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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 3:00am-3:17am AST

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any child on houston, we have a problem, we hear from 2, and that's an estimate. so us stuck in space of to buildings, new style on a space prop malfunction. the with the other nathan members, including denmark and the netherlands, have already started sending f sixteens to ukraine for years. president joe biden says maintenance, and then they'll other technical systems that will be provided by native members as well, including it's 16 jets. so most of what the ukranian presidents being asking for is be given upon from one very vital thing. and that is membership of nato, which nato says will be coming. they just know when will that spring in p. j. crowley, he's a former us assistant secretary of state for public affairs, and insurance has live from virginia. i'm pretty sure let's talk 1st about president biden. i mean grunting concerns of his re election campaign,
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more democrats coating for him to step aside. yet he's leaving this nato summit at a critical time for the alliance. how much is us domestic politics of a shot doing this summit? i think darren, there's, there's kind of like a split screen inside the convention center. he's doing what american presidents do, you know, leading the alliance and rallying support, you know, for whatever the current challenges in this case, ukraine and outside the convention center. he continues to bleed support political support that calls into question is ability to continue his presidential campaign. and i'm so it's interesting is that because during bible is opening speech last night, i mean everyone was praying, but he wouldn't slip up that speech. as we know it was heavy scripted on tele prompted, but he has this big nato press conference tomorrow where he could stumble. how worried different on nato leaders privately, about by a?
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well, i think they, they, they do see that said joe 5 is probably not the leader they encountered 12 or 3 years ago. and they're concerned about that because he has done what he pledged to do during the 2020 campaign bring data back into the center of american national security policy. but it's available whenever you choose just to do that. just a final thought to then, i mean, russia is of course, the elephant in the room at this native summit. we know that russia can't be destroyed, it can't be ignored. and at some point b, j, the west and data will need to configure european security with moscow, i think as an active participant. so how do you feel that playing out? i think one of the questions that's coming out of this summit and, and really will be um, a vital concern is what is the future of ukraine? you know, visa v if you're a p and partners and perhaps european union houses started executing them. the
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snipers were everywhere, club competition with everywhere. so palestinians were left high. school is not knowing where to go. some states, it shows trapped in their houses, waiting to get killed. and let me also remind you that there is no civil defense team. there's no red cross, no one is there. so exactly with israel's red lines are preserved. john stratford spelled him developments in dough of these talks in doha, happening behind closed doors. but we understand, according to reports being made in these rating media, that there are some fundamental sticking points that need to be overcome. and certainly, according to us, officials being quoted in these writing media. these could take days, if not weeks, these talks are happening in the wake of comments made by these ready prime minister benjamin issue. now who, over the last couple of days, demands that he is making that he says, all non negotiable chief of which is
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a want by him for israel to potentially be able to, was you fighting in order for israel to achieve what he describes as being the main goal, which is the destruction of how much we also understand according to reports that some of the other hurdles include just how many palestinian prisoners will be released by his ro to every single is ready captive the around a 116 is ready captive still being held inside garza, we understand there's also questions being asked as to the exact status of the policy me in prison is being potentially released. israel once in a veto, over those that it deems to be too politically sensitive as well to send these talks, will be continuing here in doha, before was you being back in cairo, the egyptian capital. but to,
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as one us official quoted in these writing media says these kind of discussions in order to achieve a last thing agreement on a scene spa and a captive, the prisoner swap could take days. if not weeks, child stratford, i was a 0. is there any forces of arrested more than $9700.00 punish? demands in the occupied westbank since the war and gauze has started in october. many detainees have recounted the abuse and torture, then jude inside is randy child's. i'll just there was need to. abraham has a story of molasses about palestinian, who has been 9 months on his way to prison without being charged. where is my dad? what is it? from the few words he's able to say, and the scars on his body was assigned me to try to understand that scene of torture. my eyes hurt. i was blindfolded. doctors. i run a test to see if there's brain damage. that has nurses are trying to
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put more as the inside m or why i'm just trying to explain to him the process that he's going to go under to make him calmer. and this scares what the scan is interrupted several times. you're safe, the technician says, but not as, as clinches. every time he hears a new he's, he's in a palestinian hospital, but in his mind, he's still in and he's really present it keeps saying, can we think this is the unit that tortured him in jail? he said, don't let them come in and beat me up. because i'm going to look at my legs a visa legs on man. a star comparison from 9 months ago when he was a regular at the gen. it was when hopefully it gets better in time and realize he's no longer a captive,
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but he is to in the occupied with the bank which is often described as one the prison. you know the die, but i mean, i just eat on palestine. tougher shop right here and i'll just say right when we come back for the needs of the past to commemorate the 1995 coming of thousands of muslim men and boys on the un declared day of reflection, mocking the genocide plus y fall right politicians and fonts are saying it's not over despite not winning the parliamentary elections as predicted, more or less. stay with the in depth analysis of the day. sidelines he's right. is like his radius accusing that there was an okey dokey, the for them sense informed opinions. this person's 1st visit to a new career in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way,
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as well as voters in america. inside story massachuset, the group was fine to send on out jersey around maybe 300 people died. one flight, i'm age 17 for shut down of ukraine. but a decade later, i have to fight for just as continues, most google subtext to put key on an air reversible part to join the ministry alliance is ready for us as a drop leaf let's or ring polish demands in kansas city to move south. but people trying to lead say they've been contacted by snipers, says fight increases and thoughts and it's really delegation has joined the officials in the us and council offices gone negotiations and don't. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he's committed to us the spot deal as long as, as well as red lines. are present. people living in a town of shrub needs and bosnia herzegovina preparing to honor the memory of more than 8300 was getting victims of the 1995 genocide. last year,
