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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the system even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the the flow this is in use our own algae 0. i'm for the black people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes is really forces hits gaza city again after 60 status to me is a found dead following a partial is really resolved on the pressure to quit the race. joe biden makes the trip to michigan, one of the states that get ahold of me for the white house. we are live in detroit . also this our at least 21 students are killed after their school collapses in
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central nigeria. and a 1000000000 ad bash that's drawn anger and on, asia's which is mine holds a lavish wedding for his son in a star studded ceremony and his phone number to choose one much away from becoming the most successful grand slam champion of old time. tbs, lorenzo assess 8 to reach the wimbledon final health light. call us out, cross enter a piece of less dues cycle this on the thank you for joining us. we begin in kansas city, which israel has declared a dangerous combat zone, with tens of thousands of palestinians dropped inside to. this is the aftermath of and is really a talk on a residential building in gaza. city. everything around seems to have been reduced
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to rubble, bodies of scattered on the streets as palestinians rushed, injured to the few remaining hospitals nearby hours earlier, civil defense seems recovered at least 60 bodies after is really to spatially withdrawal from what was once one of guys most affluent neighborhoods, thousands more. if you had buried under the rubble into out how are you and one college or hospital, a bank and residential towers have all been destroyed. so i felt as i found them a sort of thoughtful for a lot of, i'm from the ambulance in emergency department in northern casa, immediately after learning that these valleys partially withdrew from the tel. i'll highlight in the cause of city we went back and found funding most of the buildings with decompose because the ambulance team was one not allowed to replace it. so my local still, there's a large number of bodies under the rubble of the head. and in 7 guys are witnesses say the is really ami targeted an area that it is designated
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a so called face. so you're talking hon unit skills, at least 7 palestinians. and at least for a to workers from the u. k. humanitarian organizational higher foundation were killed in an is really a strike on an a distribution points me by his hand to hold every with the latest developments from outside i likes the hospital and central gas. a slight thing is happening in the western parts of the dos. is this the very close to the coast line? but also the is there any portions have been targeting at different areas across the causes to be one of those? those targets is an apartment and those are that street where at least for college and use wakefield and others were injured. and also they targeted at random streets in the gods of city. but all day long, the civil defense themes were able to reach the areas. those are the forces personally out front. and they were able to retrieve 60 bodies of palestinians that
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were killed doing the ground invasion. most of these products can use according to eye witnesses, and testimonies are people who were executed by the is ready forces when they were trying to evacuate and leave the area after they were trapped it in the middle of air strikes live and munitions and quads captors it was a very smart day for civil defense, seems environmentally trying to retrieve bodies as much as possible the pain of the welcome use. joe biden is in the battle ground state of michigan for a campaign. raleigh, as he looks to revive his bid for re election as us president biden will be trying to reassure voters and fault fellow democrats that he can defeat republican rival. donald trump, in november's election at least 19 members of bible bodies in congress have call
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for him to spend down after a series of gaps, but he insists is the only candidate who can reach donald trump. by the way, speaking right now in detroit, let's listen in felt we were best the way things were going. just the way we talked one other politics, the more the way things have become so polarized. and i said the 2nd reason i was running was to deal with the issue of given a no classified and chance. like i said earlier, i come from one of those families. we weren't poor, but we weren't, there was never anything left over to you as a month. and you know, the idea is that the trickle down economics and i look, if you can make you go make a 1000000 bucks, make a 1000000 bucks to make it to the 5. i really make it just pay your fair share as you go on. just pay your taxes, spare a fair share. and so i
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decide i was gonna add the trickle down economics were, you know, if it's a wealthy do well, everybody else does. well that i love trickle down in my dad's kitchen table. and so i decided we're going to build the economy from the middle out in the bottom up . and that way, the walls, they still do very well. made a commitment and found a lot of democrats. i said, no, i will not raise traction. anybody had making less than $400000.00. i couldn't be accused of not wanting people to be able to make money. and we have when we asked what we've done, not a single punitive tax has been raised by anybody making on it for an offense $1000.00. but in the meantime, what's happened? we've grown the middle class. we created 800000 manufacturing jobs, 1.6000001.6000000 new jobs more than any present has in american history. is that period of time to lose? uh what we will. the other thing we do is we provided how health care shouldn't be an option. you know,
