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tv   Witness African Moot  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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so that is afflicted by conflicts, political upheaval, we'd strive to follow the stories, the good, the bad, and the people allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. as you tell the stories, the, i'm sammy's a dining door, how well they look at the headlines here. now just they are now for beginning garzo as well as killed at least 50 palestinians in 24 hours. the civil defense says they retrieved at least 60 bodies from gaza. cities should jaya district palestinians returning to the neighborhood, have found that homes destroyed, is ready forces left to trail of destruction, of to withdrawing from parts of georgia. they concluded a 2 week operation in the area. last week, the u. n. estimated tens of thousands of people had been displaced by the attacks.
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but all human highly is a john listing, gaza city. he spoke to me about people returning to what remains of that holmes a. this is the aftermath of the minute to raise use, and that's yeah, yeah. how many homes were completely destroyed, leaving thousands of families homeless in the hours when the withdrawal residents began to attend, to utilize the damage to their homes and victory and your remaining position. and the 1st time that we were besieged before and had to leave and went to another place for a month and a half. after that we returned to our homes and found, or for story house completely demolished. we pitched a tent and south and it's waiting for the house to be rebuilt or for any assistance to be provided to us. then suddenly, we were asked to evacuate the place, so we evacuated, and when we returned, we found ourselves in this state. as you can see, there is nothing we can make yourself buildings that remain as stand in our
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structure of the promises. michigan, families moves, walls and foundations. mentioned services such as water, electricity, and sanitation have been severely disturb the environment and destruction. i have list seems like music and stars, particularly children will have what is unimaginable terrors. meanwhile, is writing media revolting progress has been made in the c sign negotiations in casa talks of focusing on and then tossed as these between hamas and israel and the release of captives held in garza square the media. se a technical team is being sent to the concert council to join discussions. they've also confirmed these ready negotiating team or ton from dell home wednesday night. hospitalized launch several drones from loving and targeting areas and israel's west and galilee region critically wounding at least one person. on wednesday,
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the groups the the has no salt la said without any help fighting when the seas 5 is agreed. so people living in the town of southern need so in bosnia herzegovina honoring the memory of more than 8300 most been victims of the 1995 genocide. at least 1000 people are still missing with new burials. the victims currently underway. last year the united nations declared july, the 11th and international day of remembrance. sylvia and several of its allies were against the vote saying it was politically motivated in guinea and leading opposition groups. as 2 of its members have been arrested. supposed to say when i see the mama to be the ball was taken by soldiers lights on tuesday. a number of opposition activists have been detained since the mid 3 seas power and getting in 2021. the puzzles are working so they all active members of civil society fighting for democracy to take root in the country. so that would find the
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a rated by the jones on my way, according to our information backed up by other forces. incident and torrential rain is causing flooding submerging entire villages in the southeast with weather in the area. usually because lights are in the summer, the damage is expected to be worse this year. and of the 15 months of conflict have decimated fragile and infrastructure and pushed millions of displaced people into floods of flooding. india is affected more than a $130.00 villages in the northern states. the votes of for dash, heavy rainfall is expected in the next 2 to 3 days to get was water levels. a 9 rivers are already above dangerous levels. under the eastern side of the hot multiple rivers close to preaching the banks of the headlines used continues of to witness the
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of the commission. the above principle is generally valid in international proceedings, but is particularly applicable in human rights cases, such as this one, your excellency. the will be speaking for approximately 15 minutes
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before this quarter, by the presenting invoices on the mobile sleeping for you. you'll have to make sure you get it right. we must have the title inputs one the
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of the we need to find it. so that means we need to know the problem, insight out. so which is why you more question about the children? i think it went to the children's very much and the reduce and then l g b, t. so the jurisdiction of a name is young. been forced this up here. i 13 best or unless a lot of the hands from the beginning it wasn't always like with the 1st most i didn't, i couldn't get the 5 ones out and then from thinking less than 5 minutes on the podium because the dense kept asking me questions and i was nervous,
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so i just turned on it and is into furious profession. right from childhood, i've been told go for the stairs, do what and what you one dream as far as the one, the, the as 5 of us 5 children. my mom's, she was 34 inch lift. osborne. so she had some tough choices to make. she decided that i would be a pharmacist, it didn't matter what you wanted to study. so i applied for a pharmacy. and when i got the degree, i told my mother he is what you sent me for. can i do what that one now? and then she said, well, thank you for giving it to me. so you might as well. and that's how i decided on being low the
