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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

2:30 am
wow, the national pool has the be the trump $50.00 to $48.00. my game is on the part they say on the democratic party, the only democrat or republican as being donald trump ever. the due to the
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me. sorry, because 1400 democrats, like you wrote it for me, the primary you maybe to nominate? no one else. i'm not surprised about the appointment about the insiders, not donors. you the voters. you decide. no one else. i'm not going anywhere to get not down to get back to the apartment, to the stores economy literally in the world. we're not done yet. we're not done yet. not to finish the job and do work on which i was going to do. folks, let me talk to him about donald trump and his friends. donald yeah. street didn't know this country. you do the work people in the middle class to this country. wow. yeah. is built familiar with flash?
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who i'm proud to say on the 1st no. emergency to walk a picket line, the labor when labor does well, everybody does well, like i said, the michigan walked after july. i said sure to show me not at all working for great is going to workers in the world. i want you to know my prove it, you're getting the bar now low and you have your back end because you always add mine. no to didn't. 8 he gave a speech it or not you to shop to come here to
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tell you already is. 8 remember, this will chat with friends and we lost 86000 job 5 credit, 275000 on a job. the new to american job became president. we've created nearly 60000000 new job nationwide. hi 190000. no job right here in michigan. there's one utility $24000.00 in michigan is down to 4 percent record loss of more than 2 years historical and whatever hispanics, black, asian americans included here in michigan. yes. yes. today is important because of marketing on a plan is down again. the
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last cord places most has been through years price of the fall under cars applied. is there a for grocery prices as long as you started this year? we got more to do and people are going to take corporate greed, take it on. now. since the parent demick for bridge to double their profits. i, i understand corporate and i come from the corporate capital, the world, delaware, they have more corporate corporate in my state. they never, they're stating unique of mine. i'm not in i, trowbridge, but i man, i agree. that's what i'm going to put in rod wrong golf. cartoon with our schools or before it's historic for insurance. cool. this is a garage to use corporate paper center and everything we board including float
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specialist coffee. now they're assessing and i'm ready to kind of as an instructor charles, this plan would cost $14.00 families, $2500.00 a year and a new tax. that's a fact. now joe, folks, the vast majority agree. our economy is really the right direction. jobs are up ways to drop, the economy continues to grow. inflation is down, and i love challenge jump this, even though the stock stock market is stored kind of pros over $40000.00. the word is how many moder, mainstream republican? well, not all republican, major stream economists support a lot more. people have more money in the federal one case and, and they ever did before. but folks don't take my word for 6 to know about
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lawrence and that kind of an economic degree under my economic plan. they say we're going to continue to draw, keep inflation down. they say that trump's plan would make with the economy the recession. is 160 nova large last week of the recession and refreshing which sore folks look. in fact, i should, i guess i should worry, but new wall street journal surveyor. com. it says inflation be worse under trump. should wall street journal great paper usually not support and really want to go back to the chaos of donald trump is present for the united states news. 3000000 jobs. by the way, by the way, down from, you know, with president american history of the herbert hoover, who lost more jobs and he had,
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when he came in. that's why i call him donald robert over job. some people are dying really does. and we're pushing on the cobra difference. well guess what? he told us not to worry about co, but it's not that bad. yeah. we just injection really inject bleaching iran. think he missed, he hit his head. remember me or trump was transgressing peaceful protest across white house long who were marching for just look folks it says it's you know it is, it was a serious, you know, mean like a made a mama. i'm not complaining. i'm just saying you may have noticed that sensitive debate for the press and they're good guys and women up there abraham. i mean
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i make a lot of this for me because i sometimes confusing. i said i saw is that a bill a guess was sound. so it was gone to 3 fast yeah, none of that page or a couple of days ago, a ride runners golf course. golf course is course filling out a score card before it picks up as prob, ram made about the degree she's been talking about panama. what through? because the nice guy october, i'd rather be a lot to, to, to sitting by shark. the whole thing, remember? no, you can't even watch tv this week because a shark with the
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news. i had 32 members of the, of the, in, from mostly from europe, a 32 members of nato in washington. and by the way, and the press has come and they give me credit for strengthening nato expanding. i'm making the mm hm. that's what you're putting. who i know i've known for a long waiting very ukraine. here's what tom said. i'm not making this up either because i'm a genius and said it was wonderful. what are that that was going on but people would rather talk about. mix up news. i guess they don't remember the true called nikki haley. nancy palsy. well no
