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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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and then wanted to encourage pharma, says gradually start replacing overseas was with versus one from around the world. local politicians have suggested raising good mission. prices to control visits, a numbers of pushing the daily limits on tourist, the israel targets another u. n. school and a home, the new cetera, while it's on the orders, and now the post of actuation of cause us dizzy. and then the color that i'm associated, hey, this is elena 0 at life and also coming no power, no volta, how israel's destruction of gauze has power, grid has watson voltage. shorts is to give us present to abide and pushes back on calls to pull out of november's election. there's even more questions raised about
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his house costs. i'm hot and with tasha and commodities south africa. this used to be a driving mining community. i tell you why it's now because the while we begin and goals that where at least 7 palestinians have been killed in those really struck on a home. and then was there a refugee camp? several palestinians were also injured and then there's really a strike when they know the un run school in the center of the stress. and that struck happened on monday evening, also into sarah. the injured would take him to the alex, the hospital. you and officials have reported some $450.00 incidents involving un run buildings since october the 7th. on meanwhile, thousands of palestinians and several neighborhoods of garza city have again been forced to flee often and is really about to ation order. from us says these forced about to asians and to the escalation and violence will affect these fine
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negotiations. at least for the palestinians have been killed across because that in the last 24 as far as war on cause that has lasted for more than 9 months. and the funding campaign has destroyed much of gauze as palace disabilities out of there, as most no clue doesn't jabante a refugee camp in the north. he has this report on the effect this has had on palestinians that i dislikes all over. nothing ghosts would have destroyed all full of sources and phoenix. was it to lines with the damage so bad it has left all the things here and you better fidget count without any source of fella which is the hold on nothing. so what if there is no electricity? there is nothing, nothing a tool. we have to buy credit to make phone sense and the network does not always work with the money is not available. and we have no credit to what the situation is just dire. and also civil laws, civilians here have to find another way to adopt the new life here. solar power
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have become unimportant spots of the data live here. so people sometimes won't for all over a one cubic meter every day, just to charge the phone or just to find and reach sure the charging voice. and you would have people go know that the only people with the electricity of those who inserted upon us. and so the panels were destroyed all over the body to come as a result of the latest on the radio question, during which these radius destroyed inside of the panels installed on the rooftop. we go through great suffering to charge on mobile phones and batteries. when this area is under attack, people have to take shows as tools. so they cannot reach this, the charging boy for they are on able to communicate with the electives in the other boss. so if nothing draws us with this is the scene e and nothing goes to spread and be lack of fall off is what to call and
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making the lives. yeah. is extremely difficult. why they've got to just eat a lot. think of this for scala signs, because as largest asylum nation plant has been running a just a fraction of its capacity on backup generators, since the beginning of the war bought a new project and stores still external pallets with the facility in the hope of providing water to central garza power a couple of the reports from darrell butler desperate for the palestinians to the school and managed diesel, a nation prolonged in hon. eunice every day for what legal that is to district huge . let's just the city did this and i'm, it's been a long time since i drink cold water. there's no electricity at all. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we drink here is not properly filtered. it's
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a mix of salty and fresh water. before the will, this punch provided to 20000000 liters of a fresh water every day. around 250000 people. now the facility can produce only a fraction of data, just 15 percent of the original outputs. and now also serves more than 1000000 people. 4 times what's designed for most of them displaced by, as well as both of these very only destroyed power links to the plant. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuel, which is radically running out. sooner or later. you don't have to say that because of less or having noted this is, you know, he says it was designed as a sun back up. never able to. we things that to release of the bone to raise the plans for when it was in
