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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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i tell you, i mean it sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make, always explode on a pundents world. class. progress on ours is 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'm sammy's a, this has been use live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. thousands of palestinians on the move again is relo to them to leave several neighborhoods in kansas city. says israel's prime minister is placing obstacles in front of negotiations to end the war and the tax on the nor full garza,
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i'm helping folks begin to form the next french government. the biggest left wing calculation says it's ready to government. a search for survivors and the wreckage of a children's hospital and thousands of russian attacks. and you cry. joe biden tells this policy to challenge him at the democrats convention if they don't want him standing for the us presidency. and you want to just go with the school thing, keeping the latest upset at wimbledon with french open find list to alex found as thorough as knocks out by americans halo takes place in the close of finals. the masses condemned these reading the minutes res, latest order, full of things, thousands of palestinians, out of several neighborhoods of gauze. the city it happened as israel stepped up. it's from boston to the northern area. at least 40 people across the strip have
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been killed in the last 24 hours. charles traffic begins our coverage, the, the young and old, the sick and injured many of the homes already destroyed the order to evacuate and then told to move again. is really full. she's dropped leaflets, telling thousands of palestinians to leave neighborhoods in east garza city. most of these people have played he's really ministry operations hunting time, a spices many times before. they have displaced us and made us leave our homes. what could we do? maybe suffer like they made us suffer. where the, where are the, are of some be our leaders. no one is helping us are we not humans. this is inside a medical facility trying to treat malnourished children and then open goals a strip. the u. n says that more than 50000 children and goals are required. urgent
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medical treatment for acute malnutrition. a. do you and an international rights groups accuses rental blocking fuel and medical supplies? of to move a 1000000 months of what the palestinian health industry says or robust, 38000 palestinians killed international prussia is building on israel and have us to agree to us see spawn proposal backed by the un negotiations through country and egyptian mediations that was stored for weeks have restored it to her most israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's main goal is no negotiable. and that is to destroy on us. well, i'm not saying it has no shortage. main willing to fight. let me hold on a 2nd that i know of the mind. power of the cosign brigades is in very good shape during the war. we're able to create thousands of new fights into the support, right. and there are thousands more who are willing, ready,
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and extremely motivated. to join when necessary. 2 israel is bullying the fighting, the destruction of guns that goes on seized, deleted population, still trends with no, it's safe to go. a child something which is 0 in the hold of the joins us now live from data by law in central garza so where all these different evacuation or is leaving, palestinians have been displaced multiple times in the family. independence didn't use are tired of being displaced. one set up, again, we're talking about policy in use, especially those who are in the, not the written parts of god, the city and the people that are in the heart of god. the city they have been
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witnessing har or in the past 9 months. continue is this placement and a lot of more restrictions by those reports as they have been under located there have been under also severe starvation. we saw a lot of people dying due to violent attrition, and they had been also under unless our stress on our tenure sitting pharmacy news today chose not to listen to the is ready for says and chose not to evacuate that to the middle. there you're just like a the, is there any forces or order those kind of thing and they chose to stay in the gaza strip resistance. run your occupation, you resist the abstract artillery selling the locate and also the star base. and they have been with this thing, and they also move to the western parts. we know that there are no make shift comes in at the northern parts above the city, just like at the middle area. so part of sending chose to, to, to say, and some of them actually said that they prefer dot yang in their houses and refuse
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to evacuate. and what does the north of gauze that look like? and did the find thing going on in, should you? i the so the 5 the yet continues, we're talking about more than the week of the ground invasion and list slicing between the palestinian fighters and the is rarely forces. also there has been a ground invasion. no, i'm building since i've been able to reach there. you're no paramedics, those civil defense. people are expecting that there are a lot of people buried and trapped under the rubble. no one could rescue them. and there are a lot of dead bodies in the streets, but also is there any forces yesterday applied to expand their grounds operations in as soon as you add it the surrounding areas? that's why the back issue, those evacuation orders in the fall, in the boat as an in the old city. well, it's intensifying, it's escalating all over the gospel city until this point. there has been
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a lot of air strikes in our country. we're selling in the western parts of the god, the city. right. believe it. the thanks so much in the hopefully from that is about us in central garza now and even how many. because that is a join listing gauze as a date based as residents are still coming to terms with the effects of as well as in pennsville in bottom of the city last night. today this phrase of northern gaza city are mark my sense of when exactly things play as me phone last life. chaos. the offer mass of the violence has lift. many residents without homes i'm uncertain about their fuel source. people are moving to this race with a mix of fear and that through my insurance there soon for a safe place to stay. many families, including those who has already suffered so much, are now finding themselves without shelter. once again, they really is same. and one of the albany of space is like she's
