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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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in this activity to sign the present as not that important affected via the story. on talk to al jazeera, the israel buttons tends to displace palestinians killing at least 90 people in a little wasi. an area, israel said was sites as well as prime minister says they don't know if they killed the mouse military chief who they claimed was the target, the problem. so robin, what challenges they were life led for us here in the also coming up i'm malcolm web in my baby by police have been firing to augusta hungry crowds of residents of the curious to them to all, if you are
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a said about the number of bodies found just here in it. this is courtney and becky with us in the rescue. if it's in the poll, i'm old and 60 people are still missing after a landslide and we look at where it all began to teenage spanish, full sensations. the main, the amount of the welcome to the product i may have a risk mastic of that. how palestinians are describing. one of the west is right. the attacks on gauze i sense to will become fine to just some drains, with missiles and bombs pound attends with thousands of displaced families or sheltering at least 90 people were killed that on the wasi and every israel had designated a safe. so honeymoon begins our conversion down by law in central garza the, the aftermath of what palestinians are describing as one of the words is radius
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toxins. israel's war and all that began. c bodies lies scattered across the ground, a home, oh, awesome, and area and southwest. thing dogs on that. israel assured people would be safe zone, emergency workers and civil defense. the crews are among the ends of witnesses say they were targeted by various forces as they try to hold the windows and decide what the need. we're facing serious challenges in reaching the effect of diarrhea and the injured, especially due to lack of fuel in proper equipment. really fighter jets and drones, armed with missiles and bombs just struck rows of dense with thousands of displays . families were showtime. the search continues for any sign of life. we was sitting in the tent, nothing was happening. so to me, rocket fell on us. i still trojan in pieces one after another hundreds
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of injured people are brought the mazda hospital in time. you visit us. the 1st most sounds was fired like rain towards us. there was a minute between each missile they find too many missed solves that the people of the why the strike. we with all my was a safe side with israel limited humanitarian, a deliveries, doctors and dogs. i have a few supplies or medicine to treat the hundreds injured. we started receiving good tens of cases in a few minutes while we are separating from lack of supplies under the stomach. we are known enough of uh, everything inside the house is really monetary claim. the target of the attack was the sooner how much military commander, how much they, but how much claim the claim falls and stays defenceless. civilians were killed on an area that was designated as a humanitarian area. funerals take place for those
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whose bodies have been recovered. and those who survive, there is no where safe to go. honey. my mode. i was just the central ga, the palestine. the moment. so what is the dimensions? the medical doctor, he's working at the field hospital day where the strikes took place. the people are describing essentially the ground turned upside down on individuals or digging people out of the ground. most of the hospital has just seized operations, aside from what they've received. and we're anticipating people's arrival. it takes almost 30 to 40 minutes for the ambulances to come here. so we're prepping, hoping there aren't too many more casualties, were very experienced in the snow. because we saw the multiple mass casualty incidents including
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a large one last month with the site audio. we received about 251 and 150 and 2 and just to see if the vision straight to the operator and you know, this is just one of many cool ways that this population is being systematically targeted and killed off. it's uh, they're everybody's so exhausted and people are afraid, all people are living and search for conditions that you cannot even imagine and to target them and to kill them. and, you know, i heard stories of people being dug up from under the sand because of how powerful the explosions were. um is just so cruel you you, you know, you wonder to yourself how the world is still silent and standing idle and
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not doing anything to stop these atrocities. what will that take? what has to happen for people to take a stand and take action? while in the last, always ready, probably minister benjamin netanyahu said they onset and if the homeless operative behind the death was killed in the attack, it's not you. so. and then so it's the state of israel, through the military and to bach has conducted today and attacked on guys in order to eliminate the mohammed dave and his deputy and office to allow me until now we are not 100 percent sure that they were terminated however, i promise you that in any event we will reach every time i ask a manager and leader how much this is a killer. he's demand number 2 in from us, the chain of command. he's the man who planned and let the october 7th massacre as well. as other thirst operations, he has the blood of many,
