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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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his last selection, but that'll hit us too. yeah, i was just show the on the well, the game of football turns dead to the off the israel targets a school housing displaced, palestinians in gauze. kidding. at least 30 people another round of talks to try to end the war and guns. sions of sets to resume in council discussions in egypt, the found kevin thompson, this is i'll just share a nice from tech also coming up the cool to stand for democracy and ukraine. they
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chose annual summit to being held in the us capital. i'm pushing for peace and stability. if you appeared as a prime minister visit sit on the 1st time since the conflict began the cause, the husband judge, one of its deadly stays in recent weeks with at least 77. the palestinians killed across the strip since tuesday morning. at least 30 were killed in one. is there any attack on a school housing displaced people in the southern gaza email and that will account begins coverage and a warning. this report contains distressing scenes in an instant, a fragile semblance of calm and normal. c for palestinians turns decalle. well, and is really air strikes at the school housing displace, palestinians in the town opposite. just east of con eunice in southern gaza.
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we was sitting in a missile, fell and destroyed everything. i lost my uncle, my cousins, and my relatives, the vehicles covered in blood, quickly assured in the injured of the deceased to nearby necessary the hospital beds are a luxury and gaza. as most patients are tended to on the floor where they like the house, they need help ministry says israel's military targeted 6 other displacement camps throughout the seats strip. making this one of the definitely stays in place of the attacks come on, the backdrop of renewed seasonal. your thoughts and cuts are on wednesday. the ca, chief as well as the head of israel's intelligence agency. most of them are expected to attend with israel's war and gaza entering its 9th
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a month. any excitement about those thoughts remains mute for many palestinians. for most people, the strip or just trying to survive another day and run a loss on how to 0. what responding it to the is rarely minutes. we strike on that school then calling you this, you for in the policy chief, does it burrell a post to the statement on x saying a school sheltering families in con units has been bombed by the idea. tens of people reportedly killed the how long innocent civilians going to bear the brunt of this conflict. we condemn any violation of international adults. those responsible must be held accountable. it is imperative to immediately reach a safe spot to bring rest by to hundreds of stranded civilians. free all the hostages. deliver the needed for monetary and 8. well, since the beginning of as well as war and goes or tens of thousands of palestinians have been displaced as is ready, force has been balled the strip despite the risk of this strikes and shutting
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a family. so desperate to attend to the local journalist abraham, our community has been speaking to some families in cause. a city even attempting to collect belongings from the adams in garza city families as yeah, yeah. the fan neighborhoods are risk and their safety to return to their homes. if your ongoing military operations readjust the order to evacuated you to is in conflict. these residents are now coming back to retrieve essential belongs. and they said, these are imaginable with many homes, either partially or completely destroyed, the engine remains high as committed to operations. continuing the area while larger non hold on. i cannot issue. we came to the neighborhood and found nothing urgent about what we found with these buckets and palms on the neighborhood is destroyed. what ocean, we did not find a thing. it's impossible to retire. and just take
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a look around to look at the area of, of leave us, be alone. what do you one from on and leave us being there are no houses, there is nothing we have to have a stem with them or what i should i get done. a good guy, them and research and with my family, my wife and my children, we were assessing the table for lunch. i was about to eat the 1st buy when they bought the house down the top of my head, that's the, this is my house and they brought it down on top of us by my apartment and my brother's apartment level with my parents. the problem was also destroyed. and my father, my brother, my daughter, my niece, and my sister in law, ok by their families are determined to salvage important items, lisa series for their daily survival and will be in the destruction. this is extensive with homes or rooms. i'm a central infrastructure damage making there were scribbled process even more challenging motion the scroll isn't meant. as families come from the lowest of
