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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the this business uptake the rooftop know, bundle dash before he is the . ready ready ready the, you're watching the news, our live from headquarters, and del fine getting you navigate. here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes, ceasefire tests are set to take place in delphi, following one of the deadliest days for gaza and recent weeks. cross border exchange is a fire, as the is really army says it's targeted in air defense system belonging to ashes by law in southern lebanon. senior, a soothing, these generals tell algebra 0. they're confident they can reverse recent gains made
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by the rapid support forces, paramilitary groups. ukrainian air strikes in southern russia kill at least 5 people. 2 days after moscow targeted at children's hospital in keys. and on peace of statements with your school at spain's low, medium all becomes the youngest goals screen major tournament history, the 16 year old school, healthy sites with see one victory against funds to reach the zeros. finally, the welcome to the news hour. we'd be getting gaza where is really strikes of killed at least 14 palestinians over the past few hours for the victims died in an attack on a home near and the said off refugee camp in the early hours. the injured were then taken to the hospital and they didn't buy well, those strikes follow one of the deadly as days for gaza in recent weeks. at least
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77 palestinians were killed across the strip on tuesday. among the worst attacks was the bombing of a school housing displaced families in southern gaza. at least 30 people were killed in dock strike. and in a statement on the x, the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees winner was responded to israel's targeting of schools for the plaza. reading says 4 schools have been hit in the last 4 days since the war began. 2 thirds of interest schools in garza had been heads. some were bombed out. many severely damaged. was the reading goes on to say, schools have gone from safe places and of education, and hope for children to overcrowded shelter isn't often places of death and missouri. and this blatant disregard of international humanitarian law to not become the new normal iran or la con. how's the story? just a warning. the report contains distressing scenes. i was in
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an instant a fragile semblance of common normalcy for palestinians turns decalle. well, and is really air strikes at the school, housing displaced, palestinians in the town office, just east of con eunice and southern gaza. we were sitting in a mis, i'll fell and destroyed everything. i lost my uncle, my cousins, and my relatives, the vehicles covered in blood, quickly assuring the injured and the deceased to nearby nasser hospital hospital beds are a luxury and gaza, as most patients are tended to on the floor where they like. the palestinian health ministry says israel's military targeted 6 other displacement cam throughout the seats for making this one of the definitely stays in place of
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the attacks come on, the backdrop of renewed c. spell. your thoughts and cuts are on wednesday. the ca, chief, as well as the head of israel's intelligence agency most are expected to attend with israel's war and gaza entering its 9th a month. any excitement about those talks remains mute for many palestinians. for most people, the strip or just trying to survive another day rental us on how to 0. we have our correspondence. honeymoon moses joining us not from data in bella and central garza so honey, that area is still reeling from the shock off. yet another school attacked by israel. what's the latest on that of the? well, during the past hours i've been in quite violent and bloody across the central area and base and part of find you in a city. we're looking at an evacuation center that is operated and managed by honor
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. what does the united nations for palestinian refugees and the eastern part of the city of san eunice? that's the only reason there's so many people inside that evacuation centers. because the past week, these really military has completely destroyed the residential homes and the public facilities, the infrastructure for people still. by the time the these really monitor withdrew from the area and people who started to go back to the residential home. the could not find a place to sit in. so the concentrated themselves inside this evacuation center. the only one lived in bear. yeah. that was bombed yesterday. and we were seeing a footage of how people were conducting an interview or activity inside the shoulder. that's for the displace that what it was bomb 30 people reported killed right at the spot and almost doubled the number of those. the critically injured all transferred to not their hospital and already suffering the from the operating at the very, very low capacity right now on a separate attack. the central area right now, the hot place for evacuation and for people,
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it displays it from the northern part on gauze and see where they are ordered to come here. experienced a most tragic, a frost cities in the past. 12 hours, the 3 residential homes targeted animal rescue comes in due. but if you leaving at least the 12 people killed and the women and children make the vast majority of the casualties here just deepening a sense of shatter safety and security. while at the same time, the past couple hours are pretty wide. dramatic and concern, which is really monetary sharply ordering the residents of garza city over lifting gaza to evacuate to the humanitarian zone. as they describe it to see the humanitarian goals have been repeatedly targeted. it'd been attacked by this the military. many times. many people were killed inside the area and zones, mainly were the printing to. 2 city of detroit, bella and the western part of the coastal road, the near a loss, evacuations on people here are quite confused. they don't know where to go,
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because simply there is no safety place. and unfortunately, something that has been consistent with what we're reporting about. so far, for the past 9 months, garza has evolved into a killing box. everywhere you go, there's killing, there's a bleeding or you're afraid of destruction and devastation filling up the whole area. so i mean, while people are forced to go on the move with no were safe to go the attacks as you're saying continue. and there were also attacks overnight. tell us about those in the optimal this is the tragedy of the big events within the past 12 hours people in the central area have experienced and one of the heavy night and very violent night where we read the windshield building were targeted in one of the center part of the account, the other one of the eastern part very close to select the board. the 3rd one is at the heart of the city where the vast majority of people have been pushed into this
