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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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the egypt through the land leaders on al jazeera, the can, and will defend every age nato territory. may tony to celebrate 75 years of the military alliance, but the us presidents re election campaign threatens to overshadow the party, the player watching out you 0 live from. don't have with me for the back. people also coming up. these are the ami orders, palestinians to leave guys, a city, but he is really cypress attack people as they try to sleep. we need a bodice to me and body builder left a shadow of himself after he was beaten and tortured inside and his way to jail and
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senior. so that means general style out a 0, their confidence they can revise, gains made by the profit, support forces, power military. the thank you very much for joining us. we begin in washington dc. when nato need is a set to place on a reversible pass to membership for ukraine, members of the military alliance, a meeting for the annual summit. the reach an agreement on a declaration to continue support for ukraine and its war with russia. know, it says it will donate 6 of $165.00 to judge to ukraine to help it defend against russian attacks oslo says delivery or the 5 digits will start this year without giving more details of a need to members. denmark and the netherlands have started sending f sixteens to ukraine as well. yes, present, joe biden says natal can and will defend every inch of its territory, but wound to frets from russia and china. fearless waiting have joined the
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alliance. the number of allies spend at least 2 percent on defense has gone from 9 to 23. it's not happened by chance, but by choice. right now, russia is on a war time 40. with regard to defense production, they have their significantly wrapping up their production of weapons, munitions, and vehicles. and they're doing it with double china, north korea, and iran. we cannot, in my view, we cannot allow the lions to fall behind. we will increase our support for ukraine by establishing an 8th to coordination on the security, the assistance i'm training for ukraine on by ensuring a sustained support for the long term. support to crane is they'll try to do it this in our own security. the interest on we will reinforce our partnerships in the,
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in the pacific to push against the growing alignment of restaurant signed on it. we're all on north korea. let's bring in our white house correspondent, kimberly how kate, who is covering this nature of stomach for us in washington dc, titus mole kimberlia about what's being discussed so far. a lot of focus on on ukraine. what exactly is nature committing to you create of the yeah. well, there's a lot that nato is committing to, it really is the top priority in terms of these meetings. what are the things that it's committing to in addition to a substantial security package, which i'll detail just a moment, is eventful membership in the security alliance. and what that's looking like in terms of that is making sure that it will have a pathway when those conditions are met. in other words,
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it will receive the invitation. when all members of the allies feel that the time is right. so that is one of the things that is being offered. the other is what the secretary general's calling a substantial aide package. and we've already had some details of that being outlined by the united states. and we expect that we will continue to be hearing other components, is that from other member nations, we've already talked a little bit about the f sixteens, the united states, talk into their contribution norway as well. we know that that will be uh, flying over you frame by the end of the summer being transferred as we speak. and other pieces that we should also mention will be bilateral security agreements. again, being outlined as these meetings continue. now this summit is coming, of course, on, on the 75th anniversary of the alliance. and one of the major concerns right now for nato, even if it's not being said publicly, is who leads america after the presidential election in the us in november. and,
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and there's still a lot of concerns. kimberly, among democrats, senior democrats about president biden's ability to lead for another 4 years of the absolutely, and as a result of what we're seeing is the many of these agreements are in fact being made with specific timeline in mind. some making sure that they will last beyond a potential donald trump presidency because there is concern that these need to be put in place to make sure that they can withstand a potential 2nd, donald trump presidency. so their last thing and then during, in some cases as much as a decade, this is all being done deliberately because there's fear that the current president who is very much a supporter of nato, may not be in place for another term because of his past performance in the
