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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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in western and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracy is everywhere. here, at the listing, the best, the game of football turns deadly off. the israel targets a school housing displace palestinians, and does that kidding? at least the other one down. jordan, this is all 0 live from to 100. and so it coming up another round of tool to try and, and the word and gaza negotiations. a set to is human capital, often discussions and features. a cold has done for democracy and ukraine. natives annual summit, which is getting underway in the us congress. and pushing for peace and stability. ethiopia is 5 minutes to visit, sit down for the 1st time since the conference,
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the gaza. hasn't you one of his deadliest days in recent weeks, or at least 77 palestinians killed across the street since tuesday morning? at least 30 were killed in one is really a kind of school housing just base people in southern gaza. children have been playing football just moments before the blast. well, well, what have been a brief moment to respond quickly turn to tragedy. in the aftermath of the attack in a ton of us on the east of hong units, still survive as a rush to the nasa medical complex as the last functioning hospital in southern guns that this is the 4th is ready attack on the school sheltering displays, palestinians and 4 days is ready, ministry says it's investigation described on the school. and that it was targeting
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how much bye to lead to be in the area. and couldn't read is indeed a valid in the central job that she has more and at a time this is check was on the gate of the school. and as i found in from eunice, and we know that no schools are overpack overland, the palestinian sheltering in those schools, especially after the vision. and especially after the is there any sports has asked all the people who were living in rough i to is that to wait us as to the area, this is not the 1st time the is there any forces target that school in the past couple of days at least targeted 3 scores, one in mislaid on the other one was in the cause of city. and this has something we have been seeing every single day and reporting about it's, it's very hard finding some images. we're seeing a children's cartridge, into pieces the head of babies. and this is a school, it's sheltering public opinions. it's a place where
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a pallet thing is left houses left everything behind them. so just shut there in those schools because the people are safe when to building and that's why they chose at a school and, and talking to those palestinians who are struggling in schools. they're terrified . they don't know what, what they have to do, but they're feeling that there's a risk because the is really forces in targeting a lot of schools the past couple of days. and kind of thing is, are telling us that they do not know where to go. should they leave the school? but if they, if they leave, where should they go? there is no place safe and where every they go and being displayed more over and over again. people believe that there's no play safe and know where they go is out of it. like every single place people are going to go would be targeted by that is really for us is, is really voices when they target to school and they target the building. when they
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target a shelter, they do not call people to leave. but we're talking about palestinians who have been killed. we're talking about more than $38000.00 pounds. the thing is 9 months and most of these products in use were killed in their shelters. in the residential houses in hospitals in mid shift come in residential areas, and none of them receive any warning before the is there any forces i targeted them? and what responding to these really minutes is frank on that school when of assigned in hon. eunice, the foreign policy achieved us at by rental, posted a statement on x saying a school children and families in hong unice has been bombed by the idea of tens of people that reportedly killed for how long the innocent civilians going to bear the brunt of this conflict, we condemn any violation of international law. those responsible must be held accountable. it's imperative to immediately reach a ceasefire to bring respite to hundreds of stranded civilians. feel the hostages
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and deliver the needed humanitarian paid attention. now times to count on wednesday for another round of gauze as the spot talks. they come off to egypt, president of those such as cc matt c, i a director william burns, and kyra cc reaffirmed his position posing as well as mixed up our ations in gauze of the stress the importance of a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding in the region is where the government has bombed out as they are from reporting from this. so i'll just say it was honda civic center, this update from the jordanian capital. i'm a, it is really official speaking anonymously say that it's still premature to say where these talks are ad, but that there has been agreement on smaller agenda items in the ceasefire discussions. but they're saying that they're willing to put an immense effort to try and reach a deal because there's a genuine opportunity for a breakthrough. even if it's going to take time. there are still heavy sticking points from both sides. and remember that back on sunday is really prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu released a list of several non negotiable items. going into these talks at the top of that list, was him saying that until all the objectives of the war are met? until there's an absolute victory over how much the war must continue, even if there is a pause in the fighting but secured as a result of these talks. meanwhile, on monday, i must release several statements among them saying that continued military action and aggression in the gaza strip is going to be real, these talks and that they go, shaders should intervene. and all of this comes as there's been continued mounting pressure on benjamin netanyahu. from families if is really captive to secure a deal, immediately they've been continuously protesting his leadership, saying that he is neither capable nor willing to secure a deal that these really delegation is expected in the property capital, doha, on wednesday, where they will then head to the gyptian capital cairo on thursday, once again for continued negotiations while there are still heavy sticking points
