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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the thousands of forties strewn everywhere. what's left and also says a of to is riley troops withdrawal. the hello there. i miss dante, this is alex is here at line from dell ha. also coming through an agency for palestinian refugees us to him. money. it says it only has enough to last. now for a month and a half. you, as president says he is about hang of ne, certainly it isn't his bid for re election despite gas that was just peace
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myself faced by the next to be and i'm not going to be traveling this 50 time zones, lessons and self defense. the steps that cause it's done, it's taking to cut violence against women and children. the civil defense teams have recovered at least 60 bodies in garza city of to is. randy troops partially withdrew from the area. thousands will still feel buried under the rubble. is there any forces are also accused of preventing rescue efforts. palestinians meanwhile, i'm being told it's not safe to return home because it's really snipers in tanks. i'm still in the area. not, as i said, as i found them as of the software, a lot of the time from the ambulance in emergency department in northern casa, immediately after learning that these valleys partially withdrew from the tel. i'll
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highlight in the gaza city. we went there and found funding most of the buildings with decompose because the ambulance team was one not allowed to replace it. so my local still does a large number of bodies under the rubble that has had the look for. well that's go to our cost moment on the ground for the our issues and darryl bala in central garza. and can you describe for us the space of gospel city right now? it sounds like the fighting is still continuing despite this, this partial withdrawal of the word. yes, it is continuing in the more i think we need to find like the dead bodies that the civil defense are trying to recover as they is really forces in they did the causal city a couple of days ago, palestinians were trap, they were unable to evacuate or see their houses, and that's why a lot of policy means right killed under the rubble of their house and also in the
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streets. and the civil defense themes are still working on receiving and recovering as much bodies as possible. despite the fact that this is happening, yes, yes, artillery setting is still happening in air strikes are happening. as we just learned, the 4 policy news were killed at a genette street in the gulf of city after the is ready for says targets and stuff . and given what's happening in the north, we are seeing these ongoing about creation. what is more mass force displacements? all people actually even able to move around and where are they ending off? if they're trying to move from the know well, kind of city into evacuated from the north in the past. we were forced it back to a under is ray, do you live the munition and is there any gun? the guns, but most of the palestinians are not knowing where to go. there never had this and
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homeless. we're talking, we are in the middle area. we're talking about 1800000 policy news. the are we from the north to, to and from the end they're all means here. there's no place to walk through. everywhere is tens at all the agriculture lands and the empty lands are now at mix of times. and palestinians are being displeased over and over again. and polish jeanine's now are used to talk to h in every single week. last week they have 3 different evacuation orders from community, from the god, the city, and some different areas. and they're all being called to it back to a to the middle area to did it, but not specifically, but also there is but that is being under and this is randy russians and i'm sorry that wasn't across from the ground from there all on. thank you very much . well, it's really bones has damaged or destroyed move in
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a 1000 mosques and gaza. and although they are afraid, many palestinians still gather every week for friday. prince tar couple of them went to one, demolished mosque that endurable. i'm standing right now. next to destroyed most and there is bela town central, the guys, this trip squire. he is the scared of destruction resulted from these by the attack on that area roughly. and the is by the military has targeted more than 1000 most since the beginning of the conflict. and the goal is a strict palestinians generally have used to pray in these religious places. but these very repeated attacks on such areas have to them to be incredibly safe for the vast majority of the people as account clearly understand. now, according to the international humanitarian low, the tend to targeting for religious places during conflict. time is a war crime and we started different videos for these. wait a minute, treat storming such religious places,
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disrespecting the sanctity of these areas for palestinian spot. despite all of this, people inside the goal is a storm. specifically in the central area of the church. we continue to gather it for friday, for prayers despite also so things are unfolding them. tarika by zoom was just the right there that i had a story as well. the agency that provides live saving aid and services to palestinian refugees and gaza says it only has enough money to last another month and a half. and right is asking for more and it's annual kitchen conference in new york . now some of the agencies biggest donors, including united states, suspended the funding of to is really choose some of its employees of taking pots and headed off as a tax. and i've chosen an independent investigation that found no credible evidence of own rose involvement. and some countries then resumed their donations, but the agency is still funding source of its budget without the necessary
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supports and financing to only uh, follow, spend, refugees, we lose that. could we think a lifeline and the last lay of hope for the best the future to those of you, we have already planned support. i thank you. and my appeal to everyone is these, but effect older but a tech, older stuff and protect what was mandates, including sort of funding and left me be clear. there is no alternative to what it's jose united states has adopted further sanctions against 3 is really such as the number of an equal outpost and entity is operating in the occupied west bank. now the phone rings to 10. the total number of such as the us as individually sanctioned since february of all right. great for the hava is one of the organizations named washington says it's vendors all involved and replace it as a violence against palestinians. 2 of the 3 individual sanctioned leaders of
