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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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the the . ringback the for the goal is, is largest neighborhood, so china is left in ruins after and is really offensive leads tens of thousands homeless. the field 7 line headquarters here though is mainly media reports of progressive negotiations and the tools they see sign agreements between as well. and then us continue. we maintain thomas city of multi builder who was beaten and told to the
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end of his rodney jail. nato replied just at least, $43000000000.00 in military a to help you crate this war against russia. the welcome to the truck and we'd again is one of the causes that he's largest neighborhoods. palestinians have found that homes in millions. these are the forces of left a trail of destruction after withdrawing from pods of these 2 giant neighborhood. the military carried dante to re corporation to the area of damaging buildings at it's the structure. last week, the un estimates of tens of thousands of palestinians with displays from china. every out of hayley lee is a gen, listed in gauze, a city who spoke to people returning to what remains of the homes. this is the aftermath of the minute to raise use and that's yeah, yeah. how many homes were 50 destroyed, leaving thousands of families homeless in the hours when the withdrawal residents
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began to attend, to utilize the damage to their homes and victory and your remaining position. the see are hard to break in many residents are in chalk struggling for him. the skills of the station reef is the tangible as families more than the loss of loved ones and the destruction of their homes and livelihoods. i mean, the rubble residents can be seen attempting to sell me whatever building they can't find. personal id, family, photos, decisions. the keys are particularly sort oscar and the preferred that we were besieged before and had to leave and went to another place for a month and a half. after that, we returned to our homes and found, or for story house completely demolished. we pitched a tent and south and it's waiting for the house to be rebuilt or for any assistance to be provided to us. then suddenly, we were asked to evacuate the place,
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so we evacuated, and when we returned, we found ourselves in this state. as you can see, there is nothing we can make yourself buildings that were meant to stand in our structure of the promises with significant damage, groups, walls and foundations. central services such as water, electricity, and sanitation have been severely disturb. power lines are down, water pipelines are broken, and so systems are plugged destroyed. major roads impact wave are full of the bristle farms out to make you friends will station within the neighborhood nearly impossible. there have been numerous facilities with casualties, including facilities and cbs injuries, hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed with the injured of many of whom require urgent musical addition. thousands of residents have been displaced, seeking refuge in temperatures, filters who are with relatives in the areas when they got in from an in the and if
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we were to be my dad is we were sitting safely, you know, homes and in the school sheltering displaced, people suddenly there was intensive foaming from aeroplanes and not hillary fire. we were forced to flee with great difficulty in efforts. but god granted us a new life. some people were killed on a boat, miraculously, we manage to escape and flee off to the intense bombardment started. the destruction we witnessed is indescribable, unimaginable. we would deeply shocked when we return to the neighborhood. we found it completely destroyed with nothing left. there's no shelton, no water, nothing at all. it's obeying completely devastated environment and destruction have lived. seems like music and stars, particularly children will have what is unimaginable terrors that have the ability to join us, our life from that are by the hidden central cause or just pick us up to speed. oh
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boy, what we're hearing about this on going find, think of this a dry area of the yes. well, these really military withdrew from major parts of the neighborhood that's based in part of gauze and city and re deployed it's occupying forces along these friends area. that's very close to the border line at where the vast majority now the fighting is concentrated. however, a, what seems to be happening right now is the ongoing, gar, hillary. so think of this major array of this area a falls into what these really military has described as part of its efforts on the ground to create the buffer zone that's really eating up 16 percent of the entire gaza strip. major part of it isn't huge. i yeah, neighborhood deacon, a large of the area of the agricultural land, the vast majority of residential building, the schools,
