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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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0, just the era examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explode on abundance. well cos program on ours is here. the can is president and william roots. so sykes, most of these cabinets following a plan, to raise taxes on the days of deadly protests, the semi say, then this is out just here, a live from dell hall. so coming up, one of garza city's largest neighborhoods to die left in ruins, since riley attacks we've tens of thousands homeless has the long drones target.
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know than this route. the leader of the lebanese on group says it will only hold strikes when a ceasefire is agreed in gossip forever needs. that commemorates the 1995 killing of thousands of most of the men and boys. when the un decline, day of reflection to monks, the genocide the for begin with breaking news out of can, you know, at president william rudo is 2nd, nearly all of his cabinet ministers. the announcement comes off to weeks of unrest over a tank station bill. retail has canceled the proposed tax increases demonstrations have continued, hold for him to resign. the, the whole district appraisal of the whole months of my coming in. and it's like 2
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minutes. i'm challenges i have today decided to dismiss with the media to effect or that come in at tech studies on the attorney general of the public opinion of the company that of can accept the prime covenant secretary and come in at 634631634 come in at 1030 popcorn and the fast been dashboard up fast. and of course, the old police of the deputy president, he's not affected in any way on malcolm web joins us now on the line from 10 years capital nairobi. so is this being seen as the result of those protests? the switch initially against a government proposal to increase taxes, but then turned into coals for president recheck to go a just the law states in
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a series of events which contributed to the growing discontent with the government even in kenya. now president richard was elected 2 years ago, an election not a lo so now the one who was announced when it was a very narrow margin of victory. but he promised to emancipate can use for working people since then a lie. so many sentences got hauled, the cost of living hasn't ever really been covered since the global pandemic. meanwhile, on social media receive running criticism of a present resize, appointees the ministers, most of almost all of whom is now just being funded. so all the appointees. 1 criticism of incompetence corruption, many of them were implicated in costs. corrupts and scandals. many had charges against them, dropped off the retail came into the office and the widespread expression that this was, that one is the most seems to be one of the most corrupt and incompetent cabinets
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at kenya. how's that? how did the same time? is the government been trying to increase taxes after the 2nd year in a row? now this is content that was the express on social media just a few weeks ago was being described with great skepticism, including by some of those 30 minutes is interesting, but we just visited some privileged minority with digital access. let's say kid, if the government didn't seem to be sense events for the selected across massive parts of the population, they didn't say that these sentiments be expressed on line. we're going to turn into thousands of people out on the street in about 50 different towns and cities across the send. yeah, we change of it. the process is breaking into parliament, the president withdrawing controversial finance bill that would raise taxes, but it brought to lights and made the evidence, including now it seems to the government that it was facing a legitimacy crisis. and that was certainly visible,
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not just the young people on the street, but one of the different institutions and people from different parts of society expressed this quote, the process. even just speaking from anyone to a market traitor to a lawyer to adopt a couldn't find anyone who still expressed confidence in president rates as government. now it seems as if president retail has come to realize this and taking most the most drastic step as he to it, to attend, to restore faith in his government. all right, thanks to mountain web that we don't think i wrote me that a we spoke just that i got a tax reform campaign. the based in nairobi. she explains the reasons for william root has dismissal. of most of his cabinets. the government was busy and logistics major domestic crossing includes up the conversations and what we're going doing that the task of being, i guess the and i see and i'm supposed to be assuming the photos,
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the materials to the, from the menu buttons of the government and how doing function when, what, when, since i've been out to me and now we've had to tell us about the whole position about how public expenditures projected we need to have a lot of government officials, both from the congress that the national government being pointed up. so they didn't, they weren't government did something as easy to a psychiatrist. and unfortunately, to the present type of kind of the want to sort of what you know. and so it was going to become about the payment that coming in as far as the question on what to do with the company, 90 percent majority of the people who are making the quote for the 2nd nature. and finally, next to me such as factory, there's only a few questions that have come up. one of them is the fact that they had a better number. what was the questioning? did they do too much of the office or things of that? then choose from the stuff is diesel, the big kind of the content.
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the or how is riley is killed at least 50 palestinians in gauze or in 24 hours. is ongoing fighting in the north garza cities should jaya district. some people have returned to parts of the neighborhood, but have found the homes completely destroyed last week. so you an estimated tens of thousands of people that had been displaced by via tax. it's very forces conducted a 2 week operation in the area. the palestinian civil defense has reached you jaya, das, peeling for humanitarian aid in order to recover those traps under the rubble of the sheet. to show you a neighborhood of gauzy city is now uninhabitable. 85 percent of the buildings in the huge and neighborhood are destroyed. more than a $120000.00 college students are now currently displaced. without shelter, we urgently require ambulances and any equipment necessary for rescue operations.