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enforce, internal displacement in the city right now, according to the united nations assessment. and this has been confirmed by the is really voluntary. also 1900000 people are concentrated in the central area of the gases for the top left. 12 people killed then close to 20 of the critically injured here at deluxe the hospital or allow the hospital at the same time, these really military issues. these evacuation orders when, in fact they're not evacuation or the people are forced into internal displacements, under heavy art galleries in the fact that they are attack a drones a comma closet thrown in filling the skies of dogs are intimidating people, pushing them at the out scared of the city all the way through the, the southern area of why the is that to come here. but there is no safety place as, as we were reading and all from the past 9 months. and this has been confirmed. many times safe zones are in fact death traps the are just going for the display of the fam honey, my. well thank you so much, honey,
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for that reporting from dated by the that's in central gaza. the is really delegation taking part in the gaza ceasefire negotiations and cal tar has now arrived in the capital. doha, and that's according to is really army radio. the talks com after egypt president had been for thought his cc met the c i, a director william burns in cairo, cc reaffirmed his position opposing the is really military is operations in garza. and they also stress the importance of a 2 state solution and preventing the conflict from expanding in the region. charles stratford is covering the thoughts for us during us here in delphi. charles, what are you hearing about the negotiations and where things stand right now? well certainly the negotiations are very much behind closed doors. as you say, we understand that the head of these writers negotiating team that to most side chief david bonnie i because arrived in the country also expecting attendance at this meeting by the head of the c. i a william burns head of the egyptian
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intelligent service as well, a basketball, and they will be talking to the country, foreign minister. i haven't been up the roof on l sign you now these talks are going to be sent to the around this so called sri phase plan, a plan that was put for the end of may by the us president bikes. joe barton was announced by him. it is being supported by the united nations. but up until about a week ago, it has basically progressed no further. that was the time's kind of negotiations around that 3 phase potential deal had been stocks. now that was move went last saturday. when, how may i ask, which drew it's demand for a permanent spot before these tools before this? but 3 phase program actually begins that was considered by both of us officials and analysts around the world as, as an illustration of flexibility by having us in a bit to try and move forward with these negotiations. however,
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subsequent to that and the last few days we've had these really bright minister, benjamin netanyahu come out with what he describes as no negotiable demons. that must be met in any kind of a form. and the go she ations and they include a guarantee that israel can review fighting until it's goals of matching. we've heard time and time again for mentioned, you know who that is. fundamental goal is, what do you describe just being the complete destruction of how much another one of those non negotiable demos being made by nancy niel, who is an aimed to weapons smuggling cheaply across the borders under those tunnels from egypt. and he described as a guarantee that no so called terrorists inside garza can get into the northern gall is a strip that has been reaction from hamis to these kind of demons. in the last couple of days, kind of saying this is another example of mentioned y'all who tried to stop by these negotiations towards us. the spot that of course,
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will involve potentially the release of these at least a 100 is ready. hostages believe still to be held inside the gaza strip. there was a statement made on monday by the have us chief based here in doe hall because manhattan, the a. and he said that the national, who and the is really all me, we're fully responsible for a potential collapse in these talks. and the current escalation in the fighting that we're seeing on the current escalation in the tax by israel, in the last couple of days. good news would bring these tools back to 0. just one last point that has been statement by and he's really sorry us official privy to these talks. he said that those discussions in cairo were positive, but in his words, there were still a long road ahead before any agreement can be made. okay, charles, thank you so much for that. update will be crossing back to you throughout the day for the time being, we'll let you go for now. so israel and from us as well as the mediators haven't
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really said anything specific in their discussions about a possible ceasefire and gaza. but as charles were saying, the broad proposal is believed to be based on a 3 stage process. so the 1st phase would be a 6 week ceasefire, during which time us would release women. the elderly and wounded captives in exchange for palestinians held in is really prisons. and the 2nd phase would include a permanent end to the hostilities, as well as the release of all remaining is really captives. then the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of gaza. and the return of the remains of any deceased captives to israel. we have with those daniel levy who is the president of the independent policy institute, the us some at least project is also for a former is really piece negotiator joining us from london. welcome back, thousands the right daniel lee be so charles was just saying that going into these talks, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i presented a list of what he said were for non negotiable as really demand, including guarantee that is real, could resume fighting at any point if there was
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a ceasefire. so this is angry, so i'm in israel as well as so many as our mediator is accusing him of attempting to sabotage any progress. having said that, going into these talks, what are the chances of a breakthrough in your opinion? i, doreen, it's good to be with you. i think you just kind of policy jerome question the jobs is for breakthrough, are very slim because prime minister nothing. yahoo and it's not exactly breaking news continues to do everything to undermine those prospect. keep raises the question. the why of us administration been lying to us since president biden gave that speech outlining the plan on may 31 when they've been telling us the weeks is really accept it. it's all good. there's only one problem from us. that's not true . prime minister, nothing you know, but if you insist on continuing the. busy the devastation, the destruction, what we saw again yesterday in con eunice, what we see every day, the mass,
