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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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man, move the the a disruption in gaza says he all to is ready forces withdrawal from some neighborhoods. while new strikes target, circled, safe stones, the head of them, elizabeth put on them. and this is alan. does he live from to ha, also coming off. can use police chase steps down off the criticism of the handling of antique government protests that sold at least 40 people killed us president
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joe biden defends his re election bit of the nation was thomas, but his speech is overshadowed by gaps and flies in domestic violence and catholics don, we speak to somebody that is about a new law that strengthens protections for women. the beginning garza with civil defense team says they've recovered 60 bodies from areas west of gauze, a city off of the pasha, withdrawal of israeli forces the offensive that has destroyed residential buildings and facilities, including a hospital, a un college and a back civil defense teams have one residents trying to return to their homes that is rarely snipers and tanks a still in the area. elsewhere in the strip and attack on the southern city of con eunice code, at least 7 palestinians. witnesses say that is why the army targeted an area that had been designated a safe zone and the on demand of hamas has released video of what it says as
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fighting and gaza. cities should have a neighborhood, it appears to show a tax on its way the military vehicles and soldiers will off. i'll colored, spoke to palestinians who show a sort shelter at a school, then jamalia and northern gaza. this is an evacuation since on giovano for the account where many companies have arrived, you know, looking for options to optimize why the forces owed to them to evacuate. too many companies have arrived to the schools looking for a show. so they live the houses without any available loan goods. so they have nothing. all of these families here have a ride and don't have anything till the end. when they asked us to leave, they didn't give us any time to gather our belongings or take some food for our young children to look at my young ones. the oldest is in 4th grade and the youngest is 3 months. everyone only had a few personal items, no food or drink,
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nothing, not even flour, back it was very difficult. we were walking along the road and saw shrapnel and scattered body parts. can you imagine the situation? i was walking and seeing that people. if my son had slipped from my hand, i wouldn't have been able to find time in addition to those people have been displaced to many times. and each time they have to risk a product interval journey looking for a shelter, not knowing what they will arrive to we will be found that we should go to western garza and we will be assured that we would resign thing in a safe place. however, off at 11 30 pm, we were surprised by the presence of compet, wyoming, directed to west industrial area in the u. n. ages and there was intense shooting. it was extremely painful and difficult because we've left all our belongings. i
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wouldn't mattresses, i will close our luggage and we'd have to stay without any food or drink. i can't feed my children have escaped from the sea which included an aerial siege from the sky and tanks on the ground. some of most the children forgot their belongings and trying to return to workshop and couldn't 1st code their children or family members . this is jabante over here. you can, which is has too many destroyed buildings and too many display south of cities. of this evacuating sense. i'm it provides them a place to sleep. yeah. they will not know how low return fee before they off her was to flee again. why? because you just need a nothing does a spread call this time. let's go to our correspondent, him further issues. joining us live from the bottom central, gaza,
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and i particularly gwen de hope all is a civil defense cruise and of the was definitely the civil defense seen since the early hours of the morning. and even yesterday, they were working on retrieving and recovering bodies that have been killed at bodies that have been trapped under the rubble from for us. is that your encouraging that was for more than a week where no ambulances or civil defense were able to reach that area. and now up to the is where the forces at 8, in be the western parts of the cause of city. we're talking about sending how us in the area neighborhoods and they are in the west through parts of a, of the gods of cities. but let me also tell you that there are a lot of other bodies. according to the civil defense seem states have that they were able to retrieve 60 bodies so far. but there are a lot of other bodies in the neighborhoods in the streets and top,
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under the rubble, we're talking about a mazda of destruction. according to eyewitnesses and policy news were able to go to the area as to that is where the forces withdrew from the area. schools, universities, houses, infrastructure, a massive destruction. and according to this, it will be some seems yesterday, the sub that's 85 percent of its value has been completely destroyed. so this is only a little bit of a glance of all the destruction that the is where the forces made in a couple of weeks and elsewhere. and gaza. we're hearing that aid workers for aid workers. have these killed them. the latest is rarely strikes. yes indeed, 8 workers for my kid foundation were targeted in a distribution point where they were preparing to distribute food car. so in some
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eunice, i said the phone patient has been working since the one in the gaza strip, trying to provide people with food assistance and with a lot of other commodities. and we lost another for a workforce today. the a, the that i'm could foundation is a british a foundation and it's operating through my stumble and they have lots of workers here in gaza at this is not the 1st time it is ready for susan hart. gets a records they already targeted. uh, the world central kits shed in april. so age where occurs turned in this permit exhibits defense. these everyone is a target in gaza. and thank you very much for that. that is him because of the, with the laces, live in the bottom central gaza. so you don't have space has announced another round of sanctions against 3 israelis and 5 entities in the occupied westbank. they include the fall wide group of the hava, which the us state department describes is the largest violent extremist
