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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to the country's 1st precedence and then the showing how those in power have always gone to great lengths to control the public image. egypt through the lens. leaders on to 0. the 9 palestinians including at least 5 children have been killed. fine is really striking the album res, rescue g compton, gauze, palestinians face multiple fullest about 2 weeks. notice from cause and safety by these really minute treat. but people say they have no west faced the color that i'm associated, hey, this is l g 0 at life. in the also coming, the
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escalation in cross for the attacks between russia and ukraine, keeps drugs, energy facilities in the russian city of bows arrives plus i'm having a task in commodities south africa. this used to be a thriving mining community. i tell you why it's now because the us, while we begin in simple cause that we're in is really drones drank on the album res refugee attempt has killed at least 9 people. official say at least 5 of the dead on children. several other people injured in that attack have been taken to the lot . so hospital and they're all bought. i mean, i don't know the is really strike on the only surge refugee count has killed at least 7 palestinians, then that follow to strike on a un run school also in new serra, on monday night and not injured, several people or of them. what taken to the alex the hospital?
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we understand at least 50 people have been killed across garza, over the past 24 hours. while it speak to honey my, what he joins us now from outside the likes of hospital in there. all the honey, even inside that facility. can you tell us what you've been seeing as doctors? they're trying to treat the wounded with basically no medical supplies that the wellness that you the moment the injury is part. it's all right, so a lot of it's all those k as to broke out at the courtyard of the hospital this because of the number of ambulance carrying the large number of injuries do the hospital that has remaining family members who would follow these ambulance vehicles to the hospital inside the emergency department, this is where you seeing the sign behind the it's a really busy, over crowded with patients and injures who are receiving medical attention and treatment of from the existing medical staff. people already on the floor of the hospital. there isn't enough medical, a staff inside it's
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a quite exhausted those have been operating for the past 9 months. are quite exhausted, but also the acute shortage of medical and medical supplies, particularly pain medicine, is just making it wide difficult for the medical to soften the nurses, do a intervene and provide the proper medical attention and save life. we see literally people on the floor be and i'm getting it dishes as well as their being a is i caught a through the, the injuries without any antiseptic war and said yes, we heard patients then and into the crying there, lined out of hand because of the lack of medical supplies, we were told by many of the doctors and the medical brother, medical staff, writing the floor of the hospital where you're treating those injuries. many of these injuries are treatable, but the fact that there is an acute forward is of a medical supply. it's making it on it's readable and making it hard with these injuries do recover and get back to normal life. this is the situation sides. the
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hospital that would happen within the past or additive pressure on the hospital by new wave of injuries, and people who need it, immediate attention, just adding more pressure to the facility that is already on a brink of collapse. honey. meanwhile, we're seeing these ongoing forced evacuations. from garza city, what kind of scale are we now talking about the we're right now of where we can confirm that it also has has evolved into a killing box. we're seeing these relentless, they are a tax, they can replace everywhere. here's the artillery selling at areas that is really military designated a safe zone for people in the eastern part or more to the western part of the central area and the city of tanya. just as we were preparing for this live report at an air, it's stripe, the place at the site on refuge account right at the heart of the market. the reports of but many of the dangers are really there's tripod,
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further civilian casualties, cause destruction and deep in the sense of the shattered sense of safety for an already displays the traumatized population. in an earlier a talk around res, refuge account that based on part of the central area works 9 people are really killed. 5 of them were children. we were, we would, we store the number of, of children here. their bodies are soaked in blood were taken right away to the morgue of the hospital, refused to laugh. i live in verse, father and mother crying over the bodies of their, their children. further, northern part is really military. a is, seems to be increasing and a stepping out the talks on different parts of gauze and city and the eastern parts of the sudden western part of the city. forcing people into further internal enforce displacement is really military talks about evacuation orders and ordering people. sharpie to go to humanitarian zones, but people end up in areas that are already a talk before they are like their likelihood they're going to be attacked. again,