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the civilian killing events. he knows if you insist on continuing that, that call it. because any effort to create some kind of constructive and b q, it t is totally blown up by keys very clear in systems. but so people have been looking at this and say, how much dave? some clarifications for what constitutes plausible guarantees they would consider enough to go into the deal. people hope maybe these really parliament going on recess would get nothing yahoo some political wiggle, but these really security establishment is more clearly in favor of a deal. they know that their own troops are somewhat exhausted, and this is going know where the americans are perhaps more desperate so that i d dot to maybe this a lot to me some. but that has been once again,
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totally dictated by these ready prime, is that let me tell you to read these ratings some of these ready to josephine all this and telling us that they help being fed information. and that being told, they have to quote these as we looked resources on these ready sites, but it's telling me from the and minister's office. and it is designed to intentionally, to create obstacles on the path to a deal. but here's the thing that i know. i mean this idea of phases these 3 phases and starting off with a short term ceasefire. create the space for an actual enter the word that, that it would make it harder for israel to resume due to some of the pressure is that you speak off on the prime minister as well as his own troops being exhausted . so that's the design. you're absolutely right, that's the structure. they've tried to give this and that kind of thing. time perhaps walk because you go. ready into. ringback ways any tension, a commitment,
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at least on the part of the mediators. this will continue knowing it's fragile and they, you try and create realities on the ground. getting in that desperately need humanitarian assistance. withdrawal, at least in paul, to the initial phase of the is writing the forces. and you try and create layer upon layer of reality, which makes a we ton to the current horace more difficult. but in order to do that, you have to have some kind of willingness to go a little with that. on the part of the is really government, these re the leadership. so if not on yahoo, well to not commit. but what to keep quiet, or to say things that have to be linked to jewel interpretation. but he quite categorically doesn't do that. and therefore the structure is opposable. the phase by phase with the degree of uncertainty that
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structure these on the mind, by the certainty expressed by these radiate and then you go back into the question of okay, how to change that calculation, right? i'm the cruise the us is, i'm willing to use this leverage because it still sends all those weapons. it is i'm willing to change the calculation, but behind closed doors when it comes to these negotiations. daniel, how much pressure do you think the likes of william burns and bremond kirk are actually putting on the is really, is at this point and from what you know, this time around. how much leeway does the is really negotiation team? how? because in the past, they weren't given the mandate, do they have at this time around to go from everything we know during the all sorts of that is negative, that the mandate is still very limited. and in terms of what's the pressure behind closed doors? well, well here's the thing. if there's a one thing behind closed doors, but this didn't yahoo is confident that in public present bike will simply go back
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to a narrative, the glades, the all. ringback side know these right in the side and to reality in which he's real, get no answer to the everything that he wants from the americans. i'm not saying yahoo has been invited by the republican. i'm the democratic congressional leadership to address that for each of the end of this month. and he knows you can go back and have a lot of fun in his tubs with that speech. so the quiet, we all telling you this in quite we website and probably it doesn't work each weakness and it's one a bit pathetic set of games. how does that we see, and the fact that we now in the summer, it's all the salvation. the desperation, the ongoing inability to get supplies in israel preventing that doctor the what's going only knows of jobs. that when you look at the big picture and you look at what the us is bringing to the table. i think one has to draw a very depressing side conclusion and hope that that change,
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but out of the public pressure may change it. okay, daniel, leave you. thank you so much for joining us for long. thank you. well, the is really military has carried out several airstrikes on loving on in the past few hours and one attack it says it hit, it has been lost sight and jumped. wow, that's a village in central 11 on the is really an army. so as it was targeting a has been the air defense system will bring in as a big was running as not from what is arguing in southern lebanon. so aside, what more do we know about these recent strikes? and particularly that one is on to how deep was it into lebanon? yes, there's been several strikes and uh, the hours of this morning now we understand. there was a drone strike against a town of the actual deduction. re sharing shutting of yacht ruined a drone strike up and had that the stripes on the outskirts of tony and 5 minutes
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of stripe and it'll be a sheets. now that's not in south lebanon investment, becca valley that's only the 2nd time is rather have talked to that the last time was in april that they claimed it was a facility manufacturing weapons. now you're asked about have default these strikes . well, the majority of them all inside they've been on along the border, but israel does tend to go d pass sometimes when it carries that assess the nations of his beloved members. but also the district that you've spoken about in central level on know, every time israel flies ink to live in these, this page. it's, it's vine, they think liberties s based on his velocity. well, they're trying to detect as well from coming into the news territory. and this is a conflict that's been going on to and fro pretty much every single day just across the board to strikes this drone strikes. this is ready aircraft flying into liberties a space. so this conflict is ongoing this morning, the last hour. so it's been relatively required by the several strikes across the
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problem. is there something to reset about the timing of the strikes, particularly considering that just about 24 hours ago? i said, has butler released a 2nd video of what it shows were sensitive is really sites in the occupied goal on heights with both sides who are trying to show off big capability, especially hezbollah. his beloved release is footage his black eyes that strikes and his beloved is suddenly got a number of messages. one is a warning to israel to say if this war expands, if that is an expansion of this conflict. his but the has the intelligence to know where those is reading sites and has the ability to hit those. another messages that there's relies showing of its capability. it's saying that it's not the same. his beloved that it wasn't 2006 the last time that was of will, is way more sophisticated. it has more weapons and has for the rich about the same time. you've been talking about these negotiations, taking place for a possible ceasefire and gaza. both sides