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we was able to change the affordable care act and another 800000 people. anyway. access to insurance, access to health in the us president joe biden, who's campaigning in the background state of michigan this friday, he's speaking the garage grill in north hill, michigan. and then finally you to had to detroit for another campaign event, john henry and is in detroit. for us, where present biden will be speaking from uh, in a little while. uh, just remind is john uh about the importance of, of michigan for president biden. and the democratic campaign, the president by name for the democrats, michigan, is part of the blue wall that they hope to have across the midwest states from pennsylvania to michigan to illinois or wisconsin. and it was
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a really crucial stage. ready for the president to have one michigan by about 3 percentage points last time in an average of polls. currently, he's a little less than one percent behind trump right now, so he's coming here to make up ground. and he's doing so in the face of criticism from some members of his own party. and he's doing so as well in the face of criticism from protesters like these. here behind me who are reading the bible supporters as they come in. and let me introduce one of them. however, he's here to join us. we're just using her 1st name. she's with the us palestinian community network. thank you for joining us on al jazeera and tell me, what are you and the other protesters doing here today? today we're standing outside of this high school where by didn't speaking yet we're here to protest who's complicit in the genocide in the occupation of palestinian land. and and he, you know, there is talk of a cease fire coming up. we've heard it before. i know that by the president has
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been pressing for that. if there were a cease fire, would that change your mind? um no, because it doesn't just stop at a ceasefire. there's an occupation in palestine, and there has been an occupation for 75 years. and americans conflict and help build the occupation. so what i'm saying is it doesn't just stop with bite in. it should have stopped, as he promised. as his former former presidents have promised. however, that will not change anything. and there has been the top of the ceasefire since it's since the agenda started started. so i have no faith in the present and the current president here in michigan, there's a large arab and muslim american community. uh they young voters and others joining the uncommitted campaign were about 600000 people voted for vitamin the primary, about a 100000, voted for uncommitted. and how did you vote in why i actually don't, didn't vote. and i'm not planning on voting because i do believe in the uncommitted campaign, however, i cannot. and i cannot in great faith,
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participate in the voter system as it's currently complicit in the genocide of ida . i'm not palestinian on the i'd off the women, but it's hits too close to home. and i don't like to see it and i cannot participate while this is happening. so you see that president is slightly behind in the, in the pause. i'm gonna leave it right there because we're short on time, but how to thank you very much for talking to us. we appreciate you being here. and so there you were to that's, that's the view of it. from testers, we have a number of by the supporters coming through here. those are the people you see walking by. they're going into the high school the here, the president speech, and we can expect him to spend a lot more time in michigan and other states here and that blue wall that he wants to build in the midwest phone. john, thank you very much. john hendrick reporting that live from detroit michigan. now i had all spent visit to michigan, the us president said he's making progress towards
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a cx 5 deal in gaza. he posted the following on ex uh, 6 weeks ago i laid out a comprehensive framework for how to achieve a cease fire and bring the hostages home. there is still work to do, he says, and these are complex issues. but that framework is now agreed to by both is route and how mosse my team is making progress. and i'm determined to get this done. let's be to our senior political. i'm is my one bushera bob. this is joining us live from paris. my one biden's gaps and you know the questions about his ability to lead of some what it seems across the issue of guys uh, how, how do you see this of people writing on the us presidential race playing into the sci fi efforts as well. there is no doubt that the recent scandals over his uh um, bad performance services, especially in the debates are adding to his troubles. it has to almost in michigan started back in february during the democratic primary as we've just heard from our
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correspondents. the fact that michigan with this 100000 uncommitted waters during the primaries, that's basically as much as the margin was rich by then as one again strong. so in fact, he could be in real trouble in michigan, apparently because of his position on, on guys and you support for is genocide throughout much of the 9 months of the war on guys. so i think many americans, especially in the like the state of michigan have not for getting the president. and clearly, as he just turns for more of those young people that are made to be skeptical of him, i was going to ask him. and if he were to succeed in helping achieve a ceasefire in gaza, would that improve his chances in
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a state like michigan or do you think it's too little bit too late? but again, judging from that young woman's uh uh, shoes, now cry that it brought us times to lock you 5 and tens of thousands of people. it has guide them and by didn't have support. there's nothing you know through out to the general side. so the people in michigan out of americans and african americans and others are really stuck in this choice between a tyrant, trump and genocide. joe, the exactly the best of uh, you know, options, but that's why it's so dramatic in places like michigan, that's the magic for the separation that for the pro justice pro palestine crowd. this is a choice between 2 evils, and it's a very difficult choice for the pro israel preoccupation voters. it's a choice and basically between to reconcile the goods for his read.
