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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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trust, i'll just tell them what's happening in their communities in at p a and i'm biased and as an applicant i couldn't be more proud to be part of the . ready ready ready is a full series target. another school housing display style experience. this time in southern garza, at least 20 people have been killed. the hon, sammy's a. them. this is i'll just do a live from dell hall. so coming up, lebanon's um group has the la release is drone footage of what it says out as writing the 3 sites in the occupied golden pines.
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the moment russian miss, i'll say the children's hospital, the un security council holds an emergency meeting on the attack. can you find a native lead is a gathering and washington with president joe biden is hoping to show these 1st sections of the spring. you some breaking news coming in has been in this radius act on a school housing displace, palestinians. it's happened to the town of ibis on east of con eunice, in southern gaza. at least 20 palestinians have been killed. 64 in total across the strip in the past day is going out with him to hold the race. you joins us on the line from that about ahead and central garza. so what are you hearing about this strike near a school in calling us to me. so it's on another is there in the air story and it's
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targeted an intern a gate of a school in from you in this, in the sun. and let me remind you that is where the forces called people in drop off, when the branding agent happened. started there, the awesome new 2, eunice, and most of the people evacuated to shelters like to and shelters and school. so especially before night hours, palestinians in shelters in you as school starts guessing at moving around, finishing all their stuff for the day because they do not move during the dark. so it's very obvious that this number of potential energy is going to rise because it's an entrance. it's where everyone is moving around. children are playing around and tell me this is the story of talk on a school in the past couple of days. this is happening every single day now, and no one is, it is sure why that is really forces are now targeting all of directly targeting
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schools and new and tell, take their justifying that every time they target the school that there's a mass space. and that's how most fighters are in there, but we see that most of those who are injured or killed are policy, need children an are a pod extending women. and the thing is now are terrified. everyone is trying to bring in a score. i'm trying to back to is in a different area, but the students are left. how does this? because they do not know where to go and no worries, no worries. take something. what kind is a post to all civilians taking that now, as you said they, they went into schools in con eunice and did not have a son because they were told to go into these areas. all they do, they have any clue basically what to do next. to stay, they have to go from there way to go and do, and it's hard to find everyone is there side as a. is there any forces?
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i've been trying to squeeze all of the palestinians in the middle area in 10 minutes. but as you see earlier today, there was a target on m timely and 17 political news were also killed. 14 of these auditing and killed our children and women. and now schools have been a target product and used to not have any place to go even agriculture down the line there, or talks with make sure comes now i'm, there is no peace for people like even to thank you time and up in a place you do not have to face other than the fact that there's sewage everywhere, there's garbage everywhere. so that's why you chose to do in those at 10. now i'm sure your families are in panic. they're trying to evacuate school, but there are also left homeless because there's no case on me at all. if things do not know where to go and everywhere is a target in the college trip so far. and as you're talking,
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we're showing what we can, those beliefs is pictures. the there's, there's plenty of pictures coming in that we simply con, show that very grisly. and they show a lot so, well, frankly, remnants of children. but perhaps you can give us an update on the off them off the casualty count. i mean, the latest word is i think, 20 but the pictures suggested that the final counts and picture is going to be much more imprisoned. isn't that not only the truth talking about the medication? is there a running out of medications like even if the doctor does have the perfect and if you just save the lives of children above. oh boy, the other thing is to be and they do not have the medication to do that. so that's why most of the people would spend hours in i see you. and that's because there has been no nicholas treatments. there have been no yes. like all the medical supplies
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that have been, i suppose, 2 inches long, that have not been entering since the beginning of the inclusion also announced that hospital has been alarming that there are very no, i'm fuels, they're very low on monday. but in the past couple of weeks, so is overwhelming and what people are coming to the hospital being transferred. but also let me remind you, this is the entrance of a school and interest, a shelter where where thousands of talents of transferring. so it's a very busy days and then he also sends you the not for 1st the car. yeah. and it, that was time today, earlier today, the market in a, in would that be the targeted and then i'll be having pills. so this is happening on hourly basis and controversies are expected today. all right,
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and the thing else on the pricing we use is trying to be in front of a school with palestinians have been taking refuge. we know there's a number of casualties and extremely grisly pictures, songs which we can show you, indicating that there are a lot of people including children, body, parts of children, hidden things for updating us on that across the board, attention is growing between israel and levins, has belie raising phase of a line to conflict beyond group is really struggling. video is ready. the ministry sites in the occupied golden heights has been all appears to be highlighting its ability to reach sensitive is riley sites. last month it posts a video of imagery bass in northern israel. i said, bank has this update from monica, are you? and to his, with a has released the strong footage, the 2nd of its kind. but this time over occupied goes in heights,
