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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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all the 11 and based on group has the la release is dry and footage of what it says our is riley minutes. we sides and we also have goldens hines, the semi say, dan, this is i'll just say we're a live from dell hall. so coming up, children not dying and as well solve ation campaign. a stock warning from view and this time and spread sol pods have gone so because of his roles, blockades the moments russian this i'll say the children's hospital, the un security council holds an emergency meeting on the attack in ukraine. and
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they so lead is a gathering in washington where president joe biden is having to show this fit for a 2nd. so the cross board attention is growing between israel and the evidence has the law raising fits of ally, the conflict the on group has released drone video of what it says. always right. any minute 3 sites in the occupied, the golden heights has block, pays to be heightened highlighting its ability to reach sensitive is riley sites. last month to post a video of a ministry base in northern israel. i said, bank has this update from about its are you on of his with a husband these dis, drones which the 2nd of its kind but this time over occupied goes in heights. and now they have highlighted a number of sites in this video. now,
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the highlighted barracks for various different battalions. training and readiness comes for troops. the headquarters for various battalions, i'm brigades locations of i to re batteries radar sites, as well as medical centers for troops. now the message that has been law is sending is one of its capabilities that it can access is rated as best over this sensitive sites. but knowing that they can collect intelligence and highlights of these sites . also, it's when it gets real that it can target these sensitive ministry sites. in fact, it did. so last week i was standing right here when his beloved launched rockets tools as well over a head. and we saw the make impact and the occupied goes on heights, even as i speak. now we can hear artillery, fire taking golf, and landing. and that's the situation where it's tense and the is a real fear that that could be an escalation. what it takes is one miscalculation for this conflict to escalate a side vague. i just ate
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a mazda you sideslip enough to gauze an hour. at least 44 people have died in gaza since early tuesday. that included israel is attacked in the set on the center of the strip and the bridge refugee camp that has killed at least 17 palestinians. most of them children. many of those were injured in the shelling and it's being taken to unlock the hospital and there by and you an expert. so wanting family to spread tool ponce of gaza because of as well as blockade. the independent ex foot sized riley's leading an intentional and targeted starvation campaign across garza, the group is cooling on the international community to end as well seem to have gone. so let's, let's go now. so him to hold the race. he joins us from that and by in central garza and some families have been displaced from gaza city as many as 7 times. what sort of told is that taking on people
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palestinians are feeling that there has lives there, frustrated there. despair were talking about people who left all of their belongings, their memories, or houses, even some of the kind of things happening. that's 3rd relatives under the other upon many groups because they evacuated under intensive pa, your and our tend to reach tenix. but here in the hospital where it's not only a hospital, it's also a shelter for hundreds of families. palestinian families tough to us every single day and tell us that they are waiting for the day. they go back to their homes, are waiting for the day that even if their houses are destroyed or partially damaged, there are very tired are being distaste, replace one other. and let me also remind you, sent me that people is that you wait and see their houses without thinking like even their food. so people is start looking from scratch, for foods, for soccer,
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who this is why it's very miserable. and also that situation where people are evacuating things that guard which is everywhere, to which is everywhere and, and, and it's very hard, it's, i think there's something going on around the pain to me that you take cover the kind of thing we're gonna let you take cover when things settle down in your face. we come back to you that i will try and come back to hand in a little bit because as energy facilities will say, face unprecedented destruction. and israel's months long war, millions of palestinians are struggling with little or no electrical power. since
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israel cut off its supply, but the reason they reconnect to the power line to one, the sound a nation and sewage plant and con eunice laws, they to prevent disease disease outbreaks for its own troops in the area. garza heavily relies on this route for its electricity and diesel supply. before the war, about half of its power came from 10 is where the power lines delivering a 120 megawatts. because the strip had a single visa pallets on generating an additional $65.00 to $75.00 megawatts. but this power station run out to fuel last october. as a new project aiming to restore power to one, the selling nation plants in central garza, with the hopes of providing voltage to displaced families, bought a couple assumed reports from data by as desperate for the palestinians to the school and managed diesel. a nation prolonged in hon. eunice
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every day for what legal that is to district huge mess up the city, the diss, and i'm, it's been a long time since i drink cold water. there's no electricity at all. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we drink here is not properly filtered. it's a mix of salt in fresh water. before the will, this punch provided to 20000000 liters of a fresh water every day. around 250000 people. now, the facility can produce only a fraction of static, just 15 percent of the original outputs. and now also serves more than 1000000 people. full time, so what's designed for most of them displaced by as well as boss of to the east bed, only destroyed power links to the plant. it has been forced to run the backup generators using fuel, which is radically running out soon because of lead
