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tv   Witness Am I Danish  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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to but a government's investigation last year. so the numbers dropped dramatically. the un says thailand has stepped in to fill the void. according to the report, transactions connected to the hunter, handled by ty, banks increased to more than $120000000.00 in the last financial year. money that was used to buy military equipment. we've seen a significant escalation of the tie, bait, tie based weapons, suppliers that going into into me in more selling weapons and in may and more a doubling to be precise in response to banks were defensive, saying that confident step done nothing illegal, but they'll investigate the repertoire himself said the military would try to bid fiction. they wouldn't come to us directly. they would try to hide it, but opening an account through and i'm in need with the individual. andrew says he'll continue to work with banks and the type of government to make it more
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difficult for me in mazda military to fund and re supply its campaign. wayne hey, al jazeera, bangkok, this fire of one of france's famous landmarks has been damaged and a fire was golfing cathedral has been under repair in 2019 a devastating fire at notre drum cathedral in paris also started during renovation works. harry fossett has more a once again, france looks on as one of its caustic, architectural treasures bones. this is the cathedral of rule in normandy. work started here in the 11th century, with additions, damage, and rebuilding continuing for the next 800 years. but it was repair, work being done on its 19th century iron tower. at one time the wells tool is building that appears to have sparked, defiant report. the sort could always seek your watch more with the entire structure is made up of metal office and the already parts that can significantly, but at this time of the work flow was interested. so the main possible operation,
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this was a those work flow strength, which would then allow us to completely put out the file and load it to the building. so i'll explain sure we distribute, you know, 5 years ago it was power. so it's not your dom cathedral stresses with destruction then to it began during renovation work with the thirty's saying discarded cigarettes or the electrical fold could have sparked the flames. the thing is spying collapsed along with much of the roof. the 5 year restoration project is estimated to have cost $760000000.00. with the reopening, scheduled to this to send it seems to fire and ruwan has be much less devastating with firefighters getting it under control for a couple of hours. a minor incident in the cathedral long histories are you close it out to 0. and that is in use for now on allergies. here i'll be back with more of the day. stop stories off to witness the with israel's war on gossip be coming in forever across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine
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being met with military style track down white is by they insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the because when it for so as many to unlock, you know, to come home and behind the folks on the
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day. what these people are. so when they close the site, so we'll see you then don't do any custom supposed to talk about all the stuff then more minutes of me i this going to be stars due to some talk for us news line you'll be inside the
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the quote came on sunday yeah, yeah. once i know coming, then you close on his lock, initial volume, somebody, me for anton and it's nice most of the stuff i think law for both of us have got the money to kill that if you do end up all this stuff my and the football when able me for an open, you come off on the whatever the events in
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the big it, all one me scroll a video validate, it almost made me embody some trim that it said something else because it's going to of, of the, it load me with faulty not, and you also don't with mistress the model initiate the the
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hello. hello. hello, hello, hello, slow so can for me. first thing. no. cuz it said to see if i can do it for you to try. i think it was, it was called, it also wants advance towards all the odd size. thank you. this thing you choose a photo to the toilet. the whole, the 6 a ton of, uh this is the multiple site. yes. it does get like less tough fits emotional was affecting the contents of a bill. so magenta scott,
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the like the gold football we much mostly do for k through i saw that smoked on one big on the wake of single. i'll take him also for the in jesup. what a nice one. that's a me on 2 o o h one you know, we stop april cheetahs stopping with increasing approach potentially. but then you'd also say what else could ever forms for joseph for me to evaluate most and then you'd also have some cool. i'm a also based on that, you can, it tends to hit the olive invalid. everything i've heard of everything the bundle can deal all of a level of value to the commercial total. now i'm
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just going holiday. he's in the so i book by so that one. yeah, it doesn't go to the normal then. what is it a? no, you have the low. yes. on the or so last of the last one is this noodle take for tools . nothing. will have fosdick on equations how to go to upon us to figure out a set of ups thing. yeah. how do you load the gun event them in a unit or the system all any to come on. lots of poor men. the men to have like the switch listed in the listing. the gun surveys, as the responsible hudson was on the
