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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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my to turn to and i tried to rescue him in the darkness that it was too late for many kept busy up to the . ready israel targets as school housing displays, palestinians in gauze, i'm kidding, at least, to htp the carry johnston, this is alex and sarah from also coming another round of talks to try to enter the word casa, the go, she ations, i'll set to resume and catch all of the discussions in egypt, a quote, this done for democracy and ukraine, nato's annual summit being held in the us capital and the pushing for peace and
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stupidity. if you appears 5 minutes to visit, sit down the 1st time since the content again, the gaza has enjoy with one of its deadly stays in recent weeks with at least 77 palestinians killed across the strip since tuesday morning. at least a 30 were killed and one is rarely attack on a school housing displaced people in the southern gauze that email or the account begins coverage. now under warning, somebody was, may find the scenes in this report. distressing in an instant, a fragile semblance of calm and normal c for palestinians turns decalle. well, and is really air strikes at the school housing displace, palestinians in the town opposite. a just east of con eunice and southern gaza.
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we were sitting in a missile, fell and destroyed everything. i lost my uncle, my cousins, and my relatives, the vehicles covered in blood, quickly sure. and the injured and the deceased to nearby necessary hospital hospital beds are a luxury and causes as most patients are tended to on the floor where they like the house they need help ministry says israel's military targeted 6 other displacement cam throughout the seats for making this one of the definitely stays in place of the attacks come on, the backdrop of renewed seasonal. your thoughts and cuts are on wednesday. the ca chief as well as the head of israel's intelligence agency. most of them are expected to attend with israel's war and gaza entering into the 9th
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a month. any excitement about those thoughts remains mute for many palestinians. for most people, the strip are just trying to survive another day and run a loss on how to 0. we're responding it to the is very minutes. we strike on that school in calling you this. you a foreign policy chief, doesn't burrell opposed to the statement on x saying a school sheltering families in con, unice has been bombed by the idea of tens of people who reportedly killed how long or innocent civil it is going to bear the brunt of this conflicts. we condemn any foundation of international though those responsible must be held accountable. if it's imperative to immediately reach a ceasefire to bring the best buy to hundreds of stranded civilians, free all the hostages can ever been needed. humanitarian aid as well since the beginning of as well as more on gaza. tens of thousands of palestinians have been displaced as is where the force has been found. this trip, despite the risk of the strikes and shunning,
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families are desperate to attend to the homes that concern this to abraham kelley has been speaking to some families in kansas city. we've been attempting to collect their belongings in gaza, city families, as yeah, yeah. the neighborhoods are risk and their safety to return to their homes. it's your own go and military operations readjust the order to evacuated is get it in conflict. these residents are now coming back to retrieve essential belongs. and they said, these are measurable with many homes, either partially or completely destroyed, and then your remains high estimated to operate. continuing the area allows you to not hold them. i cannot issue. we came to the neighborhood and found nothing will be found with these buckets and palms on the neighborhood is destroyed. what i should, that we did not find a thing. it's impossible to retire and have to take a look around to look at the area. thought i'd probably leave us be
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a know what the one from. i mean, leave us being there are no houses, there was nothing. we have to have a stand. what am i what i should get done a good yeah. them. and i was sitting with my family, my wife and my children. we were assessing the table for lunch. i was about to eat the 1st buy when they bought the house down the top of my head, that's the, this is my house and they brought it down on top of us by my apartment. and my brother's apartment will level with my parents. the problem was also destroyed. and my father, my brother, my daughter, my niece, and my sister in law, ok, by the risk. families are determined to salvage important items, the scenario for their daily survival and will be in the destruction. this is extensive with homes or rooms. i'm a central infrastructure, dami making their which rebuild process even more challenging. most of the scroll isn't meant as families home from the last of their homes and loved ones and the
