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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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whiteside, it will force the public and national convention from july, the 15th, to the 18th. donald trump will be confirmed is the policies presidential money, but who really picks as his vice presidential running the live coverage. and then that was what i'll do. so, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that run associates a and this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 israel target's a u. n. school in new sarah, while that's all me carries out. and now that forced about to ation of the northern gospel city. no power, no volta, how israel's destruction of gauze as power grid has west and volta shortage,
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imaginative whose sift through the rubble of new kinds capital after russian air strikes, the nation's largest children's hospital. i'm had them a tassel and commodities south africa. this used to be a thriving mining community. i tell you why it's now a goes to the well that's a 7 g m t, that's 10 o'clock in the morning and gaza for several palestinians have been injured. and it is rarely as drive on a un runs school. yes. again, in the central district, it happened on monday evening and new say around the injured would take them to the locks. the hospital, you and officials have reported that some $450.00 incidents involving un run buildings since october, the 7th, thousands of palestinians. meanwhile, in several neighborhoods of gauze, us as you have again, been forced to flee, often is really evacuation order says the fullest evacuations and escalation and
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violence will effect cease find negotiations. at least for the palestinians have been killed across garza. and the last 24 hour period. will that speak to a correspondent honeymoon when he joins us now. from there a lot in central garza honey yet and now the strike on a school. can you talk us through what you've been hearing from these these latest strikes that we've seen? the yes, no sounds. yeah. well we would then just the past 45 minutes. this seeing right here, the courtyard of the hospital was quite the arctic full of people. those are the remaining family members who were here performing, find a prison and taking the bodies of their relatives and family members to bury all to do a graveyard nearby the hospital. and this has become the daily normal for the vast majority of this waste families, whether you're in the central area or they've been recently displaced. do the, the area coming from different parts of the doctor. but these are from the direct
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result of the overnight attacks on the site right? refugee camp where 4 people were pronounced did right at the spot. and 2 more of the early hours of this morning were removed the file from under the rubble that we took them. it's a permit expense, civil defense, equal member at the close to 5 hours to remove these by the, by the time they were removed, already did do a transfer to the hospice of garrett and were buried within the past half an hour ago. but also the number increase it from 4 into 6 people to 3 more people here and did it by city to the west or in the southern western part of the city where a whole family, a father, i'm 2 of the children were golden sides, the residential homes 5 more people were also killed in java city as due to the ongoing relentless era talk across us uh the uh, the center part of the city including the neighborhoods. a where that are under is really military controls right now, including sure. yeah, yeah, the garage and the neighborhood,
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the eastern parts and the center part of garza city. the past 48 hours have been quite difficult and it keep evolving into much worse than it's passing the there's, there's a clear military pressure on these neighborhoods and different parts of the, of the guys and do this really military expand. it is military maneuver to the western part of the city, forcing people to either be trapped inside neighborhoods or the are caught in the line of fire as they don't have anywhere to go on. even talking about force displacement. yes. again, these evacuations, what kind of scale are we not talking about particular from garza city? this is, will this what does reading military describe as evacuation orders isn't in the box? is the quite contrary on the ground. what we're seeing is people are running for
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their lives under tv, artillery, selling in relentless era talks, people are running for their life from one neighborhood to another. evacuation orders when, if you want to put them in a context, they are becoming a context of natural disaster. where people are, in fact, are move the safety button in the cues of, of the vast majority of, of thousands and thousands in the northern part have been leading it from one place to another under the artillery and the era tax. and the, it's, it's more of an in force displacement rather than evacuation because people end up in the areas that are relentlessly attacked and, and not only of talk at this time, but they have been repeatedly targeted attack within the positive you the past few months. people ended up being killed inside these designated safe areas of these really military often described them. they're not safe. certain fox more about a death trap. more of a jack vaughn were displayed spams. we have documented cases of people being killed within hours,
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a week or days and weeks of their arrival to the designated safe areas, including of them off the, including the center of the or the human. it's, are you going that is really military as often described as an area where people display families, dan, uh, shelter. and the vast majority of people are trapped in these areas because they are not able to leave. those will manage to get to the southern part of why the central area describe the horror and be, or if it gets experience be, be healthy and you're walking for long distance. and then being uh, they have to be going through a detailed security check and the verbal, the human eye zation on the, the physical attacks going through and passing it through a check point that the 3 minute junction all the way through the central area as honey must fall into that, we're forcing for us from the ground from daryl by that in central gaza. thank you, honey. well, him, us has issued a statement saying it is offering flexibility and positivity and talks to try to
