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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, well, we listening into view as president, the joe biden is the 6 we election. he is complaining in the state of michigan. and one of the main statements coming out from the president. i am running and we are going to win. but let's bring in john henry to tell us more about what the was president has said, and some of the queue messages from biden, john, he remained stead false to staying in the race and running against donald trump.
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and that's right. more and more democrats have come out in called for joe biden and his campaign and let another democrat be the standard bear for the next 4 years. he made it clear addressing that pretty much from the start he's going to run. he says he's going to win at one point, he said in my next 4 years, here's what i'm going to do. so he is absolutely not entertaining. the idea of it. he will be stepping down, certainly not publicly, despite all those calls and he was energized by this crowd. the crowd in detroit was very heavily pro biting there. this is a strongly democratic area, and this is an area where there's a large african american vote that has gone strongly for bite. and he has always had that sort of civil rights backing. and he had higher energy tonight and he did during that debate with trump, which was so badly reviewed. and he was enthusiastic, but he was mostly,
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it seemed like he was very, very boosted by a cravat, supporters that janet, among other things we've got your back, which ended for more years. and they chatted. probably the thing he wanted to hear most which was don't you quit? barton has had a number of challenges in terms of convincing various groups of people that he can do the job one. you mentioned he's supporters, whoever is funded for me, but also within his own party. also. donors. how would you think tonight's performance might go down for, for people watching as well. i think he was he, he probably did himself some good with voters. he looked very high energy, but of course he was reading from a teleprompter, which is something he does better than he and he did a performing in that debate. he also had a lot more energy, the intervening hands before. but you did hear them from time to time stumble. a,
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you know, repeat words, fumble words as a man who's $81.00 inevitably will do it, but there will always be some judgment of those moments. and whether that suggests you won't be able to last another 4 years governing, let alone win the election in 2024. if he does, when the election is certainly going to need this state of michigan. but here's the problem, is got an increasing number of democrats in the house of representatives. 1920 or more have come out, and they've called for joe biden to step down. we've had a senator, several governors do the same. and there is that problem of the donors in hollywood . some donors are suspending their gifts to the president, including the disney air. there are other people who have created sort of as crow funds in which that money would go to another candidate if that candidate were to run in biden's place, but it wouldn't go divide and if he stays on the ticket, if the money dries up, that's the end of
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a campaign for the use of the sitting us president. he's got access to some deep pockets and he's got a lot of support among voters. it's just not clear that his will alone is going to be able to get him through this. he's got to give the democratic party behind even right now they are divided. there's been so much emphasis on his performance if he's able to do the job. and so he said that he's a challenge of donald trump has a free pause. what, what did he say around donald trump? a number of scaling attacks against the former president. and that's right. he did point out as a trump at one point referred to nikki haley, the republican candidate he was running against as nancy pelosi, who was the former speaker of the house at democrat. and that's the kind of gas the bible is often accused of having he points out that under, under trump, the us lost some $3000000.00 jobs. he said trump was the only president since
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herbert hoover to lose more jobs. any gains. he asked people, you really want to go back to the presidency of donald trump and the crowd emphatically shouted back. no, this was of course a hand pick invited crowd of bite and supporters. but this was the kind of energy he was looking for. and he used it as an opportunity to try to say, they told the criticism he's getting should be directed at trump as well. they're really only about 4 year. ready as a part, maybe a little less and trump has been making a lot of verbal gaffes. it's just that trump has always been a little imprecise in his speech and the worry among bite and supporters and democrats who were not fighting supporters is that his stumbles and speech suggested kind of progression of his cognitive abilities and not in a good direction. so he's really got to convince people that, that he's going to be able to do it for the next 4 years. and one of the things he's doing is sort of turning the tables on trump as you heard tonight and so on.
