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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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its crimes from happening again. so is the i c. c. fit for purpose? people in power on out there on the the hello, i'm sammy say them. this is the news out loud from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes? thousands of palestinians on the move again, israel owed them to leave several neighborhoods garza city negotiations on the way in france's different blocks, way and options to form the next government. biggest left wing coalition says it's government determined to stay us. president joe biden says he's finally committed
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to his re election campaign, despite growing calls from democrats, the step aside, and renewed fighting between government forces and m. 23 fights is an eastern democratic republic of congo. we speak to the con, the least foreign minister. i'm joining us just go with the sourcing, treating the latest from wimbledon, with the fuse french open runner up. alex on the star of is aiming for placing the quotes of finals will show you how he's getting on. the mice has condemned these right in the mid threes, latest order, full of things, thousands of palestinians, as of several neighborhoods of gauze. the city. it happened as israel stepped up its from boston to the northern area. at least full see people across the street were killed in mondays. the tax child stopped begins on coverage.
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the, the young and old, the sick and injured many of the homes already destroyed the order to evacuate and then told to move again is really full. she's dropped leaflets, telling thousands of palestinians to leave neighborhoods in east gulf of city. most of these people have fled either ready, military operations, hunting time, a spices many times before. they have displaced us and made us leave our homes. what could we do? may they suffer like they made us suffer? where the, where are the arab some be our leaders? no one is helping us. are we not humans? this is inside a medical facility trying to treat malnourished children. and then open goal is to strip you and says that more than 50000 children and goals are required. urgent medical treatment for acute malnutrition. do you in an international range groups
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accuses route of blocking fuel and medical supplies of to move a 1000000 months. so what the palestinian health ministry says, or robust city, $80000.00 palestinians killed international prussia is building on israel and have us to agree to us the spot proposal backed by the un negotiations to country and egyptian mediators that was stored for weeks have restarted it to her israel's prime minister, ben, you mean that you know, who says he's main goal is non negotiable, and that is to destroy on us. oh, my says it has no shortage. main willing to fight. mean who i thought, and then what could the mind power of the assemblage agents in very good shape during the world were able to recreate the thousands of new fighters into the support ranks. and there are thousands more who are willing ready and extremely motivated to join when necessary. 2 2 israel is bullying to fighting the
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destruction of guns that goes on. seized deleted population, still trapped with no was safe to go. charleston foot, i'm just 0. or let's go now to him to hold other issues in data by law in central garza so how palestinians navigating these multiple evacuation orders. so me, it's the sake of being horrified, terrified, not knowing where to go. we talked him back to wasting orders to be put in the heart of god, the city, those policy news that have been resisting all of the air strikes and the ground invasion in the northern parts of the causal search for more than 8 months now. and now again, they're receiving those evacuation orders. some of the, those kind of thing is came to a dead end,
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but others chose to stay and to relocate in different areas. west is the western parts of the gods of cities. but let me remind you that in the gaza city ending the northern parts of the gulf of 60, there's no make trips. it comes just like here in the middle area and in the south of because if you, because it's in the a, a very densely populated area, it's full of buildings and there's no empty lands. so palestinians are hiding in each other's houses. uh either and partially them as houses bring houses and palestinians are left helpless to be honest. they do not know where to go. and this is, this has been a cycle of displacement for important for more than 8 months now. but let me also remind you, so that means that people, when they were evacuating, they were bombs and even the places that they were ordered to back you, we by sir, sir. all right, is there any army were also targeted and bogged by?