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and now they have highlighted a number of sites in this video. now the highlighted barracks for various different battalions. training and readiness comes for troops. the headquarters for various battalions, i'm brigades locations of i to re batteries radar sites, as well as medical centers for troops. now the message that has blah is sending is one of its capabilities that it can access is rated as best over the sensitive sites. but not only that they can collect intelligence and highlights with these sites. but also it's when it gets real that it can target to these sensitive ministry sites. in fact, it did. so last week i was standing right here when his beloved launch rockets tools as well over a head. and we saw the make impact and the occupied go there in heights even as i speak. now we can hear artillery, fire taking golf, and landing. and that's the situation here. it's tense and the is a real fear that that could be an escalation or what it takes is one miscalculation
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for this conflict to escalate side bake. i've just gotta mojdeh you said to the bottom line to mike, there is a military and political. i'm list, he says, has the last security breach threatens to disrupt his rel severely. it is showing all the position that have been improvise off to the 7th of october, which indicates that these drought that are impossible to be deceptive by the eye window. because they have a completely different way of flying and the speed and the iron doing is made for something completely different. full authority insurance and motors and rockets. and it's showing that all the in deception besides within the reach that we're not going to serve anything to eat right. but the above or is forcing these really to adopt. pittsville dies doctoring to go under the ground because it's no longer possible for these relays to behave in the very true buyer. it's like bank
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employers parking their cars outside and thinking nothing is going to happen to them. so here's one that is focusing on is red, huge expense to change all these locations, or at least to turn them from above the ground under the ground, which is going to cost billions of dollars from the ministry approach and showing how much intelligence information has blah has and shifting these targets it'd be coming. so easy that is right is forced to change is doctoring to change its approach and adopt something completely different and yet has f as well as sending one of the ultimate one. and i think because it's saying to is right and stop the war guides, uh, because i'm going to move to something else. the ukrainian drone attack and rushes of all go to
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a region is damaged electrical infrastructure and an oil depot sparking a launch fire. at least at least 5 people were killed in 2 different attacks. rushes defense ministry says it shot down another associate drones. the number launched by you frame is unclear . it follows a series of attacks by roger on monday that killed at least $41.00 people in ukraine and destroyed the children's hospital in the capital kids. to me to make vanco as more ukraine's capital, shaken by one of the worst strikes and thrushes and faces. the moments caught on camera. the recovery efforts are still under way of the cities children's hospital . the daytime attack was suddenly unprecedented. this is what remains of the building off to the garage of missile strikes with fingers crossed the phone there
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. busy 7 from the 21st and put in a time when the most i thought in the hospital was around 675. i don't like that. the attack happened as ukrainian president followed him as a lensky was visiting the polish capital. warsaw head of a native summit in washington. he called on russia to be held accountable for its actions. us state departments condemn the strike. just to be clear. these are sites that serve no military purpose. they're not sheltering ukrainian military assets, they're not shelter and you members of the ukraine military, these are civilian infrastructure, pure and simple. that cannot, should not, must not be targets of military attacks. but once again, we've seen a pin deliberately attacking civilian infrastructure as part of his bloody organs to the attack was not limited to the capital. industrial facilities,
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as well as commercial and residential buildings were also hit in the pro and kind of to ask. the russian foreign ministry has responded by saying it was a ukrainian miss. so that struck the children's hospital and keith to meet them. it didn't go out to 0. the un security council is held in emergency session to discuss the latest russian strikes. you're crying announced a national day of morning following the series of attacks across the country. you and condemned the russian strikes, calling them deplorable. this mister president, april, the secretary general's un human rights hi commissioners, and others, strong condemnations of these deplorable attacks. my heart goes out to all those affected gabriella, as on the has more now from the way. well, they're still meeting at this very moment. we're hearing from different security
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council members right now, almost universally, we've been hearing combination of this attack and calls for this conflict to in, i mean, that's clearly what you're hearing from most members. now we haven't heard of from russia yet. it would be interesting to see what the russian ambassador has to say about this. of course they are, they're rotating prep hold the rotating presidency of the security council this months, or they're essentially sharing a security council meeting that is about russia. and these attacks we've heard from the top, the un official on preventative and an emergency relief coordinator condemning the attacks. also saying that the u. n. has counted more than 1800 attacks on health care facilities since this conflict began. she said it's a war crime and that the perpetrators need to be brought to account. but in terms of this particular security council meeting, it was an emergency meeting. and it was really about this attack on the hospital. i think that's what really caught the attention of france and other security council
