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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the the . ringback the you, as president joe biden wraps up the new items. so i'm going to the pledge to support the ukraine in president, but the slip of the tongue goes overboard. goss is inside the conference venue. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination page. i'm a president, the
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i'm for me the, this is all to 0 life from dell also coming up. israel's prime minister says he's committed to the framework for c's find gaza, but in cisco, who will continue until its objectives a met. and kenya's president william roots of fires were most isn't tied to cabinets off to protest last month that forced him to a band some cents to raise taxes. the ukraine's president has told nathan leaves us that he submitted 3 needs to hit targets inside russia in order to win the war. started motor, so landscape was asked about restrictions on us and some wisdom supplied weapons. during a news conference at the nato summit in washington, he said the restrictions limit, ukraine's ability to launch long range strikes and russia need to be lifted. all right, let's go to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could that, that nato summit, that, kimberly will get to those pages on ukraine and just
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a moment. but 1st, let's talk about that. slip up for president joe biden. this has happened before it's happened just before very important news conference at the summit and that's it to take place shortly of the. yeah, that's right. and that's what makes this daf all the more difficult for us president joe biden. the fact that the stakes are so high right now makes this all the more scrutinized the fact that he is making this just within the same hour that he is expected to take the stage where his performance is really dictating the sort of the stake of his political future, his press briefing has not yet started, but the damaging the lenders have already begun. as you mentioned, he was introducing the ukranian leader and his name is of course, vladimir zaleski. but instead, what joe biden called him was vladimir putin. he did correct himself,
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but again it was audible gas that were heard in the auditorium as he made the mistake. take a listen, said before russia will not prevail. this war ukraine will prevail in this war and will stand with them every single step of the way. that's what the compact says loudly and clearly. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination bases. i'm a president the president booth present list. i'm so focused on the boot and we've got to worry about it anyway. it's present, i'm bet you are helpful. so there is the sense in washington that the damage may already be done ad no matter how president bide and
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performs in the solo press conference that is set to begin momentarily, that it may be too late for him to salvage his performance. given the fact that this is another major blunder on the heels of his damaging performance last month in the presidential base against former presidents donald trump's. now we'll have to wait and see, but already there has been so many ho high profile calls for him to step aside at the top of the ticket and to let someone else run against former president trump in the lead up in the presidential election in november. we have to remember that this was joe by then using a teleprompter. these next few moments where he answers questions front of the for us we, i'm scripted, and so one expects is the gas could be even worse. and this was an even higher pressure situation. so we're going to wait and see, but already we know privately, we're being told that there are plans under way to replace the president. and
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they're already contingency plans in terms of meetings being set up in case the president does not perform well. leaders, desktop democratic leaders are set to have meetings and that's been scheduled for friday. well, kimberly couldn't have come full was time for biden, and couldn't very much over shadow the summit, but what has come out of the summer. so for the right. yeah, it's the summit. it seems in washington that they've sort of forgotten about the, the sort of the assets, the meeting potatoes is that if you will. but there is an awful lot that did come out of the summit. and particularly when it comes to ukraine and its long term security. and particularly when it comes to its air defense, the united states did announce a major package of 225000000 as to a patriot missile system to bolster its air defense. that was one of the key headlines. another key headline in that is that the secretary general in stoughton
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berg did say that the pos to ukraine, having a membership in nato, a guarantee. but in terms of the timeline still pretty big. and that did not satisfy the print in later, that is still something that will be determined and when all the members agree that the conditions has been met. we should also point out that, as we said at the start of this program, the ukranian leader did say that the you prayed is looking for some restrictions on weaponry to be lifted in order that it can be able to fight back russian aggression. well, that is something that has not yet been completed or even been agreed to, although that is something that the secretary general has supported. so there are some things that are in the works, but certainly it is uh, the agreement of the nato allies that this uh support for you. print is something that is unanimous and is working in the direction that the printing leader is
