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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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best of social media, the friends has left wing leaders as his coalition is ready to govern. officer unexpectedly emerging of the largest political block in parliament, the 0 light from a headquarters and don't find any navigate. also coming up is really forces to at least 15 palestinians across the us and see early hours of monday. thousands of people in the north say they have no where it's safe to go. renewed fighting between government forces in the m 23 armed group and the eastern democratic republic of congo. the under children's hospital is
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fit in cheese. as these 31 people are killed by russian miss. all the tasks across your frame, the hello francis, presidents and 91 micro has asked the prime minister gabriella child to stay on following his offer to resign. it follows the 2nd round of snap parliamentary elections were a less doing alliance, one the most seats. it's a stunning results and a huge set back for the far right. but as left fronds and political deadlock with no party reaching a clear majority. so the less coalition one, a $182.00 seats, but that's not even close to the $289.00 seats needed to control the national assembly. but it's leaders only finish all says that the left is ready to govern. presidents and money out of my crones, centrist on psalms alliance, came 2nd with
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a 168 seats. and with 3 years less than his term, micro will now have to form alliances to run the country. the far right national riley, which did well, and the 1st round came in 3rd with a 143 seats, and the republicans have finished for us with 45 seats. bernard smith has more from paris. a beta expected, the worst with friends is hastily arranged left wing coalition beat the offs and the tension of the last week evaporated. so so i don't know. so remote, i'm not sure this evening the national riley is far from having the absolute majority. the commentators have predicted scarcely a week ago. in fact, it's totally the opposite. it's an immense relief for an overwhelming majority of people in all countries. those who make up the new fronts, as well as those have always loved the country with the republican passions. the, to the far right, national riley president had hoped to lead his party to a majority in the national assembly. they felt well short. no,
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it wasn't all. unfortunately, the alliance of this toner and of the dangerous to look toral arrangements made by emanuel mat cronum with the fall lift formations to night, depriving the french people of a policy of recovery that none the less over whelming leeside full by putting us in the lead in the european elections, and then last sunday, bought that was both marine la pen seems once again to have been faulted by a republican front. that's where a majority of french people vote for any party that opposes the far right. prime minister gabriella, how appointed by president emanuel mack, chrome has offered to resign. when one goes, mamma said companion. from the start of this campaign, i've been alerted of 3 risk spending. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far left. the risk of an absolute majority dominated by the far right and the
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risk of disappearance for the movement that represents our ideas in our values. today. these 3 risks have been eliminated by the french. but what that means is no one party will have an absolute majority in the assembly. the popular from the left wing coalition says they have a mandate that priorities to reverse microns blackshoe policy, increasing the retirement age to $64.00. and they want to increase the minimum wage and to recognize a palestinian state lymphoma as long as the pocket latest presidency. money will not come. we'll have to negotiate with you, tries to the new government. there is little love lost between the 2. and the only thing that help but literally cover done was a desire stone. all right, so you're getting into but it's all just it right. okay, well, bringing natasha butler was joining us from paris soonest. also the far right hasn't done as well as expected. have we heard from them?
