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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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against the additional $160.00 the election, the rebel game out, jerry and so dawn on al jazeera, the front spaces political deadlock off the left during the lines one of the most states and parliamentary elections that no policy gains. i came and jars the hello there. i'm associate pain, this is out of here at life from the also coming thousands of palestinians. flea is really attacks with reports of a new evacuation order for the eastern part of cause us a children's hospital is, has some teeth as at least 20 people accounts by russian, all attacks across to allegations of war crimes and northwest and me and long where the ministry is accused of funding, schools,
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and attractions. the left wing alliance has won the most seats and the 2nd round of snapped parliamentary elections in front. it's a stunning result and a huge set back for the fall, right. but has also left the country and political deadlock with no policy. it reaching attain majority. so the left 182 seats, but that's not even close to the 289 that are needed to control the national assembly and present them on your microns centrist, on some lines came 2nd with a 168 seats. with 3 is the less than has time, my problem will now have to form alliances in order to run the country. the far right national riley, which did very well in the 1st round, came said with a 143 seats. and the republicans finished forth with 45 seats, but in smith begins our coverage now from past a beta expected,
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the worst with friends is hastily arranged left wing coalition beat the offs. and the tension of the last week evaporated. so, so i don't know. so remote, i'm not showing up this evening. the national riley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators have predicted scarcity a week ago. in fact, it's totally the opposite. it's an immense relief for an overwhelming majority of people in our country. those who make up the new fronts, as well as those have always loved the country with the republican passions. the, to the far right, national riley president had hoped to lead his party to a majority in the national assembly. they felt well short. no, it wasn't all. unfortunately, the alliance of this toner and of the dangerous to look toral arrangements made by emanuel mat cronum with the fall lift formations to night, depriving the french people of a policy of recovery that none the less over whelming leeside full by putting us in
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the lead in the european elections, and then last sunday, bought that was boss maureen le pen seems once again to have been floated by a republican front. that's where a majority of french people vote for any party that opposes the far right. prime minister gabriella, how appointed by president emanuel mack, chrome has offered to resign. when one goes, mamma said companion. from the start of this campaign, i've been alerted of 3 risk spending. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far left. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far right and the risk of disappearance for the movement that represents our ideas in our values. today. these 3 risks have been eliminated by the french. but what that means is no one party will have an absolute majority in the assembly. the popular from the left wing coalition says they have a mandate that priorities to reverse microns black shoot policy,
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increasing the retirement age to $64.00. and they want to increase the minimum wage and to recognize a palestinian state. while i'm shown as one of the popular latest presence emanuel not going to have to negotiate with you, tries to the new government. there is little love lost between the 2 and the only thing that help but literally cover done was a desire stone. all right, so you're getting into products with i'll just say it right as well. that's got the latest from our correspondent, natasha about pleasure joins us now from the french capital. natasha fonts doesn't exactly have a culture of coalition politics. can you talk us through what happens now? i see mccomb has asked the prime minister to stay on for a little bit. yeah, well know what happens now seems to be the question on most people's minds here in front of the, of the surprising results because it really isn't claire. and there are multitude
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of on, so is what we do know is that gabriella style apartment is the offered to resign his resignation. it has been turned down by presents my new micro look that was expected offering to resign is procedural. and we also expect you to my new my goal is to perhaps keep gabrielle. that's how a in place as prime minister for now. well, everything else has decided. he may even stay on for the next few weeks for the duration of the olympic games that are taking place to empower starting on the 26th of july. so not loading. now it is thought that michael is going to want to appear to stability during those games. what happens after that there is anyone's guess? what we do know is one of the most likely scenarios is that we could be saying a kind of relation between the sentries policy of a manual micro on the left wing alliance. but they obviously do not necessarily get on that note from the saint paul's. the political spectrum,
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they certainly clumped together in order to try and block the far right positive, re, independent from gaining receipts and their selection that works. however, whether or not they can work together is another matter indeed, i'll just give you an example. for example, the left swing in lives want to scrap the manual micros pension reform. what is online claim? i know michael's policy is going to agree with that. so there's a lot of negotiations that he's getting on the trying to see whether they can find a prime ministers that they could pull for a name, the less than the lives capacity for, for the name that would be suitable for everybody. but we don't know if it was what we do know. so if this coalition, this centrist left wing coalition, which seems to possibly be taking shape, if it doesn't work, then that really would play into the hands of the far right. they didn't. when if you like the selection, it was thought that they were on the bring because tile is that didn't happen. but they did need double the amount of m p 's that they have in parliament. and if they are now in a position of just opposition,
