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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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in the showing how those in power have always gone to great lengths to control the public image. egypt through the lens, leaders on al jazeera, the overnight is rarely strikes target palestinians in gaza. witnesses say they were hits in an area. israel had designated a site, so the problem is that we're all, but what you know is, is there a lot of my headquarters here in the also coming up the us sanctions a fall right? is really fruitful, violent acts against palestinians and the occupied westbank. us presidents, a button defends his re election bid at the nato summit,
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but his speech is overshadowed by gas political turmoil in can yeah. the president size base was cabinets after weeks of demonstrations, against planned tax hikes. the welcome to the programming goals. israel has carried out strikes across the strip. there also reports of heavy artillery showing in kansas city. at least 7 palestinians were killed in the tank on the central con units in the south. but the strip with the society is right in the army tugs. it's that it's a designated circles think so the injured have been transferred to the hospital as a medical officials in gauze to say at least 50 people were killed by israeli attack. meanwhile, the cause, some brigades, the wing of how boss has released footage of what it says is finding in garza cities, should j. e, a neighborhood. it appears to show tanks on his way the ministry vehicles and
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soldiers as well says at least $692.00 of its soldiers have been killed since october. the 7th of the story to anyone who does in the for us with the very latest and how the those is riley strikes in the south are putting more pressure really on the valley functioning medical facility. yes. how and just within the past the an hour or so there's in fresh new wave of attacks on the social role for departments warehouses in west trends. part of tanya is where at least one person reported kills right away with with him directly and near the warehouse. is there multiple injuries? those injured, transferred to nonsense? so they could not be transferred to the house. fine, big presence society in the area because it simply has no capacity on as no medical
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supplies to intervene and the lives of those they still transferred to. uh, not that hospitality already over whelmed exhausted hospital been uh, is subject to israel and brutality. when it was this one where the vast majority of his facilities were either severely damaged or completely destroyed. right now the hospital runs on a very low capacity, including the major departments, and often time management of the hospital has to make serious decision which department keeps running just giving the very difficult conditions inside the hospitals where across the got stripped for example, we have rough activity where the vast majority of casualties with our injuries or the body select from the street are all the transferred to other fun, eunice, or the central air. because simply there are no health facilities at room and available were operational and in the entire city. over of, and that's for the sports involved, the risk of, of transferring interest from
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a far area all the way through the central parts or even and find you in a city here where i'm reporting it from in the back ground here is a lot. so how to get those a very over will talk with the, the exhausted medical staff as a mid sized host facility doesn't have enough capacity to accommodate this large number of injuries have been pointed into the facility on every single day for the past 9 months, where inside the hospital, a brief walk, you can understand the difficulties of this health. so typically where people literally on the floor of the hospital with an insufficient medical staff, the lack of medical supply, making it quite difficult elsewhere across the gulf stream, bridge over at the same exact scenario is one thing that the very striking here is many of the patients and the injuries arriving to the hospital, they're actually quite a treatable, but the fox is a matter that the lack of medical supplies making it very difficult. and that leads to the, those injuries will evolve into much more complex situations for the wounded ones.
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and for the other patients with a chronic conditions and eventually risk the, the risk of losing their lives is quite high. a given the, the difficulties of the condition. you must move that force and the thank you. so these really middlefield and everyone in garza city to evacuate on wednesday displays, palestinians are full for free. yes, again, multicolored spoke to those seeking shelter at a school in giovanni, a in northern garza, this is an evacuation since on giovano which account many companies have arrived, you know, looking for option to optimize, ready forces all the same, to be back to way too many companies have arrived to the schools looking for a shelter. they lift the houses without any of their belongings, so they have nothing out of these families here. have a ride and don't have anything till the end.