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their homes and loved ones and the danger of ongoing wars. as you heard, delia attention turns the cats out on wednesday for another round of gauze, a sea spot tools. they come off to egypt. preston, tom del santo, cc met c i a direct to william buttons in colorado. see seat re offend his position opposing as well as military operations in gaza. he stressed the importance of a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding in the region is where the government has banned ultra 0 from reporting from there. so honda, so who to send this update from the joe daniel capital a my it is really official speaking anonymously say that it's still premature to say where these talks are ad, but that there has been agreement on smaller agenda items in the ceasefire discussions, but they're saying that they're willing to put an immense effort to try and reach a deal because there's a genuine opportunity for a breakthrough. even if it's going to take time. there are still heavy sticking points from both sides. and remember that back on sunday is really prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu released a list of several non negotiable items. going into these talks at the top of that list, was him saying that until all the objectives of the war are met? until there's an absolute victory over how much the war must continue, even if there is a pause in the fighting but secured as a result of these talks. meanwhile, on monday, i must really several statements among them saying that continued military action and aggression in the gaza strip is going to be real. these talks and that'd be go, shaders should intervene. and all of this comes as there's been continued mounting pressure on benjamin netanyahu. from families that is really captive to secure a deal immediately they've been continuously protesting his leadership, saying that he is neither capable nor willing to secure a deal. and these really delegation is expected in the property capital, doha, on wednesday, where they will then head to the gyptian capital cairo on thursday. once again for continued negotiations,
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while there are still heavy sticking points between both sides. have the central woods. i was just the, you know, i'm a and a reminder that these very governments, his band obviously are from reporting in israel. that's why we're covering developments from outside the country. so here's what all has released drunk video of what it says. all is very ministry sites and occupied to go down heights. it appears to be part of the effort spot and admin, and based on group to show that it can reach sensitive is really sites. how does that mohammed reports of a sensitive is there any positions in the occupied colon heights? this is the 2nd drone feature released by his beloved showcase of its ability to improve put aspects of a. is there any positions i'm highlight? potential targets intelligence, big media comes on the commodity corner. some of the limitations pointed out has been a lot of hit is really okey by going on heights before. but the message here is to
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show its ability on send a warning to is, there are you the company has largely been confined to living on solid and border however, is there a has guided of us as a nation's deep inside lebanon of higher ranking hezbollah members it's most recent drawing to talk to people in syria. yeah, the nice border one men, both as belong a former body good will fits lead off of some sort of law is below fight a bunch of federal kits occupied going and nights it states was a response to destinations. to is right. he's been killed. well, i sending another message that is a warning if the war doesn't stop on guys. and it seemed that there's no going anywhere when that then yeah, who's constantly changing his mind about the negotiation and then returning to his conditions has more loudly saying with i might do something much more than sending
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a day. the warning has been said, it's fighting just linked is the rise wall and got him some him a to 0. the us senate states. how do i say they will send thousands of a defense weapons to ukraine, including at least for patriot missile systems. announcements was made that the opening of a summit to mocking the 75th anniversary of the imagery a lights. classical hague reports from washington, dc. as world leaders gathered in washington, the 1st speech has made clear. the focus here will be squarely on russia's war on ukraine. us president joe biden announcing additional aid in his opening speech. united states, germany and nothing was remaining. this will provide ukraine for the equipment for 5 additional stages, your defense system. in the coming months,
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united states and our partners tend to revise your credit with dozens of additional technical air defenses, and that is a big jump from the 3 patriot air defense systems. ukraine currently has and could be used to protect critical infrastructure like power plants. you cream president below to mirror zalinski, make clear that is what he came to get and expected more help after ukraine blamed russia for a missile attack on the children's hospital and the assignments are not on the nato summit. there will be plenty of bilateral meetings where we'll discuss as a priority, the defense systems. i think after what happened president, board and all the latest can be more powerful and more decisive than before. this was an important speech providing, trying to stem the tide of law makers, voters and donors, telling him to step aside after his shaky debate performance. his goal to appear presidential ending his speech with a surprise honoring the soon to be outgoing nato secretary general john stilton
