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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:22pm AST

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the comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now, the israel buttons tends to displace the palestinians, killing beast, 71 people in alma was seen area of had said was face the israel says the target was a massive military lead. and the holidays, not as the victims on innocent civilians and the injured all being treated at the knots of hospital and southern gaza, which can also no longer take the midst of you today. this is out of here at life and also coming i'm
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malcolm web in my baby when police have been firing, 2 guys, angry crowds of residents of the missouri is to them to all infuriated about the number of bodies found just here in a deceased quarry. unlucky waters him to rescue efforts in the pool when more than 60 people still missing off to our land sign, the risk masika. that's how palestinians are describing what's been one of the west is riley attacks on garza since this war began. 5 digits and runs armed with missiles and bombs, a pound of 10 swift thousands of displaced families. with sheltering move in 17 people have been killed and on the wasi an area that is well, it self had designated as a say. so in the army says the target was the yolanda as her muscles military wing
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. the holidays and mice says that's false and baseless but the sum of the human cost seems okay off and panic, immediate off to most of those attacks. now the thing is we're head screaming to their relatives were killed and the single is really as drank as you see that body is scheduled on the witnesses that say these really minute treatment wasted to unbalances investigate teams to arrive and then targeted them cause a civil defense has confirmed, at least one of their colleagues was killed and several others injured. what you see there was some of the conditions and which posted means of being forced to transport the hundreds of injured to hospitals. medical facilities don't live around with the mounting number of both wounded and dead color please hold on
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. begins are coverage a series of attacks on almost the area in southern cancer. that is really what bombing a so called safe. so an area where the is really military headquarters tell us to, to go in there you had said was an evacuation soon away from the ongoing strikes. emergency workers and civil defense crews are among the injured. they were targeted by is really horses when they tried to help the wounded. by a 100 people with the bottom of the news were facing serious challenges in reaching the effect of diarrhea and the injured especially due to lack of fuel in proper equipment. among the dead is gauze as deputy director of the fire and rescue department. we was sitting in the tent. nothing was happening. so to me, rocket fellow must i still trojan in pieces?
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gold is all we need to look at us, have some compassion. one after another, survivors are good to know through hospitals, antoine eunice, but with israel limiting to minutes, syrian a deliveries doctors and goals will have few supplies on medicine to treat. that is really government officials say the target square high profile hallmark leaders including mohammed dates, the commander of the groups on twink almost denies this. it says is really claims a targeted its leaders are false and repeatedly used to justify attacks. the strike, it adds, proves israel has no interest in reaching a ceasefire agreement. this even though negotiations on a possible truce deal, which would include the release of captives and garza up and taking place in egypt and guitar this week. this is not isolated from what nathaniel is thinking about. he thinks about go to washington and giving this address and the joint congress.
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and people will clap their hands and he will claim victory and come back and just continue business as usual, he is not interested in any quite that he's not interested in any deals. some palestinians, anomaly was the are believe to be buried under the debris. and once again, entire communities and gaza have nowhere to go out to you a little bit. so the un, which is here earlier, and this will of these ready minute tree itself designated on the y. c is a so called say, so an ordered palestinians to move their for their own safety. it's not narrow, strip of barren lands that you see in red next to the mediterranean sea, where hundreds of thousands of people have been living and dying conditions. lacking the basic means of survival. well, that's getting more from honeywell when he joins us from de paula, which is in central dasa honeys. we've been saying her affixing and what was supposed to be a safe place. can you talk us through what we know about the situation on the
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ground and on the last day right now the you know, this is one of the tragedies that palestinians have, do us try and go with the daily basis. the fact that there is no safe in place but more tragically, there is no escape out of this genocide, particularly in the area of that being largely designated by the is very military as a saves on something that is, that is very consistent with the description. the gaza has a bowl resembling into more of a claim box where people at the risk of anyone losing their life anywhere in gaza is quite high, including in the very areas the work told the good speak filters and protection and safety. unpredictable bonds are everywhere. and what happened earlier hours today is the exactly the, the unpredictable fall in bonds on displays population and on last week, the area in western part of hon. noon is targeting residential building the 10
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times as well as the food distribution points that other points for the confusion basic the fact that including cooking gas for people in the surrounding area. turning the whole evacuations on into biotics themes of people literally are running for, for their life. and the fact that these really military after multiple give the air strikes, targeting different locations in a los evacuations on concentrated in one a block of different areas. and the prevention of paramedics and civil defense, the crew and firefighters track getting to the bottom side is an indication that there's really military and says on causing the reader civilian casual exam. that's the result of what happened. 71 people have been murder right at the spot transferred to a not ser hospitality, the way the field hospital in the area between on eunice and robot. the numbers at
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is likely to increase within the coming dollars as we were told by the paramedics and civil defense. the crew and volunteers are still trying to remove bodies of from areas that were targeted as the kind of bonds that were used. it just strike the area cause. busy are weak bonds, these shoots the very foundational rates facilities an infrastructure turning the, the ground upside down. many of the bodies are buried under heat, a pile of dirt. some problems are likely take at a quite a while to remove remaining bodies. and that's why we're fixing the numbers to increase according to what we've heard of from the civil defense department. how do you keep telling us says no safe pace and designs done. we've also seen. and now the incident targeting civilian instruction and the all shots, the refugee camp to just feel like cats are everywhere,