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when they asked us to leave, they didn't give us any time to gather our belongings or take some food for our young children to look at my young ones. the oldest is in 4th grade and the youngest is 3 months. everyone only had a few personal items, no food or drink, nothing, not even flour back. so it was very difficult. we were walking along the road and saw shrapnel and scattered body parts. can you imagine the situation? i was walking and seeing that people. if my son had slipped from my hand, i wouldn't have been able to find him. something of those people have been displaced too many times. and each time they have to risk a product interval journey. looking for a shift, though not knowing what they will arrive to we will have the same that we should go to western garza, and we will be assured that we would resign thing in a safe place. however,
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after 11 30 pm, we were surprised by the presence of compet, wyoming, directed to west industrial area and the u. n. ages and there was intense shooting . it was extremely painful and difficult because we've left all our belongings. how one mattress is. i will close our luggage and we have tiffany without any food or drink. i can't feed my children have escaped from the seat which included an aerial siege from the sky and tanks on the ground. some of the state children forgot their belongings and trying to return to workshop and could interested in with their children or family members. this is jabante over budget can, which is has too many destroyed buildings and too many display. so i'll send you this evacuation since i'm a, provide them a place to sleep. yeah, they will not know how low return fee before they off
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her was to flee again. why? because you just need a nothing does a spread ta, this 9 students. it states as of the sanctions against res bailey's and 5 entities and the occupied westbank. and they include the far right group law, which the us state department describes as the largest violent extremist organization and israel, the non profits, as opposed to any interaction between cheese monkeys, is accused of acts of violence against palestinians. washington has also back to full blacklist department for legal outpacing the occupied westbank. it says that they've been weaponized and use this basis for attacking palestinians disrupting grazing lands and limiting access to water sources to the 3 individual sanctioned arleada's of south 9. last month, the us spend the grateful blocking and attacking you hear about us having a truck's heading to casa. 3rd is a farm who owns one of the legal outposts,
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new road, a joins from ramallah. and as we mentioned, know, these are the latest us sanctions. they have to be significant to have it impact. the question is, will they as well that cost center remains on an sort as long as the is really government is not really taking those sections into account. and as long as the policies of these really, governments are what empower the establishment of these illegal supplements outposts and also a give organizations like to have a lot of weight and a lot of cloud in government policy. we have to recall that law, which has been accused members of that organizations have been accused of carrying out lynching attacks against palestinians in the occupied west bank in jerusalem are very closely tied to ministers in the government, including the minister of national security. if a mob been v or the illegals supplement outposts,
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even though technically under is really law, they're considered a legal have also receive government funding, government support in the past 6 years. for example, 34 of those grazing outposts, if you will. that's what they're called. they received about half a $1000000.00 worth of support just now about half a 1000000 is in the pipelines to support them as they increase their takeover of land. so the policies remain intact. it remains to be seen whether those sections of the us will affect the millions of dollars that active a se, flow in the form of donations from the us to those subtler groups and even publish the needs in the occupied westbank. as we've mentioned so many, many as not face violets from settlers on security forces, day and day out. that will be more raids in the occupied westbank in the last 24 hours. what's been going on or yeah, well we have to always remember that for palestinian settlers and the is where the
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army work had been beloved. they see that play out every day. so let's take last night. as, as an example, the town of bavaria near nablus was attacked by his really settlers. they set a blaze, a store in that town. they're usually accompanied by us where the soldiers, who provide them with protection elsewhere in the occupied westbank b is rarely army carried out. raids on towns and villages across the occupied west bank. they detained for palestinians and they continue in with the policy of either issuing demolition orders or making it facilitating those raids by is really settlers all in all what human rights organizations say is that these tactics, these attacks, whether by this up there's or by the army or what contribute to clearing the land, vacating it's from it's palestinian residents to make way. for me even more land grab it in favor of the is rarely supplements do which are expanding the other day
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so that the fate thanks very much. know us present. dr. barton has defended his political reco pushing back of his critics. he say he's not fit to run for re election in november. 5 made his case during a highly anticipated news conference at the nato summit, where he mistakenly referred to donald trump as the vice president does. mike calls him to drop out of the presidential res bite and says that he's the most qualified person to be trump. my wife's house close by the company, how kit has moved from washington, dc. us. he spelled for nearly an hour batting away questions about whether he's capable of running for another 4 years. i'm a terminal and running, but i think it's important and i real. i am a fears, i see, let them see me ask questions about us president biden's mental fitness and calls for him to abandon his run for another term. and the white house had been escalating for weeks. so when the 81 year old president was asked had he reduced
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his schedule, following his poor debate performance last month against his rival, donald trump talking biden scoff. have you looked at my schedule since i've, since i made that stupid mistake? i just kind of just paste myself and paste myself in the next debate. i'm not going to be traveling in the 15th time zones by david says his successful presidency is proof. he's still strong, physically and mentally. as he spoke at the end of 3 days of natal meetings in washington, he told reporters, nato leaders are urging him to keep running fearful his rival, former president, donald trump, will return to the white house. when i hear them say is kind of we or the slit, nato leaders were visibly uncomfortable, and audibly gaz wouldn't biden. at the end of the nato summit introduce ukrainian
