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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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least natural and the politics behind normalizing climate change as was to fact, if i was suppose to be seen as normal. but you said something that should have to happen to any one. is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera, the more palestinians are killed in gaza, but israel's prime minister insist that he's committed to a cease fire as fox got underway. and cats are the, you're watching all just their own life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also ahead cross border exchanges of fire. the is really, army says it's targeted. s is spelled out air defense system and central 11 on support for ukraine. nato leaders meeting washington with russia's words helping
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the agenda of their annual stomachs and senior sudanese generals tell al jazeera, they're confident they can reverse recent gains made by the rapid support forces, paramilitary group, the palestinians, and gaza city hub in order to evacuate certain areas. because they is really most research, the city remains of dangerous combat zone. that warning came is really strikes across the strip, chilled at least 14 palestinians over the past few hours. for the victims died in an attack on a home in central gaza. you are the under side of the refugee camp in the early hours. the injured were taken to the overcrowded, an officer hospital in dayton, buff for those strikes, follow one of the deadly is days for gaza in recent weeks, where at least 50 to palestinians were killed across the strip on tuesday. among the worst attacks was the bombing of a school housing displaced,
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fountain families and southern gaza. at least 27 people were killed in that strike . in a statement on x that had to be un agency for palestinian refugees, owner was responded to israel's targeting of schools for the plus a really says 4 schools have been hit in the last 4 days since the war began. 2 thirds of interest schools in garza had been hit somewhere. bom, doubts many severely damaged. as a reading goes on to say, schools have gone from safe places of education and hope for children to overcrowded shelters that often places of death, misery. the blatant disregard of international humanitarian law cannot become the new normal amount of latan. how's the story in just a warning? the report contains distressing scenes in an instant a fragile semblance of common normalcy for palestinians turns decalle. well
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and is really air strikes at the school, housing displaced, palestinians in the town office, just east of con eunice in southern garza. we were sitting in a miss, i'll fell and destroyed everything. i lost my uncle, my cousins, and my relatives, the vehicles covered in blood, quickly assured in the injured of the deceased to nearby necessary hospital hospital beds are a luxury and gaza, as most patients are tended to on the floor where they link the palestinian health ministry says israel's military, targeted 6 other displacement cam throughout the seed street was making this one of the definitely stays in place of the tax come on the backdrop of renewed ceasefire. thoughts and cuts are on wednesday. the ca, chief,
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as well as the head of israel's intelligence agency, most of them are expected to attend with israel's war and gaza entering into the 9th a month. any excitement about those thoughts remains mute for many palestinians. for most people, the strip are just trying to survive another day and run a lesson which is 0. and just for that, he is joining us not from data and been a has central gaza. so and yet another school attacked by that is really, is in gaza is not just total expected to rise of the definitely because dozens of the palestinians who were injured in the soft costs are still suffering from the lack of medical treatments. they were transferred to a mazda of hospital in hun units, the only hospital that's facilitating in the class, and couldn't eunice. and there's a very lot of medical supplies and medical treatment. and also the hospital has
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been running out of fuel where they were turning off most of the departments. but also this is not the 1st us hop on a school in the past couple of days. there are, were a piece for same incidents where the is ready for says target at the school in the got the city and the another in parts of the, the strip and also, and they'll say to us and a 3 of those incidents were it were that the. c were among those killings were women and children. and let me remind you that schools are the main shelter for palestinians after leaving their homes and evacuating from a place to another. people prefer schools because they thought that they're safe, especially when their owner was closed, and not public shelters. and hens tell us more about these leaflets that are being dropped on residents and does a city in particular to flee through the south of the stress. so what do these meet at least let's say, and when people uh, get those leaflets where exactly do they go to what options that they have?