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a school shelters are over the ground and i'm lacking basic necessities that phone spend 40 for further aspects as the already have a version of this placement rather than our shares stories of various from the tears, emphasizing there that there munition for several of the unsecure things that move in somewhere and the community is coming together to support each other as best as they can. under this harsh circumstance, there is a deep sense of loss of surfing the as people, as the harsh reality is revealed in their lives from miss on our sit table in northern gaza, have no place to go through and have watched in, in their minds. where do display. busy people misplace. we are here. northern guys though, since our own guys are city. how mazda is issued,
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a statement saying is offering flexibility and positivity and talked to reach the deal to end is charles, 9 month 4 and garza but its accusing israel's prime minister. then you mean that's and yeah, who are placing more obstacles to the negotiations and of escalating crimes against the palestinian people. the cold on media is to intervene and put pressure on these right. the, the, to the group also calls on international the instructional community to and the un to fulfill the humanitarian, then legal responsibilities, and put pressure on israel to end the crime of genocide. how mass wound of disastrous repercussions because of what is happening in gaza saying the occupations, right? to launch neighborhoods in gauze and the request to evacuate them would return negotiations back to point 0. is there any government has band out? is there a from reporting? and as well,
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so i'm the son who joins us from my mind in neighboring jordan. and i'm the, as we know that the, particularly the families of some of these are the captives, a keen to see a deal. how much can sun is rising over the future? of these talks, given the warning from assets accusing the prime minister of trying to scuffle them . now a bullet. there's been a lot of concern, a lot of pressure mounting on benjamin netanyahu. you'll recall that on sunday he released a statement with a list of 4 non negotiable. that wasn't exactly taken well within these really political realm. a lot of his really official speaking anonymously and not anonymously. you had said that this is not the way to start the go. she ations that in fact, the prime minister giving this list proves that he's not serious about the negotiations . and in fact, is trying to extend the war for his own political gain. and when is really
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respondents were polled on this very issue by israel's channel? 12 more than half of those who answered it said, but that is how they feel, but nothing. yahoo is not serious about these negotiations and is prolonging the war for his own political considerations. now what him us has said, is that nets and yahoo giving these types of non negotiable as giving these types of measures in statements is something that is going to force the negotiations to not be successful. how much has also said that they are willing to be flexible and give a flexibility on a wide variety of levels and they're blaming that's in yahoo for not meeting them half way, but nothing yahoo has blamed him us for that very reason. so a lot of pressure mounting as these negotiations are continuing. we're also hearing from some of these by the officials within the cabinets about the seas. 5 folks, what are, what are they saying? what we've been hearing from members of the far right. these are members of
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netanyahu's own coalition, known ultra nationalists like you to more bend. we're the country's national security minister and pencil. it smelt rich, the country's finance minister. let's start with small traits. who have said previously that any sort of deal these really government enters into would be a quote when for him us and it is not right for these really are me to quote quit while they are ahead and not giving any sort of wiggle room or pause when it comes to these negotiations would mean that israel will not achieve its absolute victory . now let's move on to each of our bank beer who has accused prime minister benjamin netanyahu of essentially operating a one man show when it comes to the government saying that she wants a higher role in these negotiations. you'll recall. but bethany all who has dissolved the country's war cabinet several weeks ago. 2 after members of the unity government had left that position, but nothing yahoo chose to dissolve it altogether rather than inviting members from
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the far right. so there's a lot of tension from the far right. members saying that they would both the coalition essentially, meaning that the government would collapse if nothing, yahoo does not enter a deal that they would find favorable. all right, we're going to leave with that. let's think hum this although time just to remind the spending mean nothing else government has band. i'll just hear from reporting in israel, which is why i'm the is reporting to us from outside for the country. hundreds of trucks, meanwhile, and counting aid for palestinians and gaza. still stranded near both the points waiting for his riley permission to enter some drive as say they've been waiting for weeks in hot weather in egypt. most of the trucks are carrying volta and perishable food, a groups will and there's a high risk of famine across the besieged cause a strip and the husband of the day. and before the slow, we came, he understood for more than 50 days, and eventually the load was be done because it had expired of it. we had to turn
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around and returned it. we loaded another bunch. here we are spending again, and only god knows if the smoke will make it before it expires through and says around 17000 palestinian children and girls have been opened all separated from the parents many and now being looked off to by relatives. i'll just here a social media platform a j plus spoke to, to women without caring for the often nieces and nephews this on all the reports from inside garza how do you mean? hm. i see. i see them in the same. um the one i see the house has them, but some children are lucky to have some of their family members. i live like ice and i so is one of more than 17000 children or friends you encourages side and goes chip. a sudden on the, in the, when i mean had to get left of the se, but well, no one seed,