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a lot of things. but that could soon change kind of city and work. cuz in coordination with these very forces on now attempting to connect an external power line to the prompt. so you saw the dilemma we've received or requested to restore lines, to reconnect to dsl, a nation fonts and darrow by law. we started working with what have available resources we have, and we were in contact for the relevant organizations to provide the components needed for this line. electricity suppliers was for the plan for once again, be able to run at full capacity. even then it will be far from enough to provide a population of gongs, but with a freshman what's up off with these palestinians? it will provide at least some really sorry about the will just be around there is that i had a story last has issued a statement saying it's offering flexibility and positivity and towards to reach a deal to end as arouse 9 month for on garza excuses is rarely prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu, of placing the obstacles on the negotiations and escalating crimes against the palestinian people. it's quote on media is has to intervene and put more pressure on the as rarely leader from us. also coles on the international community and the un to fulfill the humanitarian and legal responsibilities to increase pressure to stop with the client of genocide. the group is one of disasters repercussions because of what's happening and gaza. it says the occupations threat to launch a neighborhood stay on the request of back to 8 and what, what time the negotiation process to point 0 a honda sound which has more for us from them on and how much has released to different statements on monday, the 1st thing that is real under prime minister benjamin netanyahu is not willing to show any flexibility in these negotiations, and that mediators should intervene. and all of this comes after nathan young's office released the statement on sunday, explaining for non negotiable items that israel is going into these negotiations
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with. now this list in the statement was slammed by several is really official speaking anonymously. saying that this is something that is going to deter that. it goes, she ations. meanwhile, him as the 2nd statement has said that continued is really military action in northern garza is going to plummet these talks. but when we heard from the white house, the us national security council spokesperson john kirby earlier on monday. he did say that the statements released by both sides do not actually reflect how the talks are going, saying that there are still a lot of gaps to bridge, but that mediators are trying to do just that. and all of this comes as there's been a lot of internal discourse within that's and y'all, who's coalition lawmakers from the far right, like you to me are ben viewer and bits on it smelt rich known ultra national, is to say that israel should not be entering a deal to release the remaining captive saying that it would deter them from an absolute victory and that it would be
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a win for him us. and then you have other members of the coalition exchanging verbal jobs with the far right saying. but if there is going to be a demise and fall of the government, it's going to be because of ben beer and smoke rich. how does that of who it was just, you know, i'm a reminder benjamin netanyahu. his government has band ultra 0 from reporting israel, so we're covering developments from them on that and they bring jordan are now private footage and testimony seemed to indicate is really tags have run over and crushed members of a palestinian family. and garza last month, is there any vehicles report or the surrounded and then shelves? the family who are sheltering in a farm? 5 people were unable to leave. the rest of the did manage to escape. but when is ready, forces then withdrew from the area. the family returned, they say they found the remains of their loved ones who appeared to have been totalled and crushed by time. well,
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that's not bringing her son brody. he's a professor of international affairs counselor university. he joins us 2 from them on a sound. the level of brutality, dis, disregard for civilian life. it seems almost calculated. is that affecting the way that her mouse as is approaching any kind of negotiation? now the old festival, the these trust is that the front door has it has been the whole market with this idea oppression and get it from from the very, very beginning. so there is nothing new on actually the frontage is the only a disclose something that's we already know on. probably not even in the there's a lot of trusted or we're not covered by the media. and there's some more things that can be, i think the mouse has a responsibility now has to stop door and, and stuff in the door. and it needs some constituents. and that's why they come up with the next a little position. they announced that the monday and that the, they look in a positive way to the, to the folks. and then base to come because they want to put that in to be,
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is ready to aggression against the palestinians. if they don't g conceit and this phone which is in the short term, she's fine. the only give the munition to the far right. that's how much is not interested in a piece deal. and what would continue, i've been with this the sufferings or the but a steam as would continue as well. so i think, yes, if that takes the position of how much you mentioned this, this new flexibility and this change in the last position. i'm wondering exactly what that looks like. you mentioned and being open to a sort of time series find, does it go to be on as well and with it and you know, what i didn't uh, came up with was a 3 stage share plan. and so stage one talks about a ceasefire for 6 weeks and then things would be subject to negotiation. i think the 6 weeks is my eyes very important for the listing is to uh, to live normally,