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trump is really aggressively for his rag, if you remember the. so for the next session, ridiculous in any event of the occupied, the goal on hides why didn't at once again, you know, he supported the genocide because i knew only makes promises about 2 states if he couldn't bring about a ceasefire for the past 67 months you think he's going to bring a 2 state solution right. we have however, had that being a beach, the by mid ministration, by the prospects of a cease fire soon in gaza. but it's not the same that we're hearing from the is really prime ministers government. this yeah, i was, government is still talking about is so called red lines and that the war will continue. and so on, what you're thinking right now in israel, you think, when you look at the political situation in the us is literally how you think stalling waiting, perhaps for a new administration to come in in america. there's no doubt that's nothing. he
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always running the clock and by doing that he is waiting for the next administration or what the progressive mission, meaning probably beginning another year because i said my social is not going to be taking any quick positions on on, on file is fine. so i think that and the i was trying to play in the, in the last time and the additional time if you were. and clearly he has his own issues with the news or, and it's out and put and just trying to piece up to the army. i'm to something more west and pressures and it clearly does not want a ceasefire. and he's probably the only leader, you know, along with his ministers that do not want to cease fire, certainly not a lot of ceasefire and even to work stuck, temporary cease fire on stages. it continues to put the obstacles. but the question here is for us in the context of our overall uh, issue of michigan and by then and us actions is that binding has been weakened over
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the past several weeks. and already over the past several months, he refused to put enough pressure on nothing. you know how to change course he wouldn't use the language he has over is or i have to change his course. and now he doesn't have that much of a political capital to spend on israel and it's lobby in order to force a new cease fire. so we're really stuck in the middle of this thing. and the us elections are becoming embarrassment. i did one and don't americans probably around the world and that project itself over the middle east negotiation. it was look at the americans under say what a minute you are choosing people or between the 2 people who are forced on us in the middle east. so this entire american uh, you know, circus of america, i'm trying to projected image as a, the lead the democracy with and lighting ideas on human rights. why we stuck with genocide, joe, on fire and trump. i mean, none of this,
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it's where it's neither far ceasefire nor for a future. uh, you know, uh, decent photo policy issue. all right, my one, thank you very much as always good to get your analysis on the situation in both the us and the middle east. my ron bouchard is our senior political analyst and that was news now in kenya. the police chief justice committee has resigned in the wake of the violent cross down on protest as last month. that killed 41 people in an attempt to contain widespread anger. president william router has also dismissed most of his cabinet. but it's catherine. so a report from campbell county is hasn't cloud protests? many canyons wanted the inspector general of police to design a different office called met all of us. so the excessive force used by police during resent process. the used to a gas the time and life will that 41 protest is most of them in the twenty's
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died rice optic. they say several others are missing and could have been abducted allegedly by police offices. we are going to support those what the president william brutal has promised to investigate the east. i'm kind of where the police headed to account and that kind of thing. ease, finance. it does seem please, it is mind. it has people very competent people who would deal with that situation, but this students say they don't trust the president or police investigators. so they came to the street to demand and says about denzil, on monday, a student who was either protest but turned up that in a dumb days later, these are students from a nearby university. and this is a very busy highway. and the reason why the students are here is because they're
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demanding for jost is. josh is for one of the college guides only 32 years old. they say no changes to government or austerity measures will bring back then. so a line result pulling back. i mean, it's good to get the anything we want just to say that this is a prison on the notes we want to just as the president says, he's listening to what they're say, but they say he must hear the calls for more accountability. cathy sorry all the 0 . campbell county staying in africa, the sudanese army says it's far off and offensive by the rapids. support forces in the city of center. they were his battles on thursday as i, as the fighters attacks the city from several directions beyond. he says it inflicted heavy losses on the power of military good. within 10000000 people have
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been displaced in the conflicts began in april last year. mohammed vaughan has the latest from 4th to don, a press release on his social media platform x. the general comments of this within his armed forces says they have succeeded in gushing on the whole thing. a number of attempts by the front of me to set it off is for forces to take the city of. so now it says that it's active, but the out of tools had slipped off the sustaining heavy muscles and perhaps one of equipment offensive. a product view was one of the biggest of the talks on predictions with large numbers of troops. obviously, statements also mation another unsuccessful attack on me. i can one of the few remaining on these phone calls and the just the other states just switched off to now 2 weeks ago, out of south to the city of single the administrative capital of single states. viking and seemed to i'll now close up to 140000 civilians to please to the
