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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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across the united states, why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why, despite they insist on 0 consequences for israel in it's war and gaza, the quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the nato sends s, 16 jets unplugged use to ukraine, an irreversible cost of membership for military lines. the sam inside them, this is out. is there a life in the hall? so coming up is right. the army old is old palestinians to leave gauze the city. that's right. the snipers tax people, as they tried to sleep negotiations on
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a deal for a cease fire in gauze during the release of his way. the captives are on the way and console and senior sidney's generals 10, i'll just say are they confident they can reverse gains? my find the records for closest town to the to the group, the and we on taking you to now live to washington dc life listening to the nato secretary general and stolen book, who is addressing the gathering. uh, there is no place to celebrate the 75th anniversary. oh, our alliance down right here in washington where the north atlantic treaty was signed back in 1949. so thank you so much for hosting us all here. so i'm trying to also present biden for your personally the shipped. i'm
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just strong commitment over many years. so to may thoughts our transatlantic lines . this has all made us stronger that mills. so welcome. my problem is that in this case there's on, this is your 1st time us as a full member of the line. and so if the problem is through attending it and they to a summit. so welcome to the family of skepticism here. in this 1st session, we will make decisions for the future to security was things from our defense 23, our lives now need to target those spending 2 percent of a g. p a on the fence up from just the allies in 2014. when we made the page to the invest more in defense, we will increase our support for ukraine by establishing a native coordination on the security, the assistance and training for ukraine on by ensuring
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a sustained support for the long term. support to crane is they'll try to do this in our own security, the interest on we will reinforce our partnerships in the, in the pacific to push against the growing alignment of restaurant signed law. they're all north cordell flipping. i'll post the forward to press the button for this opening statement. so please don't you have the floor? surgery, general allies and friends, 75 years ago when our nation is created to lions. president truman said, quote, we hope to create a shield against regression or the fear of aggression and forbid us to get on with the real business of creating a government and society for 75 years. our nations have grown and prosper behind the nato shield. today we're stronger than we've ever been. since i took
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office, we've doubled a number of battle groups and nato's eastern flank and united states has fairly sweden. have joined the alliance. and the number of allies spend at least 2 percent on defense has gone from 9 to 23. it's not happened by chance, but by choice. at our summit, 2 years ago, we launched a plan to modernize our to turns and our defense. today, we have to ask ourselves, what is next? how can we keep making the shield stronger? one answer must be to strengthen our industrial base. right now, russia is on a war time 40. with regard to defense production. they have their significantly wrapping up their production of weapons, emissions, and vehicles. and they're doing it with double china, north korea,
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and iran. we cannot, in my view, we cannot allow the lions to fall behind the fact is that so many of my, my loving for this way or i'm very pleased this today. uh, all nato members are making the plans to expand our industrial base. and our address capacity, like our defense spending commitment is a critical step to maintain our security. first time ever, every data relation is pleasure to develop plans for defense production at home. that mays as an alliance will become more an innovative and competitive. we're able to produce more critical defense equipment more quickly and then, and we should, we may need it. you know, we will not be surprised. we cannot be surprised by anyone when it comes to our readiness. here at home, americans are seeing the power investments like these mark registration. we've
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already invested $30000000000.00 in defense manufacturing to restart or expand production across $35.00 of our states. we're investing billions more result, stronger supply, change, stronger economy, stronger military, and a stronger nation. because of this, this new pledge sense is not a mistake or a message to the world every day to members committed to doing their part. keep your life and strong. we can and will defend every h data territory and we'll do it together. and that we're investing in our future strengths to ensure data will always be ready for whatever threats for your face should be a clear message we're making to the what's saturday to the world. i want to thank you every day to member for your commitment for our share of security. and i will uh now as the press to depart. so we can get started. cycles of archer
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press the button and the photos sort of marks on us. the person said that this the ends, the public part of the meeting, and we all spend me down to the part and then we will continue just a 2nd. we can and we'll protect to every inch of nato tear it free. the words that of us president joe biden, as he was addressing that nato gathering mounting 75 years since the alliance was formed, he talks about not allowing the alliance to full behind and announcing that today with stronger then we have as a b think we can now go over to our white house correspondent, kimberly hallett, joining us from the nato summit that so kimberly, he made a point of mentioning the question of one is next. and he said one way to look at it is industrial outputs of the