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even with it without door, without, with the plains, the whole room growing their heads without the bottom. it is very important for them to feel secure a little bit. and then this would create probably different dynamics in, in these ladies society independence thing is assigned me that would, uh, bridge the gap between the 25 and the find probably create an interest for both side to negotiate and end of the war. because of the continuation of the doors that's good for the, for the scene, but also it's never good for these, right? well, various different parts of is really society and the political spectrum feel very differently about that. as you say, a short times he's 56 weeks might been create the space for natural ends of the what it suddenly changes the calculus. it makes it very hard for me as well to resume the fighting. is the increasing support for that of time if it means getting the captives back? is that changing dynamics that i think it is really government to succeed in securing the liberation of the hostages. the probably the momentum for
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continuation of the world, the less and less because these really losses are actually more by the media and how the economy is not working properly. we have more than 140000 different areas displays from the, from the north and from the south. and they put a lot of pressure on this is really government to go back home in the even demand of the pre extra money i was was saying that the people would not go back until the war comes to i'm and so now after 9 months, so people being displaced and there's really, i think this will put a lot of pressure on that anyhow. and this would affect cuz i'm pushing through some chapters in the elections and one of our, the actions and i have a so yes and, and the, the show team is very important. it would create a kind of hope for even there's right is, i mean, we have, we don't have to ignore the these, right. and only read the call saying that, you know, exams are the next behind the object to the door. yes, they're very united, but you know what they want to something,
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but what they need is a different thing. and i think this would probably, it would be a wake up court for these really savvy that time has come to, to come on to put that into the war hessen, very that a professor of international affairs that catch all university. thank you so much for joining us again on al jazeera. have some sure. the i'm moving on and you as president obama has told fellow democrats, he's family committed to his re election campaign and the less a 5 and has promised politicians. he will stay in the presidential race to beat for public and challenge at donald trump. barton has been on the mounting pressure from democrats, worried that he may not be fit for office. uh, white house correspondent, can we have that triple a defiant joe biden says he's in the presidential race until the end. and he's striking back at members of his party who
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are calling on him to step aside. imagine me what i've done. and by the way, in terms of my neurological capacity, i had a physical there, a logical physical as well on february is really, really all my record. all at least half a dozen house democrats have publicly called providing to end his re election bid. and more than it does incurred, as former top democrats have raised, concerns about the president's fitness to serve in the office. a bargain is old. he's not as articulate as he once was. i wish we could jump up the steps on air force one. he kept, what we, i've got to focus on is policy whose policies have and will benefit the vast majority of the people in this country. it's a personal wait for the president. on tuesday, house and senate democrats are expected to hold meetings that could determine just
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how much support the president has on capitol hill debt across our quarterly february 2 possible options. pushing president biden's side using private intervention. it's a tactic not seen since 1974 when richard nixon was president, or democrats could shoes the nuclear option, calling for 5 and to step aside with a public statements for now by the end remains on the off in reaching out to members of congress. he's already called thousands by phone, and this week we'll call dustin's more voiding them to a band and him now could propel former president donald trump back into the white house. kimberly, how could al jazeera, the white house pull off the u. s. media reports that have parkinson's disease specialist also visited the wash house 8 times over the past year,
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5 and stopped. that has released the statement emphasizing that, the president only so and urologist as part of his regular annual physical exam. how does your customer has more to from washington dc under intense pressure from the press. the white house has now reversed course, after initially refusing to answer questions about why a nation's leading parkinson's disease expert had visited the white house 8 times in the past year. now in a late letter from biden's personal physician, we've learned that this disease expert was there to host and your logical clinic for staffers at the white house. but that he indeed was in fact, the neurologist who also gave the president the neurological exam 3 times as part of the president's standard annual physicals. and his letter from the president's personal doctor. he was clear in saying that after these,
