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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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speaking out in box on a journey to the holes of power, questioning his place in the country of his band. and my danish witness documentary on our climate change is disrupting food production and supplied worldwide trucks. fruita live stock and transport on affected permanently. high inflation may result as well as food security threats. what are the implications for people around the world? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them. climate change is driving global food prices high up with crops roland, and how this wiped out by extreme weather events. staples such as virus grains and
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live stoical effected as the infrastructure needed to grow or transport them. doesn't matter where you live. the impact is global. for which a nation's and pollution when domestic supplies run shows is one option. but that leads to consume is paying more poor countries don't have that luxury. research suggests ready feeding the impact high of food prices are driving up inflation and may do so permanently. and that affects the cost of living across the board. so what are the implications and the solutions we'll be discussing this with, i guess shortly. but 1st this report from michael soon shed. he's this here. nothing is growing in take fish and boost called and smells. getting pharma from northeastern said thoughtfully, is one of millions of people in southern africa affected by severe drought. and he goes vegetables to feed his family of 6 and selves the surplus to buy livestock.
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but now he has to rely on community kitchens for food. uh good is 80. um this. yeah. very, very bad. and the dam is dry and i thought we were not able to work in the garden. in china. heavy rains and floods in april affected millions in the southern city of shang, one spades of farm land was set much i used to plan rise here, but now it's all flooded, flooded beyond repair. song to say, climate change is causing extreme weather patterns, intense heat waves for long trouts, and once per flooding of becoming increasingly comfortable vide, and in 10, crippling agriculture production was in global temperatures. i expected to make matters worse. there is a nearly 9 in 10 likelihood that at least one year between 20242028 will be the hardest on record even hotter than
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2023 which smashed all temperature records almost whole agriculture. the sectors from oldest conservation in europe and coco following in west africa to fishing in the us. impacted production costs rise. let me see, i'm for pete. we humans did not succeed in pulsing that climate change was going to knock on our dose as one is the rest of the world. a study by the european central bank suggest higher temperatures alone, blue push out a new for prizes. this in tone, but add as much as 1.2 percent to overall inflation, affecting economies, consumers and produces massive that have improved without what was of course the price rise impacts me. the price is already affecting me financially, even before the bread price increases. we're barely making it with the current situation. low countries worldwide. i expect it to be affected by climate fuel and
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inflation forward or nations would struggling move from the impact of pricing for prizes. and almost like picture symbol, we'll need to find other ways to feed the families from a consumption eve. i'll just see the full inside story. well, let's bring it, i guess, joining us from devon in the u. k. george one be a is a passionate and prolific champion of the environment. an offer of the book. read genesis seating the world without developing the planet and piedmont. it's late finley. when is a food systems and climate change analyst? the also space and inc. newsletter of focusing on food and climate issues and engine. eva is karen small, as she's the executive director of the shambles center for food and climate. she advisors policy makers world wide about agriculture and food systems. great to have all of you on the program. a lot to get through george. i'll stop with you and
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devin, what role is climate change playing on rising food prices? i know the impact must vary from region to region. the broadly, what does its role on global food prices? there's no question the tools that it's pushing them up with that also we have seen fullness and nothing yet. this is the beginning of the sciences school, the shrinking of the human climate. nice reduction of the areas where the lives of growth for the climate breakdown is doing is making food production hot or hot to the point where we become impossible in many parts of the world. pop me through rising temperatures, environment, some places that we shouldn't be too hot to work outside that the temperature will directly impact co, gross. possibly because of the loss of sort of moisture as temperature rises most
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just thought of a storm. me because i'm bored stream events of the kind that we've just see is your short film. it's a very dangerous situation. indeed. it's really worrying if you're saying that this is just the sauce of the impact because we know that chronic hung off to being on the decline from the 19 sixty's i believe, till about 2014 has been on the wives since 2050 so let me bring you in there to pick up on one of the things that george touched on, which is the impact of rising temperatures on climate change. we know that there are many different impacts off climate change that affect food production in different ways. but if we look at rising temperatures, which is one of the things that we call the most when we look at climate change, what is its impact on things like staple crops? so many of which you know, the yields of drastically reduce with higher temperatures. yeah, and i see,
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you know, george, explain very well exactly how that has an impact on the we also need to remember that higher temperatures for at least you know, scientists have found studies. so i found this rising c, o 2, you know, in the most v a is not just going to have an impact on the heels. so not just the quantity of the food that's being produced, but also the quantity of the food, the file that you know, the rising c o 2. and that must be a could actually reduce. can you translate per t c at all in some of the stable food? so we're talking about corner weight, rice. so you know, this is no longer just talking about affordability and accessibility of the food. but the fact that it wouldn't actually impact the fact that his food will be less nutritious as well. so it will have direct impact on our health to okay, that's a really interesting point. so you're saying that not only are we paying more for food, but we're paying more for food that's, that's less nutritious, con,
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we know that the higher food prices affect different people, different countries, very differently. so who are you seeing as being most susceptible to the highest food prices because of climate change? i mean, you saw it very well in your story, right? it's these poor small holder farmers in zimbabwe in malawi, all of africa, who are the most vulnerable. and the real tragedy of this story is they are not the ones responsible for climate change. so we have a situation where those who have historically emitted the greenhouse gas emissions, and those who have not are the ones who are now paying the highest price. so that's the 1st thing i would like to say. the 2nd thing is, is it was obvious that the climate show, so as george cold, that the climate break town has become been, you know, we don't need to trigger
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a crisis every time. we have these shocks, crises, a man may age and there are different ways to responding to these shots. within the slides. routes also, i close that committed impacts of them messa or worse. so i don't if you want me to go into it now, but you know, in malawi, which is another country just next to zimbabwe that you show it and you'll story visible. so it'd be impacted by the trials. they had a failure in the maze production. and the drought was definitely one of the drivers, but was also a driver was hi, fertilize the prices this the price gouging by the $30.00 lines are companies charging belong and farm is 3 times more for this sort of lies within the well fed eliza price. so you have this compounding of miss the lies are being applied, the drought coming in as a shop high appliances and not enough food and got with this. i can. so that's my.
