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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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us can use this product from roosting to cause, leaving works is with a dangerous one on the east investigate especially a just signing on which is where the the loving on based on group has follow. release is drone, photos of what it says or is really military sites i mean, occupies, go on heights the, you're watching on 20 life from a headquarters and don't find any you navigate to also coming up at least 44 pounds for the answer can be 5 children are killed and is really strikes across causal on palestinians face multiple forced evacuation orders from garza city by that is really military. but people say that they have no were safe to go also ahead. the an escalation
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in cross border attacks between russia and ukraine, cheve strikes, energy facilities and the rest of the city. a folder on the hezbollah has released a video of one of its drones showing what it says or is really military sites and they occupied golan heights the 11 on based group appears to be highlighting its ability to reach certain sensitive is really sites last month and released the video, showing a military base in northern israel has been the fighters and it is really military, had been engaged in a near a daily cross border battle since last october. we have our correspondence as a bank who's joining us, not from motors. are you in southern lebanon? so as of this is the 2nd such a video released in as many months with says on the showing it gets capabilities. what are we learning from this one? and what's the message behind it? of the absolutely,
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this is the 2nd release. the 1st one was last month over the city apply for highlighting military installations as well as infrastructure in that city. now this one, again, it showcases his blogs ability to infiltrate is right. the space and highlight sensitive is really ministry positions. if i give you a breakdown of some of those, it shows barracks of various different battalions, a training and readiness camps. headquarters for various battalions. i'm brigades. locations of a can read back trees, rate the sites as well as medical centers for troops. now we don't know when this footage was taken the vigils around 10 minutes long, but according to his regime is a, is a new media. this could have been taken months ago, but already has been law, has talked to the ministry sites over in the occupied go then heights. in fact through i'm spending right here last week when we had the science of his blood rockets taking balls. and then we sold them, making impact, uh,
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the occupied golden heights. now you asked about the messaging? well, there's a number of messages every time it's been released is footage like this one is to showcase its capability. it's showing how much intelligence it can get. the fact that to cut in for trade is rate s base oh and then highlight those sensitive ministry sites. you know, this of you, the message is a warning to israel in the event of an escalation, in the event of a whitening of this conflict is belie selecting is real. no, that's it has the capability and the knowledge to know where it's sensitive sites are. and it has the ability to strike them. so that's the message that has relies really sending to israel at this point. and i said, um, you know the attacks in gaza continue, has butler had always said that the 11 on front would be a support front from what you've seen since your time there. what's been happening and, and how sense is the situation in the self as absolutely
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his beloved have all they said in fact, they will be most up to the fight to care. they will not stop top tank is very minute true positions. as long as it isn't to cease by inc. garza agreed to by the resistance groups that have been daily to protect a tech, to assess the nation's, his block pocketing is really ministry sites, but also many people. tens of thousands of people have been displaced here in southern they've been on usually at this time of year in the summer people who would come to the side to enjoy the beautiful nights and the sea and read the fresh air. but that's not disturbed by the sound of rockets not could re fire smoke rising from a strikes droned strikes and there's some real tension and there's a fear that this could escalate sofa. his bloss has said that every time that they respond, it's within the framework for retaliating. do any assessing nations have taken place? but the question is, when does the frame but be reset side? where need the red line crossed and really only take one miscalculation for this to escalate very, very quickly. all right, so thank you so much us as
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a recruiting for much value. and in the south and loving on. 44 people have been killed across cause us and sunrise on tuesday and central casa, and is really drone strike on the on board a is refugee camp has killed at least 9 people. official say at least 5 of the dads are children. several other people injured in the attack had been taken to the up. so hospital and dated by law. and another is really our strike on the, on the site us refugee camp has killed at least 7 palestinians that follow to strike on a un run school in the slate on monday night that injured several people. they were also taken to an actual hospital. a famine has spread everywhere in the gaza strip. that's according to where you and reports, and a group of independent experts for the un said israel was leading an intentional and targeted starvation campaign across scars on. they said that the death of children from starvation, despite medical treatment in central garza indicated that simon had spread from the
