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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the joe biden insist the still the democrats best options one for us president in a news conference we got the name of his own vice president drop. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. the pictures not qualified to be present the about this and this is not to do with life and don't have also coming up is those prime minister sessions committed to the framework for a ceasefire and gods. but in the system more will continue until how much is
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defeated. is there any forces withdrawal from causes g neighborhoods, destroying homes and infrastructure? and can use president william brutal fires, almost his entire cabinet. dr. processed last month, but forced him to a funds in times to raise taxes. the us presidential buttons defended his political record. swinging back it is critics to say, he's not fit to serve for another time. he's made this case during a highly anticipated press conference where he mistakenly referred to donald trump as his vice president, despite calls for them to draw pods of the presidential race by just as he's the most qualified person to run and defeats the trump. uh, white house correspondent, kimberly hall coach reports from washington, dc. he spelled for nearly an hour batting away questions about whether he's capable of running for another 4 years. i'm
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a terminal and running for it. i think it's important and i real. i am a few years. i see, let them see me ask questions about us president biden's mental fitness and calls for him to abandon his run for another term. and the white house had been escalating for weeks. so when the 81 year old president was asked had he reduced his schedule, following his poor debate performance last month against his rival, donald trump talking biden scoff. have you looked at my schedule since i've, since i made that stupid mistake? i just kind of just paste myself and paste myself in the next debate. i'm not going to be traveling in the 15th time zones by david says his successful presidency is proof. he's still strong, physically and mentally. as he spoke at the end of 3 days of nato meetings in washington, he told reporters, nato leaders are urging him to keep running fearful his rival, former president,
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donald trump, will return to the white house. when i hear them say is kind of we so the set nato leaders were visibly uncomfortable, and audibly gaz wouldn't biden at the end of the nato summit introduce ukrainian president vladimir zalinski as russian president vladimir put clear. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has a determination based gentleman, president, president booth present list binding, quickly corrected himself. others in attendance also defended by that because picking up a c and then the slips of the tongue happened. and if you always monitor everyone, you will find enough of them. still at least 14 democratic lawmakers have called on president 5 in to drop his bid for re election. some democratic donors are
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also pausing donations until a presumptive nominee is declared. button 5 and says he's not leaving the presidential race. despite his blunders, he insists he still has a chance to win. kimberly, healthcare algebra, 0 washington. again, every time he's a political on the list, he's joining his lifetime from washington dc. good to have you with this again eric, i'm this seem to be to vitamins aren't there. there's one who speaks really confidently with his face was i know it's a 2 in front of him as an other one. it makes people nervous when he speaks off the cuff, how do you think he did? and i think tonight we saw the joe biden that many of us are used to seeing over the last 50 years. this was a president who was comfortable in the settings. he was comfortable with the issues . and what do you discussed and talked about and also to i thought he was very spirited and engaged and i think, well,
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this pressure certainly did not assuage some people. we know that there are those who steadfastly stand behind by. and i think tonight they got a preview of what to expect. and also we saw the very stark contrast between biden and donald trump, which is something that many people didn't get to see frankly on that debate stage of last month. i mean, here's the details guy who's clearly comfortable with, with facts and obviously that helped in 2020, particularly when there was a direct comparison that could be made between bite and, and, and the, the presidency of donald trump is that what democratic votes is really want to see at the moment, i think what the democratic motors want to see is they want to see someone who is the one to uphold the law. someone who is going to operate with in the confines and the guidelines of the presidency. and i think that's what they see from joe biden, but we know that there is a very stark battle taking place within the democratic party. right now,
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you have democratic leads and the owners on one side and you have the rank and file on the other. and i think after this press or to night, i think what we are going to see going forward is that the battle is going to become even more intense between those 2 vaccine sides. at the same time, i mean, i was just talking briefly, it seems that goes to the places like new hampshire, main, new mexico, minnesota. these are all true blue blue places. and yet there seems to be a softening of confidence in joe biden with this. what is the, by the ministration, have to do if, as you say, this is your answer. we're dealing with 2 and change sides. they're not going to change the position. so i'm wanting to go someone some uh to stay. how does the, by the ministration move the discussion on as it approaches the election? and i think we have to see more of what the president did tonight. he has to do that borrow more often and then he asked to engage with the public. we have seen