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the rehab hospitals that in a certain level, posited the eastern part of the neighborhood. but the fact that these really military, it has left a, the entire neighborhood. this is the 2nd largest neighborhood in gaza. city in a day eastern part. and at some point it accommodated it was to a $120000.00 people land would be recurrent incursions. the vast majority of the residents of to the yeah, i've been pushed into in force, internal displacement, we sort of, i close to 85 percent of the residents who were put were pushed through internal displacement. the different parts of gusts immediately. the western a part who later on were caught in the line of fire when these really another try to push deeper into the southern western part of jobs of intended, how on a sub brought neighborhoods. but people are going back, making their ways do the streets. galloway's the litter car doors of she's yeah, yeah. do trails of destruction and devastation, residential building,
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public facilities other and social services have been eliminated. this is not the 1st time we speak to you. i never would be coming under. she is really attractive. in fact, the 3rd time since the beginning of this genocide, the work, how do you do that for us and then all by thank you a little while ago stations tools i see. so i would agree with the boss that as well on the release of attempt is all taking place in counsel. if any media has confirmed the return of the is really negotiating team from dell. and that will also pulls of progress with israel said to get the technical team to join those tools. so let's close eva to charles trot said who joins us from the catawba capital. doha, charles, obviously the situation is all happening behind closed goals, but we all deleting a little bit of information from here on the of the that's why i say,
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unless you are full of see if we now understand something according to the age really may look to media that these ready delegation has left the hall. we are also have the understanding though that that technical team that was sent by his royal last night is still in the country capital. as discussions continue, we are getting report. so the main emphasis of those discussions are focused on $33.00 main issues, the 1st of which is the, the names of palestinian prisoners, but could be released in a prisoner and is ready captive swamp. also these really names of some of those captives that could be swapped in the 1st phase. the 2nd issue that is being focused upon we understand is a security issue on the south side of the gaza strip along the board of the with egypt to an area close to rough or where we've seen so many. hundreds of thousands of palestinians escaped to open ugly, pointlessly cuz the bombing of that area has continued in,
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in recent months. but it focuses on the area code of philadelphia, card all the is right. he's very concerned about potentially more weapons being smuggled in the via tunnel. it was from egypt, so it wouldn't be a toll. it conceivable that these so called technical teams looking at that issue in particular on the side issue, which all he really is the most difficult is discussions over a transition from a truce in the 1st phase of this 3 phase deal that was put forward by us presidents last month, sorry, the end of may a transition from a truce in the 1st phase into a permanency spot in the 2nd phase. now, this kind of discussion of cause comes on a couple of days off to these. what are the prime minister benjamin netanyahu se? but so he's committed to this potential plan, but there are certain non negotiable devolves that he, he's my a king, and one is a guarantee that israel could review with fighting in order to achieve its main
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goal. which an engineer who says is the destruction of high mass, where you can imagine how much is reaction to those kind of statements in recent days, past accusing these ready prime minister trying to scope these efforts to the last thing, permanency spot and a potential prisoner and hostage swap. so i think it's fair to say that these negotiations are still despite there being reports of progress having being made. there's still a whole host of hurdles that need to be able to come in the coming days and potentially weeks ahead child stop and with that update for us all the instigations in the whole. thank you. has the lovely, the house and the smallest as this group will respect the decisions taken by it's all a mouse in good shape. sions. he made the commons at a televised speech on wednesday. the mississippi. aladdin uh must negotiates for itself and on behalf of the palestinian affections, as well as on behalf of the whole excess of resistance. what type of how must accept everyone accept? i'm stuck in spite, which is
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a follow up for block. if the ceasefire agreement is reached and garza our front will cease fire without any discussion, regardless of any agreements, mechanisms, negotiations or anything else, that is a commitment because it's of a support from him. i said to call the said this update from the liberties capital buries the test fellow wants to avoid war, but it is ready to wage one if it is imposed upon us. on the smallest speech, what she did was make clear the position of the army concerning what is happening in garza and what could happen is because we have to remember that they opened up this front to help relieve their ally from us in cost. and so he's saying if there is a cease fire, if samantha greece to that see fire, then has will, a will hold fire, it will see its firing across the border automatically without any negotiation. but the question is, will that be enough for israel as well, has repeatedly said that it has