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his release on his hands. she also signed it almost lifetime. i will not step away a single inch from the proposal that was put forward by president by then we will not set any conditions. however, at the same time, we will not allow how much to move away from the proposal from us has requested 29 changes to the proposal. however, i told him that i shall not allow even a single change. this proposal was blasted by president biden, and i insisted on 4 conditions that are already mentioned in the proposal. she's going to come across the subject terms as the life of a bond in jordan and him, a robust explanation of his position would be keenly hurt by the use right of the public and some poverty from the prime minister. as to what this operation was a bios and where he sees the will going and for how long it was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that the war is going to go on for however long israel deems necessary
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until they achieve an absolute victory over him, us, and that's something you'll recall these really army spokesperson himself several weeks ago said couldn't actually be accomplished on the grounds. we heard from his really prime minister netanyahu about the attack on the other milwaukee area west of han eunice earlier on saturday, saying that this was a designated safe zone. however, that he, himself, quote, gave the blessing for the strike. after he asked what he called 3 critical questions, the 1st to see if there were any captives were being held there is really intelligent, said no to he wanted to know the types of munitions that were being used and those were quite large bombs around one ton. each and 3rd, he wanted to know about the collateral damage. and once he had all of that information, he said he gave the go ahead with this operation that killed at least 9 the palestinians in the so called safe zone that was designated by these really army.
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and look, we've seen this pattern from these really military justifying the killing of palestinians in gaza over the last 9 months by saying that they are targeting him as officials. how about spiders and how mass sites in terms of the longevity of the war? and that's in yahoo says, but they are making progress. however, the reality on the ground shows a different story. it shows these really military facing spears, pockets of resistance from palestinian fighters all over the gaza strip. additionally, he talked about the situation in the north and the ceasefire. negotiations, which he maintains the military pressure in recent months is the only reason why these negotiations have started up again that, that yahoo has been receiving immense criticism throughout the last several months . but the pressure has certainly been mounting on him, especially now he says, but even though he's not a 100 percent certain, what about the results from this attempted targeted assassination?
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he says that it nonetheless still sends a message that israel is continuing. it's for on garza, with all of these issues and scenarios, playing out the families of the captives will have been analyzing exactly what the problem is. to have to say that very clear on that position all the end, their action the demonstrators have been quite clear for months about what they want. the 1st thing they want is a ceasefire. deal to bring back the remaining 120 captives. in fact, that's a nice rally until a be a captive who was released as part of these really army operation back killed nearly 70 palestinians, rather hundreds of palestinians. in fact, he spoke tonight and said, but nothing. you all who should accept a deal to release the remaining captive? would you have the families who say that nothing young should also be removed from office that there should be elections held immediately because his leadership has
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failed them? and this is something, but we've seen quite prevalent over these anti government demonstrations. and one of them in fact, taking place right outside the care to ya, israel's defense ministry. we're nathan, y'all who just gave his press conference about salute that for us in about in jordan. thank you. and of course i'm that is in jordan because israel has doubts as they were from a pricing in the country. that's why we're reporting from george. no 3 palestinian holes. i'd be interested in this friday, right? almost city of took them in the occupied westbank policy. any advice is confronted as by the troops and in the north shelves, refugee camp and the city is very positive. increase the frequency and intensity of the rates of the past 9 months. this will in gone so began is ready for assistance that was of killed at least $570.00 full palestinians in the occupied westbank. a well polished d, as in delta peg westbank to also struggling with clinic water shortages is all
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controls, all of the water results in the territory and does reduce the palace to the entrapped by the for the worst thing, the crisis illegal is by the sacraments. however, enjoy offensive access to water and can see 6 times the volume available to palestinians. the houses report to the village of the task, the best man escaping the july heat. these kids enjoyed the humble offerings of the towns. dwindling spring, nestled in the valleys of bethlehem and the occupied westbank is tossed, relies on the water that used to dust through these groman canals. now, the enduring trickle is barely enough to irrigate the few fields that remain high up by this water estate gets lost. it's the source of life without it and none of us can clump. i remember that a bit of some it has the cultural center in their thoughts. he runs