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yeah, and i just want to pick up on one of the things you said why farm is in malawi being charged 3 times the prize. the filter life is we basically go to a situation where there's only a few photo eliza companies around. so the huge amount of malta palla and they dictate the prices we've basically got caught sales operating in the 3rd, live the sector in malawi. but it's not just malawi, globally, fertilize the process to otherwise the companies are very, very concentrated. and so they take, take the price. mm hm. and in a country like slowly which is a price take up, they come to induce these companies that does notice fremont and fertilize a distribution. so they can't get in for a fair price. okay, and i do want to talk about, you know, large corporations and they monopolies and how these affect the price of food as well. but before we get to that, i want to talk about some of the ways that climate change itself is affecting
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suprises. george can we see in countries, could we see countries be more protectionist? i'm thinking of, you know, in the last year band, i believe some exports of exports of various types of rise because of a shortage. and that drove up prices. is that a concern that countries can resort to protectionism? and this is a very great concern, especially as when the human products need shrink says is forgetting to do many. oh, so the one who become more dependent on food expos, drugs, and less dependence. and there's already a great deal of dependency on a few major ex, 14 regions such as the us, canada, russia, and ukraine. i'm result with the invasion, cutting out easily disruptions kind of when just one of those countries is taken out of production effectively. and we saw shows being placed across north africa
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across the middle east. as a result of russia's invention that be great. so we've got this battery on connections. now we've got extreme dependency countries. many of them becoming more dependent as time goes on. as you started, right the say, we have a tendency of buying nations when climate breakdown hits to the bottom down the hatches to say we're going to feed, all right, people for us, we're going to put export restrictions on. all of these things combine the bathroom, less stable system and i process or something we can come on to. but the real fair in my mind, bigger than any of the things that we've talked about so far is that disruptions like this come trigger from system collapse. there's been a series of papers going back about 5 years now and this of different lecture saying that in many respects level from system looks rather like a global financial system and the approach to 2008. and so george was, what does
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a photo system, what does a fluid system collapse mean, since you say that, that's what we might be looking at. what does it, what does it look like? it is almost unimaginable. i consider myself a pretty hard place in german this, but i find it very hard to come there in my mind. doesn't. it basically means that the rich, really, nobody else will. it will be good. for instance, by the collapse of one of the huge companies which dominate thing, for instance, 90 percent of the world grain trade goes to just for corporations very dangerous situation. or it can be triggered by an environmental event of the contract with b c. but the, the system has the comb, fragile versus some of the reasons that the financial system became fragile. and it's a financial system of going down. it will cause enormous even software. if the food system goes down, we're talking about suffering on a whole lot of scale, unimaginable send one of the ways in which we can stop the food system collapse
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and george was talking about has this far too much dependence on exports. we saw that with the, you know, russian invasion of ukraine and what that did to grain prizes is producing food locally. one of the offices. yeah. so, you know, i think one of the things i do want to say is we conscious talk about, you know, climate impacts on purpose and fruit prices and the possibility of a fruit systems class. we're not talking about the other side of the coin, which is food assistance contributions to climate change, right? because emissions are built into on every single aspect of the car the way we currently grow, produce harvest process, transport continued, and to scott food, right? we use fossil fuels for our mission to machinery for processing for transport. you know, there's the energy use in the production of fast lysis and pesticides in the kind
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of last year, industrial agriculture that seems to be, you know, very prevalent, particularly in the rich countries. these days, right, the way we produce, that's a good type of to like flooded rice. veal emitted me sense, but the type of food that we could use, like a lot star. also it made me say for a and then so when we ways i really good food that is also associated with the emissions. so, you know, our culture produces 3 greenhouse gas emissions, competent outside the state, and nitrous oxide, which directly directly contribute to kind of change. so we want to talk about a waiting the food systems class. we also need to talk about the role that fruit systems play and how we can reduce the impact of fruit systems on climate change. yeah, you told him about a vicious cycle with climate change impacts food production and hence food prices. but the way everything about the food production system is actually exacerbating