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that is where the forces so that kind of thing is do not trust. what is there any forces or get them to do? and there, that's a frustrated we saw a lot of images online for a product and you holding only backpacks and meeting with their children. but everyone is asking, where should we go? there's no where safe saw me and 10 was happening into jaya amidst the reports of increased fighting once again the of the semi for more than a week. now it's the same exact situation and this is a, yeah, there's lots of information because no one could reach the area we're talking about . ambulance is primary x journalist a, the surrounding area. and the people surrounding is you are telling us that there has been intensive strikes and are tended to be sending. we have the ability to hear from people on the 1st couple of days of the ground and the agents. they set that they are trapped and they did not receive any food medicine or water,
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but then we lost the connection with those people. we don't not know what happened . but according to the paramedics and civil defense themes, they're expecting a lot of policy and used to be trapped under the robust where no one is being able to reach them. and people are also saying that there are dead bodies everywhere on the streets. but these are the forces yesterday started expanding their operation and invent operations industries are yeah. where the issue goes, evacuating orders for all the areas and surrounding areas in this area, including the old city, one of the oldest spaces in the gaza city. and it's, it's, it has, all of these are architecture and, and places that policy new, especially in gaza, love it has a the goal of markets and different areas that policy news have been taking care of for many years right now. and also that it's area and all of these areas where they were parked as densely populated with areas. and let me remind you the people from
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to bad and big now got evacuated to bills, areas after that is where the forces at launch and intensive, also ground operation in those areas so far as the needs are left. how does that mean? they're frustrated, they do not know where to go, and all they feel is they are going to lose their lives in any seconds. so i mean i'm that tend to hold that a from data is valid to the health care system and those and garza has collapsed with no functioning hospitals. i'll just say it is heavy. my mood spoke to a doctor with a group of medical volunteers who spent nearly a month in areas in desperate need of help. talk to us on the how much it describes what's happening on the ground. the overall assessment, the situation of the health care system in north and part of that is that is get this perfect. by all means there's a significant shortage of everything. the search engine and medical supplies and surgical specialities. but as you, as just as you mentioned in your, in your, in your introductions, there's currently no functioning hospitals and has
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a safety we, we are part of a mission and throw the organization into the north and part of it as it we actually the 1st mission to enter the north and part of it as the so this mission actually it's been, you know, under uh, excessive planning and coordination for almost now 3 months. uh, basically we had it originally uh, with the competitors one hospital in may. and that did not go through because of the closure of the crossing border back in may. and then we had to work harder against for the more expensive coordination. so it requires a lot of planning, a lot of coordinations through the world as organization project top and the jordan hills. it societies, it's request special, basically volunteers based on the actual needs there. so we went there, 2 surgeons, one of messages and 2 operating nurses because the significant shortage of health care. so we sell it to you as we speak right now. there's only 5 surgeons taken care of more than 800000 populations. these are the only 5 searches that's left,
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2 of them are seniors, and that is are actually young. still in training surgeons. so we tell you that these are cuz these are numbers. this is definitely not enough to take care of these massive casualties that are really related toward, in addition to the other surgical diseases that's requires data interventions in, in, in the north and part of that. so it took us around 5 hours to cross from there to the north. and part of that is that same thing to cross back from north in plaza to derek. but after it's around 5 hour trip, although it's only 20 kilometers, it's kind of distance. but it's a very, very expensive trip, takes a lot of coordinations, a lot of planning, a lot of waiting a lot of clearance until we reach back and forth to the, to that, to that, to that, to our goal and back to didn't by a doctor a som, out at the past 9 months with the intense bombing campaign as lift gaza population in shock, further civilian casualties, destruction,
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if aware that these are not the only elements that are making palestinians not quite miserable. there's other elements by products of words such as mounting nutrition and forces spar vision on the hydration. can you share with us what, from your experience personally, but what you have see, and i'm able to documented terms of the spread of, of malnutrition is that evidence of malnutrition. as a physician was very obvious on a patient that we treated basically, all of them are obviously not noticed. their pale they're, you know, living live in a very low. and basically they're having significant must and wasting. we're talking about the patients themselves and the companions. and this is very obvious from the 1st, the 1st step that you look at. in addition, this when you do surgeries on these patients, typically you encounter some most of trying to do some surgeries. and in almost all the patients that we dealt with, we could barely see muscles. that's mean this has been going through slowly so long time of muscle wasting, so their bodies eating their muscles. so the cancer 5,
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hundreds of trunks carrying aid for palestinians in gauze are all spill stranded near both the points waiting for his ready permission to enter some drive of say they seem waiting for weeks in hot weather in egypt, most of the trunk. so kind was a perishable food, a groups phone, there's a high risk of famine across the besieged, gaza strip. rewind says around $17000.00 palestinian children and girls that are being olsen, though, separated from the parents many and now being looked off to by relatives out 0 social media platform a j plus both the 2 women. we're now carrying for their roles, and nieces and nephews is on all the reports from inside casa, a heading home. oh, i see. i see them in there. awesome. um. so what i see the house has been some children are lucky to have some of their family members. i live like
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ice and i so is one of more than 17000 children or friends you encourages side and goes chip. a sudden on the, in the, when i mean had to go to the se, but below, in a seed one bar above the bubble. i see it in the front of one of them. it goes over to the list to show the, the person that i said, no, go ahead and did you then tell you that and did, did it get a, ted, it's the subdivisions, you know, was your help so that i'll forget that a whole. so i'll get a couple equal your when mom on the boat and add in the song, which was the image, the seat. i visited another family i, she and her mom or amount taken care of her sister's children. 5 children. i shall also has 5 children of her own and only 3 days after these raise the army codes