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a nursery cooperative with friends. here to discuss some of the we take to us to use the water among the farmers. and every year the water supply dwindles. i get to watch every 12 to 14 days. like everything else in the west bank, israel has total control over water. 30 years ago israel cap the palestinians share of their own water. the population has grown 75 percent. since then. i'm standing at the bottom of one of 3 historic bulls that used to supply bethlehem on jerusalem with water for a 1000 years. as well as control over the west banks, resources has completely changed that. and now the pools are old right up recently israel announced it was cutting water supply to palestinians in the occupied westbank by a 3rd making an already chronic crisis. almost unbearable. yeah. well,
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i knew of them, you feel like there's a war going on. you don't know if it's a soldier or satellites, but they can do anything they want and not route you to plant a settlement. the legal supplement spreading here are unaffected by the restrictions they consume. 6 times the volume of water available to palestinians rights groups say water deprivation is an effective weapon and is really land graphs as israel's wall and supplements increasingly encroach on towns and cities across the west. bank the fight for every drop of water is about a lot more and quenching thirst for palestinians. not all damages. eda, bethlehem palestine. a well still a head here all the service at all the gold rush. the united nations. a key says the rock that support souls is using money from mining to comments finances and countries in central america around highland times. the recent experiences as wes
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thing do you see the outbreak of record the hello whole lies on ballot and for the football on sunday, we're looking at some lovely web. i went to whether making his way out of the way to see the savvy or cloud pushing across northern positive jelly to areas of low pressure. withdrew continues to, drifted by the northwards at a slip brightening up through the day. temperate is not too bad as little fresh, every heart, this cold front here, the heat remains down towards east and then some parts of europe, temperatures, as you can see, up around the 40 degree, mach full, many of the, some of the pictures it go through monday and on into tuesday, so that's the line that cold front that mazda boundary between the west to weather, which will slip further east, was fine evening in violin, that for the football 25 celsius. and the hate to the day comfortably warm,
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should we say, as we go into the evening time, if your cell is not too far ahead of that the to the north. still some went by the ring to a 10 mounts and whether they're across the scandinavia, that more worthwhile it will make its way in across the press peninsula. pushing through the bypass guy, southern positive england, pushing across on it as we go on in to monday. germany funded twice potent, dry as will plenty of rooms continuing across the mediterranean and plenty of room to cause the good parts of north africa. showers continues to rumble away across the west africa, the the grand olympic games are coming to from, along with the unprecedented surveillance system, the miller tries ation of communities, the displacement of people and resistance to what many see as a destructive people empower,
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explores where the front can deliver on promises me and will be outcome to meet for future games. francis olympic gamble on a jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the book about the what you over there with me. so he'll rob and at that, how remind to of all the top stories, at least 90 palestinians to be killed that hundreds more in just a phase really and strikes him? eligible wasi is ram. who designated to the area sites? i found the full to be displaced families, we shall treat that well as row claims. the talk is if the attack was homeless as mill, it freak about the mom at this time is defending minutes. you know,
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he says there is no confirmation that he's been killed. you know, he would says that ministry pressure is the only solution to bring the captive side and take up the protest as of down to the end of the eva as pressure mounts on private as the benjamin netanyahu just step down. we keep protest, it'd be taking place across the israel since the will began to not think the immediate release of capt as how they've gone to an end to the will. the space of the days of an he is now within kenya, protest as have confronted police assigned to a 10 bodies have been found since friday. then what town says about what happens, but this follows weeks of demonstrations by young people. angry about corruption and police brutality. belk a web. how's this update from the protest in the i'm because the south area often i'm ready. i'm just gonna show you a little bit around the of what's going on where we are. so 3, see,
