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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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a serenade of this guys and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0 the a tower in gaza city as it was military from suffolk sacks, while tens of thousands of palestinians upfront the i'm about to send this is odd 0 live from doha, also coming up the speculations like, what's job i'm going to do are by defiance of the us president stump. so the key battleground,
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state of michigan is pressure minus some of this campaign. meanwhile, biden's republican rival donald trump, gets a campaign. this tech company meta analysis, it's relaxing restrictions on this facebook and instagram accounts, and i'm gonna see a newman, an excellent news that actually input was the last home of nobel laureate, cloud knew that this year marks the 100 years since the publication of one of the world's most widely read the book of poems, the we're going to be getting guys over israel's ministry has dictated guys a city, a dangerous come by its own. the army stuffing off attacks with tens of thousands of palestinians. so trap there. this is the aftermath of and has many attack on a residential building. bodies are scattered on the streets as palestinians rushed the injured to the few remaining hospitals nearby. ours audio,
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civil defense teams are covered, at least 60 bodies off to is really true, was partially withdrew from what was ones. one of the guys was most affluent neighborhoods, thousands more of feared battery done to the rumble. i tell how are you and run college in a hospital as well as a bank and residential towers of all being destroyed. so i thought, as i found them as of the software, a lot of the time from the ambulance and emergency department in northern casa, immediately after learning that these valleys partially withdrew from the tel. i'll highlight in the gaza city. we went there and found bodies, most of the bodies with decomposed because the ambulance team was when not allowed to replace. it still does a large number of bodies under the rubble, the head and closet is good more from outside all oxide hospital inc. central gas the fight thing is happening in the western parts of the glasses 50 very close to the coast line, but also the is there any forces have been targeting at different areas across the
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causes to be one of those? those targets is an apartment, and those are that sweets where at least for college news, wakefield and others were injured. and also they targeted at random streets in the gods of city. but all day long, the civil defense themes were able to reach the areas. those are the forces personally out front, and they weren't able to retrieve 60 bodies of palestinians that were killed doing the ground invasion. most of these products can use according to eye witnesses. and testimonies are people who were executed by the is ready forces when they were trying to evacuate. and lee the area after they were trapped, it in the middle of air strikes live and munitions and floods captures. it was a very smart day for civil defense. seems environmentally trying to retrieve bodies
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as much as possible. even while colleen is a john listing guys and city, he reports one of the worst case areas. this is the alpha mad, brutal ground invasion that plays another matter. and that is how when you ever heard a mess, disruptions that the behind is unimaginable as families are trying to come back to their destroyed homes, trying to increase some feeling they lift your hands. often the southern evacuation older many civilians have been able to do that. there are 26 more have been killed in the last round invasion, and that's in our area. we are talking about many major destruction in roads making the transfer case nearly impossible. people use are suffering so much as the, as, as they don't have any place to go to officer or the complete destruction the area has, has seen in terms of that. they've been used, killed in trap,
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under the rubber with yours, can help with anything as we have nothing to work with equipment had been cut off as if the beginning of this war. even many civilians were unknown in on the level that the luck fall. yet some of the there are children being shot tense, their families are being killed. the focus is on children and women. robin targeting the resistance, they should target the resistance. fight is not the children they know where they are going. i'm the resistance certainly target still can patient forces while this ruin and destruction. look from here and look from that. every whether it's complete discharge the fall of a so we call on the arrow people and the people of the west is tender with us. we're not asking for anything else. we only wish to leave like the rest of the wild with dignity. what forces meet the academy this pile of wood on my head because they are no means of life. we are here standing at the front door of the you,
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i'm field office, the guys, the city. it has been also partially destroyed. do this route incursions. we are talking about you, i schools get involved, get in and getting out of service. many general infrastructure residential building also have been reduced to rubble. many of the ribbon due to the lack of filters. we are talking about the destruction of schools, streets, building the building is black and the basic needs facilities in terms of water, electricity, and the basic mr. cities of life like may for children and a lot of 5 goods. i've been cut off since the early morning since the beginning of this brutal breeding of round incursions on the whole neighborhood a spot assuming as opposed to free the north central garza isn't much safer. a mine and his 2 daughters are taken care of in the ball out,
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but he is really ami talking to the house. several other people were injured in taken to the all august. the hospital is very close as a killed at least 38345 people. since the water goes up again. the u. s. is adopted for the sanctions against the 3 is really satler's on the number of a legal outposts and entities operating in the occupied westbank. it brings to 10, the total number of settlers, the us as individually sanctioning since february, a far wide root cause of hava is one of the organizations named washington says its members that are involved in the pete. it acts of violence against palestinians. 2 of the 3 individual sanction leaders of another group called soft 9, described as a violent extreme. this is really group, it's being attacking to monitor in a truck's heading to gaza. the 3rd person is a farmer who owns one of the 4 illegal outposts that'd be blacklisted. neural data for some of them on the, on how the is really government hasn't taken any steps to match the sanctions for
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this war began the us had not taken any measures that could be even perceived. this pressure against is really subtler attacks on palestinian civilians or the is really policy a supplement expansion. of course, these are limited to is really nationals the, the sanctions that are announced have to do with assets if they exist in the us with a not allowing them entry in the united states. but they don't effect what happens in israel, where the government has not cooperated. it has not much those sanctions. and it is actually advancing draft legislation to go around them and make sure that they are these individuals are not financially affected organizations as well. a how is a right wing organization? as you said, it is closely associated with many ministers in the government, including the national security administer. it's