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members. it called for this meeting because of the serious nature of it. but in terms of a security council resolution, you will not be seeing that that is not on the table. there will be no action per se in this meeting. of course, russia has, it is a permanent member of the security council holds veto power. so in theory, they could block any action by the security council, as we've seen in the past. since this conflict began. i said i had on al jazeera i'm had them a tassel in commodities, south africa. this used to be a thriving mining community. i tell you why it's now and was hampering rescue assets off to a land slide berries. mine is digging from cold in indonesia, the same depth analysis of the days headlines he's right. is like his res, accusing that i was looking upon them since informed opinions. this is her 1st
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visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now? critical debate, i believe the selections will empower him in many way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the . ringback the taxes with dan this jen, and as i'm an in depth coverage, this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15,
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little on the out to 0 is teams on the ground. when you get closer to the closet, the story of the heel watching. i'll just say around the time, to recap, ma headlines now. this bit in this radio tank on a school housing misplaced college students. it's happened in the town of ice on east o'con unit in southern garza, at least 20 palestinians have the 264 and so for across the districts in the past day, the lebanese on group has the laws released the video of one of its drones documenting what it says is, right,
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the minutes resigned. cindy occupied golden heights. both sides has traded near daily cost for the strikes since october last year. a cranium drone attack in russia's vulgar regions has damaged electrical infrastructure and an oil that those spawn in the launch fire. at least 5 people were killed in 2 different attacks, all as a series of attacks by rush or on monday that killed at least 41 people in ukraine and destroyed the children's hospital in the account. they dissolve the north atlantic treaty organization known as nato meeting in the us to market 75th anniversary roches warren ukraine will top the agend are in washington, dc. us secretary of state anthony, blinking meeting the ukrainian fall and administered the rates of cordova has been meeting and rather the alliance is expected to finalize a nicer plan to supply weapons to ukraine. let's go to our white house
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correspondent, kimberly how, cuz also being billed as an opportunity for joe biden. is he showing that he is a strong leader of the well, that the intention certainly by the white house and by the biding campaign that is the high jo biden's attempt for another run at the white house. come november. oh, certainly there is a problem for joe biden, and that is his re election efforts and the fact that he's had a poor debate performance. and now this is the nato summit, but it's also an opportunity given jo biden's domestic problem. so all right is, are on joe biden, as he delivers the sort of opening address is really the, the check off if you will, of the 70 percent versus the nato summit, as there will be some of the typical things that you'll be looking for in this address the fact is there will be announcements of the us a day along with allies package, military financial aid for ukraine, a pathway,
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eventual nato membership for keyes. but within that, everyone is going to be also watching for joe 5 is performance. does he have the stamina and the fitness for office and the ability to leave? that is what really the world is watching. and also the members of his own political party who have been at this hour and for the last hour or so have been watching and meeting amongst themselves to really discuss whether or not they believe jo biding, can do the job. those, the house and senate democrats discussing and they're really developing into 2 cows, both the doubters and the supporters. the feeling is that if he performs well in the next 3 days, that his political nomination will be se. kimberly how much on ease is the within nato. is a look at all of this uncertainty surrounding joe biden and who emerges as the next us leader often november. so there's an enormous amount of uncertainty given
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the fact that not only is their concern about jo biden's viability moving forward, but also who could potentially be the alternative. and that is the former president, donald trump, given the fact that he's had this america 1st approach that makes a lot of native leaders uncomfortable, especially since he has said very clearly and very forcefully. that in fact, he is, um, uh, very concerned that he is uh, the fact that he has said very clearly, but uh, the 2 percent g d, p is something that many have not lived up to. and as a result, if they do not live up to that and if they are attacked, that in fact, they will have this prospect of not being defended by the alliance that has made people conserve. also he believes that you print in and of itself is something that will uh, potentially be a concern in the fact that uh they,
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he believes that there has been too much money that has been given. so that is making many of the leaders very, very uncomfortable. but it's joe biden, physical decline, but many are watching his recent poor debate performance. his, the concern about his staying power. it's really about taking the temperature when it comes to jo, biden's, political survival, and his fitness for office. that is on the minds of these natal leaders. and that is what everyone is going to be watching. and that's kimberly how could watching the situation that nato a gathering for us. and now you see of his prime minister has made his 1st visit to sedan since the conflict began. they're in april last year. i'd be asking, i've met the head of the armed forces at the foot. definitely for the hon and port sedan. in december, the prime minister hosted the leader of the reference of full forces. how much i'm done, the gallow talks to broke receives 5, so falls,
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failed. several coal fired power stations in south africa and set to close. and the next 6 is part of a transition to green energy because of its heavy reliance on coal for electricity . countries africa's biggest and mr. of greenhouse gases, or the domain more jump losses out. i'm with us, the reports from commodity, the commodity, coal fired power station is a really quiet. it's one of the oldest in south africa and the 1st one to be de commissioned part of the government's plan to use list fossil fuels. most workers, will it go in 2022 with everything that, that it's happening. it's like they're focusing more on the environment. why is they don't care about the people who are starving and everything? so these things they need to be balanced so that it goes to get the government says it's just in the transition program is training people in the skills community