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a say that this is linked to the war and gaza, his blah said that there won't be stop to the fight to get unless there's a c spy in. does i agree to buy the resistance groups that on both sides want to show this strength in terms of negotiations, if there is a possible negotiation to instead the net present but also send war next to each other. okay, thank you so much. i said, be reporting for much arguing in southern lebanon. thank you. the issue, i hope you, as prime minister, has visit a to dawn for the 1st time since the conflict began there in april last year. i'll be f modem at the leader of the army general. i'm different definitely, but hon. import suit on the army has been battling the rapids support forces for control for 14 months. in december of my hosted the leader of the parent military. our staff will, how much time don don gallow talks to broker as far as so far failed. so don's military is facing its biggest challenge since the conflict begun. they are assess,
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has in making gains in several parts of the country. most recently in the dar for region. well, how much vol spoke to some of the senior generals who say their confidence, they'll be able to refers their losses. this is a data seen in the city of the mine. well, disability army has showed its best so slight to with thought that support force has begun most yet, while the out assess, has maintained control in most of the 2 cities of costume and body. the army has managed to push the most of the apply city of the man, except for a few in plates and achievement. the never cease to celebrate the, it's not my be a. so i'm, we up to, we're never deceived or of a joy to buy a specific victory. it's a long war, many bass or something. uh, we're now going on the right. uh, yeah, we went a number of battles and we lose one o 2. it only strengthens hours old without determination to achieve
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a final victory. in the vast interior, how is that the out of sift almost unstoppable in the face of the falls. the army has seated cities without as much of a fight, such as in the cases i've seen just in the east met. i'm in the fall and then in the center. oh boy, on the levels there are certain circumstances surrounding the military operations that of enabled them to advance on his law rection. but we are able to know because that what the type of nations that was a well, the support of the student needs people to repel them. so this means that it's an open secrets here, but the army has a crisis in logistics, put on muscle out of the ice korea. we obtain military equipment in ways that seem complicated. perhaps some countries of use their influence by the door to stop aid provided to the student. the state of some countries may have used their international and regional mechanism of the idea to criminalize and stop supporting
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the armed forces. but the student needs people are determined to defeat these groups, which receive support from a broad cause. i'm not, i'm not wanting to consider one of the strongest is that agent so that he's on me today is in a situation where it's media survive on ease of stake. but the army says it has the fight experience and the popular support, the, to the quietest to remain steadfast of popular mobilization has been launched. civilian volunteers are being trained and then on site tories and part of the intelligence unit has been commissioned to participate in the fighting. how much fun does your port so that the ukrainian attacks in southern russia have killed at least 5 people on monday, russian strikes killed at least, $44.00 people across the ukraine. the one security council held an emergency meeting to discuss an attack on
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a children's hospital in keys. the session turned into war of words between russia, between the russian and the ukrainian ambassadors. gabriel is on their reports from the un headquarters in new york. at an emergency meeting of the un security council, russia said they were not responsible for the missile the hit, the children's hospital and keep, earlier this week, it said that if it was a russian missile, the damage would have been much worse. then you would meet you when you're stow, as they would have been nothing left of the building if we're hit by a russian messiah all children, and most of the adults would have been killed. and not just going to the solution. ukraine's ambassador held up photos. he said, we're profit, it was a russian missile and then responded directly to his russian counterpart. his comments about the possibility to destroy it entirely. if russia supposedly hit
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on just monstrous allies of ukraine, use the meeting to highlight the high told the war has taken on children. russia has killed ukrainian children. russia has maimed and injured ukrainian. children in russia has abducted ukrainian children. and yesterday, russia came back for wounded. i'm sick children in oak much each hospital. this is cowardly depravity. and this must stop. russia's ambassador also said ukraine is over stating the hospital attack to summon support before the nato summit, which begins in washington dc on wednesday. on tuesday, the head of the summit, us secretary of state anthony, blinking, met with his ukrainian counterpart with a hospital tack, came up. no action was taken by the security council in this meeting. and the
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reality is, when it comes to ukraine, the counselor was very limited in what it can do. and that's because of russia being a permanent member of the council has veto power and gives us a block any resolution. but it doesn't degree with gabriel's onto. i would just need it at united nations in new york, while the ukranian presidents of all of them are as a landscape, says that he's grateful to nato for promising more military support. the alliance says that we'll send thousands of air defense weapons to ukraine, including at least 4 patriot missile systems. the announcement was made out of summit marketing 75 years since may. so was founded. heidi co hey, and reports from washington dc. as world leaders gathered in washington, the 1st speech has made clear the focus here will be squarely on russia's war on ukraine. us president joe biden announcing additional aid in his opening speech. united states, germany and nothing was remaining,
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that only will provide ukraine for the equipment for 5 additional stages, your defense system. in the coming months, united states and our partners tend to revise your credit with dozens of additional technical air defenses. and that is a big jump from the 3 patriot air defense systems. ukraine currently has and could be used to protect critical infrastructure like power plants. you cream president below to mirror zalinski, make clear that is what he came to get and expected more help after ukraine blamed russia for a missile attack on the children's hospital and the assignments are not on the nato summit. there will be plenty of bilateral meetings where we'll discuss as a priority, the defense systems. i think after what happened president, board and all the latest can be more powerful and more decisive than before. this was an important speech providing, trying to stem the tide of law makers, voters and donors, telling him to step aside after his shaky debate performance. his goal to appear