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indeed, the far right policy of marine depending the national riley. they expected to be on the brink of power. they thought they were going to, it's certainly get the most a m p as in paul, them into the selection. possibly even the majority of the facts did not happen is we sold them and they all disappointed, but they were also claiming that this is not the full fail. blaming the centrist bill, cuz i'm, i knew mike role that blaming deluxe. we lived clumping together. and in order to try and broke far, i candidates and constituencies, they feel as if the election in some ways has been stolen from them. they feel as if on democratic tactics has been used in order to stop and doing as well as they could have done well, those tactics all democratic but just what happened in the elections, but clearly they are unhappy. in fact, the need. uh, the president, i should say, of the fall right, policy, georgia, but that has been speaking. you said look, are i request. i take responsibility will just happens. know,
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doing as well for electing down. also says busy was very much saying that they are not to spend both as far as but then or is concerned. they have multiplied the number of and piece they haven't called the dublin the many i'm they, he says the district shows babies real men. so i mean if you look at the stickers in terms of the numbers of people who voted for the far right, they all the knowledge is number. it's just the, when you break it down to seats, it doesn't quite work that way. so there are a lot of people around the country, fluoride supporters who feel deeply disappointed because they feel that this was their election to be one. well, look, friends doesn't exactly have a culture of coalition politics. so what happens next as well, that's the question. nobody really knows what happens next. there are multiple scenarios . we haven't heard from the presence of mind, new micro all to find out what he's thinking. we already know that he has told his
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ministers that he wants to wait to see wants to wait and see how everything ponds out in the next few days. because what we do know is that his centrist blogs came in 2nd place if you like. in the parliamentary elections and in the space we have this lecturing in lines, but left on the lines centers, bloke the far right, they will have more or less. so most nearly the same number rend piece. but we could be looking at the less we lived some central trying to form a coalition trying to come together and see if they can form a government. but that would mean that have to agree on things that would mean that after nominates of prime minister, mental michael most likely would have to nominate apartments from that left just lines because they all the biggest lions, the biggest, they had the biggest number of m. p 's and their selection. so i'm going to be there on the vs counter. they say all no obvious personalities and they all 2 sides of the political spectrum. but the thing degree, for example, the elect, his lines wants to scrap the manual, my goals, pension reform, his interest policy,
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sony notes want to go to scrap the reform. so how do they come together? how do they work together? but if they don't work together, they're all, some on the left and in the center. it all saying if we don't manage to pull this all, what we will see is that momentum for the fall, right? only increase pulse of a 2027 for marine depend if she wants to run for the price and then all right, thank you. and it's also about the reporting from parents, as if to some good food has more on the reaction to the results from must say in southern france. well here in central must say some people are celebrated throughout the night as they gathered in the streets. uh, they took part in an n t for rights, a rally just up to appear at thousands of them. and we spoke to some of them and they told us of their release. and their surprise at the fall rights i scores weaker than expected. coming in as the 3rd political of course, not as the source political force in parliament like some for diction suggested.
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however, there are also many folks here in my state that are disappointed by the national results. they did not come out on the street, but they did show up in numbers yesterday in the voting both in the 2nd rounds. and they gave us 3 seats out of the 7 here in my say to the national riley party. that is a slightly less then the lead that they had in the 1st round. they were leading and 5 out of those 7 constituencies and contrasted reactions and results. here on the one hand, you have the relief from left wing and centrist voters, that the fall right did not become the 1st political force and parliament. on the other hand, you are seeing a strong a confirmation that the fluoride is slowly but surely rising in popularity here in this region in southern france. if this i'm getting food for all to 0 and must say the
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is really forces have killed at least 15 palestinians across cause us since the early hours of monday. and they've also ordered thousands of people out of several neighborhoods of garza city in the north. the is really military as intensified as bombardment off that area. charles stratford reports the of the young and old, the sick and injured many of the homes already destroyed the order to evacuate and then told to move again is really full. she's dropped the leaflets telling thousands of palestinians to leave neighborhoods in eastern gulf, a city. most of these people have fled, is really ministry operations, hunting and spices. many times before. they have displaced us and made us leave our homes. what could we do? may they suffer like they made us suffer?