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here. sister. they also told her 18 years old daughter. now i sure, and the children are sheltering in comp anamosa area. so let's see them is gonna stay on, you know, you have to and can eunice left on the salt on, wasn't her. yeah. and then how about in missouri, a joys a i miss to show that i have to go where i live. well measure i'm is that you as a, as in sam you, anybody i'm in the why them coming in to know i didn't know that that's what i ask you to smoke. but i've got a lid open it usually. oh goodness, i can double the young man had been obviously mama, mama to hand it to her and when the lot so live in the blind. i
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mean, yeah, i know he, i'm going to be at the he and includes the for the i had and degree of these. you had a math easy. yeah, that's the login. and in the, in man is to, could be, you know, most people go to see anybody more because they end up a sort of idea of nothing but pitched it in what a fee. and what a and e side, the middle of live out to him. let's just sit the hotel best shock. so then there's the 50. yeah, let alone. what else? if we did the conditions for families life i just was the main district was next to no support available. and as the core, the difficult approach is $40000.00. that means more and more people like kids when it's updating for both ends and has to watch the full version of be sent out of the film, visit a j plus youtube channel, a tiny mall set ahead on the news out, including survivors and the wreckage of
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a children's hospital on the thousands of russian attacks and ukraine, allegations of war crimes in northwest and in law with the ministries accused of bombing schools and churches. the discussions are on the way to form frances next government a day off to election results throughout the hung parliament. the less doing alliance, one of the most seats in the 2nd round of snap parliamentary elections. it's a standing result and a huge set back for the fall rights leaves from some political deadlock. know policy reached a clear majority. you see? well now presently mining micro on his off prime minister, gabriela talked to stay on following his offer to resign. the left coalition, one, a $182.00 states. that's not even close to the 289 needed to control the national
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assembly. but it's the, the zone loop. now shaw says the left is ready to govern. president, evaluate micron, centrist on sambal alliance came 2nd with a 168 seats. with 3 is less than is. tom cromwell now have to form alliances to run the country. the far right national riley, which did well in the 1st round, came inside it secured a 143 seats and the republicans. they finished both with 45 seats. national riley b. the jo then bought the says, mistakes have been made with the policies rise to power as may have been delayed. the recipient seals all good. of course we always make mistakes. i've made some, we've all made some and i take my share of responsibility. i've read at the helm of the national valley during the european election and in this campaign. so i take responsibility as much of the victory in the european elections. as in yesterday's defeat, 10 attach a bond flag,
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joins us now from paris. so natasha. any indication of when my call might start the process of looking for a new prime minister and government plus, i'm sure he's thinking about it. but for now was presence of mind when michael has done, has turned down the l for a resignation from his 5 minutes to gabrielle. that's all, that's how i offered his resignation. is procedural all to an election in which the policy lost and the government of fail. michael has also how to stay on because we feel the big games coming off, but he's likely last going to stay through that just to offer from a period of debility or someone tries to work out exactly what's going to happen next. because for the time be you have a next one, the lines and my goals send for slope, looking to see whether or not they might form some form of coalition. who the prime
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minister might be, who that person would be, that would be appointed by a person, michael, we don't know, but will not hold jobs have on his side. in some respects, it's time because under the french constitution, he doesn't actually have a deadline to which he needs to adhere. and he has said that he wants to take his time that he wants to wait to see what the options are before making any decisions . there is also a question here is that i'm not sure about whether the less this blogs, the new pops up front. do they have a consensus candidate for prime minister at this point? that was one of the issues of tradition would take page says that uh, present my call would need to the point of prime minister from the policy that has the most receipts empowerment. and in this case, it is the left wing alliance. so tradition of my call would be look into the left on the lines uh to a point, one of the candidates and the 3 lines. so any believe that the front mr. should
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come from that bill because they have the most seats. the problem is that lions is made off of a number of parties including frames and socialist halls, left the members too. and they don't necessarily agree amongst themselves. they've certainly done a very controlled and managing to get through to their selection. get this fall, say all very aware and we've heard from a number of them. it's like going to have to stay together, stay, you know, it's called, if they say, well, this whole for tag to collapse if they don't. well, they lead. if you like to collapse, but at this point they don't have any candidates to hold leslie to charlie's little soul would certainly like to see himself options for me to say, even though he said he might not want to be prime minister. but for many years he is wanted to leave faults and his running manufacture central races. i said he was one of the was the 1st person to come out of the results came out on sunday night and said that it was a victory victory for him. but he's a fairy decisive big,
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and there's no way you could imagine present, michael, forcing. charlie's mental stories, being one of his political nemesis for the last a few years during my calls to tons as his prime minister. so what mark old wants is a conceptual count of a we know that left wing allies all amongst themselves in meetings and negotiations, trying to work out who that person would be. what is something like either would necessarily you guys get a name any time soon? it could take days, it could take longer. all right, thanks so much to tasha bottom left from terrace, so that update ottoman steinbach is an economist, and professor of european lou at h e. c. paris joins us now live from the french capital. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, how do you read my crowns policy at this point? is he playing foot time before looking for a new prime minister? and how might that help him?