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another group called south 9. it's described as a violent extremist as really group, and it's been attacking humanitarian aid truck's heading to gaza. but that person is a phone on who owns one of full legal outposts that have been blacklisted. well, no date reports from ramallah on how these really, governments hasn't taken any steps to match the sanctions. for this war began, the us had not taken any measures that could be even perceived as pressure against is really separate. we're attacks on palestinian civilians or the is really policy a supplement expansion. of course, these are limited to is really nationals the, the, the sanctions that are announced have to do with assets if they exist in the us with a not allowing them entry in the united states. but they don't effect what happens in israel, where the government has not cooperated. it has not much those sections,
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and it is actually advancing draft legislation to go around them and make sure that they are these individuals are not financially affected organizations as well. a how as of right wing organization, as you said, it is closely associated with many ministers in the government, including the national security minister. it's a my been v are they continue to have a lot of clouds on policy and they continue to receive funds from american citizens through very many means including crowd funding. the whole joe biden faces the next test of his fitness for the us presidency in the coming hours. he's hitting the campaign trail in michigan, and impulse in battle ground stays. that he'll be trying to reassure voters instead of democrats, that he can defend donald trump in november's election,
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our white house correspondent can be how it takes a look at the situation right now. he spoke for nearly an hour, but adding away questions about whether he's capable of running for another 4 years . i'm a terminal and running for it. i think it's important and i real i erase. here's i see. let them see me out. there questions about us president biden's mental fitness and calls for him to a band in his run for another term and the white house had been escalating for weeks. so when the 81 year old president was asked had he reduced his schedule following his poor debate performance last month against his rival, donald trump talking biden scoff. uh, have you looked at my schedule since i've, since i made that stupid mistake. i just kind of just paste myself and paste myself in the next debate. i'm not going to be traveling in this 15th time zone. why did
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it says his successful presidency is proof. he's still strong, physically and mentally. as he spoke at the end of 3 days of nato meetings in washington, he told reporters, nato leaders are urging him to keep running fearful his rival, former president, donald trump, will return to the white house. when i hear them say is kind of we. so the set nato leaders were visibly uncomfortable and audibly gaz when by then at the end of the nato summit introduced ukrainian president vladimir zalinski as russian president vladimir put clear. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has a determination based gentleman, president, president booth present list wide and quickly corrected himself. others in attendance also defended by that because picking up
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a c and then the slips of the tongue happened. and if you always monitor everyone, you will find enough of them by then insist he's not leaving the presidential race . despite his blunders, he insists he still has a chance to win. well that spring to come to the house at 2 joins us out from washington, dc. so kimberly by them saying that nature lead is are on the side. but can you give us a read on the con, instead of pay within the democratic policy right now the of the yeah, well, there are some indications that there is growing pressure on the president to pass the torch. and just the last couple of hours, what we know is that there has been at least $90000000.00 that has been frozen as long as the president remains on the top of the democratic ticket. in other words, that his presidential nomination may not be as secure as he was hoping,
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following that democratic performance. but some democratic donors are saying, look at, if you stay where you are, we're not voices support you financially. and american politics costs and a normal amount of money. so this really does matter. so even though joe biden was relatively successful in terms of his performance, he showed he was adept at foreign policy. he did have a couple of major gas, but the bottom line is that is classic joe biden. he has twisted up names from the start of his career. he shows so that he was able to have the stamina for 81 years old after 3 days of meetings. in a long day, he was able to answer on scripted reporters of questions. and he is still popular with the grass roots with a party white working class black and latino americans. but it is these white leads that are at the top of the party that the campaign says are his problem and now
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they are withholding money. and that is going to be an issue for the president, will still the bite and seems determined to keep on campaigning on a fairly grueling schedule as i see it. presumably there. awesome. pretty real concerns about how he's going to hold off. so that's what the president is going to and is determined to prove wrong. in fact, he's hitting that campaign trail. he's habits in michigan and and next week he's headed to nevada and we heard from the president himself on thursday. he said, look, i've just got to get out there. i'm a lot too late. fears. one thing that the president is pretty uh, price the about is that he is a, he's an iris catholic. he is when everybody is sort of tech some down. he says he gets right back up and this would be one of those examples. so he's not too worried about what they're saying about him right now. he's going to get out on the campaign trail and he's in a fighting mood. and so he's determined. he says he's running and right now he
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doesn't seem to care what the critics say. how white house correspondent, kimberly house at this day in cross those developments for us in washington dc. thanksgiving. we are, i spoke to richard. good stay and he is a democratic strategist and also a former advisor to bill and hillary clinton. he thinks that biden will quit the presidential race. i think the evidence is mounting that something's happened to by and over the past several months. look, you heard him yesterday at this press conference. he was much more areas i than anything. donald trump could dream about being called for 2 state solution. we know that trump once a muslim band and the us and will never. and a 1000000 years ago for tuesday, solutions 5 is quite eloquent when it comes to foreign policy. but it appears george clooney is one, is members and congress or other results are good people see him in moments where he was more like the person we saw in that debate than the person we saw yesterday