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neighboring states of nevada. the city of and pass it in. no 4 is also on the seed by us up with ongoing fighting and reports of funding. i'm on disability population . this comes out these efforts, continue on multiple levels. the negation of the teen water and sites. hospitalized in geneva for focus of tough being called for by you and, and a number of so then these groups um, using an audi settlement to try to throw a full of clothes about for national become sedation. how much fun does the 4th through the and, and i, jerry, as school building has caved in on the students while they were sitting exams in the center of the country. the red cross has at least 21. people have been killed. it happened in the city of jobs spent in monica and has more the school building and central night years. plus it was safe collapse without warning students inside it just set down to take their exams. parents are among
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those gathered outside waiting for news. some survivors have been pulled from the rubble, but others didn't make it out alive. the desktop somehow be rescue. that's why you come cd as coverage goes on everything. heavy machinery is being used to move the rubble. but people are also digging with picks and shovels. outside of glass dates, elevated into the 2 countries, mostly tech. and we have about 16 main into the main ones. and then we have to send the deed to police an army hit the deployed to help with the rescue effort. building collapses are common to nigeria. create explain less regulations on the
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construction industry because of the latest collapses. still on know, with local said, happened after several days of heavy rain since mulligan, l g 0 at least 4 migraines who were trying to cross the english channel have died after the overcrowded boat capsized off the coast of france. french of 40 said the coast guard rescued, 56 others believe novice sailing of age has moved from london or the often most of us. another tragedy in the english channel. these emergency crews back from responding to a migrant vote capsizing in which for people lost their lives and 56 of those were rescued off the coast from newton from a little stuck to submit a place a week after week and c. c overcrowded. both of them both till fairly poor quality removed because they're under inflated product floors throughout the life jacob's social this morning on board the boat. there was only one migrant wearing a life jacket and a few others in their tubes. these boats,
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barrels under power increases the risk of damage, and shipwreck is all boxes. and this is the journey they were attempting across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the wild. this will play the 1st steps and purchase the oil for those who make it. but this year alone, at least 19 people drowned, trying to reach the u. k. the human tragedy. but also a political problem to successive versus government. on his 1st day in office, the new prime minister kids thomas dropped the previous government's line to the terrace side. and because by the pushing them to rwanda, instead of shifting the focus on dismantling people smuggling guns. but some see is that that will do very little to fix the issues that are the root cause of this problem. and that is a lot of enough legal rates to the u. k. according to charities who point out to the largest number of migrants in small bates come from if got installed. what i'd really like to see is
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a system of safe passage. it works well for you craniums who are refugees. it works well for those who come from home comb, we can't see ukrainians and home come, chinese drowning in the channel. what is the criminalizing the actual refugees trying to seek safety and giving them safe and regulated routes with a screen offshore? probably in front of these res advocated, and they'll give them that safe and regulated regions of the country that have already been more people crossing the english channel this year. then at this point, last year, this powerless johnny risk many of waiting to take the hope of a better future. univision, univision to out a 0 london the cause of time has passed a new law toughening penalty so convicted of uses. but human rights advocates have doubts about the laws ability to curve violence. at least 1200 kids related to abuse at home have been recorded in the past 6 years. the to number may be far
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higher, as many cases go unreported wanting some of the images, you know, some have been jobs report from us on a distressing fluid of the women in the cells depends close also by virtue of domestic abuse. the biggest joke has of police receive more than $99000.00 complaints related to family bodies last year. but he was like, these are coming on social media to 140 than right group. see the upgrade has usually been and often known to the victim. the human estimates only one and for addresses is ever brought to justice poverty because of the law which did not classified domestic violence is a crime. after b, things like this. the only legal option available is the women was a civil suit. but one case has changed that in plain sight and the restaurant, the former economy minister beat his wife, something up looking over. she later died from her. injuries of the politician was sentenced to 24 years in prison. and after the public outcry is seen by itself in
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a, as a new law named doctor that's towards administrative defense. and that's why the need to adopt the law was so urgent because the victims can not be protected from perpetrators from abusers. this is the spot reconvene is husband used to hit her every time it begins to hear . she was in an abusive marriage for more than a decade. she remembers dramatic days, weeks, months and years. it looks now could in the interest her husband was the diplomats and she says one of the most painful episodes was when they lived in the united alabama. it's and the media isn't it? she beat me to sleep. my sister says, my sister shouting corrina, run and call for help. i don't have the finances a to rent an apartment. the crisis center keeps me here at here. and they provide me with psychological support and lawyers and human rights. what says the