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i mean, he certainly is blake for time, but you have to consider that my call is one of the biggest loser offices of the selection he called at the snap election in order to clarify the situation in order to make sure that he has the support of the citizens and the opposite test happened to the country is divided more than ever with one. so it's for the level of the voting for the left wants us for the center wants. it's for the right. so this, no, did you, did you need to you in the country? and she is confronted with a situation based operating loss of legitimacy himself and still he has to crack government. so he's not very delicate situation because you have to find someone who is so sufficiently supported in the parliament. how does playing for time help him in that strategy? does it give him all his centrist block? more leverage on the assumption that as with time passing,
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maybe the less this block will develop more divisions and we can as well not necessarily, i mean the 1st of all, the big stuff you mentioned. so you need some stability at this very moment indeed as not to rush into upon thing in your government. but by september she has to come up with a new budget for the budget, 2025. and in order to pass this law, she needs to has a running a government. so the more time passes by the more it's going to be draws for him them. but certainly on the other hand, the left parties, um they are another united group. they only came together in order to bar or the file was against the the right extreme party and the very fiction is in their own have broken so it could happen that overtime, indeed the left block was split up. and some of those that are more centric oriented move towards the center and how come across
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a bit of the government. many of the differences between the less this and the central center, actually on economic issues, right. and do you think the 2 can bridge the divide on issues like increasing tax for the wealthy raising the minimum wage is scrapping, the retirement reform, these are the bonds of the left this block which wrong country to my crumb centrist policies. right? absolutely. i mean, on the, on the economic jobs, there's a huge gap between what, what can be physically viable, and what is the monitored by the last block and what to start? is he not acceptable for my call for this century block is an abutment of this pension. reform that he pushed through last year, which is from an economic perspective enormously important for sustainable public funds. and you need to consider as well as the funds is not in. they do know that a comfortable situation from a fiscal policy perspective from this heavily indebted process,
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scruggs have very high deficit, which brings it to in violation of the european union vista roofs and then has to bring down this physical deficits. and was all that the balance of these populace and expensive a mattress that the less propose that is not reconciled with this. but he's just a rewards. it's interesting, he said that is it really possible to expect from to move in that direction of, of reducing its fiscal exposure. it's indebtedness when one way of looking at the parliament is that if you look at both the national riley, the policy with the most states, you look at the left, his blog, which has a blog. one. the most is it fed say a majority of, of parliamentarians in terms of economic policy. i'm more for increasing the lots of those on the lower end of the ending scale round the van helping businesses.
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it is true. i mean, we have to realize the fact that the epi zillow top pro business re falls in front of the old macro. and as far as administration be pushed through a number of important for business and reforms, tax policies, labor market policies, and what piece you know, offer this is election with extreme partners gaming. you see that more and more ever compromises have to be, have to be made in many of these requests are simply not reconciled. the, with the, with the economics and the, this bring side of my call and this, the in the, in the delicate situation. but he has one support, and the support is the market we saw with the last couple weeks, markets, accepting pressure on fraud or by the southern bond spreads. the french bond spread, spreading widely and widening towards for top of germany as a reference, and the blind spread and the markets pressure and funds could be a dis opinion or a tool for the government, but also for the extreme parties. all right,
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i guess time will tell thanks so much. feel faults and analysis on that one on main . steinbach, economist, us president joe biden, this told fellow democrats, he's finally committed to his re election campaign 5 and wrote alexis of politicians, promising to stay in the presidential race to be for republican challenger. private donald from the presidents on the mounting pressure from democrats, worried about is fitness for office, you know, into, with us media buys and studies not going anywhere. sold his critics to challenge him. the democratic convention in august a white house correspondent, kimberly house that is joining us live now. so kimberly, does it look like democrats in congress of buying bivens message that is moving out for a 2nd time when currently no. 8 right now,
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what we have are at least 4 members of congress that are privately calling for joe biden to step down. and they have made their names public, but are speaking to the democratic leader hakim jeffries. and we know that was democratic lawmakers returning from their recess over the independence holiday, says the number that will be going public with this message is expected to grow over this week. now the number that you are calling for the president to call off his re election bid, as we say right now is about 4. but again, that number is expected to grow. and the number that are saying that the party leader should really push for the president to step aside is expected to grow as of friday. now. a a number of ways this could happen. it could be sort of something that we've seen not recently, and we'd have to go back to about 1974 for the strategy being kind of