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including in areas that have been under relentless attack for the past 9 months. that with a shudder refugee camp is one of the areas that being a talk that there early weeks of this genocide, the we're in the rooms on until today you were the another. give you a talk right in the area that have been a really bombed and destroyed new york. what is known in the saw the records you cameras. the white mosque in a prayer room was set up for the remaining residents. the local residence of, of that area was targeting 17 people reported guilt and other multiple injury is now the tragedy of this a target. there are no health facilities to accommodate these injury. those who are critically wounded don't have a place to go to. so this why it becomes the quite horrific people who died better off than those who stayed alive. because there is no medical facility or medical care available to intervene and save their their, their life. they only remaining facilities are running at the very low positive is
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not sufficient enough to deal with these kind of one's arriving then sufficient medical to stop making it very, very difficult to save life at this particular point. again, something that has it confirmed the description that god has more of a dead zone right now. a killing box that no one is safe from honey must much at that report and fast from the ground, from general ballot and central garza. thank you hon. ellie. i spoke to amy, kick me, so she is a projects medical refer and i've not the hospital and that means that she coordinates medical activities with the ministry of health. she told me about the acute shortage of supplies that we don't have enough monitors to monitor the patients that were brought in the id, county laws, gauze of pain medications, especially because of an act for a blast room is definitely not adequate. and really it's just space as well, like there is no ot, there's not enough otc to do the operation so they have to wait. um and there's not
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enough space as well in, in, in the port or for so many so, so many patients. so that's and then electricity, i mean, don't even get me started on, on, on the fuel situation of, you know, at one point when they run out of fuel to doing rotations of, you know, which ot can operate. so the whole hospitals, not functioning of a 100 percent capacity. we have 3 o t 's, only one of them can work because there's only enough fuel to operate 11, operation theater. so um, it's a really difficult situation for, for it, for everyone that's working there. they're doing the best they can, they're, they're, they're amazing the staff that work there. but it's just really difficult what's, what's going on. and the i can hear the frustration in your voice. so let me ask you this, given what you're seeing right now, what you've seen over the course of your work, that what would be your message about what's taking place in gaza, specifically and on the wasi right now. and there's a huge amount suffering for the civilian population. i mean, not just this big event of this, this, this latest event of these attacks on the movement that they have to do the
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inhumane conditions. they have to live in, in the heat, in the sand, in their tents. but the lack of water that these, these people have to, to ensure that they're running after the, the water trucks. i'm just, it's, it's horrible what, what they're going through and what they have to suffer. and it's, it's just there's, there's no words to describe how i, i, it's just for me. all these really ministry says it's verifying the results of those strikes that james was to talk with in the home of dave. now i'm also as media officer has denied israel's claims and says, no leaders were targeted in that attack on the wasi. is that an issue that you're on the, the occupations allegations to is targeting kind of thing you need is in this brutal right? a mastercard or false. i'm baseless. this is not the 1st time that the occupation is claim to is targeting how this time you need it. and then it turns out that this is not true. the truth is that these obligations are an attempt to cover up the
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scale of the crime. i'm the scale of the mastercard, um, in order to try to justify such a might, even though targeting this number of space people is not justified by end of thing . meanwhile, thousands of his rates have been rallying and wester russo. i'm calling for sci fi and the say for ton of captives being held in garza, some of them have also condemned. that is really strive, carried out and down the wasi amid ongoing, seized by adults with some us. i don't know about some of this. i know that say, keeping the wall is that for all of us it seems to be stuff. we need to be able to reach this, i think within your se, uh key to the front of this. so he has no his um, pictures, history. so bring them back, no issue. i don't have a military perspective on how important or essential was there
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a strike now i'm sure it's not particularly good for the negotiations, but the most important thing is we need the feeling we need to know. we need to think that the government is asking for the sake of freedom and human life of our hostages of innocence on both sides of the board. there's always this big, not a honda. so what she joins us from amman and jordan. honda, these relatives have been very specific about the target and on the last 2, but they still haven't yet managed to verify the outcome. limestone of the that's right. these really military says they're still working to verify the results of this attack on that in milwaukee area. just west of han, eunice, an area that was designated as a safe zone for palestinians by these really army themselves. it's worth mentioning, this is not the 1st time a designated safe area has been targeted. and it's not the 1st time out of my was
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the has been targeted either. now some officials speaking anonymously to army radio have said that they knew of the potential civilian casualties that would come with this type of attack in a designated to mount a terry and zone. but that is really official shows to go forward anyway, because quote, the couldn't miss the opportunity to target one of how most of the senior commanders time and time. again, we've seen these really army and is really officials a like justifying the killing of palestinians in the gaza strip by saying that they are targeting either have mass sites or how much the officials as well as using this justification for attacking safe zones. so we are hearing at this hour though from is really media of a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu will be holding a press conference at 8 45 pm local time. this will be the 1st press conference since march that the premier has held and subsequently were learning but nothing y'all who is currently in an assessment at israel's defense ministry of acadia.