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north to the rest of the strip, was i'll speak to our correspond attendant for that. he has joining us from dated by the head. central garza and this is an alarming reports by the un that's been put out, give us a sense of what people do for food and how much food there is in the gaza strip right now. that is, this is literally what is reflected on the ground. let me remind you of the owner of west statements a couple of days ago mentioning that children in gauze as pen 6 to 8 hours every single day striving punching for water and food. here surrounded me in the hospital . it's not only a hospital, but it's also a center for hundreds of families. i see children every single day holding gallons of mt. a. a empty gallons searching for water and it's the same exact thing for food. the food in the market is very,
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very expensive. and most of it is commercial food where policy news have not been able to work or received any money for board then. uh, 8 months now the people totally rely on food aid. and this is a very bad the it, it happens like it, it depends on the situation. like for example, the sensor encouraging. there has been not enough agent during the strip. people are displays from a place to another. so as so food are going to 8 organizations do not know how to spot those palestinians who are being displaced from what, from a place to another. and also let me remind you that doing this displacement palestinians do not think about fluids. despite the fact that they may, might have a food stocks, but when they come and come to evacuate their houses under fire, they only carry their children and try to find a safe place. so food is very little, nothing is entering through a,
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the crossing, especially after the roof. i encourage in policy means could not afford food. i'm not, it's not only food, it's all mothers. and the medical medical and medications, the policy didn't use the antenna. it's been a bloody 24 hours across the gaza strip with is really strikes targeting areas like the bodies and the site. all the refugee comes. tell us about the aftermath of those attacks. well, there were at least 17 palestinians killed in a bu today have residential home in the slater and that's the 17 palestinians were killed among the more 14 at women and children. and also that is really forces targeted database. it's the market, the rage where it's very, very busy and at least 7 palestinians have been killed and dozens have been injured . but let us focus on the people who are transferred here to unlocks the hospital where the hospital is running low on fuel and medical supplies. and no medications
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at the medical teams are drained and exhausted for more than 8 years. they have been working non stop were very no, no resources and medications. and most of these people and injuries die from a, from the lack of medication and they come to their will. and so all of these patients and injuries that we meet every single day and no one could help them. and doctors are feeling helpless because the policy needs could not be the cause of the trip to receive their health care. and medical treatments and medications are not entering the causal strip. okay, and thank you so much. and then for got a reporting from dayton bye. this is just the president of the flipped office. the sea is hosting the c. i is director william burns in cairo. the egyptian presidency said they discuss the efforts to reach a cease fire in gaza during the meeting, c. c reaffirmed egypt position against the continuation of israel's military operations in the gaza strip. on the president's also stressed the importance of
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implementing a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding in the region. just a reminder that the is where the government has bound alda 0 from broadcasting from israel. so we have our correspondence from the central, which is joining us now from i'm on that so, georgina and capital honda. what more have we been hearing about? the plans for a bill burns is visits. what we do know that these really delegation has now left cairo and we'll go to jo, how later in the week, and then be back in cairo. bill burns is not slated to go to israel on this trip to the middle east. what we do know from sources about these meetings in cairo where bill burns was present, is that there were agreements on a lots of different points in the potential ceasefire deal that's on the table. however, have mass sources speaking to media upset, but they're simply not going to agree to a deal, but doesn't include
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a comprehensive cease fire, meaning a total and so the war. however, as we've heard from the, is rarely as all the way from the top from is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but that's not going to happen. in fact, when he released a list of non negotiable on sunday, continuing the war was one of them saying that until all of the goals of the war are complete, the fighting would continue even if a ceasefire deal is secured. so these negotiations are still ongoing, as mediators behind the scenes are trying to bridge the remaining gaps. well, what about the sort of the is really public? how does that do they back a cease fire and goals are, what are the polls telling us? well let's point to some recent polling one released today by these real democracy institute found that 56 percent of his really respondents said that they support a deal to bring back the remaining is really captives if it meant a ceasefire. and ultimately, an end to the war, similar polling done by israel's channel,