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he also did focus so much on policy, and one of the things he added was that this woman said, referring to the one garza, but he's also been impacted by people who are critical over support of as well. how does that statement go down? he says some progress has been made special i know a few feet from where i'm standing. there were some protesters out here earlier. if these are anti goes or war protestors, they want that word and, and they, they are unhappy with bite. and here in michigan there was a huge vote for uncommitted instead of writing. so, but i didn't get 600000 votes here in michigan, 800000. when for uncommitted that tells you how strong that feeling is. here among the large arrow, been muslim american population here, he did try to address that by saying that war must end, but that's not going to satisfy the people who are protesting for
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a cease fire in that war until they achieve that. she's fired. now he has been trying to make progress on that. he's been saying that he believes there will be a ceasefire. that alone isn't going to be enough until that actually happens. so he did try to address that. it's a kind of thing you really needed to do here in michigan more than almost any place in the us because of that large population. so he's trying to address it so far. he hasn't turned the tide in terms of those who are protesting against him for that reason. okay, john, thanks very much for that to join the end and keeping us updated as you, as president joe biden continues on the campaign trail. social media company metas removing restrictions on former us president donald trump's facebook and instagram accounts. the company says the move is to ensure parity among us presidential candidates leading up to the election since being reinstated to
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january last year. trump's accounts have been subject to strict to penalties than other uses. pablo ada is a senior political advisor to the democratic party. he says, mrs. decision to give trump and his family. a public platform is a switch to democracy, that they are a mega phone for misinformation and a threat to peace. you only need to look at january 6th to see that every post from trump has a very, very serious potential to disrupt democratic conversation. and at times, what should be serious debate that we need to have into very serious division. and we know social media algorithms prioritize, sensational content. i'm from as an expert across exactly that type of message. so i think it's really, really worried, and actually a you with the judge has ruled that full my new man, donald trump, supports originally on a cannot claim protection from bankruptcy. it follows a $148000000.00 defamation case against him. last joke. and you all knew was
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successfully sued by 2 former election workers in the state of georgia. he'd publicly accused him of bad food during the 2020 election fridays. routing means the 2 women can now go off to his various assets in order to get compensation. the, let's to now to gaza, where israel has declared garza city a dangerous combat. so nami is stepping up a tax with tens of thousands of palestinians trapped inside. this is the off the west albany is where the attack on a residential building parties has scattered on the streets as well as the news washed, the injured to the few remaining hospitals. nearby was early. a civil defense teams recovered at least 60 bodies off to is ready troops partially withdrew from what was once on of gauze. as most affluent neighborhoods, dozens of morphia,
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buried under the rubble in detail. allah, a you, in one cottage hospital, a bank and residential towers of all being destroyed. and so i thought, as i found them as of the software for a lot of the time from the ambulance in emergency department in northern casa, immediately after learning that these valleys partially withdrew from the tel. i'll highlight in the gaza city. we went there and found bodies, most of the bodies with decomposed because the ambulance team was when not allowed to replace. it still does a large number of bodies under the rubble that has had the level. and he has been following developments from outside deluxe to hospital in central garza. the flight thing is happening in the western part of the gulf is 50 very close to the post line. but also the, it's where the forces have been targeting at different areas across the causes to be one of those. those targets is an apartment. and those are that sweets where at least for college news,
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wakefield and others were injured. and also they targeted at random streets in the gods of city. but all day long, the civil defense themes were able to reach the areas. those are the forces personally out front. and they weren't able to retrieve 60 bodies of palestinians that were killed doing the ground invasion. most of these products didn't use according to eyewitnesses. and testimonies are people who were executed by the is ready forces when they were trying to evacuate and leave the area after they were trapped it in the middle of air strikes, live, and munitions and quad custer's. it was a very smart day for civil defense teams. environmentally trying to retrieve bodies as much as possible. the evacuation orders from garza city by these way, the military means pellets. the news we've already been displaced multiple times and are forced to flee again. moto colored,
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spoke to someone sold shelter out of school in job or the, i know them a garza about the hiring conditions. they this is an evacuation since on giovano for the account where many companies have arrived, you know, looking for options to optimize where the forces older they took evacuated to. many companies have arrived to the schools looking for a show. so they lift the houses without any available language, so they have nothing. all of these families here have a ride and don't have anything till the end. when they asked us to leave, they didn't give us any time to gather our belongings or take some food for our young children to look at my young ones. the oldest is in 4th grade and the youngest is 3 months. everyone only had a few personal items, no food or drink, nothing, not even flour back. you know, it was very difficult. we were walking along the road and saw shrapnel and
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scattered body parts. can you imagine the situation and i was walking and seeing that people, if my son had slipped from my hands, i wouldn't have been able to find him in addition to those people have been displaced too many times. and each time they have to risk a product interval journey looking for a shift though not knowing what they, what are, why do we want any forms that we should go to us thing. gotcha. and we will be assured that we would resign thing in a safe place. however, often 11 30 pm, we were surprised by the presence of compet warming directed to west industrial area and the u. n. agents, there wasn't the 10s shooting. it was extremely painful and difficult because we've left all our belongings. i wouldn't mattresses, i will close our luggage and we'd have to say without any who would drink? yeah, i can't read my children have escaped from the scene which happened. we did an aerial