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then your own going wars. it was with her daddy attention turns. the cats are on wednesday for another round of gauze us the spot talks. they come off the egypt president of the thoughts l. c. c met c i a director with him buttons and colorado . cc reaffirmed his position posing as well as miniature operations and gaus. he stressed the importance of a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding in the region is where the government has been and i'll just hear from reporting from this. so i'm the sell who sent this update from the jordanian capital. i'm a, it is really official speaking anonymously say that it's still premature to say where these talks are ad, but that there has been agreement on smaller agenda items in the ceasefire discussions. but they're saying that they're willing to put an immense effort to try and reach a deal because there's a genuine opportunity for a breakthrough. even if it's going to take time. there are still heavy sticking points from both sides. and remember that back on sunday is really prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu released a list of several non negotiable items. going into these talks at the top of that list, was him saying that until all the objectives of the war are met, until there is an absolute victory over how much the war must continue. even if there is a pause in the fighting but secured as a result of these talks. meanwhile, on monday i must release several statements among them saying that continued military action and aggression in the gaza strip is going to be real. these talks and that'd be go, shaders, should intervene, and all of this comes as there's been continued mounting pressure on benjamin netanyahu from families that is really captive to secure a deal immediately they've been continuously protesting his leadership, saying that he is neither capable nor willing to secure a deal of these really delegation is expected in the property capital, doha, on wednesday, where they will then head to the gyptian capital cairo on thursday. once again for continued negotiations, while there are still heavy sticking points between both sides. have the central
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woods. i was just the, you know, i'm a and a reminder that these really governments has band delta 0 if i'm reporting in israel. that's why we're covering developments from outside the country. or his well has released the drone video of what it says is very ministry sites and occupied go down heights and appears to be part of effort spine. and i've been in based on group to show that it can reach sensitive is where the sites i'm a 100 reports of a sensitive is there any positions in the occupied go on heights? this is the 2nd drone detail released by his blog showcasing its ability to improve put aspects over. is there any positions on highlight potential targets in pennington spaces? community comes on monday quarter. some of the locations pointed out has been long as it is really all keep on going on heights before. but the message here is to
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show its ability on send a warning to is, there are you. the company has largely been confined to living on solid and border however, is there a has guided of us as a nation's deep inside lebanon of higher uncontrollable members. it's most recent drawing at the keys to people in syria, the bernice border. one man, both as beloved a former body good with its leader of some sort of law. the law fight a bunch of federal kits occupied going and nights. it states was a response to destinations. to is right, he's been killed. well, i sending another message that is at the warning if the war doesn't stop on guys. and it seemed that there's no going anywhere when that then yeah, who's constantly changing his mind about the negotiation and then returning to his conditions has more likely saying what i might do something much more than sending a day. the warning has been said, it's fighting just linked is rise, wall and gaza,
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of having some haven't been added to 0. the us that it's ne, type out. i say they will send dozens of a defense weapons to craig, including at least for patriot missile systems. announcements was made that the opening of assignments mocking to 75th anniversary of the ministry alliance, practical hanging reports from washington, dc. as ward leaders gathered in washington, the 1st speech has made clear the focus here will be squarely on russia's war on ukraine. us president joe by announcing additional aid and his opening speech united states, germany and nothing was remaining. and then we will provide grades for the equipment for 5 additional stages, your defense system in the coming months,
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united states and our partners tend to revise your credit with dozens of additional technical air defenses. and that is a big jump from the 3 patriot air defense systems. ukraine currently has and could be used to protect critical infrastructure like power plants. you cream president below to mirror zalinski, make clear that is what he came to get and expected more help after ukraine blamed russia for a missile attack on the children's hospital and the assignments are not on the nato summit. there will be plenty of bilateral meetings where we'll discuss as a priority the defense systems. i think after what happened president, board and other late is, can be more powerful and more decisive than before. this was an important speech providing, trying to stem the tide of law makers, voters and donors, telling him to step aside after his shaky debate performance. his goal to appear presidential ending his speech with the surprise honoring the soon to be outgoing nato secretary general john stilton with the presidential medal of freedom. still,
