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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the the, an amazing show of support for ukraine. ne, totally disparage at least 43000000000 dollars in ministry a to help keep in this war against russia, the carry johnston. this is all just a real life from the whole set coming on these ready on the oldest palestinians to the gaza city. but it's very snipers attack people this they try to sleep whole. so
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the, we take a look at the efforts to present causes education system as it's very a tax reduce 80 percent of schools to rubble and houston, we have a problem. we have from a to nasa astronaut, stuck in space of the boeing's new style on the spacecraft. malfunctions the beginning with the will in ukraine. nato need, as i promised to give, keep at least $43000000000.00 worth of mitre 8 within the next year to help boost his defenses against the russian attacks. for the pledge was made that the military lots has annual summit, which is taking place in washington dc. no to also express concern about china's support for russia. beijing responded by choosing the organization of publications not as an smears. what kind of reports from the us coming as nato leaders are
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welcomed at the white house with the official dinner and mocking in the end to day one. this preceded by the 1st in person meeting between president biden and the newly elected prime minister of britain, cuba stomach. we are long conversations on the phone when you want festival was the media was intent on asking about the president's health and whether he would step down from the campaign. the at the george clooney added his voice to those calling on president biden. to step down. this is significant because cooney is one of the bite and campaigns most prominent fund raises. and there was a lot of private discussion among nato members as to who will run the us government offices the november election. if there's one thing that i'm concerned about with
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the united states is the polarization of the political climate. it is, i have to admit very toxic, aside from the health of the us president, ukraine was the main topic of discussion. members coaching to supply an array of air defense systems. and if 16 ships the f sixteens are on their way, the transfer is happening as we speak. so they'll be flying in the skies of ukraine this summer. in his opening address, president biden said that the entire alliance space to trip from russia edits, allies right now. russia is on a war time 40 with regard to defense production. they have their significantly wrapping up their production of weapons, your dishes and vehicles and they're doing it with double china, north korea, and iran. we cannot, in my view, we cannot allow the lions to fall behind. the unity on display in the day continued into the night to nato as members celebrated the 75th anniversary of the alliance
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for in the very city where its pers meeting took place. kinda out of sierra washington as talk to right charlotte rizzo. now she's a known resident senior fellow, atlanta counselor here at the center. she joins us live from washington, dc. welcome to the program. so we've heard a lot about russia when it comes to nato stones on you cry, but not so much about china. so where does the china stand on the board right now? what's a really interesting question, and you're right, that ukraine and russia are the ones that pick all the headlines. but the nato allies are discussing china more than they have in the past. and the fact is that according to nato allies, china is providing critical enablers to russia that are allowing it to continue its full scale invasion of ukraine. now obviously,
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china has denied this and says that it is just continuing trade with russia as the relationship has always been. but the reality is that that trade and the information and technology that china provides to russia allows it to continue this war. so when it comes to nights, those discussions about china, i mean, to what extent is it less about the in the pacific region and more about the perceived threats to europe itself. and so the nato alliance has made it clear for years that they don't view russia as threats, they view or they don't view china, i'm sorry, they don't be. china is a threat. they view china as a challenge. and the stolen burg secretary general of nato has made it clear that the alliance discussion discussing china is not about pushing the alliance into the in the pacific region. rather, it is about responding to china is a political, economic in rhodes, technological inroads into europe. china buying
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a european infrastructure as well. so it's not about, i think expanding the theaters of operations for nato, but it's about responding to this very sort of meshed geographical theater that we see around the globe. now, right now you said that china was providing critical enabled is to rush out. what do you mean specifically? and so in the communicate me, i mean, what i will 1st say is that having and communicate signed by 30 to nato allies that calls out russia for the 1st time as in history. i think it's a really big deal, and i think that's something that we should be clear about because it's always been the us calling out of china, but it hasn't been euro calling out china, so that's a big deal. the alliance has said, china has been and behind the sustain, malicious cyber and hybrid activities,