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president vladimir zalinski as russian president vladimir put clear. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has a determination based gentleman, president, president booth present list binding quickly corrected himself. others in attendance also defended by that post, breaking up a c. m. with them on slips of the tongue happen, and if you always monitor everyone, you will find enough of them. still at least 14 democratic lawmakers have called on president 5 in to drop his bid for re election. some democratic donors are also pausing donations until a presumptive nominee is declared. button 5 and says he's not leaving the presidential race. despite his blunders, he insists he still has
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a chance to win. kimberly healthcare algebra 0 washington instead of the army says it falls off and offensive launched by the rapid support forces in the city of santa the 5th buckles on thursday of dollars. a fight is attacked. the city for multiple sides. um it says that infected heavy loss is only all reset, so more than $10000000.00 people have been displaced since the conflict began in april last year. and i'm involved, how's the latest from pulse who don't to it for us of the lease on its social media platform x. the general comments of this within these armed forces says they have succeeded in gushing on the whole thing. a number of attempts by the front of me to set it off is for forces to take this it you have. so now it says that it's active, but the out of tools had slipped off the sustaining heavy muscles and perhaps one of equipment offensive. a product view was one of the biggest of the talks on
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predictions with large numbers of troops. obviously, statements also mation another unsuccessful auto separate talk, one minute can one of the few remaining on these phone calls and the just the other states just switched off to now, 2 weeks ago, out of south to the city of single, the administrative capital of single states viking and seemed to i'll now close up to 140000 civilians to please to the neighboring states of nevada. the city of and positive know 4 is also on the seed by us up with ongoing fighting and reports of funding. i'm on disability and population. this comes out of these efforts, continue on multiple levels. the negation of the teen water and sites. hospitalized in geneva for focus of tough being called for by you and, and a number of so then these groups um, using an audi settlement to try to throw a full of clothes about for national become sedation. how much fun does here for to that will still head here all out. is there
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a fighting domestic violence in context of we speak this of all of us about to new little that strengthens protection. so within the in depth analysis of the day sidelines he's right is like his re accusing that i was looking upon them since informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will and power him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachuset, the group was fine to send on out jersey around the hearing that they don't want to lose their dignity. being displaced makes it comes and not being able to get access to food. i'll just see regions across the world bring you closer to the house of the story the
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the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to what you was there with me. so robert,
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reminder of all the top stories in gauze are these 7 palestinians have been killed in this riley attack on the central con units and the south with the strip with the societies really army talk. it's very, it's a designated a cycles sites. the j button has refund his attention to stay in the web as presidential race to you as president is under pressure from southern democrats and policy tote is to let someone else challenge the presumptive republican. nobody, donald trump and then saddam, beyond me says it's full as well for the offensive voltage for the power ministry. rapid support forces of the city of santa fe sante took place on the 1st day. they'll be says it's evicted. heavy losses of the are set can use present just published like a leader, more efficient government of the saki oldest all of his tablets. but he moved his decision, follows weeks of protests. again, it's a finance bill that would have raised taxes on the items such as bread and few bulk
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of where possible from nairobi. the end of the whole list. the appraisal of the public kenyans have been waiting to see how president william retail would react on to swelling discontent with his government. i have today decided to dismissed with immediate effect or the coming at 6 studies on the attorney general of the public opinion of the company of can demonstrations began last month against the controversial finance failed to raise taxes. they started peacefully the 10 fine, and please kill thousands of people off to protest as to call them building president . we say we through the bill that didn't stop growing calls for him to step down the streets of most keeping come for the last week, but many of those, he protested, say a new cabinet is a small start. router has a long way to go to make,
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we'll change when we come to appointing the new cabin 6. i think because we need some union, then you have to jump the president mazda, ensure that the dad is the guy i was visiting for these individuals vision or the petitions, the vision of these friends they shouldn't be taken across the people we have from my professional all those key level that key to the people. we want them all to go home. we want the president, what does the issues of all those people walk you the formulas i really need to win elections 2 years ago when not very much in turn out was like he'd promised to help ordinary people since then the cost of living is going up and this being growing criticism of his government, several of his appointees who were implicated impost corruption scandals and crimes have that charges dropped off that he took office. critics say his government is the most corrupt and incompetent that kenya is ever had before the process. some of
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these ministers is now being fired. scathingly dismissed mostly young, social media critics. as a privilege to minority certainly when tens of thousands came mount industries around 60 towns and cities, that it became clear that the southeast function was widespread. politicians and officials have since been ejected from public meetings or excesses and corruption scandals of being exposed in peace officers within the several remain in. 7 the process of the anger express towards politicians and officials online and on the streets have revealed a crisis of legitimacy for president vito's government canyons and now waiting to see how far the appointments of a new cabinet will go to addresses. malcolm web houses 0. my baby that you face president has told a to lead as his troop needs to hit targets inside russia in order to win the will vote him is lensky was asked about restrictions on some us and western supplied