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presidential debate last month, which most considered to be poor. and there's fear that that may happen again at the tail end of these meetings in his own solo press conference. so they're watching very carefully. nancy pelosi, a heavy weight and the democratic party, former speaker weighing in saying that there's still a decision to be made in that jo biden's performance at these meetings will be factored into that. and also the democratic daughter as an actor. george clooney also saying we're ready to get scathing editorial and the new york times saying, but the joe biden, that is being witness now is not the joe biden of the past that he needs to move on and that his political future is over. these are all very morris, i'm sized for jo 5 and he says that he supplies that he wants to continue. so right now, this is us a struggle for joe biden. he wants to continue and really the fate of his political future is hanging in the balance at these natal meetings. thank you. kimberly very much for that. kimberly. how kits i white house correspondents live there in
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washington dc. well, russia has been watching the nato summit closely. i'll just, there is usually a shop of our reports from moscow, according to russian deputy, for administer, and re, we're done cuz most goes not expecting anything from the nation's summit in washington. all the lines of decisions will only be aimed at escalating the ukrainian crisis. russia folder has been use and report is coming from the west and may so among the laces the united states is going to deploy at long range weapons into germany 20 to 26. no doubt the reaction will fuller were just prime ministers was about to ukraine's right to use. british storm shadow missiles to potentially strike crushes tow a tree. we're cold, irresponsible by crumbling, sparks pass, and the news that a number of nato countries, us staffing supplying ukraine with the f. 16 fly, the just received a very negative reaction to russian for administrative spokeswoman. maria, the harvest, said that was evidence that washington was leaving a route gang. the country's leadership here shows the population that russia is
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slicing. ne, so in ukraine, as nato is russia's real enemy. so all that gives russia a reason to boost it's submitted, treat industrial complex, and continue it's miniature operation in ukraine, trying to bring this country under its control with no and insight. you lash above all of the ultra 0 most. okay. the is there any forces of drops leaflets, ordering palestinians in gaza, city to most south saying the area remains a dangerous combat zone. but people trying to leave a being targeted by is really snipers and who did re, has this update from dell blah in central casa. and you can't imagine the system on these that have been circulating on line or near today. we have been reading a lot of close by kind of send you some of our trust in the cause of 50 now,
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where some people mentioned that through family members were killed in front of their eyes. executed was trying to effectuate to a safe area or a safe place. they also said that the is where the forces suddenly invaded their houses, started executing them. the snipers were everywhere, club competition with everywhere. so palestinians were hi, liz, not knowing where to go. some states it shows trapped in their houses, waiting to get killed. and let me also remind you that there is no civil because there's no risk cross. no one is there to evaluate those kind of been used. and that's why palestinians were resisting all the weapons. that is where it has been using against them. so now kind of thing is our trust. if they try to evacuate and listen to is risk order, they're being killed or being shot. so palestinians are left has this not knowing where to do and not knowing what to do and stuck in the middle of death and
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extracts them live the munition from all over. all the areas. endo holder, written down the library while those attacks come a ceasefire. negotiations are being held here in kata, and these really delegation is in the how to take part in the talks. meanwhile, benjamin, that's how these really prime minister has met the us special envoy to the middle east. brent mckerick is really prime minister says is committed to a cease 5 diem. as long as israel's red lines are preserved to mourn this fits speak to him to sound who is joining us live from amman. jordan, because israel has bind vouchers, here from reporting from the him to tell us about is arouse response so far to, to the toxin don't. the old herd from is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the defense minister yolanda yolanda after their meetings with the white house . his middle ways are breton mcgurn. those meetings taking place in israel. benjamin netanyahu says that there has to be a guarantee for israel,
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but they can continue the war, even if there is a ceasefire deal that is secured. you'll have go on similarly saying about the goals of the war must be achieved, but that a ceasefire is something israel is looking for in order to return. the remaining is really captive. he also spoke later within the day saying that israel has a moral and ethical responsibility to do so. and now is a critical window of time for israel to secure that deal. but we're also hearing from me is really army chief of staff, hurts the whole levy who is also acknowledging the fact that there is work being done on a deal saying that it's something these really public wants. and it's something that is crucial for israel. all of this well behind the scenes, anonymous officials in israel speaking to media have said that there is this window of opportunity here. and there is a genuine chance for a breakthrough. and they are exhausting every single effort. they say there has been some progress made on smaller issues, but there are still wider issues with heavy gaps left to fill. and remember there