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including this information. they've expressed concern over china space capabilities and activities. and it said that china provides equipment, micro electronics and tools that enable russia to build the missiles to build the bonds, and the aircraft needed to reconstitute it's military. so that's what they mean when they say direct support. given what you say that, i mean, how is china likely to evolve its role when it comes to rush? i mean, does it see itself is the dominant tools? well, this is a difficult question because just a couple of years ago, she's in pain and flooded. mir putting met and they declared a no limits partnership. but the interesting thing about that is that, that sort of predicated on the assumption that vladimir putin will always be the junior partner. and i'm not actually sure that he's going to be okay with that in the long run. further, china and russia need different things from the international system. china needs to be integrated in the global economy to continue its economic growth,
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rush of projects, power through sewing chaos, around its borders and throughout its neighborhood. so the fact that they both need different things from the international system to be successful, i think puts a natural limit on that partnership. but certainly they would like to see a global order not dominated by the united states. and that is something they will always have in common with one another. right? somebody say we very much appreciate your insights. thank you. a thanks. the is ready for says have dropped to leaflets, ordering palestinians in the gulf of city to move south saying the area remains of the thing just come about. so are people trying to the targeted by is really smart . this includes really has this update. now, from there, off of the central casa, you can't imagine the system on these that have been circulating on line earlier
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today. we have been reading a lot of the close by kind of sending some large trucks in the cause of 50 now where some people mentioned that through family members were killed in front of their eyes. executed was trying to effectuate to a safe area or a safe place. they also said that the is where the forces suddenly invaded their houses, started executing them. the snipers were everywhere, clubs, carp, this was everywhere. so palestinians were in high school is not knowing where to go . some states, it shows trapped in their houses, waiting to get killed. and let me also remind you that there is no civil defense team. there is no red cross, no one is there to evaluate those kind of sinews. and that's why palestinians were resisting all the weapons. that is where it has been using against them. so now kind of thing is our trust. if they try to evacuate and listen to is risk order, they're being killed or being shot. so palestinians are left has this not knowing
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where to do and not knowing what to do and stuck in the middle of death and airstrikes and live the munition from all over. all the areas as well as ministry has announced that its troops has completed the to a corporation and goes as a treasury a district. is there any government suspend, obviously, or from reporting from that? so honda, so who sent this update now from the jordanian capital a ma, this is really army confirming late on wednesday that they've wrapped up their 2 week operation in northern gauze as she's a neighborhood. it comes after, at least $60000.00 palestinians were again forcibly displaced from the palestinian neighborhood that figure, according to the united nations. we do know that dozens of palestinians were killed in relentless is really bombardment, both from the air and on the ground in the last 2 weeks is really military officials have said that this was a precise and targeted operation based on their intelligence. they say that how
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mass was using several areas and facilities for military purposes, but they did not provide any of that proof for him us using those facilities. they say that it was based on their own intelligence and it comes after months of these really are me saying that they have obtained your full operational control of these areas in northern gone. so would we know that to be untrue because just on wednesday, these really army ordering an additional evacuation of gods, the city with later walking back that statement saying that it was just for certain areas where the is really army is looking to target rocket, launching sites but nonetheless, these really military still facing fierce resistance in northern gaza as they say that they've wrapped up the operations inches out. you have the sun coat as just eat all. i'm a 6 is ready. so as i've described, being authorized to indiscriminately open fire on palestinians, they told israel as plus $97.00 to magazine, i had executed the civilians,