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i think the coming over here. sorry, got an angry crowd of local residents, so they, many of the people here leaving them cool. some at area which i board is this is of the edge of, of the corey. i just use for a wet since friday, a number of bodies that being found. and people here angry is a big mistrust of the police. and now a, so this, the gun when a local resident was searching for a young woman who was reported missing, she wouldn't miss thing according to the people from this community on the day of the 1st protest, but she didn't attend the price as she was told by someone she left behind, she hadn't been seen since relatives say, she started searching a full body in the quarry and they paid some people to pull out what,
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what bugs tied up with. right. and then it became apparent that there were more bags wrapped in a similar way. so that says that again friday pulled out 8 forty's, which the police have said a little female level in the twenty's and some of them with this men. but now in the search the review today, the human rights activists is a 5 more bags have been retrieved with it yet, because then if they do indeed contain bodies or 40 parts of it, they've been taken to a motor. you're waiting for the pathologist to investigate, but the reason we say, and it's a, a gas being side here, is because the community uh angry and they can trust the place to carry out this investigation though is the final day of election campaigning of the one that i had on mondays, presidential and parliamentary elections present, polk adobe of the governing rwandan peasantry. eltic front policy is expected to win. in 2017 can only be one mold and 98 percent the vote now he faces the same
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content is as last time. frank copying is all the opposite. democratic green policy um the independent phillip made by a man around 9700000 people are eligible to folks. is such a risk operations. if i did authorize school clubs to the city of josh in nigeria, pato stays on friday to do people killed little, but hundreds of volumes of being treated a nearby hospitals. not the building collapsed streets, were taking their exams because it's big investigative. the un security council says it's gravely concerned about the humanitarian crisis ensued on the abi and power, ministry of assets for full, since i've been fighting for control for both and 14 months. so the u. n. has advised to the 2 sides, the talks in geneva focus on humanitarian aid of protecting civilians. conflict tests for both of the 10000000 people from that homes. crating was launch is displacement crisis. millions of cities. baker,
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living as gold minus. but many of them moving to other parts of the country hoping to apply that, tried the hippa bowl. good. how's this report for a bowl? how about in both of the sit on working in this coaching. sun for hours is nothing new to abraham. yeah. yeah. he was a gold miner for nearly 2 decades and used to dig for the precious metal included the find state before he retired. but the worsening economy forced him to return to work and been deteriorating secuity situation in south west with them brought him here to a how much in the north, a sub of 90, what budget the court define is no longer safe. there is a lot of fighting and we couldn't find or work in mines there to make money. so i came here because it's safe when the now we can work. and so in the living, the rocks containing gold are brought to these mails to be crushed for the mineral can be extracted. goals accounts for 9040 percent of the dance g, d,
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p. and most of it is extracted by our system of miners. but the violence between the army and the rapids support forces has changed back. more than 3000000 people worked in the mining sector before the conflict, according to the government figures. but many minds are in the west and south areas that are now under the control of the rapid support forces or size of the intensify thing that has affected livelihood. i know both production is limited to areas like be far from the front line. workers are feeds per day here, and that's led to people turning to mining to survive. my how much i met a farmer from his data speed flight his home with the power i'm in a 3 hour south seas. most of the region in december. the over the month of july, we've become labors in the middle so we can earn money, feed our children to be able to eat and drink. and just aerospace, there is no work because it's no longer safe because of the war on more workers in the sector means more mines and more gold light. the then to the media that though
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we estimate that gold production and another for months has increased by about 60 percent from what it was added because the value of gold has increased the people. now c mining as a source of income with the wonder and those who have been displaced come from other mining areas of new methods. this gets fixed, attracting the goal that's helped us here, but we are just, single mining is dangerous. dozens of people have been killed in keith evans, but abraham says this is the only way to support his family during the conflict. he but morgan alters 0 about how much so them. the cisco deadline is a thing of a search on the legal binding in africa with around the world of action a he says the proceeds from the gold revenue use a healthy b. r. a subscribes political power and sit on the history of the gun and who some years ago with not associated with the president. in order to protect itself is h. a had mentioned the policy to control the coat my head from the