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where the, where are the arrow to be our leaders? no one is helping us, are we not humans? this is inside a medical facility trying to treat malnourished children and then open goals a strip you and says that more than 50000 children and goals are required. urgent medical treatment for acute malnutrition, c u. n. an international rights groups accuses rental blocking fuel and medical supplies of to move a 1000000 months of palestinian health ministry says a robust 38000 palestinians killed international pressure he's building on his will . i'm time us to agree to us see spawn proposal backed by the un negotiations through country and egyptian mediators that was store weeks have restarted the doha of israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says he's main goal is non negotiable, and that is to destroy us. well, i'm not saying it has no shortage,
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main willing to fight. let me hold on something that i know of. the mind. power of the cosign brigades is in very good shape during the war. we're able to create thousands of new fights into the support. right. and there are thousands more who are willing ready and extremely motivated to join when necessary. 2 2 israel's booming, pointing the destruction of guns that goes on seized the leakage population, still trends with no with safe to go. a child sounds good to 0 is really for us is a fire tear gas and live bullets during confrontations in nablus and they occupied westbank and that happens all through the military set up a security court on to allow is really settlers to enter joseph to in the cities east, it's a monument, important to jews, muslims, and christians,
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and has regularly been a site of tension. witnesses say the settler incursion triggered violence between palestinians and is really forces. family members of captives and gaza have entered the contest that that's the is really parliament to increase pressure on the government to reach us as far as deal with him us. the security of our call to remove the brother of one captive and forcibly ejected him. some family members held him meeting with politicians, but the gathering quickly turned into a demonstration. and is really striking a farm, and this is in district of southern lebanon. and the early hours of monday morning, several homes were damaged. and now striking dozens of live stock were killed on sunday. has been the launch, the barrels of rockets from lebanon, into northern israel, and the occupied golan heights. and what the group described as one of its most sophisticated attacks against israel since early october. and our correspondents,
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as big as, as may assist us in the south of lebanon. so the exchanges of fire continue between has been done, is real, how tens is the situation in the south right now? what are you seeing and hearing as well, the situation varies. the pattern since last october has been one of sporadic escalation. this morning has been relatively quiet, although behind me, between remission i the shop have been 3, is really shows that long to defy step aside that come and right it could possibly zoom in and show you the smoke still arising from then this conflict has largely been contained along the burn on southern border. all know israel does kind of guy strikes deeper inside, never know, know they talking to his beloved member in the district of dies. he was on a motorcycle and he was assassinated. now the pattern tends to be that he, the, his with law targets is ready positions and israel hits tons, villages,
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and cities here in lebanon. oh, that's a israel assessing states, his beloved members. and then there is a reaction. now, part of that was that his blood did strike 90 mer on in the occupied go with an hide space, a in one of its best way. they talked to strategic surveillance post and now that's a message to israel. one is a, uh, is a message that his below has the capabilities to strike is road back. and another one is a warning, just in case if this conflict turns escalates or turns into something larger. but as negotiations take place around garza and the sci fi, the this conflict and the size is linked to that is the law has made it very clear that they will not be as tough to fighting hair as long as that isn't the sci fi and gaza agreed to by the resistance groups that and israel has made clear that they want his block to be to a further back from the border so that it's presidents. tens of thousands of them can return to the homes about the moment, both sides of sending each of those,
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each of the messages, warnings and strengthening depositions. in case there is a fee supply or a whitening of this conflict. but so far, relatively speaking underwood rather to being the operative word that it's being quiet here today. all right, thank you. us. a vague reporting from them is in the south of leather, in on the fighting has resumed between government forces and i'm 23 fighters in the eastern democratic republic of congo. and this comes only 2 days after us brokerage humanitarian truce fell through. armed groups have in recent months, seized more towns and they now control large parts to the east. a long way connie has the latest from blue turnbow in eastern d r c. this is something we'll custom public, of course we'll do. you want to turn it on to the club by the us government. that's probably the 1st of all, let's just do the updates begun or at least on sunday. i'm 22 tables i can see on the 40 some have by different courses for launching