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hoping to achieve. all right, kimberly, thanks very much. kimberly help today in washington dc with the latest from that's nato summit. that was, kimberly mentioned the president biden's due to take questions from reporters shortly as you wraps up the nato summit in washington dc. 2 weeks of to a port debate performance against this will probably control under donald trump, and the pressure is still on biden. to step aside 12, congress, democrats publicly cold and him to drop out on wednesday act and major democrat don't know. george clooney said a new nominees needed to be trump. his comments came just weeks off to his line to a major fundraiser for joe biden. late to the same day, democratic sent as a pizza welsh, we came the 1st member of the chamber to court on biden, to quit the race. and in the week 4 mile speaker, nancy pelosi decline to definitively back biden's candidacy in a television interview or the media media myisha across, excuse me, is
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a democratic strategist stand for my campaign advisor for you as president barack obama. she remains confidence. so biden's capable of continuing to do the job. i think he's going to be absolutely fine. i think the media has done a very good job of making a one and a half hour debate last for 2 weeks at this point. in that, quite frankly, the by the campaign did not push for the must or in the immediate aftermath of that debate to well, some of the noise. quite frankly, there are democrats to take that as a surprise. the democrats are always say to come election cycles. however, there are a lot of down ballot races in purple districts, districts that do not leave democratic those, those individuals are fighting for their lives, quite frankly. from job i know how to do these job. you'd have to prove that anybody you've been doing this, not please when the job as we speak, she doesn't have the opportunity to just let it also not be personally united states. he is doing the job. the person we should be worried about is donald default, who didn't even know what needle was before you got elected. who instigated january,
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who doesn't have the vice president? because the vice president, he did have, he tried to have, you know, on january 6th, there are a lot of things that we can be talking about other than the presumptive democratic nominee who is already walking into a convention with millions about the israeli prime minister venue and it to the all who's told me the trick, that's the one calls that will continue until victory. there's no says he remains committed to a ceasefire. deal that will see the release of all kept his button says, how must must be defeated before when he chooses possible. it will the life to that is all was inside us would never allow us to leave the war without the tv in goal. the goal is to rather get time us from gaza and the return of the captives. and to have both,
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any threats that might be imposed by you guys again as laws and to allow the people of the lowest to go back save to their houses and homes that someone cannot continue when this war will go on. until victory mediators have been made to get caught up, trying to negotiate the ceasefire deal that would include the release of captives. the white house has to work. so the most promising they've been in weeks, but almost says it's not received any concrete steps to end the war. meanwhile, as well as armies spokesman admitted and failed to protect and civilians by not confronting thousands of homeless fights as during the october segment, the tax is where the government's bandages 0 from reporting from there. so i'm the so who is updating us from amman and jordan? it is really army spokesperson, daniel, hug ari speaking on thursday at highlighting the 1st and only prove that has been conducted into israel's failures. on october, the 7th, he said that in total
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a $101.00 people were killed in 2 boots very. this is a town that falls along the guns of border that was attacked on october. the 7th, he says there was a series of logistical failures including in the lead up to the attacks and even the days beforehand. and all of this comes as israel's defense minister jo, up the launch has called for a state commission inquiry, a full investigation into what happened on october the 7th. and this investigation wouldn't just be for the army, but it would be, for is really politicians and gallon highlighted that he himself should be investigated along with his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who was sitting right alongside him. now nothing yahoo! his government has long been rejecting any sort of investigation into the events on october, the 7th and the days leading up to it. because he has said that all of the focus of resources should be located to the current war ongoing. so and in fact,
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the members of the far right government, including ultra nationalists like you to more bank dear, have said that there shouldn't be an investigation until after the war. it's also worth mentioning, but this is the 1st time these really army has revealed any sort of findings to any investigation as to what has happened on october the 7th. and they say that there are more investigations they're currently working on and are going to make those findings public once those investigations are completed. have the son, who's a jersey at all. i'm a it run its own is a former deputy here of israel's national security council. he says, benjamin to tell you who has no plans of honoring deceased by a proposal of 75 to 80 percent of his riley's favor. a deal now even if it improves a complete sufficient facilities, that is obviously nothing else position. and he's fighting in that sense not only against tomas and not only against the mediators,