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us gave more house. and that power is, is not because between the 2 forces you can actually send with more power to the mind is better because again, from the control of both minds. wellstar the pipes his uh, how is that power light or the estimates of the, of the car? and i hit this is the aside and my the finances to get me to the control of his mind. so now i can actually say with the up i, and that was for is that the people that are going to give it to me in a new book, several legends of benefits and says not to enrich themselves into school. wishing to save my money and other forms, i now something in the countries and central america, the jaila due to a record number of cases of the thing you favor it on generous. at least 29 people have died. say father, should they be? i'll solve it all,
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has also declared health emergency and the black thing has is tripled. his health work is one of many in honduras going to to, to spring insecticide against mosquitoes. cases of tank, a fever, musky, simple, and virus are on the rise of the people like we've had almost a 300 percent increase in the number of didn't get cases registered compared to the same time. last year, we've been looking for ways to gradually reduce the increase. frontier has confirmed more than $50000.00 cases this year, and thousands of deaths. symptoms include headache, fever, and severe cases bleeding an open damage. elder martinez is married. she put her grandson to the clinic of to having children had been diagnosed with thing a fever a. we brought him here to see if his thank you fever because if it is, he needs to be treated. this child of mine doesn't eat. he has a fever, but he doesn't have the flu or a cough,
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just the fever and he does not go away. that the world health organization says in the 1st few months of the year, more than $7000000.00 cases where reports it in the americas. that's 3 times higher than the same period last year. there's no chose the thing is either currently only one vaccine has been approved and license and only in some countries. so for millions of people that risk protecting themselves against the mosquitoes, the carry, the virus is the best option available. i'm a blessing which is 0 pulse of the diesel top production region, flooded off to the river up the best. it's bangs destroying surrounding villages. an agricultural field local residents are forced to take shouts from the roots of the homes. its more than 60 people are still missing in the pool after lunch lights, with 2 buses and theresa, let's get teams on searching for survivors. but as of today's of heavy rain hope so . same thing like liable has the story this highway link southern,
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the palm to the capitol cap man. do it's a busy route and for now or 30 say it's a high risk area. in the early hours of friday, a land slides with 2 buses off the road, through concrete barriers and down a steep and bank went into the fast flowing river. below. each vehicle had been carrying dozens of passengers emergency response teams, all coming the waters for surviving. let me say over here, these are a lot of time in research deep under the water, but we couldn't find anything. so have to come back. come on for the days of heavy monsoon. rain have left the room. american rescue work is a using special. so in our equipment to try to detect any sign of a lie to guess more is one of the few passengers who made it out to live. he survived the says, but his family did the will to is up to my neck,
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but i managed to get out on the river by the 4 of my family. i'm going, official figures show at least 2400 people were killed in road accidents and the 12 months to april. and the list point to poorly constructed roads, inadequate safety standards and reckless driving. this crash took place before doing. now the government says it will band buses from travelling at night. if weather alerts are in place mike level, which is their of course in bulk, as long as acquitted the full, the prime minister have been calling on his wife on charges related to the legitimacy of that marriage. however, con will not be released from jail. his policy says that he's been re arrested of to his band in another case relating to unrest last year was revokes. well, it's just today to the euro's final between spain and england done. most surprisingly, a lot of the focus is on
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a spanish teenager media about his teammates help the boss. the style celebrates is 17 best buy in trading on sac state, you know, a couple of the goals in spite and so the final victory of, of problems. so you suppose pele is the youngest of a score in a major tournament? you know, as jed a to football, started began in a working class of, of just outside of boston for the account as the story born to an equitorial good named mother, an american father. medium out as a son of rocha fonda, a multi ethnic neighborhood near barcelona, for the working class suburbs. home to a large immigrant population. the mounts rise is a source of local inspiration. as part i'm said that i just showed is the pride of the neighborhood man, one carlo serrano, keeps assign jersey on the wall of his cafe, where your mouth father drank coffee on the house. so he could afford to take his son to train. i mean, as a, as i mean is the example of a kid who has had to work hard, who has been


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