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presidential ending his speech with a surprise honoring the soon to be outgoing nato secretary general john stilton with the presidential medal of freedom. still, at the end of the summit, the focus is unlikely to be on what commitments are major ukraine. but how biting handles this 1st solo on scripted press conference, in many months, well aware of what it could mean for america and its allies take well here, i'll do 0. washington. well, as that nato summit takes place, china and bella ruse are carrying out joint military exercises close to the border of poland. one of the alliance members by the roost is one of russia's closest allies and has allowed the kremlin to use its territory as a launch pad for the invasion of ukraine in 2022. the drills are being called joint counterterrorism exercises and they'll be taking place until july. the 19th. the still ahead on the news,
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our austerity measures and origin seen off because they didn't have any lace signs of tax with 18 governors to increase support for his economic reforms. leno messy gave an update on this future argentina, reach the corporate america final thoughts, stories coming up with peter in support. the high low they let's get to where the full costs for europe over the next few days and from the satellite image, you can see it's a split picture. we've got some very what windy and cool weather moving across more northern and western areas in the days ahead, but out east. it is a story of lots of heat and dry conditions. so on wednesday, we still got that weather moving across a move in scotland, where warnings remain pushing across into scandinavia. we'll see
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a drenching in also on the by the mid week and that weather rushes down into germany into poland, pushing its way further afield. as we go into thursday, we'll see a drivel of rain pushed into an open pots of spain and portugal as well. but down south, it is a story of dry sunny conditions. there's conditions extend across the mediterranean . we've got lots of heat coming into sicily. southern parts of it to the was red warning, see some red warning for places like croatia as well as hungry, bosnia and herzegovina and for sub. yeah, the heat just dominating here, pushing off as well towards the northeast, but we will see some wet to weather the temperature was sitting very high. however, for western russia and now continued to sit very high. so sub yes, the day we've got those red warnings out. we could see 40 in bel grade on saturday . in
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the the hello again, the top stories on the news hour and is really striking. central dogs that has killed at least 12 people on choose day 77 palestinians were killed across the strip. one of the worst, the tax killed, 30 people in a school housing displays, families and southern gospel is really military. so as it hit, it has been the site in junk 12 that's in central 11 on israel says it was targeting one of the groups air defense systems. the 2 sides have exchanged near in daily fire since the wong da. so i began in october, i mean it's really delegation, taking part in the gaza sees for negotiations and costs are, has arise in the capital del fox that's according to is really on the radio. the
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talks come after egypt, presidents have been fantastic. i see see met with the see i director at william burns and cairo, a newly elected m. p. 's for francais last spring alliance. the new popular front have reported to parliament after winning the most states and sundays election. traditionally, the president appointed prime minister from the wedding party, now attention is turning to which leftist m. p will be supported. natasha butler reports from paris and the marine to him that he could be frances next prime minister. the head of the greens is likely to be one of the popular front left wing and lines. there's tons of dates for the job to do the home type, elliptical skills and straight talking style backlink the far right as a counsellor. you know, hometown of and up and will bring the pens, constituency measure. basically. i believe that the best method is consensus arriving at intelligent solutions by working intelligent
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t together well tones that is widely regarded as carriers. my take only vehicle is notes are the socialist leaders in key approach could be an advantage when he'd call them and the political storm arriving at parliament full looked relaxed. just okay, i'm ready to take the job. that was the kev, yet it will be done in constant dialogue without partners. those are to, you know, what to and then there's also, as we found a well known personality and from suite on some outspoken and b who's made defending work is growing, sees cause he was re elected for the time of the controversially, quitting the hard left policy there's only a mental show just days before the 2nd round. 6 will y'all do that all you see and hear his middle initial, middle initial or middle of sean is an obstacle for votes and then a working class of places like this in the region it's, it's a turn on what we've just seen, a middle initial arriving. he's hauled left paul to dominate select when
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a line smells a problem for present micro centers. they might be prepared to work with the left in a coalition, but not if it includes middle school and his in peace even without mental show. a sense of let's go, religion wouldn't be easy. the 2 sides have really agreed. traditionally the present. let's pick a prime minister from the biggest policy. in this case, the left, the macro may surprise voters once the game will search and is whoever gets the job, she'll key will have to run a government that can compromise. one that will be unable to govern, unlikely to survive. latasha butler, i'll do 0 power. okay, let's not speak to nicholas tensor who is a professor of public policy of sciences po and a senior fellow at the center for european policy analysis is joining us from paris . thanks for your time with us on alda 0. look. speaking about the potential candidates for prime minister with mental shown himself be a viable counselor. no. such a not. so to me that because i think most of the people who from certainly i will
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say it really refused to the actual, even some of the people of his own, spotty, reject him. and of course, for the also parties of the left and deals about these little to as a centrally, as you read, it could be sort of the unacceptable. because middle school just want to disrupt politics is the kind of rivers are in the presence. he doesn't want to create any alliance. and in fact, if we consider the m p 's, when these old party the represent less than 15 percent of the, the national long assembly, it's probably around the 12 percent. and so that i'm not for present that the, so the only way out certainly will be on the lines between the different components of the list and this and chris ball t a because once a of the and b is kind of drove off, close the country okay, so look, i mean when we look at this left as coalition,