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my new and detailed examination of the president's neurological state, there was no concern for disease. and that this last physical which was given to bite and in february showed that he wasn't a relatively clean bill of health and fit to serve in the office. however, that was several months ago, february was the last time the president was examined. he has said he has not gone any cognitive exam since, and people are still concerned about his fitness for office currently, after what some would say seeing him deteriorates before the very eyes in these past few months. and the white house and dividing campaign having already undertaken heated criticism after biden's a terrible debate performance a few a week ago and not putting the president for work to show him with more vigor more
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immediately. now the white house, apparently reversing course, try to be more transparent in quelling fears about biden's fitness for office. heidi joe castro al jazeera washington. i'll still ahead here on, deserves a warning from climate scientists, as our product continues to see record breaking temperature the although quite the weather maker we have coming into western australia will pick up the other story right there. right now. so pers, 19 degrees you're going to get straight with some showers and also see those winds pick up potential for damaging winds when you consider they could exceed 60 kilometers per hour turns it touched cooler on thursday, 17 degrees, but the good news is it will be less windy, not much to report for new zealand,
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both islands dealing with sunshine, not a lot of wind and your temperatures pretty well where they should be for this type of thing. you're also dealing with a lot of dry weather rate across indonesia as main island of java. same goes for us to monitor for, look at this. we've got some downforce coming into coaching on the police side of borneo island for wednesday. severe for the advisors in play. for the western precise and the philippines is all has to do with our monsoon rains now starting to pick up. and we're getting some relief from the hot and sticky weather that we've had in shanghai all has to do with our summer rain slumping sells. so shanghai just $32.00 degrees on wednesday. this will help provide some relief from the humidity and we've been dealing with heat stroke alerts and play for a huge swath of japan. but what weather is coming into play here and get ready for it. so here, over the next several days, you're going to be dosed with re catch her later. the
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound,
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the 7 palestinians have been killed and then is really as striking on a home. and then it's sarah the refugee camp in central garza. several palestinians will also injured in a separate strike on monday evening on an un run school. and the same area is there a funding campaign has destroyed and lots of causes how facilities on the strips allows us to solve a nation contest and running at a fraction of its capacity. if it's now under way to reconnect external powers of the facility and the hope of providing voltage essential cost is present to advise and says he's firmly committed to his re election campaign just by growing calls from within his own policy to abandon his bid for the white house button stopped us is the presence on your wallet, just as confident annual physical examination i'll set to rescue a hits, i'll still on the way and t is often you claims the largest children's hospital was hit by russian styles. emergency responders have been watching throughout the night
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. they're continuing right now. as you can see, the cities met says, this isn't one of the worst attacks on the capital since the war began. at least 41 people were killed in russian attacks across the country on monday. meanwhile, india is prime minister and run from the he says, his country's relationship with russia is based on mutual trust and respect. he's been addressing the indian, the aspirin, must go during his 2 day visit that place on tuesday, history to meet with president government prison again. russia has had strong historical ties with india and remains a major defense and oil supply and india. it says 5 soldiers were killed in an attack on an on the convoy in indiana administered cash man. it happens in the cut to a province, the cut. what district, i'm sorry, is a john. we division engine soldiers abroad to a local hospital. now they have been a number of attacks in that disputed area over the past month. police say 2 indian
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army soldiers and 6 suspected fighters were killed in guns. apples on sunday from now faces the prospect of a long period of political paralysis after it's a problem and for election results. discussions are still on the way to try to form the next government off to the left, the reliance on the low seats, but not enough for an outright majority. funding. smith has this report from past frances newly elected assembly members run the gauntlet of june list as they arrive to stop the new jobs. but to a few definitive answers to questions about what the new government will look like when it will take shape. although i'm along with, although i think that will be a period of a transitional government where immediate concerns will be managed by the administer is already in place. especially if you're gonna be games. after that, it will take as long as it takes a couple, you shouldn't be in a hurry when it comes to democracy. so he's the most positive he does, will now start negotiations to see if a governing coalition come before the surprise. when is all the left wing aligns