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. so i actually stayed at this stage of the game by the bed. i think it's not going to be easy. the bible will actually choose to stand down and give way to come with harris. i will just say one of the things. shockingly, he, the polls have not crated for him. were pulse you probably saw this morning, then had him tied up with donald trump tide after that horrible performance debate . so it just speaks to how much people do not like donald trump in the united states of america. and i disagree with the premise that it's just lex and spanish who are trying to kind of hold on to him. most democrats in post wish the bible would give way. i'll still head here on al jazeera, kenya is police chief resigns in the wake of the crux down there by security forces on protest. his officers killed 41 people casanya at another case of sexual abuse and remote island of oak, you know,
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and it's not just aimed at to choose us. and then the the i had low that the monsoon rains have been in full force across a south asia, causing flooding, particularly across north east scenarios, such as the pool tonne and bung with dish as well as northern parts of india. now the good news is that the rain has eased because areas such as per dash, instead, it'll be western and central areas that see those heavy down pools on site. today we've amber lots extending away from content and go down to care that that's what we're seeing. the heaviest of the rain and strong winds as well. but the central areas will also see that rain splashing in through the we can, you can see the heavier rain once again, pulsing across the bay open. go towards me in my on sunday. the heavy rain as well
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. stretching across for the south of india into sri lanka, but towards the know, if it is looking a lot wise for southern parts of pakistan, we've seen some heavy rain in the notes here, but the who will see a chance of rain on the sunday, but more in the way of hot and humid weather as we start the new week, and a lot of the heat and humidity across china has been kicked out by the return of some west. the weather may you front will continue to push those pulses of heavy rain across the korean peninsula with more heavy rain to come for japan. on sunday, the nature of 9 made catastrophes. ali rate who was quite severe weather events are resulting. in other words, think devastation. the variety of human factors needs or intensity and impact is a purely natural. and the politics behind normalizing climate changes was to affect
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if i was supposed to receive of normal. but you said something that should have to happen to any one. is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permit on al jazeera, the the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the salad rescue work is have recovered. at least 60 bodies from neighborhoods across cause a city of to is really troops, partially withdrew. thousands more off. he had buried under the rubble. is there any forces that also accused of preventing rescue efforts? meanwhile, the u. s. has adopted another round of sanctions against 3 is rarely settlers and 5
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entities including a legal outpost in the occupied westbank. that springs to 9, the number of fall arises ready sections since february you as president dro button remains defiance that he will run for re election. despite growing criticism from within his democratic party, at least 18 congressional democrats and now asked him to quit the presidential race . what can use police? chase, jump and comment has resigned in the wake, the violent crack down by security forces and protest as last month. the killed $41.00 people that demonstrations that began initially in opposition to a controversial finance bill on now being directed and government corruption and police brutality. in an attempt to contain widespread and present william versa, withdrew that bill which would have raised taxes. and then on thursday, he dismissed most of his cabinets, putting the whole discussions with critics before then appointing a more efficient administration. oh catherine. so is at some of those protests in
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georgia which is just outside the capital and i already, and he's a student from a nearby university. and this is a very busy highway. and the reason why the students are here is because they're demanding for jost is josh just for one of the died 2 years old and he found on, you know, i want to say this, such students say that they want. josh, is they want to know what happened to them. we have one use make harder and should clear the traffic as well. but the students say that they are p, as they say that job. they just don't want justice as well as they have been for many development in the country, especially the main thing
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. but they want to be done. the president of the one comfortability they were. * the same as well, but not now. they said that issue the on the send. so let's do these on mean says it's full to us and offensive by the rapid support forces in the city of central affairs. specials on thursday is our assess sizes attached to that city for several directions. the army says it inflicted heavy losses on the permanent frequency. more than 10000000 people have been displaced since the conflict began in april last year. now school building has collapsed in nigeria. it happened in the city of
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just students that were assisting exams at the time, and there are reports of many who are injured instead. rescue if it's all counting on the way to reach teachers and students still traps that under the rubber straining please have detained. a russian born couple on charges of spine saying they obtained classified defense documents. the woman previously worked as a technician and these training all mean, she's accused of attempting to access sensitive defense material and to share it with russian officials. now a couple do hold strictly in citizenship and have been living there for moving a decade. this hearing is being held in japan against an american soldier accused of sexually assaulting a minor in okinawa residence and good bye. it took years of hand suppression of the crime, eunice come, explains. fury has gripped oak, you know, and beyond another case involving sexual assault. this time on christmas eve,