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a new one is for this one is it is done 3030 off a little bit. it'll come to the re, centrally, even though does he honestly, i mean $2.00 to $3.00 offices from the grounds, the reporter to do up to have to between the size of heavy goals, including the government and allow for the town. so let's see. and where do you want to go to print from the printer, the option? well, it will population $31.00 total and sufficient enough people and the neighboring 4 of us will be to reconcile with more than 6700000 tunnel. it is for those people now leaving the icpc for the pro v since the tables, which is now on a new for leasing megabytes. 4000000 on the form. i be honestly little for me from someone else because he's got more people fighting on the buy, affecting even though we're doing a 4th is from sort of before the recipient. unfortunately, the couple more things, some areas are better, which in
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a minute it was white on the throne in the office for you and plus the rest of the, of the able to sort of thing. see if i to go up to despite the united nation for direct sales between where both president negotiated with them for the people at the conference. many people are wondering right now if they will be any sort of sort of disclosure. so we don't do that. you know, an icon, i would just deal with them on the democratic republic of school. still a head's, we have more and what to expect those injures leader and the remote, he visits moscow is 1st since russia sent troops into you frame the, the, the color good to be with you. the non soon range really doing a number on the western gets here. a significant rain in the cards on the cards for
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you for tuesday. same goes for the far northeast of india as well. funding and land slides will continue to be a problem and you know what, there's also been flooding in northern myanmar as well. just because of how intense this rain has been. had been some burst of rain around jakarta that's mostly danced away plenty of dry weather. now for java, at the same goes for us too much or most of borneo, the weather is stuff will be on the malays side and for we're not as follow on tuesday for the alerts in play up and down the philippines. so for a minute now, besides lose on same goes for power one islands. we can expect copious amounts of rain here and certainly heavy bands of rain or a summer rain stretching across china. eventually, this will slump down into shanghai. that's going to knock out the heat and humidity . i'd say by the time we get to thursday. so shanghai shooting for a height of 30 degrees, heat stroke alerts in play for japan. not hard to see why raping tokyo's at 36 degrees, but some relief will be coming for you over the next few days. and there we go. for
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bucket started starting to see those monsoon range fill in. so, you can expect to what day in karachi on tuesday with a height of 34 degrees. let's leave it there. the in the,
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[000:00:00;00] the top stories on how to 0 this our, from this has presidents evaluate, macro has office suntrust prime minister gabriella talked to remain in his posts for the time being to ensure the stability of the country, the leader of the less this coalition is only finish on size of the last is ready to govern. after it, surprise women, sundays election, but has ruled out a coalition with centrists. thousands of palestinians have fled their homes in gaza . city during intense as really bombardments is really forces have killed a piece 15 pounds buildings across clauser. since the early hours of monday and friday has resumed between government forces an m. $23.00 rebels and the eastern
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democratic republic of congo comes only 2 days after a us brokerage. you monetary interest please 31 people have been killed across ukraine following russian missile attacks. and this includes the strikes that hit at children's hospital in cheese, at least 20 people were killed there. keeps merits said, it was one of the worst attack since the 2 year russian invasion started. russia has fired more than 40 muscles that ukrainian cities on monday. the meanwhile of moscow president bloodwork fruits in his hosting india's prime minister and arrange remote e. he's arrived for a 2 day visit. that's his 1st since russia invaded ukraine, modi's expect as a whole talks with the vladimir putin. later on tuesday. russia has strong ties with india and has become a key trading partner. since the conflict with keys began. you'll yourself of all of our has more from moscow on this story. so tell us about the significance of
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this visit and what's on the agenda. the hope is, is an, are in drimmers for us, for, and visit us to being re elected for a set time, which is very significant. of course. previously opposite of re election, they had a being didn't. governments used to visit the neighboring countries, such as sri lanka, baton on the motive spots, then that it was considered the established tradition. now during the visit, according to the indian officials, both sides will discuss some issues of global and regional significance. and of course, the countries mutual relations and development of those relations relations sir, it's worth mentioning that's birdie was notes at the recent shanghai corporation organizations, scientists in us to now. and this visit to russia. gifts the agent from minnesota. a chance to discuss important issues with my team in period 10 and 2 nice that we'll see each other enough. moody is also expected to meet with engine nationals
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who live here in russia. and also the topic of ukraine will be addressed during the tool t most squared between the 2 elisa's india maintains and mutual states as in the config that it's could play a mediation role. and that's um, unlike china, india and send a representative to the p summit on you train in switzerland uh in june. but they did not sign the final documents and also according to beat royces, news agency, the issue of indian spicy to and ukraine on the russian side is also to be raised at the, at the meeting as well as so let me know as when to stand at least before we do nationals have been killed and become fixed so far. so how important is it for both countries then in order to develop their strategic partnership? so nowadays, india is
