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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award. nominate your hero. now. the, it's joe biden maintains, as the democrats best option to run for you as president to the news conference we most identified his own vice president. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president the evictions, not qualified to be present. the i somebody the this is alex, is there a life from della? so coming up, israel's prime minister says, is committed to the framework for c spine, garza, for instance, for will,
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will continue until its objectives on it is really forces withdrawal from gaza. she j, a neighborhood destroying homes and infrastructure. and kenya is president william roots are fires almost his entire cabinets on off the protests last month. a forced him to abandon plans to raise taxes. the u. s. presidential biden's vote to stay in the presidential race. the supplied going close by him to step down by den insisted he's the most qualified person to leave the country. he was speaking at the end of the nato summit, which he described as a great success. but he had several slip ups including courting his vice president donald trump, instead of coming iris that came off that he mistakenly referred to ukraine, and president brought him as a lensky as president puts in pies and has been under pressure to
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a band. and he's bud for the white house. suppose he's poorly ready to performance and last month's debate with trump report, it reminded biden that in 2020, a pledge to be a bridge candidate to a young go 1st generation of politicians. he was asked why that appears to have changed though. what change was the gravity of the situation i inherited in terms of the economy, our foreign policy, and domestic efficient? and i think i'm gonna put where is anybody's mouth? most presidents or stories give me credit for heavy accomplished more than most of the presses since johnson. and maybe before that major piece of legislation passed, when i realized was my long time in the senate and equipped me to have the wisdom and know how to deal with the congress to get things done. while
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answering the question by just accidentally referred to vice president cumberland harris as vice president, trump, which is zeros white house correspondent, kimberly how could was at the summit in washington dc of this was probably one of the show by the federal press conferences, given the fact that he was mostly and scripted and for the most part was uncontrolled by his press shop. i have been covering those presidents since the beginning of his term. and i can tell you, this is the 1st time that it has not been highly, highly controlled by his press office. the president said, i am determined on running, but he acknowledge that he's made some mistakes. he said, i need to lay spears the need to see be out there, referring to the american vote in public, but again, thinks that off to a bad start. as you said, he was asked about whether or not he would have picked his vice president and, and about her qualifications when he was referring to cala harris,
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his vice president, he instead mistakenly referred to her as vice president. trump take a listen. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be present. so start there. now the us president also did deny reports. the t have been in the media that he goes to bed early and that he has had to have an abbreviated schedule. in fact, he said, no, i just need to pace myself more. and in fact, he talked about the future debate to acknowledging that the glass from didn't go so well. he called that a big mistake and said, you know, his big mistake was maybe i shouldn't be traveling in advance of debates in going to 15 different time zones. and when asked about whether or not americans can be sure that he's not going to have another bad night, as the white house has been calling that very poor debate performance. he said, well, the best way to ensure that is just to let americans watch the job he's doing. he's
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the best person to get the job done. let's flip up about the vice president came in less than 2 hours of dividing. mistaken. you referred to ukraine, anita thought him as a lensky, as russian president vladimir putin. i said before, russia will not prevail, this war. ukraine will prevail in this war and will stand within every single step of the way. that's what the compact says. loudly and clearly. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination page. i'm a president president booth present list. i'm so focused on being food and we've got to worry about it anyway. it's present on bed. you are a hell of thomas gift is the director of center on us politics at university college london. he joins us from harrisburg, pennsylvania, the,
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the main takeaway and, and thank you for your time this evening. a mini is that the biden's determined to remain in the race, but that doesn't mean his critics degree. does it? well, thanks so much for having made somebody that's. that's right. i'm not sure if anything that we saw tonight is going to find it manually change the dynamics of the media democratic allies on capitol hill. other political strive is just calling for binding to step down. there's just been a tremendous amount of pressure over the last several days and weeks of fine perform recently. well, despite some floods tonight, but i don't think the change has the calculus to busch. so ultimately it may not be enough to quiet the scrutiny to quiet those critics and, and for them to gain some level of confidence from people who are quite concerned.
