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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the basin of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the strings on out to 0 or a tighter in guys, a city, etc, is military run self attacks while tens of thousands of palestinians upfront the i don't know about this in, in this is obviously a lot for me to have also coming up a lot of speculation like, what's jo wide going to do is you're gonna drop out there are 5 in defiance. the us president system. so the key bostwick run state of michigan
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is pressure minus some of this campaign. meanwhile, botanist republican rival donald trump, gets a campaign, boost a tech company meta analysis. it's relaxing restrictions on his facebook and instagram accounts. i'm gonna see a newman, an issue, a new direction, e, and what was the last home of nobel laureates. how knew that this year marks the 100 years since the publication of one of the world's most widely read book of poems, the we're going to be getting jobs that were israel's declared guys, a city a dangerous comeback zone. the army starting off attacks with tens of thousands of palestinians trump there. this is the aftermath of and is really attacking the residential building bodies. i scouted on the streets as palestinians rushed the injured to the few remaining hospitals nearby. i was out into civil defense teams
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recovered at least 60 bodies after as reading choose partially withdrew from what was once one of guys, most affluent neighborhoods. dozens more, i feared, buried under the rubble entail. aha, are you and one college at a hospital as well as a bank and residential towers of old being destroyed, a site that is not the most of the software for a lot of the time from the ambulance, and emergency department in northern casa, immediately after learning that these valleys partially withdrew from the tel. i'll highlight in the gaza city. we went back and found funding most of the buildings with decompose because the ambulance team was when not allowed to reach a place that someone still there's a large number of bodies under the rubble that has had the left hand side. that is good, low flow side deluxe, the hospital and central guy's sufficing is happening in the western parts of the glasses. 50 very close to the post line. but also the is there any portions have been targeting at different areas across the causes?
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one of those, those targets is an apartment, and those are that sweets where at least for college news, wakefield and others were injured. and also they targeted at random streets in the gods of city. but all day long, the civil defense teams were able to reach the areas. those are the forces personally out front. and they weren't able to retrieve 60 bodies of palestinians that were killed doing the ground invasion. most of these products can use according to eye witnesses, and testimonies are people who were executed by the is ready forces when they were trying to evacuate and leave the area after they were trapped it in the middle of air strikes live and munitions and quad custer's it was a very smart day for civil defense. seems environmentally trying to retrieve bodies as much as possible. these really minutes is order to leave guys, a city means palestinians who have had to move multiple times and not forced to
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flee again. was i'll follow, spoke to some sheltering of the school as a body and northern gaza, about how to when conditions there. and this isn't evacuation since on giovano fidget camera, many companies have arrived, you know, looking for options to optimize why the forces owed to them to be back to a too many companies have arrived to the schools looking for a show. so they lift the houses without any available language, so they have nothing of these families here. have a ride and don't have anything till the end. when they asked us to leave, they didn't give us any time to gather our belongings or take some food for our young children to look at my young ones. the oldest is in 4th grade and the youngest is 3 months. everyone only had a few personal items, no food or drink, nothing, not even flour back. you know, it was very difficult. we were walking along the road and saw shrapnel and
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scattered body parts. can you imagine the situation? i was walking and seeing dead people. if my son had slipped from my hands, i wouldn't have been able to find him in addition to those people have been displaced too many times. and each time they have to risk a product interval journey. looking for a shift though, not knowing what they would arrive to we would assume that we should go to west thing. gotcha. and we would be assured that we would resign thing in a safe place. however, often 11 30 pm. we were surprised by the presence of compet, wyoming, directed to west industrial area and the u. n. agents, there wasn't 10 shooting. it was extremely painful and difficult because we left all our belongings. how would mattresses, how close our luggage, and we'd have to stay without any more drink. yeah,