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reach a deal to end israel's 9 month war. on garza, it accuses is randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu appraising will obstacles on the negotiations. an escalating crimes against the palestinian people that's called on mediation has to intervene and put pressure on the as really lead a mazda is also close on the international community. and to the united nations, to fulfill the humanitarian and legal responsibilities and also to increase the pressure to stop the crime of genocide. a group is one of disastrous repercussions because of what's happening and gaza. it says the occupations threat to lodge neighborhoods and goals. i'm these requests to evacuate them would attend the negotiating process, essentially to point 0100 us how hot now has moved from amman and jordan, and how much has released to different statements on monday. the 1st thing that is real under prime minister benjamin netanyahu is not willing to show any flexibility in these negotiations,
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and the mediators should intervene. and all of this comes after nathan young's office released the statement on sunday, explaining for non negotiable items that israel is going into these negotiations with. now this list in the statement was slammed by several is really official speaking anonymously. saying that this is something that is going to deter that. it goes, she ations. meanwhile, him as the 2nd statement has said that continued his really military action in northern gaza is going to plummet these talks. but when we heard from the white house, the us national security council spokesperson john kirby earlier on monday. he did say that the statements released by both sides do not actually reflect how the talks are going, saying that there are still a lot of gaps to bridge, but that mediators are trying to do just that. and all of this comes as there's been a lot of internal discourse within that's and y'all who's coalition lawmakers from the far right, like you to me are ben v or in bits. and it smelt rich known ultra national as to
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say that israel should not be entering a deal to release the remaining captive, saying that it would deter them from an absolute victory. and that it would be a win for him us. and then you have other members of the coalition exchanging verbal jobs with the far right. saying that if there is going to be a demise and fall of the government, it's going to be because of ben beer and smoked rich. i'm just, that's who it was just, you know, i'm a, a reminder that benjamin netanyahu is government has bound to 0 from reporting in israel. so as you see, we're covering developments from along and neighboring jordan. well, that's not bringing huffman guerara. he's a professor of international affairs at castle university. today, he's joining us also from a non has on it feels like we're potentially seeing increasing force displacements used as a weapon to increase pressure on her mouse when it comes to torques. is that happening and is it working? i think this is would be, is ready to government. um, i believe these days, particularly the far right people really in the ones who call the shots of the
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government. as much of furnishings was saying, gavin, if she does a really, that'd be admitted to a pressure would push how much inter submission. and he said that how much is a begging for a deal simply because of my security. and so this reading and then suddenly into some house and the one, but at the same time as a to it prevents and nothing else from moving ahead with negotiations. so that's why nathaniel came up with even some red lines that would undermine any peace negotiations that would to that would take place into how you mentioned these red lines. do we actually know whether it's red lines are in the discussions and what should we actually even be expecting from doha? it sounds like media is, is, are in a, an incredibly tough position to i. yes. you, right. i think this is where the most important red line is the next and it wants to make sure that you can because you have the minutes of operation after he
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released that he secured being the abrasion of the hostages. and this is as if he's telling how much the degree and to deal with because he want to continue to war. he wants to, uh, you know, keep this stage of war because this is the only thing that can share him particularly. so the war is like riding a bicycle and he needs to keep the babbling. so the moment to stop, you know, you for so this is exactly the, the mindset don't have any or he was sending them to forward live with the most important. one is that he wants to have an assurance that the deal would be a short term that he would continue the war after the release some, some hostages. and also you want to maximize the number of the living cost to just to be, to break it. and he wants to make sure that no click and put terrorist go back to nothing together. and he wants to make sure that knows like legal bombs from beautiful only these are really tough. i would say a red line that knowing the mascot we agreed to. but at the same time with the
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media coast are trying to square the circles and bring the gap between the 2 sides . i think this is difficult to round of talks, but you know, it's the deal is with a breach. by the way, the only obstacle i think is that can you all have any hours conditions, a link to his position in the government because the moment please find the deal or he needs to the and they were being on government or has than anything actually changed as you're saying nothing yahoo is saying they're not going to raise anything. that means the will when continue. but these are meant to be talks to ends. the was what, what does come us once, in terms of these discussions, given that, that, that's and that's and you know, his boss line as well. i'm at special role uh needs for the sedation, a door or by other lawyers towards the end door. and for stop and 2nd be how much wants to make sure that if it will not cover b to power over the identity of the people would be released from dissipated
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captivity. and there's so many people who are in prison for like tens of years and, and how much wants to release them. and one point also is about the reconstruction of yeah. is that and the, the, the people who would go to the northern part of got that. so therefore these have a beat on that and how much want them not to interfere? so i think there's some, you know, gap between the 2 slides. but you know, this is a big beginning, give every pot to come up with the maximum demand. uh, but this of this, that shows some flexibility of when it comes to the entry door. so i think that will it be on the, on the chart 10 to this because this will probably create the dynamic that would secure long term all of sedation or perhaps that it is. and this would embarrass in a video and probably it would bring down the government. and this is one of the things that have us believe it could. it could take place in the in week. so come very interesting. always suddenly be watching outcome of those 12 very closely.