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one bob up at the bubble. i see the front of one of them. it goes over the bus, the show, the foot in the bottom of the left us that i said no, go ahead and did you then tell you that and did get in touch with the customer for jim. janelle was your help set that up. um, how for the a whole for the up or equal your when mom on the boat and add in the song which was the image, the seat a hi. visits with another family i she and her mom or amount taken care of her sister's children. 5 children, i shall also has 5 children of her own. and only 3 days after these re, the army codes here, sister, they also told her 18 years old daughter. now i sure, and the children are shouting and comp and the most area. so let's see them
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is gonna stay on the have him and come eunice, left on the salt on was in, i need a cover in missouri. enjoys i missed a shuttle. i have to go. what i need will measure on is a, is a, a in sir. um you know anybody on the line with them coming in today? i didn't know that i would ask you this, but i've got a bottle lid open it fusion. oh goodness i can. um yeah look yeah, it'd been obviously mama, mama to hand it to her and when the love to live in the blind i mean yeah. i know. yeah. and then to be a clue. i hear them holds the for the i had and to get these were had a much easy yeah, that's the law. yeah. and hadn't been there in managed to could be, you know, what the, she hadn't been a more cause we ended the sort of idea of nothing but pushed it in with
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a fee. and we're any side when it's in the middle of live up to him. let's just sit the hotel but we shock so then there's the 50. yeah, let alone one of the we did the conditions for families life i should remain desperate with next to no support available. and as the core, the distilled approaches, 40000. that means more and more people like kids, with ends updating for both ends and has as well to watch the full version of this site analysis. so visit the a j plus youtube channel. the funds faces the prospect of a long period of political paralysis a day off, the appall them entry elections. discussions are on the way form the next government off to the left wing alliance, one the most seats, and the 2nd round,
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the voting. no not for not right. majority of the smiths reports from paris, france is newly elected. assembly members run the gauntlet of june list as they arrive to stop the new jobs, but to a few definitive answers to questions about what the new government will look like when it will take shape. although i'm a no, no, i think that will be a period of a transitional government where immediate concerns will be managed by the administer is already in place, especially to be in the big games. after that, it will take as long as it takes you shouldn't be in a hurry when it comes to democracy. so he's the most popular lead as well. now, starting negotiations to see if a governing coalition come before the surprise. when is all the left wing aligns the new popular front with the largest number of seats but well show to the majority. it's fractious made up of parties from the fall left to send to left. it wants to repeal the rise in the retirement age and increase the minimum wage. news
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of more that is, when we have the responsibility at the new popular front, it's not disciplined. the french people must hear the end of the disappointment, but also the mistrust of a such a number of voters. those who did not come to the polls, including those who cause they vote for the far right. gabriella towel will stay on his prime minister for now. president emmanuel macro on turned down his offer to resign to the left wing. the lines will be tested by who they want to succeed. a tile as prime minister leads, or if the fall left from about shall move, mellow shall has his eye on that prize. but many on the center left would find that unacceptable. one of their leaders of the life post office said it's perfectly well . he said, the french gave us another chance, which means that if, if there is no improvement in the political climate in the next few months, then it would be by the end of end winning the following time. and that's a very serious. it's right on the 4 digit goals that i mentioned across the far
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right. national riley is down, but not out. it's now the 3rd largest group in the assembly. it's parliamentary, lead a marine. the pen could seek to capitalize on any political instability. and money will knock on cold, it's not collections. to provide clarification from the office, it happened. the french people showed what they are against, but not what they are for the presidency is weakened a months perhaps longer of unstable government lies ahead. bernard smith, i'll just say ro, parts ottoman steinbach is an economist, i'm professor of european law. he says, and 90 microns challenge will be to form a government with alliances that support his economic policies. my call is one of the biggest loser of this, of the selection he called the snip election in order to clarify the situation in order to make sure that he has the support of the citizens. and the opposite has happened to the country is divided more than ever with one. so it's for the level
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of the voting for the left. wants it for the center one. so for the right. so this no, because you said you need to you in the country and she is confronted with a situation where he's suffering loss of this to, to see himself by september. he has to come up with a new budget for the budget, 2025. and in order to pass this law, she needs to has a running a government. so the more time passes by the more it's going to be draws for him. but certainly on the other hand, the left parties, they are in the united group, they want to come together in order to bar or to the fluids of pile one against the, the right extreme party. and they are very fictional in their own programs on economic times, there's a huge gap between what, what can be physically viable and what is demanded by the last block and what it's talking to the not acceptable for my call for this century blocked is an embodiment