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with the presidential medal of freedom. still, at the end of the summit, the focus is unlikely to be on what commitments are major ukraine. but how biting handles this 1st solo on scripted press conference, in many months, well aware of what it could mean for america and its allies. technical he, elda 0. washington. robert hunter was a former us ambassador to nathan elliot. he gave us his reaction to president, fight, and speech. hard to tell what nato leaders and how eyes will think, well, have to say when this happens over and then people talk to them. but i have the good fortune to be in the room today, where the nato traded was originally signed 75 years ago. and i heard president on speak. i think it is an extraordinary good job. if it hadn't been for the poor performance of the debate with mr. trump on june 27th, i don't think there'd be
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a problem right now. i clearly was well rehearsed to read it. well, the service was good. he has a lot of energy. this is a kind of leader one would want within the alliance, but whether that's going to be enough or to change minds, i have no idea. and also he's got another day and a half. he's got to get through some of it and scripted as today was very tightly scripted. ukrainian attacks in the southern russia have killed at least 5 people. they follow a series of russian strikes on monday that killed at least 44 people in ukraine and destroyed the children's hospital to meet you med with, think of a post of the fire. this will depot, could be seen from several kilometers away in the local grad region of southern russia to power substations, burning near the neighboring city. over most of the strikes inside rushes territory come off. the moscow launched a barrage of missiles on ukrainian cities killing doesn't the capital key of
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shaken as this happens. as though hitting the country's most important pediatric hospital is close to a 1720 pets and fit in a time. when the most i thought in the hospital was around 675, around the legs that must go reiterated it doesn't targets civilian infrastructure, and that it was a ukrainian defensive missile which destroyed the hospital. the u. n's envoy disagrees analysis of the video footage and assessment made at the incident side indicates a high likelihood that the children's hospital suffered a direct hit rather than receiving damages due to an intercept and in russia next crime. yeah. which has been
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a step away from the war results of building bomb shelters right at the beaches. last month for people including 2 children, were killed in a ukrainian strike on a beach that came in with everything that's been happening recently. yes, i'd say having shelters. yeah. makes sense as rescue work as continue cleanup operations in both countries. nato was holding a summit in washington saying it will continue to ukraine to meet you meant that didn't go out to 0. you and the security council held an emergency meeting to discuss the attack on the children's hospital in keys. the session turned into a series of allegations between the russian on ukraine and bosses as gabriel. and as on the reports from new york, a at an emergency meeting of the un security council. russia said they were not responsible for the missile, the hit,
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the children's hospital and keith earlier this week. it said that if it was a russian missile, the damage would have been much worse. then you would meet you when you're as low as they would have been nothing left of the building if we're hit by a russian messiah. all the children and most of the adults would have been killed and not just going to the ground. and they would have to do is listen. ukraine's ambassador held up photos, he said, were profit. it was a russian missile. and then responded directly to his russian counterpart. his comments about the possibility to destroy it entirely. if russia supposedly hit on just monstrous allies of ukraine, use the meeting to highlight the high told the war has taken on children. russia has killed ukrainian children. russia has maimed and injured ukrainian children. russia has abducted ukrainian children.
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and yesterday, russia came back for wounded. i'm sick children in oak much each hospital. this is cowardly depravity. and this must stop. russia's ambassador also said ukraine is over stating the hospital attack to summon support before the nato summit, which begins in washington dc on wednesday. on tuesday, the head of the summit, us secretary of state antony, blinking, met with his ukrainian counterpart with a hospital tack, came up, you know, action was taken by the security council in this meeting. and the reality is when it comes to ukraine, the council is very limited in what it can do. and that's because russia being a permanent member of the council has veto power and gives us a block any resolution. but it doesn't degree with gabriel's onto. i would just need it at united nations in new york,
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this sort of head on august the era donald trump, providers who supports his active golf course in florida. that's the week before the republican national convention and wants hampton rescue efforts of to and then slide there is minus begin for go indonesia. the low hasn't been cold enough for you in argentina's wine country. take a look at this sub 0 call to go. so obviously you're going to get some ice there, dark of the blue and the purple. the colder it is. it's not just in argentina's wine country waking up wednesday morning, santiago minus 3. that is well below where your should be for this. i'm your, that's a temperature story. let's talk precipitation. bit of what weather for southern brazil, but actually most of that scripts away into the south atlantic. also,
