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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the, the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator here on now the israel's prime minister says how most of the demands for blocking a gaza ceasefire. z o, as negotiations take place in cats are, while there's really forces withdraw from gaza shoes or are you a neighborhood destroying homes and infrastructure the you're watching l. g 0 life from headquarters and del high and getting you navigate to also coming up the power of protest. a huge shake up and coming as governments.
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officer weeks of turmoil and rewind knots ruins. another famous french cathedral catches fire briefly, the israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, his tools military kept debts, his war on garza will continue until victory at a ceremony in southern israel. and that's and yahoo said from us must be defeated before any truce as possible. mediators have been meeting and cats are trying to negotiate a cease fire z o that would include the release of captives. and as really delegation returned from dell from an earlier on thursday. and then they reported back to an attorney, yahoo to the core of the lives that is on was inside us would never allow us to leave the war without a tv and goal. the goal is to rather get time us from gaza and the
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return of the captives and to our boat. any threat that might be imposed by you guys again as us and to allow the people of the lowest to go back safe to their houses in homes that someone cannot continue when this war will go on until victory. while there's other governments has been delta 0 from report it from there. so from this one which is running as not from online in jordan, honda, didn't we hear anything new from missing yahoo! and any reaction coming into what you have to say as well, that ain't esentially for the last 9 months. is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu a has been echoing the same position he's had since the start of israel's war on gaza. he's been reiterating about until there is what he's calling an absolute victory over him ass both militarily and politically. the war is going to continue
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. he also emphasized that until all of the other objectives of the war are reached, the fighting is going to still take place. and it all comes on the backdrop of the ceasefire. negotiations that are still ongoing. they've just wrapped up in the past . so the capital doha, and are expected to continue to night on tomorrow and need gyptian capital cairo. but nothing. you all went into these negotiations beforehand, releasing a statement saying there are several red lines for israel. and at the top of the list was a guarantee that israel could continue the war on gaza, even if there is a pause in the fighting. so while the war is entering its 10th month and that's and y'all who was reiterating the same exact position and the defense ministry of the launch has called for a state inquiry into failings around october 7th. and said that even he should be investigated, as well as the prime minister netanyahu. how is that gone down a look, this has been
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a hot button issue within is really society, especially of families of is really captive. and the is really prime minister in his government themselves that we're trying to essentially block the state commission inquiry from going on. because it would then reveal all of these really political and military failures that led to what had happened on october the 7th. and that's and y'all, when his government, especially those from the right wing, had been trying to block this for so long and something that would be needed here is a state commission inquiry, not just the recommendation from the attorney general, not just a recommendation for miss rose high court, but it needs to come from the government themselves and nothing else who has insisted himself, but until the war is over, something like this shouldn't take place because all the resources are currently being allocated to the waterfront and the fighting knob. looking into what had happened. so this is something that the is really public is still wanting. and it's
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quite interesting that you'll have go on to call toward cooper himself to be investigated. and that's, and young who was sitting right beside him at the same ceremony. all right, honda, thank you so much for that reporting. once again, it comes as reporting for us from my mind because i was a 0 has banned us from reporting from israel. well, i'm also saying that it has not received any concrete steps to end the war and a statement. the group says we have not yet been informed by the mediators of anything new regarding the negotiations with the emphasis fire and prisoner exchange. the occupation continues its policy of procrastination to buy time with the aim of forwarding this round of negotiations as it did in previous rounds, and then goes on to say that this does not deceive its people and their resistance . but the us national security adviser says that the white house is a possibility of reaching an agreement. alan fish has joining us in washington, dc island. are you learning a little bit more about what that statement is based on,
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you know they're, they're keeping it very broad brushes. they have them the past, essentially jig sullivan, who's the national security adviser has been speaking in the last hour or so. he said that he was positive, he didn't want to use the word up to mistake after conflict, which is claimed thousands and thousands of lives. he said that he believed that the gaps between the sides could be brought together and they could finally meet in the middle. but he said there were a number of important issues to work through the william box who is the head of the c. i a despite agency in the united states, as by the delegation to the middle east over the last several days. and he's been entitle, and he's beginning to todd and they are talking regularly. but my got to is joe biden. the special advisor to the middle east has met with senior biggers in louis capitals as well, and during meeting with benjamin netanyahu earlier this week. benjamin netanyahu reemphasize the fact that there had to be read lines for israel,