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a mob been v or they continue to have a lot of clout on policy. and they continue to receive funds from american citizens through very many means including count funding the let's go to the us and our presidential biden's, taking his election campaign to the boss with one state of michigan even his calls grove, him to step aside to let another democrat and one for election in november the states democratic governor and senator were notably both absent from a raleigh were binding the dress criticisms of his fitness for office. before unintentionally asked a crowd of supporters, john 100 reports of the event in the city of detroit. the president joe biden returning to the campaign trail in the battleground state of michigan, and he wasted no time answering the question on nearly everyone's mind. speculation like, what's joe, why going to do is you're going to drop out here's why are you doing?
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we're going to learn when he won in 2020 by doing of wins in pennsylvania, in the midwestern states of michigan, wisconsin, illinois, in minnesota, the so called democratic blue wall. but with a growing group of democrats calling for him to end his campaign biden is battling his own party as well as protestors against the war in god degreed into supporters in detroit. as long as him in the administration continues to send aid and, and, and bonds and arms to israel. we're going to continue to protest his presence here and his position as president because you can not continue to fund and support are right when government, when it sits in direct opposition to what our values are here in america bite. in short, to address that concern head all squared is more must but a higher energy, joe, that appeared in his debate against donald trump, who was well received by the crowd in heavily democratic detroit. michigan is
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a microcosm of a nation. it's a deeply divided swing states that voted for trump in 2016 biden. in 2020 and po. suggest it's a toss up for 2024. and that means biden is lost some ground in the past 4 years. well, some voters question, the president stamina he thinks he's got a powerful story to, to really want to go back to the chaos of donald trump is probably the united states most 3000000 jobs. by the way, by the way, down from the only president american history, herbert hoover, who lost more jobs and he had when he came in. or if he gets those 4 more years in that's a big is it might, will be because the road to the white house went through michigan, john henry and l g 0. detroit republican presidential candidate donald trump has
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waited on jo biden's capacity to run for re election. and the social media post on friday. he said by them should immediately take a cognitive test and that he would take one as well from side for the 1st time to be a team. and they do it for the good of the country. from went on to say that old presidential candidates should be mandated to take cognitive and aptitude test regardless of their age. meanwhile, the social media company message removing restrictions on donald trump's facebook and instagram icons accompanies as the move is to ensure poverty among us presidential candidates leading up to the election since being reinstated in january last year. tons of con, subbing subject to strict are penalties done. other users rob reynolds has more from the sensors. back in january of 2021. after the insurrection that the president then president trump incited which attacked the capital building. the medic corporation,
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which comprises instagram and facebook and this led by c e o. mark sucker for drew trump all last year in 2023. they reinstated him, but with restrictions. now the company says that since it is interested in fairness, both president biden and for the president, trump will have an equal status. so no more restrictions that's coming soon for trump. and it's interesting that discount just a few days after the pro, on his own social media platform to social said that he intended to put mark, suffer behind fox. because he said he was an election fraud score and had to pay a penalty many years in prison. 12 said, calling succor burgundy, succor box. it's uh in escape, although i think you have few pollution that does this with these 2 events are linked in some way and that sucker bird now is seeking to not be in the bad braces of donald trump, whose chances of becoming president again were hyphen meeting analysts say vice
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president biden, for performance in that's a big from off the back on june the 27th. in terms of the practical effects. it's probably not much because from really never use instagram or facebook to communicate with his followers or with the american people. when he was president, to use a twitter which has since become x is run by you on most most has reinstated trump on x, but trump doesn't use x anymore even though he can be used as true social. that's his own flap, and it has fewer powers and members, then the ex or instagram, but the follower is that are on those platforms tend to sort of reach we, whatever trump says on, on the social and put them on an x or instagram now. and it's another example of how the social media platforms have really scrambled and change the traditional way
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of campaigning. and the way that the american presidential campaigns are rock robert, and what's l g 0? los angeles. so they had and i'll just say it on the roof of the school collapses on students writing their exams and central nigeria. and we're going to tell you about the most talked about on controversially the most expensive wedding happening in india right now. the to hello, the weather is looking bright and breezy across certain parts of the arabian peninsula, bits and pieces of panic of southern most areas, but really quite a brisk when just blowing in across that eastern side. us out a little bit of lift the dust and said to watch out for over the next couple of days we're into the mid forties here. and uh huh. as we go on into sunday,
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we'll see enough also still left q 8. pretty hot let to, into baghdad one or 2 showers a little further north, just around the black sea. the caspian sea, east inside of america is la. she tried ducky, i will say some showers. so it's just migrating just shifting a little further east with as we go on to, to sunday brought to weather just trying to come back in behind a bit towards the bus was assembled at around $33.00 degrees drive broads, across much of north africa. still touching for a few that and car i still have plenty of hate around tripoli. some of the temperature here, plenty of sal was the across west africa. most of the puffing up at the right is there across the west africa. you can see for light berry, i see i really i you must see some possibility of some flooding here. some lot of shop showers coming through over the next couple of days all the way across into the gulf. so skinny, wanted to show us to the east of the rift valley. wet weather and windy weather. the south africa, the
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african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean, that rock band, i do have truck. and so many things to shoot documentary by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya, serenade of this kind and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on. i'll just 0 the the the you're working on. does it a reminder of a child?