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now the president do a solo press conference and look, this is the 1st solo presser. he's done this year. president biden has, has actually had less media availability. been the last 7 president. so this is a man who, quite frankly, just has not in do and endeared himself to engaging with depressed. and so while he has certainly done any norm as of mount throughout his presidency, distain that this administration shows towards actually communicating that message with the american public is what is damaging. i think the president so far and now given that his is his administration and his candidacy is in crisis, now we're seeing him do far more than he has done over the last 3 and a half years combined. and now he has to continue to do this now through election day. can he at 81 years old? do that only time will tell. yeah, i'm of course, this isn't just about him. and the way that he's functioning ad aged 81. if he goes
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on to another full year time, obviously that is going to have a significant play, isn't it? and people are going to be watching him very, very closely throughout that for years. not just for what he actually does, but for the kind of things that we've been seeing on tv, particularly, of course, in the debate with donald trump. and that's absolutely right. and we have to remember while the debate was just 190 minute debacle. and of course, he is attempting to try to balance his, his, his candidacy with a pressure that he did tonight. presidential elections are about the future, and people are looking at joe biting as this. 81 year old man banking in 3 years and 4 years. well, he still be, there will be still be up to the job. will he be up to the past of the difficult issues that the united states is confronting and facing. and that's what people are, are concerned about. that is where there is this crisis of confidence in job i
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didn't look when people lose your trust, it's hard to get it back. and what we're seeing now is this president has lost the trust of some of those in the democratic party. and it's not going to come back overnight, it's going to take work in president binding has to be willing to put in that work . and that effort to bring many of those intractable democrats back into the poll. eric, as always, we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed, for your time you bet. thank you. earlier ukraine's president told nato leaders that is military needs to hit the targets inside the russia in order to win the war . but to me is the landscape was asked about restrictions on us on some western supplied weapons during the news conference of the nato summit and washington, you said the restrictions limit, your claims ability to launch long range strikes and russia and need to be lifted. if it is a one to in the for 123 will be for one to save our country and to defend data. we need to leave the mutation. we understand
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where the see when to see from what communities are base and be a tech cost. and you need to talk to us and to our children in the hospital. that is crazy question why we kind of answer. and it takes the suspicion of these person . these communities are based well from be either was from jazz or miss how targeted us the years it was 5 minutes have benjamin netanyahu was told ministry cadets is war on guys a will continue until victory, a set of money in southern israel. and that's, and yahoo said how must must be defeated before any truce is possible. mediation has to be meeting in costa trying to negotiate a $65.00 deal that would include the release of captives. and it's really delegation return from doha on thursday. and they're sent
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a reported by to nursing. yahoo look a little the live that is on was inside us would never allow us to leave the war without a tv in goal. the goal is to read a good time us from guys and the return of the captives and to both any threats that might be imposed by you guys again as us and to allow the people of the lowest to go back save to their houses in homes that someone cannot continue when this war will go on until victory. send your honest, official horse and buzzer. i'm told all the 0. the benjamin netanyahu disrupting negotiations, the surface own personal interest. yeah, he did, you know, and the shop, listen. yahoo! who chose all people in front of the world can easily line the seas and give folks
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intentions. even the policies observing these motives and negotiations, including the united states. a fully aware that nathan yahoo is lying and is the main person from the occupation 10 during any agreement. we have always been positive and fixable and now it's a moms that remains the same since the beginning of the negotiations. but when even the yahoo feels quoted by pressure from the policies following the negotiations, he shift the blame to hum us, but does not provide any real information or evidence to support his claims. as it was on the spokesman, so admitted that it failed to protect and civilians by not confronting files. and so how much suffices during the 27th for tax is really government's bind. i'll just data from reporting from there. so honda, so who is updating us from? i'm on enjoy. that is really our re spokesperson danielle hug ari speaking on thursday at highlighting the 1st and only prove that has been conducted into israel's failures. on october, the 7th, he said that in total