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which included the ability as we've been hearing from honda to continue the war against come us upon the how much as issue is the fact that they want to make sure that if they agree to the 1st stage of a c spy, which would be the ending of facilities temporarily and the release of a number of captives. then the 2nd stage discussions would continue, and they would have a written guarantee from the egyptians, the categories on the united states that, that would actually happen. but remember, we've been in this position before we've had from the us on a number of occasions over the last several months, but they were close to some sort of deal that all it needed was the, is released to sign up. remember when joe biden said that he was very confident that with several weeks ago and how many people have died since that. and then just in the last few weeks, we were told that the issue was getting both sides to come together on important issues. so while the united states is talking this up, it seems that there's still
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a long way to get it over the finish line. joe biden would be very keen to get some sort of deal because of his problems domestically. he needs a foreign policy when and also he'd be able to say, look, i'm still able to do the job and we know all the pressure he's been under since the debate in atlanta. exactly 2 weeks ago. yeah. all right, thank you so much. all official reporting from washington, well on the ground is really forces have killed, at least 50 pounds of spinning ends in gaza. in the past 24 hours, fighting continues and gaza cities choose all your district palestinians returning to parts of that neighborhood, found most of their homes and ruins. last week that you an estimated tens of thousands of people have been displaced during israel's to week operation in that area. the palestinian civil defense is appealing for humanitarian aid to recover those who are trapped under the rubble engines so that he has more from data in buff in central guy. so the civil defense theme just revealed that they were able
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to retrieve 16 dead bodies from a g j. yes. those palestinians who are trapped under fire under is there any, are stressed artillery setting? and is there any quad copters of drones days really forces in they did as a year for more than a week and no one was allowed or able to go into that area because there was intensive slicing and there was an air strikes there are, may, may be a lot of more bodies to under the rubble. but the civil defense teams are cert, still searching are still working on retrieving those bodies and products. and you went back to their houses. and this is where you said that there's a massive destruction where according to the civil defense themes, up to 85 percent of the house is an infrastructure in this area have been completely destroyed, leaving us is a yup on habitable numerous error strikes in our solution in different areas across
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the 1000 square. but what happened today in a couple of hours ago we received a family that was forced to evacuate from us to neighborhood. that is where the courses at order them enforce them to evacuate a mother with her children and her husband and her her or her son. that is ready forces arrested at the father and the son. and she made the whole way back here. she said that they were forced to evacuate, and not only they were evacuated, but also they were arrested during their you, fox sports. and this is not the 1st time such incident happened. they made it all the way under under fees with their children coming from endless airstrikes and these are sellers heading and also started ration when they came here, people started to offer them drinks and food. the
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presidential biden says that he's announcing a new security package for ukraine during the nato summit in washington by having promised to support ukraine. the ukrainian president will let him or is a landscape hold for a 2nd piece summit to negotiate the end to the war. my kind of joining us on the 9th to summit in washington dc. what more do we know about the security package? the will it is a large package that is going to be announced by president by then. he's meeting with letting me is lensky. within the hour, i don't know the us has seen signaling that it needs to it's support for ukraine, given the russian offensive, the ongoing russian offensive. now that it may have been in finance, he's on his arrival in the us made very clear what he was expecting prominence nato summit. he wanted more defense systems for ukraine. securing more prompt,
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including f sixteens and han security guarantees for ukraine, including width and this financial aid and political support. and very importantly, i mod different a signal from nato about it's ukraine's membership of people. the nice ation. now, finding is expected to outline a series of direct us responses for these to mines. we know already that they will be some full factorial systems on its way to ukraine. either native members of providing f 16 find to is the native members of contribution texaco systems. so that is a long shopping list. that is, it appears being fulfilled at present and find it in his thoughts of setting me as landscape is likely to round out the edges, so to speak. but that last point is most important, and that is the ukranian membership of nato. this is something that this is wanted for a long period of time. it has been blocked by several nathan members,
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including hungry. the us has been pressing full ukrainian membership. and this is also likely to be a topic of discussion in the meeting between. so let's see, and president biden coming up within the hour. all right, mike, thank you so much. i to kenya where the president has sucked almost his entire cabinets as follows, weeks of deadly protest against the plan to increase taxes on items like bread and fuel. william root, so it was now promising a leaner, more efficient government, more than 30 people died in protests against the $2700000000.00 tax one, retail scrap the bill, but come in. so i've still been calling for his resignation. i have today in line with the power was given to me by optic on 15211525. be of the constitution on sections 12 of the office of the attorney general's act decided to dismissed with immediate
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effect. all the company took studies, attorney general, of the public opinion of the company that of can accept the prime company at $630.00, a company that took 30 foot in the fast end as part of a fast. and of course, the old police of the deputy president is not affected in any way. here's how can you got to this point? protests were triggered by controversial finance bill that aimed to raise $2700000000.00 by taxing basic items like bread, cooking, oil, and fuel. young canyons organize rallies and peaceful marches, mostly through social media. but after the finance bill was tabled in parliament on may, the 9th demonstrations intensified on june the 25th m. p as possible shortly afterwards, protest or storm the building setting parts of it on fire. a day later president