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and i think that that's right. i mean, binding has certainly been resolved that he's staying in this race. so he's been communicating that through as allies, as well as his adversaries. and ultimately it is going to be his decision. no one can force him to step down. but as these calls become louder and louder, it's going to be increasingly difficult for binding to deflect some of that criticism really every single time he appears in public, he's being tested, it's a do or die moment, and he certainly survived this. so you came. but whether you can survive a similar event next week or next month before the convention, that's an entirely different question. and that's very similar to what we heard from nancy pelosi uh, lia, in that it's up to the president. and she not wanting to decisively endorse biden. you know, how concerning is that especially given your hearing more and more voices from
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within the democratic party calling for him to step aside? well, i think the democrats are really in a catch 22 position. there's really no waiting scenario. they want to communicate to buy them that you should get out of the race. but at the same time, you may know that he may not listen to them. and so if he does stay and they don't want to have to eat their words in a few months where voters will come to say, hey, you said that this individual wasn't qualified to be president. you didn't have the mental acuity and physical vigor to do the job. and now you're endorsing him and saying that he is better than donald trump. it's a really tough situation. and democrats are really walking a tightrope at the moment. talk, listening to that is, is this very difficult situation? the democrats are facing, we've heard of prison, invited to be honest about his choice of vice president. they've kamala harris is in the right position. no, she's, we know,
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adequately placed. now the difficulty is that the issue they're heavy is they can't easily solve. divide an issue with these vice presidents because she too doesn't have the great his approval ratings. does she? you know, you're absolutely right. and that's the concern with vice president and commer harris for quite some time for approval ratings or even lower than joe biden. so typically, vice president would be the era parent in this particular particular scenario. that still might be the case that may be part from the democratic party to move away from harris, but it, by them doesn't think that she's a more of a more viable alternative damage. he is, then he may stay in the race because the one thing that we can be assured if joe biden steps down is that it will generate chaos and disorder within the democratic party heading into the convention for the last thing that many democrats want is not to present a united front against donald trump heading into november. all right,
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so i'm just give, do appreciate your time today. thanks very much for your insights of following that address via the you as president to media thomas gift is the director of center on you. as part of the 6 at university college london, rex, ukraine's president told nathan leaders that he's military needs to hit targets inside russia in order to win the war. but he wasn't in ski, was asked about restrictions on us and some wisdom supplied weapons during a news conference. at the nato summit in washington, he said the restrictions limit ukraine's ability to launch longer. a strikes of russia, a need to be lifted. if it is a one to win for $1.00 to $3.00, for one to save our country and to defend it, we need to leave a mutation. we understand where the see when to see from what communities are base
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and be a tech or even the text. and to our children in the hospital, that is crazy question why we kind of answer and to take these especially, versus these communities or least we have from the bible was from jazz or miss how talented us the city to members of ne, to have coal, china, and in a blur of rushes worn ukraine speaking at the summit in washington, the nato secretary general said, trying to provide the tools washer uses to build weapons, to attack q grade, which is 0 is my account as well to the german foreign minister. and they know by book nato has released the statement of defining china as a decisive element in russia's will on ukraine. this is unprecedented for nato, which has avoided direct criticism of china because of the fact that many of its members have close economic ties with that country. now, one of those is germany,
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and i'm joined by germans, a germany's foreign minister and early in the end of america. thank you very much for joining us. germany is china is because trading boston in europe. is this an example of germany putting nato's interest ahead of time? not at all. we're formulated to common european china strategy, which is in line obviously with our german china strategy. making clear that the china, one of the biggest, the countries in the world with strong economic power is obviously a pop, not in many kluso feels like climate, but we've seen lately also that it's a competitor, speaking about the economy. and also a systematic, a rival is speaking about the question self but challenging. also our democratic values. now there's a moving election in the united states to what extent is a possible change in the us administration, a threat to native and also of course,
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to germany, which has a close relationship with the incumbent president. i believe that not only in europe, but also over the uh, atlantics in the united states, wherever it currently are. all people have seen that made so common life insurance . it is the strongest defense alliance the on this planet for 75 years. it has guaranteed peace in europe and over the fence implanted are you saying that regardless of who runs the united states, it will not pick native. i've met to many congress or persons the last 2 months and also 2 and a half. that is yes. and the question of the principal and take alliance, the alternator was always the bipartisan, an issue as for 75 for yes, the and so therefore, what ikea also for many congress uh people and also from the people uh,
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in the united states that in these times uh, where the cradle of uh, the nato, one for on an old, for one really counts the business. the most important thing that you can trust on your friends, the israeli prime minister, benjamin. it's a now is told when a tree cadets, the wound garza will continue until victory. that's analysis. he remains committed to assist by a deal that would see the release of all captive, but he insist mazda must be defeated before any truth is possible. the life that is on was inside us would never allow us to leave the war without the tv and goal. the goal is to read a good time us from guys and the roots and all the captives. and to have both, any threats that might be imposed by you guys again as us and to allow the people