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as we know they don't have this absolute majority. how is mental sort going to be able to push forward or pushed through his programs are slow on said as a result of the very difficult of all middle shall do. leaving pauses view is because everyone alice will reject. i mean is use not only, i mean to send resolve the right, but also i in part of the, a new public problems which was the only sions that the one the elections. so basically i means they will have said, that is some compromises. and the real issue is that fraud basically is not ask us told to have this kind of compromise. it's not, it didn't spell it to the country. uh, unlike germany, because partisan germany, but also in sweden and then some other countries. you have these kind of good issues and sometimes it takes months basically to shape a program that gather the views of the member parties of the of discrimination. remember even last time, even it was not the same offer. what is it for read good isn't the most of the sort
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and gemini between the left and the right. but where is more like minded countries? you did the 3 months to ship this program. i mean frost is that doesn't have these kind of i'm it, right. 6 would take more time. so just i'd say that that will be still the government in place during the olympics and process and probably in september or october. we'll see clear. uh, what could be the next prime minister? what could be the members of the new? but let me just ask her about the rights because you were mentioning them a moment ago. i mean, this is according to french media. so they're reporting, that's the far right block. now has a 143 members in the new assembly, which is actually an old time record, and this is up from 89. before the vote. it sounds like the right was perhaps defeated in the 2nd round of elections, but certainly there's still a force to reckon with yes, that sort of thing. you'll have somebody to ride under,
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you know, from my point of view, it's up close to. it's frightening that you have it more than 10000000 people of voting fall ball for the far right. because the far right to another lady is causing up to russia, which is all was enemy, but or so many of his memo interests clearly to commence. it's a basic b shell, some onto submitted across is the most of the views, which is absolutely not acceptable. so i think one of the key a challenge for the mainstream party is go from the right of the left and the center will be set to lead to convince the elect rate. yeah, it's a good improve. i mean, the conditions these lives, the able to, to take more attention to be more attention to the jani spheres, concerns expectations. and basically that was a kind of a promises made by american is a speech. you know, in the 2017, when he was a degree to president, he said, well, the voters must have no optim, i'm indeed,
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no on the reasons to approve the use of the far right, right. unfortunately, he wasn't successful. the debates, right? knowing from okay, thank you so much. nicholas tends to, thanks for giving us your analysis from paris. my brother, thank you. well following its general election, the u. k. a parliament has begun swearing in the 650 members of fitz lower house, the house of commons, and the 1st task with selecting the speaker of the house, lindsey hoyle, who previously held that post has now been re elected labors landslide victory. and last week, selection has paved the way for the biggest transformation of the house of commons in decades, as a lawyer for us, senator bob menendez has urged jurors to acquit him of every charge he made the please. during closing arguments in his corruption trial in new york, the defense says federal prosecutors have failed to prove their case. menendez face was 16 charges,
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including bribery on fraud dating back to when he was chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. menendez has pleaded not guilty in his resist the impulse to resign from the senate's or didn't see those presidents have you emulate . and the governors of 18 provinces have signed a packs and a push to broaden support for his economic reforms. the signing took place on independence day as the country deals with it's worst economic crisis in decades. so result reports from buenos aires. argentina is armed forces on full display on independence day. more than 7000 members of the security forces marched through the streets of the site is it's the 1st time in years and it's part of part right. presidents have yet to release promise to make our didn't tina great again. they must the most. i am very happy, i like what me ladies doing the reforms he's carrying out. i believe we're going to be more stable economically,
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which is what we know that the role of the military and argentina is a divisive issue. many people do you have not forgotten the abuses committed by the military dictatorship in the nineties and seventy's and eighty's lays hoping to change the public perception of the military. but he's also struggling with a bigger challenge, trying to implement a plan to cut government spending. and we do surgeon tina's deficit to 0. these are difficult time from the president probably had a really close with his office. there was a huge impact on people's purchasing power, but there is like at the end of the tunnel and many people in this country continue to believe him really desperately needs to show results as are didn't, teen as badly gets worst economic crisis in decades, which has pushed half the population into poverty. the daughters have you had a 1000000 this week, he signed up packed with 18 provincial governors. that math for to push for broader
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support for his economic reforms. i don't see almost i'm being we announced the beginning of a new country angle by building the process 1st and thriving countries that we want . and we'll, we'll take time pm for you. and it will also take titanic efforts on the part of everyone. but if we have a clear vision of the direction and unites around a set of non negotiable principles and objectives ongoing, we will arrive to port sooner rather than later. the not everyone is convinced malays on the right past quarter. he see says the precedent is full of contradictions. knowing what it's on, i don't the difference between milling and other right wing leaders like trump of both in are other things he said about origin. tina. he says he hates to stay and refers to it as a criminal organization to stay with taxes. he says he wants to destroy the state from within. it's a nice speech, but it's not realistic. formulae says, this is the beginning of a new era and argentina. many few what will happen if he's economic plan fails.