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12 found that nearly 70 percent of respondents say that a deal to bring back the captive is more important than continuing the war. we've seen this time and time again preached by demonstrators every single week. some of these demonstrations spilling over into the outsides of benjamin netanyahu is home in west jerusalem, calling for a deal, calling for new leadership. if he's not going to be the one to secure the deal. so as the demands from the demonstrators increase the pressure on nothing, yahoo to secure the deal is also increasing both domestically by his own public. there's a lot of pressure from his coalition for those who do and don't want to deal, and there's pressure from allies like the united states as the war is now entering it's 10 months. all right, thank your hands and thanks for that reporting from a month at least one person has been killed. an overnight ukrainian attacks on several
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russian regions involved abroad to electrical substations and an oil depot were damaged, leading to a large scale fire. the russian defense ministry says it's destroyed at least $38.00 drones. the total number of drones launched by ukraine is unclear as a keeps mayor, as, as a russian strike on a children's hospital in the ukraine and capital on monday is one of the worst attacks on the city since the war began more than 2 years ago. at least 41 people were killed in russian attacks across ukraine in 24 hours. to me, 3 med vanco has more ukraine's capital shaken by one of the worst strikes and rushes in vegas. the moments caught on camera recovery efforts are still underway at the cities children's hospital. the daytime attack was sadly unprecedented. this is what
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remains of the building off to the garage of missile strikes. we came here to the hospital 5 minutes before the thought happened. we managed to get to the pediatric ward. i thought, i know it is a nightmare. i both even know if it was a ms size hits or fragments of a miss. sorry. this is ukraine's largest pediatric hospital and the leading center in the country for treating children with cancer. the attack happened as ukrainian president followed him as a lensky was visiting the polish capital. warsaw had a native summit in washington. he called on russia to be held accountable for its actions. us state departments condemned to strike just to be clear. these are sites that serve no military purpose, but they're not sheltering ukrainian military assets. they're not shelter and you members of the ukrainian military, these are civilian infrastructure, pure and simple. that cannot, should not,
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must not be targets of military attacks. but once again, we've seen a pin deliberately attacking civilian infrastructure as part of his bloody oregon. so the attack was not limited to the capital, industrial facilities, as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hit in the pro and come out to ask the russian foreign ministry has responded by saying it was a ukrainian miss. so that struck the children's hospital when keith mentioned that they didn't go out to 0 of all the russian president vladimir putin, his bank, the indian prime minister, and arrange remotely for his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ukrainian crisis. the 2 liters i've been holding official talks in the kremlin, plunging to deepen, bare relations in the coming years. meanwhile, the ukrainian presidents, the letters of lensky, has criticized modi's visit to russia, calling and devastating for peace efforts. russia has had strong historical ties with india and remains. it's major defense and oil supplier. you'll use up a volleyball has more from moscow, the slow and the rain dry. mary. j a has made
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a very strong anti war statement, saying a solution to the will in ukraine kind of be found on the bottle failed. that piece should be found through tools that sold him problems with weapons one, bring any result that the death of innocent children, animal or a conflict is very, very painful. and so many of us and people dying hills appraise the engine russian relations saying that's assigned to the energy corporation. and so that's why the supplies from russia, india avoided energy and food crises and reach financial stability. it's widely expected is that the indian stomach ation will discuss a long term agreement on the supply of oil from russia to india at a discounted price is rushes roll saw some corporation which possesses and you can always break his sleeves, a promise to supply and is your resources to ingest through the northern c route
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and also they just come, i'm going to discuss the construction of 6 more high power when you play unit with this visits like you mean free 2 once again is showing that the west is no longer in portions for russia, as the countries turning full steam ahead to the so called global sales on the global south needs, cheap russian results as well as russia is came to retain its jet political status and influence. still ahead on algae 0. i'm having a task for and commodities south africa. this used to be a driving mining community. i tell you why it's now a good the, the hello, the monsoon rains have arrived in full force in southern bucket, strong karachi, the other day. blinding rain here we see these verse of rain around at this same time. it's also pumping up temperature. so for a person profits, jacob,