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national or england's food on the screen. indeed, what evicted phone laws i meant to escape and false going. but that's also preventing me most on for commitment winston dealing with off on of the football force. nice. i'm just collecting sales, not the the you want me sure to meet you think tomorrow for the hi i'm we're in the talk mean actively smith to convince him in come the auditorium victim across the front to customer even on
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a scale opening of maxim. the i says if it's, if then much for the headboard and the, the value of the project on the right, it's close to them go last night to float that it will i'm going to to meet, you know, so hot, so lemming most often slow um it does take small bound,
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put it all good springs seems to additional good. yeah. yeah. yeah. i have to go now normally, if its ended with interest to this, just to tell me something that interests you 50 so could take it to. yeah. you know, i'm trying to get this just in case like to see wow, what's the that about the oil for tech to come to this put on the oil as of then yeah. let's see. see sales at your office. i just felt like she needs to be see that are coming to ski, just auto sort of linda. and so they accept the ethnic side of the rotors to send
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it to you must have breakfast every elsco in the team with what's going on to the who let me 1st difficulties. so who's good thing is the adults and i thought the student doesn't start to go and see all of the stuff. so this was scarcely some sort of show i said before it was for c o 2, o, availability of the call to the office k, i just received the kind of stuff that's fine for them. so by next guess he put in the so i'm going to go admitted could have officer to open it up. it's, you know, start off white spot on the help you pass a fix it got to give you that is meant to call us good that everybody but do individual thing. so the reason for the for
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the hey miller, how many? most of all in store 100 in within the fall and the all by that will have george saw submitting your i'm fond of books and that you almost convicted on store and special. the put of course i do have for you to over to the money. let's look at the notes of going to see how much started it says there's a need for so good on. it was for you to go the time to for the sake of this need us to come to happy. i mean for us to try and same thing with special ed and diverse minute
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loma but did you want maybe sofa for 12 of my a nice start for the the whole thing. i'm going to also
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turn, i think the people that this like good and movement in funding is centered at the chosen to put fund gave you to guess was tough to slip thing for me. so the casino and more the x and one of the extensive states course gave you, given that don't send the, on the states just some ink as far as what the dates. so just as a box for somebody has learned on drums i'm, i was gonna say, of course most of yeah, go to for studies. things will be set aside looking longer than the boys most of the county all by the been following the noise though. so there was skate in only accounting, avo smile, just some of these good notes and yeah, she's up to them. no, it's pretty sweet. it's not funny. again,
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i'm trying to remember to continue. so just for the task, if don't know the hold on, i'm still at the bottom of a little bit. joking this minute. so give it to me by the way, because we have like just one normally assume that they have been been and insurance just wanted to put you up with the actual video now sits in the state of the specialists and see a good talk for starting a move which guys this id, my groceries on file screws, file stuff gets assuming
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and a whole lot of people have been staying now agape a on a quarterly basis can policy, especially when you're putting it on until the states. i know, so it's hard for me to come to denmark the my own ela, me more of a new york. i'm looking at 5, a talking mean walk. the home goes to dent, installs the sick. cool, cool hosting to the fee. this is just, it's you know, all the is the something that you like me, castillo, have we have stored? i mistake of us. i mean, so many of us the form is the one i'm in connecticut. so, so click on america, jack,
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add somebody somewhere along there. boy, and then a show kind of stuff to get so but anyway we go high voltage, most alumnis intending to new, typically a high make new life to some, some task at the miles. so if you have sent me a voice mail should say which music? um and then the spelling of your husband phone, and that's what i did to get you paid. i moved to across both movies. you see it's billable to ask because the us got to go over the sound, the bikes up the optimal decision action. that is to be i couldn't, but i'm going to get to playing at the i football when i mean, well, me for the food. so if you want to also to them under the civic environment, let's say it was fine. if at the gym and the piece ball going to come most, i mean for obvious reasons, it's really,