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the united nations declared july, the 11th and international annual day of remembrance, serbia and several of its allies were against the vote, saying it was politically motivated from shanita. i'll just say it was due on the whole story of one surviving. the muslim enclave of threat brittany failed to both means the policies in july 1995, mostly men and boys separated from the women and children, fled subs were under orders. valley over the hills, terrorizing as they came, civilians fled towards what they perceived would be the safety of you in forces position near trevor. and it's a but 2 brothers, his 2nd cousins as it turned out elderly and in fun. well, unable to save themselves last seen by a name, but he said, huddled here, crying and begging to be safe. this is the heat, explains the chum you and how steep were killed by the advancing both me and said
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forces. the skulls i keep discovered was treadmills distinctive for its missing from the zuba. meals remains of joint those of 13 of the newly identified the victims to be laid to rest. finally, the memorial symmetry in nearby port to chary. but almost 30 years later, the memories and evidence of that time cannot be raised. so nationalist symbols due to the ruins of the brother's house. yeah. as soon as the slow, good. nice, why? stripper needs symbols of hate me the ghost of a genocide. don't know how else to 0. so i do need to a tens of thousands of university students have been blocking key highways across bangladesh, being even more prepared, even more attentive toward the french one. and even more ready to exercise our duties. but we've, we've gone, we've got a strong what,
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what happens next in parliament could shape the fall rights future. it's a less than center can build a coalition that succeeds and convinces the public. it could slow momentum for the fall, right? but it's sort of coordination which has failed. it's likely that will be support for the far right is a real alternative in the future. support for the fall right to suit on the present, micro, fueled by discontent with his policies 70 years ago. they were 15 and peas. now they're almost 10 times 5 number. let's say we understand that the french people are disappointed in terms of purchasing power, security, immigration, there is no response to any of these issues. and that's the pens policy made. most of one the selection box is stronger than ever with the 2027 presidential vote just around the corner. she knows it's not over yet. we talked about the, i'll just say with her as a group of migraines has been rescued off the libyan coast live guns. the doctors without borders carried out the rescue. i say the migraines jumped off of run the
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boat into the sea to escape and approaching coast caught vessel. it's the body of an american mountaineer who went missing 22 years ago has been discovered on one of the highest peaks and the on these bills. dunphy was buried by an avalanche, they tried to climb mount ross con police and part of the say they discovered the body at an altitude of 5200 meters, se, but he will not be transported back to the capital where it will be created and then repack created an old and truly the son dealings of the economic desert counseling bloom in the winter. combination of weather buttons has left the dryness by some of competed with purple and white wall flowers. experts say this phenomena has never been recorded during the winter months. in one of the con reports, this is the driest place on earth. so dry it has been compared to the red planet mars, with a similar climate and terrain. and yet, life here and chillies, add a comment, desert process. the sand dunes have been painted purple and white with wild flowers,
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a rare occurrence that's only been recorded 15 times and always in spring. but a combination of an operation from heavy rain. and the weather phenomenon known as el nino has this super bloom come out in the dead of winter. it's done over the scene and present the medical july is just icing. and we're expecting ryan in the coming weeks. this will activate the john plasm and all of the comments and provinces with the flowering decimal. because in the meantime, we must ways in monitor this. normally this is very limited and specific activation, people are venturing into the desert to take in the rare event and don't pre less showing. it's a privilege to see this and to enjoy it in this way. but in a respectful way, it's wonderful to have the opportunity to walk in this place and to enjoy the beauty during the season. more rain is expected in the forecast. the evaporation could help these resilient wild flowers expand their territory. in a land known for its extremes,
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life is in bloom. and ronald han how to 0. a hi above this about the international space station, 2 american national. what's on waiting to travel back home. but the spacecraft, i used to get there as problems. the crew members have spoken to the media about that flight by satellite reynolds reports engineer for expedition stolen in space. 14 the nasa crew testing the 1st manned flight of boeing, star line or spacecraft. the return trip from the international space station is delayed round indefinitely, and this is a tough business that we're in. human space. flight is not easy. and any regime and there had been multiple issues with every spacecraft has ever been designed. issues with boeing, spacecraft include degraded, rational, rob reynolds, l, g 0. now the largest most complete spec, a store a skeleton. if a found is of auction in new york, the dinosaurs 3.3 meters total and more than 6 meters long. the skeleton is around
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70 percent complete and it has an estimated price tag, a between $4.00 and $6000000.00 spent a source lived around a 150000000 years ago during the jurassic period. finally, some incredible pictures on it to me, it says 3 time will slack landing jump in gun road, was attempting his latest fee to cross the strait of messina, as a body of water that runs between sicily. and it's late on the wells, longest slack line for 3 hours. the so 2 year old come on 3.6 kilometers with the highest point of the war, 265 meters spots. he fell short of achieving and will record as he fell just a few meters from the finish line loops that he goes. that's it from a diamond jordan more information of course than uh, website down to 0 dot com. then this weather for the inside story, looking at the challenges faced by nato. what's the inspection? thanks so much, bye for now the
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he had a lover there. it's a very soggy outlook for much of south asia. at the moment, thanks to the monsoon range that continued to bring very heavy rain in particular to north eastern areas of india into bangladesh as well and the pool and boot town with more heavy rain to come around coastal areas of the bay of bengal into the on demand and nicholas islands as well. now the rain is set to intensify across the western and will central areas as we go into friday. you can see the heavy rain pumping into them by stretching all the way down to southern parts of india and into shore line cut as well. but it's a much to y, a picture for southern parts of pakistan. we will see the where, where the developing across the very north of talk has gone the whole seeing that rain over the next few days. but it will be some sunny spells coming back in on
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sunday. now there is some sunshine to be found across east asia, mainly across mold and pots of china and down in sprint 8. this is inside store, the .


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