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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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to the, [000:00:00;00] the i don't want elizabeth put on, and this is a news allan life from the hall coming out for the next 16 minutes. a new mexico and gaza oft as really strikes hit the milwaukee area west of con eunice kennings, 179 palestinians. nearly $300.00 more injured at a slow, cold, se salon is rarely on the radio claims. the target was a homeless ministry come on to read and we're going to where job. i didn't promise to stay in the race, but democrats cools,
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go louder for him to drop pounds of november's us presidential election. and a school building collapse has on students. the 2nd exams and central nigeria, at least 21 people accounts. and on far as small with the sports, we continue to build up to the final zeroes as veins star player. let me amount celebrate since the 17th birthday, the day before they take on england. and by the beginning this news uh with re, can use from gauze. uh, what is wiley forces have committed another massacre at least 79 people have been killed in this way. the strikes in the milwaukee area, west of con eunice, medical sources have told algebra that maybe 300 people are injured is ready. both planes were fortunately fired. 3 missiles, followed by drone attacks targeting,
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displaced palestinians living in tents. the attacked to place in an area considered a safe southern dozens of engine palestinians, so overwhelmed the nearby nasir hospital and con eunice, which is badly functioning. the spokes person for the hospitals in the home of soccer says it is hours of vital services for the north and the al sharpie camp. another 17 palestinians were killed when they were gathering for noon. pres garza civil defense is at least 20 a injured people were rushed to the nearby. awfully hospital, katia lopez, hold on begins. i'll coverage a series of attacks on almost the area in southern 1000. that is really what bombing a so called safe. so an area where the is really military headquarters posted in to go. and there you had said was an evacuation soon away from the ongoing strikes. emergency workers and civil defense crews are among the injured. they were targeted
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by is really horses when they tried to help the wounded. so i had spoken with the bottom of the news were facing serious challenges in reaching the effect of diarrhea and the injured especially due to lack of fuel and proper equipment. among the dead is garza's deputy director of the fire and rescue department. we was sitting in the tent. nothing was happening. so to me, rocket fell on us. i still trojan in pieces. gold is all we need to look at off, have some compassion, one after another. survivors are good to know through hospital in, pon eunice. but with israel limiting to minutes, syrian a deliveries doctors and goals will have few supplies on medicine to treat. this is really government officials say the target square high profile hallmark leaders including mohammed dates,
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the commander of the groups armed with thomas denies this, it says is really claims the targeted. its leaders are false and repeatedly used to justify attempts to strike. it adds, proves israel has no interest in reaching a ceasefire agreement. this even though negotiations on a possible truce deal, which would include the release of captives and garza up and taking place in egypt and guitar this week. this is not isolated from what nathaniel is thinking about. he thinks about go to washington and giving this address and the joint congress and people who clapped their hands and hulu came. then come back and just continue business as usual, he's not interested in any quite minutes. he's not interested in any deals. some palestinians, anomaly was the are believe to be buried under the debris. and once again, entire communities and gaza have nowhere to go to a little physical, you know, to 0. well, that is really on the claims that the target of the attack was, the homeless ministry come on to my home
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a day if and the pos as well has claimed to have targeted him off come on, does when they've carried out such launch attacks. but how mazda is released, the statement on the as rarely strikes on on milwaukee. they have described the latest attack as a blatant disregard of international nor the group says the alman wasi master kevin con eunice is a continuation of the genocide against all people. this he knows massacre committed by the occupation army against the milwaukee area west of con unice. since he was classified by that is why the army as a safe solar and palestinian citizens for us to buy. that is why these to move there, as well as allegations about targeting leaders fools. and it's not the 1st time is world has claimed to target palestinian leaders within lives were proven false places these false allegations. amelia weighs a cover up the big scale of the her reflect masika. that's bringing on correspondence,
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honey. my food. now he's joining us my from the ball on and central garza and honey . this is one of the deadliest attacks we've seen in a while. i'm in the casa the yes, well, within the past hour is these really military has been pushing for a narrative that what he did was, in fact the target of the major uh, commanders of military commander in the, the evacuation zone at the milwaukee. the western part of hon. eunice city and this is not the 1st time we're seeing this kind of narrative being pushed hardly by these really military to justify the ongoing masculine goes how a spinning and just judging from the scenes of from the bonds side, then the number of casualties arriving to nasir hospitals in the que waiting field hospital, the western part of the area between hon. you and
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a sun roof i city. the vast majority of casualty arriving guard the displays. families are really displayed more than one time so that some of these families been pushed into this internal displacement for more than 5 times already traumatize it from the experience of being her to, to, from one place to another. given the, the horror of the on it predicted will fall in bonds on their residential homes in the area where they live. these really monetary issues, multiple of statements that have been quite misleading, contradictory, using for the most part, when compared with the, the results of these attacks and seeing go more 71, the people being fed pronounced dead as a result of these attacks arriving to different health facilities, including nonsense hospital and equated view of the hospital about a 300 people of the critical injuries arriving to these medical hospital inside this positive right here. receive some of these injures, given the fact that the hospital doesn't have the capacity to receive large number