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indeed. how some very the progressive international affairs and catch a university always great to hear from you have some. thank you for joining. thank you very much. well, that's even saying israel's war on cause a has lost, it's a move in 9 months and it's funding campaign has destroyed much of gauze as power facilities. also there was most i'll include as in the jabante, a refugee contacts in the north. and has this report on the fact that that's what had on palestinians then, or do i just slice all over and nothing does. so it's have destroyed all full of sources unfinished to us. it to lines with the damage so bad because list of things here and you value which account without any source or fall off, which is the hold on nothing. so what if there is no electricity? there is nothing, nothing a tool we have to buy credit to make phone past and the network does not always where money is not available. and we have no credit to what the situation is just dire. and also civil laws,
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civilians here have to find another way to adopt the new life here. solar power have become unimportant spots of the data live here. so people sometimes won't for all over a one cubic meter every day, just to charge the phone or just to find and reach sure the charging voice. and you would have people go know that the only people with the electricity of those who insert upon us. and so the panels were destroyed all over the body to come as a result of the latest radio question, during which these radius destroyed inside of the panels installed on the rooftop. we go through great suffering to charge on mobile phones and batteries. when this area is under attack, people have to take shows that is tools. so they cannot reach this, the charging boy for they are on able to communicate with the electives in the other boss. so if nothing goes this with this is the scene. yeah, nothing does
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a threat and be lack of fall off is towards the cold and making the lives. yeah. is extremely difficult. a lot of these got to just eat us. nothing does friends. palestine who causes largest to southern nations launch has been running it just a fraction of its capacity on backup generators. since the beginning of this for a new project, aims to restore external power to the facility and that's in the hope of providing water to central cause a talk. i wasn't reports from girl by desperate for palestinians to this group and managed diesel, a nation prolonged in hon. eunice a breed day for legal that is to district huge mess of the city, the diss. and i'm, it's been a long time since i drink cold water. there's no electricity at all. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we
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drink here is not properly filtered. it's a mix of salty and fresh water before the will. this punch provided the 20000000 liters of a fresh water every day. around 250000 people. now, the facility can produce only a fraction. that's just 15 percent of the original outputs. and now also serves more than 1000000 people full time. so what's designed for most of them displaced by as well as both of to the use very only destroyed power links to the plant. it has been forced to run the backup generators using fuel, which is rather late running out to another less out of the say that because of lead or having noted this is, you know, he says it was designed to phone. they bring it back up. never able to,
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we things that we release it to raise the plans for when it wasn't a lot of dreams, but that could soon change palestinian work. cuz in coordination with these very forces on our attempting to connect an external power line to the account. also, i, you saw it on the audit in the amount we've received or requested to restore lines, to reconnect to dsl, a nation fonts and 0 by law. we started working with what we have available resources we have and we were in contact for the relevant organizations to provide the components needed for this line invalid 1st, the suppliers was for the plan for once again, be able to run a full capacity even then it will be far from enough to provide the population of gong as a way to for sure will pop with these palestinians. it will provide at least some really sorry, come by soon. i'll just be around there is that i kind of sorry,
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the search and rescue efforts are still annoying kids. after you kinds of launches, children's hospital was hit by russian. miss files, emergency responders have been watching that throughout the night. you're watching live pictures from there, right? now the cities man says this has been one of the worst attacks on the capital since the war began. at least 36 people were killed in russian attacks across the country . on monday, i'll just eras sonya diego has a something, and this is what remains of your budgets, children's hospital and keys for deadly by roger, miss south struck the building in broad daylight smoke below down to the destruction and the horror of yes, another attack. what a medical facility became apparent we came here to the hospital 5 minutes before the thought happened. we managed to get to the pediatric ward. i thought i know it is a nightmare. i both even know if it was
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a miss size hits or fragments of a miss. i am not a moment to lose in the front of gas. that's to save as many lives possible. as rescue as remove debris as quickly as they could to search for survivors. this is ukraine's largest pediatric hospital and the leading center in the country for treating children with cancer. parts of it now reduced to rubble up to rush up on board at the site and what appeared to be an attack on civilian targets. nearby, a pop of blocks also damaged there's been a massive attack targeting districts, upkeep, city. they have been missed all hits like here and off my feet, and fragments of miss house people have been killed. details are being confirmed soon. we will be able to provide more information about the wounded. the attack happened as the cranium president followed him. is the lensky was visiting the
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polish capital also ahead of the nato summit in washington. and he called for russia to be held accountable for their actions. but at the humid time, it will not the 1st of all, i expect very concrete, announces and steps from our apartments at the nato summit size will have a meeting dedicated to reinforcing ukraine's ad defenses. cutting costs of an infrastructure toward the supplies and the energy grid. and then the system, what is the a tech was not limited to the capital. industrial facilities, as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hits in the pro come a towards the landscape hometown of cvd, among other locations of the kremlin, responded by blaming ukraine for the attack. saying that it's military did not attack civilian infrastructure, putting more pressure on ukraine's allies to send more defense systems to send a further attacks on his people. so any valuable out a 0? well meanwhile, india is prime minister and remote. he says his country, his relationship with russia,