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government must do more to ensure women and children are protected in line with international standards. the new law has been in the books for 4 years. and although the number of abuse cases has risen up to 55 percent, there are still people who believe that this law would be detrimental to cause that society when you might you absolutely nothing changes with the adoption of this role is just as the victim have the right to contact no enforcement before. no is the same. i didn't know if a law is not required. this legislation criminalize is between a minor hall, which is open to manipulation. that's not what these women believe who have to leave homes and living in obscure shelter to protect themselves. the children will stay at home with green this as you only feel safe when her ex husband is behind buzz. when other women choose instead to prepare their own self defense. so i'm, i'm driving down to 0. i started seeing i had on this news hour. they live in
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a plan. thank you. ever them to visit a site is over. first is a little update. the story of a 19 year old kind of give me an influenza sharing with the world, how he escapes the atrocities of war a deadly threat drunk by changing time. if we talk to us, make catherine bangladesh who was helping communities confined to the things, the, the hello, we have some vague contrasts in the weather across here at the moment. lots of places, guys have sunshine tools, the east, and particularly across the south, but towards the northwest. brands of cloud and rain and rolling in from the atlantic is disappointingly cold and raw. the run, settle this area of light pressure here, just making its way to east and france into jeremy that spring. some lives the showers in big storm. so they're gonna run the way
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a little further north with an east with over the next couple of days. so you can see where the low temperatures are across the northwest, you can see where the high temperature saw i would towards the south regression bell gray, 40 degrees celsius. so at the celsius, the, for most guy, when we were taping the, he's in a similar place as we go through sunday morning to monday and the date on into tuesday. so i've assessed the updated terms of the wet weather weather system. that's a cold front. that's every flight pressure that will speak this way across the gemini, pushing up across into posit scandinavia picked apples expect digging past all but them up maybe 60 to 80. going to be sent to frank through the course of the day that could cause some flooding. whether the, when the weather that will continue to push this way further north, which at east was brightening up for the football in violin on sunday. don't do better on the type of just 25 mustang hot to the south on the, on counting the costs this week. why may so is pushing members to raise defense
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spending, power, new confederation of the free government's just dividing west africa. plus, what is the future hold for boeing off for a plea deal with the us government. counting the cost on al jazeera, 2 weeks into protests against a controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of can you police accused of disproportionate pilots showed no signs of backing down. president william retail may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands, as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights. there's still a great deal of anger against the government protesters here say their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand why they're coming out and protesting
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the the welcome back. every couple of my top stories on how to sierra rescue workers have recovered at least 60 bodies from neighborhoods in gaza. city after is really true of spatially withdrawal. dozens more. i see it buried under the revel. is really forces are accused of preventing rescue efforts. high school building has collapse in central nigeria while students were sitting exams. direct cost is at least $21.00. people have died. rescue as an a city of jobs have been trying to reach teachers and students up under the roof. and joe biden is campaigning in the battleground state of michigan, as he tries to revive his fate for reelection as us president who's trying to
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reassure voters and fellow democrats, that he can defeat republican rival. donald trump in november's election mustang with the us elections and social media giant, meta is removing restrictions on donald trump's, facebook and instagram accounts. the company says the move is to ensure parity among the us presidential candidates leading up to the vote since being reinstated in january last year. thomas accounts have been subjects to strict to penalties, been either uses or for more on the us presidential race. that's now speak to michael forgot, who was a research professor emeritus with the center for political studies at the university of michigan is joining us from albert in michigan. thank you so much for being with us on algae is 0. let's start with the president bided making the case for his candidacy in michigan today. it was exactly 4 years ago in michigan that he stood before supporters in detroit high school and called himself
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a bridge to the next generation of leaders in the last few days. as you know, we've seen a, a growing course of voices calling on the president to step aside. can you tell us what is what voters in michigan i'm most concerned about today when it comes to biding? is it his ability to lead the country for another 4 years or, or is it more about his record? of course that depends partly um, which bodies you're talking to. but if you are talking about democrats, if we're talking about the democrats and the ability of joe biden, to get the majority of voters michigan. and i think that there is a great deal of concern about is age and his ability to serve about a 4 year term. but there's also a great deal of concern about donald trump. so that recent following data showed that democrats do have concern about his age,
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but they're not trying to abandon joe biden, if it turns out to be the candidate of the democratic party. but we did see a lot of uncommitted voters during the primaries in michigan, especially among the american population of michigan. how significant has the shift been away from bite and among you know, of americans and also african americans in the state? well, i'm the americans and african americans are 2 of the major groups in the democratic coalition, other states, they're very important to democratic victor and a bind i was having difficulty with both groups but for slightly different reasons. this problem with the arab americans is because of this policy and support of israel and gaza. and i would say that it's unlikely that