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that's in tel aviv, he's there with his real defense minister. you'll have gone to the head of the army hertz, the her levy, the has the mission bed, and the most of the internal and external security agencies, as well as the national security adviser. it's not really knowing what's going to come out of this press conference or this meeting, but nothing you know, whose office has signaled that he will be having more of these assessments throughout the day. will be staying across time for you here on algebra. meanwhile, honda, i see it as well and from, from the families of captives being shed publicly today and taking notes in agreement with just how this war is being prosecuted. man. and look, you have these really officials who have said that this strike on the was the so called safe zone, could the rail, these, these fire negotiations that has been ongoing in the last week. and which is really an american officials, a light cut, said that there was significant progress being made. so something like this is certainly going to anger the families of is really captives who been asking for
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a deal for more than 9 months to bring back the near 120 captive still help in gaza. these protests have become larger, they become louder, and the demands from the protesters are only increasing. they want new leadership, they want new elections. they say that nothing yahoo has failed to prosecute this war correctly. and it has gone on for far too long. and that protests will actually take place outside of israel's defense ministry where nathaniel, who will be holding his press conference, but also where he's currently meeting with his really defense and security officials. so is really these really public is quite angry with how the war has been thus far, because they say there hasn't been any significant achievements, including the release of the captive and us one hutch that was working for us from alon and jordan. thank you. honda, now the is really government has banned out 0 from appraising in israel. that's how
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we're speaking to hum to that from neighboring jordan. all 3 palestinians haven't arrested and then there's really rage on the said you have to car them in the occupied westbank policy and fights has confronted is ready troops near the nations refuge account in the city. is there any forces, have increased the frequency and intensity of their raise over the past 9 months? now, since the war and garza began as rarely forces and such as have killed at least 570 full palestinians in the occupied west bank. a hostile ahead here on alta 0. so don's gold rush, the united nations accuses a rapids support forces of using money from it's mining on. that's fine. and we take a look at where it all began for spanish and football sensation. the medium on the
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had the monsoon rains have been in full force across the south asia, causing flooding in bangladesh as well as the pool with a line slide reported in some parts of the country. now the rain is gonna fall heavy is across the western parts of india over the next few days, and red warnings out stretching all the way from kind of go down to care that we're expect expecting some very strong wins as well. and they'll be more rain flooding into the bay of bengal, some of that pulling into me and my, and the on demand and the combined island. but it is looking much dry across the north west and into launch areas of pakistan. we'll see more in way of heat and humidity in the whole actually go into the new week and the heat and humidity across east asia has been knocked out by some very what was it? thanks to them. they may you front. it's pulsing those heavy down, pulls out east, pulling into the korean peninsula that heavy rain on woods to japan. as we go into
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sunday, i'm going to be some heavy rain to come across the moving parts of china and won't go. yeah. and now william baton manages to stay dry as the shanghai will see more in the way a fine a weather into the new week. as the temperature picks up sunday to tuesday, the wind did not connex controversial. those targets inconvenient sheets of non western descendants and reclassifying, the neighborhoods as guesses one young muslin rises to defend his hon. speaking out in box on a journey to the holes of power, questioning his place in the country. if he has been my danish, a witness documentary on the
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the book a match watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories this hour. at least 71 palestinians have the night. if weather relates are in place like level, which is there? well, it's now just a day to the euros final between spain and england, and not surprisingly, a lot of the focus is on a spanish teenager lima. his teammates helped him also in a start, celebrate his 17th birth date and training on saturday. email got one of the goals in spain, semi final victory of, of funds to post pele as the youngest ever score and the major tournaments. now, even the opposition cannot deny his talent. you must journey to football starting,
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began there in washington. so i've just outside boston learned as freddy, a call reports born to an equitorial again mother and american father. the medium out is the son of rocha fonda, a multi ethnic neighborhood near barcelona, for the working class suburbs. home to a large immigrant population, the amounts rise is a source of local inspiration. as part i'm said that i understood is the pride of the neighborhood man, one carlo serrano, keeps assign jersey on the wall of his cafe, where your mouth father, try and coffee on the house. so he could afford to take his son to train. i mean as a, as a mean is the.


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