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are top sticking points from both sides. you of israel, who says the war must continue until all those objectives are met. and then you have how mouse, who says there must be a total and complete the ceasefire. and the withdrawal of is really troops have mass has also said that continued is really aggression in gaza. specifically, what we've seen over the last 48 hours really could be something to the real these talks. but we are hearing from more is really officials, but the talks are expected to continue on thursday. that's tomorrow. indo how rather than going to colorado as initially plans. thank you. i'm done for the update hemmed us on host live there from amman. jordan, because again these really a government just by dr. sarah from reporting in israel elsewhere. is there any forces of arrested more than $9700.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the war guys has started in october? many detainees have recounted the abuse and torture they enjoy and is really jails
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. either a brain has a story of more size or biotech, palestinian who spent 9 months in is really presence without charge. behind these disoriented looks. he's a man who doesn't recognize his comedy or knew where he is. his last but not as is that but yes, can you count exactly what's happened to him in his really jails and to those he left behind? thank god, we both those back from the dead on the god knows what happened to us. you know, food, water, or medicine, they beat me everywhere. my head, my legs, and my hands, like they didn't even respect my previous injury, hipley or else without charge under and is waiting to get to the or the cold administrative detention. this is the 1st time somebody has seen him since october,
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but we are deep in shock, even when we brought him his little girl, whom he loves, he couldn't recognize her. she started crying, asking where is my dad? what is it? from the few words he's able to say, and the scars on his body was his family. try to understand at the end of torture, my eyes hood was blindfolded. doctors are wanting to see if there is brain damage. those nurses are trying to put the wisest inside the m or why i'm just trying to explain to him the process that he's going to go under to make him calmer. and this scares the scan is interrupted several times. you are safe, the technician says, but now as, as clinches, every time he hears a new he's, he's in a palestinian hospital, but in his mind, he's still in and is really present. it keeps saying,
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can we think this is the unit that tortured him in jail? he said, don't let them come in and beat me up. the look at my legs, a visa legs on man. a star comparison from 9 months ago when he was a regular edition was when hopefully he gets better in time and realize he's no longer a captive. but he is to in the occupied with bank, which is often described as one the prison need i. but i mean, i just need a palestine is still a head on out you 0. the efforts to preserve guys is education system is around the time time produced 80 percent of school survival or shelters for the displaced. i have a real good feeling in my heart that the spacecraft to britain will bring us home
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no problem stuck in space to nasa. astronaut discussed our mission on this trick involving starlight, the the latest news as it breaks down. well, i'm shown as one of the party leaders presidency manual not going to have to negotiate with. the only thing that happened was the desire to follow roy with detailed coverage while i, but maybe up beats about it, decisive victory for the verge of turnouts. and will buy something was down from around the world who's taking off, have you ever seen a has prioritized ties with ideological allies? the strategy has helped turn me into an icon of the global right themes in the gaza strip as is there a lot continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity, in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage. that actively humanize is,
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is really, is and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking back and recap of the top stories on algae 0, nato leaders, a set to place on a reversible path to membership for ukraine as need is need for their summit in washington dc. the alliance has promised sustained,
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long term support for ukraine in his defense against the russia. and these really forces have dropped leaf. it's ordering not as to means in gaza. city to most south saying the area remains dangerous. but people trying to me, but being targeted by is really cyprus. a 6 is really soldiers have describe being authorized to open fire on palestinians indiscriminate me. they told israel suppressed 97 to magazine. they have executed a civilian so straight into so called novo zones. 2 soldiers said commander gave permission to burn palestinian homes to the ground after that occupied them. one reserve is recall firing bullets into the c o into a binding buildings because he was bored. or in a visit journalist and commentator advice, $97.00 to magazine. he says it's concerning that he's ready for his open fire on, on, on the non combat. if palestinians you are in an investigation of 972, my design, we spoke to 6 soldiers from different units were serving in different time a, across the guns,