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a lot to pull back from the border. it is not enough for hezbollah just to hold hold. now, at the same time, charlotte is saying, if there is no cease fire in god and is around wages and all loud more and is on level, then the group is ready to fight back. but what he didn't say is, as well as position if there is no ceasefire, and israel decide to switch the conflict to an low intensity one. and he says we will discuss that option later. so he's making clear some of his positions are quite clear, but he's also leaving a lot of uncertainty. this trajectory of the trajectory of this conflict. really, it's dangerously points at the time. because even if it's well doesn't launch a full blown for this war of attrition continue, hezbollah will be forced to fight back, and that leaves relief a lots of uncertainty on what comes next. is
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a the forces arrested both of $9700.00 palestinians. they occupied westbank since as well. and gaza began in october. but the detainees have recounted the abuse and torture they enjoyed. it is rarely trails that abraham has a story of well as about a palestinian who spent 9 bugs in his way. the prisons, without being charged of the behind these disoriented looks. he's a man who doesn't recognize his comedy or knew where he is last maximizes that, but yes, can you count exactly what's happened to him in his really jails and to those he left behind and thank god we both those back from the dead on the god knows what happened to us, you know, food, water, or medicine. they beat me everywhere. my head, my legs, and my house,
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like they didn't even respect my previous injury, hipley or else without charge under and is waiting me to 3 or the cold administrative detention. this is the 1st time somebody has seen him since october, but we are deep in shock, even when we brought him his little girl, whom he loves, he couldn't recognize her. she started crying, asking where is my dad? what is it? from the few words he's able to say, and the scars on his body was assigned me to try to understand. at the end of torture. my eyes hurt. i was blindfolded. doctors. i run a test to see if there is brain damage. but as nurses are trying to put more as the inside m or why i'm just trying to explain to him the process that he's going to go under to make him calmer. and this scares what the scan is
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interrupted several times. you're safe. that's a commission says, but not as, as clinches. every time he hears a new he's, he's in a palestinian hospital, but in his mind, he's still in and is really present. it keeps saying, can we think this is the unit that told to him in jail? he said, don't let them come in and beat me up, because i'm going to look at my legs as he's the legs of a man. a star comparison from 9 months ago when he was a regular edition was when hopefully he gets better in time and realize he's no longer a captive. but he is to, in the occupied with the bank, which is often described as one the prison. you know the die, but i mean, i just need a palace by the
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they will give you credit at least, $43000000000.00 and then create within the next year, 2 bowls, but its defenses against russian to tax. the pledge was made that the alliances, annual summits in washington dc, one of the issues both all the agenda, however, is whether joe bought the double trump will be in the white house after the election. and his bike had the ripples as a matter of this under intense discussion in private as nato leaders are welcomed at the white house for the official dinner and mocking him in to day one. this preceded by the 1st in person meeting between president biden and the newly elected prime minister of britain. gustavo, we're a long conversation on the phone. you want me to best of allies. the media wasn't 10 to an asking about the president's health and whether he would
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step down from the campaign. the at the george clooney added his voice to those calling on president biden to step down . this is significant because cooney is one of the bite and campaigns most prominent fund raises. and there was a lot of private discussion among may 2 members as to who will run the us government off the november election if there's one thing that i'm concerned about with the united states is the polarization of the political climate. it is, i have to admit very toxic, aside from the health of the us president, ukraine was the main topic of discussion, members pitching to supply an array of defense systems. and if 16 jets the f sixteens are on their way, the transfer is happening as we speak. so they'll be flying in disguise of ukraine this summer. in his opening address, president biden said that the entire alliance space to print from russia adults
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allies right now, russia is on a war time 40 with regard to defense production. they have their significantly wrapping up their production of weapons, emissions, and vehicles. and they're doing it with double china, north korea, and iran. as we cannot in my view, we cannot allow the lions to fall behind. the unity on display in the day continued into the night to nato. as members celebrated the 75th anniversary of the alliance for in the very city where its pers meeting took place. kinda out of sierra washington. it will still add here on out. is there a separate a separate has to commemorate the 1995 killing of thousands of us dependent boys? i'll do you and declared day to reflect a month, which of us on the law just stick a sort of skeleton at the discount with this up for auction sign on. how much is going to
