they do exist and they have been effective in the past assemblies of normal life
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has returned to come in. the area is now under control of resistance forces, opposed to military rule. and school has started again. but the children still where the danger from the sky, tony chang out is 0. at least 10 people have been killed off to a landslide crashed on to an illegal gold mine and indonesia. 19 people have been reported missing on sort of way. sea island lands live in the status triggered by torrential rain and officials are saying rescue missions for the dead. an injured or proving difficult. um it done so i got to live. got them. uh, with the rain is extreme through that was normally used by the mine is a motorcycle is that cuts off because all the ridges along the route collapse. so it is very difficult to get to the mines. the only way is by foot. the philippines and japan have signed a landmark defense pipes that would allow their forces to take part in training and military exercises together. this new agreement will also give reciprocal access to
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them. millet trees took care has shed many of those concerns about beijing's actions in the south china sea. hurricane barrow has made land for hitting the texas coast. ports have been closed and people told to leave their homes and sometimes a barrow had been downgraded in gained strength and the warm waters of the gulf of mexico. it's now a category one hurricane. previously, it would just category 5 in the caribbean, or at least 11 people were killed and be seen use corresponding gauge holding has moved from fort lavaca in texas. yeah, we're here is the only open hardware store in port lavaca and i wanna show you they still have some wood left, but they'll come on down because all of this has already been bought and paid for people paying for this. going home, delivering what they need, coming back with trailers to pick up the remainder of the what is they prepare the the last preparations truly last minute preparations. i'm here with the manager of this is our partner here. tony. i appreciate you. you're still having people flooding in the doors today, right? yeah, we,
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i mean we had people waiting on the doors 1st thing this morning. still hoping for generators, power cords, you know, there's something to get prepared with, but, i mean, it's, it's, we have some stuff left, but not all, not a lot to get go in. i mean, when it comes to, you know, i need what i need something to cover up my windows and some of these things that, you know, you're running out of, are you able to offer, you know, maybe like home remedies are alternatives or is it kind of just the yeah, i mean keep your fingers cause we gotta do. we've had people buying pounds pickets and one by 6 or something there at least black branches, things like that. but yeah, if you're not ready, now you're, you're really going to keep your fingers crossed. tony, i appreciate it, i will show you they do have some other supply of wood here, but certainly not what you might need to cover up windows if you could imagine trying to, you know, cover up or board windows with pieces of wood like this final preparations underway here in portland walk up, but those supplies that people desperately need to stay safe through the dwindling the say the least common port lavaca keeps going to do your pin whether observation
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agencies as last month was the hottest june on record because the average global temperature in the past year has been around $1.00 degrees celsius, above average, the agencies as human cause climate change and um, you know, have contributed to the record. well that's it for me and associates a they'll be more news here off the top to out a 0. stay with us. the hello. torrential downpours in australia is outback. specifically new south wales state have one. that's where we pick up the weather stories here. it's approved, $48.00 millimeters, made it, it's per what is july day, and a 130 years. so let's see. we're all that what, but there is now moving further toward the east step and down the coast of new south wales states. also playing brisbin and dropping down as far south as pennsylvania to speak. now, at the same time weather maker coming into
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w a that's going to spread some showers to post on tuesday with the height of 22 degrees is very common for zillow and other day did have some big waves, crashing into the coast of wellington. they were up to about 6 meters, but with a weight in stine down and so much calmer pitcher on tuesday. also looking calm now through introducing is main island of java. plenty of sunshine coming through here, including for jakarta at $31.00 degrees. and while a number of other alerts for the philippines mid to now, the size lose on same goes for power one as well. some pretty good down ports here are downpours are a summer rains in china starting to sun further toward the south. this will bring some relief from the heat and humidity in shanghai that will happen on wednesday. so you're down to 33 at the same time, it's still hot in japan, so here at 36 degrees, so no surprise, we have some heat stroke alerts here. the a unique perspective,
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one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0 the i'm gabriel's on the, with the metropolitan museum of art in new york. or many know it simply as the met, this iconic institution isn't just the venue for the glittering that gallon. it's a treasure trove for the past and presence of human creations converge since 1870. these galleries have welcome to millions with almost a 5 and


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