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so is this our is mandatory, is declared garza city a dangerous combat. so the army stepping off a tax with tens of thousands of palestinians shopped in signed bodies of scott to the on the streets. palestinians rushed the injured to the few remaining hospitals nearby us. president joe biden was back on the campaign trail, defining calls from fellow democrats and some party donors to abandon his re election buried here. he spoke of an event in the past regarding the state of michigan is repeating that he's staying in the race a funds to with the social media company matches removing restrictions in front of us president donald trump's, facebook and instagram accounts. company says the move is to ensure poverty among american presidential candidates leading up to the election more now on israel's war on guys of the us. and that you can the only countries that have not resumed funding the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees after suspending support earlier this year. more than 60 countries have promised to
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support on right as it's known during a plunging conference in new york. gabriel, alice, on the reports from the united nations whose before it was announced over 100 countries, signed to pledge re affirming un relief and work agency for posting in refugees known as unreal as being the backbone of all humanitarian response in gaza. and do you know it's meant took place on the sidelines of the annual unreal pledging conference in new york, where the secretary general surge nations to donate. thank those that did and also again called for an end to the war. just remedy saw if you couldn't get any worse in gaza. somehow, appallingly see feelings are being pushed into ever deeper circles of hell. israel has killed $195.00 unrest staff and bond dozens of un run schools and
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hospitals during its war on gaza. and ro was facing financial ruin after a campaign by israel to discredit, shut the organization down. but investors for more than 60 countries said enough is enough. endowed to support and re enclosed the funding gap to keep it operating. what do you mean is the lifeline for personal nephews, saving lives and safeguarding the lights, dignity, and identity? it serves as it crushes, stabilizing force in the region. it is the clear conclusion of everyone who has studied and thought through this subject that no one can do the work that unreal is currently doing. no one else can substitute for andrea. and no one else could make up for what would be a humanitarian catastrophe. if and role were to cease doing the work that it is doing, the un said it will not have the total donation amount from the conference until
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next week. but philippe eliza, really the commissioner general of unrra said in a press conference that he now believes under it has enough money to pay it, staff to, to the end of september of for many years. unreal has come to the aid of palestinians in need. now it's the vast majority of member states of the un. coming to the aid of honora, injecting the organization with desperately needed funds. so it can continue to do its work for as long as possible under the most difficult of circumstances. gabriel's on to address it at the united nations in new york school buildings collapsed on students while they were sitting exams in central nigeria. the red cross has at least 21 people have been killed and happened in the city of just friends. and one of them has more the school building in central nigeria, paso safe collapse without warning. students inside have just sat down to take
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their exams. parents are among those gathered outside waiting for news. some survivors have been pulled from the rubble, but others didn't make it out alive. the desktop, some of the rescue cd as coverage goes on everything. heavy machinery is being used to move the rubble. but people are also digging with picks and shovels outside of glass, california into the 2 countries, mostly tech. and we have about 16 main into name. and then we have to see the police an army hit. the deployed to help with the rescue effort. building collapses are common to nigeria creat,
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explain less regulations on the construction industry to close at the latest collapse is still on know with local said happened after several days of heavy rain since monahan, l g 0 a. can you spell the success of his comment has resigned in the wake of violent crack down and protesters last month that killed $41.00. people tried to contain widespread. i angry president william roach was also dismissed. most of these cabinets was catherine, sorry, reports from campbell county. the process having stopped many canyons wanted the inspector general of police to design a different 5th call met over. so the excessive force used by police during resent process used to a gas the time and life will act. 41 part test is most of them in the twenty's died rice optic. they say several others are missing and could have been
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abducted allegedly by police officers. we are going to support those. what be president william brutal has promised to investigate the east. i'm kind of where the police headed to account and that kind of thing. ease finance. it does seem, please, it is mind, it has people very competent people who would deal with that situation. but this students say they don't trust the president or police investigators. so they came to the street to demand and says about denzil, on monday, a student who was either protest but turned up that in a dumb days later, these are students from a nearby university. and this is a very busy highway. and the reason why the students are here is because they're demanding for jobs to. uh, josh is for one of the college guides the goals.