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william root, so withdrew that bill for demonstrations continued, and people began to call for his resignation. and despite a high court order or banning security agencies from using water account interior gas and rubber bullets against peaceful protests, or is kind of his human rights commission, says police killed these 39 people during the rallies. malcolm lab has more from the county and capital nairobi who is spoken to some of the activists sleeping perfect in this social movement that began cooling. so the rejection of the fine on spelled and let on to close to replace it go and then mix this seal, certainly quite a lot of skepticism people waiting to see what this full amount so intense is the things that they've been demanding. aside from the rejection of that finance bill, there's been a lot of criticism of what scene is widespread incompetence and corruption and government people the way to see if the, if the next cabinet will appear to be different in that respect to many of still
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cool justice to the thousands of protesters who's been killed, many of them shot dead by police on the day that protested stones, parliament, just save it 2 weeks ago, it was a cooling for justice. for the dozens of people who were being abducted interrogated by police. so security agencies, some of the same, are still missing. so people of this have been celebrating saying that this is an achievement of the, of the movement of the protesters in freshening roots as a say, if i almost is inside a cabinet. but there's still a lot of skepticism, some people cooling online for retail, still to go. others waiting to see what will happen next. still ahead on i was a 0 flights highlands is the thing for a banking destination for me in mars military june to on, on what costs the
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same depth analysis of the days headlines he's right. is like his res, accusing that i was looking for them since informed opinions. this a person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters and marika inside story. your message, you think the grief was fine to send on out. josie, around the challenges here with the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the for the top stories on alpha 0, this our, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he remains committed to a gaza see as far as he, oh, that would see the release of all captives. but he insist that he won't end the war
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until all of israel's goals are cheap. palestinians returning to parts of fissures on your neighborhood and does the city have found their homes in the un estimates? hundreds of thousands of people were displaced during israel's 2 weeks operation. in the area, the kenyan presidents william router has sucks, most of his cabinet and promise to form a new, more efficient government to shake up all those weeks of protests against a finance bill that would have led to tax hikes. its entire villages have been submerged by on seasonal, torrential, rain, and south east dawn. well, heavy rains normally start in august, and people are worried that there could be more early flooding. the ongoing fighting between the army and the parent military rapids support forces is making matters worse. because millions of people have been displaced into flood zones. how much val has more from ports to done. the most effective is about 60 kilometers north of the city of cas. it it,
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especially the villages closest to the box of the if a gosh, pos, if the village of auto and the united states a while there are no reports of casualties. so far, many of the families that to be in month house has lost their homes. the flooding has already begun to subside. what's this incident is closing? be of much more to come normally the heavy rains of lodgings, salt in august. the same area north of guessing it was hit by different staging floods. in the summer of 2022, many people die on thousands of homes were destroyed. the residents in the affected area, most of the farm is, as they already suffered from extreme poverty and lock of basic services. and with the difficult economy conditions on this security caused by the conflict, the population feels exceptional, the fundamental. how much fun august the 4th through the flooding and india has affected more than a $130.00 villages in the northern state of which are per dash heavy rainfall
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expected in the next $2.00 to $3.00 days or worse. and the situation. water levels and 9 rivers are ready above dangerous levels. and in the eastern state of the heart, multiple rivers are close to breaching their banks. there's plenty of land slides in china as well that have killed the 36 people in the south west of the country. heavy rain has caused rising water levels and 15 rivers in the city of truncating rescuers evacuated residents tracked in buildings. more heavy rain is expected in the next few days. a tie banks are helping me in mars, military by weapons and equipment which are being used against civilians. those are the findings of a report by the un special rubber tour on human rights in me, in mar wayne, hey reports from bangkok of an arrows, this interest, mosques, the seriousness of this pilot mean, treat committee meeting in bangkok, the united nation special rep, a to a on human rights and me and my came to brief officials from thailand,
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biggest banks, reports by tom andrews, has found, tie banks, and now the main facilitators of transactions and purchases made by me in my us military. we have a responsibility here as human beings to stop this hor and there's an opportunity to do it. the you in says the military junta, aided by foreign banks, is increasing attacks on civilians as it finds a whitening war against rebel armies. singapore was one of the markets of choice, but me and my ass military when it came to banking transactions and buying equipments, but a government investigation last year. so the numbers dropped dramatically. the un says thailand has stepped in to fill the void according to the report transactions connected to the hunter, handled by ty, banks increased to more than $120000000.00 in the last financial year. money that was used to buy military equipment. we've seen a significant escalation of the tie bank tie based weapons suppliers