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a substantial portion of those americans will turn out to vote for him in the fall. they won't vote for donald trump, but they'll, they won't go to the polls at all, most likely, or certainly they won't vote for present. so democrats have had issues with the turn upgrades of african americans, especially in the trade wayne county area for, for several recent elections. we think that hillary clinton last in 2016 because of love turned out of my african americans and that jo by and one in 2020 because he was able to stimulate, turn out among african americans. so he's going back to the same high schools today that he spoke at 4 years ago with the central in african american audience. to
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talk to accomplish minutes of his administration, to tell them how important their votes are to his when english state. what about the term? the trump campaign, michael? um we've, we've had met her announcing today that is going to lift restrictions on trump. what effect do you see that having on his campaign and what, what is it? what are his chances today in the state like michigan? wells speaking generally 1st. uh, we have been on the transition and united stage from a broadcast media environment or to a cable media environment to a social media. and donald trump is a master of social media. wow, his own uh, his own company, social media company troops, social doesn't have a very large audience. he has a lot of followers on twitter and r x,
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and on facebook. and the fact that he has limited access. i hurt his attempts to mobilize his supporters. uh for the election, so the fact that to seize being freed up and then his x and facebook account and will be able to communicate more and better will help him in the state. ah, this is not to be a very close race. or no matter who the democratic candidate is and it's going to depend a lot, i'm turn out the outcome. and so the ability of donald trump to stay in touch with this base and to stimulate them to vote on election day is going to be very important. and the increased access to the social media couch is going to be very important to michael. thank you. so much for talking to us about this michael
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tro got research, professor emeritus at the university of michigan joining us there from an hour. bye . thank you for your time. good to be with you. returning not to the war on guys and is really forces have been directing palestinians to head towards all my wasi, which has been declared a safe. so even though it's been multiple attacks, it at one point, as many as 1800000 people, we squeeze into a me a 6.5 square kilometers off sunday to rain under the hot summer sun. to put it in perspective, the air is about half a size of london heathrow airport. on 19 year old meadow, haile me is one of the hundreds of thousands of palestinians in on my wasi. despite the bloodshed and hardship helping me has turn to social media, determined to spread a message of hope he was forcibly to space 5 times after these videos tried destroyed their family home and got a cd. now for me, spending on the y c and the solve telling me has started
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a day in the life series on instagram. so he is me a daily videos he's showing how even in the darkest times he manages to stay with it as they live in a flat thing ever then to visit a site is over. first has a little update about my little farm. so for peace of mind, lima beans, my little empty tubs over there, and some of them. and today i'm planting some millions and beans, any 6, and my little farm over there, cuz there's nothing in there. so i gotta start working on the area in here. the beans 1st for them in another villas i think the midlands love the sun. so i'll probably just keep them on the other side so that they'll be exposed to more sun than other plants. no, i got a lot of the plans. i feel that this is another way with water, then i'm probably just missing everything up. i need to work on a bit of watering system. i know for sure that what i'm doing is wrong. so i don't know if i'm in the commons. how do i, how do i know? and i said good bye to them. i'll see them tomorrow. i'll may do have
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a new spoke to my colleague nest. isaiah tay about the challenges he's been facing, that we do not have actually really good access to fish food. that's because of many reasons. one of them is because if, if we were able to find any fish fluid, it would be really strongly expensive. and i don't think like any normal person here in gaza, rhino can be able to afford that. and the 2nd reason is there isn't anything allowed anything fresh or loved to go and go to get him garza so frustrated with this. pretty much uh, very much for it right now. so i assume what i told is faithful. well, he was certainly doing creative things with the fake food that you are stuck with. can i ask you what the situation is like at the moment and in the tents that you'll living? and obviously it's getting more and more crowded to people even have the space to, to live there. well, actually uh, a lot of people don't even have space to live in any anywhere with them. so they
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would set up a dent brian, right on the beach, like if, if uh, some highway is just, you know, somebody is gonna just sell soap there tense. uh and yeah, especially in the most area after the invasion, oh, a big side of brooklyn bay. something got even more crowded right here and i don't know if you've seen it or not, but my, my last video i mentioned that we set up a new tent from a home in the same area that we only had enough area for to tense. so right now we don't even have enough area to walk. that's actually the situation for most of thousands in this area in this area right now. well, i'm just on gary a cell, so i've had to move 5 times. how is your family hold? do you feel safe where you are right now? well, i will say it was actually come to a point to feel a. i just agree with the situation not, not really agree on it with it. it's just to accept the we're not safe anymore.