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so we can recover people trapped onto the rubble. the civil defense unit does not have the facility to reach to people stuck onto the rubble. this is a clear violation of international humanitarian law. i bought a human kelly as a journalist in gaza. city. you spoke to people returning to what remains of the homes and showed you i this is the aftermath of the minute to raise use. and that's yeah, yeah. how many homes will be destroyed, leaving thousands of families homeless in the hours when the withdrawal residents began to attend, to utilize the damage to their homes and victory and your remaining position. the see are hard to break in many residents are in shock struggling for him. the skills of the station reef is the tangible as families more than the loss of loved ones and the destruction of their homes and livelihoods. i mean the rubble
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residents can be seen attempting to sell me whatever they can find. there's an ip, family photos such as the kings are particularly sort oscar and the preferred that we were besieged before and had to leave and went to another place for a month and a half. after that, we returned to our homes and found, or for story house completely demolished. we pitched a tent and south and it's waiting for the house to be rebuilt or for any assistance to be provided to us. then suddenly we were asked to evacuate the place. so we evacuated, and when we returned, we found ourselves in this state. as you can see, there is nothing we can make yourself buildings that remain as stand in our structure of the promises with significant damage, groups, walls, and foundations, pensions, services such as water, electricity, and sanitation have been severely disturb. power lines are down,
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water pipelines are broken and so systems are plugged destroyed, measure rolled, some pat waves are full of the bristle farms out to make you friends, will station within the neighborhood, nearly impossible. there have been numerous facilities with casualties, including facilities and cbs injuries, hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed with the injured of many of whom require urgent musical addition. thousands of residents have been displaced, seeking refuge in temperatures, filters who are with relatives in the areas when i got in from an in the and if we were to be my dad is we were sitting safely, you know, homes and in the school sheltering displaced, people suddenly there was intensive foaming from aeroplanes and not hillary fire. we were forced to flee with great difficulty in efforts. but god granted us a new life. some people were killed on a boat, miraculously,
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we manage to escape and flee off to the intense bombardment started. the destruction we witnessed is indescribable, unimaginable. we would deeply shocked when we return to the neighborhood. we found it completely destroyed with nothing left. there's no shelton, no water, nothing at all. it's obeying completely devastated environment and destruction have lived. seems like music and stars, particularly children, will have what is unimaginable errors mean bodies, right. the media reporting progress is being made in the seas. find negotiations and concept. folks are focusing on and then tossed. fillasy is between hamas and israel, and the release of captives held in garza is where the media, se technical team is being sent to the costs of a capital to join discussions. if also confirm these ready negotiating team or ton from dell hall on wednesday, 9th, to my says the media is,
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is not provided any updates regarding c's 5 tools. in a statement the group says we have not yet been informed by me the ages of anything new regarding negotiations with the i'm of a c's far and prison. the exchange, the occupation continues its policy of procrastination to buy time with the name of floating this round of negotiations as it did in previous rounds, goes on to say that this does not deceive its people. and the resistance reminds us that these right government is banned out this era from reporting that so from the south hope joins us now from a mine enjoys. and so we have negotiated the main is right and it goes straight is go back to israel, but a technical team is taking up the task. what it is right, is sol. so saying about what that all means. a
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full statement from benjamin netanyahu, whose office says that in his really delegation will in fact be going to cairo to meet with mediators in order to continue these talks. and it's going to be headed by the head of israel. shouldn't bet. that's the internal security services, and there will be representatives from the is really military there. and that's because it's really sources are saying they're going to discuss the issue of the gulf off crossing as well as weapons smuggling and the spill adobe core door. but these really forces have sees in southern guns. now all of this comes as video shooting team that came back from door. how had met with the prime minister, but there was no word on exactly what was discussed. it wasn't clear what mandate was given to, to these negotiators that went to go ha, and that will be going to cairo. but these really prime minister was quite clear from the beginning about red lines going into these negotiations, saying that there has to be a guarantee for israel, but they can continue the war even if it means there is