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we, we, she of the best position going forward in boston. that will be, is that leading schooling more team. if you come back, i didn't know to talk to you, remember you how saying i am very delighted to speak to the commode and this is my time. and i do expect i'm to be challenged. we also hope that the best, rather we hope that it goes us tend, yes, i was the you you had said to be done not to have a good day and i met a more in the mood court room and they thought, okay, she's smart. i'm funny, what a perfect combination some particular reason, what attracts a few people because of specific people who come for the training. you know,
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it's like it's more of a coordinating, social 6 full clothing drawn to the it tends to become a friendship by the end of the play thing that's home and visuals became close a as an approximate as we have lexi together, the load migrate. so i'm coming from a war torn country. the question is, is there a degree of major home was that no mix you didn't come to the city? and one which makes you not get tom as the rest of the well founded as yet. so i'm going to test on, on the test on for was the shop for civil war? it's convention. it's me,
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new running away isn't well funded to you that uh well, i have to end in joey. no, you don't agree with me. i didn't fucks for a country like it shouldn't be the last one's the thing to throw away if it is. so come to the tubs, potential threats for complex, that is going to excess of each on the guess what the level of use a need to anticipate that rate when when, when did we also see the africa has more than 26 percent of the world's weight between populations, a post estimated 15000000 refugees asylum seekers and displaced persons a number which last year alone increased by over 2000000 people. it is not immediately clear when the cast we finally be shut down by the ministry sees it is already decent on the department of a c, d 's a phase as
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a source that the issue resolved. even though a hypothetical cases usual, lucas, he that as real cases with real clients clear presenting and you really don't wanna save your client. and so you really need to up to the what's the goal, understand that bill potential refugees. you don't know what's going to happen to your security tomorrow. you don't know what's going to happen to your home country . know what you're going to need. the next day the, i think of the name of things and
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i told, you know, in your passport it's a shame the tickets the, the biggest part of it for me is students coming together to discuss this issue. because my sister come from different african countries, the african subjects is quite similar in very many ways. cooking minds. i guess the best means in africa would really be interesting to see how women is a busy
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typing. but it's, and i was done. my block wasn't like, clearly here we, i would climb of the, the paper. i'm curious, sorry from my ignorance when it was such like the pen african plan. yeah. guys. yeah. but it's everyone's technically no, no. yeah, we're, we're from egypt. oh, okay. and each other little restrictions
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i don't think we should be restricted and the confidence to be able to move is to be able to understand other people then to if you understand them, you understand that not really that different than that just so it's a lot of problems for us, you know, from them it is last summer according to the my understanding of city odyssey is compatible with right. and that's my personal be a lot of people would disagree a little bit. but that's what you're here for the, you know, me like that's the issue. the problem is the present. mean you can use that can case, but them just get the thing and just saving the movie, maybe there's always the move the jobs,
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the guys based on the to the okay. the district somebody can just before it's a sofa house. okay, right. so really the, let's see, the, it's on a jesus, those assistant attorney general. this is you need to dial the lead time is more often more engaging. i am the quiet us of the move has really paid us to come in the we call this this the one by the leaves to own a can go least one us or injury. this is one, but the people from the northern region to defend us
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of human rights students of human rights preset, chosen as human rights, teachers of human rights, practitioners of human rights. good evening. i'm going to from bridget, everybody who's here. you are here because it's a process took place that's elected to go to the one by be here. you may take a pass away from human rights, but i can assure you that the lessons from here, these, from here, when all this is liz, how you look at life. nathan future made the needs, it needs a 6 of the the
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so anyway, this is going to be a strong gauge the situation. so you know, in your own, go ahead and tell everybody looks pretty good. life is ready, but if it's just human to allow somebody who has been forced into a home for the rest, the life of they know it 1st, some members of this, i'm going to let them have it sense. if you are, if you to you, then you won't be coming to title to some protection and some relief. but most governments are reluctant to tell me refugee
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the human and people's rights. it's not in session in the matter between the book and the i've been terrier the rest of that is because we come before the scott, specifically because of the conduct of the responded states. we are dealing with the questions of human dignity. we're dealing with buttons being persecuted for voicing the political opinions, your excellence. we contend that the respondents state or been entire yes, has a real gate at the same rice that it's assumed to politics. thank you very much.