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between both sides. have the central woods. i was just the, you know, i'm a, a, and a reminder that these really government has binding down to 0 from reporting any is right. and that's why we're coming developments from outside the country now has below, has released drone video of what it says is riley, military sites and the occupied go on heights. it appears to be part of efforts by the 11 on, based on group to show that it can reach sensitive is really sykes. i'm how much of a sensitive is there? i usually positions in the occupied colon heights. this is the 2nd drone be released by his beloved showcase in its ability to inflict estimates over. is there any positions on highlight potential target intelligence? big media comes on monday cause some of the patients pointed out, has been long as it is really all keep on going on heights before. but the message here is to show it's ability on send
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a wanting to is there are you the country has largely been confined to live in on saw them both, however, is right, it has cut it off us as a nation. instead, lebanon of higher ranking hezbollah members, it's most recent drawing that the keys to people in syria. yeah, they've been east border one member of as by law, a former body good will fits lead off of some sort of law law fight a bunch of federal kits occupied going and it states was a response to destinations to is right. he's been killed while i sending another message that is a warning if the war doesn't stop on guys. and it seemed that is no going anywhere when that then yeah, who's constantly changing his mind about the negotiation and then returning to his conditions has more likely saying what i might do something much more than sending a day. the warning has been said, it's fighting just linked is rice wall and gaza,
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of having some him a to 0 the the us. and this makes it a lot of sales and dozens of had defense weapons to ukraine, including at least for patriot missile systems. the announcement was made to the opening of the summit, mocking the 75th anniversary of the middle trail lines in washington, dc. russia's war and ukraine is expected to top the agenda, the 3 day event, including keeps positive, was made to membership and finalizing plans to bolster much needed weapons by today, announcing historic donation. a very defensive equipment for ukraine, united states, germany and nothing was remaining. and then we will provide you crate for the equipment for 5 additional cds, your defenses. in the coming months,
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united states and our partners tend to revise your credit with dozens of additional technical air defenses. united states will make sure that when we export critical our defense interceptors, ukraine goes to the front of the line without the zeros particular saying his life was now in washington dc property. so this is a crucial nato summit for president bite, and what was it needs to convince his allies at home and abroad that he's fit to lead? what was the key takeaways patchy from the speech a lot? i think you're right the there were so much focus put on the speech was president biden because of his debate performance. now his democrats and in the count in congress, people in the polls are saying, the majority of americans are say, they don't think he is the cognitive ability to continue to be president for another 4 years. so he has spent the last 12 days really try to camp down and tell him people not talking about the debate anymore. it was one bad night move on basically, i'm not getting out of the race. so a lot of people domestically and again,
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allies who wanted to see the speech wanted to see if he would have one of those stumbles now. i think critics would point out, it was all on the teleprompter and that tends to be much easier for this president . but there is a growing concerned among the allies because joe biden's belief in nato is a completely different than his likely opponent if he stays in the raise for a present. donald trump, who is said, if people are benito members are attacked and they're not paying that the he wouldn't invoke article 5 of collective defense. so a huge, very, very clearly says he doesn't believe that the you, i shouldn't be giving so much a to ukraine. in fact, heat, true president trump, for president. trump has said that if he's elected, he'll end the war before he's even sworn in. mostly his aid say that'll be a demand in pretty severe concessions from ukraine. so this really was presidential by and trying to paint his presidency as an himself, as a statesman. he talked about the success as he said that and when he took office,