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a pause in the fighting secured until all those objectives in the war are achieved, that they are going to continue the war on gone so. all right, i'm the some code that reporting to us from my mind in jordan, because this way the government has banned down to sarah from operating in israel. it's right, the army says several drones of entities, right of the space from lebanon targeting areas in west and galilee, critically wounding one person. has the law as claimed responsibility for the driving attack. on wednesday, the on groups the, the husband, the saw on the side would only hold financing months to seize fire was agreed in gaza saying a hold of has this revolt from lebanon's capsule, bye route. so rockets are reaching you target at times deeper inside israel and lately causing casualties. how's the law is making good on its promise to widen the scope of its operations against it is really military in response to the killing of one of his senior commanders in mid june. since then,
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another high ranking commander has been killed in a targeted assassination. he went by the name of the nami, during the ceremony to commemorate his work, the armed groups leader house on the throne, the deliberate a message amid renewed international diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire in casa, and a deal to release is really captives is a followup law should there be a ceasefire agreement, which we hope for our front will i'm doubted. least ceasefire without discussion on the go. she ation of happened during the previous truce. has the law has linked its daily attacks against northern israel to the war on gaza, saying it has achieve its goals of exhausting the is really army and relieving pressure on the strip by diverting resources to the north. it is, well, however, insist the 2 arenas are separate. they are not. we will also reach a state of full readiness to take any action required and less than
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a court author. region arrangement from a position of strength all we prefer and arrangement. but if reality forces us, we will know how to fight to be most the officials have been saying the army will fight has the law regardless of a cease fire deal with him us if it doesn't pull back from the border as well. that says, it won't tolerate any attack on 11 on should there be a ceasefire in grosso, but through its actions and messages it wants to de escalate tensions along the border once as well. and so it's more on the strip know sorely to head a message to the united states, which has been trying to get a commitment from hezbollah to cease fire if, as well shift to a low intensity war in gaza. is almost how far left, if up, if there was no seats fight agreement and goals that i'm things remain us, they all will take a different form. we'll talk then. we will not stop, but what we will do, how we will continue. this will be discussed later without the goal is to cease
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fire the 10s of thousands of residents in northern israel and southern 11 on can't return home. and a dangerously positioned war of attrition along 11 on israel border will be on an unpredictable trajectory center for their elders. either they lived still ahead on, i'll just say around an architectural marvel up in flames. after another famous french could feed for a cat. she's buying the a hard hitting interviews is israel and obstacles piece of? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd, since the e you made weapons being used in cause, no doubt it should be used in an offensive way. that's how i could use the spacing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table?
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hard from being presidential? could we do it or something? we can uptake effective use of the present as not that important effective via the story on talk to how does era, maybe 300 people died, one flight time age 17 for shut down of ukraine, but a decade later have to fight for just as continues. must go, refuses to hand over 3 men convicted of maxima, john 12 prosecute us. believe russia's president was directly involved. 101 east investigates the case against platinum. includes in on out just sarah the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the fuck. i'm back here watching. i'll just do a time to recap, i'll headlines. the president william ruth o as sacs navy oil is cabinet ministers, promising form a new government that will be lean and efficient, comes off to weeks of deadly protests over a conservation of taxation bill in 10 years. is rather filled at least 50 palestinians in garza and 24 hours. the civil defense says retrieved at least 60 bodies from gaza. see these 2 giant districts is ready forces of less than the size of destruction. they withdrew from the neighborhood. is there any media or
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reporting progress has been made and see sign negotiations and cuts off. folks are focusing on and then tossed the seas between the from us and israel and the release of captives l. garza. and they towed 8 of gavin for the annual summit in washington, dc, and brushes invasion of ukraine, top of the agenda, and the states of flags, $40000000000.00, and the tree aid for your crime next year. and a thorough alliance also categorized china as a decisive enabler of russia's war against ukraine. china responded to the 9th, her statement accusing the alliance of bias. so when you don't make us literally a couple of china's responsibility, you cream is unjustified and malicious. we as need to reflect on the causes of the crisis and it's on action. listen carefully to the test, most of the international community and take concrete actions to is the situation.