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but also against that he is ready to public. i'm quite confident that he will not sign any deal unless he's under extreme pressure. where can such a pressure come from? and some of it is already becoming 1st and foremost, the americans, which obviously have a lot of leverage over him to now. and eventually that has so far they have chosen mostly not to use. also from the, as really public, as we speak, falls of his writers, including families of getting that piece and also just a marching on the highway main highway. there's a lot of between natural swimming, tennessee and the corner. and there we go. all the way from delivered to jerusalem in the course of the coming days, according obviously for a deal. and as i said, there's supported by most is res. so it's ultimately a question of pressures that need to be applied both to let them know and also to see who are, who does it appear to be in a rush to make a deal and, and will seek to what extent those pressures will different senior homeless official signed by john told to 0 that benjamin netanyahu is disrupting
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negotiations to serve his own personal interest. yeah, he did. you know, a deal to shop. listen, yahoo! who chose all people in front of the world can easily line the seas and give folks intentions. even the policies observing these motives and negotiations, including the united states. a fully aware that nathan yahoo is lying and is the main person from the occupation 10 during any agreement. we have always been positive and fixable and now it's a moms that remains the same since the beginning of the negotiations. but when even newton, yahoo feels quoted by pressure from the policies following the negotiations. he shift the blame to hum us, but does not provide any real information or evidence to support his claims. on the ground and gaza is ready for us as of killed at least 50 palestinians in the past 24 hours. fighting continues in gauze of cities today, a district palestinians returning to parts of the neighborhood, found
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a most of their homes and ruins. last week, the you wouldn't estimated tens of thousands of people have been displaced during israel's to week operation in the area. they've had a son in civil defense is appealing for you many to tell renee to recover those trapped under the rubble. it where e mail calling is a journalist in gauze as he spoke to people returning to what remains of their homes. if you do a this is the aftermath of the minute to raise use, and that's yeah, yeah. how many homes will be destroyed, leaving thousands of families homeless in the hours when the withdrawal residents began to attend, to utilize the damage to their homes and victory and your remaining position. the see are hard to break in many residents are in shock struggling for him. the skills of the station reef is the tangible as families more than the loss of loved ones and the destruction of their homes and livelihoods. i'm in the rubble.
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residents can these, these attempting to sell me whatever belongings they can't find. there's an ip, family photos such as the keys are particularly sought after the preventative but we were besieged before and had to leave and went to another place for a month and a half. after that, we returned to our homes and found, or for story house completely demolished. we pitched a tent and south and it's waiting for the house to be rebuilt or for any assistance to be provided to us. then suddenly we were asked to evacuate the place. so we evacuated and when we returned, we found ourselves in this state. as you can see, there is nothing we can make yourself buildings that remain as stand in our structure of the promises with significant damage, groups, walls and foundations. central services such as water, electricity, and sanitation have been severely disturb. power lines are down,
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water pipelines are broken, and so systems are plugged destroyed, measure rolled, some pat waves are full of the bristle farms out to make you friends will station within the neighborhood. it's nearly impossible. there have been numerous facilities with casualties, including facilities and cbs injuries, hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed with the injured of many of whom require urgent musical addition. thousands of residents have been displaced, seeking refuge in temperatures, filters who are with relatives in the areas when i got in from an in the and if we were to be my dad is we were sitting safely, you know, homes and in the school sheltering displaced, people suddenly there was intensive foaming from aeroplanes and not hillary fire. we were forced to flee with great difficulty in efforts. but god granted us a new life. some people were killed all about miraculously,
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we manage to escape and flee off to the intense bombardment started. the destruction we witnessed is indescribable, unimaginable. we would deeply shocked when we return to the neighborhood. we found a completely destroyed with nothing left. there's no shelton, no water, nothing at all. it's obeying completely devastated. the environment and destruction have lived seems like music and stars, particularly children will have what is unimaginable errors. it depends upon denounced that it's pure on the goals of coast intended to bring aid into the strip will soon be removed as being a project per se. for control vesee, since its inception, shop retentive reports drew bite and announced us with construct, appear the transport agent, the gaza. during his stage with the union address in monk that was the time of growing anger. and the democratic policy base of the us is unconditional support.