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organization. and israel, the non profit as opposed to any interaction between jews and non jews, is accused of acts of violence against palestinians. washington has also blacklisted for legal health posts in the occupied westbank since they've been recognized and used as the basis for attacking palestinians disrupting grazing lands and limiting access to water sources. 2 of the 3 individual sanction leaders of south 9 last month the us band to go from blocking and attacking humanitarian, a truck's heading to gaza. the 3rd is a farmer who owns one of the legal outposts, a little de has more from it on my lot and she says that's where the government hasn't taken any steps to match the sanctions against is really individuals i'm far rifle. when i say sions likely hava for this war begun, the us had not taken any measures that could be even perceived as pressure against
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is really subtler attacks on palestinian civilians or the is really policy a supplement expansion. of course, these are limited to is really nationals the, the sanctions that are announced have to do with assets if they exist in the us with a not allowing them entry in the united states. but they don't effect what happens in israel, where the government has not cooperated. it has not much those sanctions. and it is actually advancing draft legislation to go around them and make sure that they are these individuals are not financially affected organizations as well. a holla is a right wing organization, as you said, it is closely associated with many ministers in the government, including the national security administer. it's, i'm, i've been v are they continue to have a lot of clout on policy, and they continue to receive funds from american citizens through very many means including crowd funding. it depended on his analysis,
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appear on the gauze of clothes, which was intended to bring age and to the strip will soon be removed. the project, as they have said, by challenges and controversies since it was launched, she had baton c reports. joe biden announced the us with construct, appear the transport agent, the gaza, during his stage with the union address in march. that was the time of growing anger. and the democratic policy base of the us is unconditional support. the israel is campaign of bombing and in full and starvation, a temporary peer will enable a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance getting you guys every day. you know, so it was reported to have taken many in the pentagon by surprise, but the, the interrupting that report could you make your lives the united nations, where we're here from the secretary general. antonia gutierrez, speaking at a pledge and conference for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees that's listed in gifts,
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in respect for international humanitarian law. get seen directly with the nation of universal human rights and legally the for all. and so i policy needs even guys a not just a guess. but this, this deduction and the total breakdown in law. and part of the just when we saw, if you couldn't get any worse in gaza, somehow appallingly ceilings are being pushed into ever deeper circles of hell. recent days have brought to yet more evacuation. not of those by is valuable thought it is. yet most cvd in the sufferings and the more blood shifts policy ends in gods that keep being forced to move like human pin balls across the landscape of destruction and death sticks to the level of sizing and
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devastation is incompressible indeed excusable. and the level of gay yours is affecting every palo student in gaza and all those desperately trying to get paid to them. no wedge is safe. everywhere is a potential killing zone. is lifetime for the policy is to show the political coverage and political will to finally reach a deal. excellence sees nothing justifies the order. if you could text by hotmail as of october, the 7th and nothing justifies the collective punishment of the policy and people. yes, but a scene in this, including, of course, palestine refugees didn't looting the deadliest period since the agencies creation . and we had all painfully aware of the audit as not spanish funeral colleagues
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when ended 95 wound to a staff members have been killed. the highest stuff that's thought in un history and many of them would, it kills together with that families and loved ones and also is also being thought of good through the now the ways stuff, it'd been subject to increasingly violent protests and virulent misinformation. and these information campaigns, somebody being detained by israeli security forces, and since quinn, since the subsequently the part of its mistreatment and even the truth is the part the west bank, the presence of movements of wonder. but so now i have been severely citizens, by the way of your studies as yet, despite these and other obstacles,
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any possible conditions. and in the midst of that own grief, the we met a man of gold rush and bravely continued that. what, in whatever way they can they out of the backbone every minute and said, you know, patients in gaza and can you imagine what it must be like to be in this situation? can you imagine all colleagues wake up they after they, you know, leaving nights mad and steal the leave of for palestinians in desperate need? because i cannot they have doctors notices counselors engineers diverse and so many of that's all that most i think incredible cottage and solely that easy. and that continuing to the leave and was meant that seem desperate of circumstances in gaza. what over also strives to the very end,
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increasingly challenging situation in the occupied westbank, including his journalism named jonathan 11 and celia, championing human development. and human rights. excellence is hopelessness. is the greatest ally of instability. and what is your phone? what is one of the greatest factors providing open stability across is that both the region without the necessary support and financing to only uh, follow, spend, refugees, we lose that creates a lifeline. and the last vote for a better future to those of you, we have already pledged support, i think use and my appeal to everyone is these older well, but a tech, older stuff. and but that was mandates including sort of funding