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it means that they could possibly spend the next 2 years with them on toners reputation. if the coalition doesn't what it could mean that in 2 years time in 2027 by co pays way for marine depends to say, you say you've tried the less you tried the center. now it really is time to try the far right. because the far right still won the most foods in terms of numbers amongst people here in france, in that 2nd round, suddenly a very changed because of a landscape that in france natasha about to for us and power. thank you, natasha. well, it just, i'm getting so it has more on the results. reaction from law, say in southern france. well, here in central my say some people are celebrated throughout the night as they gathered in the streets. uh, they took part in an n t for rights, a rally just up to appear at thousands of them. and we spoke to some of them and they told us of their release. and they're surprised at the full rights of scores weaker than expected. coming in as the 3rd political of course,
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not as the source political force in parliament like some for diction suggested. however, there are also many folks here in my state that are disappointed by the national results. they did not come out on the street, but they didn't show up in numbers yesterday in the voting booth. in the 2nd round, they gave us 3 seats out of the 7 here in my say to the national riley party. that is a slightly less then the lead that they had in the 1st round. they were leaving and 5 out of those 7 constituencies and contrasted reactions and results. here on the one hand, you have the relief from left wing and centrist voters, that the fall right did not become the 1st political force and parliament. on the other hand, you are seeing a strong a confirmation sense that the fluoride is as slowly but surely as rising in popularity here in this region in southern france. if this i'm getting food for all
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to 0 and must say the, this is randy attacks of kills at least 15 palestinians on monday and thousands of people with forced to flee their homes and the northern gauze, the city any allows of the morning during intense is really bombardment, charles tried central for the young and old to sick and injured. many of the homes already destroyed the order to evacuate and then told to move again is really full. she's dropped the leaflets telling thousands of palestinians to leave neighborhoods in eastern gulf, a city. most of these people have fled. he's really ministry operations hunting spices many times before. they have displaced us and made us leave our homes. what could we do?
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maybe suffer like they made us suffer. where the, where are the arrow to be our leaders? no one is helping us are we not humans. this is inside a medical facility trying to treat malnourished children and then open goals a strip. the u. n says that more than 50000 children and goals are required. urgent medical treatment for acute malnutrition, c u. n. an international rights groups accuses rental blocking fuel and medical supplies of to move a 1000000 month supply. palestinian health ministry says a robust, 38000 palestinians killed international pressure he's building on his will. i'm time us to agree to us the spawn proposal backed by the un negotiations through country and egyptian mediators that was store weeks have restarted the doha of israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says he's main goal is non negotiable,
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and that is to destroy us. well, how nice is it? has no shortage, main willing to fight. let me hold on something that i know of the mind. power of the cosign brigades is in very good shape during the war. we're able to recruit thousands of new fighters into the support. right. and there are thousands more who are willing ready and extremely motivated to join when necessary. 2 2 israel's booming, pointing the destruction of guns that goes on seized the leakage population, still trapped with no with safe to go. charles langford, i'm just 0. well that's paid to honey math when he joins us now from daryl by the in central garza honey. just watching those pictures, so many families being forced to move yet again, what exactly is happening and also assessing of the
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world right now, what we're witnessing is that a scaling knob of the military of ration across garza city. there is too much of this military pressure. they've been applied by those rating military into areas that have been a really targeted repeatedly in the past many times to the point, not of the public facilities or infrastructure are suitable for sustaining the population in that area. but what's worse about this is the ongoing displacement, recurring displacement that has been happening for the past 9 months. so right now it's 6, quite concerned to get up. people are being sharply ordered to take it all the way we'll do that. designate through the humanitarians on that is really military a claim, the r c for the population. but as we, we all know from the past experiences of house display population have founded quite the opposite, misleading, contradictory, and confusing getting to these human, it turned designated zones,
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ended up being killed inside either the residential home that they were filtering in or in the 10th com store or have looked in some times in the street where they were told to go to hundreds of displays. families are taking every route possible away from the danger of the unpredictable box all the way to the area of southern why the lives that's coming to the city on their way the in your much of the, the a relentless air attack. they are tellers and the fact that the word was cop there . these are package rolls, the fly at a very low level and keeps shooting, and it'd be moving objects intimidating really trying to type display population doing all these past months of difficult living conditions is really military. all of a sudden expanded military maneuvers in eastern part of the gulf to be a now involving major parts of the west. trent, the southern western part of the city, leaving trails of destruction many a further civilian casualties, an added destruction to remaining building and infrastructure. a tiny
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lockbox there for them for us from there, all glass and center. the goal is to thank you. what is really forces aside to gas and life bullets during confrontations and novelist and the occupied westbank is what happened after the ministry session office security code and to allow is rarely septa's to enter joseph toom and cities east. now this is the monument that's important to jews, muslims, and christians as regularly then the size of tension, a set for and cousin was what triggered violence between palestinians. and is there any forces? is there any strike has had a farm and the just in district which has in southern lebanon and the alice of monday morning, several homes were damaged and not strength. thousands of livestock 2 were killed on sunday has launched a barrels of rockets from lebanon, into northern israel,