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this one is a not present to the issue of the children, the details, enough children 1st and foremost, should be a middle of last resort if they couldn't find the pin. i think what 23 of the africans within such a request fits to find out if there's any other nation that can take up this children or is responsible for these children? definitely. even if they kind of find their parents the as to obligate to do something on the national entities and as a result, as opposed to give them such protection, i look for them the protection of despot um says august 2017. but amelia experienced a lot of political unrest, disappearances, executions. this let too many people thing for the law. however, they were not granted arrive to seek asylum. they were rounded up and straight away, returned back to the territory where their life will be in danger. this is not only for the right to seek asylum, it also violates the rights to be protected from before month, as low as must be for a cost. it's
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a violation of article 12 of the african charter. there it is, a violation of their rights feel great. by the same time i go and i like tire pressure on myself. because if i think if they think about it from the aspect that the fluids may, so it is looking at the or depending on may include pile up too much oppression by the excellence of the question before this quote is, quote, is that a refugee has been killings of persons is those of enforcing disappearance in for the facilities. harassment of ethnic, my nose is stuffy, the and your courage that these things did take place in virginia. however, by the time the 1350 people slipped from there and did these things had ceased to. okay. so how can they still seek protection from something that is no longer going on? yes, the atlas actually get your point. i mean, the book is right that they had large list fees to excellence is however, your excellence of levels look at those teeth. when that was made by being phoned
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into group in which they have stated edwards, if they shall not stop the fire live until the power is fast. now they will just using the, the political disturbance of them, an excused within the guys will pick one of them in crisis and they come through to success. i don't, i really don't think that is still your excellence is because that was political violence which has allowed this fees, but it's still in existence. now maybe your issue will be now, should they be allowed to come into the entire all of them, then they can call upon other states to assist them here excellence of in containing the references. thank you very much. sometimes you argue against positions that are contrary to what you believe in to. but if you really want to be convinced about your beliefs, the 1st place it should start is to question them your excellence these i don't
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propose that the courts done it. blaine, i to the evidence. i propose that difficult is guided by article 26 of the protocol that establishes it and mix and finding that it is based on evidence your excellence. have a 5 effect, indicates that the inventory yeah, to maintain the across the board, the us and there's just the people who fled from those countries with us. i just find the objective criteria. i bet for supposed to have a visa giving them permission to enter. this is victoria been diary. i realize that it has obligations under the, or a refugee convention, but to excellence as they moved from the dealer into the valley where they could have easily been afforded that protection asylums because they messed up such protection. and then proceeded to, to been targeted for defending tons of users. and the fact that this has been happening all over the world. so it's been a motional for everyone to look at you defending children who are you know,
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facing course, are you doing that? but again, that's what lawyers do, i guess i'll do is going to it's a position, but i think it that is funded as if i look at african shutter by not supporting children from one of the detention center. this is an extreme situation with what we were by. we had to act immediately and based on the card resources we have, but we seem to get the situation. but again, we were protecting them from boston. they were there, essentially these children are victim. so our actions had the, the right to left, the extra right to let go to die on the streets by taking them to custody. your excellency's base told her had the right to food as provided for on the icicle. 14 of the puts a particle and the rights of health which is provided for and the article 16 of the applicants. i tell you excellence their rights education. they had
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a basic library excellence where they could indeed study these children. they were treated well. the excellence would be, would arrive a, i would check that statement they were treated, we've been the previous to be on the law and that. thank you. the excellent, well then i think for the code cuz with remarkable wishing, you know, the best in your future mentions the people say that they come off as cold and uh, but i'm not i'm shy. sometimes it means that ahead of myself, i usually take complements reluctant, mid seventies. the
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reluctant to be cooking a phillips, but then they didn't want to feed cuz things can go different. the we unknowns the sixteens that go to the final. we will throw a lot the way that they appear for the applicant, for the respondents, the best um loser phone team is uh,