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yeah, that's right. and certainly there has been a lot that has been said at this meeting, and there is still so much more that is going to be said in the coming hours. this is certainly a celebration of the 75th anniversary of nato. but now the meetings are under way and those meetings are going to entail a number of substantial packages in terms of security, namely for ukraine. and that is going to entail bolstering as a security in terms of training, and also a long term pledging support for your brain. one that is interesting, we sent me time to making sure that these clutches that are made today will be in during something that's important. because there's a lot of uncertainty right now about the future,
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given the uncertainty surrounding the us selection and what might happen in the us leadership with regard to the nash nato alliance. so questions that are made now need to withstand that changing tide of politics in the united states. and so there is fear of should another trump presidency, for example, threatened the security assistance. these pledges need to be in place for a decade or more. so that is something else that is being discussed. we also know that there are going to be announcements of air defense, something we've already heard a little bit from in terms of the us presidents and also the secretary of state and to the blanket and talking about the western contribution of f. 16 in place flying over your brain by the end of the summer in delivery as we speak. and also a bilateral agreements. and of course, was talking about the pathway for
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a range of ultimately also becomes a member of nato. and we should point out as well, in these meetings that the ultimately the end of the day in terms of the visual business will include the secretary general's press conference as well. and we are also aware kimberly that the will be some attention paid to the performance of joe biden or take us through his performance. but in the address we just heard from him. yeah, in terms of the president's performance of that is being closely watch not just a moments ago, not just the evening that just transpired on monday evening, but also what we'll call in terms of the wrapping up of this conference. and that is the fact that all of what joe biden is doing in
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these 3 days of meeting is being closely watched and analyzed. and there are 2 caps right now in washington. there are the supporters and the joe biden doubters. and the problem for joe biden is that he's going to box defiance in terms of saying, i am running. i am here for another term. i'm here because i can defeats donald trump, but not everyone shares that confidence. and the problem is, is that many of them are very high profile democrats, including the former speaker, nancy pelosi, who has just added her voice, saying that we're going to wait until the end of the week to let joe biden decide if he's still going to continue running for our drop out of the race and adding weight to that voice has been now i have very high profile, democratic donor. and after george clooney who has penned escaping editorial in the
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new york times. and so this is making it difficult for not only the candidate to buy them, but also a member of nato and leader in terms of his leadership role in nato. and that is also in the sidelines and private discussions. although you're not seeing it publicly, a lot of hand wringing is taking place. wondering about the future of jo bivens. he's always had a very strong commitment to this transatlantic alliance. but at the same time, many people wondering whether or not he will still be able to be here and be a part of that role come this time next year. all right, let's thank kimberly, how can is crossover to you the shop of all of a in moscow. so we saw that address by given by the nato secretary general as well as the us president, russia, china and his relationship with iran and north korea. all of that mentioned that, how's that going down in russia? a well wash. of course, he is older,
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his voice says and is well aware as old. they were pools, coming from the west and nature, among the laces, stood for the united states is going to deploy long range weapons like to the whole missiles and hypoth sony weapons into germany. in the 2026, also british prime ministers was about to trains, right. to use versus stone shadow missiles to potentially strike russia. also the news that a number of nasal countries, the staffing supplying ukraine with the f. 16 flight, the jets. so basically all the information is had here. and the russian leadership, of course, is paying attention to all that. so they say that's the day. so countries are going to stop russia lead while she's no going to, to stop and nothing will actually stop russia. and they see as you probably, as you've had a rush or has allocated, mold at 7 percent of its g, g,
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p to fund its military industrial complex. and basically it's going to move full. but in this direction, russian foreign ministry, a spokeswoman marie, is a harbor commented on propose that the process of a transferring of 16 find a chest, a promise to crane. and as it was announced by us secretary of state antony blinking today. so she basically reacted saying that that was evident is that washington was leaving a room guy. that was a hire was closed. and so basically, uh, russian, i'm boss. so the, to the united states and a toilet and toner of uh, also commented on the 1st day of the nation's summit and washington. and he said that it showed the aggressive nature of the alliance. and he said that the united states and its south allies continued to preach militarism and ministry expansion
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because i not a single what was said about his piece. and he also added that western countries were paving the way for the said world, who since uh, they just cons defeat russia on the bottle filled in ukraine. i'm talking about the measure is how russia is going to respond to that. from that point of view aggressive rhetoric from the west, the russian president explain the most good could respond to west and a to west to long range weapon supplies to crane by uh, sending the russian ministry supplies to rushes friendly countries abroad to the regions where russian russia's allies were able to strike cents to facilities or be unfriendly countries. so, oh, on the hills emphasize that russia would improve is a defense systems. the russian side is monitoring all the developments. and we can probably say that