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or has ignored it. and this is, you know, he says it was designed from the sun never able to. we things that we really to the point to raise the plans for when it wasn't a lot of things. but that could soon change palestinian work has in coordination with these very forces on now attempting to connect an external power line to the prompt. also, you saw that in the amount we've received or requested to restore lines to reconnect the dissemination fonts and darrow by law. we started working with what we have available resources we have and we were in contact for the relevant organizations to provide the components needed for this line event for us to supply yours was for the, for the and so once again, be able to run at full capacity stevens, then it will be far from enough to provide the population of bones. but what if for
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sure what's up off with these palestinians? it will provide at least some really recognize the will just be around. there is the palestine, egypt president that does that, that has cc is hosting c. i a direct to william burns and kyra the gyptian presidency says they discussed efforts to reach a see saw during the meeting. see, see, reaffirmed these countries position against the continuation of military operations in the gaza strip. president also stress the importance of implementing a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding in the region. assign heavy d as they form a system. foreign minister for egypt. he outlines the steps that need to be taken out of a seas. 5 tools with it is that the is that it isn't, has to be in the gust estimate and we are unable shape thing with them as a starting from this fine. this is a, this is our starting point, but at we we, it,
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of course we can speak about transmission about 8 months and the, the, the city phase approach that president by, by the outline, the last may 31st was ahead of us in negotiating with them and they of course supports from the american administration in order to reach an agreement on these parts of a management. and so hopefully we are negotiating with the categories and with the americans, with this that he doesn't have the, how much of it possesses. we are legal shaping. uh or we are preparing to be more precise. yeah. for the battery and the ground for assumption of negotiations in order to implement the 3 phase approach. a progressive environment with it is that the ultimately, the 1st thing is it should be the ones who immediate supervisor and
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manage the crossing. and we'll have that on forces to uh, protect the guys and to prohibit any weapon smuggling or any kind of smuggling is to the guys a slip. so i believe, as long as there is no infringement on, is your 1st opportunity. i guess we can work that out with the head of the americans and got a piece from the americans. best is that he just wants to be there at the station or, or the is that i eat as well. he also by the guys as it says, take you banks, a gall, so and now getting reports of a shooting outside deluxe a hospital. let's go to him to school today. she's of course and dated by in central garza and hens. what can you tell us? we saw some very dramatic pictures just a moment ago. what's happening there? well, we do not know what's happening, but it's, it's, it's, it's, it's more about an incident between people between each other and this is come on
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the psychological warfare that's going to going happen in gaza at we're talking about a complete chaos. there has been no policeman if we're talking about 9 months of war where people are not heard across the street. there has been no policemen. there has been a lot of but dangerous incident happenings, mother then air strikes and other than the artillery setting. and this is, this was one of the main things that we observed personally after every time policeman go out on the street or start a organizing stuff. is there any questions have been targeting all of the police and, and nice preowned cars around it. so that's why this is one of the few incidents that is happening every a couple of days. and it's, it's, it's very sad that it's, it's happening, it's adding more sorrow and more even more me through the lives of public opinion. but imagine
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a place without any police 9 without any one organizing at people are all displays of scott's or across the street. they have been know, like it's it's, it's all due to the continue or displacement that's happening and it's all the reason of before and the ongoing support. and just to clarify, did you say him that there was an incident that there was a shooting incident between people, but between people that as well as the o, like shot is detroit covering their faces with gun of shooting at each other. i don't really know who these people are, and that's why my team and i try to take cover on this side. but again, i told you this has been one of the few incidents, but it's also very dangerous because a lot so hot. so it's not only a hoss because there are 100 because of the time it is going to be seeking refuge, taking refuge into costs with it. and there are lots of choosing to we're looking
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at uh, some pictures hidden does. we're talking to you. it seems people are mulling around do have any sense of whether things are back to normal or whether there is some kind of a situation that is still ongoing. that of course we should wait. yes, i think, i think in the couple of minutes everything is going to get back. norma, some people are volunteering and they need to think to put this to put this to an end. but what people are horrified, they do not know what's happening. and also i told you that we're talking about displacements make to come hospitals where a lot of children palestinians are here. so it's going to take a little bit of time. so if people are going to be locked again and to move your money back again. all right, thanks so much and, and so they will let you gather some more information about what's happening down. no, that will be coming back to you again. the
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hey ukrainian driving a tank and rushes of all go to a region is damaged electrical infrastructure and an oil that post mocking a launch fire. at least 5 people were killed in 2 different attacks. rushes defense ministry size . it's shutting down another $38.00 drones. but i'm below, and my ukraine is unclear, follows a series of attacks by rusher on monday, that killed at least 41 people in ukraine, destroyed the children's hospital in the capital, key of short debates, divided by banker as more ukraine's capital shaken by one of the worst strikes and thrushes invasions the moments caught on camera. the recovery efforts are still under way of the city's