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the the had a lie. there is a story of the sun, the storms, and exceptional heat across europe. at the moment, an area of low pressure you can see on the satellite image is providing a dividing line between much cooler what's conditions across the west. but out in the east we have what large the dry conditions with that very exceptional heat. at the moment we're going to attempt just pick up over the next few days, we're just going to get cooler across more western and northern areas. now we saw that a month's worth of rain on wednesday, of course in north east of scotland. well west of that weather on thursday, which is the cost scandinavia you can see the line of severe storm stretching across the baltic states down into most central areas tailing off towards the front and into northern parts of spain. so we're going to see some very heavy rain over
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the next few days. you can see on friday, germany once again seen the severe storms moving parts of is we as well for the north west, the person island swab adult and dumped in the north. we will see some bright dispels as dry as skies in the south and it is a story of dry stock skies and heat across the mediterranean with red warnings. allison is a very high temperature, very high temperatures, continue out east and we could see 40 degrees celsius in bucharest, on friday as the the grand olympic games are coming to the front. and along with the unprecedented surveillance system, the miller tries ation of communities. the displacement of peoples and resistance to what many seen as a destructive for the people in power explores where the friends can deliver on
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promises made outcome to meet for future games. francis olympic gamble on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the fuel charges that would be so rob, nearby the top stories is ready, forces have left a trail of destruction as to withdrawing from pumps us to try a neighborhood in gauze, assisting the military tower. dante, 2 weeks offerings to the destroying buildings, a destruction the constructions, tools i see, find between the boss and his rail. i'll take advice and counsel is where the media has come from the side of these very negotiating teaching style. they're also
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impulse of progress with as well. so the technical team to join the totes and they, to the does apply to grade at least $43000000000.00 worth of ministry, a does bottles as it bottles, bushes of page a website. so say probably is to put cheese on an irreversible puff to join the military alliance. so to get into it has affected more than a $130.00 villages. so the northern states, if it was separate dash, have you been in fold expected in the next $2.00 to $3.00 days? well, was the situation or to levels in 9 rivers already above dangerous levels. on the eastern side of the honda, multiple rivers are close to preaching that banks. and so don antonio villages a beans of the following. torrential, setting. witnesses in the se, homes of plants. this is the 1st devastating weather event of the country's rainy season. flooding in this every usually because in the late summer with heavy rain full and neighboring ever try a pesticides,
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the amount of river the country is basically was largest displacement twice as g to a civil war treatments. each of these abi and the power of military congress, s. so they've got a legal position group against the routing dentist says that 2 of us members have been arrested supporters of by see that either by do a bit of boss say they were taken by who did so just lights on tuesday, that members of the national friend for the defense of the constitution. since the military sees time in 2021 video position activists have been detained. but also working so that all active members of civil society fighting for democracy to take root in the country. so that would find that the arrested by the jones. i'm really, according to our information backed up by other forces. is that your, i'm moving to just you this picture associated with mobilizing all of sewage society to say no to what this one dies going for the moment in line with what has happened. there's no electricity, the high cost of living out there doing of constitutional although i know nobody's
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talking about it after 2 years. so you see, these are demonstration has been nouns for the 30th of july, the 1st of august, the people living in the tire shop, running through both of the heads of either all the way to the memory of more than 8300. most the victims of the 1995 jet assigned last year the united nations declared july. the 11th and international day of remembrance. soviet and several of his allies were against the vote saying it was politically motivated from shepherd in such a whole as a story of one of the suffices or the customers live and play the threat brittany to fail to both means the policies in july 1995, mostly men and boys separated from the women and children, fled subs were under orders to cuba. and they did so indiscriminately smell through more than 8000 people that he was among those fleeting for their lives. here what they bought, my escape through the forest took 11 days,