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i can't read my children have escaped from the scene, which i would have an embryo. seeds from the sky and tanks on the ground. some of those paid children to go their belongings and trying to attend the workshop and couldn't present with their children and family members. this is your bad ever heard you can, which is has too many destroyed buildings and too many display palestinians a. this is actuation since i'm a, provide them a place to sleep. yeah. they will not know how low return fee before they all start was to flee again. why? because you just data. nothing does a spread ta, this time. even calling a is a john, a list and guys are sitting here, reports from one of the worst areas. this is the alpha mad, brutal ground invasion place, and the amount on that is how when you ever heard
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a mess, disruption that the behind is unimaginable as families are trying to come back to their descried home, trying to increase on feeling they lift johan, often the southern evacuation older many civilians have been able to do that. there to 6 more have been killed in the last round invasion. and that's in the area. we are spoken about. many major destruction in roads making the transform is nearly impossible. it will use our suffering. so much as the as, as they don't have any place to go to us or, or the complete destruction the area has as seen in terms of that. they've been used fields in trap, under the rubber with yours, can help with anything else. they have nothing to work with equipment, have been cut off. this is the beginning of this war to even menus, to go in with and on this in,
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on the level that the fall. yet some of the there are children being shot tense that families have been killed. the focus is on children and women, robin targeting the resistance, they should tug at the resistance. fight is not the children they know where they are, but i'm the resistance certainly target still can patient forces while this ruin and destruction. look from here and look from the everywhere is complete, discharge the fall of a so we call on the arrow people and the people of the west is tended with us. we're not asking for anything else. we only wish to leave like the rest on the wild with dignity. what forcing me to carry this pile of food on my head. because they are no means of life. we are here standing at the front door of the u. m. field office and you guys are city. it has been also partially destroyed. you through this ground incursions. we are talking about you, our schools get install, get in and getting out of service. many general infrastructure residential building
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also had been reduced to rubble. many of the ribbon, due to the lack of shooters, we are talking about the destruction of schools, streets, building the building is black in the basic needs facilities in terms of water, electricity, and the basic necessities of life. like the way for children and a lot of bar codes, i've been cut off since the early morning. is the ever the beginning of this brutal brooding around incursion on the whole neighborhood? is by the citizens of forced to flee the north central? gaza isn't much safer, a mine that is $2.00 from slipping care in debt. how bala, weather is really on the targeted their house. several other people were injured in taken to the alex the hospital. is there any forces of killed at least $38345.00 people since the war on guns began?
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of the ok. let's go to the u. s. presidential biden has taken his election campaign to the battleground, state of michigan. even his calls grow for him to step aside to let another democrats run for re election in november, the states, democratic governor and send it to him, were notably absent from a raleigh, one by them, the address criticisms of his fitness for office before and then susie asked a crowd of supporters. john hammond reports from the event in the city of detroit. president joe biden, returning to the campaign trail in the battleground state of michigan, and he wasted no time answering the question on nearly everyone's mind. speculation like, what's joe, why going to do is you're going to drop out here's why that are needed. we're going to learn when he won in 2020 by doing of wins in pennsylvania and the
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midwestern states of michigan, wisconsin, illinois, in minnesota, the so called democratic blue wall. but with a growing group of democrats calling for him to end his campaign biden is battling his own party as well as protestors against the war in god degreed into supporters in detroit. as long as him in the administration continues to send aid and, and, and bonds and arms to israel. we're going to continue to protest his presence here and his position as president because you can not continue to fund and support are right when government, when it sits in direct opposition to what our values are here in america bite and show it to address that concern. headphones for it is more must but a higher energy, joe, that appeared in his debate against donald trump, who was well received by the crowd in heavily democratic detroit. michigan is a microcosm of a nation. it's a deeply divided swing states that voted for trump in 2016 byte and in 2020 in po,
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suggest it's a toss up for 2024. and that means biden is lost some ground in the past 4 years. well, some voters questioned the president, stamina he thinks he's got a powerful story to, to really want to go back to the chaos of donald trump is probably the back where the united states most 3000000 jobs. by the way, by the way, down from you all, the president american history of the herbert hoover, who lost more jobs and he had, when he came in this, he gets those 4 more years. and that's a big is it might, will be because the road to the white house went through michigan, john henry and l g 0. detroit republican presidential candidate donald trump has weighed in on jo biden's capacity to run for re election. and the social media post on friday, he said, bivens should immediately take, i called him with