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a private method. and that would be sort of a private intervention such as we saw with barry goldwater and richard nixon, or could be something more in the form of a public statement. but for now, what we're hearing is that it's going to be sort of something in the form of a listening mode. in other words, what we're just seeing is the, the party leaders really just listening to their party members kind to kind of keep things calm and contain for now what we know is that there is a luncheon that takes place every week on tuesdays, the party license the board to listen to their members, try and sort of the see where things stand and then decide from there where to take it. when i say, see where to take it, how much of a window of time do democrats have to see where to take this and how to resolve the issue of vitamins candidacy to the bottom line is the clock is ticking. everybody
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knows that there's very little time. so what we're hearing in washington is that most have decided, at least from the democratic side, the friday is the so called sauce deadline to make a decision for president 5 and to really prove that he is up to the job. we've already had the presidents, i'm not giving up the letter, but we also know that the president has also been reaching out to members of congress up on capitol hill. he's apparently made up to 20 personal phone calls to members of congress. he's supposed to be reaching out to others this week, but what we know in terms of the strategy is that president biden is trying to portray those that are calling for him to step aside as these white lead liberals sort of the donor class. if you will. and what is counting offers based support is really african americans and white working class democrats. and he's sort of tried to portray. but if those put the push him out are sort of these are rich lead
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white liberals that this really back fire on the party. and help for were president donald trump, get into the white house. and that's kimberly, however full of things from outside the white house for us. now finding his resume between government forces and m. $23.00 fights isn't the eastern democratic republic of congo comes only 2 days off through us brokers, united savvy and true cities hostilities suppose was to allow for the volunteer of a ton of displaced people and provide humanitarian personnel access to the venerable revel. groups of seas mole, towns in recent months and now control launch pulse the east through is that going on by wagner is minister of foreign affairs, the democratic republic of congo. she blames neighbor and rolanda fulfilling the conflict as we have thought. a deterioration of the situation over the past weeks. i think it's very important to highlight the fact that this is due to the presence,
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the significant presence of run defense force military on our territory in violation of our territorial integrity situation that we're looking at is one where we are faced with an influx and an aggression from our neighboring country rhonda that has sent over 4000 troops that have fueled massive displacement crisis in eastern new york. our government is that fast or government is at the side of our population. again, even if one that is denying its presence, i refer you to the last report of the group of experts. i refer you to all of the statements of the security council members that have an expected or have demanded from rhonda to withdraw from the d. r. c, now i want to be very clear on this. the capacity of an army or armed forces is no longer is not an issue that's puts up to debates. but again, a for section of the armies performance is not an entry way to say that we are not
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entitled to the same protection and the same respects of our suburb and boundaries . by rhonda heading out this era in the as prime minister arrives in russia, we look a wise visit so significant the turbulent times for boeing. we've the latest on investigations linked to 2737, next by told crashes. and spain think they know what it takes to in their opinion, championship we've here from one of the players, the head of the semi final against from fences for the, the low. it's what we've been warning about for days. hurricane barrel making line fall in southern texas. not too far away from corpus christi, but it is now looking like this is going to dallas houston with copious amounts of
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rain. we know this area is prone to flooding, so certainly not good news. not good news in the us. how fast is while we're in the thick of the heat wave other day it was palm springs. now it's vegas recording. it's hot is they ever on record 48.9 degrees. but look at this for the 1st time in several days. sacramento dipping out of the forty's today on monday, the seat now traveling further towards the north. so in the us state of oregon, portland, you could close in on your hottest july day on record number to beat is 42. got you in for 40 degrees on tuesday and dialing up the heat through the great lakes us northeast and the mid advantage. sure. some showers in storms here, central america looks like the weather is weather will be along the pacific coast of both mexico and guatemala. today on monday and for the top end of south america, fairly quiet. we'd expect to see the rain is falling where it should be buenos aires, just 8 degrees and switch. you should be for an overnight. lo, there is some rain in southern brazil, but check this at waking up on tuesdays sub 0 in many places in for parts of lake