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the straight into circle. nope, goes those 2 soldiers said come on. this gave permission to bend palestinian homes . author, they've taken control of them. one is this to a cold firing, put it into the sea, into a band and buildings because he was bored. or let's see, spun. the goose chase is a being held in cats. all is ready. that again is in the capital, do have to take part in the tools. meanwhile, benjamin netanyahu has met the us special envoy to the middle east britain. the good is where the prime minister says he's committed to a cease 5 do as long as, as well as the red lines office of charles struck for this, following the developments. the of these talks in doha happening behind closed doors. but we understand, according to reports being made and is ready media that there are some fundamental sticking points that need to be overcome. and suddenly, according to us, officials being quoted in these writing media, these could take days. if not weeks,
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these talks are happening in the wake of comments made by these ready prime minister benjamin issue. now who, over the last couple of days, demands that he is making that he says, all non negotiable chief of which is a want by him for israel to potentially be able to, was you fighting in order for israel to achieve what he describes as being the main goal, which is the destruction of how much we also understand according to reports that some of the other hurdles include just how many palestinian prisoners will be released by his ro to every single is riley captive there around a $116.00 is ready captive still being held inside garza, we understand there's also questions being asked as to the exact status of the palestinian prison is being potentially released as well. once in a veto,
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over those that it deems to be too politically sensitive. we understand these talks will be continuing here in doha, before was you being back in cairo, the egyptian capital, but to as one us official quoted in these writing media says, these kind of discussions in order to achieve a last thing agreement, seeing spa and a captive the prisoner swap could take days. if not weeks, child stratford, elders 0. the. this is ready, volumes have destroyed about 80 percent of gauze is schools. and it can pay and the palestinians describe as an attempt to systematically white pounds the education system. well, most classrooms aren't being used as temporary shelters for displaced families, teachers and parents who make shift schools will give children some sense of normality fabric as it has more now from the overall and central guns.
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israel has spent nearly every squeaking goza class rooms with children, set head ways with the whoops, the courtyards with the plate reduced to rotten. if you're still standing, have become schultz, is for people displaced by the rules, leaving the roughly 625000 school age children in gaza. we'd know where to go. teachers at make shift schools even the say despite the lack of resources, it's important to put the what the kind of goes is education system. in the past, we used to have good classes. good uh, tools, instruments, whatever. but nowadays it's very hard because there's no safe place. there is no safe time. uh because of the trip. so yes, we have
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a face so many difficulties and we have to complete because it's better, right? to accompany that these classes are part of the initiative to create an environment of learning to re pad the rest, the high schools in children's education. so the greatest challenge, maybe trying to repass shutter a sense of safety, makes trip to school such as from distraction from the ongoing contest and funding displacements of life and gaza. children come here to play and to spend time with all the young people dreaming of a different future. but as the is very ministry continues to target schools and the temporary show says, the reality of who is never far away. the youngest of the who just hits teachers and parents say the schools all these think truly
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know is that upon the kid is talented and very excited and attached to the teacher . they get up ready to come to class. they get worse times on pens, a new to come to the hands of getting stronger, often writing from the king to regional christian and all children have to have to, to move to stage occasion security mothers, fathers and siblings during these months. and as soon as you to it brings the children the life that the book is my you know, your friend, my teacher. and like going she says in the middle school, this dangerous place children's to want to them. because they move into these documents. they say, i know that is want to wake up as do, i will just do that. the kind of start so that head tear off to the brain quite far, wide politicians and fraud. so saying it's notated that despite notes,
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which kind of mentioned actions as predicted, and is the largest most complete fossil of a dinosaur spaces ever discovered that it's headed to the options of find out how much this stake a source is expected to fetch the l. o. that will start in north america into weather stories on making the headlines at the moment. we bought the remnants of a hurricane barrel and moved pretty swiftly across the midwest and the great lakes, bringing more flooding. strong winds and the threats of tornadoes where you can see it will continue to move towards eastern canada, are taking the heavy rain with it thursday in to friday, elsewhere across the country. it is a story of extreme heat. we've had record breaking dangerous heat,