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a $101.00 people were killed in 2 boots very. this is a town that falls along the guns of border that was attacked on october. the 7th, he says there was a series of logistical failures including in the lead up to the attacks and even the days beforehand. and all of this comes as israel's defense minister jo, up the launch has called for a state commission inquiry, a full investigation into what happened on october. the 7 and this investigation wouldn't just be for the army, but it would be, for is really politicians and gallon highlighted that he himself should be investigated, along with his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who was sitting right alongside him. now nathan, y'all who his government has long been rejecting any sort of investigation into the events on october, the 7th and the days leading up to it. because he has said that all of the focus of resources should be located to the current war on guns. and in fact, the members of the far right government, including ultra nationalist,
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like each more bank. dear, have said that there shouldn't be an investigation until after the war. it's also worth mentioning, but this is the 1st time these really army has revealed any sort of findings to any investigation as to what has happened on october the 7th. and they say that there are more investigations they're currently working on and are going to make those findings public once those investigations are completed. have the son, who's a jersey at all. i'm a on the grinding, gaza is really forces have killed at least 50 palestinians in the past 24 hours. fighting continues in gaza. cities shall j districts, palestinians returning to parts of the neighborhood, find a most of their homes in ruins. last week the you, an estimate of tens of thousands of people have been displaced during israel's 2 week operation in the area. the palestinian civil defense is appealing for humanitarian aid to recover those traps under the rubble and constantly has more
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than the is there any operation from the bottom? so earlier today that is where the forces withdrew from areas in a says in the heart of the gods, a city leaving mosse of destruction, according to the civil because they were able to retrieve at least 60 bodies for people who were laying on the streets or even under the rubble for more than a week, ambulances, civil distance seems in turn and lives on able to reach the area due to the intensive fighting intensive air strikes and artillery. selling, however, air strikes continues to target policy. musing dropped off and the middle area. how does the news are still waiting for anything positive about the ceasefire, dean and negotiations, despite the fact that there does not demonstrate anything or reflects anything on the ground in the other data that is but of cause of policy? so head and i'll just say to the us as to dismantle a multi $1000000.00 appear that it built in the cost of the gaza strip. choose 2
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months ago to help when they deliver the . it has that we'll have a look at the weather in africa in a moment, fast to the middle east, and it's a very hot picture. barely a cloud in the sky on the satellite image was temperature is picking up over the next few days, were above average all the way from syria down to the gulf states with the temperature of the lingering in the early fifties for cities like baghdad, as well as to a city i'm, we'll see them pick up across the golf. we're expecting joe and do by to see temperatures in the high forty's. hopefully the humidity will fit with that, but we have got some blustery wins taking up a lot of dust as an hazy sunshine to come. and there's lots of heat as well across the north of africa. we've had record breaking sheets in old urea and to deal with
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some sand storms. so does he go friday into saturday? they will be pushing out for the west towards places like mauretania for the southwest. it's a wet picture, certainly for south eastern areas of sudan where we have seen some flooding. and the rain continues. of course, that central bands of africa is much dry up for the south of this old way down to south africa, but not for cape town. we've got some very width and windy weather coming in some severe, widespread frost as well with the kansas snow across from the southern areas with only searching degrees in cape town on saturday. the when did not connect as controversial, those targeting communities of known western descendants. and reclassifying, the neighborhoods as guesses, one young, most living rises to defend his hon. speaking out in box on
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a journey to the close of power, questioning his place in the country. if he's been my day, he's a witness documentary on our the, the, you want to know to 0 reminder what's up. so is this, our jo bivens reaffirmed his intention to stay in november's us presidential election. the president's under pressure from follow democrats and major party donors to let someone else out into public and nominate donald trump. and joe biden has probably stumbled while it's introducing ukraine's lot of years. and i'm just getting at the nato summit, referring to as russian president vladimir police. it is very prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu told the military contracts the water and got some good continue until victory. however nothing yahoo says he remains committed to assist bar deals, but insist almost must be defeated. the kinds of guns and items that it's appear on the guys coast which wasn't tempted to bring aid into the district, will soon be removed. it's been a project beset by control overseas since it began to have a time secret ports. joe biden, the mountains of us, would construct appear as a transport agent, the gaza. during his stays with the union address in monks. it was a time of growing anger. the democratic policy base of the us is unconditional support. the israel is campaign of bombing and enforced salvation. a temporary peer will enabled a massive increase to mount a mandatory assistance getting in gaza. every day. we announce what it was reported to have taken many in the pentagon by surprise, but the us mode revolved to construct,