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going into indian being more selling weapons and in may and more a doubling to be precise in response to banks were defensive, saying that confident step done nothing illegal, but they'll investigate the repertoire himself said the military would try to bid fiction, they wouldn't come to us directly. they would try to hide it, but opening an account through and i'm in need with the individual. andrew says he'll continue to work with banks and the type of government to make it more difficult for me in mazda military to fund and resupply it's campaign. wayne hey, al jazeera, bangkok, people living in the town of scrubber need in bosnia herzegovina are honoring the memory of the thousands of most of them. victims of the 1995 genocide a a funeral service has been held for the remains of 14 subordinates of victims. at least
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a 1000 people are still missing the u. n. pass the resolution does a needing july. the 11th this rubber needs to genocide remember and stay in 1995 bosnian serb forces kills more than 8 thousands mainly most of the men and boys. the remains of many victims were found in mass graves and so far around $7000.00 bodies had been buried. the remains of a 1000 people are still missing. this is the only incident during the bosnian war that the international courts have defined as jet aside. john hall has this update from nearest rubber, anita, but we've witnessed some of the un moving scenes over the last few hours here in the memorial symmetry. the impulse of char, just down the road from shrubbery to on the day july. the 11th now officially designated by the you and as a day of remembrance for forever. and it says genocide that improves thousands of people visiting the cemetery. and they've been services of burial for the latest
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victims whose remains have finally been found and identified by a painstaking process of forensic archaeology that is going on in these parts. for years, 14 new victims added to the numbers in this cemetery. the youngest was to 17 when he died, berries me more it. she was better just over there beside his brother, assuming his father on that bringing a new total of 6765 victims in the cemetery just across the road. incidentally from the un headquarters to house the peacekeepers, the dutch battalion a task with looking after the safety of boston and muslims in a few and protected safe zone of shrubbery needs. so they looked on unable or unwilling to help as mass atrocities, including acts of genocide were committed by both names and forces against them both, both in most lives there and 29 is own time, has not been a great healer, not least because of the divisions that still exist in this country,
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government is divided along as they can religious lines. the very genocide itself is viewed along similar lines and of course more than a 1000 people who were killed at that time in july, in 1995 have yet to be found. have yet to be identified. the remains still scott, it's through the hills and forest of this corner of east and boston during the whole elders. here i thought to charlie, yes, roberts, the spire off, one of france's famous landmarks has been damaged in a fire winds golf. the cathedral has been under repair in 2019 and devastating fire at the knots for dumb cathedral in paris. also started during renovation. works very false. it has more. a once again front looks on is one of its caustic architectural treasures bones. this is the cathedral of rule in normandy. work 1st started here in 11th century, with additions,
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damage and rebuilding continuing for the next 800 years. but it was repair work being done on its 19th century iron tower. at one time the was tool is building, it appears to have spots defiant reports, all sort of could always seek your what's mostly the entire structure is made up of metal and the only parts that can significantly but this time of the work flow was atrocious. so the main possible operation, this was a those work flow as trust which would then allow us to completely put out the file and load it to the building. so i'll explain sure. it is strongly, you know, 5 years ago it was power. so is not your dom cathedral stresses with destruction then to it's again doing renovation work with will thirty's, same discarded cigarettes or electrical food could have sparked the flames. the famous spider collapsed along with much of the roof. the 5 year restoration project is estimated to have cost $760000000.00. with the reopening schedule to this to
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send it seems to fire and ruwan has be much less devastating with firefighters getting it under control for a couple of hours. a minor incident in the cathedral long histories, are you close it out to 0? 1 who is at the top of the hour, but up next, that's the weather. and then inside story examines how climate change is disrupting fluid production. the . it has that we'll have a look at the weather in africa in a moment and fast to the middle east. and it's a very hot picture. barely a cloud in the sky on the satellite image was temperature is picking up over the next few days, were above average all the way from syria down to the gulf states with the temperature the lingering in the early fifties for cities like baghdad, as well as to a city i'm, we'll see them pick up across the golf. we're expecting joe and do by to see
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temperatures in the high forty's. hopefully the humidity will fit with that, but we have got some blustery wins taking up a lot of dust. so some hazy sunshine to come and there's lots of heat as well across the north of africa. we've had record breaking sheet and old urea and to dizzy with some sand storms. so does he go friday into saturday? they will be pushing out for the west towards places like mauretania for the southwest. it's a wet picture, certainly for south eastern areas of sudan where we have seen some flooding. and the rain continues, of course, that central bands of africa is much dry up for the south of this old way down to south africa. but not for cape town. we've got some very width and windy weather coming in some severe, widespread frost as well with the kansas snow across most southern areas with only searching degrees in cape town on saturday. the when did not connect as controversial,
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those targeting communities of known western descendants and reclassifying. the neighborhoods as guesses one young most living rises to defend his hon. speaking out in box on a journey to the close of power questioning his place in the country of his bed. and my danish, a witness documentary on our climate change is disrupting food production and supplied world wide cross food to live stock and try unfortunately, all affected permanently. high inflation may result as well as food security threats. what are the implications for people around the world? this is inside story, the


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