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is based on mutual trust and respect. he's been addressing the indian jasper and moscow during his 2 day visit that later on tuesday, he's due to be meeting with president, let them a prison. are also has had a strong historical ties of india and also remains its major defense and oil supply . and, well that's bringing sued us about a raj, them use the founding editor at the news and opinion website, the one who joins us now from new delhi. so that's why i'm curious as to how this visit has been viewed in india, especially given the timing. now obviously some deep ties here. but how's the one you kind of changed any of that when it comes to public perceptions, especially as india continues to buy this cheap? well from oscar. i think i think we already bought this a bit of regret having because anybody around the world who can get the hands on that oil either directly or indirectly is doing so. but i think that the, the indian view, the, the sort of street view of what's happening on the rush or you're paying front,
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reflects the sort of historic relationship between russia and the soviet union on the one hand and, and it'd be on the other. right. so, so there's a sort of willingness to go along with the russian that after even as the images which are coming out of your grand, especially in the last 24 hours, give them the depths of people awfully. of the medical facilities been struck. you know, it's shocking to people and i think that of the fact that india is not among those countries that is um, you know, working towards piece um, you know, or has the idea of, of how these can be brought about other dentist empty, you know, tell important that, you know, water is not the answer. and so i think this is something which is disturbing just to do a lot of people. sure. there are elements of this that are that closer to home though as well. we, we know, at least for instance, to indian nationals have died on the opinion front line. presumably that's just the tip of the iceberg as any of that being addressed. this is a new element that has come to life to the last. busy 6 to 8 months that has upset
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a lot of people because the last thing you expect from a country with which you have historically dies, which the government of india has back is to deal indian levels into, you know, it can basically being taken to the front line these are unemployed workers and in the. busy side by unscrupulous labor, sort of, uh, brokers and told that they're going to do manual work and then they end up on the front line sometimes even, you know, in the fires line up to in the indianapolis of died. this is an issue that mr movie was expected to raise. we understand. i'm officially from him getting sources in moscow that problem. somebody raised this with president put the last night over the i've got some kind of an issue. busy us, i don't know what public messaging that will be on this but, but i think that this has become a, a priority issue of them will be simply because of the bad pressing india about these indians being duped on a diet and will that to that piece to them, and this is also a problem in the fall and look and saw other countries span. well,
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let me ask you a little bit more then about what moody might want from this visit. you mentioned there have been these talks with peer to, and i mean, amid this ongoing, russian isolation by the west persian has been talking about this multi polar. while does that create perhaps more leverage for countries like china and india for their own agendas, especially when it comes to just that does like energy and defense. it is always been an advocate for multiple directions. but this has to be multiple directly based on a, you know, on international, on the respectful or southern p. uh, respecting that, that or to. busy the integrity of countries, you know, there's no value in multiple directly if russia is going to violate the federal drawer and integrity of ukraine with impunity. right? so somebody on the line there is a contradiction independent position of a one thing to stand for a better, more just well and then all the other have not finding the words to condemn the invasion to even if and yet doesn't want to side with us on the question essentially, right so,
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so i think that india really has no view. busy on how this war can be simple, of course, india has a strong bilateral relationship apart from energy, there is an ongoing, sort of as a relationship, there is a nuclear collaboration. there is based collaboration. you have a large number of international law studying and working in russia. so all of that is important for india. but what would have thought that a country have been gaz agility at the international level would have, would have been able to nurture it's bilateral relationship is rochelle. but at the same time, finding the language of the woods to take a clear view on the russian invasion or aggression, it gives you credit. india is the only major bar as far as i can bill. that is basically refusing to condemn me, crush of what it's doing and you're in, i'm refusing to come up as well. but what it's doing, because you mentioned the, the, the agility when it comes to the international saying this is shortly a bit of a balancing act. to somebody right now when it comes to,
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to moscow in washington. and i think that the, the thoughts india values is a good size of russia and is not going to allow those ties to be broken under pressure from the west. this is very clear and i think there is a broad consensus in india across all political thought is that this is why we should be having said that, uh, as i said, the travelers for new diplomacy is to, uh, is to have your bilateral relationship. not a go along with the us. i'm on the show section say, because the us is also taking steps which are making for not be in the conflict, but at the same time taking up the stand against the use of force and international relations, which is something that india has started us before. uh so it's inability to find the words and to tell russia that what it's supposed to the goal it's supposed to be going to bring in and not acceptable as something which is a little bit of punishment. quite frankly. i'll say what father,