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a strip. what we could learn from them that the opening fine regulations were not very streak. some of them didn't even get proper order from their commanders and from higher up. and in general, they said they told us, they testified that there were no limits. they could fire almost everything and we're talking on operation from the ground. and even when we're talking about tentative targets, as they call the school hospital, the public institution, they said they had to ask for permission, but it was almost 3 o'clock to continue. and it was all the way up to they said that even if we had a very smart sense of pure or danger, you could shoot. and some of them even testified that were shooting out the big board or just for fun. it to the sky to open areas, but also to populate their areas. and one of the soldiers testified that there was
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a red zone around the area and the soldiers were positions inside. they got to strip between the houses, a neighborhood, and everybody, any part of the armed or not, the armed who crossed the line, it was allowed to shoot in order to kill is really bombing has destroyed about 80 percent of guys of schools in a campaign, palestinians describe as an attempt to systematically wipe out the education system . most classrooms are being used as temporary shelters for the space families. teachers and parents help make shift, schools will give children some sense of normalcy. tara capitalism has more from dial by in central gas or israel has spent nearly every squeaking goza class rooms with children, set hold ways with which the courtyards with the plate reduced to roughly or diffuse still standing has become schultz, is for people displaced by the rules leaving the roughly 625000 school
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age children in gaza. we'd know where to go. teachers at make shift schools the like the say, despite the lack of resources, it's important to put the what the kind of goes is education system. in the past we used to have good classes. good uh, tools, instruments, whatever. but nowadays it's very hard because there's no safe place. there is no safe time. uh because of the trip. so yes, we have a face so many difficulties and we have to complete because it's that or right to a complete education, while these classes are part of the initiative to create an environment of learning to re pad the rest, the high schools in children's education. so the greatest challenge,
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maybe trying to repass shutter a sense of safety, makes trip to school such as from distraction from the ongoing contest and bombing displacements of life and gaza. children come here to play and to spend time with all the young people dreaming of a different future. but as the is really ministry continues to target schools and the temporary show says, the reality of who is never far away. the youngest of the who just hits teachers and parents say the schools are you think truly? no. is that a fun? not you. it's very excited and attached to the teacher. they did already come to class. i think it was our pen to new to come to the hands of getting stronger, often writing from the. 8 they came to regional christian and our children headed off to, to move to stage occasion security. now this fall, this is to punch during these months and as soon as you to it brings the children
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about her life that the book is my loyal friend, my teacher. and like going, she says, in the middle school and this dangerous place children's to want to them because they move into these documents, they say, i know each is want to wake up as do. i will just do that. the kind of start seen, other world news guns, military is facing its biggest challenge to come fix began more than 14 months ago by military rapids support forces have been making gains in several parts of the country. most recently, in the gospel region talks to broker sci fi, i have faith fans so far. i'm just here as mom advice spoke to some of the senior generals in the southern, these army who are confident they'll be able to reverse their losses. this is a daily scene in the city of the man. well,
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the southern east army has showed its best so slight it was set up and support forces began most yet while the out of step has maintained control in most of the 2 cities of come to mind body, the army has managed to push the most of the apply city of the man, except for a few in plates and achievement. they never cease to celebrate the, not my be up. so i'm we up to, we're never deceived or of a joy to buy a specific victory. it's a long war, many bass or something. the wind now going on the right path. yeah, we went a number of battles and we lose one o 2. it only strengthens our results without the termination to achieve a final victory in the vast interior. how is that the out of sift, almost unstoppable in the face of the falls, the army has seated cities without as much of a fight such housing. the cases i've seen just in the east met. i'm in the fall and