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there is a really sense of shattered sense of safety for people. and the, the fact that they're saying that many people are trapped and decided not to leave java is because there's no space of place to go to the idea of safe zones. and in a few minutes, are you in a safe zones are quite misleading and contradictory. people died, they were killed inside the zones within hours and days. and sometimes the list done that inside these on any of the ones that are pushing for us from the ground from darrow bella and central gaza. thank you, honey. well, the lebanese enclave, hezbollah has released video of one of its drones, documented what it says is really military sites in the occupied colon heights has the release of video showing sensitive military areas and will and his route back in june. now both sides have traded near daily, crossed for the strikes since october about last year. well, that speed also beg, he's in large of june for us in southern dublin. and also that has what i seems to
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want to show off its capabilities, took us through the messaging here as well. what they've done with this latest wrongful case called ho towed part 2. now the 1st one was over. these are in the city of hypo where they point to documented 3 sites strategic locations. now this one is over the occupied goes on heights. now what they've done here is highlighted 6 strategic locations. they say all for electronics recognizance, and in fact there's been a lot in the last week have talked in the occupied go in height. so i was standing right to where i'm standing. not hearing most are you and then we have the his without rockets taken golf and then could see them making impact on the golden heights. not the messaging. as you said, the messaging here is one to show off the capabilities that they are able to fly over is right. and you control territory and at will and take control and for change and release stuff which i'm not totally new stuff which is by 25 minute 3
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sites. the other one is a warning to as well as negotiations that taking place over the war in gaza. this conflict and so the not is linked to that his law has have said that they will not be as tough to fight in care until the existing is via in gaza, agreed to by the resistance groups. so it's a warning to israel that if this conflict does, why did that? or if this does turn on to, into an, or that towards a wanting to say to israel that his will are aware of ministry sites and the able to infiltrate is there any, is space as well as targeted? so the, the number of messaging is a number of messages that his will, i sending to israel. one is of the capability, and the other one is a warning time in negotiations ongoing around the world are in gaza. as you say, a warning, i said we have been seeing this ongoing cross border fire, the northern new central type of but it seems to have escalated in, in recent weeks and months. what does that tell us about the stage with us? it was the escalation, same space per isaac,
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the times with his block targets. is there any minute for sites as well, targets tons, villages and cities here is will assassinate his beloved members. and then you see a response from his belongs in it quite since then. and then it increases again, and it does seem to be stepping up slowly, but surely. but there are times where it is very quiet, but along the southern board that is daily across the board to strikes yesterday. we were in real measured way. we could see 3 attorney strikes cutter di, why is there other than the smoke rising from the vintage just next to us? so what we see is that this daily exchange is taking place in the fear is that when it takes is one, this calculation for vista. escalate very, very quickly at the moment what seemed taking place as it was in such power. do i read his with target ministry targets? is there any miniature targets and israel came to hit his beloved basis or take out
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his individuals within his belong, such as commanders or the significant individuals. but in the event of life for both those rules of engagement may not be adhered to us and bank them on the ground for us and large that unit in southern level. and thank you very much. awesome. well let's we're time to goals and now with thousands of palestinians and several neighborhoods of cause a city have again been forced to free off during his randy evacuation. order says these fullest evacuations on the escalation and violence will affect these fine negotiations on his ears uninstall. sharif is in the body of refugee camp and spoke to some for somebody in the space to palestinians. the, the domini, it's m, as in the hospital, the 1st evacuation of tens of thousands of people from kansas city as a result of his roles in cash. and the lights is full and many of these families did not find any shelter in what's enough to show at night came while we were in the streets, we were forced to evacuate. we left our coats behind. we don't have food or
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anything to drink. we are very exhausted, we have been displaced 10 times. there is no shelter or no water, nothing to support our life. we have already been oppressed and faced injustice before the war, and now they are doubling down on us with more oppression. nurse men ordered them, helen to go to you, and some people found the store, the sheltering of the difficult, complicated circumstances for such displaced people and the dead will accommodate. we're tired. we move from one place to another. we truly tired. we have been ordered to move and dozens of times go, for example, you go to the can go to a tablet area, go to ultimate, be good or should julia go to a shop area? we have been to all these places. this is so tiring, we can't find anywhere else to go. what do you mean? what would i do? i would ask the kids to stay here and consult them, telling them that it would be ok soon. what else could i do?