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of this pension reform that he pushed through last year, which is fine. you cannot make perspective enormously important for sustainable public findings. and you need to consider as well as the fonts is not. and they know that a comfortable situation from a fiscal policy perspective process is heavily indebted frost. lots of very high deficit, which brings it to in violation of the european union does the rules and it has to bring down this physical deficit. and was all of that that of these population expensive a mattress that does not propose that it's not reconciled with with this. but these fiscal rules. it's a children's hospital as being hit by russian missiles in the ukrainian capital kids. the cities man says it's one of the was the tanks on the council since the war began. in all at least $31.00 people were killed in motion, a tax prize across ukraine. sonya guy go reports. this is what
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remains of your children's hospital and keith dudley. biology of miss south struck the building and broad daylights. smoke billowed after the destruction and the horror of yet another attack. what a medical facility became apparent. we came here to the hospital 5 minutes before it's all happened. we managed to get to the pediatric ward. i don't know. it is a nightmare. i both even know if it was a miss side hits or a fragment of a messiah. not a moment to lose and the frontier gas that's to save as many lives possible as rescue is remove debris as quickly as they could to search for survivors. this is ukraine's largest pediatric hospital and the leading sensor in the country for treating children with cancer. positive it now reduced to rubble, up to russia, bombarded the site and what appeared to be an attack on civilian targets. nearby
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a public blocks also damaged there's been a massive attack targeting districts of keep city therapy miss all hits like here and off my feet. and fragments of missiles, people have been killed, details are being confirmed soon, we will be able to provide more information about the wounded. the attack happened as the cranium president followed him is lensky was visiting the polish capital also ahead of the nato summit in washington. medical for russia to be held accountable for their actions, but at the humid time it will not the 1st of all, i expect very concrete ounces is an steps from our apartments at the nato summit size. we have a meeting dedicated to reinforcing ukraine's ad defenses. cutting costs of an infrastructure to water supplies and the energy grid, and then the swim. what is the check was not limited to the capital. industrial facilities, as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hit in the pro comma
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towards the landscapes hometown of cvd, among other locations. the crumbling responded by blaming ukraine for the attack, saying that its military did not attack civilian infrastructure. putting more pressure on ukraine's allies to send more defense systems to send a further attacks on his people. so many valuable out a 0 do as president joe biden. this told fellow democrats, he is firmly committed to his re election campaign by monroe to that the politicians promising to stay in the presidential race, to beat republican challenger. donald trump, the president's under mounting pressure from democrats, worried about his fitness for office. in an interview with us media bite and says he's not going anywhere. you told critics to challenge him at the democratic convention in august. i'm always talking about how i don't have the wide support. come on, gimme a break. come with me why? why?
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i'm getting so frustrated, but by the lease now i'm not talking about you guys, but by the lease in the parties, who are they know so much more with any of these guys? yeah, i don't think i should run against me. good, now, sort of announcer, president, challenge man to let you know on your calls are wrong. and brands are also right. you know, there's, there's, there's no right way or guy here in america, either a white house correspondent, kimberly house cuz joins us now. kimberly, so democrats, particularly in congress going for that kind of message from barton not right now. in fact, we know already that a number have already spoken out, for example, sen. bernie sanders has said, look, we just don't think that the job ivan is able to do the job nice guy, but just not able or capable anymore. and so we expect throughout the week that the number of that are probably saying that is only going to build with momentum as the
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congressional recess is now over. what we know right now is that the democratic party leadership is in listening mode. there is a policy luncheon that is set to take place on tuesday where they will try to figure things out there, a number of options. there could be a sort of private intervention, something we've not seen since 1974 and richard dixon. so i but to, to try and push jo by them out, or they could, it was something a little bit more drastic to sort of so called nuclear option, where they issue a public statement that could really embarrass present in july to the end of the day. complete, how much of a window do democrats have to resolve this one? not much time as approximately checking, i believe the democratic national convention. this is about 42 is way is lou montgomery. we really is, the time is running out. so the bombing time it's bottom line and all of this is
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that there's not much time left. we've got a very little time and the bottom line. and all of this policy is that the window of opportunity is closing. and so there really is a soft deadline or friday for joe by his approved, but he is up to the doctor's job. he's put out this letter saying, look, i'm not giving up. he's making calls to congress. he's already made about 20 and we know that he's going to be making more in the coming days. but what he's counting on is what you heard there in that sound bite just a moment ago. and basically he's looking on the base of the party and that is african americans to organize labor, the white working class. and the strategy is survival strategies. really this, he's tried to pay that rich donor class. let's be out of touch with the base of the party and saying, look, they don't know you like, i know you. and if you don't sort of calculate things, right,