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this type of shifting the blame to others are. all right, let's go now to mike can i? he joins us live from washington dc where that nato gathering has been taking place in the messages. it's nato. a games rush around china. yes, it is. indeed, that statement about china by nato is unprecedented. for many years, nature has remained largely silent about china, not willing to take china on as an opponent toys and to be given the relationship with china, of a number of members of the nato alliance. now this has changed the statement describing china as a decisive enabler of russia's war with ukraine, is a definitive statement directly putting china to supporting russia in a military way in ukraine. now this assigned by old members of nato,
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they also added what appears to be it's read saying that they will be consequences with a it is referring to the possibility of sanctions. we will see in the days and weeks months to come. but what is particularly significant about this is that this is a shift stuff made to as a whole uh, to the position that has been occupied by the united states. united states has been taking a hard line on china. it has introduced sanctions at various points. it is still attempting to negotiate to resolve any problems within the relations. but this incident now with china is going to perceive us as being in a way the ring leader of this new nato position, is certainly going to impact very seriously the relations between the us and china, as well as nato as a whole. and china, right, we'll leave it there. uh with oh actually, mike, we've got
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a few more minutes how this all nato lead is over something that's not on the agenda, but maybe on many people's minds, which is what direction will the us take often november elections of the very novice. indeed, what i've been talking about in terms of nato's position on china is an example of how the organization follows the lead of united states us as a absolutely critical component of nato. now, members of nato here privately or concerned about what is going to happen in defense, because obviously whoever themes, united states is going to have an impact on they to. if you have one person, president, finding very supportive of nato attempting to unite the organization as far as possible. his con, attended donald trump only a few days ago, lashed out to get an estimate to describing it as
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a sponge. just so very different views of students who and what would be best for nato following then if it by election. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much, mike kyla from washington dc. now people living in the town of scrubber needs are in bosnia herzegovina honoring the memory of thousands of most of them. victims of the 1995 genocide, a funeral service is being held. so the remains of the full teens forever needs to victims. at least 1000 people are still missing. sylvia and several of his allies were against the vote, saying it was politically motivated. jonah, how small for us from the 70. so attributes have been paid to the victims of the genocide press services, held this memorial cemetery in public town. it was absolutely full of thousands of people who come here is they do every year on july. the 11th to pay their respects of course, to the victims of the genocide of july 1995 and the coast to bury
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14 new victims. the remains newly discovered and identified as a result of painstaking forensic archaeology. zooming remains from some 570 side cities and multiple mass graves every year. this happens 14, this time, the youngest to 17 year old berries movie. it seems like the rest is behind me over here and next is brother. has him and his father on there. so, you know, poignant scenes here marked as they always are, by people praying by people walking around, touching the headstones as a say very some the and a pointed location of course being just across the road. the cemetery from what was the un base of the time that you and peacekeepers base a battalion and dr. peace keepers with that, who essentially for political reasons stood by as mass atrocities and acts of genocide were committed by boston. so forces against bosnian muslims as the town
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the safe haven of strep vernita fell. the spire of one of france's famous landmarks has been damaged in a fire. emergency teams were deployed to tackle the blaze ruins, golfing cassandra, which has been on the repair in 2019 and devastating firewood and also dam cathedral. and tyrus also started during renovation books. how a full set of reports of the once again france looks on is one of its caustic architectural treasures bones. this is the cathedral of rule in normandy work. first started here in the 11th century, with additions, damage and rebuilding continuing for the next 800 years. but it was repair work being done on its 19th century iron tower. at one time, the wells tool is building that appears to have sparked, defiant report. the sort of could always seek your what's mostly the entire structure is made up of metal office and the already parts that can significantly. but at this time of the work flow was atrocious. so the main post bob operation, this was
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a those work flow as trust which will then allow us to completely put out the file and load it to the buildings fairly, explain short a short video 5 years ago. it was power, so it's not your dom cathedral stresses with destruction then to it's again during renovation work with will thirty's, same discarded cigarettes or electrical field could have sparked the flames. the thing is spying collapsed along with much of the roof. the 5 year restoration project is estimated to close to $760000000.00. with the reopening, scheduled to this to send it seems to fire and ruwan has be much less devastating with firefighters getting it under control for a couple of hours. a minor incident in the cathedral is long history. are you close it out to 0? with a group of migrants have been rescued off the libyan coast. life guards for doctors without borders carried out the rescue. they say migraines jumped off or rob a boat into the train into escape and approaching coast,
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gone festival. humanitarian agencies, one that could be a surge of attempt to reach you during room summer months. that's it for me for this news, for this new show with a news continues off the top 12 to 0. so stay with us. the, the the had a low that the month seen 12 has been in full force across much of south asia, especially in the northeast corner springs some heavy rain. so the area of the next few days is cool with flooding in the poll baton and northern parts of india. now the good news is, is the rain does shift further north east over the next few days. so it's not going to be as well in states like per dash. it will also be picking up across the
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western parts of india. that's where we put the amber warnings friday into saturday . coupled with some wind warnings for areas around room by stretching up into southern parts of pakistan as well as much dry a. here we are expecting the wet weather to start to move into northern parts of pockets done with rain in lahore through the weekend. by monday. however, we're expecting it to be a lot hotter with more humidity. and there's been lots of hot and humid conditions extending across east asia. well, they have is now the weather has taken full force across the moving parts of china, central areas as well. that strength of the may. you front and it's going to push more heavy rain on woods to japan over the next few days, bringing the temperatures down here, but they will be on the up in south korea with so at $33.00 on saturday. the
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unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the miller tri, jason and the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0 . it's the i'm gabriel's on the, with the metropolitan museum of art in new york, or many know it simply as the met, this iconic institution isn't just the venue for the glittering that gallon. it's a treasure trove for the past. in presence of human creations converge. since 1870, these galleries have welcomed millions with almost a 5 and
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a half 1000000 visitors last year alone. that is the most visited museum in all of the united states. each step is corners echoes with the footsteps of countless


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