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leaders and assist very few here earning a living of us. the government knew, at some stage the power station had to be shot because of the life space. but there was no such session plan put in place to ensure that once the post station is stopped, life sustenance continues. oh, economic video change. it continues. transitioning to renewable energy, willing to be easy, as because most developed economy has an energy crisis. it still needs its call. but after that generates most of its electricity from coal, it's secure to international loans, to help with the transition to green sources. but, and this will in switching from coal to renewable energy protect tickets. well, so that's what k is not the world's biggest image of greenhouse gas emissions. the international push on all countries to reduce the use of fossil fuel. i think what
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happens, we all going to see some sort of the growth in, in the move from cold towards renewables. it, i think a party what's happened because many of these copeland's all over and they have seen breaking down quite often of keeping them going is going to probably cost more . ready then building something new as to think that it could all make realities also come in, but it's going to be a slower process. and a lot of people would like more coal power stations are scheduled to be di, commissioned in the coming years. that will mean more job losses in all sectors along the cold out how to monetize out of their commodity. south africa searches on for dozens fed dad often in a gold gold. mine was buried by a landslide in indonesia. at least 23 people died for weather and difficult terrain, a hampering rescue efforts on a be low. as this update, a search and rescue teams deployed to a remote village on pseudo west island after
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a landslide buried the pit where 79 miners were taking for gold on sunday night. but they're having to walk 20 kilometers to reach the site and are being slowed down for the 1st 6 months and bring them down. so i've got to look at them. uh, the dream is extreme best that was normally used by the miners and the motorcycle cut off because of all the bridge along the roads collapsed. so it is a difficult to get to the mines and the only way is by foot. they are hoping to be able to find more survivors to rachel rings since saturday, broken and embankment and triggered floods of up to 3 meters, sending more than $1000.00 people leading to safety. but not the miners who, gen investing e commerce, the miners felt the vibration, and then within a matter of seconds, the area was buried. it all happened so fast, not even teens, of sickness of indonesia is one of the most minimal rich countries in the world. but they are more than $8600.00 unlicensed,
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small scale mining operations throughout the archipelago, quarter of which are gold mines workers there off and operate in unsafe conditions that go in and out again and get the work done by when excavations i made without the proper supporting structures and then it rains had the slo could easily fall apart, especially if there's no way to taishan about the mining tunnels to absorb the water. the last sunday's last light is the latest support have been recurring accidents in the legal gold mines in indonesia. and it's not just brings that are to play 2019 support beans of a mind site collapse because of loose toilet holes killing more than 40 people. and with dozens still missing, official spears to death toll from this most recent catastrophe could be higher. foreign to below l g 0 over i'd say it's for a space show we are going to leave you with just an update on the lights fixtures
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that came in and a tackle novice on this on unit skills at least 20 people really for is the teachers coming in and that causes detail, especially to arise who are back to the top of the thing. you know, all those stories the while it's heat enough across it rather than peninsula high for one, those details right here, right now, waterview shows us. here's some hints of that to you through iraq and kuwait, the temperature wobbling around 50 degrees. but i got to get you to the gulf because this is really where it's heat. now, when it's not really a factor on wednesday, let's show you thursday paint colors on dark. the red, the hotter it is, or that 50 to include it's $46.00 and the nom, and let's go $46.00 for us here, and the only spot not in the 40 is on here,
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must got 38 for it. you. the monsoon range really starting to pick up in southern same province around karachi that will continue on wednesday. there's been some windy rain there as of 8 and 430 as black sea coast. we have seen some flooding, not too far away from tribes on. fortunately, more rain in the forecast here on wednesday are seasonal summer rains across the west africa, really starting to pep up for sierra the own. so you can expect driving rain in the forecast for free town on wednesday. and when it's really the story up and down the coast of tens in the augusta year about 40 kilometers per hour, that's nothing compared to what's going on in south africa. the western cape providence. keep down rain and wind and that's not going anywhere too fast. look at this, the winds will begin to back off. so hopefully by friday, the nature of 9 made catastrophes on the rate was quite severe. weather events are
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resulting. in other words, think devastation. the variety of human factors means their intensity and impact. is it purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate change as was to fact if i was supposed to be seen as normal, but you said something that shouldn't be happening to any one. is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera resistance to antibiotics could cause 10000000 in debt to get from 2050. that's according to the united nations scientist say, climate change is another factor driving the leading crisis. why is that such a risk and what's being done? the balance is this is inside story, the .


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