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what you could do is basically get donald trump back in the white house. so listen to me, trust me, i can do this and will win the white house one more time. okay, we'll leave that. that's kimberly how get from outside the white house. so i head on al jazeera, now the months of rent called hot temperatures. we look at what needs to be done so rain in global warming for nude fighting between government forces and m. 23 sciences and eastern democratic republic of congo island sports, sports team that got a royal welcome from the king of england details coming off, the lo things are about to heat up across the radium peninsula. let's go with those
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details right here right now, but for us, the story of the wind, it started down but still spinning around the sand in dots for the eastern province of saudi arabia. okay, so you've probably seen some hints of this heat, right? great, 49, southern iraq basra also 49 degrees but we take a look at the 3 day forecasts for kuwait while you should up to 52 degrees on thursday while the above, where you should be at this point in the year or so. by definition. this is a heat wave muncie range filling in through bucket stand. that includes karachi, what day on tuesday ask about at $41.00. that seems hot, but it's actually pretty well where you should be. for this time of year there's been some flooding in turkey. as ne black seacoast just to the west of tribes on or rain falling over a top of this area on tuesday. and our seasonal rain summer rains really picking up for guinea be south guinea and sierra the own. you know what for that western slice of nigeria, a heavy rain fall alerts and play on tuesday, and then wind alerts up and down the coast of tents and near could see got set up
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to 40 kilometers per hour. but that's nothing compared to what's going on in south africa. last it with more wind and rain. i could see those winds in cape town get up to about 80 kilometers per hour. so that will cause some more damage on tuesday . the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, or come back to watching out, is there a time to recap, the headlines. i'm us is condemned. these are the ministry's lights is sort of forcing thousands of palestinians out of several neighborhoods just because of city . it happens as israel steps, office bombardments of the north sea side towards the set to resume in egypt on tuesday. but how mazda is accusing, as well as the prime minister of placing obstacles, the head of negotiations is going on. media is simple pressure on by the mean less than yeah. how also warning the license attacks and northern goals are on healthy
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children's hospital is being hit by russian miss solves and the ukrainian capital kids man says it's one of the worst attacks from the city since the war began. and all at least 31 people have been killed in russian attacks across the crane on monday, the hurricane barrel is made land full hating the coastline in the us state of texas, pulse of being closed and people told to leave the homes and some towns barrow been downgraded to a tropical storm, but gained strength in the warm walls of the gulf of mexico. previously, it reached category 5 in the caribbean, or at least 11 people died. it's another sign of a warming planet. the last 12 months. we're moving to 1.5 degrees celsius warmer than the pre industrial era. that's the sobering assessments from a european union report. is found the last month was the houses june on record,
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the an average surface temperature of $16.00 degrees. people then took a mexico east and kind of us brazil, the middle east and west and, and talked to so higher than average temperatures. and the average sea surface was also it, it's will miss for june, a $20.00 degrees. climate experts say this is making stones like hark and barrel develop faster and more powerful. uh, francois a young man is director of the hugo observatory at the university of league. he is also a member of the into a governmental panel on climate change. joins us now. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, how much of this is down to plain manmade climate change as well? obviously we need to realize that the climate change that we're experiencing right now is $100.00 persons manmade. so there is no net throughout the variation that
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explains what we were experiencing, the right no, and this is one of the key points of the latest. that's as many as we bought, of the intake of 101000 funding on the blemishes d i. t z, which says that clearly. uh right now we have exceeded the temperature that we knew before the easiest way to release on the bible to 1.2 degrees. and indeed, if we take the last 12 miles we've exceeded that temperature by 1.5 degrees, and this is all related to human activities. and primarily defining of course, you'd see what was up in the cold and gas. this has been this the case for 12 consecutive months, says the report. does that mean we fail to reach the paris climate? the code. all we will file is not the business. i really think it's very important
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to keep in mind that so i'm gonna change is not that binary issue. it's not black or white, it's not win or lose. it's that gradually issue where literally every tense of a degree with them either a great deal and willing to use a lot of different name box around the world. uh, we know, and that was expected that we will reach the threshold of 1.5 degree of temperature increase on the ticket average around the 2030. but if we re scabbed them neutrality by the middle of the century, as we agreed at some point the last year into by that is if we reach ned 0 emissions by the middle of the century, then the goal of the purchase agreement as still as even though, because these go, the said, well the end of this already anyway, then the around the file to ring thing though,
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call the neutrality by the middle of the century. for this, we need to get rid of positive fuels as soon as possible, which means that the most 10 course of action we can take is producing red massively from present fuse uh, last year in 2023. there was still a staggering amount of about 13 on don't of invested in the 1st a few projects that has to stop as soon as possible. uh, 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are related to the voting of president tools. the remaining father is related to different station and agriculture. how close all we to preaching those 15 points where the temperature reaches that threshold, which sets in motion a whole series of, of changes in the, in the climate, to an environment. a daily, we agreed on the victim of 2 degree temperature increased by the end of the