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prepare to have an operational within weeks and over 2 months later on may the 17th the period then become operational. since them depends, it concerns it's unloaded, moving $8100.00 metric tons of humanitarian aid to go. so it's a fraction of what goes a needs. and it's, i'm clear why much of that 8 ended up in late may pen to inspect some pet. right? that was awesome. if any of the 8 have been delivered to the people of gauze, this was his response. as of today, i do not believe so. in recent weeks, much of the aid was piling up in a staging area adjacent to prepare the mountains here in groups. so i'm willing to transport the supplies out of concerns of safety and the u. s. as long as they're still, they would be no u. s. boots on the grounds. what's finally been the faithful blame for this project is that it appears the pentagon was surprised by the mediterranean conditions in this on the conditions for this type of parent is not designed to withstand. the peer have to be dismantled several times due to what the us as well technical and weather related issues. most recently, several days ago. now,
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due to high sea states, expected this weekend, central command has remove the temporary pier from its anchored position in gaza and will tow it back to ash dot israel. an attempt to re attach the pay was a voted on wednesday. i'm assuming the entire project will be scrapped for $230000000.00 pair was an operation for a total of 20 days. since it's construction areas of goals or have officially been declared is entering full blown famine. and at the end of may, the us said, a deliveries a drop by some 2 thirds. it is rarely a military action. throughout the conception construction and brief operation of the peer, the land roots that could supply the people of browser with what they need. what are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them for the safe delivery of age. she ever time see out, is there a washing please. in the soldiers a newsletter searching for a group of inmates of escaped from one of the country's most secure jails. it
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happened at the close of call, a prison on thursday, 50 kilometers northwest of the capital in the army. and the government hasn't said how many prisoners managed to escape for the jail whole detainees. linked to all call you to an ice l, as well as be on group oklahoma. i'm fighting continues incidence center stage after the rapid support forces launched and the sold on thursday. how much fall is important to done was more on the bottle on the front of me to set it off and support forces have most of the major office people in the city of sonata, from 3 directions, one of the beautiful spots of the place of the my, on the bridge, the fault of the city on the bridge policy came from the direction of saint john, the cops of the states. this was taken by us that 2 weeks ago the fight to continue to was today, each side, meaning delta has sources. hello. hello system. if it's all of the city, what does that? somebody's? hi, amanda. just
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a notification of divine even modifications for saving slides night has been killed along with a big number of his troops in defense of the cities. his being assisted to the bottom like popular mobilization to see what the rules of the united states and by the but i think madison gave it to see don't send off the phone. it would mean the entire stage will be in the house with me. they might be tempted to continue to work and solve eastern states. so i guess it probably sooner an estimated 100000 degree is on you know, a more i expected to see you with the ongoing bottles. how much fun of this. yeah for to them. k, as president is promising a leaner, more efficient government because he sucked almost all his cabinet members, william rouge was decision for his weeks of deadly anti government protests against applying to increase taxes and items like brands and fuel welcoming lab reports
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from nairobi and up the whole listed appraisal of the canyons have been waiting to see how president william retailer would react onto growing discontent with his government. i have today decided to dismissed with immediate effect or the company that took studies on the attorney general of the public opinion of the company of can demonstrations began last month against the controversial finance failed to raise taxes. they started peacefully the 10 fine, and please kill thousands of people off to protest as to call them building president. we say we through the bill that didn't stop growing cools the hint to step down the streets of most keeping come for the last week. but many of those, he protested, say a new cabinet is a small start. router has a long way to go to make, we'll change when we come to appointing the new cabin 6. i think because we need