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one of those got it does um bid uh the coupon coupon. mm hm. for leaks or footboard near the co code, the code, the box is full and look on teams to going through the final round and look at the university of the university of nairobi, the university of know maybe a the, the university of victoria. and the
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unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire ab wants of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to guys that this is not a rough. it looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years . connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere,
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folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land, the strings on out to 0. the gold and untold stories from asia and the pacific on the
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safe them even from it as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the, the simons i've done in dow, how is it look at the headlines here now is, is there a, this route is killed at least 50 palestinians in gauze or in the last 20 for. busy how's the civil defend says they've retrieved at least 60 bodies from gauze, the cities to die, a district, palestinians returning to the neighborhood and found that homes destroyed its ready forces have left a trail of destruction off the, withdrawing from pon, social jaya. they conducted a 2 week operation in the area. last week view, an estimated tens of thousands of people have been displaced by the attacks. the
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protestant in civil defense has read, should jaya and is appealing for humanitarian aid in order to recover those traps under the rubble of their houses. she tries to show you a neighborhood of gauzy city is now uninhabitable. 85 percent of the buildings in the shoot julian neighborhood are destroyed, more than a $120000.00 college students and now currently displaced without shelter. we urgently require ambulances and any equipment necessary for rescue operations. so we can recover people trapped onto the rubble. the civil defense unit does not have the facility to reach to people stuck onto the rubble. this is a clear violation of international humanitarian law and on his reading, media or reporting progress has been made in the c's. find negotiations in kata talks on focusing on and then tossed till it sees between hamas and israel. and the release of campuses held in gaza is ready the media. se technical team is being
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sent to the counselor and capitol to join discussions. if also confirm these writing negotiating team returned from dell home wednesday nights has the laws long . several drones from 11 and targeting areas in israel's west, in galilee, rage and critically wounding at least one person. on wednesday, the groups the, the house and the smaller side. but only hold financing when a ceasefire is agreed. and garza, the people living in the town of 78, so in bosnia herzegovina honoring the memory of molding 8300 wisdom victims of the 1995 genocide. at least 1000 people are still missing with new burials, the victims currently on the way. last year the united nations declared july, the 11th and international day of remembrance, serbia and several of its allies oppose the folks. those, the headlines and use continues of to witness of the
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invest tight spot to commit to the state. like what do we have? do you guys think we have any budget for me to make any appointments? there was a no full existing department is to bring the village to be. i agree with you because they use in africa. it's a very big population. it's an educated population. a generation has an experienced colonialism, grew up in the age with diseases i'm being managed. so what we choose to do, and what, which is to say will be very important for us to as african good one i, i mean, no way you guess is that whole mess? no. can i give an example that can come to come to that
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a lot of people from uganda. so i think it's hopeful, but also it's a very big responsibility that is to wasted then we would really be doing the future of yeah, the we really had problems really now in the money was enough. my mom always kept on telling me that even if you don't have enough money,
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skilled pride to mask ellen, she go back to school and it wants to people the students it shows 15 minutes paused. it's human nature with competitive and it's a competitive kind of like a sport. oh, i think there's 15 for the whole richard g for some, but also look into for to get to because it's a human for you putting you have to put a human face to this whole refugee, the page, the protection of
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the years you choose the items to like a tv well, and then we told them i have an item in about you know, friends, sometimes you idea sometimes i was told to realize the titles and i was actually the method of the on the
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scene. was it going to be there being such a lot to happen? many of them expect to maybe be advocacy university and invested for the warranty. but it was uh it was a big deal and give us the opportunity that we can cause a human and people to right now in session in the meta between leave us alone and
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the republic of been patio, the unutterable chief justice tedom. so on line me pretty side i the i was started. mr. president, your excellence is made please. this court. as stated, my main is oscar to armoire and they shall dealt with the issue of the possible. i'm so fed from per the left to been terrier i excellence is the applicants of me to the 5 please? this past ones are indeed refugees and the secondly baffled been taiyah is obligated to provide them then this, this hi yes. would you rides in line with the o. u. s. as you convention of 9 to a 69. your excellence is that have been foss,