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of the lowest to go back safe to their houses in homes that someone cannot continue when this war will go on until the victory, the mediators of the meeting and cut out trying to negotiate to cease via deals that would include the release of captives. the white house has took solve the most promising they've been in weeks, but my says it's not received any concrete steps to in the rule. meanwhile is wells is folks, busses, method it failed to protect it, civilians by not confronting thousands of almost fighters during the october 7th attacks these where the government is banned old to 0 from reporting from there. so i'm to salute is updating us from oman and jordan. is really army spokesperson, daniel hug ari speaking on thursday at highlighting the 1st and only prove that has been conducted into israel's failures. on october, the 7th, he said that in total,
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a $101.00 people were killed in 2 boots very. this is a town that falls along the guns a border that was attacked on october. the 7th. he says there was a series of logistical failures including in the lead up to the attacks and even the days beforehand. and all of this comes as israel's defense minister jo, off the launch has called for a state commission inquiry, a full investigation into what happened on october. the 7 and this investigation wouldn't just be for the army, but it would be, for is really politicians and gallon highlighted that sees himself should be investigated, along with his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who was sitting right alongside him, known as an you all who is government has long been rejecting any sort of investigation into the events on october, the 7th and the days leading up to it. because he has said that all of the focus of resources should be located to the current war ongoing. and in fact,
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the members of the far right government, including ultra nationalists, like you to more bank dear, have said that there shouldn't be an investigation until after the war. it's also worth mentioning, but this is the 1st time these rarely army has revealed any sort of findings to any investigation as to what has happened on october the 7th. and they say that there are more investigations they're currently working on and are going to make those findings, public ones, those investigations are completed. have the son who is a jersey at all. i'm a reminder, these really government spend all to 0 from reporting in israel. so we're covering developments from outside the country. see now how much the official assign button is told all to 0. that number 10. yeah. who's this rough to negotiations to serve his own personal interest? yeah, he did, you know, a deal to shop. listen, yahoo! who chose all people in front of the world can easily line the seas and give folks
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intentions. even the policies observing these motives and negotiations, including the united states. a fully aware that nathan yahoo is lying and is the main person from the occupation 10 during any agreement. we have always been positive and fixable and now it's a moms that remains the same since the beginning of the negotiations. but when even newton, yahoo feels quoted by pressure from the policies following the negotiations. he shift the blame to hum us, but does not provide any real information or evidence to support his claims. on the grounds in gaza is where the forces have killed at least 50 palestinians in the last 24 hours. fighting continues in gauze of cities to j. a district. understanding is returning to parts of the neighborhood, found most of their homes in ruins. last week, the you, an estimate of tens of thousands of people have been displaced during israel's to re corporation in the area. they've had a sing and civil defense is appealing for humanity, renee to recover those trapped under the rubble and who jerry has more on these
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really operation from darrell bella. so earlier today that is where the forces withdrew from areas in a sense that you're in the heart of the gods. a city leaving massive destruction according to the civil because they were able to retrieve at least 60 bodies for people who were laying on the streets or even under the rubble for more than a week, ambulances, civil defense teams, and journalists were on able to reach the area due to the intensive fighting intensive air strikes and artillery, selling however, air strikes continues to target policy and using drop off and the middle area. how does the news are still waiting for anything positive about the ceasefire, dean and negotiations, despite the fact that there does not demonstrate anything or reflects anything on the ground in the data that is but of cause of policy. so the head and all of
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a 0 annual fonts, the size that swaps views of another cathedral catastrophe. the have a lot of the month seen 12 has been in full force across much of south asia, especially in the northeast corner screening some heavy rain. so the area of the next few days is cool with flooding in the poll baton and northern parts of india. now the good news is, is the rain does shift further north east over the next few days. so it's not going to be as well in states like per dash. it will also be picking up across the western parts of india. that's where we put the amber warnings friday into saturday . coupled with some wind warnings for areas around room by stretching up into southern parts of pakistan as well as much dry
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a. here we are expecting the wet weather to start to move into northern parts of pockets done with rain in lahore through the weekend. by monday. however, we're expecting it to be a lot hotter with more humidity. and there's been lots of hot and humid conditions extending across east asia. well, they have is now the weather has taken full force across moving parts of china, central areas as well. that strength of the may. you front and it's going to push more heavy rain on woods to japan over the next few days, bringing the temperatures down here, but they will be on the up in south korea with so at $33.00 on saturday the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the what channels is there, a reminder of our top story is the seller to buy it and as reaffirmed his intention to stay november's presidential election, the was president is under pressure from fellow democrats and major party donors.