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of injuries. also that can wait, if you're in the hospital, doesn't also have the capacity on the space to accommodate large injuries. but from what we're seeing is women and children are making the vast majority of casual, these. and again, this is not the 1st time we're seeing this particular area being attacked in bond, relentlessly by these really military. whether you buy air, land, or sea, we've seen many of the 10th towns where relentlessly attacked just a few weeks ago. 45 people were killed in the air by the area that was bon today. and from the beginning of this genocide, the war, many of the people who are forced into internal displacement to all of my laws. the evacuations on has been largely designated by this very military as a safe zone. humanitarians on people ended up being killed and maimed and bombed inside either the residential homes, inside the 10s, inside the make shift,
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the tents that they set up in the street. and how do you tell us more about in the wasi and the time that you have spent that and the history in the context of this area being repeatedly targeted off to as well designated, it saves. so including in that have risk attack that took place at the end of may a loss. evacuation zone in terms of geography is a small, is liver of land at the western part of han you and his city. and in fact, it extended from western part of the central area from rough. i city all the way from the central area all the way through rough city, where the vast majority of people we're ordered sharply by this really monetary where they're coming to from the northern part from casa city, a from more recently from brought by safety, where they are asked to move to that don't do just to give the better context of what happened at the milwaukee area. what is the area and how many people it has
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been accommodating so far where are joined by mister, i'm just the show. he's the director of the palace city and in your network and, and the gaza strip the subject. thank you so much for joining us. and this is start by giving an assessment of, of what happened just within the past hours. major attacks on display as families inside of mos evacuations on what happened exactly the is there a bit of a fight this tact civil displays area where hundreds of thousands of people pushed through that area as to because as considerate as a safe place, hundreds, what killed them into then now we have no accurate number of the people who are killed. but we are sure that there was a massacre. the committed by the is really good fighters to was the policy of
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civilians. and that's very well all knows. that is right. claims that from the end, the beginning of this was that the in milwaukee considered as it saves you many teddy, and soon this area was attacked so many times it's full of show does. and these filters contains of thousands of 10 would have children, women, elders, out of staying on the bees sense as place to be safe. but today, this is a message from is it a to the, was that the odd again and began and began dot targeting to follow steve and civilians wherever they are this so many families displays for the 10th time seeking for safety and security. i am all i see now as other box all over does the slip is not a safe place, as is right?
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is the claim. and this is expression of the filler of the intermission community to pressure to present the pressure on israel to stop it's war and the seeing and civilians. it's human side. the crimes, as described by the frontier. you motorized, organizations the terms and we've seen people since the beginning of this genocide, the more being sharply order to seek shoulder at the last see evacuations that because it is safe. now, after these repeated attacks work and people go there already tired to really traumatize this place one more time we're, we're can be seats safety right? is not the only for the most people who are staying there today and you said they were receiving things of god. that family who was on the trip left god, let's sit down to north to the area. no place, no shelter for them. and the same time we have not tends to provide them with so
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many families. now there was that no cover, no space to stay in in such very good to come daddy and get us to be. that's all the palestinians are living the do that the shortage of all the human a getting off the food medicine bar, water drinking water. it's not there. so all the issue in danger and risk due to the is there a continuous data strikes due to the famine due to that's the issue of what that which is became essential the consumption of water as maximum 5 liters a day for the drink. and for the use, according to the human and data principles, it's from 18 to 20. we are reaching only 5 meters though. this is the one that we have. so that's with us. most of god's i want to be out of service because of this, right? a tax and the same time, the running costs with us now they have short you fuel. so to make this in and out
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of the well of the end good cases. at the same time, the patients who invited me for me to kind of instead of insurance, water and sanitation highs in our major problems for a displaced population on the mos in an hour. as someone who was involved with the human is terry and work in the room for presenting the policy managers network, what is the impact of these repeated attacks and your work and providing essential assistance, prevent expense essential services for display popular 1st, the hygiene items. it's uh, mostly 0, not a lot of stuff. we kinda have to provide these items anymore because of the, the access of these items to the gaza strip are very limited to quantities of them are in pre combating. so that use needs, as i said, water for them to use what that for the bank,
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it's in shortage because of the issue of fuel and destruction of the what the wells and they also the that so many destination then it stopped working. and now we have the sewage, dallas, between defense itself, we have $550.00 st today the, the, the, the temperature inside the 10. it's good, that's perfect inside the tense. so, so many contagious diseases start to spread among this. busy the, the, the idea these one side, many of the children and women, and we have hyphen says regarding the that health. and it's look, that is right, is the, once the sustain, visa human a day could eyes hold of use. do you do that? these kind of not only be as re attacks, we have so many also injured people are leaving dress to be dressed then and just