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children's hospital. the daytime attack was sadly unprecedented. this is what remains of the building off to the garage of missile strikes. with figures costs a 1000. busy 720 pounds and fit in a time when the most i thought in the hospital was around 675. i don't like that. the attack happened as ukrainian presidents followed him as a lensky was visiting the polish capital. warsaw, head of a native summit in washington. he called on russia to be held accountable for its actions. us state departments condemn the strike. just to be clear. these are sites that serve no military purpose, but they're not sheltering ukrainian military assets. they're not shelter and you members of the ukrainian military, these are civilian infrastructure, pure and simple. that cannot, should not,
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must not be targets of military attacks. but once again, we've seen a pin deliberately attacking civilian infrastructure as part of his bloody oregon. so the attack was not limited to the capital. industrial facilities, as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hit in the pro and come out to ask the russian foreign ministry has responded by saying it was a ukrainian miss. so that struck the children's hospital and keith to meet them and they didn't go out. is there still a head on out? just sarah a day for the new u. k. parliament under a label majority for the 1st time in 14 years. we'll have the details about the latest appointment. the, the hello, the monsoon rains have arrived in full force in southern pockets on karachi,
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the other day. blinding rain here we see these verse of rain around at the same time. it's also pumping up temperature. so for a person profits, jacob, about $45.00 degrees for you on wednesday, it's been pouring rain for the last several days in northern india, the states of altar, a con. we've seen about half a meter of rain in under 24 hours in some parts of the state, but here's what's going on. on wednesday we see these so came rains for them by the same for goods or at the state. okay. want to take you to indonesia right now. it's actually looking good. things are turning much more sunny up for the may not linked of java. most of sumatra looking pretty good and we do have some down points across the western slice of borneo island. unfortunately, severe, flooded advisories in play for the western besides in the philippines, all has to do with monsoon rains picking up and our summer rains across china now lined up across the yangtze river valley. but this is actually good news for shanghai. it's kicked out the heat, it's kicked out the humidity and we are going to see much of the same for japan as
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this. what, whether eventually moves in, but you know, what? get ready for tokyo because by the end of the week you're going to be dallas with rain months worth of rain 24 hours by for now. the hidden insides and communities across india is a deadly fiber, especially the world's largest import india uses especially those can use this product from roosting to call leaving work is with a dangerous one on the east investigate, especially a just sign in on out is here. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know. as far as i said, i'm going all the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the bulk of bank you're watching out, is there a time to recap on headlines now? lebanese on group has the laws released the video, one of its trends documenting what it says out as writing minutes. we sites in the occupied golden heights. both sides have traded near daily across the board assigned since october last year. is randy dry and strong come the bridge, refugee camp in the center of gauze or killed. at least 9 people. officials say at least 5 of the children, least $44.00 people have been killed in the tax of cross kinds of bias. really forces in store on tuesday or ukrainian driving a tank and rushes, volleyball road region is damaged to likes cooling, so strong cia and then oil depot, sponsoring,
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and launch 5. at least 5 people were killed in 2 different tags. follows a series of strikes by rush or on monday that killed at least 41 people in ukraine, destroyed the children's hospital and the capital view and security council was held in emergency session to discuss the latest struction strikes. you're crying announced a national day of morning following the series of attacks across the country. you and condemned the russian strikes. calling the deplorable mister president, i called the secretary general's un human rights high commissioners and others strong condemnations of these deplorable attacks. my heart goes out to all those affected gabriel, as on the has more from the united nations or well, they're still meeting at this very moment. we're hearing from different security council members right now, almost universally,
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we've been hearing combination of this attack and calls for this conflict to in, i mean, that's clearly what you're hearing from most members. now we haven't heard from russia yet. it would be interesting to see what the russian ambassador has to say about this. of course they are, they are rotating prep, hold the rotating presidency of the security council this months, or they're essentially sharing a security council meeting that is about russia and these attacks we've heard from a top you un official on preventative and an emergency relief coordinator condemning the attacks also saying that the u. n has counted more than 1800 attacks on health care facilities. since this conflict began. she said it's a war crime and that the perpetrators need to be brought to account. but in terms of this particular security council meeting, it was an emergency meeting, and it was really about this attack on the hospital. i think that's what really caught the attention of france and other security council members. it called for this meeting because of the serious nature of it. but in terms of