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the israel is campaign of bombing and in full and starvation. a temporary peer will enable a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance getting you guys every day. you know, so it was reported to have taken many in the pentagon by surprise, but the us moultrie valve to construct, prepare to have an operational within weeks. and over 2 months later on may the 17th prepared didn't become operational, since them depends it concerns it's, i'm loaded move them $8100.00 metric tons of humanitarian aid to gaza. it's a fraction of what goes a needs and it's, i'm clear why much of that 8 ended up in late may, pumpkin spice from pat riley. that was awesome. if any of the 8 had been delivered to the people of gaza, this was his response. as of today, i do not believe so in recent weeks, much of the aid was piling up in a staging area adjacent to prepare humanitarian groups. so i'm willing to transport the supplies out of concern for the safety of the us as long and so. so that would be no us boots on the grounds. what's finally been the faithful bland for this
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project is that it appears the pentagon was surprised by the mediterranean conditions in the summer conditions. this type of parent is not designed to withstand the pay. i have to be dismantled several times due to what the us as well technical and weather related issues most recently, several days ago. now, due to high c states, expected this weekend, central command has removed the temporary pier from its anchored position in gaza and will tow it back to ash dot israel. an attempt to re attached repair was a voted on wednesday. i'm assuming the entire project will be scrapped with $250.00 a $1000000.00 pair was an operation for a total of 20 days. since its construction areas of gauze or have officially been declared, is entering full blown famine. and at the end of may, the u. n said 8 deliveries and dropped by some 2 thirds. due to is really military action. throughout the conception construction and brief operation of the peer, the land roots that could supply the people of browser with what they need. what
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are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them for the safe delivery of age. she ever time see out, is there a washer and still a head analysis era, why thailand is the favorite banking destination for me and was admitted to june to end of what cost the challenges, era within the midst of how much is happening before
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the end of the question why have limits like lead denise to disclose your mind it's area and really foundation the the, the, you're watching all to 0. a reminder about top stories this hour. you as president joe biden stumbled while introducing ukraine's volume is a lensky at the nato summit. referring to him as russian president vladimir putin. the slip up comes as a growing number of democrats cool, invited to drop out of the presidential race is really prime minister benjamin antonio, who has told me to condense the war and gaza will continue until victory. such
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a now says he remains committed to assist by a deal. for instance, i must must be defeated. palestinians returning to parts of the chute, a neighborhood in gaza. city have found their homes and ruins new in estimates. hundreds of thousands of people were displaced during israel's 2 week operation in the area. can use the president as promising a lean up more efficient government off the 2nd, almost his entire cabinet. we didn't routes as decision to follows, weeks of deadly antique government protests against the plan to increase taxes and items like put in fuel malcom way proposed from nairobi. and after the whole lipstick, appraisal of the canyons have been waiting to see how president william retail would react onto growing discontent with his government. i have today decided to dismissed with immediate effect. all the company took studies on the attorney general of the public of can you open the government of can demonstrations
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began last month against the controversial finance failed to raise taxes. they started peacefully the 10 fine, and please kill thousands of people of the protest as to call them building president. we say we through the bill that didn't stop growing, cools the, him to step down. so that the streets as most keeping come for the last week, that many of those who protested say a new cabinet has a small stock router, has a long way to go to make. we'll change when we come to a point thing, then you come and fix that because we need some union, then you have to jump the president mazda, to ensure that there is, they've got it as visiting for these individuals. vision of the petitions, division of these friends visually be taken across people we have from our professionals, all those key level that keeps the people we want them all to go home. we want the president to address the issues of all those people. walk you the formulas really