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brazil is actually drive. we have some downpours around my house and i'm a zone as states on wednesday. central america, most of the rain along the pacific coast. but look at this, the rain and storm is putting a cap on temperatures and mexico city. just 19th decrease for you on wednesday. turns dryer for the us call states still some rain lingering along the coast here, but remnants of what was hurricane barrow continue to push along into the midwest and the great lakes. so there are flood advisories in play here for how much rain were about to pick up. otherwise it's a story of heat for the us southwest vegas. 47 degrees is just a few days ago. you had your highest stay on record. this heat now moving northward, so portland temperature is down, but look at canada is alberta, providence, edmonton, 36, that's close to a record. the when did not connex controversial, those targets incoming disease of non western descendants and reclassifying. the
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neighborhoods as guesses one young most living rises to defend his hon. speaking out of box on a journey to the holes of power. questioning his place in the country of his band, my danish, with news documentary on tuesday, around the book about her mind about top students now, garza husband judge, one of its deadly stays in recent weeks with that these settings are set out as to needs killed across the street since tuesday morning. at least 30. what 2 old and
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one that is very, a tough school. housing displaced people in the southern guns. us on it's nato allies say they've sent thousands of ad defense weapons to cry, including at least for patriot missile systems. announcements was made that the opening of the summit occupants 75th anniversary of the military. lots in washington, dc and the training of the tax and southern roster of killed at least 5 people like photo savings of strikes. my rushes minute trouble. monday includes one that is toward the children's hospital, the cranes capital keep the death toll from those attacks. if there isn't a fortune from us, presidents for donald trump has wrapped up a rally in florida. trump supports as gather that is gulf company, miami, less than one week until the republican national convention. the deadline is quickly approaching for him to pick a running mate. fill this out as in doral, florida, as well. this was the 1st time be seen the full of
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a presidents at one of these large public events since that debate almost 2 weeks ago, a debate that is university because it is having been disastrous for president fight . and even by those within his own policy, many of whom i now telling him he has to go, even though joe biden says he is not going anywhere i'm told by analysts. but this was by design that the trump campaign did not want to appear too eager. it wanted to let this drama for want of a better. what play out within the democrats? let people see that there is a split that people see that there are those with it and show by this party who wants him to step aside. so donald trump really played into that, and they also play to, to the fact that he believes on many on his side believe that it wouldn't be jo bite and he's running against come november. it could very well be the color and the pay. carmella harris. meanwhile, the radical loved democrat party is divided into a us and having a full scale breakdown, all because they can't decide which of their candidates is more on fit to be
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present as sleepy printed joe, by nor laughing kamala, one aspect many were looking out was whether or not donald trump was go to announce who has one he may, will be, who would become vice president if he wins. the election list has been really longer the recent months. we've had the names from the governor of north dakota to senators from south carolina, ohio, florida. in fact, florida send us a mall code review was, hey, i'm before the event. donald trump, actually he's on social media. i'm. i going to announce this and the next 19 minutes in the end, he didn't ever the showman. he kept that. so i'm self. but he has said that he will give that name in the coming days, or at least at the start of the republican national convention and not begins in less than a week's time. philip out, i'll just be era. throughout florida, the u. k. parliament has begun the 3 day task of swearing in all its 7650
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members. i should say of. it's now a house labors landslide victory. and last week selection has paved the way for the biggest transformation of the house of commons decades. so i'm gonna give you a good reports now from the the loads commission is designed to meet this attendance in the house to hear the commission write a day of pump ceremony with traditions that go back for 100 years. first order of the day, selecting a speaker, speak of the house of commons for the 1st chosen case as a house of rules directed and accused to decide. no make cuz gavin in a packed house of commons, had already agreed on the choice. lindsey hoyle, re elected as a speaker of the house of commons welcoming 335 u. m. p. 's from disparate policies and overseeing the most diverse chain. but in decades i'm due to the fact that knowledge by the prime minister in his 1st address and that role to parliament with the speaker let you preside over the problem. the