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very simple. i'll just see that when a site is really interested in government has deployed more search and rescue teams to remote part of the island us to the west sea after a land slide on sunday. at least 23 people were killed and dozens are still missing . heavy rain and collapse roads have hampered rescue efforts. barnaby low hospice reports one body bag after another carried by search and rescue workers from the sight of one of the inventory just worst pulled by an accident in recent years. with the weather clearing up for a few hours on tuesday that were able to be listed. there was no site affinity survivors. or at the bottom, we still anticipate bad weather. plus it is taking 4 to 5 hours by line to get heavy equipment to you. so these are happening search and rescue operations. there were nearly 400 personally involved in search and rescue work by tuesday. but there
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was only one back hall on site. most of the thinking was being done with hand tools, despite the scale of the disaster. torrential rains last week and trig in a landslide and buried the small scale gold mine in the remote village. also, there was the island. many of those who managed to escape or in the hospital with harrowing tales of how they survive. and watching other miners get buried to live. once the landslide stopped, i stopped moving, but it was too conscious. had difficult a breathing. so i thought for sure i would not survive. rickson almost cared the way by the last flight and found himself 50 meters away from his camp. from one side, there was a landslide. while on the other side, it was the river that was towed rushing. so the 3 of us went injured at his waist and 2, including me with the ends of the legs ship since 4 o'clock in the morning. could
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only given survivors say it is a miracle their lives. and they fear it may take another miracle for rescuers to pull. anyone else alive from the rob. funny below, i'll just here. in australia, emergency teens are responding to a major fire in melbourne. there are reports of a chemical explosion at a factory. more than a 100 firefighters on 50 trucks are tackling that blaze rode to being closed, and people have an urge to stay away from the area. authority is a warrant that it may take days to contain the flame. at least 18 people have died in a bus accident in northern india. another 19 were injured when the vehicle plowed into a milk tanker in the northern which are for the states. and that boss was traveling to the capital new delhi local media report that preliminary investigations show of us was speeding a still a head. so i'm going to use our sports news coming up and we'll hear from england manager and care itself. great will to place them in euro's final,
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up for grabs against benevolence. the business latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the again time for the sports news. here's peter 3. thank you so much. the medium all says he only wants to win, win, win, know, so becoming the youngest gold score ever at the yours to help spain reach the final they were up against fonts in the semi finals, and it was the french who wins aid of the h minutes when city the buffet set up, color milan a fit for when you model the 16 year old level things up with the hips,
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the goal of the tournament. so for assessing one of the most significant spain school, they 2nd just 4 minutes later, then he almost afflicted shop, making it to one, which is how it finished stain all the 1st sites when 6 matches in a row many years. and they were into the final so the 1st time the people i thought a bunch of, you know, 1st of all, i'm really happy that we won by minutes. i don't know if it's the best color of the tournament, but it's the most special for me is getting to the phone with the jo roses super special for me. i try not to look at the things people say, apparently i don't know if i'm in icon or not. it doesn't help on the page. so i just tried to help my team come, and that is what i did today. so let's break down the steps for you miles who be 16 years old and $362.00 days old. and he turned 17 on saturday. he was already the youngest player at a major tournaments. supposing 17 year old pele paid for brazil let the 1958 world cup i scored in that tournament, but now your mo has taken the youngest school,
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the title of him as well, and he's already done it at the mistake level. last year at level became barcelona . evelyn, he goes youngest ever score as well. with say she was, we still nothing now, you know, we saw a touch of genius. we need to take care of him for me. i want to give him some advice in the same way that i do in private. i would like him to work with the same humility, keep his feet on the ground to keep improving learning with the same kind of attitude and professionalism. so he looks like a much more experienced player. fundamentally, i celebrate that he's in that team that he's spanish, and then we count on him and i hope we can enjoy the news to come my, the risk of him being on se, se is he has no plans to retire from international football off to the cup of america, the ocean, seeing the captain scolding a when of a canada to reach the file and keep a title defense on track. so i'm sizing reports, 2000 fence, 10000 new jersey to see one of the crates in action. being on the se in is woke up
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winning origin tina side out to defend the copper american title. they were up against canada or in the semi finals, and really in alvarez, put them ahead in the 22nd minutes. and it was messy, he made sure of the victory with a goal that made him the 2nd high score international the, any man in front of him, christy on it right now, the if this incident, continuing to the 2026 woke up, missing hasn't printed out the, the as i've said before, i intend to continue. i intend to keep living day by day without thinking about what will come in the future, or whether i'll continue or not. it's something i just live every day. i'm 37 years old and dirty, caught noticed when the end will be messy, did reply from international footfall after the 2016 corporate america, the reverse this decision 7 weeks later. since then he schooled 50 full goals and 73 games and guided them to the carpet and woke up trophies like