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to let someone else challenge republican belmany. donald trump, ukraine's president told nato that to win the war of ameritron needs to hit targets inside russia. party. my zalinski says restrictions on the use of us and western supplied weapons limits. ukraine's ability to launch long range strikes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has told him that a treat good at the one. gaza will continue once a victory as a no says a remains committed to a cease by a deal. for instance, how much must be defeated. the bands of bonds announced that its po on the cause of coast intended to bring aid into the strep will soon be removed. it's been a project. pacific control vesee since its inception, shop retentive reports. joe biden, the mountains of us with constructive periods of transport, aiden to garza. during his stays with the union address in monk. it was a time of growing anger. the democratic policy base of the us is unconditional
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support for israel is campaign of bombing and enforced salvation. a temporary peer will enabled a massive increase to mount a mandatory assistance. getting in garza every day, we announce what it was reported to have taken many in the pentagon by surprise, but the us mode revolved to construct, prepare to have an operational within weeks. and over 2 months later on may, the 17th the period didn't become operational. since them depends, it concerns it's unloaded, moving $8100.00 metric tons of humanitarian aid to go. so it's a fraction of what goes a needs. and it's, i'm clear why much of that 8 ended up in late may pen to inspect some pet. right? it was awesome if any of the a, it'd been delivered to the people of gauze. this was his response. as of today, i do not believe so. in recent weeks, much of the aid was piling up in a staging area adjacent to prepare your mount tearing groups. so i'm willing to transport the supplies out of concerns of safety and the u. s. as long and so, so they would be no u. s. boots on the grounds. what's finally been the faithful blade for this project
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is that it appears the pentagon was surprised by the mediterranean conditions in this on the conditions. this type of parent is not designed to withstand. the peer have to be dismantled several times due to what the us as well technical and weather related issues. most recently, several days ago. now, due to high c states, expected this weekend, central command has removed the temporary pier from its anchored position in gaza and will tow it back to ash dot israel an attempt to re attach the pay. it was a voted on wednesday. i'm assuming the entire project will be scrapped for $230000000.00 pair was an operation for a total of 20 days. since it's construction areas of goals or have officially been declared is entering full blown famine. and at the end of may, the u. n said a deliveries are dropped by some, 2 thirds is rarely a military action. throughout the conception construction and brief operation of the peer, the land roots that could supply the people of browser with what they need. what
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are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them for the safe delivery of age. she ever can see out, is there a washing can as president's promising lena, more efficient government off the 2nd will most even tie it cabinets within router's decision? the follows weeks of deadly anti government protests against the plan to increase taxes on items like bread and fuel. malcolm whip reports from nairobi and up the whole lipstick. appraisal of the canyons have been waiting to see how president william retail would react to swelling discontent with his government. i have today decided to dismissed with the media to effect or the company at tech studies on the attorney general of the public of can you open the company that of can demonstrations began last month against the controversial finance failed to raise
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taxes. they started peacefully the 10 fine, and please kill thousands of people of the protest as to call them building president. we say we through the bill that didn't stop growing, cools the, him to step down. so that the streets as most keeping come for the last week, that many of those who protested say a new cabinet has a small stock router, has a long way to go to make. we'll change when we come to a pointing, then you come and fix that because we need some union, then you have to jump the president mazda, to ensure that there is, they've got it as visiting for these individuals vision or the petitions. the vision of these friends visually be taken across people we have from my profession on all those key level that key to the people. we want them all to go home. we want the president to address the issues of all those people walk you the families route to one elections 2 years ago when not very much in to and that was like he'd
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promised to help ordinary people since then the cost of living is going up and this being growing criticism of his government separate of his appointees who were implicated impost corruption scandals and crimes have that charges dropped off. so he took office. critics say his government is the most corrupt and incompetent that kenya is ever had before. the prize tests, some of these ministers who's now being fired, scathingly dismissed the mostly young social media critics. as a privileged minority, it certainly wouldn't tens of thousands came out with industries around 50 towns and cities. that it became clear that the se functioned was widespread. the fullest stations and officials has since been injected some public meetings or excesses and corruption scandals are being exposed home. and these also seems to be the several remaining. 7 in the process of the anger express towards politicians and officials
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online and on the streets have revealed a crisis of legitimacy for president vito's government kenyans. and now waiting to see how far the appointments of a new cabinet will go to addresses malcolm web out to 0. my baby and direct towards between sedans, military and the power and military rapids support forces of to was so those thoughts in switzerland that occasions from both sides have been invited to discuss the conflict on humanitarian crisis. well then, 10000000 cities have been displaced since fighting began in april last year, both delegations and meeting the the delegation from the sudanese armed forces and the rapid response forces. a responded positively to the personal and voice invitation to attend, to proximity, talks in geneva and they both arrived in a in geneva. they were both invited to begin discussions with the personal end for this morning today. rather, at 11 of july 11th, regrettably,
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one of the delegations did not come to the session planned. the personal envoy and his team later met with the other delegation as planned. personal envoys invited the delegations to continue discussions tomorrow. we urge the suit in these delegations to rise to the challenge and engage and constructive discussions with the personal and board for the sake of the suit. and these people, firefighters, and fonts of save the world or non cathedral from ruined the landmark and the city over one was under repair when it's gone like spy, a cold, fire pumping and evacuation. harry for several boards for once again, france looks on is one of its caustic architectural treasures bones. this is the cathedral of rule in normandy. work started here in the 11th century with additions, damage, and rebuilding continuing for the next 800 years. but it was repair work being done


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