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and is that enough of them in the shop? we would evacuated from the shop area and came for us to have that school. then moved to a photo street. after that we arrived here. all of a sudden, one day, we'd been displaced more than 20 times. now we're out of here in the streets. my mother and children are sleeping on the pavement. my son is sick. if you measure his temperature right now, it would be for the device. my son is dying before my eyes while i'm helpless. what could i do? this child needs care if he was a child or for west, none of the american men wouldn't he be getting care within the hudson? i am the mother that she's diabetic with high blood pressure and she suffered a stroke. she's lying down on the floor. her bag is here, below without any covers too, without any food or anything, just like about. all these children are feverish, and they all have meningitis. all of them. how many times should we be evacuated?
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today? it's my 12th time. wonderful, far better usual displace people on during difficult circumstances. and with israel's continued incursions into several places, i'd have to show you a good deal. somebody has a private footage and testimony seems to indicate that is where the times ran or that in crushed members of a palestinian family in gauze at last month is really vehicles or fortunately, surrounded and showed the family who was sheltering on a farm. 5 people unable to leave for the rest, didn't manage to escape. when these rarely forces finally withdrew, finally returned. and they say they found the remains of their loved ones who appeared to us been crushed by time. and then i made the last probably 3 now. yeah, i collected my father's body parts with my hands. he was holding his father's hand . they completely crushed my father's body. half of my grandfather's body was crushed. my father's whole body was crushed. i only found his hands on history. i
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also found my uncle, some, a handcuffed. it looks like he was tortured, and the color of his body is blue. all abraham l. kelly is a journalist, indoors a city. he says, palestinians are still coming to times of the effects of israel's devastating war. and also today the streets of northern guys, the city are marked by a sense of when exists in this placement full last life chaos. the aftermath of the violence has lift many residents. without homes, i'm uncertain about their futures. people are moving toward the space with a mix of fear and determination session for a safe place to stay. many families, including those who has already suffered so much, are now finding themselves without shields or once again civilians say, and one of the albany of space is like city schools. filters are all worth rounding unless basic necessities,
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that phone spend 40 for further aspects as the already have a version on this placement. residents are shares stories of various from the affairs emphasizing their environment issue and for several of the and security of them on its own work. and the community is telling together to support each other as best as they can. under this harsh circumstance, there is a deep sense of loss of surfing the as people, as the harsh reality is revealed in their lives from is on our sit by people in northern gaza. have no place to go through and have watched in, in their minds where do this place people misplaced. we are here in northern guys though, since our own guys, a city. also the head here on out was here wanting from climate scientists, as the planner continues to experience record of breaking temperature.