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climate change of how it count as someone who, you know, really advocates for helping pharmacy for you know, supporting especially poor fonda is how do you support food production and, you know, people to produce food locally to be less dependent on exports and that international system with large corporations having monopolies while still protecting the planet . so this is a really hard one and i want to come back to some of the things you've discussed before. for me, excludes and trade is not a problem. and in the case of a shop, we need more trade not less trade because with a shock happens might be local, right? the drought and then bob, we watched out soon, but we've production. it needs to input most food to satisfy those needs. so the idea is not less exports and less trades. the idea is less concentration. so we don't want 3 come on countries supplying all about staples and we don't want
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3 companies trading all about staples. we need more, less concentration in the market, and then we need more options, full trading. the case i gave you in malawi, the 3rd thing that went wrong was trade policy. the milan government closed the board is at the moment of this crisis was next to in terms of media and your data filled bumped across the board is open to the product. the production that happens intensity and uganda. the crisis for the collapse of the food system that's currently taking place in malawi, where we are now one and 5 people hungry doesn't have enough salaries, could have been avoided. so i think the role of government and the role of public investment in making sure there's more choice in the system. more local, more regional mobile mobile options to trade is going to be absolutely critical to
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making sure that we're more resilient to these shocks. george, i think you wanted to come in there? yes i, i strongly agree with the tires analysis. i think she's absolutely right. it is very easy and a lot of people do it say, well, the problem is, is in bold dependency. then the officers organization but the, the house trends is a many places by law, the number of people this does not have enough thoughts outlined in water to grow their own crops. there's a simple mathematical reason why no one can be fed low because i the publish in nature showing that the average of distance over which it was people can be faded. we stayed from cups, is 2200 kilometers. so we are going to need trying. there's no question on the movement of food around the world. difficult. i'm, the magic is, this is but we have to make it much farrah. we have to break out the corporations.
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we have to break so great, but this time we have some, some powerful corporations which is a leverage of a government id, stabilize the system. that's a key element here. and is enough of that being johnson as well. maybe not. otherwise, we won't be in the situation that we are in, right. i mean, just to reiterate what car then george said that they were having a discussion at the moment around, you know, climate change and its impact on the price inflation. but sometimes, you know, we lead time to change because it's an easier sort of like a easier to talk about it rather than talking about the system, any quantity between the global south and the global know concentration and the fruit systems. you know, not just the grains and the customizes, but even, you know, everything from genetics of the livestock and poultry to, to, to pesticides chemicals. a massive concentration and to spend the facts of an agricultural policies. but for very many decades have focused,
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extremely narrow lee to any on productivity and efficiency and not thought about what could be the impact on, on nutrition. you know, the impact on a planetary health is that, you know, this is, this is the result. what we really need is lots of people have to conduct fluid systems of transformation rate. and that has been talked about so much that sometimes it has lost meaning. what we need is a system that is much farrah, much healthier, and much more environmentally friendly. somebody meant it is not a company. there are too many invested interests, you know, low key. lots of good. okay. just that needs to happen. okay, carol, let me bring you in because i know that there's billions of dollars being spent at least being pledged and billions of dollars being spent on climate financing. are they being, what are they being spent on?
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ok, so here is, is exactly where we need to be going to find some of the solutions. so the last call we had the emergence of this climate fund to help countries adapt to climate change. and countries have pledged between 80 and a $100000000.00 to finance this climate transition. but the research paper done by the climate policy institute found that less than one percent of climate finance is going to support the small hold is like the ones that we've seen in the stories that you've shined less than one percent. the both have the money is going in the energy transition in the transport sector. green infrastructure. but we need to see much more of that climate finance that in money, that capital going in to the food set stuff. to small whole the sama so that they can become more resilient to climate change and to get themselves out of hunger and poverty. i'm enjoy which what do you think the solutions i know that you're saying
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that agriculture as one of not the biggest problem for why we are in this, in this situation. so can it be possible to solution it was a certain box can be and the, some of the things that single sang a really important solution to all was gone. i start is one of the main ways in which you can massively reduce the environmental impacts. i can calculate it, reduces land use and emissions by about pre cultures. and so many of the problems to do with that culture actually to do with designing stock exchange amounts of land. it requires the massive greenhouse gases. it produces the amount of of rain which is channeled into farm animals rather than directly to humans. only made the system more dangerous for the pallet and less resilient. but georgia does that just a lot. so it's, and who does the big step apply to?