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to be dressed inside the dense and such as you make up with that. and sometimes our me because these has know the small examples. so it's really shortage and really good. that's difficult for meeting the situation of the big relation in gaza thread . and if there will be no seats fight out, i'm not opening all these. the crossing flips in all the needs we one of losing so many lives and the distribution. busy these cuts us difficult to maintain condition . thank you. in a sense. so i've heard of from the director of the palestinian and jos network. what we're looking at is more of an evolving events of do much more complexity not right now. last evacuation zone is no longer a safe zone, is no longer human to terry and for the displace family is a little more of a killing box, a death trap for many of the people who wherefores into this area. the thought, because there's really mother stories told him it is save, bear the thought there, where safety, the word protection, they ended up being relentlessly attacked and brutalized in these areas. and how do
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we even heard from the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez at the pledging conference for the united nations, refuse a agency for palestinian refugees, who actually describe just as you said. antonia gutierrez said on friday that every with in gaza as a potential kennings on honey. thank you. as always for your reporting for now, that is honey must move with overlays, was joining us live from data by law in central gaza. that's bringing out of one of our correspondence from the solid foods. she's joining us live from amman and jordan. and the reason we're reporting from that is because that is where any government has banned elena 0 from the pushing in israel. i'm that we have been listening for the last, you know, 15 minutes of this news out about the humanitarian situation in gaza following this massacre following the mass of the deadliest attack we have seen in a couple of months and garzo with at least $71.00 palestinians who are being towed hundreds injured, the impact of that on civilians and civilian infrastructure like hospitals.
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interesting. they what we're hearing from as well is the prime minister, the defense minister, looking at this very much to a security prism holding high level security meetings following this attack. what do you hear in about those a well, let's begin with this really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office says he held the situational assessment on the phone with top security and military officials. and that he is going to convene a meeting later on in the day comes after his real defense minister jo off kalonde had held his own situation all assessment with the head of israel. sion bet that's the internal security services. and as well as top defense and military officials within israel. now the prime minister's office released the statements earlier in the day. and the last several our saying that in the beginning of the war, there was a directive from nets and you all who to target and kill how mass officials, wherever they are,
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whether it's inside or outside of gaza. and it's something that these really military themselves have used to justify the killing of thousands of civilians saying they are doing these precise and targeted attacks when in reality, johns is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. not to mention the areas that are designated as safe zones, like this area west of han, eunice and malachi, that has hundreds of thousands of palestinians there. so the is really military saying that these are strikes on him, us officials, and how must target. but we see the reality on the ground constantly. we see the results of these attacks and they are palestinian civilians. we've seen it repeatedly, but this is a pattern from these really military. and i'm the move in 9 months into the war intelligence, including us. intelligence has shown that come off hasn't been down, downgraded degraded in any significant way this month is where the claims that it's
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going off the almost faces and it's, and it's leadership and it's top leaders. whether it's my home a day, if who the is really is really ami saying what was the target of this attack. and i'm wasi you, whether it's ya, yas, and why they're live is what we do want to mention. these rarely army is still checking. they say the aftermath of these airstrikes which shouldn't come as a surprise, given the level of damage, destruction and death that were caused by them. additionally, you have is really officials like nothing you all who, who say that the goals of the war are something israel needs to achieve in order for not only the war to end, but to achieve an absolute victory over him. us nearly 6 months ago. these really are me said that they have achieved near full operational control a parts of gaza, including the norse. would we have seen that to be quite contradict. it's a contradiction to what we see on the ground,
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which of these really military facing fierce resistance from us fighters all over the gaza strip. you also have these rarely army who has repeatedly set these are precise and targeted operations that are used to eliminate have us fighters and commanders. but we are hearing from is really sources and officials that say that they knew they were going to be civilian casualties. as a result of what they say is a targeted assassination attempt, but that they could not miss the opportunity for these kind of attack. something that has a lot of stipulations that come with it, including the depths of thousands of civilians and come to whereas that is very military. as you mentioned, have spoken in the past about how they've had, what they call professional success and clear incision pots of gaza, of all sizes of it. they seem to be increasing divisions now between how that is where the military and stuff in yahoo and his government see this will. because we