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some union, then you have to jump. the president mazda, ensure that there is the got as visiting for these individuals. vision are the petitions, the vision of these friends vision to be taken across people we have from my professional, all those key level that key to the people and we want them all to go home. we want the president, what does the issues of all those people walk you the families i really need to win elections 2 years ago when not right mounted to and that was like he'd promised to help ordinary people since then the cost of living is going up and is being growing criticism of his government. separate of his appointees who were implicated impost corruption scandals and crimes have that charges dropped off the he took office. critic say his government is the most corrupt and incompetent that kenya is ever had before. the prize tests, some of these ministers who's now being fired scathingly dismissed mostly young
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social media critics. as a privilege to minority it certainly when tens of thousands came out with industries around 50 towns and cities, that it became clear that the census function was widespread to hello stations and officials has since been objected since public meetings are excessive and corruption scandals of being exposed, forming these offices within the several remaining hiding the process. and i'm going to express towards politicians and officials online and on the streets have revealed the crisis of legitimacy for president vito's government kenyans. and now waiting to see how far the appointments of a new cabinet will go to addresses. malcolm web. alj a 0 my baby negotiations to form a coalition or continuing in funds. none of the policies, one enough votes to secure to majority and sundays, parliamentary election,
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strategic voting so on. the lines of left as deposit is winning the most states. that's out to the far right. we're leading after the 1st round, a voting presidency manual, my co vote, and an open less or the mainstream parties with 40 calls. republican values should form a called governing coalition. let's go to watch and teen and out for the economic crisis has led to the loss of tens of thousands of jobs president heavy and military has embarked and a tougher standard to drive since taking power last year. he wants to slash government spending losing labor laws to attract investment reasonable reports from the capital on a sense or an energy plant outside when a site is, is an example of the ongoing economic crisis in argentina will spell organ. yes, he's one of the 7 employees who have lost their jobs in may. he's 34 years old. like there's so much uncertainty with what's going on, because there is no luck. so many people are losing jobs. we are organized on the
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company. we are trying to be hired. i mean, this was an operator out of a small gland that turns decompose, trashing to gas pm. the others were notified. the plant is expected to be shut down . so the layer of that have occurred here are happening all across argentina. and public and private companies, as there's a know, cannot make crises. there's, you know, store pro in consumption and precedents have you had any leg continues to implement a harsh or scary to plan, to reduce government spending, tens of thousands of people who have lost their jobs. the protest like these have become a regulatory ceiling argentina, as official unemployment has gone up at least 2 points, the 1st months of the year. this is april set as hospital. it's one of the largest one of site is more than 80 people work up the hospitals, including doctors and nurses, have been fired this month, money eval. if these one of them could have had
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a loan. sometimes it's hard to work with a public hospital. you need to have control more besides all the things you're ready to. i'm yes, i think it's unfair. no one told me why i was fired. so i consider with on fact, the government says it's moving forward with the plan to modernize the state. and we use the number of employees, we produce a lot going on seeing that lovely, and i'm in the middle. i would like a phrase is to be rename it. but internationally, my most recognized phrase is our shuttle single. today, people are making campaigns, world wide, using outlook for the out the main to reducing the number of government ministries by hoff. this would you is the government, structural, but also local. that was not free because obviously we 5 people know we are going 257-5000 people. 25000 have already being fired. that mean that, i mean a says the government is doing what's necessary to resolve argentina's endemic economic troubles. those who have lost their job say it's happening at their
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expense. 80. so we'll just see that one of site is covered 19 is still kidding. nearly 2000 people around the world each week as, according to an update from the world health organization. the head of the w h. o is those at risk groups to keep getting vaccinated against the disease? is that data shows the vaccine coverage has declined among health workers, people over the age of 60, despite the continued risk of getting the illness. of these 2 people have died in flooding caused by the remnants of product and battle in the us state of vermont. heavy rain has been following and parts of the northeastern states and western states. such laws of damaged crops, washed away buildings destroyed bridges, an isolated tongues, the national weather service. it says the same areas were devastated by a deluge one year ago. and in china flooding a line size of killed at least 6 people. heavy rain caused rising water levels in 15 rivers and the city of sol, shane wright.


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