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at the end of the summit, the focus is unlikely to be on what commitments are major ukraine. but how biting handles this 1st solo on scripted press conference, in many months, well aware of what it could mean for america and its allies. technical, he, elda 0, washington, ukrainian attacks and southern russia have kills at least 5 people. they follow a series of russian strikes on monday, that kills at least $44.00 people, then ukraine and destroyed the children's hospital to meet treatment, but then cover pulse of the fire. this will depot, could be seen from several kilometers away, and the voltage grad region of southern russia to power substations butting near the neighboring city. over most of these strikes inside rushes territory. come off . the moscow launched a barrage of missiles on ukrainian cities killing doesn't the capital key of shaken as this happens as though hitting the countries most
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important pediatric hospital is because we have 7 from the 25th and fit in a time when the most our thought in the hospital was around 675, around the legs that must go reiterated it doesn't targets civilian infrastructure and that it was a ukrainian defensive missile which destroyed the hospital. the u. n's envoy disagrees analysis of the video footage and assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the children's hospital suffered a direct hit rather than receiving damages due to an intercepted lessons this and, and russian and next crimea, which has been a step away from the war results of building bomb shelters right at the beach is
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last month for people including 2 children were killed in the ukrainian strike on a beach that came in with everything that's been happening recently. yes, i'd say having shelters. yeah. makes sense. as rescue work as continued clean up operations in both countries, nato was holding a summit in washington saying it will continue to ukraine to meet them, it didn't go out to 0. if you pay as prime minister has made his 1st visit to sit down since a conflict begun that in april last year, i'll be off with met the head of the student. these armed forces of those thought to elbow on it puts it on. the army has been battling the rapids support forces for control in december of mid hostetter. then these are of the obvious f. i'm done just the hold up thoughts to broker see spot of safe off hill. behind the vault has more from ports to don. a fine minister documents,
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but as secretary delays. so you'll be told of the 0, but he's come to help achieve peace and stability. and so that it's not clear what specific proposal has presented, or the visit comes every, the false, of the face of thoughts to the whole set. aside from that is must serve. how's that breath of fresh air for this with it's been instead of neat as will feel being what it cost to buy. most of the outside well of the is the highest profile for a need to visit. so that was the beginning of the war. 15 months ago is visit marks, attorney points, and he's sized with this with the needs me to tell you, hold during the for me to sit on its neighboring countries. help them kyle: in july, last year. he's over there and good. when he thought of a paula thought, you so then attempted as any what i'm going to tell the peacekeeping operation in december for mazda, of creating the belief in so that he's fighting with all of
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these forces which closer to the ethiopian for the, for the eastern states of so not just a deep concerning folks who done that, you might be able to receive, supplied by job. you may need to dispel all those b as, as to present himself as like with neighbors in order to be able to meet the 4 piece . how much fun i just yeah. lots of them. a sofa come off for the break strengthening ties. india is needed, discusses economic opportunities and to warn you crates during a high level visits to most fuss. donald trump route is his supporters. that's his golf course in florida. yes, and the week before the republican national convention, the
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while it's here now across the every the incidence a lot higher for one, those details right here, right now, waterview shows us here's some hints of that to you through iraq and kuwait, the temperature wobbling around 50 degrees, but i got to get you to the golf because this is really where it's heat and not wins. not really a factor on wednesday. let's show you thursday, paint the colors on dark, the red, the hotter it is, or that 52 and cool. it's $46.00 and the nom, and let's go $46.00 for us here, and the only spot not into 40 is on here. must got 38 for you. the monsoon range really starting to pick up in southern same province around corrupt you. that will continue on wednesday. there's been some blinded rain there as of 8 and 430 is black sea coast. we have seen some flooding not too far away from shrouds on. fortunately, more rain in the forecast here on wednesday are seasonal summer rains across the west africa, really starting to pep up for see or the own. so you can expect driving rain in the forecasts for free town on wednesday and wins really and story up and down the
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coast of tents and media gets here about 40 kilometers per hour. that's nothing compared to what's going on in south africa. the western cape providence, cape town, rain and wind, and that's not going anywhere too fast. look at this, the winds will begin to back off. so hopefully by friday, the hidden in phones and communities across india is a definitely fine, especially the world's largest imports in india, uses, especially in new products, from roosting to call, leaving work is with a dangerous one on the east investigate, especially in just sign in on out is there a showcase of the best document free films from across the network on al jazeera, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the keywords. alex's, here i'm on the of the headlines now goes that housing judge, one of his deadly stays in recent weeks, is at least 77 palestinians killed across the strip since tuesday morning. at least to 50 people were killed. and one is very attack on a school housing display, sleep in the southern guns that us on its native. i lice say they will send thousands of a defense weapons to crate announcements was made that the other thing of a summit locking the 75th anniversary of the 29 in washington dc. the buses, preston says fence the indian prime minister for his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ukraine conflict. but they may have puts in that