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siege from the sky and tanks on the ground, some of the state children to go their belongings and trying to return to workshop and couldn't present with their children in the summer. this is job i never heard you can, which is has too many destroyed buildings and too many display south of cities a. this is actuation since i'm a, provide them a place to sleep. yeah. they will not know how low return fee before they all start was to flee again. why? because you just need a. nothing does a spread thomas 9th labor him or can really is a journalist and garza city. he reports for one of the worst hit areas. this is the alpha mad, brutal, round invasion that plays another matter. and that is how when you ever heard a mess,
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disruptions that left behind is unimaginable as families are trying to come back to their destroyed homes, trying to increase some feeling they lift. you hung up the southern evacuation older many civilians have been able to do that. there are 26 more have been killed in the last round invasion, and that's in our area. we are talking about many major destruction in roads making the transfer case nearly impossible. the values are suffering so much as the, as, as they don't have any place to go to officer or the complete destruction the area has as seen in terms of that. they've been used fields in trap, under the rubber was yours, can help with anything as we have nothing to work with equipment had been cut off is in the beginning of this war to even many so go in with and on this in,
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on the level that the like fall yet some of the there are children being shot tense, their families are being killed. the focus is on children and women. robin targeting the resistance, they should target the resistance. fight is not the children. they know where they are, and i'm the resistance certainly target still can patient forces while this ruin and destruction. look from here and look from that. every, whether it's complete discharge the fall of a. so we call on the arrow people and the people of the west is tender with us. we're not asking for anything else. we only wish to leave like the rest of the wild with dignity. what forces meet the academy this pile of water in my head. because they are no means of life. we are here standing at the front door of the u. m. field office and you guys are city. it has been also partially destroyed. you through do this route incursions. we are talking about you, our schools get install, get in and getting out of service. many general infrastructure residential building
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also had been reduced to rubble and money for the re been due to the lack of shooters. we are talking about the destruction of schools, streets, building the building is black and the basic needs facilities in terms of water, electricity, and the basic needs the cities of life like may for children and a lot of pod goods. i've been cut off since the early morning. is the every beginning of this brutal brooding around incursion on the whole neighborhood? you an agency for palestinian refugees has held its annual pension conference in new york. it comes at a time of unprecedented challenges for the agency, which provides a live saving aid and services to palestinians in garza and elsewhere. where it says it has funds only until the end of september at last, international funding from which because donors including the us of the is,
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will accuse some employees of taking part in the october 7th, the tax and of being members of i'm us, a number of countries resumed funding of to an independent investigation found no credible evidence of israel's allegations, but otherwise it's still facing budget shortfalls. still ahead of knowledge as era the roof of a school collapses and students writing their exams and central nigeria will have the details after the break. the of the grand olympic games are coming to from along with the unprecedented surveillance system submitted, tries ation of communities. the displacement of people and resistance to what many c as a destructive people are power explores where the fronts can deliver on
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promises made outcome to meet for future games. francis olympic gamble on a jersey the us city of milwaukee will be in, in port is still in the race for the white text. it will force the republican national convention from july, the 15th, to the 18th. donald trump will be confirmed as the proxies presidential many who will be picked as his vice presidential running the live coverage and the knowledge . what i'll do so you to the latest news as it breaks the functioning hospitals across the street are in the bringing up a lot with detail coverage. elizabeth facilities are $400000.00 more people are at risk of contracting, painful and dangerous infection from the hearts of the story goes, is it come to me, is in ruins. israel hospital gifted and destroyed industrial that employed tens of thousands of people.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, they're watching old is there a reminder about top stories this hour? you as president, job items back on the campaign trail to find clothes from fellow democrats with some $40.00 to a band. and he's really action bed is just when you're speaking at an event and the best for ground state of michigan. we say it again, he's staying in the race, any plans to win the social media company mentors removing restrictions of us presidents, donald trump's facebook and instagram accounts. the company says the move is to ensure parity among us presidential candidates leading up to the election. israel's declared calls us a d,
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a dangerous combat. so the army stepping up attacks with tens of thousands of palestinians trapped inside bodies of sky set on the streets as well as the indians rushed the injured to the few remaining hospitals nearby. a school building has caved in on students while they were sitting for exams in central nigeria. the red cross is at least $21.00. people have been killed. it happened to the city of jobs and to monad. has more of the school building in central nigeria paso state collapse without warning. students inside have just sat down to take their exams. parents are among those gathered outside waiting for news . some survivors have been pulled from the rubble, but others didn't make it out alive. the desktop somehow be rescue it also