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then he's in the center. oh no, they can levels, there are certain circumstances surrounding the ministry operations that of enabled them to advance on this direction. but we are able with no because i would determination, that was a, well i'm the support of the student needs people to repel them. and so this means that it's an open secrets here, but the army has a crisis in logistics, put on muscle of the ice korea. we obtain military equipment in ways that seem complicated. perhaps some countries of use their influence by the door to stop a provided to the suit in the state of some countries may have used their international and regional mechanism of the idea to criminalize and stop supporting the armed forces by the student. these people are determined to defeat these groups which receive support from abroad on the car that we're not, i'm not wanting to consider one of the strongest is that agent so that he's on the today is in a situation where it's media survive on ease of stake,
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but the army says it has the fight experience and the popular support, the, to the quietest to remain steadfast, of popular mobilization has been launched. civilian volunteers are being trained and an on site total is a body of intelligence units has been commissioned to participate in the fighting. how much fun does the parts of that to the time the server needs signed? boston has to covina is preparing to commemorate the letter of as many as $8000.00 mostly men and boys in 1995. it's the 1st event since the united nations voted to march july 11th as a day of genocide commemoration for the dead. that vote was resisted by neighboring sylvia who said it was politically motivated and destabilizing from so many. so i don't a whole has a story of one of the survivors. as the muslim enclave of threat brand needs failed to both means, the policies in july 1995, mostly men and boys separated from the women and children,
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fled subs were under orders to cuba. and they did so indiscriminately smell through more than 8000 people. that he was among those fleeting for their lives. they bought my escape through the forest took 11 days during which i lost consciousness and was left behind. majority of the most i rather kept blake or for now grandma flies ate the blisters of my feet and the maggot. scroll through the flashing of stuff i tried, but i couldn't move anymore. the child up as i would sucks and my lease and i quote for 3 days into portions equals a heat loss $28.00 relative seen the stripper and it's a genocide, a moment to redemption came. he is later when he discovered the remains of a cousin near me, they will not take cause and pay. uh, it was a tough moment uncomfortable because this is this call of a human being a man i knew to. so he tells us that as republicans subject forces into this
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valley over the hills, terrorizing as they came, civilians fled towards what they perceived would be the safety of you in forces position near tripping it to but 2 brothers, his 2nd cousins as it turned out elderly and in fun were unable to save themselves last seen by a navy, but he said, huddled here, crying and begging to be safe. so he explains the chum you and how steep were killed by the advancing both me and said forces. the skulls i have discovered was 10 meals distinctive for its missing from the zuba. tell me, is remains of joint those of 13 of the newly identified the victims to be late to rest. finally, in the memorial symmetry in nearby po, to chary. but almost 30 years later, the memories and evidence of that time cannot be erased. so nationalist symbols
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dual done to the ruins of the brother's house. yeah. as soon as the slow good, nice wire, strep brittany, to symbols of hate, meet the ghosts of a genocide. jo, nicole elders here said really to that to american astern also have in stock on the international space station for more than a month has spoken to the media for the 1st time that i will more in just in each of williams blasted off on june the 15, boeing's 1st manned mission to all of it. it was supposed to be there for 8 days, but the 6th spacecraft has been having technical issues. we're learning now to make to optimize our specific situation and make sure that we know everything about it. you know, if we just came home, we'd lose the s m. and then we wouldn't be able to go through all this testing and understand about our spacecraft. i envision that we'll still do testing when we on doc and makes before we on doc actually 1st open the helium valves. and then
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secondly, once we on dock to make sure everything is working correctly. as we, as, as planned from what they found out during the semester testing. early on my colleagues, i'm usually done talked to colonel terry vers every type of nasa astronaut. he explains why the asymptotes a stranded on the international space station. there is 2 problems they have. there's this is the capsule and this is the service module and then the service module. there's helium and that's used for the per pallet. they did have some leaks . they close the valve and it's not leaking anymore. they have something like 10 times as much helium as they need, so the healey and then i'll take is a problem. there's also some small, they're called r c. s. jets. there's 4 of these things. they call them dog houses. terry, can you hold that up a little bit so we can see what we like the prompts here now? yeah, so, so yeah, there we go. a, go on. explain it to us. yeah,


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