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so the sleep let's we're identifying the 2 se rhodes claimed a safe by the is there any forces the roads up how to send you in the gospel city shouldn't take to it back to a to the middle area. they mentioned that the law had dean road and other she'd road. both roads are open for policy and use to evacuate. but on, on the reality is those palestinians are surrounded with is where the aspects are. tell you to be sending with live and munition some of the people we have been receiving. lots of appeals, people saying they're trapped under gunfire and we also knew that the god was sick . he is now a box of fields again between the hottest, the new fighters and the is ready forces. most of the people in the god, the city chose to stay in god will city. we were expecting people to evacuate, but on on both roads we barely saw anyone evacuating from the another in parts of
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garza, those palestinians with his endless starvation, windows and just a round invasion as present are tentatively setting. and they also believe that's where ever in the back you 8, they're still going to be a target. all right, thank you. and then for the, the reporting from dated by the thank you. hand got garza sees far negotiations. meanwhile, have reportedly begun and the cats are re capitals, though ha, mediators are expected to discuss the 3 faces firefly, outlined by the us president joe biden. the 1st phase would be a 6 week ceasefire, during which time us would release women. the elderly and wounded captives in exchange for palestinians held in is really prisons. the 2nd phase would include a permanent end to the hostilities. and the release of all remaining is really captives. and the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of gaza and the return of any remains of any deceased captives to israel. meanwhile, israel's prime minister has met the us special envoy to them at least brad mccork
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and west jerusalem benjamin netanyahu, who says that he's committed to a deal as long as israel's red lines are preserved. charles stratford, following the talks for us here and costs are so charles, you've said that they are a closed door negotiation, so maybe we're not hearing, not much, but uh, but any idea of where we are right now with the negotiations and where things stand of the yeah, i think it's really important to recognize how stuck these talks of being for 4 weeks from the date that that was announced that 3 phase panel on may the 31st by the budget administrator. and it wasn't till law sat today that we had. well, one us official describe was a significant breakthrough. and that was chemist withdrawing each demo and for a permanent c spot named tool of hostilities from the get go before the initiation of these potential 3 face plan that was described by observers. and security and list is an illustration of how much flexibility and they're willing to go forward
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with a potential plan, but it's subsequent to that. but in the last few days, we've had these ready prime minister been, you might need to not you coming out with what he just says, all know negotiable, donalds, chief of which is a guarantee that these negotiations will, in no way prevent israel potentially resuming the fighting in order to achieve and that's, you know, whose main goal, which he says is the destruction of come us. now that has been how much reaction to these so called non negotiable to on time. us saying that they should need a station of mentioned y'all who potentially scott, bring this as a spot plan for a, for a cap to release. and there has also been coming from, from us officials saying that it is an illustration of just how far there is to go . we have still a long way off any agreement on this 3 phase plan. so what, what other sort of sticking points remain?
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i think sunday, according to reports that being reported, india is really media. the chief sticking point is lack of agreement of any kind of transition from that 6 week cessation of hostilities in the 1st phase to a permanent c spy. that certainly is being pennsylvania as being part of the 2nd phase. so that's a massive stumbling blocks. so according to these ready media, they are reporting that there's no agreement on how many palestinian prisoners will be released. the every one is really captive. there's no agreement either on exactly who these, right? these will agree to release amongst these potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners. there's also a concern as to whether israel will agree to withdrawing its forces from the philadelphia card or will that start stretch of land near the a gyptian, a boat or in southern gaza. that,
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of course he's occupied by is ready for ease of use, right? he's very concerned about what they say, all is the ongoing potential smuggling of weapons through those tunnels. and then of course is political. do i mention to kind of pressures that mentioned y'all who is on the from members of his cabinet and his government, the color they should fall right. members that continue to say that if disagreement goes full, goes forward as it is, they will potentially destroy the government by moving away from this coalition. so there are a whole host of sticking points that needs to be discussed. and as we've alluded to, certainly according to knowing, she's coming out to people close to these talks that we are a long way off any permanent degree meant being made yet. ok. thank control. stratford reporting from cats are as well. this really military has carried out several airstrikes on lebanon in the past few hours. in one attack, it says it had a has spell of size in junk talk. that's a village. and central 11 on the is really the army says it was targeting