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a reciprocal measures will be taking increasing pressure. and julie is talk about an era versatile pos to membership being offered to ukraine. we know that nato membership fee of crime has been one of the major worries for russia. how is that kind of tool going down in moscow? did they take it seriously or something of a blog? well, you say it's an interesting one because most people here simply dental believe that to be honest. and of course, this question is, of course, being discussed quite widely by a, by the save media and by politicians. but uh, well, once again, it said taken quite said with some, some sort of skepticism here in russia. but we just have to wait and see how it's going to play out. all right, you the top of all of
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a thanks so much for joining us. muska. as nato is funded by directs and in direct contributions from its members, it has 3 main budgets emitted free budget. another for infrastructure and training and a sub that covers the cost of the headquarters and civilian stuff. and 2006 members agreed to commit to a minimum of 2 percent of the g. d p to defend spending of this year 23 allies will meet or exceed this target compared to just 3 in 2014 for us. finance has navy, 16 percent of nato's annual budget of 3 and a half $1000000000.00? well, across europe in canada, allies the stepping up defense spending this year by 18 to send us a biggest increase in decades products cuz the office has this report. now the needs of the ukranian, i'm russian ministries, ukraine is struggling to defend itself against daily basis. so
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a drug strikes from russia to nate to somebody in washington. the us and its allies take more approximate patterns, which will allow you creating policies to shoot down even the latest type of so that kids own missiles or the nature partners will provide iris t n. s. and systems which are being successful against russian missiles, drones and glory bones, a means more protection for ukrainian sites for president glo do me is a, is these requests good stuff that if we can use it on the jersey or russia, especially on these, maybe 3 is easily can cause we have the 10 most go has to be very clear. the use of western weapons against talk is within russia is a red line issue to an official diplomatic reprimand of to ukraine. use us made attack ins. precision guided missiles last month to attack, says to targets in russian antics crimea police infections by the west when they
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meet it to a key is to attack targets inside that us instead of the thing that goes to now include the military personnel that is helping that and you direct and ukrainians, and in the operating the weapon systems of the day supplied the visa step step differently to lead to the escalation most go to is being searching for additional arms and the munition. in an effort to break the stone weights and the will preserve letting me it pretends recent visits to north korea and vietnam, plus the ranger moody's trip to moscow have deepened relations. now the race is on to see who will provide each sewage with more weapons, as both russia and ukraine look for a victory that so full has been elusive. alex gets helpless to 0. the
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is right, a false is avoided palestinians in garza city to move south saying the every remains that dangerous combat zone. it is right, the sites is targeting people who try to leave central, gaza, or a strong kind of home in the site on the rest of g. camp is killed full palestinians. the injured taken to the over the overwhelmed deluxe, the hospital in depth, and about us. at least 14 palestinians have been killed across the strip so far on wednesday. and the holiday has moved from that in by, in central godsa breeding to the palestinians. and the gods of sticky be said that they were suddenly surrounded by end. this artillery, sending endless snipers airstrikes, carpet bombing, and they were unable to leave. most of these comedies are now trapped in their houses, surrounded by endless while you're in fighting. but despite the fact that is really forces ordered, policy mused to evacuate. so we're seeing very low number of people coming. policy news chose to stay in the gaza city because they're already been with missing
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starvation at our 10 years. shutting down the invasions the hospital is suffering from the medical supplies, medical treatments, and they're in using their bare minimum of resources. we also, it's not only up to the hospital in gaza, but also announced that hospital was where they have been alarming lack of fuel, lack of medicine, was also witnessing a huge obstacles and challenges to treat those policies injured. of those times come a see sign negotiations of being held have it and cut off. and his right dedication is in the capital. del hesitate, pos and talk's mom. benjamin netanyahu has met the us special envoy to them at least breton mcguckie. is there any 5 minutes to says he's committed to us these 5 deal, but as long as it, as this rails red lines are preserved, child strive for the following developments. and though the infusion has them at
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least the drive to try and move these tools forward because of course they have been pretty much be in stock until a week ago for around a months. this proposal was supposed put forward on may the 31st and it was until last saturday, where according to a us official, a major breakthrough happened. and that breakthrough was how my us withdrawing its demand for a permanent full ceasefire. before the negotiations of these 3 stage phased, c spar and exchange of prisoners happens now with time us now withdrawing that demo. and there are still a lot of hurdles to, to, to jump of a chief of which came from destiny all who came from the is ready, prime minister, i suppose about 23 days ago where he now is talking about what you described as no