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presenting arrange a movie with russia's highest civilian award. was it best to strengthen relations between the countries in the shop of out of the reports, a will is not a solution, and bombs and missiles kind of in show piece. with these words, indian prime minister render emoji a showed letting the pacing that his country is ready for any assistance to establish peace and ukraine, often grew up with children. every person who believes in humanity feels the pain when they see death. especially when innocent children are killed as bodies to day visit to the russian capital draws to close the indian side bows. some lucrative contracts are in the bog. but that was more to this visit, including many sensitive issues like relations with china and the supply of russian weapons and oil. the agenda was overloaded with bases. i would say they were actually 3 set of questions discussed, or best number one is by
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a letter release use was focus on trade and economy, which is bowman. second was a global issues related to breaks through some higher organization preparation and also uh, edgen to vets. busy separately, both the latest disgust, ukrainian crisis and, and the raise to resolve many agree indies using a window of opportunity which has opened her as i said, the beginning of the ukranian complex. the 2 countries goal now is to reach a tray ton of up to $100000000000.00 by 20 says he moody agreed with pace and to bring home his compatriots, indians, who were you into the russian army and found themselves on the bottle field and ukraine he was also given russia's high civilian award by presents, pays him. but you actually would, you will direct support the largest russian indian project and the trade economic and military technical fee is high technology and space being successfully
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implemented. amazing comes as part of russia's ongoing engagement with its allies last week, letting a piece. and it was amazing with the tax and trying these presidents at the shanghai corporation organization we singing asked on, uh, and then he was hosting hung darren premier beach to open enroll scope, discussing ukraine in fox, many countries continue. cope raising with russia despite the ukrainian conflicts and russia is still a long way from being as isolated as the west had hoped. prime minister mode his visit has demonstrated that the kremlin despite india is deepening relations with the united states maintains a close strategic partnership with india. the dates back to soviet times, us above all of the ultra 0 most go near the electra then pays for the front. so as a new, a positive front to the left wing a line of arrived in parliament of the winning most states and sundays election. traditionally, the french preston to points to a prime minister from the winning party, left wing and peas,
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and out vine for the job. sasha buck, the reports, and the marine to him to yeah, it could be from says next prime minister, the head of the greens is likely to be one of the popular front left wing and lines . there's tons of dates for the job. 20 a 100 and type elliptical skills and straight talking style blackening the fall, right. as a counsellor. you know, hometown of an upper mo breen depends constituency. much with less clear. i believe that the best method is consensus arriving at intelligence solutions by working intelligent teeth together. i will tell him that he is widely regarded as charismatic. only the full is not the socialist lead. as no key approach could be an advantage when you call them in the political storm, arriving it parliament full looked relaxed. just repay, i'm ready to take the job. that was the kev, yet it will be done in constant dialogue without partners. those are, you know what to me, and then this cost wise, we found a well known personality and from suite on some outspoken and b,
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these may defending workers, right? sees cause he was re elected for 3rd time off to controversially, quitting the hard left policy. there's only a mental show just days before the 2nd round. 6 will y'all do that? all you see in here is middle initial or middle initial or middle of sean is an obstacle for voting and a working class of places like this in the region it's, it's a turn off what we've just seen, a middle initial arriving his whole left policy dominates select when a line is not a problem for present micro centers. they might be prepared to work with the left in a coalition, but not if it includes mental show and he's in peace even without mental show, a sense of let's go. religion wouldn't be easy. the 2 sides have brand new agreed. traditionally, the president must pick a prime minister from the biggest policy. in this case, the left. the macro may surprise voters once the game will search and is whoever gets the job. she'll key will have to run