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a has been the air defense system. i said big isn't much, are you in southern lebanon? well, the latest on these attacks is it has carjacked, a number of strikes across slipping on the hours of this morning. now we understand there was a drone strike on the town of but actually there's like hillary shutting in the time of your own. a drone strike the time i've had this a, it strikes on the outskirts of to lean and this also being strikes and the board of times of who the and most of jumbled now we also want to spend a 5 miss. hobbes hit the sheet in back of value. now that's not in the sense. now the last time is real hit. that was back in april that they came to hit a weapons manufacturing facility. now most of the fight, it has been confined to the size of the israel does sometimes go deeper to carry out of the text, suggest assessing nations or targeting what it says off it has with us a defenses on tuesday night we so the kind of rush i you kind of targeted where is
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there and also used white fuss of us. but off to that, immediately after that we saw his for the 5 and rockets from the sides here across the targeting is really targets. it is really ministry sites. so this conflict is ongoing, generally confined to the southern border by times as well does strike depot. but there is a fear that they may be an expansion of this conflict on his with australian, sending strong messages to israel badges, capability and sending warnings. the, if this conflict was to be expanded, his with a has the ability of intelligence to strike deep insight, israel and strength. those is really ministry sites. i said vague, i just did a large j u and sides up and i'm the world leaders of nato member states. we'll be discussing ukraine as they made in the us for an annual summit. on tuesday, the alliance announced more air defenses for keys. the amount of military a to be provided to ukraine. presidents will let him resiliency next year will be high on their agenda. the summit is also the last for 6th period generally. and
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stoughton berg, the former adults prime minister marks roots such a takeover in october. we have our white house correspondent, kimberly how kids running us from washington dc from the summer to tell us what we should be looking out for. kimberly over the next few hours of the yeah, there's a lot that has already taken place and a lot still to come. we've already heard from the nato secretary general who made some brief remarks, report us to give us a sense of what would be happening. what we know in the brief remarks is that there is expected to be a substantial package security package for you phrase we're watching for that. he also said that there's a bit of a reassurance for a lot of the world leaders. it's taking place, a lot of them coming here very nervous about the us leadership role in nato. a given the fact that there's a month certain to you about the us election in november, but uh, the reassurance that was provided by the secretary general is that the united states went to nato, regardless of who the president might be moving forward,
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is going to be solid, but that us leadership will remain strong in the eyes of the secretary general, something that is likely to be welcomed. 5, the leaders here also dominating the agenda. as you mentioned, the war you freight and also calls for members to increase their spending. we should also point out that the secretary states and to me blanket the us secretary state speaking just moments ago. he also talked a little bit more about that. so security package that was announced by the president to abide and last evening in his opening address. yeah, and speaking here from joe biden, how's, how's he kind of handling all of this because some, some are saying, well, this could be a public task off of his accomplish ability of the . yeah, he's under a lot of pressure. this obviously supposed to be about the native security alliance, but it's also become a test for joe biden. the ad really is the future of his presidential
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nomination in many ways. given the fact that the pivotal moment could be the press conference that he scheduled to give at the combination of this security meeting. and the fact is this. he doesn't perform well. it could be the death knell for his presidential nomination. given the fact that his presidential debates at the end of last month against former president donald trump was considered to be very poor. and if he has another poor performance, this could be the end of his political career. so people are watching his performance for out these meetings very carefully. so far his opening address was considered to be very strong. no major gas, no major slip ups. and so this is something that is going to continue to be followed. but again, it's all about that final press conference, how he for performs, if he does well, most people believe that that will secure his political nomination. all right, thank you so much. kimberly, thanks for that reporting from washington. the still ahead on al jazeera shifting
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positions, but have reason, elections change, europe's political, not the, had a lower there. it's a very soggy outlook for much of south asia. at the moment, thanks to the monsoon range that continued to bring very heavy rain in particular to north eastern areas of india into bangladesh as well and the pool and boot town with more heavy rain to come around coastal areas of the bay of bengal into the on demand and nickel islands as well. now the rain is set to intensify across the western and most central areas. as we go in to friday, you can see the heavy rain pumping into them by stretching all the way down to southern parts of india and into shore line k as well. but it's a much to y,