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as coverage goes on everything heavy machinery is being used to move the rubble. but people are also digging with picks and shovels outside of glass, california into the toner cartridge, mostly tech items. we have about 16 main engine name, and then we just opened the police and army hit the deployed to help with the rescue effort. building collapses or comedy and nigeria, crit explained lacks regulations on the construction industry. the quotes believe is collapses, still unknown, but local say it happened after several days of heavy rain since monahan, l g 0. the sudanese army says it's for to off and offensive by the rapid support forces in the city of central so
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they will see us vessels on thursday as our, as a flights as attack the city from several directions, illnesses and inflicted the heavy losses on the power military group, more than 10000000 people have been displaced since the contact again in april. last, you can use police. chief, jeff with command has resigned in the wake of the violent cracked on by security forces and protest as last month that killed $41.00. people, demonstrators that began in opposition to a controversial finance full, and all directed at the government, corruption and police brutality. in an attempt to contain widespread angle, president william hotel withdrew the vote, which would have raised the taxes. and on thursday, he dismissed. most of these cabinets pledging to hold discussions with critics before appointing a new administration. it'd be very full, severely,
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disrupting life in the south west of china. the city of drunk training has been experiencing. it's most we'll meet with of this year. floods and land slides of 4th thousands of people from their homes. at least 6 people have died in the reigns. at least 63 people are missing in the fall, off the 2 buses was swift into a river by a landslide, for 5 months to raise a search and rescue mission is on the way to look for the missing people. 3 passengers have been rescued and are receiving treatment. a spaces rockets has failed for the 1st time in nearly a decade, leaving the company's incidents satellites and the wrong. oh, but the falcon 9 rocket blasted off from california on thursday carrying 20, stalling such a lights. but one of the engines malfunction, the civil minutes into that flight. the company says it could only make contact with haul from the satellites,
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and the wrist will full back to us to a us judge has dismissed manslaughter charges against the phones. the old one baldwin broke down inside the quote in new mexico, when their reading was read, the judge agreed with his lawyers that release his evidence about the source of the live role that killed the cinematographer on the set of the movie rust in 2021. and then the hutchins was shot during russell's by a gun that old one was handling members of the crew had reportedly announced and said that the gun was unloaded. a full day weekend wading a ceremony. rather for the son of asia's week, which is mine has begun in the intensity of will by caps of months of lavish celebrations, costing hundreds of millions of dollars. michael apple has moved from bully would start to feel the buses to tony blair to bar is johnson them. bonnie wading has brought them all together. it's also brought to
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india as commercial capital and by to a standstill. 29 year old on on tongue bonnie: the son of indian business tycoon and berry and their location. bonnie is tying the knot with ruddy come merchant. the daughter of a pharmaceutical joint. young bonnie family lives here in an earthquake, prove skyscraper, private residence. believe to be valued close to $5000000000.00. the waiting extravaganza has received a mixed reaction. because we think on the new hosting at the whole front but it is ridiculous, were doing to their guest list is expensive. the raid carpets at the convention center owned by the family, is an almost non stop rate and celebrities,
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sports icons, and politicians from around the world. no expense has been space. months of pre wedding celebrations of culminated in a full day ceremony with cost estimates ranging from $300000000.00 to more than $600000000.00. not everyone in india is happy with this austin, texas, display of wealth rights on the doorstep of so much suffering and then equality. and i die a decision by what is due to see. we can see how the rich, i spend the fortunes on the reading of these functions while they're spending millions of the poor is struggling to eat. one indian politician took the social media, calling the celebrations of scene, and the sin against mother and the poor. active is so similarly outraged, just celebrations, both fuel by again, this possessing many that that does not meet in celebration and we would not be
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input as to what i'm used to buy by such and such as your readings. that's the roads around them buys busy business district, have been close to the public for this private event that set to continue for several more days. mike, level l g 0. well that's it for me. so me to my left for the moments with a is next and inside story looks of kenya's economic was the hello welcome to look at the international forecasts. i'm afraid we do have more flooding concerns across central parts of china. you save a seasonal rise here. this weather system mistakes to me from dragging this way across a similar area where we have already seen some recent flooding behind to shine icing, that wet weather. just getting dragged across that some of the area, the favor of rain pushing his way out into the is trying to see slipping,
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south korea, running across southern parts of japan as we go through the next couple of days while the showers all the way across into tokyo of the time we come to sunday south of outline, not too bad. one or 2 showers. the possibility into the fall south of china. probably a shout was made mall across the endo china, developing system in the south trying to say that somebody to keep an eye on over the next couple of days. west of weather. pushing back into where the philippines itself is. that scattering is shala's tried on of late the united, just across indonesia as the windy op. well, lots of rain here were cool. send the monthly and range, give you some of the pulses of wet weather up towards the north into northern parts of practiced on as well. still some lobby showers into a bank with dash the pool found northeast of india and plenty of showers rock top. the western gaps of the
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unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire ab wants of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rough. it looks like we're off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years . connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0 is the new government the answer to can use problems in the face of growing public discontent. the president's his act is cabinets. the country has been rocked by protests for weeks. what will it take to tackle kenny is economic and financial wolves. this is inside story,


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