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have heard increasingly from the military that they cannot win. this was the objective, is to defeat him off as a defeat him off us we heard it straight from daniel regarding himself, the spokes person for these really military and an interview with his really media just a couple of weeks ago. saying that those who say that him, us can be defeated are not being truthful. truthful are selling a false dream to these really public that a group like this can be defeated, stating, but how much is quote and i deal. and we've seen this also from members of nets and y'all, who's former war cabinet, those who left the guy, the eyes, and code benny gans who wiley are supporters of the war. they say that's the way the worst being conducted, perhaps is not correct. then you have hmos who's really several statements saying that they have regroups, they have we recruited more fighters. so these really are me and these really government do have some divisions between them because what,
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nothing you all who wants is not what these really are me says can be done on the grounds. i'm the thank you for that. i'm the son who's with alexis from amman and a reminder that she's reporting from jordan because as real, as government has banned out a 0 from the full thing in israel. we're going to bring in a month. so schumann, now he's a palestinian journalist, humanitarian who witnessed the war, lived, and i'll find con eunice and i believe in other places as well. months old you've been speaking to people in this area of milwaukee where the attack took place. what are they telling you? it was the norm of the people who are going about looking forward, trying to get some aid and southern. the 7 different rockets hit different areas in, in, in, in, on the lawsuit deciding nation plant was hit. augusta lent that uh the warehouse was hit a 10 city detention area. the people thing on the street, 7 different rockets hit,
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a very small area and of the policy resulting and kidding. an injured angle for over 400 different civilians. members of my wife, somebody also had killed and injured and some were left to bleed for many hours without any people able to help them. and they bled to this. they tried to call on the civil defense. that's the crescent that's across spots. daniel was so much in jeopardy that no help and people are just dying their leading to the ground. so it's, it's unprecedented. given that the design has said that this area is a safe soon. however, today i think it shows that there is really no safe placement of of life now. and that's something that we have seen over the past 9 months, really, that there is no safe. so and again, as i was saying to our correspondent and garza, we heard from the un secretary general himself on friday, and he said that as there was not only has been no save story,
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but every pasha garza is a potential killing zone. he said, you're calling this an unprecedented attack and certainly it's the death toll is massive. but we have seen other individual attacks and gaza with a desktop has been even bigger. just saying that your wife has lost members of her family in this attack. as someone who lived through many months of the school, how does it feel to see yet another attack of this scale being repeated in gaza when every time something like this happens? i'm thinking of the last attack in milwaukee. the whole world of shock because of the people who book today, the decapitated child, and yet less than 2 months later, we have a similar attack. it's talking but not surprising. and unfortunately, people around the world are slowly it seems, getting them to what's happening. please. we need to remember that these people are enough numbers, it's our lives as our families. these are people who have carriers that has
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a lot looking forward to in this life. so, but you also need to remember that the people who are attacking out civilians since the beginning of the war, they called us animals. they thought that we have savages and fees. let's not forget that negotiations are taking place right now with the mediator in egypt. and the heads of most had said very clearly that we need to put more pressure on the 15 insights by up leveling our military operations inside the venza. so this be kind of puts more pressure on to, for the students to submit one of the months. so this is may need be one reason why massacre of such as these are happening in addition to the latest muscle, because the pools happens in our shop, but also today in the city, what people think the noun pay us. but also hits by separate is a little kids unkempt. so let's not forget that some people within the government do not want these negotiations to be successful. and the wants to try to for, to,
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to the whatever way possible. and how do people in gaza that you know, you're speaking to, how they looking on at these negotiations every time they get revived? do they have any hope anymore? do they pay any attention to them? they do, they do. and like i said yesterday, they are cautiously optimistic, even today. yes, the mediators did not meet the cause of what's happened. moss and a shot the but the negotiation spots. continuing. this is a strategic decision from defend a senior leadership, in my opinion, to go and try to be lenient and try to move some of the minds to the 2nd. and 3rd phase of the government has seized for that they've got to be going to be negotiated. what is happening on a toxic and basis is important a. but looking at the future of 2300000 palestinians, these negotiations have to continue to bring the best out for our people. and 2300000 palestinians who have been most of them have been displaced several times. now. we know that the people who was staying and on the wasi and become
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a dad because they've been displaced themselves again as someone who had to move several times while you were engaged with before you could finally leave. what is it like to be constantly displays running from attacks to attack? especially if you're married with a family and children, you know, extended family. uh it's, it's one of the worst things you can do it because there's a lack of safety. there's a lack of there's, there's an uncertain thing when it comes to where we're like, at food. there's an uncertainty when it comes to getting clean water. there's an uncertainty when it comes to, well, where am i going? is it's going to be actually safer, or is it going to be actually worse? we don't know. so i moved from a positive city to what off to kind you want us to mossy, so i experienced for different areas and. and did you stay in the milwaukee camp? it's itself i did. yes, i did. and it's now extremely, i mean, it's much,