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only 9 percent of the native countries met that 2 percent threshold in military spending. now, he said it is up to $23.00 and more or where to hit those targets in the coming years. so we talked about how, why nato's important, how nato can help you, crane and again reiterated that he said ukraine will. when he did say, you remember all those people who said he would fall within 5 days. technically, it was 3 days. and that was his own pentagon that were totally reporters that were at the pentagon at the time. but he did talk about the resilience of ukraine and the need for nato to give them what they need to finish. so i'm more broadly patchy . what do we expect to come out of this may to have some of them the deliverables. they were already started here the, the us and others may have a trade facility in germany for ukrainian soldiers possibly, and additional money. so wouldn't the president, and that was a very important sound, but you played when he said they're going to you 5 new us just basically patriot
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missiles. we believe patriot systems in ukraine. that was news where they because up until now ukraine has said 3 patriot systems. the us just last month said it would give them an additional one. now he's mentioned in these other countries then patriot missile system. so it's what basically shoots down missiles that are incoming and usually fairly effectively. that is what you create has been asking for from the beginning. they know it's important to remember patriot to can not protected entire city, but you can put a patriot battle battery around an energy facility because those have been so hard head or a hospital as we saw. so they're going to get now up to h patriot systems. so expect the focus to be on. what did you create need, what more can we give them? all right, to practical a life as they're in washington dc. patsy frontier. one of the property was saying that in november as us presidential election has also been shop focused at the native summit. president biden's
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a native suppose that while donald trump is skeptical of the ministry alliance, just there was mike kind of takes a look at how the u. s. has played a dominant role in nature. part and ministers gather the nato headquarters in brussels in april, marking the 70 percent of the 3 of the alliance. but the major celebration will be in washington dc. this week, the city in wichita will begin in the aftermath of world war 2 liters of 12 countries came together on april the 4th 1949 and signed the treaty pitching collective self defense across europe and north america. on the cool of the pact, article 5, the consult together. when ever this territory, our independence of any of them is rep and the looming stressful decades was the soviet union. but even following its dissolution, the russian invasion of crimea 10 years ago signaled that the threat had not diminished in fact,
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it escalated as russia and faded ukraine in february 2 years ago. last month, president biden reiterate to total us support in a meeting with, i'll going nato secretary general. jim stocum the hello everybody, but biden's previous test that was not supportive. donald comes praise of russian president vladimir putin ringing alarm bells, which god allowed to win trunk called into question us support for article 5. but one of the hedge and the countries that up is that, does that mean that if we don't pay the bills, then you're not going to protect us? i should. that's exactly what it means. exactly. i'm not going to protect nato operates on the suggestion of demand that each member advocates, 2 percent of its gross national product to defense. donald trump's claim 1st made while in office that the us, what's the bill, and that the contribution from other members were shrinking. was and remains
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a lie. the defense spending of night to members has increased each year since the russian invasion of crimea a decade ago. appropriate to motion because i'm able to, i'm day one. but the fact that even the crisis. uh, there we always be a, the president biden, the stumbling performance in his 1st presidential debate with donald trump and dramatic dropping polling. good. have a major impact on they to the question of us election results will not be on the anniversary agenda, but it will be the one most privately discussed. mind kinda i'll just sarah washington. it was also to come here and i'll just say area including donald trump . ronnie is as supporters that as gulf coast in florida, less than a week before the republican national convention plus i'm having the tassel in commodities south africa. this used to be a thriving mining community. i tell you why it's now because
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the hello hasn't been cold enough for you in argentina's wine country. take a look at this sub 0 call to get it. so obviously you're going to get some ice there. dark of the blue and the purple, the colder it is. it's not just an argentine as wine country waking up wednesday morning. santiago minus 3. that is well below where your should be for this time of year. that's the temperature of story. let's talk precipitation. bit of what weather for southern brazil, but actually most of that scripts away into the south atlantics, most of brazil is actually drive. we have some downpours around the house and i'm a zone estates on wednesday. central america. most of the rain along the pacific coast. but look at this, the rain and storm is putting a cap on temperatures and mexico city. just 19th decrease for you on wednesday.
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turns dryer for the us call states still some rain lingering along the coast here, but remnants of what was hurricane barrow continue to push along into the midwest and the great lakes. so there are flood advisories in play here for how much rain were about to pick up. otherwise, the story of heat for the us southwest vegas is $47.00 degrees is just a few days ago. you had your highest stay on record. this heat now moving northward, so portland temperature is down, but look at canada is alberta, providence, edmonton, 36, that's close to a record. the african stories from african perspectives. i was able to know i'm in the rock band . i do have plucking so many things to shoot documentary by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya.