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and let me be clear. there is no alternatives to own to yep, or think on all fronts to implement that equipment, the ations of the get the, the bought by strengthening when bruce, what and risk management mechanisms. now is also the time to work on all fronts. to support owned was critical mission and now is the time to bring it down to the study board. starting with the name of the media to many veterans who's fighting and gaza and then the media to and then conditional release of all last, which is ultimately only a political solution can bring it down to these conflicts. when that the realize the vision of those states, israel and palestine leaving side by side in peace and security, we generalize of them as the capital of both states. i urge you to act and that no
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entry is to hope in a place where it's easy and short supply to uphold amended. if these general assembly to sustain the ex, install the vanity with the palestine, refugees, and all the brothers team and people. and i think i should like to sound the secretary general for his statement, and i will know, make some remarks of my own. and to now was down to a new gutierrez, secretary general of the united nations. mr. phillip plaza really commissioned a general of one ro, excellence these ladies and gentlemen, as president of the general assembly. or i have consistently emphasize the work. and in fact, over the united we have in this thing that the united nations secretary general and 20 a guitar speaking at an annual pledge and conference for the united nations relief
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and works agency for palestinian refugees, better known as, as on juan gutierrez said that just when we fold it couldn't get any worse and gaza . somehow civilians are being pushed into even deeper. uh, even deeper circles of crisis and gaza. he said, we have a un correspondent gabriel. a zone though he is live for us at for you in headquarters. in new york, he's been listening to the secretary general's comments and gave good habits really laying out the impossible conditions full people in gaza and working conditions full on was stuff nursing, a 195 people, 195 unwashed stuff have been killed since october yeah, that's right. it has been the deadliest in conflict ever for the united nations when it comes to staff that have been killed here,
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of course being killed during israel's bombardment of god. so that is now going to its 9th month and that you saw the secretary general layout. they're really the case to protect an unreal because it is at a breaking point that it has been for many, many months now. secretary general saying that that under a staff has not only been killed but subjected to be arrested by israeli authorities, as well as the reports of even being tortured while being detained by is rarely authorities. this is a pledging conference that happens every year here at un headquarters for unreal. but this year, of course, it takes on the attic significant because not only is unreal, been under political attack by israel, but financial attack as well unwrapped as of this month, has an appeal for one to point 2 $1000000000.00 to sustain its operations. and right now that is only 19 percent funded. now that will probably change after this
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donor pledging conferences concluded later today. but i can tell you there is a ground swell of support coming from the member stage towards unruh. just within the last few minutes, we have confirmed that $118.00 countries have signed onto what's called a shared joint commitment to protect and support on right now and in the future. again, that's a 118 member states of just signed onto this. more expected, as the day goes on, we should be getting more numbers as well as the day goes on, on how many uh, how much money uh, nations are donating to unwrapped in this time of need as it tries to support the palestinians that are desperately in need as well. yeah. good. has cooling and what not just a critical lifeline for palestinians, but he said it was the last ray of how it's gabe. thank you very much for that.
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gabriel liaison to live at the un headquarters in new york of the can use police chief as resigned house to violent anti government protests. the kind in human rights organization alleges police kills more than 40 people at those demonstrations. president william russo has promised elaina more efficient government off the 2nd. almost all of his cabinet members on thursday has decision follows weeks of protests against a plan to increase taxes on items like bread and fuels. rudo scrap the bill, but many canyons. according to his resignation. well, let's speak to our correspondents, catherine, so she's joining us live from the capital. my road being the last time we spoke a few hours ago. catherine, you were out on the streets, had a protest. and julia, when this is exactly,
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watch people calling for accountability from police and now we have the resignation of kenya's police chief yes, and this is very significant indeed, because this is what this young protested and many other caring is i've been asking for for they were asking for the chief of police, paul met to resign just because of how he handled those process. the police a used excessive force a to deal a waste protest is and this was supposed to be a peaceful demonstration. so it wasn't just to your guess that the police were using. it was also like bullet. so some people are still in the hospital because they were short, many of those who died. oh, it was because of the shooting. now all organizations like human rights
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watch and human rights commission, a say that to 40 people have died in those protests about to says ya, the others are still missing. some of them have been abducted up some people say it's because it is 5 per list. so the protest is that we was talking to this morning a say that they want to just isn't. it's not just about comment. this man who has resigned. it's also about accountability. so they want just as they want comfortability and they want those who died to be, you know, accounted for. yes, catherine and we have the police choose resignation. we've mentioned that russo sacked almost his entire cabinet on thursday. there has been some other steps to by the government. are they having an impact on the protests?