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a test on that he would take one as well. trump said for the 1st time, they'd be a team and do it for the good of the country. from went on to say the old presidential candidates should be mandated to take cognitive and aptitude tests regardless of their age. meanwhile, as social media company meta is removing restrictions on donald trump's facebook and instagram accounts. the company says the move is to ensure parity among us presidential candidates leading up to the election since being reinstated in january last year. trumps have con, so been subject to strict are penalties than other uses. well, battles has more from the function is in fact, in january of 2021. after the insurrection that the president then president trump incited which attacked the capital building, the medic corporation, which comprises instagram and facebook and his last by c. e o. mark sucker burke drew trump all last year in 2023. they reinstated him,
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but with restrictions. now the company says that since it is interested in fairness, both president biden and for the president, trump will have an equal status. so no more restrictions that's coming soon. for trump, and it's interesting that discount just a few days after pro, on his own social media platform to social said that he intended to put mark, suffer behind fox. because he said he was an election fraud score and had to pay a penalty many years in prison. trump said, calling soccer burgundy soccer box. it's uh and it's capable, i think the few pollution that does this with these 2 events are linked in some way and that sucker bird now is seeking to not be in the bad races of donald trump, whose chances of becoming president again were hyphen meaning analysts say vice president biden, for performance in that's a big from off, back on, but they,
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june the 27 in terms of the practical effects. it's probably not much because from really never use instagram or facebook to communicate with his followers or with the american people. when he was president, to use a twitter which has since become x is run by you on most most has reinstated trump on x, but trump doesn't use x anymore even though he can be used as true social. that's his own flap, and it has fewer powers and members, then the ex or instagram, but the follower is that are on those platforms tend to be sort of each week, whatever trump says on, on the social and put them on an x or instagram. now, and it's another example of how the social media platforms have really scrambled and change the traditional way of campaigning. and the way that the american presidential campaigns are rock, robert reynolds, l g 0,
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los angeles. are us judges of all the former new york mare and donald trump's border of rudy giuliani cannot claim protection from bankruptcy. it follows a $148000000.00 defamation case against them last year, julia and it was successfully sued by 2 former election workers in the state of georgia. it publicly accused them of ballad fraud to june the 2020 election. let's go ahead and i'll just say that we're going to tell you about the most talked about wedding of the year happening in india right now. the colors, the lots that pace across north america at the moment in quite a no. i'll see that it looks like just storms just taking on to the eastern seaboard remnants that are out the hurricane. up towards that eastern side of kind
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of this stage to be feature. we'll put you some pretty heavy right over the next couple of days. but let's get back to the hate. i think the se, lots of red showing up on that shot him move forward. he's once again into phoenix, up towards the northwest, getting up to around 40 celsius here in one or 2 spots as well. i'm going what into the studies across southern and eastern past 3 scenarios. there is that stage refund back to wet weather, just cleaning on into the east disabled hall. she made pretty nasty weather assisting here. could see some flooding as well, some shops that was to just across the deep south and it's the temperature is the heat. continuing towards weston pots as we go on through the next couple of days. a similar picture for sunday just now just a little bit away with a just coming into the legs, pushing into one tab, you're easing across to what we're back east disabled by that. so they should be fine and dry. i am place to side. so it's on the shelves. my mom across the car being found to try for good, posit cuba for time one or 2 showers coming in. based on i was catching a shower to want
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a way of sunshine. and yesterday i was there for central america. the nearly 300 people died. one flight, i made the 17 for shut down of ukraine, but a decade later, i have to fight for justice continues. must go, refuses to hand over 3 men convicted of maxima, john 12, prosecute as believe, rushed as the president was direct cleaning. both one on one east investigates the case against vladimir boots and on algebra. the challenges here with the the