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no, no, no, no free passes. spotlight on down to we're going to deal with the press so far as i think they're going to assume or to say here we is. what do you tend to do? folks, donald trump is found, serve as a convicted criminal. the is too big about your it is peers of 34. for all these, you're paying us money to a porn star and hiding from voters in 2016 the job asylum liable for sexual assault by a judge, you told us not to be full of our trouble. frustrated at all,
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isn't the judge wrote, wrote judges like a real mr. trump attempt to minimize sexual abuse, finding it frivolous. mr. trump, right, for the judges, i know more richer as many people understand the word right. so job as a business process, he lost his license to do business in new york state would find over $400000000.00. read false information. the banks are still facing charge are concerned with classified information, which is a criminal offense, is still the person in charge of the role of january 6, turned over to the outcome of the still person in charge in georgia for election or concerns. members horrible. the just the, the $11780.00 the maybe
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another president, the bad business jump really is just think about this in heard of millions of dollars. only to squander his file bankruptcy. 6 times even worse. the website probably more bankrupt room. the casino that was possible now, so what do you think is the most importantly, i mean is in the bottom are trump, is a threat to this nation? not a viable mob on january 6 over 30 to 2020 election. hold on the power. so i election, i one by 7000000 boats by the way. maybe still move actually just look what happens on
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the why the way i know the the
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yes, i understand the past. i understand your passion. that's why i put together a detailed blue, the united nations, except that is really the extent of the palestinians of the 10th. and as for this war must and the
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rise, we saw our thousands of people who attacked the capital. we saw the police speed attack. the capital being ransacked, mob honey, to speak for the house. nancy pelosi got shut up behind vice president pens. we saw we saw i here in michigan to start the tax on your state capital offer. i just bought the kidnapped governor serat pro. just run your home for the home of your sector state for simply doing their job. fisher and i got them sector and probably worried about the distilled on the surgery. the presidential citizens, no one of the nation's highest honors is offensive. demarcus. wow.
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now from work support, no january 16 solution to and our role never. that didn't happen the richard to do a trump try to do. no president trump is even more dangerous. now, non serious. he's on huge the staff use this time around the chooses this time around to say he'll accept 3 likes and dislikes the result. can you imagine that? he says if he loses, there will be a bloodbath. when i say secure born, say there's virtually no limit on the power of a present, a trump saturday way, and he'll be a dictator on day one. he needs, if folks were not to let that happen over my dead body,
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we'll have to just look at his right. we project 2025. you heard about heard from the 2nd trump term that every american should read and understand. not course, drop his line about him now he said try so this is a cell just like he's trying to vision software over dirty road. new way, you know, as i've talked, but we're not to let that happen in the fresh, fresh project. 2025 is running. paid for by trump. people is top policy people is track pressik day is personal bag man in the white house. the biggest funders, moore, was a project built for trump. folks project 2025. is the biggest attack on our system
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. the government, our personal freedom has never been proposed and history this country. here's a nightmare. what. what, what on the trump project? 2025 of criminalized shipping, of abortion medications. medication. anywhere anywhere to deny contraceptive come to allow van nationwide. that's what the tragic 2024 is. 2021st. 25 is comb. project 2025. will deploy the department, just prosecute trumps energy. trump project, trump enemies, and that's a real deal. trump salaries, trump himself calls his campaign campaign. he calls a revenge and retribution. and that's what he says. or trumps 2025 projects will eliminate the civil service norm. sure is that not the jump read it and he will let you allow him to hire tens of thousands in the civil service that are
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running only because they support trump. they have to take and literally off the truck before and that's not the united states. america truck 2025 project will cut social security medicare river white protection for pre existing health conditions will eliminate the $35.00 more cap on his lowering drug companies to jack up the prices back into 4 $100.00 a month. stop medicare for negotiating, lower drug pricing. by the way, i got criticized for taking on medicare, i mean on taking on the drug companies. farm. that was the dam rates or how do i know it was the federal budget by $160000000000.00? $4025.00 the apartment. he wants to eliminate the department of education. not
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a joke. he wants a good school lunch program. sounds like a joke, but a real to watch the unlimited head start for low income children. as broad. you go on pores to stop paying overtime for hourly workers, but give very wealthy, you know, they're massive tax trying to protect studies proposed is $45.00 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. folks project 2025 and realize it round up over 10000000 people american put them in. as you can hear, you heard him saying here's a wants to do to be said. slipping them away from the home. the scrolls because trump calls them animal toys in the blood of america. no. so there's only one reason. only some of them plan to have it goes on for $900.00