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serenade of this guy and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on. i'll just 0 of the the book amount you want, you're going to say right click on the top story, say this hour goes as and you and one of his deadly is days in recent weeks. but at least $7.00 to $7.00 on us to me. i was killed across the street since tuesday morning. at least 30 people killed him. one is ready to attack. i'm a school housing displaced, people in southern guns, that is the 4th is really a time kind of school sheltering just based on his demands and 4 days for us. and it's negative lifestyles and dozens of and defense weapons to ukraine,
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including at least for patriot missile systems. announcement was made of the opening of the summit marketing due 75th anniversary of the alliance in washington, dc. now ukrainian attacks in southern russia have killed at least 5 people. they follow a series of russian strikes on monday, that killed at least $44.00 in ukraine and destroyed the children's hospital to meet them every day and can report the fire. this will depot could be seen from several kilometers away in the photograph the region of southern russia to power substations burning near the neighboring city. over most of these strikes inside russia's territory come off. the moscow launched a barrage of missiles on ukrainian cities killing doesn't the capital key of shaken as this happens. as so hitting the country's most important pediatric hospital is close to a 1720 pets and fit in
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a time. when the most i thought in the hospital was around 670 ah, 5 legs it must go. reiterated. it doesn't talk good civilian infrastructure and that it was a ukrainian defensive missile which destroyed the hospital. the u. n's envoys disagrees. analysis of the video footage and assessment made at the incident side indicates a high likelihood that the children's hospital suffered a direct hit. rather than receiving damages due to an interest have just lessons this and in russia next crimea, which has been a step away from the war, results of building bomb shelters. right at the beach is last month for people including 2 children, were killed in a ukrainian strike on a beach that came in with everything that's been happening recently. yes,
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i'd say having shelters. yeah. makes sense. as rescue workers continue clean up operations in both countries, nato was holding a summit in washington saying it will continue to ukraine to meet you meant that didn't go out to 0. well, the un security council held an emergency meeting to discuss the attack on the children's hospital in the training and capitol. the session turned into a series of allegations between the russian and ukraine and baffled us as gabriel. as on the reports from new york, at an emergency meeting of the un security council, russia said they were not responsible for the missile, the hit, the children's hospital and keith earlier this week. it said that if it was a russian missile, the damage would have been much worse. then you would meet you and your service. they would have been nothing left of the building if were hit by a russian messiah all the children, and most of the adults would have been killed. and not just going to the ground and
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they would have to do solution. ukraine's ambassador held up photos. he said were profit, it was a russian missile, and then responded directly to his russian counterpart. his comments about the possibility to destroy it entirely. if russia supposedly hit on just monstrous allies of ukraine, use the meeting to highlight the high told the war has taken on children. russia has killed ukrainian children. russia has maimed and injured ukrainian children. russia has abducted ukrainian children. and yesterday, russia came back for wounded and sick children in oak much each hospital. this is cowardly depravity. and this most stopped rushes. ambassador
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also said ukraine is over stating the hospital attack to summon support before the nato summit, which begins in washington dc on wednesday. on tuesday, the head of the summit, us secretary of state anthony, blinking, met with his ukrainian counterpart with a hospital tack, came up. you know, action was taken by the security council in this meeting, and the reality is when it comes to ukraine, the council is very limited in what it can do. and that's because russia being a permanent member of the council, has veto power and gives us the block any resolution. but it doesn't degree with gabriel's onto. i would just need a united nations in new york with less than a week until the republican national convention, former us president donald trump, is running his voters in florida. he's holding a campaign, ronnie, it is golf club, as the deadline approaches for him to pick, i'm running late from to be joined by us senate tamaqua will be seen by many as one of the top choices are obviously it was still available,
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joins us live from outside that event in doral in florida. phil, so this is from 1st public appearance since the presidential debate. what did you expect to hear from him tonight then feel as well as so it was a bit of an impact in perfect science, isn't it? try to predict what donald trump is going to say. i mean, yes, there are all those points that he always wants to help you think about those phrases like sleepy, which are legalized breakfast, leave weaponized legal system, those things that he always points to. so you may expect to have some of those. the other thing is that we often go off when it's 100 to go off prompt. you can go down a rabbit hole, but at the same time there is always the possibility as he has done in the past where he can on file some fairly significant policies. for example, a few weeks ago with nevada. uh, one of anyway, talked about dropping taxes on tapes for service was something that people weren't expecting at the events. you're going to have to pay attention to these to these companies. features that he gives. but i shall say, it's the 1st time we've seen him one of these public events since that debate,