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you want to know is it a reminder about top so is this is to, can cause a city of dangerous combat. so the army stepping of attacks with tens of thousands of palestinians traps inside bodies of scott to the on the streets. this kind of streaming is rushed, the injured to the few remaining hospitalization, airbine job items being campaigning in the bicycle and state of michigan. as he tries to revive is paid for re election as he was president, is trying to reassure voters and some of the democrats, but he can defeats republican rival. donald trump in november, despite a series of gaps. social media company methods removing restrictions, informing us president donald trump's facebook and instagram accounts. the company says the moves to ensure power among us presidential candidates leading up to the election more not on the conflict and gas of the u. s. and the u. k. of the only countries that haven't resumed funding the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees
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after suspending support earlier this year. more than 16 countries have promised to support on rise. it's known during a plunging conference in new york capital, alexander reports from the united nations on the 1st floor as it was announced. 100 countries signed the pledge re affirming that un relief and work agency for posting in refugees known as unreal as being the backbone of humanitarian response in gaza. and the announcement took place on the sidelines of the annual unreal pledge in conference in new york, where the secretary general surge nations to donate. thank those that did and also again called for an end to the war. just remedy saw if you couldn't get any worse seeing gaza somehow, appallingly ceilings are being pushed into ever deeper circles of hell. israel has killed $195.00 unrest staff and bond dozens of un run schools and
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hospitals during its war on gaza. and roe was facing financial ruin after a campaign by israel to discredit. shut the organization down. but ambassadors for more than 60 countries said enough is enough. endowed to support and rough and close the funding gap to keep it operating. under what he means to lifeline for personal and refugees, saving lives and safeguarding the lights, dignity, and identity. it serves as it crushes, stabilizing force indonesian. it is the clear conclusion of everyone who has studied and thought through this subject that no one can do the work that unreal is currently doing. no one else can substitute for andrea. and no one else could make up for what would be a humanitarian catastrophe. if unreal, were to cease doing the work that it is doing the un said it will not have the
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total donation amount from the conference until next week. but felipe advisory need a commissioner general of unrra, said in a press conference that he now believes under it has enough money to pay it, staff to, to the end of september for many years and row has come to the aid of palestinians in need. now which the vast majority of member states of the un coming to the aid of unreal injecting the organization with desperately needed funds. so it can continue to do its work for as long as possible under the most difficult of circumstances. gabriel is on to address it at the united nations in new york. the school buildings caved in on students while it was sitting for exams in the central nigeria. the red cross is at least $21.00. people have been killed. it happened in the city of joseph engine, monica has more the school building in central nigeria, paso state collapse without warning. students inside have just sat down to take
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their exams. the parents are among those gathered outside waiting for news. some survivors have been pulled from the rubble, but others didn't make it out alive. the desktop somehow be rescued. also, as coverage goes on everything. heavy machinery is being used to move the rubble. but people are also digging with picks and shovels outside of glass. out for them to the 2 countries to the most the time. and we have about 16 main in new ones. and then we have to send the deed to police an army hit the deployed to help with the rescue effort
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building collapses are common to nigeria. creat explain last regulations on the construction industry. the close at the latest collapse is still on know, with local said happened after several days of heavy rain since monahan, l g 0. the security council says it's gravely concerned about the humanitarian crisis ensued down, often more than a year were fighting between the army and the pot of military reference support forces. now armies has its fault, off and offensive by the r s f and the city of center that are being spheres baffles on thursday is out as a fight has attacked the city from several directions though i mean sizes inflicted heavy losses when you're part of military drip more than 10000000 people have been displaced since a conflict began in april last year. i to kenya's police chief has resigned in the wake of the violent crack done by security forces by on protesters last month. jeff comment is facing furthest as enough to police killed at least $41.00 demonstrators