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much more concentrated than before. it's much more highly dense because people have lost everything inside anyone else in the off slowly in north and part of was and they are heading to the center of the region and to allow us to thinking about the safe area. however, given what's happened to date, i don't know most people do, i think the only solution they have is to wait in a mossy or global will boxes or destroyed areas in the office and finding us inside to build their tense and homes back their month. so thank you, as always for your insights, feel very valuable and saw it. so someone who has lived through this for we really appreciate it for now. that is a month, so she month. thank you. right, it's time for a weather update. now here's kara, as hello the monsoon rains, have been in full force across the south asia, causing flooding in bangladesh as well as near pool with a land slide reported in some parts of the country. now the rain is gonna fall
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heaviest. across the western parts of india over the next few days, and red warnings out stretching all the way from kind of go down to care. lower expect expecting some very strong wins as well, and they'll be more rain flooding into the bay of bengal. some of that pulling in to me and my, and the on demand and the combined islands. but it is looking much dry across the north west and into launch areas of pakistan. we'll see more in way of heat and humidity in the whole actually go into the new week and the heat and humidity across east asia has been knocked out by some very what was it? thanks to them. they may you front. it's pulsing those heavy down, pulls out east, pulling into the korean peninsula that heavy rain on woods to japan as we go into sunday. and there's gonna be some heavy rain to come across the moving parts of china and won't go. yeah. and now william baton manages to stay dry as the shanghai will see more in the way a fine
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a weather into the new week as the temperature picks up sunday to tuesday. the, the latest news, as it breaks the bell, i'm shown as one of the party leaders, presidency. manual micro will have to negotiate with the only thing right now politically was the desire to stop in the fall right with detailed coverage. well, live up maybe up beats about it's decisive victory for the verge of turnouts, and we'll buy something was down from around the world who's taking off, have you ever seen a has prioritized ties with ideological allies? the strategy has helped turn me into an icon of the global right pod hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that's the new thing. the f one, these government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table,
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hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does era the watching are 0 with me, elizabeth put on a mentor of a mind of on top stories. so the 371 palestinians have been killed and is really strikes one on the one seat and the southern gaza medical center told elder 0 hundreds of injured the deputy director of the fine and rescue department because the civil defense was killed and miss tried for the most in the shop you can western causes,
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the 17 palestinians being killed in this way. stripe want to play a whole people gathering some noun phrase because the civil defense has at least 20 injured people have been rushed to the nearby law. the hospital or the families of israeli captives and marching in west jerusalem to demand prominence to benjamin netanyahu. secure a deal with him off 7 tenths of the protest, saying the recent resumption of negotiations. maybe the last chance to bring captives home alive if a choose death in yahoo! delaying the see saw the agreement for his own political agenda is where he's having staging. lodge anti government protests criticising. never down who's handling of the board and gaza and asking for new elections. 3 palestinians have interested in this really rate on the city of phone cut out in the occupied westbank palestinian flight has confronted israeli troops, new the notions refugee camp and the city is very forces have increased the frequency and intensity of their rates in the past 9 months since the ball and gaza
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began is where the forces and settlers have killed at least $570.00 for palestinians in the occupied westbank for palestinians in the occupied westbank. also struggling with the chronic water shortages as well controls or water resources in the tower tree on his would use the palestinian shed by a 3rd feather. what's the name of the crisis? illegal is rarely several minutes. however, i enjoyed unfair to unfettered access to water and consume 6 times the volume available to palestinians. noodle that has the support from the village of it'd cost me a bethlehem escaping the july heat. these kids enjoyed the humble offerings of the towns. dwindling spring, nestled in the valleys of bethlehem, and the occupied westbank is tossed, relies on the water that used to dust through these roman canals. now the enduring
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trickle is barely enough to irrigate the few fields that remain here higher by this water estate gets was the source of life without it. and none of us can plump them . that's a bit of some it has the cultural center in their thoughts. he runs a nursery cooperative with friends. here to discuss some of the we take to us to use the water among the farmers. and every year the water supply dwindles. i get to watch every 12 to 14 days. like everything else and the west bank, israel has total control over water. 30 years ago israel cap the palestinians, chair of their own water. the population has grown 75 percent. since then. i'm standing at the bottom of one of 3 historic bulls that used to supply bethlehem on jerusalem with water for a 1000 years, as well as control over the west banks. resources has completely changed back and
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now the pools are all dried up. recently israel announced it was cutting water supply to palestinians in the occupied westbank by a 3rd making and already chronic crisis. almost unbearable. yeah. well, i do all of them. you feel like there's a war going on. you don't know if it's a soldier or satellites, but they can do anything they want and not route you to plant a settlement. the legal supplement spreading here are unaffected by the restrictions they consume. 6 times the volume of water available to palestinians. rights groups say water deprivation is an effective weapon and is really land grabs . as israel's wall and supplements increasingly encroach on towns and cities across the west bank. the fight for every drop of water is about a lot more and quenching thirst for palestinians. you know, all day i'll just eat