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centuries in the 1st 2nd room. and because we knew that below the degree of temporarily to increase our chances of reaching doors, they think phones that installs thresholds when the climate system changes abruptly and irreversibly the chance of reaching doors threshold where a relatively low below 2 degrees. but of course, if we go fast, the degrees of temperature increased, then there is a re, i'll reiterate is that we reach these threshold. and beyond those thresholds, climate change is likely to spin all the concept. all right, let's how will this figure this one out before we reach that scenario? francois good, that's everything. i'm the rest of the thanks so much for joining us. thanks. sorry, me. fighting has resume between government forces and then $23.00 fights is in the east and democratic republic of congo comes any 2 days off through us brokers, humanitarian truce to ease hostilities,
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oppose was to allow for the voluntary return of the sliced people and to provide humanitarian personnel access to the vulnerable revel, groups of seized mould, towns in recent months, and now control launch pulse to the east and economy as the latest from the timber in eastern biase. this is something we'll custom public of course, or do you want me to turn it on to was declined by the us government. that's 1st called the 1st of all, let's just do the updates. if you're going to officially on sunday, i'm $22.00 tables. that seems to be off the unequal. do you still have quite different courses for launching a new one you use for this one is it is on 3030 off a little bit. it'll come to the recently, even though the deal to me that we are from the ground up to between the size of heavy goals, including a theater and
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tons of this. and why do you want to start on the printed option? vulnerable population? $31.00 total and sufficient enough people and the neighboring 4 of us will be to we do more than $6.00 new and totally distress people. now living the physical properties, philosophy, i am going to tables, which is now under a new lease, a little device, coordinating on the form of the artifact, little form you sent to me as a couple of people fighting on the, affecting, even though we don't have forces from started before we come to a more secure thing, some areas the better, which didn't mean it was white on the ground in the office for you and from the able to stop the fight to go up to despite the national for data data between where both president philly, switch you to be honest. everything negotiated with them for the people at the conference. many people are wondering right now if they will be,
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any sort of show despises without, you know, an icon. i would just deal with them. the democratic republic of india's prime minister is visiting russia for the 1st time since the invasion of ukraine under body arrives in moscow for a 2 day trip. is expected to hold talks with russian president vladimir putin. lights are on tuesday. example of oliver has multiple mosca says the render moody's fast for and visit after his re election for a set time, which is significant because previously also be re election. the head of the indian government used to visit its neighboring countries at no russia during the visit pro signs a set to discuss the successfully developing relations and issues the global and regional significance. also, the topic of ukraine will be addressed during the tools india maintains and neutral states into conflicts about many a brief age group play, amazing facing role in resolving the complex. also, according to reuters, the issue of engine splicing in ukraine on the russian side is to be raised during
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the towards india. estimates around full states of its citizens could be subbing in the russian army. so mode is government is going to them on several leads from service nowadays, india and brochure of strong political and economic ties, especially is one of interest leading trading fathers versus exports to india. i'm mainly oil and weapons. most of it has become in just the 1st trading partner into and i was very keen to receive the cheap russian oil. and historically, the times between the 2 have been very strong. they've enjoyed very friend generation since soviet times also russians. india recently managed to result a problem with a large amount of indian very peas, which most people have received for us. and then to expose some time ago, the country switch to payments and national currencies. now debris piece and by russia have been invested in engine infrastructure approaches within the country. you lost your profile of ultra 0 at most. okay. now called in new york is hearing
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the closing arguments in the trial of ball menendez. the us senate says being charged with 16 criminal accounts, including bribery and fraud at the time of the alleged crimes. menendez was chairman of the pow full us senate foreign relations committee and then does is play, did not go to to the challenges. is resisted calls to resign from the sent the last month he filed papers to run for re election as an independent senate can do that. all right, john henry is live for us now outside that court house in new york. so 1st of all, john, any indication of where the court is heading on this one of the well, a little after closing arguments, but the evidence that's been presented is pretty damn, and a senator robert menendez has been here before. he was accused of accepting bribes
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once before and a trial. that trial ended with a hung jury, meaning the 12 jurors could not agree on whether to convict him or not. and then he has been tried on completely separate charges. those charges are of using his position on the senate foreign relations committee as chairman of that committee, to act as an agent for the country of egypt. among other things, he's accused of having ghost written a letter, the egypt sent to his committee, to lobby him and other senators for military aid to be released. he's accused of accepting bribes from 3 new jersey businessman and one of them is testifying against them, and he says he brought him sen, menendez, among other things, with a mercedes convertible. when the federal agents went into menendez his house, they found $480000.00 in cash. some of it stuffed into his clothes in the closet. others also