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pages. so never say like it's, it's not a joe, sorry for us to stop the politics like entertainment reality. the this is proposal or dental insurance. america needs to wake up and realize that trump and as mega republic is what they're trying to do. we're at a joy now. we're going to engage. then we're gonna stop the the news? no, just to be get. so we have 3 fourths of slime today. i'm going to start by laid out the 1st 100 days. my 2nd term is the 1st
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to restore row. we way to make the, the the news, the cutting social security, medicare or expand, is trying to social security. mean, here's how we're going to do it. that's always that sound was impressed by making the risk pay their fair share. and so the medical debt, by that i mean we've already made sure medical debt can no longer be put on your credit report. the medical,
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this is on the door that we're going to raise the federal minimum wage so i couldn't use the most the most of the me is again, i do the ones that me do it again. the media to we are climate and clean energy. when i saw lord speed, a job here, jack started to cut job poverty, it happened america, and it did expire. job care tax code. by the way, it increases economic go didn't pieces up, is it people who work? we don't charge serious. that's the deal. we kept the cost of his own procedures
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a $35.00 totally got no senior beginning of 2025. but you may have to pay more than $2000.00. you for all their prescription drugs, change of drug and 10 to 14000 dollars year. my 2nd term here is i'm going to do, i'm going to make that same plan available for every single american, the federal government, hundreds of billions of dollars over time. as we're gonna make calls, the more affordable me taking on corporate grade and getting the roads down here to go to learn how to use the cap rent increase of 5 percent a year. so corporate landlords can no longer doubt. jerry lewis
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jumpstart to, to very well see the corporations to make the tax code fair. i kept by commitment. i thought, you know, i think a lot of the why, why do what he said? which is eyes no one making less than $400000.02 pay a penny more of a tax. i don't remember people making 400000 my neighbor knowing it. but i want to be clear and i wasn't going to be taxed in anyone who was working in really close to the, the billing is really the 1000 america since then getting paid minimum income to a minimum tax and 25 percent. you know, you know, it's a federal tax is a point 2 percent i'm not making this up. there's no good or should pay a lower tax or give a teacher firefighter the
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me, the next 10 years lower to do more of a child care over care of right now, the federal job is to do so much more. we're going to continue to secure the southern border. look at the trump killed the black partners ever. we put together that a lot of republican supported as well. he called and gotten the phone. he called all his friends because he said, if in fact the vote for this could be waiting for bite and loss for me. so don't do it. well, they probably can far. i got to meet you. i was really surprised. republican party walked away. so that's what i took executive action. i said, since i did the border encounters have gone down over 50 percent even though down for to the version pretty software for dreamers. i made it clear
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for over half a 1000000 spouse's america, my 2 americans who don't have a green card after 10 years or they're now going to get their green card who. 8 damage over my 1st 100 days. it was like, you know, we're going to continue be all about work and people this nation. oh my gosh. i don't work for big oil. i don't work for big firm. i don't work for the national rifle association. i work for you, the america, paypal, the total for shot disappeared. don't guarantee a fair shot. but in america we didn't really know be i give everybody a fair shot. that's a lot of money to do this. i know i look 40 years old,
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a little bit older. hopefully with age comes to worst. wow, here's what i know. i know how to tell it to the new room and i didn't say how to do this job. i do. i know there's want to present or not a dictated the ever ever be putting, putting something like this guy. it you know merrick's law to protect her free did not give him up. i know what america stands for. restart or the propositional. all
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people are created equal deserve anything to do, but we never want to went through. but though we did the martin with donald trump walk there said well it's not your freedom about democracy. are you with me? we're going to start the united states of america and there's nothing beyond their capacity when we do it together, who are through the,
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the the well, we listening into the us president the joe biden is the 6 we election. he is complaining in the state of michigan and one of the main statements coming out from the president. i am running and we are going to win. but let's bring in john henry to tell us more about what the was president has said. and some of the q messages from biden, john, he remained stead false to staying in the race and running against donald trump.
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that's right. more and more democrats have come out in called for joe biden, jay and his campaign and let another democrat be the standard bear for the next 4 years. he.


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