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a bethlehem palestine moving on to other news now and you as president joe biden has taken his election campaign to the bathroom. well, the state of michigan, they're growing close to step aside and that's another democrat run in november. the state of the democratic governor and said that i will both nauseous be absent from a rally with bite and address criticisms for his fitness office on hand and reports from the event of the city of detroit. president joe biden, returning to the campaign trail in the battle ground state of michigan, and he wasted no time answering the question on nearly everyone's mind. was speculation like, what's jo wide going to do is you're going to drop out here's why are you doing? we're going to learn what do you want in 2020, by the ring of wins in pennsylvania, in the midwestern state of michigan, wisconsin, illinois, in minnesota, the so called democratic blue wall, but with a growing group of democrats calling for him to end his campaign,
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biden is battling his own party as well as protestors against the war and gone to greeted his supporters in detroit. as long as him in the administration continues to send aid and, and, and bonds and arms to israel. we're going to continue to protest his presence here and his position as president because you cannot continue to fund and support a right wing government when it fits in direct opposition to it. our values are here in america by can show it to address that concern. head all squared is more must but a higher energy, joe, that appeared in his debate against donald trump was well received by the crowd in heavily democratic detroit. michigan is a microcosm of a nation. it's a deeply divided swing states that voted for trump been 20. 16. biting in 2020 in poll, suggested to us up for 2024. and that means biden is lost some ground in the past 4 years. well, some voters question, the president stamina he thinks he's got a powerful story to tell, really want to go back to the k,
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as of donald trump is probably the back where the united states most 3000000 jobs. by the way, by the way, down to you all the prize of american history, herbert hoover, who lost more jobs and he had when he came in. if he gets those 4 more years in that's a big is it might, will be because the road to the white house went through michigan, john henry and l g 0. detroit, when republican presidential candidate dillman donald trump has weighed in on joy biden's capacity to run for reelection. and the social media post, he said by them should take a conflict of test, and that he would take one to trump said for the 1st time they'd be a team and do it for the good of the country. he went on to say that old presidential candidates should be mandated to take calls with of an aptitude tests,
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regardless of the age of the canyon. now, with protest as of clash with police at a side with 13 bodies having fallen since friday, they want answers about what's happened. this follows weeks of demonstrations by young people. angry about, propose, tax wise, is corruption and police brutality. well, let's get the latest from our correspondence malcolm web. he's in the and because the south area of nairobi, malcolm, tell us what we know seriously about the discovery of these bodies. i'm just gonna show you a little bit around what's going on where we are. so we see this thing to come over here. i saw a guy uh uh, an angry crowd of like residents. uh,
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so they need to people who live in them. cool. some area which is the edge of the cory disuse cory, where it's friday, a number of bodies that being found. and people here angry is a big mistrust of the place. and now 8. so this, the gun when a local resident was searching for a young woman who was reported missing a, she wouldn't miss thing. and according to the tables in this community, on the day of the 1st protest, but she didn't attend the price as she was told by someone she left the time she hadn't been seen since relatives say, she started searching a full body in the quarry and they paid some people to pull out what, what bugs tied up with. right. and then it became apparent that there were more bags wrapped in a similar way. so that said that again friday, pulled out hate for these weeks, the police have said
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a little female level in the twenty's and some of them what this meant. but now in the search that was you today. uh, the human rights activists is safe size. mold bags have been the trees for the sake of them if they do indeed contain bodies or 40 pods. but they've been taken to a motor. you're waiting for the pass ologist to investigate. but the reason we say, and that's a, a gas being side here, is because the community, uh, i agree and they can trust the police to carry out this investigation. and the bulk of this seems to be just so much anger at the government does the trust of police regardless of the fact that the police chief and kenya resigned on friday, that president william gucho just the day before on thursday sacked most of his cabinet. the protests not going the way we had to process the stuff to the governments on to increase taxes that some
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people are things done. and so we just need to be a bit careful here. let's move uh is this a little bit. uh, but it's very much seen as the straw that broke the camel's back. the government planned to increase taxes. this is the context of a perception of a widespread corruption government critic saying that the government was the most corrupt and incompetent that can you, is that a hot so that's what brought people to the street last month. but that goes for the tax bill to be rejected by parliament identical for president william research, a guy who said it's under that pressure that 2 days ago he fired almost all of his cabinet. a on friday, the police chief resigns. he doesn't know if he was ordered to resign. oh, if that was bought in, sorry, of it, not. we're still seeing a great deal of anger and a great deal of mistrust in the government from the people here. if we come this way, malcolm a little bit, say for you to go that way now comes across if it's not today, but you can see if it's not safe we,