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during which i lost consciousness and was left behind the majority of the most. i rather kept blake or not my flies ate the blisters of my feet and the maggots. scroll through the flesh and i tried, but i couldn't move anymore. one and a child up i would sucks and my lease and i quote for 3 days and it was a heat loss $28.00 relative seeing the stripper. and it's a genocide, a moment to redemption came, he is later when he discovered the remains of a cousin near me, payroll carson pay off. it was a tough moment uncomfortable because this is this call of a human being a man. i knew your teacher. so he tells us that as republican subject forces into this valley over the hills, terrorizing as they came, civilians fled towards what they perceived would be the safety of you in forces position near subordinates, but 2 brothers,
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his 2nd cousins as it turned out elderly. and in fun were unable to save themselves last seen by a navy. but he said, huddled here, crying and begging to be safe is the heat, explains the chum you and how steep were killed by the advancing bosnian serb forces. the skulls i keep discovered was treadmills distinctive for its missing from the zuba. tell me is remains of joint those of 13 of the newly identified the victims to be late to rest. finally, in the memorial symmetry in nearby po to charlie. but almost 30 years later, the memories and evidence of that time cannot be raised. so nationalist symbols dual down to the ruins of the brother's house. here, a sinister, slow, good, nice, wide spread bernita. symbols of hate, meet the ghosts of a genocide. during the whole elder 0 struggling in
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a group of migrants. so we rescued off the libyan coast was gone. so doctors without borders covered out the rescue. they say the migrants jumped off. they've brought the boat into the mediterranean to escape and approaching coast called vessel humanitarian agencies. well, they could be a surge of attempts to reach europe during world summer months and follows the graduations locked into the into full bay coalition. after they policy obtained the majority in sundays parliamentary election, they newly elected file right national riley empties, arrived at the french public until wednesday. latasha bucklin looks at why the far right says it's both over. for the. as for instance, of the marine dependent looks offering to see children, to your wife, to the fonts as paul them and all right. national rally polity didn't win. the election is opinion polls that predicted the behind selected lawrence and emanuel michael centrist. the pen says it's just a matter of time history. those i'm going into this p, i'm calling, i mean a good state of mind. and i'm here with
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a group of in p one the most birds in this election. and we are the single biggest high to our victory has only been if the, if you did the parties, president jordan barton noticed that the deals made between the sentries from the left to blow up the fall. right. well, unfair and devonte strengthened his apologies for sol 1st, which are waiting for they usually continue. we will continue to work. i will continue to work to arrive at the next elections. think even more prepared, even more attentive toward the french one. and even more read says that what duties? but we've, we've got one, we've got a strong what. what happens next in parliament could shape the fall rights future? it's a less than center can build a coalition that succeeds and convinces the public. it could slow momentum for the fall, right, but it's thought to coalition. what's a failed? it's likely that will boost support for the fall, right, as real alternative in the future. support for the fall right to suit on the present. micro,
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fueled by discontents with his policies 70 years ago. they were 15 and peas. now they're almost 10 times 5 number. so we understand that the french people are disappointed in terms of purchasing power, security, immigration, there was no response to any of these issues in the pens. policy made most of one. this selection box is stronger than ever with the 2027 presidential vote. just around the corner, she knows it's not over yet. it talks about the which is 0 power the us side of the mold has become the 1st set it difficult to cool on. preston dry bug to abandon his bid for re election to us as he doesn't believe bottom is the best candidate to run the november's election. and the opinion piece and the washington post welsh and mix of the president did saved the country from donald trump to he describes as a tyrant. but acknowledges biden's poor performance during last month's debates with trump called big note despite the growing pressure bite and has about to stay
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in the race. yes, phillips donnelly baldwin has appeared a new york new mexico quote and pardon me, and his involuntary manslaughter trial prosecute to say that the time produced broke constable rules. the handling guns of the sect of his movie rust said of a tall griffin, honey on a hutchins died off to a gun, the health by bold and mistaken be fired the incidents box. the 1st on the set shooting vitality of 3 decades of the prosecution is largely unprecedented in us history. the largest and most complete 2nd source skeleton ever found is up for auction in new york. the extraordinary discovery is expected to fetch up to $6000000.00. alexandra, by his explains this is a tax. it rooms the planet 150000000 years ago and has now become


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