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a security council resolution, you will not be seeing that that is not on the table. there will be no action per se in this meeting. of course, russia has that is a permanent member of the security council holds veto power. so in theory, they could block any action by the security council, as we've seen in the past since this conflict began. russia's president has thank the indian prime minister for his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ukraine conflict. the present did not ingenuity with the russians highest civilian award as they types. the strength and relations ukraine's president below them is that in ski is criticized bodies, visit russia remains. india is major defense in the oil supply. despite the international pressure sides feel like a pushy,
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i am happy that india and russia are working side by side to give new energy to global prosperity. this relationship is built on the strong foundation of mutual trust and mutual respect to the rules. you're the self of all of a has more now for moscow. it has made us 12 and you will states when saying a solution to the when you praying kind of be found on the bottle field and piece should descend through towards the engine delegation has signed several very lucrative contracts, including a long term agreement on the supply of oil from russia to india as a discount of price. let's say in today's using a window of what's here and see which opened for us after the beginning of the ukranian complex. and the 2 countries goal now is to reach a trait turnover and trying to set you up to $100000000000.00 rushes rolls. awesome corporation which runs and you create a ice break is fleets, has a propose to supply and to resources to india. it through the northern see read as
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well as the construction of 6 more high power and you play unit settings. yes. while for russia, this visit is more about politics rather than the economy. the global south needs cheap russian resources where russia is, teen to retain is triple it's cold. states has an influence adult swim full since according to indian soul, says those indians who were you into the russian army will go home. and the rent for moody was promised that the russian side would facilitate their return to the homeland you lash above all about alters the rent most fair lead is of the north atlantic treaty organization, or nato, a meeting in the us to market 75th anniversary brushes. war and ukraine will be tough of the agenda are in washington, dc. us secretary of state anthony blinking has addressed a public forum on the sidelines of that summit. the o,
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as in november's us presidential election is also in shop focus. jo biden's, a nice, has supposed to fund his republican challenger for the white house. donald trump. well, he's quite skeptical of the military alliance. a white house correspondent kimberly house joins us now from them. kimberly, 1st of all, this is also being billed as something of a and i'll put unity for joe biden. is he showing the will that? yes, he is still a strong leader. there is no question that all eyes are on joe biden. not just the eyes of the world leaders that are here for this data summit, but the eyes of the world really, to se, if he has the fitness for office, for another term. this is coming at a time that is very unpredictable for joe biden,
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given some of the domestic problems that he is facing. questions about his viability for another presidential nomination and the fact that he is trying to win . another term is the white house, given the fact that there is a presidential election come november. so he is going to make an address for the beginning of the nato summit at 21 cmt. it will have all the predictable elements for a needle summit. the military, financial aid for you freight a pathway for eventual nato membership for you pray. those will be the discussion but ever recorded in watching for joe by his performance. and those watching will be members of his own democratic party who are meeting right now to discuss whether or not joe biden can do the job. as of right now is divided into 2 camps, those that support him. and those in doubt he has the ability to do the job, the feeling here, washington, sammy se for. 2 as well in the next 72 hours most leave,
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the jo biden's presidential nomination for another time around is going to be se to kimberly, how much on ease is the nato overall? this uncertainty over joe biden, over the elections, over who might be moses the leader of the us often november. there's a lot of uncertainty. there was all ready as certainty going into these meetings and that had to do more with the former president donald trump. and that's because of a lot of what donald trump had to say. and what he did when he was in office, you'll remember that he had some pretty strong views about nato, and the elias given the fact that he, i believe, but to many were not meeting their expectations when it came to the contributions to nato. and he believes that should he get into office again,
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but those that are contributing the g d p. contributions of 2 percent. well, they shouldn't be defended, should they get attacked. and so that's what led to say 8 and the other is that he doesn't believe that nato should be given so much money to ukraine. and that's made a lot of nato members and their leaders nervous. uh so that's one issue. they're not too fond of donald trump. the other issue is of course, the viability of joe biden. so there's a lot of discomfort for these leaders coming into washington. so that's what we're watching. and also we're watching, given joe biden's port debate performance that we saw on that last presidential debate. most of these leaders have come here, not only for these meetings, but to take their own temperature of jo bivens and his viability on the world stage . and whether or not he's really going to be able to do the job for another 4 years not attempted to be taken. thanks so much. kimberly, how could back this?
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now the u. k. is new lead. the customer is due to join nato leaders in washington shortly to earlier on tuesday. members of is newly elected labor government attended parliament for the 1st time. they belong to a historic land slide. earlier this week. the new house of commons has the largest number of women every like to with 263, and the most visible minorities at 90. so the guy who has this update from outside westminster, parliament was reconvenes and it was a problem for the policy leave is to be able to make values addresses also for problems as well. but the whole day started off with the choosing of the speaker at the house of commons. the previous speaker lindsey oil was chosen again, and often thoughts and statements were made by those costs. you need to sourcing


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