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there's not any moment that we would feel safe. we're just gonna, we always have this feeling that at the moment we might be the next ones to die. so i don't know. i mean, after 9 months you can just keep up with worrying about being bombed or getting, you know, injured you know, something struck plan and watching some of your videos and perhaps the ones on, on the beach where you, you session and watch the sunset. you clearly very much love gauze, and you can really love your community all you and your friends and your family. still able now to try to find moments of respite, moments of busy despite what's going. we are, we are resilient. so we try to find lights in the darkest moments here, as, as you, my eyes do as you've seen on my videos beside the, on the beach. the view on the beach is where i daily go. that's basically my escape from really like no matter how depressed i feel in the day, no matter how,
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how low i feel. i just go to the beach during sunset. i watch that you. it is really amazing. it. i literally forget everything i'm going through and the same thing with my family, we all do like whatever activity with us. with each other, we go to the beach most of the time because my dentist basically right next to the beach, it's a one minute walk. so that's where we are basically all the time. it's an inspiring story of resilience. then let's look at some of these out in use now and in china. heavy rainfall continues to disrupt life in the southwest. the city of chanc king has been experiencing is most stormy. weather this yes, lands and land slides or for thousands of people from now. at least 6 people have died in the reins in the pile at least 63 people are missing. after 2 boxes were swept into a river by a landslide, caused by monson range. a search and rescue mission is on the way to look for the missing people. 3 passengers have been rescued and are receiving treatment. now i
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resurgence of a deadly snake species in bangladesh has caused panic in rural communities. scientists say the reappearance reappearance of the species is due to the changing time. it, i'll just say are some very chandra reports from bangladesh. previously considered, nearly explain the russell's right for his re much in bangladesh and increasing to make by the incidents and the resulting fatalities of causing seo and printing a new job of saying a social worker from a town on the outskirts of tucker says numerous sightings had been reported to the most locals are not anxious in a state of panic, especially those working on the farm lands and those living along the river bank side. they're scared of being attacked. tommy is a traditional snake wrangler who seems to be at ease handling the deadly reptiles has been helping to clear snakes from people's homes and hands them over to the 1st
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department. he doesn't have been the snake wrangler for modem filters. he's catching many varieties, but i haven't seen this one for quite some time. however, in the past 2 months, i quote 51 russell's vipers, and this town alone. the space is native to the semi arid region of northwest and bangladesh and other parts of south asia. signs as believe, many spaces of like, such as the russell viper that's typically found in dry regions, have now adopted 2 different climates and on the spreading into wetlands into different parts of bangladesh. the reason hype and misinformation on social media have led to the end, discriminate killing a variety of snakes. some environmental list have got involved, and the government has lunch than that. we're in this campaign to go up and up to get the army. i'm urging the general public not to panic. they are adequate stocks
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at the anti venom available. i've instructed surgeons and directors of all hospitals to make sure there is no shortage of supply. scientists say climate change impacts bio diversity and reptile populations because changes in the environment and temperature affect breathing patterns. evolution way of slide, a slide of finding the month to me during monsoon season when the rock a barrage in the east india releases excess blood borders. snakes like the rustle of wipers, flight down stream, with water hyphen by into the pod, murray of and bangladesh or something the northwest region. how does the end up in the south? the southeast of the country? you guys world health organization space. so make bikes. so one of the most neglected risk and telling them has become a priority, gets reiterated. the antebellum is key to saving lives. to be drug, the, i'll just eat a lot of junk, burn with dish. still i had on knowledge is there in sports. the most successful, fos full in test matches 3 entities, international career ways of extra screens and the media monitor and 17 on
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saturday. and i think when they called in a generational talent ahead of a year was final on these here with that story in just a few minutes the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use the the
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this business uptake the rooftop, no bundle dash before he is the 10 of his forces on these. thank you so much. probably one of the joke of it she has reached sunday's men's little been funded with a straight sense victory over their ends and miss such a joke. that she's bidding to become the most successful grand slam champion of old time. a 25th thoughtful with pushing past margaret codes. you set up
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a show down with color, sal craus, and what will be repeats of last year's title decide. joking, which, calling out for us the greatest 21 year old school servicing. he's going to bring many more grandsons, you know, but, but maybe, hopefully tomorrow in 2 days, maybe not this one. but, you know, in the future, you know, when i retire in about 15 years upfront, some don't seem joseph as well, defending champion all across the lose the 1st set of his semi against on 11 as the hit. right? so when the match in full set, sunday, we'll see the 21 year old spaniards. so everything is full of grandson cycle and is national, tangled them to be england in the fun with the yours is gonna be really a good day for spanish people. that's why, you know, with the, the,
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i did as a say is when i, when i, i'm just saying that he's going to be out really uh, you know, to how cross is just one of the many football funds looking forward. say that your eyes find a lot of folks because it's being censored on spain's your main. lamont a whole baby rifled ages. 17 when he walks out for that much in berlin. 18 i just celebrate. discuss the on site today. at 16, he became the youngest as a score of major tournaments with his goal against france, in the semi finals angle incentive funnel. hey, ro, only watkins has been keeping his eye in the head of the game is less than the winner against the netherlands. viking it facts, fact finals began to south cakes, team 28 year old watkins was still a youth team player, a full test on exits that when he was your miles h i definitely was in uh, preparing for a final i can tell you that. um, you know, he's an unbelievable talent. everyone's seeing what he can, he can do