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right in southern presented for. but you should be waking up to the, to understand we must experience life through not designed to discover the stories because we spent a loan in the past due to the voices drowned out by the witness on which is there the, [000:00:00;00]
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the system even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award. nominate your hero. now. the, i'll come back and watching out is there a time somebody capital headlines now? how much has condemned these right and no trees latest to, to forcing thousands of palestinians out of several neighborhoods in regards to the city. it happens. this is 12 steps off. it's from baldwin. the northern area discussions are on the way to form from says next governments the day off through
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election results throughout the having problems last week. the lines one, the most seats and the 2nd round of snack parliamentary elections. it's starting result. and the huge set 5 for the fall right. us president joe biden installed the democrats. he's firmly committed to his re election campaign fight and both elected the politicians balance and stay in the presidential comes to be republican challenge. and donald trump, the president's on the mounting pressure from democrats, worried the policies candidacy of the children's hospital is being hit by russian missiles into ukrainian capital kids. the cities may a says, one of it's one of the worst attacks on the capsule since the war began. in all at least 31 people were killed in russian attacks bryce of cross who cried suddenly guy go now as this is what remains to be off monday,
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it's children's hospital and keith dudley. biology miss south struck the building in broad daylight smoke below dash of the destruction and the horror of yet another attack. what a medical facility became apparent. we came here to the hospital 5 minutes before the thought happened. we manage to get to the pediatric ward. i don't know, it is a nightmare. i both even know if it was a mistake, it hits or the fragments of a messiah. not a moment to lose in the front, take efforts to save as many lives possible. as rescue as remove debris as quickly as they could to search for survivors. this is ukraine's largest pediatric hospital and the leading center in the country for treating children with cancer. parts of it now reduced to rubble up to rush up on board at the site and what appeared to be an attack on civilian targets. nearby,
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a pop of blocks also damaged there's been a massive attack targeting districts, upkeep, city. they have been missed all hits, like hearing off my feet, and fragments of miss house people have been killed. details are being confirmed soon. we will be able to provide more information about the wounded. the attack happened as the cranium president followed him. is the lensky was visiting the polish capital also ahead of the nato summit in washington. and he called for russia to be held accountable for their actions. but at the humid time, it will not the 1st of all, i expect very concrete, announces and steps from our apartments at the nato summit size will have a meeting dedicated to reinforcing ukraine's ad defenses. cutting costs of an infrastructure towards the supplies and the energy grid. and then at the cm, what is the attack was not limited to the capital. industrial facilities, as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hits in the pro come
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a towards the landscape hometown of cvd, among other locations of the kremlin, responded by blaming ukraine for the attack. saying that it's military did not attack civilian infrastructure, putting more pressure on ukraine's allies to send more defense systems to send a further attacks on his people. so anybody ever outta 0, india is prime minister is visiting russia for the 1st time since the invasion of ukraine. that under moody arrived in moscow for a 2 day trip, is expected to haul talks with russian president vladimir putin. lights were on tuesday. you the shop of oliver is live for us in moscow for more on notice trip. so is this going to be about oil and weapons to a big extent as well? absolutely. but no just that. so basically, it's also not under moody's 1st floor and visit officer, his re election for a set time, which is very significant. because previously after the re election,
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the head of the engine government used to visit neighboring country spots and no russia. so during the visit, both sides, the set to discuss issues of global and regional significance, as well as the countries successfully developing relations to nice integration that has been advises for did that. and also the topic of ukraine will be addressed during the tour uh, between the 2 ends. yeah, maintains a neutral stages and because like that's many agreed, it could play immunization vote and resolving as and also according to reuters, the issue of indians financing and ukraine on the russian side is to be raised during the tools into estimates around full say of its citizens that could be subbing at the russian army. so mode is government is going to demolish the release . nowadays, indian russia have phone, let's go on. it can only ties. russia is one of ranges leading trading partners versus exports to india. i mainly oil and weapons, as you mentioned,
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and most of it has become in just full trading pod. now i'm the total trade center between the 2 countries has amounted to $65.00 trillion dollars. however, there is a serious trade in bought and so to speak, between the 2 as russian exports to india have exceeded india and exports to rush or by 16 times of stocks because of the logical human russian oil patch this very lucrative for india and things. and i was very keen to receive the chief russian oil. right and do the, what's the big picture here for strategic interest beyond guns, oil and people fighting in the russian army as well. historically, the ties between the 2 huffman and remain very strong. they've enjoyed very friendly relations since some of the times up let's claim oscar is of course a strategic partner of delhi and also plays a role of a bond and so to speak and, and just relations with china, both beijing, delhi or allies of russia. but since 2020,