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a catalog. and at the end of the day, we have to leave them a lot. we know that on the outside it won't be so close the door and it's the opposite. in fact, he can be with us. and so whenever he wants, even when he retired, so you just to be here with us. if we still hear them in likely a final copper america, parents for messy defense for both sides hope it won't be the last time they see him on the international stage. it will, however, be a final farewell for the retiring and guilty maria global measures. you know, it's sad to see them go, this is the last go fine or hopefully they could bring it home, playing it, arguably the best player and football right now. and the grotesque champions. it's exciting to see him as the play. see that he's walking away to the final instead of canada was it's either on the brink of a good major trophy and 3 is that potentially standing in the way of columbia as a looks to make it 28 games on the beach and any other semi final against 15 to on champions. you're a boy later on wednesday from size and out to 0. raining wimbledon champion,
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call us al cortes has made his way into the wimbledon semi finals. well, the 3 got the better of american 12 feet. tell me hole in the photos. outcries dropped the 1st st, but took control of that. so when in full printer, people now need to repeat what he did last year, say phone and defeat the new mid video in order to reach the finals. he's really great. the players just decided to be fine as long as you're hopefully going to get those same results. but uh, i mean is he has one of the best buy right now. so i, i know that this is not really good site, so i'm not to, to play my best. i have to, to believe in myself and try to, to keep going. if i want to, to busy is always going to be a difficult one. but i'm gonna enjoy is made with dave who will be elk or as as a finance officer, he eliminated will. number one,
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unix center has to fits with shade before the tally and needed a lengthy medical timeout in the 3rd due to illness. maybe they have took advantage to go to the states to one up. that's the 4th to full. so the side to but it was the foot seed who came out on top, gaining revenge to find them in the women's doors on a vic actual face just mean politi for a face and the final that's also how the brush decide american emma navarro. 62, and 61 in a match, which last and less than 60 minutes, probably because since 1956, to reach the same, you can use 800 meter. we'll champ in maryville raw hopes to add in the gold medal to her conviction. soon, the 24 year old will carry the expectations of a nation at one full gold medals across the low at lasix discipline things ok. so ripley is on the track of under the nickname don't seem queen of ethan lasix. and
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she's hoping to rule the 800 meters will be in paris in august, a new one miss a month in the world championship. i can say it was the price to me because i had said i would appreciate any metal that comes my way. but it ended up getting gold and it was a big achievement for me. and for my country, i was very happy with the outcome and this year i'm also focusing on getting a metal. but i am not sure which middle middle imagining baseball tray it sooner has. he's 63, a grand slam. as the philadelphia phillies hammond, the los angeles dodgers $101.00 with the scored for nothing. and the bases loaded up for the place and the pile mo, misery on the judges. 3 for these pictures already has changed, witnessed the season as well. for philadelphia. it's the 1st time essential, i'd say 3 that that have happened before the old style game. so i, that's all the small things on the time being very see you later peter. thank you so much. and thanks for watching the news. our on alger 0,
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i'll leave you with the hill rom, and he'll be with you in just a moment and he'll have much more of the days. there's all the latest headlines, thanks for watching by the a football, enjoyed by funds across the world. but it also plays an important role in challenging colonial rule in oh jerry and suit on the, for the mission of the muslim clock. what's the point out, is there a well told the powerful story of how full became more than just to support in the fight against the french and british colonial authorities against the initial executive. and for one thing actually, the rebel game out, jerry, and so dawn on al jazeera and didn't services can be the difference between life and death. but here in gaza, the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was factually injured from
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a hospital when they were stopped around the lenses were intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with present. they stripped us of how close treated us the limits. terrific way of the war was also proving deadly for those attempting to sage ice. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of i'm in an emergency. he was killed during a strike on the clinic in the cities, the house ministry described him as a solid model of the bosses and determination put the high chips and presume based on like so the house on the cd will continue working to see how to use and this is running from by, i think when denmark and knox controversial, those targeting communities of known western descendants and reclassifying, the neighborhoods as guesses one young most living rises to defend his hon.
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speaking out in box on a jeremy to the cause of power. questioning his place in the country of his bus and my danish, a witness documentary on our the, the sci fi tools all set to take place in the, off the one of the deadliest days gone. so in the recent weeks the time so robin, what do you want to say? we're like a headquarters here in the also coming up cross border exchange is a fire. these way the army says it's talk today has the law, a defense system in central 11 o. c d a suit, denise generals tile. i'll just say over the confident they can reverse. recent gains made by the rapids,
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pulled forces cover military and ukrainian strikes in southern russia can at least find people 2 days after most go talk.


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