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route to one elections 2 years ago when not remote in turn out was like, he'd promised to help ordinary people. since then the cost of living is going up. and this being growing criticism of his government separate of his appointees who were implicated impost corruption scandals and crimes have that charges dropped off . so he took office. critics say his government is the most corrupt and incompetent that kenya is ever had a before the process. some of these ministers is now being fired, scathingly dismissed mostly young, social media critics. as a privileged minority, you tell anyone, tens of thousands came out with industries around 50 towns and cities. that it became clear that decencies function was widespread. politicians and officials has since been ejected from public meetings, excesses and corruption scandals of being exposed home. and these also seems to be
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the several remaining side in the process of the anger express towards politicians and officials online and on the streets have revealed a crisis of legitimacy for president vito's government kenyans. and now waiting to see how far the appointments of a new cabinet will go to addresses. malcolm web out to 09, baby, and direct tools between sedans, military and the power military rapids support forces are off to a slow start and switzerland. celebrations from both sides and been invited to discuss the conflict on humanitarian crisis within 10000000. sit in. these have been displaced since fighting began in april. last you both delegations and meetings the, the delegation from the sudanese armed forces and the rapid response forces. a responded positively to the personal and voice invitation to attend, to proximity,
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talks in geneva. and they both arrived in a in geneva. they were both invited to begin discussions with the personal n for this morning today, rather at 11 july 11th. regrettably, one of the delegations did not come to the session planned. the personal envoy and his team later met with the other delegation as planned. personal envoys invited the delegations to continue discussions tomorrow. we urge the suit in these delegations to rise to the challenge and engage and constructive discussions with the personal and board for the sake of the suit. and these people fighting continues, incidents, and i'll stay at top. the rep that support forces, lotion, assault, and thursday mode vol, is and puts it down with melinda hygiene the funding to set it off and support forces have most of the major office, the for the city of sonata, from 3 directions. one of the beautiful spots of the place of the my, on the bridge, the fall of the city on the bridge policy became well,
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let's take you to washington dc. now where you as president joe biden is holding a media conference following the nato summit included this year's summit. and the consensus among members was a great success. so especially momentous because it represented the 75th year, most important military defense alliance in the world. history, the world. we should never forget. the nature grew out of the wreckage of war to most destructive war in history. the idea was there, created alliance, a free and democratic nations that would commit themselves to compact of collective defense. standing together, they knew we'd all be safer. attack on one would be treated as an attack on all this work because i wouldn't be aggressor knows. they attacked one of those to be attacked by all of us. center. that message is the best way to deter aggression and
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prevent wars in the 1st place. for those who thought nato's time in the past, they got a rude awakening, and food and invaded ukraine. some of the oldest and deepest fears in you are more back to life because once again, a murderous madman was on the march. but this time, no coward appeasement. especially the stage because i couldn't tell it is the rush who was planning to evade ukraine. once before the invasion, i just directed the intelligence community is ridiculous, a significant amount and it has to be classified. so i can start building international coalition to oppose the invasion that in february, some of the, remember i warned the world that the invasion was evident. a router coalition of 50 nations, from europe to asia, to help you create and defend itself. our foreign policy by many,
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for our policy ex 1st thought as putting a mass for russian forces, just 100 miles north of keys, the capital of ukraine. but he thought he put and thought it was a mother home of russia. the capital would fall in less than a week. but you're crazy and paypal, backed by a coalition to help build stops. today, keep still stands. the nato stands stronger than it has ever been during the week this summer. several had to say is made of the point. and there statements assigned to united states and assigned me personally for all the data is achieved. data is always stronger. data is bigger because we lead the charge to bring it in. february is waiting in a new lines and it makes it charging any difference. excuse me. meanwhile, my predecessor is made it clear. there's no commit.


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