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a government that can compromise one that will be unable to govern. unlikely to survive. natasha butler, i'll do 0 power. as you k. apartments has begun the 3 day task of swearing in all 650 members of its low a house, neighbors, landslide victory, and last week's election, has paved the way for the biggest transformation of the house of commons and decades. sort of a good repulse. the loads commission is designed to meet his attendance in the house to have the commission write a day of pump ceremony with traditions that go back for 100 years. first order of the day, selecting a speaker, speak of the house of commons since the 1st chosen peace of the house of rules directed at hughes to decide no make cuz gathered in a packed house of commons had already agreed on the choice. lindsey hoyle, re elected as the speaker of the house of commons welcoming 335
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u. m. p. 's from disparate policies and over seeing the most diverse chain. but in decades, i'm given the fact that knowledge by the prime minister and his 1st address and that role to parliament with the speaker let you preside over the problem. the most part, 1st column in 5 race and 10 to this country has proceed on proud of the pop. but my talk is played in the hall so proud of the top of that policy has played in that me you. but it's pretty just as a wish. you see next on the opposite bench, what am i doing him of the what? ahead and the car stopped by congratulating the 5 minutes bit on his election victory. and as he takes on his for middle task, he and his family does the good wishes of all of us in this house. i know the swelling in of 650 m p 's is taking place over the next 3 days. and well, there are plenty of new faces. there were also a few familiar ones made into the house of commons. it took him
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a goes and said right when populist reform and p nigel farrell, which made little attempt to hide his role as a disrupt us in the u. k. politics, nigel, for all we, all the new kids on the blow. we have no experience in this problem whatsoever, even though some of us have tried many times previously to get a brief moment of unity in a chamber open, fruit with opposing views braced the challenges ahead. so nick, i yeah, go, i'll just sarah london, a former us president donald trump has wrapped up a rally in florida. as trump's 1st campaign events insisted basically i suggest funding, but less than one week until the republican national convention. the deadline is quickly approaching him to pick a running mate fill of l as in ralph florida. well, this was the 1st time be seen the full but presidents at one of these large public events since that debate almost 2 weeks ago,
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a debate that it is university because it is having been disastrous for president 5 and even by those within his own policy many of whom i now telling him he has to go, even though joe biden says he is not going anywhere i'm told by analysts. but this was by design that the trump campaign did not want to appear too eager. it wanted to let this drama for want of a better. what play out within the democrats? let people see that there is a split that people see that there are those with it and show by this party who wants him to step aside. so donald trump really played into that, and they also play to, to the fact that he believes on many on his side believe that it wouldn't be jo bite and he's running against come november. it could very well be the color and the pay. carmella harris. meanwhile, the radical left democrat party is divided into a us and having a full scale breakdown, all because they can't decide which of their candidates is more on fit to be
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president sleepy. printed joe, by your life. in kamala, one aspect many were looking out was whether or not donald trump was going to announce who has one he may, will be, who would become vice president if he wins the election. that all list has been really long. the recent months we've had the names from the governor of north dakota to sentences from south carolina, ohio, florida. in fact, florida sent us a mall code review was, hey, i'm before the event. donald trump actually cheese on social media. i'm i going to announce this and the next 19 minutes in the end. he didn't ever the showman. he kept that. so i'm self. but he has said that he will give that name in the coming days, or at least at the start of the republican national convention and not begins in less than a week's time. philip out, i'll just say era throughout florida, the audience in his presence, how the and the la and the governors of 18 provinces assigned to patent and pushed abroad in support. so he's become a reform program signing took place on independence day as the country deals with
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his work. he cannot make crisis and decades to raise it by reports not from what desires. argentina's armed forces on full display on independence day. more than 7000 members of the security forces marched through the streets of the site. if it's the 1st time in years and it's part of part right. presidents have yet to release promise to make our didn't tina great again. they must go much ios. i am very happy, i like what me ladies doing the reforms he's carrying out. i believe we're going to be more stable economically, which is what we know that the role of the military and argentina is a divisive issue. many people do you have not forgotten the abuses committed by the military dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's lays hoping to change the public perception of the military. but he's also struggling with a bigger challenge, trying to implement a plan to cut government spending. and we do surgeon tina's deficit to 0. these are


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