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the in depth analysis of the day sidelines is ready. black is raised accusing the entire world. and okey dokey, the point them cents informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the the
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. ringback the interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, correct. but so is the international community upfront. only what, how to do the the welcome back to watching al jazeera. and let's remind you about top stories here. so lebanese enclave hezbollah has released a video of one of its drones,
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documenting what it says is really military sites and the occupied garden heights has the release of video showing sensitive and it to areas in northern israel is back in june. and central garza, at least 9 people have been killed and the drones try calling the operators refuge account 5 for the edge of children. several other people injured in the attack have been taken to be along the hospital. the diseased 7 palestinians were killed on monday, and it is rarely striking on a home in new sex refuge account from central casa. several palestinians will also injured in a separate strike on monday evening on an un run score and the same area. the or at least one person has been killed, an overnight ukrainian attacks on several russian regions
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and all garage to electrical substations and oil definitely were damaged, leading to a large scale fire. as you can see, the russian defense industries says it's destroyed at least 300, trying to the total number of drones launched by ukraine though is unclear. meanwhile, caves mass as a russian strike on a children's hospital and the printing capital of monday is one of the west attacks on the cities since the war began. more than 2 years ago, at least 41 people were killed in russian attacks across the country. in 24 hours, and one con has 24 hours later on recovery efforts still continue across ukraine. the russian strength was described as massive by local media. the daytime attack was sent me and president, and this is what remains of a children's hospital in keith. so we came here to the hospital 5 minutes before this all happened. we managed to get to the pediatric ward. i don't know, it is
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a nightmare. i both even know if it was a miss side hits or a fragment of a miss size. this is ukraine's largest pediatric hospital and the leading center in the country for treating children with cancer. the attack happened as ukrainian president slodum is. lensky was visiting the published capital wall so ahead of a nato summit in washington. he called on russia to be held accountable for their actions called the us state department condemned the strike. just to be clear. these are sites that serve no military purpose. so they're not sheltering ukrainian military assets. they're not shelter a you members of the ukrainian military. these are civilian infrastructure, pure and simple, that cannot, should not, must not be targets of military attacks. but once again, we've seen a pin deliberately attacking civilian infrastructure as part of his bloody work in secret contact was not limited to the capital. industrial facilities as well as
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commercial and residential buildings were also hit in the new pro and come a tal risk. however, the kremlin has responded by accusing craning and forces of bombing the children's hospital in keys and wrong con. how does their or so meanwhile, a russian president is autumn. a person has spent the indian prime minister under, under moody, his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ukrainian crisis. the due date is, has been holding officials hopes and the criminal pledging to defend their relations in the coming in. meanwhile, ukrainian president, valencia has criticized moody's visit to russian, calling it devastating for peace efforts. russia has had a strong historical ties with india and remains. it's major at defense, an oil supply as well. let's speak to you. there's a lot of us. she has been following the visit for us and joins us now from oscar unit. this was a move full missing than yesterday is dinner between the 2 heads of state. so what's come of it so far?
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oh yeah, absolutely right, vinegar stations have begun and no ranger moody praise the engine, brushing relation saying that thanks to the energy corporation on foot to live the supplies from russia. india avoided energy and st crises. and that also helps the world to reach certain volumes and made a few of the statements about the common stage will be relations. he said, that's a quote for every indian russia is. india is true friend and companion in sorrow and happiness on both ends and russia. a working shoulder to shoulder, to ensure that you entered your into global personnel receives so moody has never condemn speed versus special mutual peroration, you crate. but now it has sub that's sold in problems with phones admitted to action is useless. and one bring any results. not a so many innocent people die and despite many one drink what his reaction would be to accusations that a russian missile have heats
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a true dress hospice when cube yesterday. no reaction already has a method. is that to pick uh, the main part of the visit. it's a blonde for today. as you mentioned, the official russian indian uh, negotiations of taking place right now. it's widely expected that the engine ation will just have a long term agreement on the supply of oil from russia to india, a discount of prices, and also zeroes. item corporation propose to supply energy resources to ingest, through the northern series with that to the shipment at russian far resume pool. so if you guys stations continue and of course i'm on a train them and we will continue doing so. here on is there. are you there some of all of us there for us, and most of thanks assigned to say global warming is leading to most of the heat waves, more intense, forest 5 and even stronger, higher attains which the us having to deal with right now. robots reports from los angeles unbearable heat, relentless fires, and