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negotiable demons. chief of which is a demo on that israel should be guaranteed that it could resume fighting at any stage in order to be able to achieve its goals. and the main goal finance in yahoo, as he repeatedly says is the destruction of homage. so now the goal is a guarantee that the weapons will not be coming across that southern border via the tunnels, through, through rough us to the way from gaza. these very minute phase carried out several s trying some 11 in the past few hours. and one of the tank, it says it hit has the loss sites in john village in central lebanon before the army says it was targeting one of the i'm groups at defense systems. the
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. so the ends, mid trees facing is biggest challenge since the conflict began molding 14 months ago. the power military rapids support forces have been making gains in several parts of the country. most recently in the full region, talks to broke receives fire of so far filed. i'm involved spoke to some of the senior generals, they say very confident he'll be able to reverse the losses. this is a daily scene in the city of the man. well, the southern east army has showed its best so slight it was set up and support forces began most yet while the out of step has maintained control in most of the 2 cities of come to mind body, the army has managed to push the most of the apply city of mine, except for a few in plates and achievement. they never cease to celebrate the, not my be a. so i'm we up to, we're never deceived or of a joy to buy
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a specific victory. it's a long war, many bass or something. the wind now going on the right. yeah, we went a number of battles and we lose one or 2. it only strengthens hours old without determination to achieve a final victory. in the vast interior, how is that the out of sift almost unstoppable in the face of the falls. the army has seated cities without as much of a fight, such as in the cases i've seen just in the east met. i'm in the fall and then in the center of the roof, there are certain circumstances surrounding the military operations that of enabled them to advance them as our action. but we are able to know because that what the type of nations that was a well, the support of the student needs people to repel them. so this means that it's an open secrets here, but the army has a crisis in logistics, put on muscle out of the ice korea. we obtain military equipment in ways that seem
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complicated. perhaps some countries of use their influence by the door to stop aid provided to the student. the state of some countries may have used their international and regional mechanism of the idea to criminalize and stop supporting the armed forces. but the student needs people are determined to defeat these groups, which receive support from a broad cause. i'm not, i'm not wanting to consider one of the strongest. is that agent so that he's on the 2 day is in a situation where it's media survive on ease of stake. but the army says it has the fight experience and the popular support, the, to the quite as to the main steadfast of popular mobilization has been launched. civilian volunteers are being trained and then on site tories and part of the intelligence unit has been commissioned to bump to see facing the fighting. how much fun does your part so that at least 6 people of dive in, south korea or off the rank cold rain for which the weather agency says? because once every 200 years summer it was a bus, the banks,
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roads are flooded and houses of collapse. the city of golden sun receive 10 percent of its total annual average rain full in just one hour is the largest do need that . samsung in south korea has declared an in depth and that strikes those taken part . so the company expires, but it shows no sign of willingness to negotiate. samsung is not commented on the extension, but says the industrial action is not disruptive. production. tens of thousands of university students are blocking key highways across bangladesh, demanding an end to what they call discriminatory quotas for government jobs. they say the current system reserves more than half of the jobs for government supporters. former us president donald trump is hell. the ready for supporters. that is golf club in florida. it's less than a week until the republican national convention. the deadline is fast approaching
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for him to pick a running nights and november's election that say familiar weather is night expend inside story looks at the challenges which states have faces back. somebody else to stay with us. the the had lower that let stopped by looking at the middle east and it's a very hot story. you can see from the satellite image barely a cloud in the sky across the event and the middle east region. we just got a few showers kissing in to, to keep pushing across possibly. and so western areas of iran as well, that things are much cooler down in the south for a mom and yemen. if you showers here and they have the monsoon winds, keeping things a lot cooler, that's not the case across the gulf. and further north you've got some very hot and
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humid conditions continuing for could talk. and the temperatures are expected to peak up sitting in the early fifties for places like baghdad and to 8 as we go thursday in to friday. now a lot of that heats continues to push across into the north east of africa. so places like colorado, we'll see the temp just climb over the next few days. we've also got heat warnings out for the central areas of algeria, but it is looking a little bit cooler for morocco was $26.00 degrees celsius vet. and rebecca, now there's a laundry hot story across the very north, the customer, the central air is we are seeing those storms, lots of heat still to be found here, but that's not the case for south africa. we've got a cold spell blowing in with a chunk of snow through to the weekend. the
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ukraine war and the risk of donald trump to come to us president again on major issues of nato's 75th anniversary summit in washington. the military alliance faces more challenges than ever before. what are they and what's next for nato? this is inside story. the .


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