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please, must executions. secondly, claims of enforce disappearance and heavier exercises police, harassment of individuals impaired. and their address is in that case of the ssl comes those of the best seriously disturbing public or the with the emperor at dfcs . now we are today a government from newspapers and also by the mental process in that country they will be justified to see because you may be saying that they are just running away from the federal candidates as much as they come to be in the country. so why should they been in the state this is just not only based on the pass code who have been agreed based on the election without. it is
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violence that is happening in the country who's your excellence. and with that, we ask this quote, it will definitely arise this specialist for refugee status. your excellence is and to allow the addresses with being tired until to the point where the bios a pair of the wheels sees. excellent, with that, and that's my time up, and i show you the flow to my co council. now the, the, the interesting
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as quotes attention to the 1st issue, 3 arguments will be made firstly that the period ends on last, in fact, legitimate refugees. the states refugee camps are capacity and the rest of the attention of the parent has not find out of the human rights to state. these are for the discretion, and the determination of wisdom is a refugee status. and also, excuse me, i'd like to stay with the bus so, so matter some say is paramount. human right is freedom of expression. isn't it the case that mr. bell so, so is an active as for what in some borders is a non profit or colors. and if you couple that we'll see a ledge 1st is appearance of a journalist that we have a pattern here of suppression of expression. come on the us and then to the response that of been taiyah has demonstrated that it has
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wilfully taken on international human rights obligations of the most of that impact . a few of the thoughts 2025, several international human rights and some is furthermore, the state taxes obligations very seriously. having opened us up to the scrutiny of this on the court, do it so let me see what seems to be a trial to date. is the good will of an upstanding member of the international community, which has responded in a time of crisis electrical the attention of his court to control by the costs of human rights. that's why the funds regarding our dispute, the must be ways to that's beyond reasonable doubt. yes, we do 9. the disappearance of front of detroit and we denied in the states. and to that extent, i say among the decision station
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accessed us now of the chapter once a place to excellence in allowing for this course to serve. and there was admission meant by the respondents federal victoria. we are not competing into the shows, matches us from clinton and your other question the, the council. as i understand the alleged facts, now i think it's something more than a year as fast as this person has disappeared. spending the investigation is more than a suggestive that there was a state agency involved. what does your client is doing to address this? as far as i understand the contention of the
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respondents states that with regard to send the detroit, there was a failure by the optic on to exhaust magical 565000000 funds available. and sufficient, especially taken with the state has responded and is willing to be engaged on the verification. we ask this court to allow to be able to carry out the data contentedly. and the address is on the cushions on the municipal level. and the indulgence time for me to proceed to submissions. thank you. the
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the, the, we find it quite difficult. so i agree as to one that has to be there with them. but the thing that you participated in the files is by himself and my students, and it shows that you also have them gradually to at which you have very successful. okay,
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you're good to go through. certainly one of the most classic on taste that finals that i certainly have mocked over the last 10 years. out of a title, a possible title of, of 300 death points. there was already full points separating the 2 of the 2 teams. responded score 243. and the applicant score $247.00, the
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best competition position we have jerome in the in the 2nd, which is the shouldn't be a big mess. rachel, the
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soon i i like i am and i'm worried about. yeah, what's the latest about the
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new is actually a more work in the how to get the money to go see and i'm still the, the because of the
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alice had been hired by our names was swap. so she saved the prize of the best. all right, so i decided i needed to raise that point and i was afraid because of the relationship, but hi me hop. i didn't know how she was going to take it. so it ended in $650.00 those hyperlinks. but then i went and told her, i have have both thought about it. so i've been told that i have talked to friends about the issue. if it happens that i am the, i'm the best artist. i will kindly ask you to just give me the plaque doing a food to either on anything i just on the block that it's very important. so they went and checked the, the system, and they realized that they had been,