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imagine from day 2 of this trip sit off by the raj on the, the founding editor of the wire, speaking to us from the lawn today. sorry, from new daphne today. thank you very much. the dog is moving on to the united states now and present or vitamin has told fellow democrats that he is firmly committed to his re election campaign and alaska live in progress politicians. but he would stay in the presidential race to beach. his republican challenge at donald trump barton has been on the mounting pressure from democrats, worried that he may not be fitz office. how whitehouse correspondent can be helped get triple a defiant joe biden says he's in the presidential race until the end. and he's striking back at members of his party who are calling on him to step aside emotionally. what i've done in my, the way, in terms of my neurological capacity, i had a physical there,
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a logical physical as well in february. it's really, really all my record o, at least half a dozen house democrats have publicly called providing to end his re election bid. more than a dozen current and former top democrats have raised concerns about the president's fitness to serve in the office. a bargain is old, he's not as articulate as he once was. i wish we could jump up the steps on air force one he kept. what we, i've got to focus on is policy whose policies have and will benefit the vast majority of the people in this country. it's a personal wait for the president. on tuesday, house and senate democrats are expected to hold meetings that could determine just how much support the president has on capitol hill debt across our quarterly february 2 possible options. pushing president biden's side using private intervention. it's
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a tactic not seen since 1974 when richard nixon was president, or democrats could shoes the nuclear option, calling for 5 and to step aside with a public statements for now by the end remains on the off in reaching out to members of congress. he's already called thousands by phone, and this week we'll call dustin's more voiding them to a band and him now could propel former president donald trump back into the white house. kimberly, how could al jazeera the white house? well, still ahead on this, out of there a new zone. boeing reaches a play deal relating to 2 faithful crashes involving explains. we have reaction from the families of victims under warning from climate scientists, as our product continues to see record breaking temperatures,
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the hello. thank you for attending in 1st things. first we'll talk about that rain coming into the u. k. on tuesday, also for western friends that go to attempt peninsula and across the channel into the low countries. but let's say you case on the cool side london just 20 degrees for you on tuesday. but again across the channel, brussels 29 and paris 20 degrees in truth be told, i think the heavier pulses of rain will be not too far away from brussels. same system dropping down some showers, northwest spain, northern and central portugal. let's go to central europe right now in the balkans where it is hot, most of the storms of peter now, but okay, we could see a few because of daytime heating. so it's very a both 33 degrees for you. there has been some flooding around thirty's, ne black sea coast just to the east of sun soon. and there is more rain falling over top of this area on tuesday. to africa we go. it's
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a bit cooler than it should be this some of the year and bots at $24.00 degrees, but other end of the continent top end of the continent, cairo at $41.00 that's hotter than have rich at this time of year. and for south africa, it's pouring and roaring in cape town, more rain, more wind, and we'll see those winds whip up to about 80 to 90 kilometers per hour in cape town on tuesday. so that could cause some more damage. we'll leave it there. of the nature of mine made catastrophes. ali rate, who of course to the weather events are resulting and otherwise think devastation. the variety of human factors means their intensity and impact. is it purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate changes was affect if i was supposed to be seen as normal, but you said something that should have to happen to any one. is it really a natural disaster?
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oh, hell, the permit on al jazeera. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis. haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months . our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the welcome back to watching al jazeera,
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it's monday about top stories. the sound search and rescue efforts are continuing and keys of russian missiles hit a children's hospital. the man says it's one of the worst attacks on the capital since the war began. thousands of palestinians and several neighborhoods of gauze assist you. you have again been forced to flee. often it is really evacuation order from us says these forced evaluations and escalation and violence will affect the sign investigation. as well as the plumbing campaign. meanwhile, has destroyed much of the cause of pal facilities. on the strips largest, the solid nation found has been running at just a fraction of its capacity effort. so now on the way to reconnect external palate to the facility and the hope of providing forces to central costs. well, several coal fired power stations in south africa all scheduled to close in the next 60 is positive. it's transition to green energy. this does all send me a note for the job losses in a country with an already high unemployment phase part of the task. the reports now
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from commodity. the commodity, coal fired power station is a really quiet. it's one of the oldest in south africa and the 1st one to be de commissioned parts of the government's plan to use list fossil fuels. most workers, will it go in 2022 with everything that that is happening. it's like they're focusing more on the environment. why they don't care about the people who are starving and everything. so this things they need to be balanced so that it goes to get the government says it's just energy transition program is training people in other skills. community leaders and assist very few here earning a living of us. the government knew at some stage the power station had to be shut the course of their life space. but there was no such session plan put in place to ensure that once the post station is stopped,