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and the occupied colon heights. and what the group has described as one of its most sophisticated attacks against israel since early october. well, let's get the latest from sam called us, or joins us from march or you and in southern lebanon, is i know we're seeing this exchange of fi continue just how tense is a situation in a south right now. what was the pattern has been since october, 1 of sporadic escalation, the past few hours, relatively quiet earlier today. a strike deep inside loving on some 20 kilometers inches in district. now the conflict has been largely contained to the border area . but you've had those strikes deeper inside the country as well, carrying out yet another target that assassination a circuit. surgical strike, you're targeting a has been a member, he was on a motorcycle and the district of tire. so the tips for top exchange of fire continues, has blog carrying out yet another of a 1st, if you like, targeting mount herman. that's and these really occupied syria and golan heights,
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a very strategic site, the surveillance center in the golan heights, his highest peak. yet another message from hezbollah showcasing its capabilities to deter as well from widening this conflict. now is diplomatic efforts have been revived to reach a cease fire in gauze. so you know, the northern front is related to what happens in garza. the biggest question is whether a cease fire deal in gaza will extend to 11 on the is really, is, are making it clear that they would like to see has the law pull back from the border in order for tens of thousands of residents to return to their homes in northern as well. so both sides sending messages to each other, you know, improving or strengthening their negotiating and bargaining position if and when that cease fire in gaza is agreed to hold up their reporting for us from the ground from larger you. and in southern lebanon near the border countries in is now still ahead here on al jazeera hurricane barrel makes land full and texas,
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it was upgraded to a category one, the hurricane off to gain strength over the gulf of mexico. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump now i don't think so and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought of a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build up inside story. on al jazeera, the, the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories, the sound, french president around. you'll knock on has us department or something gabriel, tall to stay on often failing to win a majority of seats in parliamentary elections and comes as a new left when the lions has one of the most states in that 2nd round of parliamentary elections, thousands of palestinians instead, the 100 and also sits in the early hours of monday morning during intense is rarely bombardment. families were forced to search for a place to set up tents with gun fine. i'll try to reach us and it's very striking, said the farm and the just in district of southern 11 on, in the early hours of monday morning, several homes were damaged in that strikes. thousands of lives stopped accounts for at least 21 people until the costs ukraine following russian missile attacks that now this includes a strikes that hit the children's hospital and cheese. at least 10 people were
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killed that he's met his head. this was one of the worst attacks since the 2 year russian invasion began. process 5 more than 40 minutes of ukrainians cities on monday. but it looks on the cry of is the director of the north america program at ukrainian prison. he says ukrainian defense system simply couldn't withstand russia's missed all attacks on monday. basically this was one of the, the biggest the tax for the last 2 years. some key of especially again the key as one of the biggest in the air protection system. however, 0, it's mandy got through it because the russians use several advanced techniques of getting our energy error system, the sewer by smaller target and the provide input. caliber rocket seems a foss, this one version personals, that we're able to get through our defenses and keep federal target the cube a lower as received, not for the 1st time, but in the dozens of attempts rush. and once it gives you some medical facilities,
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the children's hospital for the addition of the sheets, sarah, residential buildings in nearly 20 apartments for destroyed, but can keep a little well basically getting here to the office to talk to you. i saw several smoke smoke a columns to ryan and about the city. samsung rock, as in fast career, have gone on strike demanding special pay and working conditions. thousands of union members took part in a riley and the city of las jones, which is near samsung's headquarters, and not the stores of a 3 day strike, from a 5 or 4th from boston in south korea of a defiant display in spite of the rain and the size of the chip making julia and that striking against a 3 day general will count against samsung. electronics was called by the union, representing the quotes or rivets workers. you're on a budget, it's an honor to be here with union members at this historic moment. while there
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may be negative views from outside and even from within, we stand here with an urgent belief that it must be now or never. as part of south korea is largest conglomerate, samsung electronics has always been regarded as providing among the best pagan conditions. in spite of samsung sized praise you and your influence over which has traditionally remain small for the 2020 the company drop this policy of discouraging the union and union membership has risen rapidly. other unions at samsung have criticize this union for taking strike action. while these workers took a hit to the bonuses last year, afterward down to the chip, businesses of the south koreans still because, well treated people delivered the samsung how has provides the best to benefit to the employees. that that's the appropriate perception. as the significant producer of specialized semi conduct is especially high band with memory chips for the
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burgeoning artificial intelligence sector, it's still not knowing what impact the strike will have, but the union has threatened more action if it's d months or not. but rob mcbride, l g 0 plus on south korea, the scenes national has released a report. we're getting what it calls, reckless shipments of jet fuel to me on, on the human rights organization says that supplies and china single pool and the united arab emirates have a whole channel that deliveries through vietnam in order to avoid detection. international sanctions on jet fuel to me and most military were introduced to stop aerial attacks on civilian populations. but as tony turn reports, they've had, this will impact the ruins of some piece of the baptist church and connecting village. so going north west to me and it's been on touch since january on the 1st sunday of the year,