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about $45.00 degrees for you on wednesday, it's been pouring rain for the last several days in northern india, the states of old or a con. we've seen about half a meter of rain in under 24 hours in some parts of the state, but here's what's going on. on wednesday we see the soaking rains for them by the same for goods or at the state. okay. want to take it to indonesia right now. it's actually looking good things for turning much more sunny up for the may not linked of java. most of us who monitor looking pretty good and we do have some downpours across the western size of borneo island. unfortunately, severe for the advisory is in play for the western. besides in the philippines, all has to do with the monsoon rains picking up and our summer rains across trying to now lined up across the yangtze river valley. but this is actually good news for shanghai. it's kicked out the heat, it's kicked out the community, and we are going to see much of the same for japan as this. what whether eventually moves in, but you know, what get ready for tokyo because by the end of the week you're going to be dallas
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with rain once for spring 24 hours by for now. the, the in the
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top stories on algae 0, this our liberties on groups as well. that has released a video of one of its drones documenting what it says or is really military sites and they occupied golan heights. both sides have traded near daily cross border strikes in october last year and is really drone strife and then put a is refugee camp and the center of is also strength is killed. if these 9 people official say at least 5 of the dads are children, at least 44 people have been killed in attacks across the gaza strip by is really for assistance dawn on tuesday. israel's war on garza has lasted for more than 9 months and it's bombing campaign has destroyed much of gauze us power facilities out 0 is my office a who doesn't the job badly, a refugee camp in the north and has this report or do i just slice all over and nothing does. so it's have this floyd old full of sources unfinished to us. it to
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lines with the damage so bad. it has left side of things here and evaluated that you can't without any source of fella which is a 100 nothing to her. but if there is no electricity, there is nothing, nothing until we have to buy credit to make phone tags. and the network does not always work with the money is not available and we have no credit to what the situation is just dire. and also civil laws civilians here have to find another way to adopt the new life here. solar power have become unimportant spots of the data live here. so people sometimes won't for all over a one cubic meter every day, just to charge the phone or just the fun and reads. sure, the charging voice. and you will have people go know that the only people with electricity of those who and so upon us. and so the panels were destroyed all over the body to come as a result of the latest radio question,
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during which these radius destroyed inside of the panels installed on the rooftop. i mean, we go through great suffering to charge on mobile phones and batteries with this area is under attack. people have to take shows is tools. so they cannot reach this, the charging boy. they are on able to communicate with their relatives in the other boss. so if nothing goes this with this is the scene. yeah, nothing does a threat and be lack of fall off is towards the cold and making the lives. yeah. is extremely difficult. a lot of these guys just eat us. nothing does fred palestine cube us. government says that it stopped the plot to smuggle arms and ammunition from the united states. its interior ministry detain thousands of people who it says are part of a broader plan to destabilize the country. and this is all part of
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a 7 month investigation, which reportedly unveiled the involvement of a group based in the us q. besides that, it's notified us government agencies. if the, during the investigative process has been proven, there is a unit of terrace from cuba living in the united states. we have denounced them to the north american authorities through official channels. through that we fulfilled the law. yeah, these individuals keep acting with impunity in the north american territory, organizing and financing and supporting volume activities with the goal of some faxing, the internal all the in our country to. so don, now, or if you, us prime minister abbey estimated has made his 1st visit to the country since the conflict began in april last year. so he met the head of the suit and he's armed forces on the 5th, definitely, but han and 4th to don. in december, the prime minister hosted the leader of the rapids support forces and how much i'm done. doug hello, talks to broker a ceasefire. have so far, failed fighting between government forces and the are
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a surface force. millions of people from their homes and agencies are warning of famine. several coal fired power stations in south africa are scheduled to close in the next 6 years, part of its transition to green energy, but because of its heavy reliance on coal for electricity, the country is africa's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. this new move means further job losses in a country with an already high unemployment rates, her which also reports from commodity of the commodity. coal fired power station is a really quiet. it's one of the oldest in south africa. and the 1st one to be de commissioned parts of the government's plan to use less fossil fuels. most workers, will it go in 2022 with everything that that is happening. it's like they are focusing more on the environment. why is they don't care about the people who are starving and everything? so these things they need to be balanced so that the to goes to get the government