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life sustenance continues. oh, economic video change. it continues. transitioning to renewable energy, willing to be easy, as because most developed economy has an energy crisis. it still needs it's call, but after that generates most of the electricity from coal, it's secure to international loans, to help with the transition to green sources. but, and this one, switching from coal to renewable energy protect tickets while so that's what k is not the world's biggest image of greenhouse gas emissions, the international pressure on all countries to reduce the use of fossil fuel. i think what happens, we all going to see some sort of the growth in, in the move from coal towards renewables. i think a party what's happened because many of these copeland's all over and they have seen breaking down quite often of keeping them going is going to probably cost more . ready then building something new as to think that it could,
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i'll make realities also come in, but it's going to be a slower process. and a lot of people would like more coal power stations are scheduled to be di, commissioned in the coming years. that will mean more job losses in all sectors along the cold, out how to monetize out of their commodity, south africa. well, that's bringing christy out and he's the managing director at the energies consultant c. e. business intelligence. he joins us now from johannesburg. chris says off good, isn't it just the world's largest greenhouse gas point source emissions, also the largest missa on the ask and confident of environmental groups have been fighting for this for years, but it has come to the political cost, particularly for the and see i see around the pose is actually now trying to re negotiate the timeline for the closure of these plans. but i could also effect something like $2500000000.00 in financing. or that's right. they off bands of times to delay the shut down of a number of generation units at 3 prawns in south africa. and until
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2050. now these were scheduled to be shut down earlier, but my sense is that they are going to shut down, you know, to 20 city, but that the plant will not be completely de commission. in other words, the units that are shut down will remain available as stand by prolonged, in case of emergency or necessity. and the reality is that the security of supply is critical, not only for the economy but politically. uh and, and so these units will not, in my view, be completely de commissioned uh, but kept available uh for the in case of emergency. uh, but uh, the on the 2030. i think um it has to be and will be, should your shut down or the number of the power plants. uh and this means that
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they have to be replaced by new power generation sources that are tina and bring the and less carbon c o 2 emitting and use or less water than qualified out on. so i think we've seen the end of new coal fired power plant in south africa. oh, it's interesting to say it was just yesterday that sold off gives new energy minister valves to accelerate that shift to renewable energy from coal. that's almost 8 huge break from the past. how is that playing out more broadly? when you look not only in the infrastructure that exists, but it how this has being discussed within the community. i know there we go. let's use the minutes of electricity uh, indicated yesterday that he wouldn't aggressively move to the roll out of renewable energy and form of when solar p, v and battery energy storage and pumped water storage. and i think that is the right approach. south africa is going to need about 60000 megawatts of
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new renewable energy by about 20332034. so there is going to have to be a very aggressive rollout. but as i said earlier, i think they will keep those units, and then i'll call you that's gonna shut down and keep them in case of emergencies . chris, i see a huge chunk of the push that we've been hearing from. the energy minister has been for nuclear, which has been discussed for many years. huge. the contentious in south africa is not part of the i did then to that's retraining. some of these workers from coal to create jobs and other sectors. as you see the reality of new and nuclear power in south africa is it's gonna take probably 3 or 4 years to clear the regulatory planning hurdles. and then up for the, at least 10 years to the construction. so when it comes to a new, a new power,
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i don't think we talking about anything coming to the grid before 2035 by $25.00 is going to be 60 gigawatts of a renewable variable, renewable energy on the grid. and i don't think that 2500 megawatts are steady based on the pallet in the face of 60000 megawatts of variable renewable energy is the right solution. what do we need is predictable generation and new p a is anything but flexible? so i think the realities will start to creep in that is being talked about. it's highly controversial, but i think the can will be kicked down the right further, because uh it is not a solution to immediate needs. ok, so let me ask you then about how to deal with the jobs question that so many people raised when they spoke how report to power. i mean, obviously this is not just jobs in the, the coal fired power plants themselves, but also downstream jobs in terms of mine. and this, this is a huge, huge industry. so that's getting is not alone and trying to move towards renewables . so how do you address this in, in a responsible way, especially when it comes to,
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to walk a welfare? now the 1st thing i wanna mention is that the loss of jobs in the coal mining sector is nothing new. and it's got nothing to do with renewable energy at the job is in the, in the, in the coal mining sector have been declining for a decade and have gotten everything to do with automation and mechanize ation home . and the move from underground coal mining, which is highly labor intensive to put in cost surface mining, which is highly mechanized and automated. so this job loss is taking place. it has been taking place for decade is going to continue to take face renewable. energy is not finding a big parking, these job losses at the moment. they could play a big part going forward, but i think everybody accepts and realizes that is going to be an energy trans season. the important thing is to try it and make it adjust transfusion and not to
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leave stranded communities which become a political and economic and a social one. the site in south africa for us to come. so if it's need to be put in for training and, and moving of jobs, it's not an easy process. and i think the transition is going to be messy and unfair. but the reality is that this is a global, a trim, that is not something that we can just uh, back to the train, crestfallen sales and managing director of energy consultancy, e business intelligence. thank you so much for sharing your insights with us, announces there are some there's a thank you. now the un security council husband want of lessening violence in eastern democratic republic of congo. the head of the un mission told members that the m 23 on group is a rapidly expanding its control, new annex that say between 3 to 4000 for ones and soldiers offered to be fighting alongside them. violence between government forces and fighters resumes this week