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that relations have been trained that voted disputes that could potentially to an oncall pick between them. so, russia's role here is to bring more balance between the 2. also, russian and india recently managed to result a problem with a large amount of indian repeats which most crew had received for us. and is your expos some time ago the country switched to payments? a national current state's not debris piece and an accumulation by russia has been invested in engine infrastructure projects within that country. according to unless investing in india is a good thing to do as the country's economy is growing very rapidly. ok, we'll leave bath now. usually i show valuable. boeing has accepted a plea, deal on a criminal, full charge related to 2 faithful crashes of its 737 max jets. the terms include a fine of more than $243000000.00, least $346.00 people were killed in crashes and indonesia and
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d. c. up here in 2018, and 2019. the justice department found being guilty of violating a settlement in which the company avoided criminal charges. the company was accused of repeated safety fame is relatives of the victims. same deal means boeing avoids criminal challenges and quote, un billions in compensation. annual shelton is the managing director of the consultancy aviation advocacy. he says buying a settled for the best of a set of bad outcomes, a bomb. and you have a great to these to avoid the item you have going through court and having all the evidence laid and, and having the story really the guy that again. but i think it's also important to remember that this is a litigation. they wouldn't be an american cool guy. so if that wasn't complicated, so i, i apologize. but the, the issue i think is that boeing had originally agreed
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a series of safety changes and other things which died breached. and so this is for the breach of the original advertising. so it's a very serious case. and it's, it's a, it's a good, an outcome as don could have wanted, but it's by not going to go down. it will have a criminal record. i got a corporate criminal record that's an issue. it would, it would normally meaning that it would be battling would be unable to attend a whole new department of defense work in the united states because having a criminal record exclusion of course, the department of defense comp live with the boeing it prevents most of its airplanes, almost a little metallic up, there's a lot of, it's me solved rockets, etc, but the consequently they gotta need to find a compromise to get around that some sort of way. but that obligation, more generally in the civil area. um, i think it's, it will be an interesting anomaly, but i don't think it will. it will help the business your opinion, whether observation agencies as last month was the wells office, june on record,
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says the average global temperature in the policy has been around 1.6 degrees celsius. above average, the agency says human cause climate change and the new weather pattern that have contributed to the record. at least 10 people have been killed off through a line slide crashed onto an illegal gold mine. and in denisia 19 people have been reported missing and sort of why sea island land slide was triggered by torrential rain. officials say rescue mission. so the dead an inch. it's a proving difficult a dungeon. so i got to leave that on. uh, the terrain is extreme, the route that was normally used by the mine is a motorcycle is that cuts off because all the bridges along the route collapse. so it is very difficult to get to the mines. and the only way is by foot somewhat. at least 66 people have died in line slides in slugs, and india is northeastern states of us. some. the region is seen months of monsoon, rain, 42 year olds. i'm an hon. is a resident of cuz talley village and bought a pass
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a district. he explains how he's struggling to survive and account or waiting for his to receive me. now living with ha, tardies was my name is, i mean to find my house and go to these aren't the water. that is why i'm here. the i was upgrading my house when i got back i saw my house was under water. we are poor. we are living by farming on the sand box. all my to the plantation with some motion, and it would only save some which i brought to the camp. i swam to the camp, but my go. when it came here to the camp, nobody has a game with my wife and 3 children, but did not have food or water anything. me and my children slip hungry that night . i am now living in the tent, but my cause it out and i still have no access to thinking more. i am drinking river water. i don't want to even then i have to train somebody,
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keep myself for like how nevada the nearly everyone here is facing the same problem . what of the crops are planted orland deflect waters? some houses are fully so most within the roof under water. many houses have been swept away by the facts. it was, this is why people are living on elderly scam. these plots of cause a lot of damage. i planted 3 acres of june. it is now all metal and equally of truly farm is also damaged by the sex. i could only see one sec of tv, which i got with myself to begin. i am trying you to, it's many 15 people. i have not seen any organization of the government here, honestly what i line and then how do i see that they have helped the government will have to help us. it will have to compensate for the loss of across the government should also compensate with the houses that have been damaged. there's no other option for us. if they don't compensate, then what will be do?