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a $100000.00 in gold bars. investigators say he and his wife had sold off $250000.00 in gold bars. so the evidence there is pretty damning. menendez has to explain why he had all that money. and he basically got 2 explanations. one, his wife did it that day, there was a lot closet with the gold bars. he didn't know they were in there and only she had the key at. and secondly, that he was a man of cuban descent. and as his parents didn't trust the government, he also is kept large amounts of cash in his home. he says, because he doesn't trust the government and banks, which is an odd thing for us sitting us senator to say, no, this has cost him dearly that he's been stripped of that senate foreign relations committee position. the democratic parties essentially just owned him. that's why he's running as an independent and he using pretty badly on that. so it's essentially destroyed whose career, whether or not he is convicted on this charge,
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but she claims the prosecution hasn't made his case. and that's why he said that he is not going to testify this case. so what's gonna happen now is the prosecution presents it's closing arguments with events present, their closing arguments. there is a rebuttal by the prosecution and then we'll have a verdict and we'll see then where the rubber menendez makes it through a 2nd trial without a conviction. but again, the evidence is quite damning. right? we will no doubt the bank to talk to you about that when that but it comes out. thanks so much john ended so i have now just their allegations of war crimes in northwest and in la metro's, accused of bombing schools and churches. frances coach hits back a criticism that his team is pouring for here from in most states of pads of play spain and the championship semi finals that's coming up in the schools. the
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a business like this, this wrote to you believe i guess is a line was funny on one of your was makes more than plates. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads the the fund fee of control of a scene. the will this one has to have it take us through it. i will send me yes. but we will stop at wimbledon fast with 7 time champion, no joking, which is playing for placed in the quotes of finals. the former. well, the one is facing denmark hole green or in the last 16 joking, which has a have really strapped right now of to the injury. that storm exit. the french open at the quotes, the final stage, but it's looking good in this match. she is taking the opening set $6.00 to $3.00. the window will faces 9. see the alex to me know who's into the last 8 at wimbledon for the 1st time?
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the australia needed full sense to get post on. seated frenchman off to see feels is the 3rd time demo has reached the cost of lentils and a grand slam. who has an upset earlier as full seed alexander as vera. so schultz once again and his bid for a 1st grandson cycle. the french open finalist was beaten and 5 sets by taina fritz . the american 13th seed came back to set down to reach his full, the grand slam quotes, the final and 2nd, this year. well for it to face, it's loading, so it was set to use. here's the quote to find the grandson for the 1st time of his career. he came back from the set down to end the frenchman, giovanni and pet, she petty, and joins well. the one in younique's center in the quarters is the 1st time in history. the multiple italian men have reached the law states at windows and speaking of sooner he was in the crowd to watch go for an upcoming sky, who was up against former women's champion, elaina added back in a box. come in sky at last. it just 53 minutes before retiring injured,
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allowing the number full saved her buck enough to reach the straight members. of course, the final it's 20 to is the champion is the highest range player remaining in the cool on the even say, year a 2020 full semi final with spain fronts coach duty addition has hit bucket claims . this team of boring, the friendship failed to score a goal in open play at this tournaments, whereas their opponents have been the most impressive side at the series. german ash reports she came up just show it to the world comp 18 months ago, but competing them by and fronts get the job done at the your race. standing in the way of the fine was a spanish side that's list top the tournament all spain and the only team to of one of size is that games and javi score 11 goals so far. whereas goals has been hard to come by for their real position. fronts have made it to the last full with 2 and goals, out of penalty,
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leading to criticism of the team make with the she was on the use of. if you board watching of a game, it's fine. you don't have to watch us, it's a special you right? swear, it's difficult for everyone with a number of goals much lower than it has been in the past. we have the ability to share emotions to make friends. people happy, especially in this complication period in the country. one french play hasn't been particularly happy at these. yours is that captain and buffy after breaking his nose in the opening game against austria. he's had to weigh protective faced musk which he says is horrible. and it's limiting his vision, but he still has the backing of his teammates. i'll shoot, say like. ready as for anton graceman and killing him by the legs may not be as fresh as they could. we know these are the plays that can change the game at any point, so we're going to need them right up until the end you want, especially if you want to get to the final. and when somebody's struggling to make his mark, i'm like spanish sensation to me in your mouth. the 16 year old winner was the 1st teenager to record 3 assists as to yours, and will now target becoming the youngest. have