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a picture for southern parts of pakistan. we will see the where, where the developing across the very north of talk has gone the whole seeing that rain over the next few days. but it will be some sunny spells coming back in on sunday. now there is some sunshine to be found across east asia, mainly across moving parts of china and down in the south. but that heavy rain brought on by them a you front will continue to pump its way east, knocking out some of the humidity and bringing the temperature down in shanghai. since y'all was, we'll come back in for south korea, but it's going to be japan the gets a wrenching as that heavy rain rolls in to talk you through the weekend the,
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the, the. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, the top stories on al jazeera, this hour is really strikes and central. garza has killed at least 14 people on choose day 50 to palestinians were killed across the strip. one of the worst attacks killed 27 people in a school housing displaced families in southern gaza. israel's prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu says that he's committed to a cease fire jail inc. also, as long as israel's red lines are preserved, he met with the us special envoy to them, at least from kirk and west jerusalem. as mediators are reported, they negotiating a ceasefire deal in the country capital del nato member states will be discussing ukraine as they meet in the u. s. for an annual summit. soon. so don's military is facing its biggest challenge since the conflict began and more than a year ago, the paramilitary rapids support forces. i've been making gains in several parts of the country. most recently in the door for region talks to broker a ceasefire. i've so far failed. how much all spoke to some of the senior generals for a confident they will be able to reverse their losses a this is a data scene in the city of from the man. well, this has been, is ami has showed its best. so slight it was set up and support force has begun
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most yet. while the out of step has maintained control in most of the 2 cities of come to mind body, the army has managed to push the most of the apply city of the man, except for a few in plates and achievement. but you never cease to celebrate the not my be a. so i'm we up to, we're never deceived or of a joy to buy a specific victory. it's a long war, many bass or something. the we're now going on the right. yeah, we went a number of battles and we lose one or 2. it only strengthens hours old without determination to achieve a final victory. it's in the vast interior. how is that yellow set almost unstoppable? in the face of the falls, the army has seated cities without as much of a fight, such as in the cases i've seen just in the east met. i'm in the fall and then he's in the center on the roof. there are certain circumstances surrounding the military
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operations that of enabled them to advance on his law rection. but we are able to know because that what the type of nations that was a well and the support of the student needs people to repel them. so this means that it's an open secrets here, but the army has a crisis in logistics, put on muscle out of the ice korea. we obtain military equipment in ways that seem complicated. perhaps some countries of use their influence by the door to stop aid provided to the student. the state of some countries may have used their international and regional mechanism of the idea to criminalize and stop supporting the armed forces. but the student needs people are determined to defeat these groups, which receive support from a broad cause. i'm not, i'm not wanting to consider one of the strongest is that agent so that he's on me today is in a situation where it's media survive on ease of stake. but the army says it has the fight experience and the popular support, the, to the quietest to remain steadfast of popular mobilization has been launched.
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civilian volunteers are being trained and an onsite tories and part of the intelligence unit has been commissioned to participate in the fighting. how much fun does the parts to that? tens of thousands of university students are blocking key highways across bangladesh. they're demanding an ends what they call discriminatory quotas for government jobs that protests or is want to mirror based system. instead, tundra child re has more from data in bangladesh, massive products by university facilities, all across the bang of this. this is almost a week now. they've been progressing, blocking several intersection in the city and the highway is what the time is a bundle of blockades, literally finalizing the capital city today in different intersection. there is no level thing feel to quote a system allows on do advantages and jobs without ser competition. well those with
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merits are not getting jobs. this is our main issue. a no disturbance, demanding that dollar spent of product system satisfied by the government for the family, members of the freedom fighters of 1971, independence was this quarter, fits them one as well as to 2018 during a massive product by the student. and i've talked a lot about the government fund on june this year. the code of final dash has raised by the code a 1st time and the store out in large numbers all across the country. admittedly demanding, that dollar spent at the core down until and unless the government gives us a fair hearing impulses upon will to bring down the court system to 5 percent, we will not leave the streets, will return to the classroom in a prediction filed by that student the supreme court apple a division to the state, the high court order and they said they will review the case, but it will take about