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we really do want to wrap up this live if you need to take cover yet, we a shelter day from the. 6 so the incoming rock squared, the place itself, you can see down the street, the angry residents. he verify uh and have blocked the roads. and it's the same on the other side of the quarry where on one side of it, that is the same story on the other side where the police it'd be firing to gas. and as far as we are aware that still this sort of the human rights contact as we were speaking, the said this, corey's a numerous following reason. heavy rains is filled with water. he was saying the whole thing would need to be truly find out if there were little bodies or how many more bodies are in there. i say the bodies live in varying states of, of decay is suggesting that maybe they, when will they stay the same time. and the human rights campaign is expressed
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consent. and this is happening at the time whether been dozens of people killed by security forces into play tests that will save you thousands of people before they were abducted, interrogated and released. and then also a handful of cases of people who go missing and bodies have signed up, dumped in the countryside or elsewhere. one young mind body found in or in a corey, i know several people still missing, following recorded, missing persons from those processes. don't know if the bodies in here are connected to that, but it certainly comes into context with the mistrust of the government. now comes . thank you very much for that. that is malcolm web reporting joining as my from and because see the end because the south area of my road be sent to malcolm to nigeria. and our school building has collapsed on students setting exams in the center of the country. the red cross says at least 22 people were killed in the
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city of jones sent in. monahan has more the school building in central nigeria paso state collapse without warning students inside. it just sat down to take their exams. parents are among those gathered outside waiting for news, or some survivors have been pulled from the rubble, but others didn't make it out alive. the desktop somehow be rescued. it also that's why you can see the as coverage goes on everything. heavy machinery is being used to move the rubble, but people are also digging with picks and shovels outside of glass ditch effort into the calculations to the most. okay. and we have about 16 main engine name. and then we
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go to the police, an army hit the deployed to help with the rescue effort building collapses are coming to nigeria. creat explain. last regulations on the construction industry. the close at the latest collapse is still on know, with locals, said happened after several days of heavy rain since monahan, l g 0 to the head on the news. i'll tell you how new york's wall street ghosts lane back when the dodge for in charge of the city was cold and new ends to them. and we looked at where it all began for spanish foot full sensation. the name yeah . model that's coming out since for, for the far the us city of milwaukee will be in, in port is still in the race for the white text. it will force the republican national convention from july, the 15th,
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to the 18th. donald trump will be confirmed as the proxies presidential money approval. he picks as his vice presidential running me love coverage. and then alice, what i'll do is you a 150 is that the gyptian history seems through an extraordinary photographic archive, telling the story of egypt rulers, from the earliest recorded photos of the royal family in 1836 to the countries fest presidents. and i'm showing how those in power have always gone to great lakes to control the public image. egypt through the lens. leaders on al jazeera, the colleges. when
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the, the board signs of course, in his file with more of the man or should i say the child doesn't. oh yes. all right. he thank you so much, elizabeth and just today to the euro's of fund on between spain in england. and not surprisingly, a lot of the focus is on spanish, teenager lemming and miles, his teammates how the personalized stars celebrate his 17th birthday and training on saturday. you all got one of the goals in spain, semi final victory over france, just the past pele as the youngest, separate score and the major tournament. even the opposition cannot deny his talent . evidence. he has thought that he was 12 when, when college of it. so thought was pretty scary that you were 12 years old. when could you read was around and so it's always good. he is placed on a positive and it was a 16 year old you asked about. so you just upload it,
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you know, may as of what we find as well as a, apply all you have to respect to, to many are describing him all as a generational talents his journey to football start and began in a working class suburb just outside barcelona as for the a car reports born to an equitorial get a mother and american father, medium out as a son of rocha fonda, a multi ethnic neighborhood near barcelona for the working class suburb home to a large immigrant population in mounts rise as a source of local inspiration, as part i'm said that i just showed is the pride of the neighborhood man, one carlo serrano, keeps assign jersey on the wall of his cafe, where your mouth father drank coffee on the house. so he could afford to take his son to train. i mean is a mean is the example of a kid who has had to work hard, who has been a good student who is just graduated from secondary school. and he has gotten way
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he has gotten because he has worked hard for it. you miles, dad minear is still a regular, and the 38 year old is confident. those years bringing his son to training will pay off against england. on sunday. we will win 3 new. i'm confident and i trust his team because they are great guys and there are giving and they're all on the main, your mile joined, etc. parts alone his academy, when he was just 7 years old, he was scared of his while playing for his local club. toreto, even then his scale was office below the i was on again a few to get the ball quite cool. so it was close done. you know, that's the way when he was cool. he, in his class, somebody forgot the board because he would take it in school and we moved him to a higher category and he did the same thing as me, but he couldn't move up any more because he was really young. i'm in buffalo and i came in to keep my way to what the show you will for many kids here in rocket fonda football is more than just