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a generational talent. it's not often that you score and goals against from in the top corner in the semi final of the zeros when you're 16. so obviously he's got the wild ice fee and he has miles ahead of me when i was $16.00 or 17. the most successful fastball in test match history signed off his international career with the victory 41 year old jimmy anderson wolfe. sounds for god of honor. it loads phase $188.00 england tests much minus to pick one last wicket, dismissing joshua to silver, half of his $700.00 in full scale and dropped the cat would have rumps of a wind. instead, i don't wish to go to guess i can see finished with much figures, the 12th at 106, which is the best performance binding and that'd be sent in more than a 100 years. noise cost involved will be $1.00 of the athletes to watch the upcoming parents olympics is the reigning champion and world record holder in the
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forward to meet the hurdles a face to face competition. one of his big arrivals is right. benjamin. if the usa, he's just bates unvil home, the diamond lake mates in monica. have it started for full. it's on the making of a champion to be the full 100. make the hurdles. no one has ever runs. festus and cost involved the $28.00. you wrote from no way broke his own world write code when he wouldn't let me pick golden tokyo 3 years ago. a victory which he says eases the prussia heading into his titled defense in paris. i have the big oh my love, great. that leads never one building big goal because it's so it's so difficult to get. i'm lucky enough to have it in my collection already. and now it's, you know, the joy of winning and other, but the others have the pressure to, you know, this is also their moment to get their 1st fun home is also a 3 time world champion, but faces some tough competition by right benjamin from the united states and brazil's allison,
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the sensors have both beaten him in the last 12 months. i gotta get that. well, i said i have a lot of opponents that are really, really easy to beat me. and i have been beaten before, so i know that i'm not, i'm beatable, but my job is to make sure that it's as difficult as possible to, to beat me. no way is 9 more for it's winter olympics success. but vol. home is but met trend as the countries 1st of a sprint world and a live pick med list, the credit. so lots of it success to his coach life, all of our lives. he's worked with him since 2015. i like the one i was given when you have success, think what you loosed for what do you lose for us? this isn't gripped to the ground and just make sure that you have people around you that was always in your life in those you and sees you for, for who you are and also hold you down to the are the home is already defended.
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these european title this year, but no one has one back to back and then pick golds in the 400 me to hurdles since glen davis. 64 years ago. david stokes. oh, jeez ever. the right status, i suppose looking for the full time. the thank you very much for that. now, food, a wedding extravaganza for the son of asia's which is mine will cation bonnie has begun in the indian city of them by it caps off months of lavish celebrations, costing hundreds of millions of dollars. but it's really good debate in a country where income inequality is rising. michael apple has a story from bully would start to feel bosses to tony blair. to bar is johnson them. bonnie wading has brought them all together. it's also brought to india as commercial capital. and by to a standstill 29 year old on on tongue bonnie: the son of indian business tycoon and berry and their location. bonnie is tying the
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knot with ruddy convictions. the daughter of a pharmaceutical joint dom bonnie family lives here in an earthquake, prove skyscraper. private residence, believe to be valued close to $5000000000.00. the waiting extravaganza has received a mixed reaction. because the economy has the whole front but it is ridiculous, were doing their guess list is expensive. the red carpet at the convention center, owned by the family, is an almost non stop parade and celebrities, sports icons, and politicians from around the world. no expense has been space. months of pre wedding celebrations of culminated in
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a full day ceremony with cost estimates ranging from $300000000.00 to more than $600000000.00. and not everyone in india is happy with this. austin tastes this display of wealth rights on the doorstep of so much suffering. and then equality cannot guy a decision by what is due to see. we can see how the rich are spending portions on the reading of these functions while they are spending millions of the poor struggling to each one indian politician took the social media, calling the celebrations obscene and the sin against mother and the poor. active is so similarly outraged, just celebrations, both fuel by again, this possessing many that that is not in celebration and we would not be impressed . i'm used to buy a buy such and such as your readings. that's the roads around them buys busy business district, have been close to the public for this private event that set to continue for
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several more days. mike level l g 0. that is a for this news out on out to 0, but just stay with us on the boxes and have them use our in just a few minutes. thanks all the israel's war on. gosh, i'd be coming forever across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why despite they insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, us city of milwaukee will be an important skill in the race for the white text. it will force the republican national convention from july, the 15th to the 18th. donald trump will be confirmed as the proxies presidential many approval. he picked as his vice presidential running, mate,
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love coverage. and then alice, what i'll do is you a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land, the strings on out to 0. and just ask for me, is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated,
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most of those people actually left in the early days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produces the best spaces and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the the, the, um for the back to the watching the news, our on algae 0 live from bill coming up. that's why i'm going to get to finish this job. there's more to do. i know i'm only 41. by then defiance the us presidents sums and the key battleground, state of michigan as freshman mounts on his campaigns. meanwhile, bivens re probably can rival donald trump get supposed.


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