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a month for the food into rejected the offer. they want the government deposit parliamentary law and completely abolished the court system, which they said it creates a very unfair competition gun. and they will say that i live for government. does that still continue their protest? sunbridge all day, i'll give it a knock on the former us president donald trump has held a rally for supporters at his goals club in florida with less than a week until the republican national convention. the deadline is fast approaching for him to pick a running mates for november's election. philip felt has more from florida as well . this was the 1st time be seen the full but presidents at one of these large public events since that debate almost 2 weeks ago, a debate that is university because it is having been disastrous for president by didn't even by those within his own policy. many of whom i now telling him he has to go, even though joe biden says he is not going anywhere. i'm told by analysts that this
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was by design that the trump campaign did not want to appear too eager. it wanted to let this drama for want of a better. what play out within the democrats? let people see that there is a split that people see that there are those with it and show by this party who wants him to step aside. so donald trump really played into that, and they also play to, to the fact that he believes on many on his side believe that it wouldn't be jo bite and he's running against come november. it could very well be the color and the pay. carmella harris. meanwhile, the radical loved democrat party is divided into a us and having a full scale breakdown, all because they can't decide which of their candidates is more on fit to be president sleepy. printed joe, by your life. in kamala, one aspect many were looking out was whether or not donald trump was going to announce who has one he may, will be, who would become vice president if he wins the election. that all list has been really long. the recent months we've had the names from the governor of north
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dakota to senate says from south carolina, ohio, florida. in fact, florida sent us a mall code review was, hey, i'm before the events. donald trump actually cheese on social media. i'm i going to announce this and the next 19 minutes in the end. he didn't ever the showman. he kept that. so i'm self. but he has said that he will give that name in the coming days, or at least at the start of the republican national convention and not begins in less than a week's time. philip out, i'll just be era throughout florida or the engine using government has deployed a more search and rescue teams to a remote part of the all of the solo i see after a land slide on sunday. at least 23 people were killed and dozens are still missing . barnaby. lo, how's this report? one body bag after another, carried by search and rescue workers from the sight of one of indonesia is worth pulled by an accident in recent years. with the weather clearing up for
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a few hours on tuesday that were able to be listed. but there was no site affinity survivors. there was still anticipate bad weather. plus it is taking 4 to 5 hours by line to get heavy equipments here. so these are happening search and rescue operations. there were nearly 400 person of involved in search and rescue work by tuesday. but there was only one back hole on site. most of the digging was being done with hand tools despite the scale of the disaster. torrential rains last week and triggered a landslide and buried the small scale gold mine in the remote village on. so that was the island. many of those who managed to escape or in the hospital with harrowing tales of how they survived. and watching other miners get buried alive. once the landslide stumped, i stopped moving. but it was too conscious. had difficult a breathing. so i thought for sure i would not survive. rickson almost carried the
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way by the last flight and found himself 50 meters away from his camp. from one side, there was a landslide. while on the other side there was the river that was pulled rushing. so the 3 of us, one entered at his waist and 2, including me with the injured legs, substance 4 o'clock in the morning, could only given survivors say it is a miracle there live and a fear. it may take another miracle for rescuers to pull any one else alive from the rubble of. finally below al jazeera. while the elections in front on britain have redrawn the lines on europe's political map and several ways in paris, london and brussels, a new reality is taking shape. paul brown and reports of franco german access has long been seen as the twin engine dominating europe's economy. and politics, but the inconclusive outcome of the french election has profoundly all to the power
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balance and the confidence political landscape. first of all, the result is that we will have a knock at all, which will sing a bit less loudly as feedback. dr. last the months and years like my calls, like the, i mean, the premiums as a partisan, you know, much more about germany. but the 2nd, the so there's that, hopefully we'll have a bit more of a european response, routed on the response of a few countries, or we will have a, you know, less by euro money. it'll be in rather than being a, you led by the frankly, german access, french president of manuel macro and campbells on a snap and national election after a surgeon support for the fall rights and last months, a european elections macro and succeeded in stopping the far right in the 2nd round, the cost of undermining his own presidential authority. if the european and french elections have shown is both right and left wing politicians benefiting from a disillusionment with a centrist policy,
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it's very easy to get carried away with the tri involved the fall rights. and in countries like germany, i'm particularly friends. they didn't do well, but it's with that ringing noise in the, in the nordic countries,


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