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because, you know, i'm thinking of, i mean, we have access to a plant based on it, but there's many people in parts of the world who don't have access to as nutrition is a plant based diet, as we do rise. so i'm very much, i need to visit people who have a choice in the dodson. i'm, you know, the regional level is much, much higher in rich nations and it isn't pulling ations. so those of us have a chance. those of us who are also rounded by for us as many of the rich nations, all should use that choice as wisely as we possibly can. obviously, so many of those people who have no choices to what they see. i'm not gonna want to bring to them and say you should be a different day. uh, you know, those of us have to switch to a different dots and more of friendly dot, as i've not just a responsibility to do so. we have a model gigi to do some to anson one, so maybe i would. yeah,
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sure. yeah, sure. okay, let me go ahead, i think is absolutely right where we are consuming too much leads because frankly, me to meet in the area where the in bulk of our missions are coming from. we're, we're consuming too much of it. so basically all of the high income countries, but also a lot of the emerging economies, like china, too much me consumption already. we need to reduce it and the only way to do it is to tax it. like we types tobacco, like we type sugar c only way to get it down in the speed at which we need to get the emissions down to save outside of it. and to help people is like the people involved. we not be in that situation. the same thing is, as george said, the people who are totally in the pores, countries need to eat more animal souls, proteins like dairy inmate, because otherwise they malnourished. so for them to get rid of stunting and wasting,
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and to not be malnourished, they need to get the calcium. they need to get the b 12. they need all these vitamins that we have as old, through consuming the animal source food. but it's the same model that the high income countries of the industrialized countries have followed spending 20 years time. we end up with the same problem. so we have to think about what the right mix of this transition looks like to help people get nutrition today. but not to create in 10 years time, the same problem that we've created in the rich countries. i'm and then who do you see implementing these things, or even thinking about these things, you know, in a way that's, that's practical. well, it has to be a broad base alliance rate of both of the. yeah. do you see it happening anywhere as well? okay, so i wanna, i wanna get, i guess perhaps to make i wouldn't make 2 points. one is that, you know,
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kind of idea was talking about the fact that, you know, a lot of the climate finance actually doesn't curtis mold the finest or we've been around, you know, sustainable for existence is currently hundreds of billions of dollars a year in terms of subsidies the government kindly give a mainly to you know, commodities quite a lot to me as well on the stuff that i emissions heavy rage not necessarily nutritious enough. that can be re pompous. it's not easy. i'm not saying it's going to be easy, but there is money, as long as there is. let's go with for a. but there are also examples car and talked about malawi as an example. and i want to talk about malawi as well, because last year i went to the north of milan, we continued each with a along we and, and g o nonprofit coal. i think it swells foods and healthy communities. and what they've done is they started out as a small project to reduce mount nutrition and children, which then sort of became a multi faceted interdisciplinary project that tackled things like john the any
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quality engine that i mentioned around you know, farm work be introduced into cropping growing different cross in proximity, a growing tree, a planting trees. um and focusing on the indigenous. you know, very i, as we know, said i'll probably, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. we run out of time. but i know that all of these things into length has been a fascinating discussion. i think that we could have all spoken. i could have certainly listen to all of you for a much longer time, but we have run out of time. i want to thank all of you that is george, mambo and devon. then they went in piedmont and tyron, smaller in geneva, and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out of the o dot com. as a further discussion to go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash age and side story. you can also join the conversation on x. a handle
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is at a inside story from me, elizabeth put on him and the whole team here, bye for now. the a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization and the police over the past 100 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0 of maybe 300 people died, one slight time age 17 for shut down of ukraine, but a decade later have to fight for just as continues. must go, refuses to 100. a 3 meg convicted of mass magic prosecute has believe russians,
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the president was directly involved. 101 east investigates the case against platinum includes in on out just sarah my wife and i did turn in the financial and 2010 today admitted the fund visual house between buy won't qualify me the young. i've got the contract and now we have this was one of them that you had the last to reduce the beneficiaries who have bought on the kids about 400000 jobs. our 1st african, we believe not only financially a bar and these don't have the guns. what alternate training them, and then providing mentors for them. today. on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the private space of soap with the states, often lines here on russian sci space is to a fall or use it creates technology oriented opportunities, worthwhile with driving. so if you ever did issue with the lighting job creation, we also insuring into sleep economic empowerment because the
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women move foundation and powering african entrepreneur is the the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters. and i'll find daddy, you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's prime minister says he's committed to a cease fire deal in gaza vows to continue fighting until from us is defeated, palestinians in garza city sewers. the neighborhood returned to find their homes have been completely destroyed by weeks of fighting, trying to end the just.


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