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a dangerous storm. severe weather is battering the us. hurricane barrels slammed into the texas gulf coast there. galveston, with strong wind and drenching rain, causing heavy damage in some areas as well as widespread flooding. it's pretty bad . down power line, street expenses, just letter and stuff. debris, everywhere. at least 2 people were killed by folding trees. others had a narrow escape. that 3 land right there could have been through the roof of our house instead of our ship. that one could have gone on our house, instead of this way now downgraded to a tropical storm barrel, has knocked out power to more than a 1000000 households and disrupted airline traffic. near santa barbara, california is biggest fire of the year, has burned, more than $8000.00 hector's and forest evacuations. other fires are burning across
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the state. firefighters brought back a blaze, threatening homes in place or bill when we seem it right there is so close. and we seen it and it was like, oh wow. fighting the fires is made more difficult by an intense heat wave enveloping the west temperatures broke records in death valley national park. typically one of the hottest places on earth, at least one visitor, died of heat related causes. when the temperature near the all time planted wide record of 54.4 degrees are saying these temperatures that we're seeing will likely challenge current records if not break them. despite the blistering sun, tourists came out to be part of the experience. ha ha ha. the intense heat wave is forecast to continue in california and other western states till the end of the week. extreme heat kills more people globally in an average year than any other weather event,
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including hurricanes and floods. rob reynolds, l, g, 0, los angeles. at least 23 people have died off to a landslide crashed onto one of the legal goals line and indonesia. 45 people have been reported missing on through the way sea island. the lands mind was triggered by torrential rain and officials say that full conditions are still hampering west u. s. cube is government says it's stopped to plot to smuggle arms and ammunition from the united states. it's interior ministry detained thousands of people. it says a positive abroad applying to destabilize the country. this is part of a 7 month investigation, which reportedly unveiled the involvement of a group based in the us. in cuba says it's notified us government agencies of the, during the investigative process has been proven. there is a union of terrorists from cuba living in the united states. we have denounced them to the north american north 14th through official channels. through that we
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fulfilled the lo yeah, these individuals keep texting with impunity in the north american territory. organizing and financing and supporting violent activities with the goal of some faxing, the internal all the in our country. who is president dean about a lot a has refused to open the answer questions about to reported cosmetic surgery and bribery allegations. but the last day is accused of leaving presidents with office for several days. for the reports of plastic surgery and 2023. she's also facing corruption charges relation, tasha quiet rolex watches and expensive jewelry. what do i say has denied any wrong doing the regarding your question about the jewelry, it is in the prosecutor's office and we are collaborating very openly with the public ministry. we are attending each of the proceedings and we will be attending the money that the prosecutor calls, not only for the so called rolex issue, but also for the many other files that the public prosecutor's office opens. following each news items or crime, death appears in the press or level. well,
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that's it for me and associates. i remember you can always find more on our website out. is there a dot com next inside story examines the implications of the french parliamentary election. resolved to stay with us. gail announce was here the although it's been hot and sticky in parts of japan. so here's a proof. look at the sun font, you island temperature shot up to almost 40 degrees, making it your how does it stay on record for some we do have what weather starts to come into the picture from korea now transferring into japan, spain, island of 100. i think tokyo, eventually this is going to make it down the other side of the mountains. let's go on friday, but look at this doubts with rain about a month's worth in 24 hours,
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but you will get relief from the heat and humidity getting relief from hot and sticky weather right now. in shanghai with these storms. these are summer range really now just wind up across the inks, the river value on wednesday to the middle east. we go and things are really heating up. you can see the proof of that right through iraq and kuwait temperatures, wobbling around 50 degrees. but let's put the forecast to pay for it on thursday. turn the colors on dr. the red, the hotter it is. 52 in kuwait. $46.00 in the nama, and let's go $46.00 for us here in the, with a monthly range picking up in august on the other day cuz she blinded rain here could see much of the same on wednesday. and for parts of olds or a con states in northern india, it has been pouring rain for days, some spots picking up half a meter of rain in 24 hours to later. the examining the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to ship,
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they started attacking the end that i machines unflinching john lewis. and what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you a meter sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on a plunder. well, class progress on ours is 0. inconclusive election. him from spoke with one certain things the far right. what lead the next government left. his blow came out on top, had a present my call centrist with the far right national valley base and interest the place. so what does the result mean? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program on the phone. okay,
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so we know the results of francis.


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