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that debate that is widely seen as being disastrous to joe biden, even by those within his own policy. i was held by some analysts that this is by design. the fact is that the republicans, the trump campaign, really wanted to let this play out. they wanted the democrats to help the family drama in public for people to see that there was space for people to say. there are people within the democratic party, the one joe biden to go, and then to come out fighting strong a week or so later to ready. how about having the fact that they believe joe 5 and kind of continue? and donald trump has gone on type site and this, the fact he was filmed a few days ago where he was uh, quotes or he would say, you were all the to somebody who asked him if he thinks that joe biden will be his rival in november, and he says, no, he says joe 5 and his quiz. in fact, the line, but the trump campaign is putting out is that they will be fighting pamela harris, the color and the pay. he says that is a good thing because and i quote, these are donald trump's words, she is so bad. and so is the line for them to be an announcement to on from running mate, do we say as well?
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i mean, people are watching this just in case we go to them about possibly a politician. donald trump is a struggle. and remember, this is a guy who used to pay. i pay around television, teasing who he was going to pick. i'm from months he has been teasing that there has been a long list. everyone from top buck, i'm the governor of north dakota to send it's a, a to him scott of south carolina, sent it to j. the vance of ohio. set them off of ruby. i've even read like rama swanny, the business businessman, who at one point was competing for the republican nomination. the feeling is so the source is telling us that, that as being narrow down to 3 candidates now. but i'm the walk of rebel is here. all we're going to find out tonight if he is going to be the one, he certainly have more of a profile in the last few days he's been appearing on those told shows really defending donald trump, but then again, he's a florida senator, so it's no, we'll ask him to be here to night, but we do know that donald trump is said he will make that announcements in the days leading up to all the days beginning at the republican national convention.
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and that's your sites are that's certainly a few days, right? so even donald trump, time is running out somebody's out announcements. all right, i feel about life as the in darling florida. phil, thank you. if you help us prime minister has made his 1st visit to savannah since the conflict baganda in april last year, beyond admit the head of the sub nissan forces, both on the home in ports of them. the army forces have been battling the rapids support forces for control. in december, ahmed, hosted the leader of the iris f mohammed. i'm done. the gullow talks to breakfast for i have so far failed. mamma to fall as more from puts it on a prime minister documents, but a secretary delays. so you'll be told of the 0 once he's come to help achieve peace and stability. and so that it's not clear what specific proposal has presented. visit comes nbc, the false facial thoughts to be whole set. aside from that is must serve as a breath of fresh air for this with is going to need as well. feel the word cause
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it's by most of the outside. well, that is the highest profile for a need to visit. suzanne. so it's the beginning of the war. 15 months ago is visit mocks attorney points, and he's sized with this then he's military hold during the fund that helps with on its neighboring countries, helped him kyle: in july last year. he's over there and good when he thought of apollo, a bunch of them. and tinted as any administrative fees keeping integration in december of 4 months of creating the belief in so that a piece of these pulses was closer to the ethiopian for the what was the eastern states of so not just a deep concerning folks who done that. you might be able to receive, supplied by a job. you may need to dispel all of those be as, as to present himself as a good neighbor in order to be able to meet the 4 piece. how much fun i just yeah.
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falls through them. several coal fired power stations in south africa will be closed over the next 6 years. the country relies heavily on the coal for electricity and is the biggest dimension of greenhouse gases in africa are much also reports from commodity of the commodity. coal fired power station is a really quiet, it's one of the oldest in south africa and the 1st one to be de commissioned parts of the government's plan to use list fossil fuels. most workers, will it go in 2022 with everything that that is happening. it's like they're focusing more on the environment. why is they don't care about the people who are starving and everything? so these things they need to be balanced. so that, that goes to get the government says it's just image.


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