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says it's just in a few transition program is training people in other skills, community leaders and assist very few here earning a living of us. the government knew, at some stage the power station had to be shot because of their life space. but there was no such session plan put in place to ensure that once the post station is stopped, life sustenance continues. all economic video change continues. transitioning to renewable energy won't be easy, as because most developed economy has an energy crisis. it still needs its call. but after that generates most of the electricity from coal, it's a killed international loans to help with the transition to green sources. but, and this one, switching from coal to renewable energy protect tickets whilst that applicant is
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not the world's biggest image of greenhouse gas emissions, the international pressure on all countries to reduce the use of fossil fuel. i think whatever happens, we are going to see some sort of the growth in, in the move from cold towards renewables. it, i think it's important what's happened because many of these copeland's all old and they have seen breaking down quite often. of keeping them going is going to probably cost more. ready then building something new as to think that it could all make realities also come in, but it's going to be a slower process. and a lot of people would like more coal power stations are scheduled to be commissioned in the coming years. that will mean more job losses in all sectors along the cold, out how to monetize out of their commodity. south africa. peruse president, gina, by the warranty has refused to open the answer. questions about her reported because medic surgery as well as bribery allegations who are to is accused of leaving presidential office for several days for the reported plastic surgery in
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2023. she's also facing corruption charges relating to how she acquired rolex watches and expensive jewelry or worth has denied any wrong doing. is this the last regarding your question about the jewelry? it is in the prosecutor's office and we are collaborating very openly with the public ministry. we are attempting each of the proceedings and we will be attending the money that the prosecutor calls, not only for the so called rolex issue, but also for the many other files that the public prosecutor's office opens. following each news items or crime that's appears in the press. scientist say that global warming is leading to more severe hate waves, more intense forest fires and stronger hurricanes, all of which the u. s. is having to deal with right now for rentals. reports from los angeles unbearable heat, relentless fires, and
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a dangerous storm. severe weather is battering the us. hurricane barrel slammed into the texas gulf coast there. galveston with strong wind and drenching rain, causing heavy damage in some areas as well as widespread flooding. pretty bad down power line, st. vincent status letter and stuff. debris everywhere. at least 2 people were killed by folding trees. others had a narrow escape that 3 land right there could have been through the roof of our house instead of our shit. that one could have gone on. our house, instead of this way now downgraded to a tropical storm barrel, has knocked out power to more than a 1000000 households and disrupted airline traffic. near santa barbara, california is biggest fire of the year, has burned more than $8000.00 hector's and forest evacuations. other fires are burning across the state. firefighters brought back
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a blaze threatening homes in place or bill when we seem it right there is so close and we seen it and it was like a while. fighting the fires is made more difficult by an intense heat wave enveloping the west temperature's broke records in death valley national park. typically one of the hottest places on earth, at least one visitor died of heat related causes. when the temperature near the all time planted wide record of 54.4 degrees are saying these temperatures that we're seeing will likely challenge current records if not break them. despite the blistering sun, tourists came out to be part of the experience. ha, 8. how? the intense heat wave is forecast to continue in california and other western states till the end of the week. extreme heat kills more people globally in an average year than any other weather event,
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including hurricanes and floods. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. at least 23 people have died after a land slide buried in in the gold gold mine in ends and these young and dozens more are missing. poor weather and difficult to rain or hampering rescue efforts. barnaby low has this updates, search and rescue teams deployed to a remote village on pseudo west island. after a landslide buried the pit or $79.00 miners were sticking for gold on sunday night . but they're having to walk 20 kilometers to reach the site. and they're being slowed down for the 1st 6 months in rain and they've done done so i've got to live, got them uh, victory and is extreme. that was normally used by the miners and the motorcycle cut off because of all the bridge along the roads.


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