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a japanese minor taken to the home of a 25 year old us senior airman, and allegedly assaulted. sorry to say, michael, that i can never forgive such incidents. i learned to interpose so to use nearly so 2 cases of sexual violence, hubble code, we have about half of them going under reported. there's also shock over tokyo's, restrain stats, keeping the oak in our government in the dark for months. when we, when i g on the hug, fish that it is extremely regretable that such an incident occurred. i am aware that the us side also takes the semester extremely seriously. where it's that fall on deaf ears for many. ok, no one's traumatized by a gang rate of a 12 year old school girl in 1995 by 3 us soldiers. faced with fierce calls to egypt to us spaces, then washington pledge to close the key air field located in a residential area. a plan deferred and now revised to move it's operations further
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north. but she got it underneath these incidents have shown that the presence of bases jeopardizes the human rights and dignity of okinawans. japan hosts the largest overseas u. s. military contingent with 70 percent of the facilities on ok. noah. the base is on the tiny island are kit out with the latest military hardware. as there is to teach, an importance grows with their close proximity to tie one a mid. washington's rise in competition with being still analysts say tokyo needs to be more transparent with local governments whose duty is to protect their residents, safety, and security. does it take to jo, hold to you, a jeep cycle, couldn't you got? it is crucial for the national government and local governments to share information, smoothly allowing local governments to protest to the us military. i let residents and conduct patrols tokyo acknowledge this month. there were at least 3 other cases of suspected sexual assault. committed by you as personnel in oak, you know,
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since last year, adding that they did not lead to indictments unit skim. oh, to 0. what catholics dawn has passed a needle criminalizing domestic violence, at least 1200 killings related to abuse at home. have no record of that in the past 6 years. the to number may even be fall high as many cases go unreported. a warning some of the images and some of injuries report from this. donna auto stopping. the fluid of the women and the self defense close also by virtue of domestic abuse . the biggest joke has of police receive more than $99000.00 complaints related to family bodies last year. but he was like, these are coming on social media to 140 than right group. see the upgrade has usually been an often known to the victim. the un estimates only one in for addresses is ever brought to justice policy because of the law which did not classify domestic violence as a crime. after b,
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things like this. the only legal option available to women was a civil suit. in one case has changed that in plain sight as a restaurant, the former economy minister beat his wife, salt enough, looking over. she later died from her. injuries of the politician was sentenced to 24 years in prison and after the public outcry is seen by itself. in it as a new law named after listen, that's towards administrative defense and that's why the need to adopt the law was so urgent because the victims can not be protected from perpetrators from abusers. this is the spot reconvene is husband used to hit her every time we begin to hear she was in an abusive marriage for more than a decade. she remembers dramatic days, weeks, months and years. a new just her husband was the diplomats and she says,
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one of the most painful episodes was when they lived in the united alabama. it's and domina is she beat me to sleep. my sister says, my sister shouting karena, run and call for help. i don't have the finances a to rent an apartment. the crisis center keeps me here at here. and they provide me with psychological support and lawyers, human rights. what says the government must do more to ensure women and children are protected in line with international standards. the new law has been in the books for 4 years, and although the number of abuse cases has risen up to 35 percent, there are still people who believe that this law would be detrimental to cause that society when you might you absolutely nothing changes with the adoption of this role is just as the victim have the right to contact no enforcement before. no, it's the same. i didn't know if a law is not required. this legislation criminalize is between a minor hall, which is open to manipulation. that's not what these women believe who have to leave homes and live in the end of your shelter to protect themselves. the children
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will stay at home with green this as you only feel safe when her ex husband is behind buzz. when other women choose instead to prepare their own self defense. so i'm, i'm driving down to the road. i started a heavy rain full continues to disrupt life in the south, west of china. the city of chunking has been experiencing its most stormy weather this year. floods and then slides have forced thousands from their homes and the 6 people have died in the reins. meanwhile, at least 63 people are missing in the pool of the 2 bosses was swept into a river by landslide caused by monsoon rains. a search and rescue mission is under way to look for the missing people. 3 passengers have been rescued and receiving treatment. now the recessions of a deadly snake spaces. in fact, the dash has caused panic and rural communities help us of disease. in order to stop copland and even find to say the re appearance of the spaces is due to the
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change in clement and time. did you have any reports from new? how strong in the dash previously considered? nearly explain the russell was right for has re much in bangladesh and increasing to make by the incidents and the resulting fatalities of causing seo and printing new to the same social worker from a town on the outskirts of tucker says, numerous sidings have been reported to the most locals are not anxious in a state of panic, especially those working on the farm lands and doors living along the river bank side. they're scared of being attacked. tommy is a traditional snake wrangler who seems to be at ease handling the deadly reptiles has been helping to clear snakes from people's homes and hands them over to the for us department. he doesn't have been the snake wrangler for motivation. he's catching mindy for.


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