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the ministry found it and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children. that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family, but immediately the bubble from the sky. and then the di, much of the village was also destroyed and several other rates that day over several hours. most minute treat the noise responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place where they knew people would be gathering, with no military target. nearby is clear evidence of a crime where the to our work crime comes in. it's just the, the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the, they have to know that civilians will die when they're launching is attacks. the minute just use the power to terrible effect in april last year. composite, you village also in this a going region fight to jet in
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a helicopter gunship attacked. they killed a 165 people. it was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military to willows, responsible, ever faced justice. or that is certainly, i think, a hot topic or, or, or topic of discussion among them are people who feel let down by international mechanisms of international bodies. however, they do exist and, and they have been effective in the past assembling of normal life has returned to can. the area is now under control of resistance forces, opposed to military rule. and school has started again. but the children still wear the danger from the sky. tony chang out is there a hurricane barrel has made line for hitting the texas coast ports that has been closed and people have been told to leave their homes in some town. a barrel had been downgraded citizen,
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gained strength and the war most of the gulf of mexico. it is now a category one, the hurricane, previously and reached category 5 in the caribbean, where at least 11 people were killed. nbc news, cars coming cage, golding has went out from the vaca in texas. yeah, we're here is the only open hardware store in port lavaca and i want to show you they still have some buy with left, but they'll come on down because all of this has already been bought and paid for people paying for this. going home, delivering what they need, coming back with trailers to pick up the remainder of the what is they prepare the the last preparations truly last minute preparations. i'm here with the manager of this is our partner here. tony. i appreciate and you, you're still having people flooding in the doors today, right? yeah, we, i mean, we had people waiting of the doors 1st thing this morning. they'll open for generators, power cords, you know, there's something to get prepared with, but, i mean, it's, it's, we have some stuff left, but not, not a lot to get go in. i mean, when it comes to, you know, i need what i need something to cover up my windows and some of these things that,
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you know, you're running out of, are you able to offer, you know, maybe like home remedies are alternatives or is it kind of just the yeah, i mean keep your fingers crossed. we got do. we've had people buying the pickets and one by 6 or something there at least black branches, things like that. but yeah, if you're not ready, now you're, you're really going to keep your fingers crossed. tony, i appreciate it, i will show you, they do have some other supply of wood here, but certainly not what you might need to cover up windows if you could imagine trying to, you know, cover upper board windows with pieces of wood like this final preparations underway . here in portland walk up, but those supplies to people desperately need to stay safe. they're all there dwindling to say the least. i'm in portland, aka, i'm kitchen boy. i'll be your opinion whether observation agency says that last month was the wealth hottest june on record. it says the average global temperature in the past year has been around $1.00 degrees celsius, above average. the agency,
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it says human costs climate change and the annual weather pass and have contributed to that record. a lot of that for me and associates, hey, you can always find what's out. is there a dot com next inside? story takes a look at what's behind the creation of the lines of the health the let's get going with your weather uptake rate to see what beginning in asia pacific . okay, so we've got our summer rating stretching from japan's honshu island back through the korean peninsula. and eastern china, not yet will this provide some relief from the heat and humidity for tokyo? i suspect that will happen on thursday. you get into some showers. there. look only feeling about 34. so some big changes coming your way. same goes for eastern china with our summer rain sir. they will sun further towards the south. so shanghai give it a few days. you too will get some relief from the heat and humidity. look by thursday,
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you're only 30 degrees, feeling about 33. compare that to you've been feeling in the fifty's as of late to the middle east. we go this where the real heat is, winds have been a factor that spinning around the sand and does for saudi arabia's eastern province . has brought some easy conditions as well, including for us here in doha. so here's our forecast on tuesday when it's turn a bit lighter, but we're still going to see sun sand in does come into the picture. let's go 41 degrees here and don't know for a central asia. the response to rain starting to fill in across buckets done that includes karachi at $34.00 degrees and really for india is western gats and the far northeast of the country to rental downpours in the forecast here on tuesday. i am very delighted to speak to the all the other continents, brightest legal students,
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putting minds against them. this means in africa would really be interesting to see how we miss that as a together foot tournament, unlike any other cost. so much is helping me expressing meaning the as we can cause a human and people surprise is now in session. witness africa news on out is era. they left echo was saying it's influenced by foreign countries. now these year molly and 14 of us so have set up their own block calling at the alliance of 2nd states. but what's behind their new agreement and what impact will it have on the wider region? this is inside sort the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm john molly,


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