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protests that began in opposition to a controversial finance bill. and i directed up corruption and police brutality. and then the attempt to contain widespread anger, president william rosa withdrew the bill, which would have raised the taxes under thursday. he dismissed, most of his cabinet. computer says, declared the health emergency after a rise in cases of dank, a fever, at least 51 fires in cases have been reported on 20000000 people have died. cases in the capital of sword by 300 percent since an outbreak was reported last year. and health workers have been sent to the worst it is to control mosquitoes, the transmit the disease. heavy rain falls severely disrupting life in south west china. the city of troy, king has been experiencing it's most stormy weather this year. funds a line slide so forth. thousands of people from their homes, at least 6 people have died in the rings. and at least 63 people are missing. in
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the fall, up to 2 buses were swept into a river by a landslide caused by monsoon rates. a search and rescue mission is on the way to look for the same people. 3 passengers have been rescued and they're receiving treatment. a space as wrong kit has failed for the 1st time and nearly a decade, leaving the company's internet satellites in the wrong orbit of elk. and 9 rocket blasted off from california on thursday carrying 20 starling satellites on one of the engines. malfunctioned several minutes into the flight accompanies as we could only make contact with half of the soft lights, and the rest will fall back to us or are us judges dismissed manslaughter charges against phone star. alec baldwin, balden broke down in signed the quote in new mexico, when it really was read, the judge has agreed with his lawyers that police had the evidence about the source of a live run at kill the cinematographer on the set of the movie rust in 2021 hung at
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hutchins was shot jimmy rehearsals by gun the boulder and was handling chalet. and this have mocked a 120 years since the birth of poets diplomats and politicians problem no to them 50 years after his death, he remains one of blocking america's greatest poets as rising won him nobel prize in 1971. but taking a look back at his legacy, it's impossible to ignore a personal life which was overshadowed by control of a c, c and human report. so in a nearby intially, a homage to more 120 years since the birth of nobel literature laureate, pablo new, laugh at history, side home and great half a century after his death knew this poetry is published and read in more than 20 languages. lastly, no man, i see it pays homepage to love and it's amazing. the love can be translated into so many languages. nichols loved the unusual, exalted, and that's reflected in his house. have you slend ada,
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where he wrote watching the ocean 98 year old ref. i last saw was new this carpenter. i live with the old houses. i like he would say. and i want something different. he would draw the plans every morning and give them to me to build. today the house is in museum, featuring his collection of everything from unusual bottles to see shells, to ships, figureheads. and this also locks exactly 100 years since the publication of new, those famous 20 love poles and the song of this fair. one is the world's most widely read connection of love poems. but while people still by the millions continue to show with no that was no angel as he confessed himself in his memoirs, published just a year after his death. if he writes of his life as a young diplomat consumer, a long time and describes how he once raped
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a poor temple servant who deserve it to me, he said despised him with her stare. what are you calling me from? he also allegedly abandoned the daughter born with the deformity of disease. all this reason control to see a button to do this. morales, no writer journalist that the ship bulletin argues that we can judge, knew that by today is moral standards. talking to me for my body, i think it's fundamental to distinguish between an ortho and he's works in that sense. throughout history we've seen access to his people with the preferable like because or what his arch was and remains magnificent. on up, he knew this poetry inverse until he defied classification like his own to the onion or his epic and book into that song to the americas famous poetry with many things. but no one can deny that he loved life literature and the ocean that he continues to contemplate. to see a newman al jazeera is lanita,
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judy. what he said in the need for the son of ages, which is mine, has begun in the indian city of mon, by months of lavish celebrations, have cost hundreds of millions of dollars. michael awful. his more from bully would start to feel the buses to tony blair to bar is johnson them. bonnie wading has brought them all together. it's also brought to india is commercial capital i'm owned by to a standstill. 29 year old on on tongue bonnie: the son of indian business tycoon and billy in their location. bonnie is tying the knot with ruddy come merchant. the daughter of a pharmaceutical john bonnie family lives here in an earthquake, prove skyscraper, private residence. believe to be value to close to $5000000000.00. the waiting extravaganza has received a mixed reaction. they type in economy hosting at the whole
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front and everywhere on the back.


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