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dominating across the western parts of the country. there's advisories continue stretching all the way from california, up towards the north, west and into west and parts of canada. we will see those high numbers continue as we go thursday into friday. the we can, but a lot of the heat has been taught essentially, america and the caribbean. thanks to some very heavy rain. you can see the bus of rain moving into central parts of mexico. so any $22.00 degrees celsius, the, from mexico city on thursday would be some improvements to the time pen intel on friday can coon it seeing a 30 degrees celsius. the whatsoever will continue for the south of this for costa rica and panama, that we some rain and sunshine for cuba on friday of the african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean,
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that rock band i do have pluck and so many things too short documentary by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya. serenade of this kind and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0 the you without just their mind of the headlines. now nato anita says, promised to give you crate these to $43000000000.00 worth of ministry 8 battles russian member states. so. so let's to put keith on an irresistible costs. join the
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military on lines is very forces have dropped leaflets, ordering palestinians, and going to city to move south. but people trying to the even say that being targeted by is very snipers. as fighting increases in parts of the city is ready to engage and has joined the officials from the us and kept office. the spot in good shape is what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is committed to a cease fund. deal is almost as well as the red lines of present a us senator phones that months has become the 1st sentence democrat, to cool precedent to bite into a band. and his bid for re election be to, well, she says he doesn't believe 5 and is the best candidate to run in november's election in an opinion piece and the washington post. he admits that the president did save the country from donald trump, and he describes is a tyrant. but technology is that by this poor performance doing last month's
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debates with trump comp ignored. despite the growing pressure, biden's is about to stay in the race a lawyer for us, senator, but menendez has finished his hours long closing arguments in the new york courtroom. he said the us wins with the jury, acquits the new jersey democrat of 16 for the new charges that stem from an alleged bribery scheme for hinge and has the latest from new york, a lawyer for senator bomb and, and as, as this case, it dies here today, in the senator's bribery for influence case, the defense attorney said the prosecution failed to prove that menendez except the bribes, or that he even knew about the gifts his wife was receiving. he says the senator was just doing his job, helping out his constituents. menendez faces 16 criminal charges, including accepting bribes, obstruction of justice, and acting as an unregistered for an agent for egypt. the 1st time of us senator
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has ever faced that charge is accused of accepting money from 3 new jersey business man and exchange for helping them with their business problems. in a search of the senators house federal agents found hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash stepped into his boots and jackets, and they found gold bars stacked in a closet one co defendant, jose uribe, who has reached a plea deal with prosecutors, says he personally bribed the senator and his wife with a $60000.00 mercedes. the car replaced one that was damaged when the senator's been future wife nadine, struck and killed the pedestrian police rule that accident was not her fault. menendez says he was just doing what senators do. representing constituents and running the senate foreign relations committee. and he insists with keeping large amounts of cash at home is not unusual for cuban americans who often distrust the government in banks. the lawyer for one of menendez co defendant says what he gave melendez and his wife redid. he says, friends,
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don't bride close friends. the case continues on thursday when it is expected to be put into the hands of a jury, john henry and l u 0. new york people living in the town, the 787 in bosnia herzegovina, of a parent of, of the memory of more than 8300 was the victims of the 1995 genocide. last year the united nations declared july, the 11th and international annual day of remembrance, surveyor and several of its satellites were against the vote. so he was politically motivated as well from that 70. so i don't know how has the story of one of the survivors as the muslim enclave of threat brittany to fail to both means the policies in july 1995, mostly men and boys separated from the women and children, fled subs were under orders to cuba and they did so indiscriminately smoke 3 more than 8000 people that he was among those fleeting for their lives.