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a goal score and the competition. but it's not all about the boss lady young's though, somebody who might not have been on the course. sometimes it's much more valuable to have a great team and we're happy to be better as a whole band to have stones. and i think we're proving that maybe we don't have those stand out names. so super styles, but as a team, we're very good, which we play good football and sofa. one of the things that going very well for us . so it's also good for the spanish to a favorites to win the full european championship. but before they can think about lifting the tracy, they have to get past a french side who are aiming for a full major told me in the final in the last 8 is jim and ash algebra. argentina are looking to retain that copa american title. they've trained for the 1st time since arriving in new jersey. the best semi find that gets counted on tuesday. well, champions eliminated equitable in the last rounds. the columbia have arrived in charlotte for the 2nd semi final. they take on uruguay here. no town brazil,
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columbia, on beach and in 27 games. but the sold corporate title came way back in 2001. now the defending mens olympic high jump champion expects paris to be his final games. cuts off with us boss. shame famously shed, and i conic gold. with the italian gen marco, tom berry last time in tokyo, in 2021. a very rare occurrence in any sport of the gains. no, definitely. it would never happen again. you know, it's, it's, it's for me, i feel like it's a one woman thing. it was the history and the story behind it. but no, no, we support people, you know, very aggressive. you know, we are hungry for more. i want to be the best they want to be the best he wants to be the best. everyone wants to class and that's the sports you know. so for me, know, is i will never happen again. so we'll fight to the end. the west indies, cricket team has been given a royal welcome as they prepare for the test series in england. craig breast, white and his team were hosted by king charles at buckingham palace. the bridge
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monarch also shed his cameron concerns to those affected by hurricane barrel, which caused at least 10 deaths in the caribbean. obviously, the hurricane was far even before the bar, but no more. no time to go down. i mean, no, that's the newest pro it on the 1st model. if this indeed indeed stuff, then ask for opponents. and then this week test that load smocks the end of an era, it will be the 100 and 88th and final test. for legend repo let james anderson 41 year old is the countries all time leading. we can't take a with 700 test scopes, i feel like i'm still bone as well as i ever have. but i knew how to end at some point whether it's now we'll be able to use the fact that it's now is just something that i've got to deal with and accept. so i can completely
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understand the, the decision to the way that, let's say you want to go the way the monument want to go of sort of night pace with that. and i'm excited to see what the future holds. all right, that is all useful for now. i'll have more free like to send me things so on. so now boeing has accepted a play deal on a criminal full charge related to 2 faithful crashes with 737 max stats. terms include define of more than $243000000.00. at least 34060, for what killed in crashes and indonesia and d. c. o, p u in 20192019 relatives of the victims save the domains. boeing avoids criminal challenges in, quote, billions in compensation. timeless. the international is released to revolt, revealing what it calls rank plus shipments of jet fuel to me in law. the human
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rights organization says supplies in china, single pool, and the united arab emirates of channel deliveries through vietnam to avoid detection. tony chang reports with the ruins of some piece of the baptist church and can village. so going north west to me and it's been on touch since january on the 1st sunday of the year, the ministry found it and the school next to killing 17 civilians including 9 children. that is sunday. they don't know about the play. they are leaving at the whole family, but immediately they voted from this guy. and the guy, much of the village was also destroyed and several other rates that day over several hours. most military denies responsibility. but amnesty international says launching an attack at a time and place with
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a new people will be gathering with new military target. nearby is clear evidence of a crime where the term war crime comes in. it's just the the, the lack of care to distinguish between combatants and civilians and the they have to know that civilians will die when they are launching is attacks. the militarist, used its power to terrible ascent in april last year. composites, you village also in this the going region fight to jets and he called to gun ships protect. they killed a 165 people who was just one of countless assaults on, on civilian since the military to, well, the willows, responsible, ever faced justice. and that is certainly, i think, a hot topic or, or, or a topic of discussion among them are people who feel let down by international mechanisms of international bodies. however, they do exist and they have been effective in the past assemblies of normal life
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has returned to come in. the area is now under control of resistance force, as opposed to military rule. in school has started again, but the children still wear the danger from the sky. tony chang out to 0, as well as say it. so this news out of the good news is, i mean the middle is back in just a couple of minutes with another flu shot. the when did not connect as controversial, those targeting communities of known western descendants and reclassifying, the neighborhoods of gifts. one young most living rises to defend his hon. speaking out in box on a journey to the close of power,
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questioning his place in the country. if he's been my day, he's a witness documentary on the safe. the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now 2 weeks into protests against a controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of can you police accused of disproportionate violets showed no signs of backing down. president william retail may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands,
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as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights. there's still a great deal of anger against the government. the protesters here say their voices are still not heard, and the government still doesn't understand. they're coming out and protests. the homeless condemns as well for ordering thousands of palestinian families altos, more neighborhoods in garza cities. and the book says the attacks aren't help negotiations to end the war,


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