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really i'm going to sign up to pick. i notice you should 5, next to the final quote. see at the follicles name a commission? what would you like to? yeah, you need, i thought the 2nd we pulled the show that we sold it up for the mechanic. we saw the boat at least got it. i am no us any at the the it the some take extra breath. these have and get you pretty quick where i'd like to pay the bill because i'm going to attempt to pin one. this is your buys us and so i put pull, i should go spectrum of it or from there is be stuck on some of the other people. so most of them, if you have like another 2 weeks holding a gilmore, you bet you got lose them. spend all that, let's just say done just to kill today. and so let me have you present 10 times because you know, i know the r e as well as i mentioned. the name's goes to a 4 bedroom. it would have been really clear what nice we'd like to do some studies we became taught some day i just responded. put in this for me, a lot of them it gets we're going to dallas. pennsylvania. is this, do they do you disagree? so one of the huh, i'm gonna assist a like
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a whole definitely understand why that come before the telling what they're not super di, presidents could assignment the english document and then the hung up on the books and the payment for the nominal bond. so any cost and if it was a pure of auction, so for the okay, that's not supposed been the all welcome to come what you hold so shouldn't even have been bulk when yeah, yeah. i mean, i know if there was a that costco sent in for me as a business, i'm 100 and it just spoke when it ends up using my fitness info. i'm gonna turn it up in mac. okay. it's leaking and it does get something out of this. we have bought 10 of you on sooner than i know this. i recently started seeing a point where it won't show us been gone. so we, i guess commodity once again,
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similar material that's in the village which you only have for me. so how does this optimization if it goes to the much it was an option given it? was he so you have any bad sense? yeah, yeah, he said the homes of the minister of the ease, just getting new will uh use do you just give the speaker then? maybe you stay in a few minutes of the the sisters to this little of mistake, the cost of whooping belmore oil and all involved for, for it in a comfortable team. so close by means the media cuz by me then i like doing default
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most the city you for him to puts out of football to the football. put a stop he puts in, put a some mechanical together, put a small mechanical good. well, you got to use your students, it was shown put nice little thing. the put means that in boys that even for media that have been already nape or the only on was this, the books will up a put and then so that they do in school for us in the video. but this when did click on behalf of community will teach tense, kind of as a us mean and it miss baldwin intense. get into the classroom and it ends cuz i'm phone off again. really condensed cuz i'm from supplement notes and can feels like school bus make up his tongue sales or sticking with your sales are pretty much the sales, the
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scale of the goals most the most in the us do smoke some of the way some people some put the symbols to the boston cuz he never really flew slew till they i'm fully oswego to settle all following stuff. like the good kim, the new they're moving to be available on the new or download as far as the tools on the box, the
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keys it up the the, [000:00:00;00] the the for the smile to this one. up for
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a screen puzzle. so hold on like too much then press on it then for some kind of with a saw him so popular go to inc. intermedia for the men. honda didn't have his own or this on the, on the why them on the the, the the
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small size you all know for us depending you foot sneak peak, neither of us could be into the to be less cost. but you know, system we saw in income cost in going on in australia and i said to go into the battle, sorry to bug me for that single saturday or yeah, it just will take us about that when say that one of ours to be at the law him, if an officer ended up in such a way of school for the most men to dispatch. so while i get to that so, so for both so slow and then to can can seek a message is solely of a window football. so i have foster for him in suit. i didn't know if you got this little golf or slow the most listen. when he came to been split into 2 or 3 corner tests for like bucks slips and heading 1st i'm done. so take the different partner song as a prepaid music table, scientific type one to convince google and google. almost lots of people need most polio coming next fall so slow it couldn't. it's good to do things like talking to
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baby escobar also. oh boy. and then also could he come for an end to having a some sort come from next week before the the colleges here with the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire agent wants of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to does that this is not a rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's hell on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the miller tri basement of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on
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our 0 as the agriculture revolution promised abundance, but it's damaging the planet. this is destroying the habitat that tries leeway explodes. how sacrificing by diversity for maximum yields is leading, complete and security, and threatening on the very existence of leaving me any se, on able to adapt to climate change, the need to retain what we so full hail the plan is on. i'll just the era,
11:00 pm
the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption excellence award, denominator here on now the israel's prime minister says he is committed to a ceasefire. d as in gaza, but files to continue fighting and tell him us is the seats. the low on funding back to boy and watching how to sierra live from to also ahead. policy means in gaza. c t c j in neighborhood to return to find their homes


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