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i mistyped the, we put it on to and well that's, that's what came on. so i don't think we can answer. can see there was a reason just maybe this wasn't good enough. the or the need to succeed. you be vegas to airport yesterday was very, very hectic day. i saw her in the morning and i am happy for her. i must see that i
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really am, but i just don't like the weed went about the . ready ready the she's going solange, she is a couple of weeks now about 7 weeks. and she's our 4th child. she came in january
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the, this is our office. a lawyer. so there's a lot of reading going on in the house. and the result of the space would be the best way to yeah, the kids will if they need to read them again, i'll come to the what else? different stations. because i don't think we could have done anything more or wants anyhow, i don't but then all of that towards me, great. you will have to just in the moment be present, be grateful, and understand, but you really couldn't have done anything about it. as the trafficking, as part of the flight and the treatment as the final draft in of the fox will cut in the day 3 of the respondents the same as the if they take you, they're going to,
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if you need to come back, come back. i need to or just tell you to have that for us to quickly into argument . you still have to revert to the law or the best way to in the mood we what african students in this place and, and logistics and, and everybody else from between each of us and interacting with each other for the older the nurse and the decisions have already been made and they're already there and it shows the sides. but for us, because we're so that we could live together unlocked here. and when together as the, as young people are, that's a kind of, she said that was your best bet for us of the it was definitely tough dealing with it because it happened in such a public space. i mean, perhaps i didn't react to it in the best way. however, but coming back to can you,
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i was able to put it into perspective and to just show video and move into something else. productive. i applied for the position of president of the mood cut society and i was a point to this president. it's something that i'd be happy about the course. i mean, a lot, you know, about being a lawyer i assume itself, centering shoes, relating to human rights issues relating to refugees. that is what i see myself watching on. sometimes i feel like what is being done is not as a youth. i think it's important that we join that process because we have
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a future and we are the ones who can make a month. the and the the latest news as it breaks the hospitals across the street are in the bring up
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a lot with detail coverage. elizabeth facilities are for hundreds of 1000. more people are a risk of contracting, painful and dangerous inspection from the home. so the story goes, is it come to me as in rooms as well? house targeted and destroyed industries that employed tens of thousands of people the stairs from i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from audi 0 news, not using. is it the
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hello? then let's have a look at the weather across the south. america and southern parts of the continent are in the grip of a severe cold spell, which seems to be a frost. in cases like argentina, exceptionally low temperatures, with freezing nights in santiago, chile, and we are expecting temperatures to pick up slightly, but they will be below the average, extending all the way from believe you down to the very south of the next few days, we will see a little bit of rooms, however, come back into santiago of 15 degrees with some sunshine, but freezing the on the 1st day that we'll see some west weather effects, southern parts of brazil, those storm stretching into paraguay as well. and on woods to bolivia and to northern parts of the region. now, despite the west to weather that continues, here we all sing exceptional heat. we've got some records broken in per root wet weather is that on fridays, some very heavy rain to come. that was a move to central america and the caribbean. it is
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a story of heat so much of the caribbean. it's not very wet to yet. instead we've got this har resend blowing over from africa. that's killing a lot of the showers. but bringing a lot in the way of hazy sunshine for the weather. we have to look further west the central parts of mexico, the state into friday of the colleges. when we look at the world still plays the stories. what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the best fits and economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects
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d. 9 south asia is growing for employment levels that actually fully why is that? counting the cost? oh no, jew sierra the the hello, i'm sammy's a. then this is the news live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. kenya is president william rudo sykes, most of his cabinet following a plan to raise taxes which spawn days of deadly protests. one of gaza city's largest neighborhoods to die left in ruins. as this riley attacks these tens of thousands homeless as the lawn, drones target, northern israel.


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