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just days after us brokers humanitarian to spam from the space is the prospect of a long period of political paralysis a day off. that's the problem entry election results. discussions on the way to form the next governance of to the left wing alliance, one the most states, but knows enough for an outright majority. that in smith has this report from paris, france is newly elected. assembly members run the gauntlet of june list as they arrive to stop the new jobs, but to a few definitive answers to questions about what the new government will look like when it will take shape. although i'm along with, although i think that will be a period of a transitional government where immediate concerns will be managed by the administer is already in place, especially for really big games. after that, it will take as long as it takes you shouldn't be in a hurry when it comes to democracy. so he's the most a potty deed as well. now starting negotiations to see if a governing coalition come before the surprised windows on the left wing of lines
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the new popular front with the largest number of seats, but well show to the majority. it's fractious, made up of parties from the fall left to send to left. it wants to repeal the rise in the retirement age and increase the minimum wage. use of one. that is, when we have the responsibility at the new popular front to not discipline defense, people who must hear the anger, the disappointment, but also the mistrust of a such a number of voters. those who did not come to the polls, including those who caused their vote for the far right. gabriella towel will stay on his prime minister for now. president emmanuel mack, chrome turned down his also to resign to the left wing. the lines will be tested by who they want to succeed. a tile as prime minister leads or if the fall left from about john luc mellow, shall has his eye on that prize. but many on the center left would find that unacceptable. one of the leaders of the life as well as i said, it's perfectly well. he said, the french gave us another chance, which means that if,
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if there is no improvement in the political climate in the next few months, then it would be by the end of end winning the following time. and that's a very serious. it's right on the 4 digit goals that i mentioned across the far right. national riley is down, but not out. it's now the 3rd largest group in the assembly. it's parliamentary, lead a marine. the pen could seek to capitalize on any political instability. and money will knock on cold, it's not collections to provide clarification for front, the office it happened. the french people showed what they are against, but not what they are for the presidency is weakened a months perhaps longer of unstable government lies ahead. bernard smith, alger 0 cars, all still a head here on out to 0. odds and teen as president is in brazil to attend a fall rights convention. the find out by many said he should have been in power by
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the the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the latin american lead is attending a trade mission in paraguay. that's origin, pianos, president, coffee emulate, is absent. instead, he's in brazil where he attended a rally for former president. try of also in our move as seen as a snob to boston, are a successor who is necessarily to dispose of for himself is at that regional trade
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summit and not to into on to raise about reports now from one of the areas as it was heavy enemy lace very strip to brazil after taking over a surgeon tina's precedent. but he did not visit president, let us the law, but former leaders 8 or so not of course under investigation for an alleged cool attempt and corruption relay travel to participate in that conservative meeting known as the back where he said, well, so not a was a victim of political persecution and once again attacked socialism. socialism is the ideology of resentment, envy, and hatred. in addition to all of that, socialism is the idea of failure. nobody knows more about that. the we latin american brothers and sisters in the past really has referred to let us the last corrupt and a thief and has attacked the other center left leaders around the world. who's taking off have you ever seen a has prioritized ties and with ideological allies. so i don't know trump been,
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i mean nothing. you have one even. you don't last over to additional relations with counter parts like joe biden and spain spittle sanchez. this strategy has helped turn me into an icon of the global life. but at the same time and as an guard many argentina's allies on monday, leaders from the region i'm local, so try block, met him, but i waste, capitalize on. see, on press and there was brazil's pressing and let us see, well, we like as you pull from your why and others, it really was the only head of state who did not attend, falls to people throughout the false democrats, or trying to undermine institutions and put them at the service of reactionary interests by close by noting the victory progressive forces in the recent elections and the u. k. i'm from both a fundamental to the defense of democracy and social justice against the threats of extremes that many argentina are concerned about me lays sharp turn in foreign policy. argentine is moving away from that tradition of 10 points on the boats from
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the traditional but i know that when it comes to social issues, when it comes to bias, when it comes to climate change, argentina is changing the way it is. boating at the u. n. a the, the human rights can see that the un, for instance, we used to condemn each ryan the human rights violations, westbank. we are not doing that anymore. these are in certain times where i can tina ask, have you gotta be late. implements he so cold chain, so plan to reduce budget deficit. there are concerns no totally about the economy, but also about the role argentina will play on the global stage base. i will as a feed up with a site if boeing has accepted a plea, deal on a criminal for charge related to, to faithful crashes. if it's 737 knox aircraft. attempt them to define of 24000000 . sorry, $244000000.00. at least 346 people were killed in those crashes and indonesia.