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most part, 1st column in 5 race and 10 to this country has a proceed on prob the pop. but my talk is played in paul, the proud of the top of that policy has played in that me you st. assessor which you see next on the opposite bench, what am i doing him of the what ahead and the car stopped by congratulating the 5 minutes spent on his election victory. and as he takes on his for middle task, he and his family does that the good wishes of all of us in this house. i know the swelling in of 650 m p 's is taking place over the next 3 days. and well, there are plenty of new faces. there were also a few familiar ones who made it into the house of commons. it took him a goes, but right when populist reform and p of nigel file, raj made little attempt to hide his role as a disrupt to us in the u. k. politics, nigel, for all we, all the new kids on the block. we have no experience in this problem whatsoever,
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even though some of us have tried many times previously to get a brief moment of unity in a chamber opened fruit with opposing views braced the challenges ahead. so when you get your goal, i'll just sarah london. this is here's, here's the prime minister, has made his 1st visit to sit down since the conflict began their april last year, the med met to the head of the sudanese armed forces of the thoughts of, of the import. saddam, the army has been battling the rapids support forces for control and defend the med hosted the leader of the recess. i'm done gone. it talks to bro to a cease 5 so far, failed homage. vol. has more now from pulse. you don't want me to set the estimates but a secretary delays, so you'll be told i'm just you know what these come to help achieve. peace and stability. and so that it's not clear what specific proposal has presented. visit
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comes nbc, the false official thoughts to the whole set aside from that is must serve. how's that breath of fresh air for this within he has been instead of neat as will feel the way across the by most of the outside world is the highest profile for a need to visit suzanne, since the beginning of the war 15 months ago is visit mark's attorney point and he's sides with this with the needs me to tell you, hold on to the form itself so that its neighboring countries helped him kyle, in july last year. he's over there and good. when he's all of a power vacuum is with them. and tempted us any peace keeping integration in december of 4 months of creating the belief in so that a piece of these forces was closer to the board that pulls the eastern states up to not just a deep concerning folks who done that. you might be able to receive supplies by job,
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you may need to this them all those be as, as to present himself as a good neighbor in order to be able to meet the fees. how much fun i just yeah. for to them, or at least 18 people have died in the bus accident in northern india. 19 others were injured when the vehicle rammed into a milk tank. going off a dash, the double decker bus was heading from the hearts of debt 8 when the crash happened . according to local medium, early investigation showed the bus was speeding at the time. a boat coming migraine says sancho off columbia is kind of being coast kidding. at least one person, the columbia navy rescued 15 people including children. but 2 people still missing at least 18 people are on the boat, which was heading north through central america, west coast and engine easier was still searching for survivors. also on slide berrydunn, illegal gold mine who remotes potters to the way z on and at least 23 people died
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in 139 more missing for weather and difficult terrain. a humphrey and rescue efforts. funding to the polls. search and rescue teams deployed to a remote village on still the west. the island, after a landslide, buried the pit or $79.00 miners, were taking for gold on sunday night. but they're having to walk 20 kilometers to reach the site. and they're being slowed down. further, but 6 months in range make, i'm done. so i've got to look at them. uh, the korean is extreme best. the route that was normally used by the miners and the motorcycle cut off because of all the bridge along the roads collapsed. so it is a difficult to get to the mines, and the only way is by foot. they're hoping to be able to find more survivors to rachel rings since saturday, broken an embankment and triggered floods of up to 3 meters, sending more than $1000.00 people, leading to safety. but not the miners who had gotten into c investing
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e commerce. the miners felt vibration, and then within the matter of seconds, the area was buried. it all happened so fast, not even teens of sick unless you that indonesia is one of the most minimal rich countries in the world. but there are more than $8600.00 unlicensed, small scale mining operations throughout the archipelago, quarter of which are gold mines workers there off and operate in unsafe conditions that go in and got to get in and get that was done. but when the excavations i made with that in the proper supporting structures and then it rains, had the slo could easily fall apart, especially if there's no way to taishan above the mining tunnels to absorb the water. last sunday's last light is the latest support have been recurring accidents in the legal gold mines in indonesia. and it's not just dreams that are to blame. 2019 support beings of a mind site collapse because of loose toilet holes.


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