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a sports. it's an aspiration and your mouth rise is the stuff of dreams the well my son is like any other kid and default her dream and has had the opportunity to achieve it. and he is already there, win or lose it against england in the euro. final i sunday, let me in your mouth will always be a local hero, and many help his generations, lea, a know messy. freddy, a car which is 0. well, what can we expect from the game itself? earlier and spoke to former scotland, striker and bn, sports broadcaster, and the gray. i always thought that thing, when would, could, i should get to the final. what was the surprise was i probably stopped it. you're right. but it's the group cds. and i've always said, when you come to tournament, like you, those other woke up, the ones that you have to do is get through your group. once you're through the group, then you start to worry about performances. but they've, they've dug deep, defy to england. and they've been a little fortunate,
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i don't think anyone can deny that with things that have gone their way. but they've shown great resilience and determination not to be when things of look to be against them. when it looked like again, slow back. yeah, they might lose, you know, it looked at in switzerland. they might lose with against the bunch they might lose, but the, then they came through every one of them. so the allies at the final, i think and really good top with the confidence must be up in the spring or the favorites to win this. is that how you see this match? yes. before it starts, they've been the best team with i don't think anyone could argue about. the teams have stumbled and going to germany have been play great, portuguese, french and belgium's, all these teams that everyone felt might have a chance of winning all of them of play poorly at times. but the spanish product, consistency of, of them they've been fantastic and all the games, the 16 of 6. i don't think and i think i'm writing things. i don't think anyone is one a major tournament like this,
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having 17 or 7 even even when you think back to the woke up here and cut off. know so long ago. what did that gina do? the lose the 1st game to seventy's. and then when, when it's too much, it's very difficult to win 7 games that are not at this level. and that's like not please on english times as well. the spanish typically to the best and the frequency that we have are playing well when. but i franklin play to the very best . i think they'll be spanish. it is women's final day at wimbledon with barbara or a credit coven. jasmine pal lini, battling it out for the trophy, and its credit of cobra who is struck. the 1st load, a check player has won the 1st set 6 games to the, to a. she traces her 2nd grandson. how lini has never one image or title and new zealand 30 year and beaten run at oakland. even park remains intact, but only just they found themselves trailing one by 4 points after a couple of try stuff out by fly. have marcus smith, the boat in battery,
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came off the bench to set up march to late as a 2nd. try to help the home team a rafa series to know if not last it even hard since from speak them enough. okay, and that is all you support for that, elizabeth, i thank you very much for that. now finding this news, our next submission, exploring the formation of what was originally for new ends to them, and it links to modern day, new york custom salumi report of the new york takes its name from an english city. but the adults were actually the 1st to europeans to settled here. and what, 400 years ago became known as new amsterdam. to this day, you can see the dutch footprint in lower manhattan. but there's also evidence of the indigenous people they traded with. and some would say took advantage of now on display at the new york historical society in this map. i'm lone for me to tell you
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museum part of what's known as the castelow plan. the map is filled. if you study a closely with place names, the, the note native tribes or villages or both looked up a, a or month c, as they would probably have been called then. and a 100 and a shown a to the north. the map shows the beginnings of new york famous wall street, an actual wall protecting the sellers to the north. and what is now the heart of the financial district? all of the structures of new amsterdam are gone. what this street stone street contains some of the oldest buildings in the city, and it was the 1st roadway of new amsterdam that was, hey, these cobblestones are original and now protected by new york's landmark preservation commission. also part of the plan prepared for the dutch government, a detailed census that includes the names of everyone who lived in the $300.00
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households. excluded are the in slate, but this bull and artifacts used in healing rituals confirms and african presence and what was already becoming a multi cultural city. a city historian russell shore to insist, well, not equally welcoming to everyone, was groundbreaking at the time. they created a society at home and also on manhattan that was undergirded by tolerance and had this mix of peoples. that was something that then the new york grew from, they also brought to the building blocks of capitalism. and the societies still grappling with issues of immigration and inequality today. christian salumi alger 0 new york. well, that set for this news all but stay with us. we all back in just a few minutes. some organizations updates from dasa photo and deadly attack in which 71 pounds to be and thank you so much
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the 2 weeks into protests against a controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of kenya. police accused of disproportionate violets. show no signs of backing down president william brutal may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands, as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights. there's still a great deal of anger against the government protesters here say their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand why they're coming out and protesting
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the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator here on now serious doc is days with one man leading the country throughout, present to all of us out as last legitimacy he needs to step down. how did he retain control to over a decade of war? we examined the global power gains of president bush auto saw. we believe aside, simply carrying out a ronnie and orders. what keeps you awake at night? many
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a reason that could affect any human. i saw most of of chaos on. obviously of the at least $71.00 palestinians have been killed by a strikes indeed on the wasi area and gaza is ready for us to say a senior come off come onto was the target. there's also being an attack for the north and i'll shop for $17000.00 pounds. one thing with gathering press the


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