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of the yes. so we have these fucking to, uh, people on the streets kenya is in general. who are saying that the president is doing well. he has inches introduced these austerity measures. he has fired this cause. he met the secretary of this is what people wanted as well. they wanted this company, the secretaries to leave. and now that is a resignation of this, the police chief. so people is saying that this is a good thing, but a lot of them still don't trust the president. they say that they have be, has to do more, they want more accountability. they say that he needs to deal with corruption and he needs to, he just needs good golfing those. that's what they're say. catherine, thank you for that. catherine, for with the latest live and my role would be to saddam now with the army says it's
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full hoffen defense of launch by the power military, rapid support forces and the city of some not so famous battles on thursday on to our a set price of attack the city for multiple signs. the army says that inflicted heavy losses on the group. within 10000000 people have been displaced. i'm so confident began in april last year. us president joe biden has defended his political record, was pushing back at critics who say he's an onset to run for re election in november and made his case during the highly anticipated of news conference at the nato summit that he mistakenly referred to donald trump as his vice president, the spot calls for him to drop house with the presidential race by them says he's the most qualified person to beach from a white house correspondent company how good reports from washington dc. as he spoke for nearly an hour batting away questions about whether he's capable of
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running for another 4 years. i'm a terminal and running for it. i think it's important and i real i erase. here's i see. let them see me ask questions about us president biden's mental fitness and calls for him to abandon his run for another term. and the white house had been escalating for weeks. so when the 81 year old president was asked had he reduced his schedule following his poor debate performance last month against his rival, donald trump talking biden scoff. uh, have you looked at my schedule since i've, since i made that stupid mistake. i just kind of just paste myself a little paste myself in the next debate. i'm not going to be traveling in this 15th time zones by david says his successful presidency is proof. he's still strong, physically and mentally. as he spoke at the end of 3 days of nato meetings in
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washington, he told reporters, nato leaders are urging him to keep running fearful his rival, former president, donald trump, will return to the white house. when i hear them say is kind of we. so the set nato leaders were visibly uncomfortable and audibly gaz when by then at the end of the nato summit introduce ukrainian president vladimir zalinski as russian president vladimir put clear. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has a determination based gentleman, president, president booth present list binding, quickly corrected himself. others in attendance also defended by that because picking up a c and then the slips of the tongue happened. and if you always monitor everyone, you will find enough of them. 5 in the in says he's not leaving the presidential
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race. despite his blunders, he insist. he still has a chance to win. kimberly healthcare alger 0 washington, russell's foreign ministry. he says the us has been hiding the president's true condition from the public. has the ministry spokes person or is a collar of us, or i would gladly know was this just for my son at the uh, the biggest news coming out of the nato summit is something that's shocked the united states again and the entire planet, the mental causes it's the state of the us president. this is a product of a marriage between the american government, the deep states, and the american mainstream media as a shot, just like they manipulated the situation and information regarding the health and physical condition of the us presidential byte in their manipulating other international topics in the same way as training and police have detained to a russian bull uncomfortable in charge of the spying,
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saying they obtained classified defense documents. the woman previously worked as a technician in the us training on me. she's accused of attempting to access sensitive defense material and share it with the russian officials, the couple hold astray and citizenship and have been living in the country for over a decade. they appeared in close on friday and were charged with one count, each of preparing for an espionage defense cause of selling has passed a new little criminalizing domestic violence. at least 1200 killings related to abuse at home have been recorded in the past. 6 is the true number, maybe for hire. as many cases go and reported a warning, some of the images in the summer been jobs report, trauma santa, a disturbing the women and the self defense close. also by virtue of domestic abuse. the biggest joke has of police receive more than $99000.00 complaints related to family by the last year. but he was like,
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these are coming on social media authority than right group. see the upgrade has usually been and often known to the victim. the human estimates only $1.00 and $4.00 addresses is ever brought to justice poverty because of the law which did not classified domestic violence as a crime. after b, things like this. the only legal option available to women was a civil suit. but one case has changed at in plain sight as a restaurant, the former economy minister beat his wife, salt and looking over. she later died from her. injuries of the politician was sentenced to 24 years in prison. and after the public outcry is seen by itself and as a new law named off to listen to us administrative offense. and that's why the need to adopt the law was so urgent because the victims can not be protected from perpetrators from abusers. this is the spot reconvene is husband used to hit her every time we begin to hear he was in an
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abusive marriage for more than a decade. she remembers dramatic days weeks when.


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