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where will it be live? so i had on al jazeera, the sports team that got a royal, well come from the king of england details coming up with joe. the a business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination into by the type of catch up on all the sports news with joe now saw me. thank you. what we thought at wimbledon, whether she is friendship and run, rob alexander, is the or if it's aiming for a place in the quotes of finals the well number 4 is up against 13 c to taylor fritz by play as
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a chasing of 1st grand slam title is the germans there of her leads to set the love of to this much know what to for visual being action on sense of quotes, against home carina 9. see to alex to maneuver as into the law states at wimbledon for the 1st time. yes. really needed full set to get house on see did frenchman also sees it's the 3rd time seminole has reached the close of finals. a grand slam is lead loadings. and we said to you through to the quotes, find the grandson for the 1st time in his career. he came back from a set down to end the run, a frenchman, giovanni, pitchy ferry, co joins. well, the one younique's center in the courses is the 1st time in history. the multiple italian men have reached the law states at wimbledon. and the women's tournament for my champion, i nodded back. kinda is into her bud, straight to wimbledon, quotes the final. and then before seizures on the title in 2022, that's 643,
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love. when her opponent and cullen sky ever tied in just of to 53 minutes, they're back in. it is the highest ranked player remaining in the tool. even playing well as a team rather than having super stalls could prove to be the case of winning the european championship. that's according to spain. defend a month for korea. the spaniards take on fronds for a place in the final. on tuesday, spain have been one of the most impressive teams that the tournament, they knocked out host nation germany. previously, somebody had been on the course, sometimes it's much more valuable to have a great team and we're happy to be better as a whole band to have stones. and i think we're proving that maybe we don't have those stand out names will superstar, but as a team, we're very good, which if we play good football and so far, one of the things are going very well for us. it's adrienne tina are looking to retain that called the american title. they've trained for the 1st time since arriving in new jersey, the best semi fund against canada. on tuesday, the world champions eliminated equitable in the last round. columbia have arrived
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in charlotte for the 2nd semi final they take on iroquois i who knocked out brazil columbia. i'm basing in 27 games with the sol carpet tie. so came way back in 2001. the defending mens olympic high jump champion expects paris to be his final games. cut off with his boss. jim famously shed an icon, a gold with these highly and gen monica tom betty last time and took care in 2021. he says that won't happen again. no, definitely. when that happen again, you know, it's, it's, it's for me, i feel like it's a one woman thing. it was the history and the story behind it. but no, no, we support people, you know, very aggressive. you know, we are hungry for more. i want to be the best they want to be the best he wants to be the best. everyone wants to class and, and that's the sports, you know, so for me knows us will never happen again. so we'll fight to the end. the west indies, cricket team happened given a royal welcome, as they prepare for the test series in england crate breast white and his team were
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hosted by king charles at buckingham palace. the bridge smock also showed his care and consents to those affected by hurricane barrow, which cost at least $10.00 deck in the car been asked for financing. and this weeks tests at low smocks the end of an era. it will be the $198.00 and final test for legendary bullet. james anderson, 41 year old is the country the old time leading. we can't take up with 700 test scouts feel like i'm still bone as well as i ever have. but i knew how to end at some point whether it's now we'll be able to use the fact that it's now is just to something that i've got to deal with and accept. so i can completely understand the, the decision, the, the way that let's say you want to go the way the management want to go. i've sort of made pace with that and i'm excited to see what the future holds front front. be full back. melvin gemini has been suspended from national team j t following a racist remark he made in
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a video that went viral on social media. gemini has apologized, but has been sent home from argentina with fonts, a currently playing a too much series. the french rugby federation have condemned his comments to what nascar racing, chicago. now, what alex bowman, one the one to secure a spot in the play of the 31 year old beat. the weather conditions on the street coast take 1st place and find the races stopped for more than a 100 minutes because of the rain has been ac races since spoken last places. victory is lost. when was in vegas more than 2 years ago? all right, that is a useful finality as back to semi fang. so i'm gonna see international has released to report revealing what it calls reckless shipments of jet fuel to me in law, international sanctions on supplying jet fuel to the military way, introduced to stop the aerial attacks on civilian populations. but they had little effect this tony chang reports the ruins of some piece of the baptist church and
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connect village gang north west to me. and it's been on touch since january on the 1st sunday of the year, the ministry found it. and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children. that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family. immediately the bottom from the sky. and the much of the village was also destroyed in several other rates that day over several hours. most military denies responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place where they knew people would be gathering, with no military target. nearby is clear evidence of a crime where the term war crime comes in. it's just the the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the they have
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to know that civilians will die when they are launching is attacks. the militarist, used its power to terrible ascent in april last year. composites, you village also in this the going region fight to jets and how do you cope the gun ships, protect? they killed a 165 people. it was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military to, well, the willows, responsible, ever faced justice. that is certainly, i think, a hot topic or, or topic of discussion among them are people who feel let down by international mechanisms of international bodies. however, they do exist and, and they have been effective in the past assembling of normal life has returned to can, the area is now under control of resistance forces. opposed to military rule in school has started again. but the children still where the danger from the sky,
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tony chang out to 0. well that's it for this to south and back in the moment with another full show. so to stay with us here on out to 0, the a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's hell on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis. haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months . our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence african stories from african perspective. most people do know, i mean, they recommend, i do have plucking supplement things to show document raise by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya. serenade of this kind and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on. i'll just 0 some go south rush. i is a fair we challenge in place to work from as a journalist, even though the say you can't do it, it's not allowed to be a feel pushing. we're always pushing
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a boundaries for peacefully. marston's. here we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media doesn't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story of the thousands of palestinians on the move again, israel has ordered them to leave several neighborhoods. garza city, the semi site and this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up towards begin to for the next french government . the biggest left wing cover this and says it's ready to govern. determined to
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stay us. president joe biden says he's firmly committed to his re election campaign . despite growing a whole, some democrats to step aside from the new fighting between government forces and em


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