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and if you, if you in 20182019, that's definitely the must now still be approved by us judge. she have her times, he report since the department of justice reached its last agreement with boeing in 2021. that allowed the company to avoid prosecution for misleading regulate as about 737, max, across the families of those who died as a result of faulty flight control software on those planes have been adamant. i mean, a massive fine that really hurts the 77000000000 dollar company. and prosecution of boeing executives will change the company's behavior. if there's no risk of jail time for these decision makers who play with our lives, then there will be no change. there needs to be criminal charges for the people at the top. the people in the driver's seat who are responsible, a total of $346.00 people, died in 2018 um 2019. as a result of 2, boeing 737, max crashes. want him to draw the sea off the coast of it,
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and he is here and one shortly off to take off from the ethiopian capital. in may the da j you found the bank in violation of the agreement allows. we gave boeing a choice, be prosecuted in, quote, for the original charges against the company, or accept guilt avoid, trial, and bank has chosen to plead guilty legally, admitting to for loony is conduct to the 1st time. the company will also have to pay a fine of $244000000.00 and spend $455000000.00 to improve its safety. and independent monitor will ever see what changes are being made over 3 years. the relatives of those last and the 737, max crashes, say that type of bone to be off of deals as post, especially having failed during the terms of the last one that will get to the that's the give it to we reject the department of justice is deal all was involved and the plane crash must be criminally charged. this is important to avoid accidents in the future. this is not about compensation, but about humanity about human lives. if boeing took the deal, so boeing does not have a conscience for a federal judge,
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must sign off on this latest deal. and some of the families of 737 megs victims. so they will challenge it in court, bowing his face continuing scrutiny as signs of electric just function mountains. and there was the alaska airlines flight at last, a bull plug of oregon in january. and which low of the whistle that has come forward to the max manufacturing practices that could endanger the flying public. the bank is also well connected, military contractor, and the u. s. is the only major across manufacturer. it's clear that the us government is treading very carefully as it seeks some form of accountability she ever attends the elder 0. how cold in new york has had the closing arguments in the trial of us centers above menendez? he's been charged with 16 criminal counts, including bribery and fraud. and he's accusations relate to one menendez was the chairman of the powerful u. s. senate foreign relations committee. menendez has pleaded not guilty,
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resisting cause to resign from the sense. and yet another sign of woman cannot the last 12 months from old and 1.5 degrees celsius wilma, then the pre industrial era for so bring assessment for from the european union report. it's on that last month was the hottest of june on record with an average stuff as ad temperature of 16.66 degrees people in tequila and mexico, eastern canada, the us, brazil. them at least even western and talked about also higher than average temperatures. and the average sea surface was also edits warmest for june 20 point 85 degrees. scientists say global warming is leading to most of a heat waves, more intense for forest fires, and even stronger hurricane to one of which the us is having to deal with right now . robot notes reports from los angeles, the unbearable heat, relentless fires, and
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a dangerous storm. severe weather is battering the us. hurricane barrel slammed into the texas gulf coast near galveston with strong wind and drenching rain, causing heavy damage in some areas as well as widespread flooding. it's pretty bad . down power line, street expenses, just letter and stuff. debris, everywhere. at least 2 people were killed by folding trees. others had a narrow escape. that 3 land right there could have been through the roof of our house instead of our ship. that one could have gone on our house, instead of this way now downgraded to a tropical storm barrel, has knocked out power to more than a 1000000 households and disrupted airline traffic. near santa barbara, california is biggest fire of the year, has burned more than $8000.00 hector's and forrest evacuations. other fires are burning across the state. firefighters brought back a blaze threatening homes in place reveal when we see me right there is so close
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and we seen it and it was like a while fighting the fires is made more difficult by an intense heat wave enveloping the west temperatures broke records in death. valley national park, typically one of the hottest places on earth, at least one visitor died of heat related causes. when the temperature near the all time planted wide record of 54.4 degrees are saying these temperatures that we're seeing will likely challenge current records if not break them. despite the blistering sun towards came out to be part of the experience, ha, 8. how? the intense heat wave is forecast to continue in california and other western states till the end of the week. extreme heat kills more people globally in an average year than any other weather event, including hurricanes and floods. rob reynolds, l, g, 0, los angeles. in central china rescue watches have repair to dyke at the lake and
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hunan province more than $7000.00 people forced from their homes because of the breach from horses that cause the barriers to break a pos on friday for that set for this news. uh that will be back in just a moment to stay with us here on the football, enjoyed by funds across the world. but it also plays an important role in challenging colonial rule in oh jerry and suit on the mission of the clock. what's the point out is there a well tells the powerful story of how football became more than just to support and the fight against the french and purchase colonial authorities against the initial executive. and for one thing, action the rebel game out, jerry, and so dawn on al jazeera, here's from,
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i'll just on the go and need tonight. i'll just, there is only move, i laugh. is that the, this is where we, the sex allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the of the . ringback the,
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the grand olympic games are coming to from the, along with the unprecedented surveillance system submitted, tries ation of communities. the displacement of people and resistance to what many c as a destructive people are power explores where the fronts can deliver on promises, made outcome to meet for future games. francis olympic gamble on a jersey to the israel targets a u. n. school and a home. and you say roger, while it's on the or does and now that forced evacuation of cause assist me in the midst of the of hey,
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this is out of your life from the will. so can know pallet and the water. how is rails destruction of gauze as power grid has west and water shortages to you as


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