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they bought my escape through the forest took 11 days during which i lost consciousness and was left behind the majority of the most. i rather kept blake or for now grandma flies, 8 the blisters of my feet. and then i get scroll through the flesh and i'll stop. i tried but i couldn't move anymore. when i try to, i would suck some my lease and i quote for 3 days and it was a heat loss $28.00 relative, seen the stripper. and it's a genocide, a moment to redemption. came years later when he discovered the remains of a cousin near me, payroll carson pay off. it was a tough moment uncomfortable because this is this call of a human being a man i knew. so he tells us that as republican subject forces into this valley over the hills terrorizing as they came, civilians fled towards what they perceived would be the safety of you in forces
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position near trevor. and it's a but 2 brothers, his 2nd cousins, as it turned out, elderly and infirm, well unable to save themselves last seen by a name. but he said, huddled here, crying and begging to be safe. so he explains the chum you and how steep were killed by the advancing both me and sub forces. the skulls i keep discovered was treadmills distinctive for it's missing from the google or tell me is remains of joined those of 13 of the newly identified victims to be late to rest. finally, in the memorial symmetry in nearby po, to chary. but almost 30 years later, the memories and evidence of that time cannot be raised. so nationalist symbols dual down to the ruins of the brother's house. here, a sinister, slow, good, nice, while strut bernita,
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symbols of hate with the ghosts of genocide during the whole elder 0 struggling to, to and frost negotiations are continuing to form a coalition of to no power to obtain the majority and sundays parliamentary election. the newly elected far right and national radi and peace arrived at the french apartment on wednesday. patasha aka looks at why the far right says it's not as a folder. for instance, of the marine dependent looks conference to speak to, to, to your wife, to francis paul them in the fall, right? national riley policy didn't win the election is opinion polls of predicted coming to behind. selecting lawrence and emanuel michael central of the pen says, it's just a matter of time history. those i'm putting it at this p. i'm calling, i mean a good state of mind. and i'm here with a group of in p one the most birds in this election. and we are the single biggest part to our victory has only been disabled if you did the parties. president jordan
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brought down or set the deals made between the sentries from the left to blow up the fall. right? well, unfair and devonte strengthened his apologies for sol 1st, which when they usually we would continue to work. we continue to work to arrive at the next elections being even more prepared, even more attentive toward the french one. and even more ready to exercise. i will do this, but we've, we've gone through. we've cutting so strong what. what happens next in parliament could shape the fall writes future. it's a less than center, can build a coalition that succeeds and convinces the public. it could slow momentum for the fall, right? but it's thought to coalition with the failed. it's likely that people who support for the far right is a real alternative in the future. support for the fall right to sold on the present, micro, fueled by discontents with his policies. 70 years ago. they were 15 and peas. now they're almost 10 times 5 number. let's say we understand that the french people
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are disappointed in terms of purchasing power, security, immigration, there is no response to any of these issues and that's depends policy made most of one. this selection spotted stronger than ever with a 2027 presidential vote just around the corner. she knows it's not over yet. we talked about how does the rough part of the body of an american mountain. yeah. what missing 22 years ago has been discovered on one of the highest peaks in the and these, those dunphy was buried by an envelope and try see trying to climb mount scrum. police in peru say they discovered the body at an altitude of 5200 meters. stuff is both. he will now be transported back to the capital to be probated. and we patch created to american astronauts have been stuck on the international space station. more than a month with spoken to the needs of the 1st time. all right, little more. and that's to meet some, williams blasted off on june the 5th and boeing's 1st mounted mission to which it
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was supposed to be in space for just 8 days. a spacecraft developed technical issues so we're learning now to make to optimize our specific situation and make sure that we know everything about it. you know, if we just came home, we'd lose the s m. and then we wouldn't be able to go through all this testing and understand about our spacecraft. i envision that we'll still do testing when we on doc and mix before we on doc actually 1st open the helium valves. and then secondly, once we on doc to make sure everything is working correctly, as we, as it's planned from what they found out during the pressure testing. now the largest and most complete stake, a source skeleton ever found is up for auction in new york. extraordinary discovery is expected to fetch up to $6000000.00, legs onto biased reports. this is a tax. it rooms the planet 150000000 years ago and has now become
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one of the best dinosaurs skeletons ever on.


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