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weapons. during these conference in washington, dc. the said the limits on ukraine's ability to carry out long range strikes on russia, needs to be listed. if it is, if it is a one to win for 123 will be for one to save our country and to define dates, we need to leave a mutation. we understand where the see when to see from what communities are base and be a tech cost, even the text and to our children in the hospital. that is crazy question why we kind of answer. and it takes the suspicion of these person. these communities are based well from the bible was from jazz or miss how targeted us the in phones, the results of sundays, parliamentary elections put the country and a political deadlock. for that matter,
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with macro is meeting some of his cabinet ministers on friday to discuss the formation of the next government. he's as laser potties to find common grounds, agreed to a coalition of to none of them managed to secure with majority. the last thing alliance, a new popular front insists the new prime minister should be someone from that group given that they were both seats will cause like started as post a new law criminalizing domestic violence. at least 1200 killings related to abuse at home have be recorded in the past 6 is the true number maybe for high as many cases go reported. but we do will do that. some of the images in a sub, a big job is report from a stand, a disturbing the women and the self defense close. also by virtue of domestic abuse. the biggest joke has of police receive more than $99000.00 complaints related to family. my niece last year, but he was like,
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these are coming on social media to $140.00 than right group. see the upgrade has usually been an often known to the victim. the un estimates only $1.00 and $4.00 addresses is ever brought to justice. partly because of the law which did not classify domestic violence as a crime. after b, things like this. the only legal option available to women was a civil suit. but one case has changed that in plain sight and the restaurant, the former economy minister beat his wife, salt, and looking over. she later died from her. injuries of the politician was sentenced to 24 years in prison. and after the public outcry is seen by itself in a, as a new law named after listening that's towards administrative defense. and that's why the need to adopt the law was so urgent because the victims can not be protected from perpetrators from abusers.
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this is the spot reconvene is husband used to hit her every time we begin to hear she was in an abusive marriage for more than a decade. she remembers dramatic days, weeks, months and years. it looks now put in the interest. her husband was the diplomats and she says, one of the most painful episodes was when they lived in the united alabama. it's and domina, isn't it? she beat me to sleep. my sister says, my sister shouting karena, run and call for help. i don't have the finances to, to rent an apartment. the crisis center keeps me here at here. and they provide me with psychological support and lawyers, human rights. what says the government must do more to ensure women and children are protected in line with international standards. the new law has been in the books for 4 years, and although the number of abuse cases has risen up to 35 percent, there are still people who believe that this law would be detrimental to cause that society when you might you absolutely nothing changes with the adoption of this law was just as the victim had the right to contact,
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no enforcement before. no is the same. i didn't know if a law is not required. this legislation criminalize is between a minor hall, which is open to manipulation. that's not what these women believe who have to leave homes and live in the end of your shelter to protect themselves. the children will stay at home with green this as you only feel safe when her ex husband is behind buzz. when other women choose, instead to prepare their own self defense, someone driving down to the road that's done well, strongly please have detained. a russian board couple in charge of spying, say they obtain pacified defense documents. they will then previously worked as a technician and they'll straining an abi, she's a case of attempting to access sensitive defense material. javits with russian officials, the couple hold australian citizenship and have been living in the country for over a decade. they appeared in calls on friday that were charged with one count,
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each of preparing for an espionage offense. or will you consolidate stories of the website that's out of that don't comment. some states throughout the day following with uses the weather that lives inside story, where we excited that it's a new government. and such a can use problems. these statements, the the, had a load after days of heat and humidity of cause much of east asia was seen when the weather. and that's going to continue that trend over the next few days. the may you front so ready caused some flooding across the south west of china. this bus of heavy rain are extending their way further east. across shanghai. we'll see more rains not to touch into south korea on saturday. and then it will be japan's time
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to see that very heavy rain. it's going to move across into can you shoot horseshoe as well? it's going to bring the temperatures down in places like token tucker. we have seen extreme heat, but we will be around the average as we go into sunday. now what weather is still the story across south asia. we seem very heavy. rain caused flooding across places like in the pole baton bung with dish and northern parts of india. but on saturday, as you can see, it is looking a little bit dry across more northern areas like oh to for dash. instead, we've seen the heavy rain start to push into western areas across central areas as well. saturday into sunday, sees those weather warnings extend all the way from content and go down to carol s . as in very strong winds, as well as heavy rain. it doesn't get much to why if a southern pots of pockets done, but we'll see the heavier rain continue across the north. the latest news as it breaks down. well,
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i'm showing this one of the policy latest present. the manual micro will have to negotiate with the only thing the common dump was, the desire to stop, all right, with details coverage, well live up, maybe up beats about its decisive victory for the verge of turnouts. and will the hampton was down from around the world who's taking office, have you ever seen a has prioritized ties with ideological allies? the strategy has helped turn me into an icon of the global life. climate change is disrupting food production and supplied world wide crafts food to live stock and transport on affected permanently. high inflation may result as well as food security threats. what are the implications for people around the world? this is inside story. the


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