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they say no changes to government or of steri. c measures will bring back then, so online result pulling back. i mean, it's good to get the anything we want just to say that this is a prison on the notes we want to just as the president says, he's listening to what they're say, but they say he must hear the calls for more accountability. cathy sorry all the 0 campbell county honda, this is declared a health emergency after the rise in cases of dang, a fever. at least 51 fires in cases have been reported in 29, and people have died. registered infections and their capital of sword by 300 percent. so as an upgrade was reported last year, health workers have been sent to the worst case areas to control mosquitoes that transmit the disease today. and so i've marked a 120 years since the birth of poets diplomats and politicians. pablo narrowed the
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50 years after his definitely remains one of latin america's greatest poets. his writing won him a nobel prize in 1971. taking a look back at his legacy, it's impossible to ignore a personal life which has been overshadowed by control of a c. as in human reports from a negative, consider a homage to more 120 years since the birth of nobel literature laureate pablo knew that history, side home, and great half a century after his death knew this poetry is published and read in more than 20 languages. lastly, no man, i see it pays homepage to love and is amazing. the love can be translated into so many languages. nichols loved the unusual, exalted, and that's reflected in his house at east lanita, where he wrote watching the ocean 98 year old rough i last saw was new. this
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carpenter. i live with the old houses are like he would say. and i want something different. he would draw the plans every morning and give them to me to build today the house is in museum, featuring his collection of everything from unusual bottles to see shows the ships, figureheads. and this also locks exactly 100 years since the publication of new, those famous 20 love poles and the song of this fair. one is the world's most widely read connection of love poems. but while people still by the millions continue to show with no that was no angel as he confessed himself in his memoirs, published just a year after his death. located in, if he writes of his life as a young, diplomatic and serial on, gotten the letter and describes how he works. wait a poor temple servant who deserve it. and he said despised him with her stare. what are you telling me? so he also allegedly abandoned the daughter born with the deformity of disease. all
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this reason control to see a button to do this. morales, no writer, journalist, but the ship bulletin argues that we can judge, knew that by 2 days moral standards took it only for my body. i think it's fundamental to distinguish between an ortho and he's works in that sense. throughout history. we've seen access to his people with the preferable, like because or what his arch was and remains magnificent on that new this poetry and verse until he defied classification, like his own to the onion, or his epic and book into that song to the americas. famous poetry, which many things, but no one can deny that he loved life literature and the ocean that he continues to contemplate. to see a newman al jazeera is lanita, judy. have your info, severely disrupting life in southwest of china. floods in land,
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slice of force and sizes of people from their homes. at least 6 people have died in the rain is a space sites rocket tests failed for the 1st time in nearly a decade and leaving his payload of 20 satellites in the wrong orbit. vault at 9 o'clock at blasted off from california on thursday, but one of the engines malfunction several minutes into the flight. the company says it could only make contact with half the satellites. most of them are expected to fall back to us. or us judges dismissed manslaughter charges against the phone. so alex baldwin, baldwin broke down inside the court in new mexico. when the ruling was read, the judge agreed with his lawyers. the police hid the evidence about the source of the live round of killed the cinematographer on the scent of the movie rushed in 2021, hung a hutchins with shots during rehearsals by a gun. the baldwin was handling for the wedding, sending me for the subdivision. as rich as mine has begun,
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and the indians sitting out on by comstock months of lobby's celebrations, costing hundreds of millions of dollars. michael apple has more from bully would start to see foot buses to tony blair. to bar is johnson them. bonnie wading has brought them all together. it's also brought to india as commercial capital. i'm them by to a standstill. 29 year old on on tongue bonnie: the son of indian business tycoon and billy in their location. bonnie is tying the knot with ruddy come merchant. the daughter of a pharmaceutical john. jim bonnie family lives here in an earthquake, prove skyscraper, private residence, believe to be valued close to 5000000000 and on the waiting extravaganza has received a mixed reaction.


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