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the new popular front with the largest number of seats but well show to the majority. it's fractious made up of parties from the fall left to send to left. it wants to repeal the rise in the retirement age and increase the minimum wage use of more that is when we have the responsibility at the new popular front, it's not disappointing. defense. people must hear the end of the disappointment, but also the mistrust of a certain number of voters. those who did not come to the polls, including those who cause they vote for the far right. gabriella towel will stay on his prime minister for now. president emmanuel macro on turned down his offer to resign to the left wing. the lines will be tested by who they want to succeed. a tile as prime minister leads or if the fall left from about shall move. mellow, shall has his eye on that prize. but many on the sent to left would find that unacceptable. one of their leaders of the life as well as i said, it's perfectly well. he said,
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the french gave us another chance. which means that if, if there is no improvement in the political climate in the next few months, then it would be by the end of end winning the following time. and that's a very serious it's right on the 4 digit goals that i mentioned cross go to the far right. national riley is down, but not out. it's now the 3rd largest group in the assembly. it's parliamentary, lead a marine. the pen could seek to capitalize on any political instability, and money will knock on cold. it's not collections to provide clarification from the office, it happened. the french people showed what they are against, but not what they are for. the presidency is weakened, a months perhaps longer of unstable government lies ahead. bernard smith, i'll just 0 parts. well, the one security council has been one of lessening violence in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the head of the un mission that told members that the
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m 23 on group is rapidly expanding its control. new in experts say between 3 to 4000 for one and soldiers also thought to be fighting alongside them. violence between government forces and fights as resumed to this week. just days off to us brokerage humanitarian, true spent several calls on post ations in south africa, scheduled to close in the next 6. he is positive, it's transition to green energy. this does mean for the job losses in a country with an already high unemployment res, hardwood tests or reports from commodity of the commodity. coal fired power station is a really quiet. it's one of the oldest in south africa and the 1st one to be de commissioned part of the government's plan to use less fossil fuels. most workers, will it go in 2022 with everything that, that it's happening. it's like they're focusing more on the environment. why they don't care about the people who are stuffing and everything. so these things they
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need to be balanced so that the to goes to get the government says it's just in the transition program is training people in other skills, community leaders and assist very few here earning a living of us. the government knew at some stage the power station had to be shut the course of the life space. but there was no succession planning put in place to ensure that once the post station is stopped, life sustenance continues. oh, you cannot make video change. it continues. transitioning to renewable energy, willing to be easy, as because most developed economy has an energy crisis. it still needs its call. but after that generates most of its electricity from coal, it's secure to international loans, to help with the transition to green sources. but adding this one, switching from coal to renewable energy protect tickets. well,
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so that's what k is not the world's biggest image of greenhouse gas emissions. the international push on all countries to reduce the use of fossil fuel. i think what happens we all going to see some sort of the growth in, in the move from cold towards renewables. it, i think a party what's happened because many of these copeland's all old and they have seen breaking down quite often of keeping them going is going to probably cost more. ready then building something new as to think that it could all make realities also come in, but it's going to be a slower process. and a lot of people would like more coal power stations are scheduled to be di, commissioned in the coming years. that will mean more job losses in all sectors along the cold out. how to massage out of their commodity. south africa. last month was the hottest june on record. i'm not continues a streak of monthly global temperature reco. it's that began back in june 2023, and that's according to the european climate observatory copernicus. scientist say
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that global warming is leading to most of the a heat ways, more intensive correspondence, and even stronger hurricanes, or which the us is having to deal with right now. as reynold's reports from los angeles, the unbearable heat, relentless fires, and a dangerous storm. severe weather is battering the us. hurricane barrel slammed into the texas gulf coast near galveston with strong wind and drenching rain, causing heavy damage in some areas as well as widespread flooding. that's pretty bad. down power line, street expenses, just letter and stuff. debris everywhere. at least 2 people were killed by folding trees. others had a narrow escape. that 3 land right there could have been through the roof of our house instead of our ship. that one could have gone on our house instead of this way. now downgraded to
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a tropical storm barrel has not no power to more than a 1000000 households and disrupted airline traffic near santa barbara,


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