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a very strong political and economic partner of russia. they have very strong relations. russia is one of the induced leading trading partners versus export stranger main, your relationships or products and weapons. most of it has becoming just full trading palm, the and the title traits and other between the 2 countries has amounted to $65000000000.00. however, there was a serious trade in balance between the 2 countries, so to speak. russian ex quotes to india have exceeded india and expos to rupture by 16 times. and that expands to the logical human russian oil purchases, which are very lucrative for india. i should say politically, most current is of course as strategic partner, particularly as well, but also plays a role in that balance, so to speak. in india is relations with the united states and china. and also the states were simply india and russia recently managed to result a problem with a large amount of engine rupees, which most girl had received ford's image expos. uh,
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because basically it's quite unprofitable to invest in engine infrastructure right now. all right, thank you. you'll yes, thank you for that recording from us go. here's our defense editor alex gets off the list is taking a look at the arms straight between india and russell. even before the ranger moody arrived in moscow, russia had already signed a major deal to make all of a piercing tank shells in india. in the works closely with the russian companies on missile technology and owns more than 3672 and teen 90 russian made tanks. india is a prime candidate to help russia such as fights, insatiable need for artillery on time shells. put them, there's already petition north korea and vietnam full or i munition rush of 5 around the staggering $8000.00 artillery shows a day and is more and ukraine at an average cost of $4000.00 for each show. mosca spending roughly $32000000.00 a day,
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just still not telling me i munition is economy is on a war footing, but it's on forces me to continue supply homes if it was to break, it still makes would ukraine and when the war and that's where india can make an impact. it's growing homes industries ideally place to support russia as a to lead is media must go to discuss just how they can help each other. this, the international has released the report revealing what it calls ratcliffe shipments of jet fuel to me in more human rights organizations have suppliers in china, singapore, and the united arab emirates, have channel deliveries through vietnam to avoid detection, international sanctions on jet fuel to me and mars middle 3 were introduced to stop aerial attacks on civilian populations, but as tony chang reports, they've had little impact. the ruins of some piece of the baptist church and connecting village, so gang northwest to me, and it's been on touch since january. on the 1st sunday of the year,
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the ministry found it and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children. that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family. but immediately the bottom from the sky. and the much of the village was also destroyed in several other rates that day over several hours. most minute treat the noise responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place where they new people will be gathering with no military target nearby. is clear evidence of a crime where the term work time comes in. it's just the the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the they have to know that civilians will die when they are launching is attacks. the militarist, used its power to terrible effect in april last year. composites the village also
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in this the going region find a jet and a helicopter gunship attacked. they killed a 165 people. it was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military too, will lose responsible, ever faced justice. that is certainly, i think, a hot topic or, or, or topic of discussion among them are people who feel, let down by international mechanisms of international bodies. however, they do exist and, and they have been effective in the past a semblance of normal life has returned to can. the area is now under control of resistance forces. opposed to military rule. in school has started again. but the children still wear the danger from the sky. tony chang out to 0. the hurricane barrel has made land fall hitting the texas coast. ports have been closed and
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people told to leave their homes and some towns burial had been downgraded. but then it gained strength and the warm waters of the gulf of mexico and is now a category one stormed previously. it reached category 5 in the caribbean, where at least 11 people were killed. and basically, news correspondent gauge folding has more from port lava and texas. yeah, we're here is the only open hardware store in port lavaca and i want to show you they still have some wood left, but they'll come on down because all of this has already been bought and paid for people paying for this. going home, delivering what they need, coming back with trailers to pick up the remainder of the what is they prepare the the last preparations truly last minute preparations. i'm here with the manager of this is our partner here. tony. i appreciate you. you're still having people flooding in the doors today, right? yeah, we, i mean we had people waiting on the doors 1st thing this morning. still hoping to


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