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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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selection overall, um you know, he was, it be really presented as a victim overall and some of the, the prosecution cases earlier this year and uh, and then, you know, obviously distracted some things up quite a bit. uh, the chronic uh photo and the footage of him with the secret service was covering him. his shots were still being fired. he had already been struck in the, in the, in the side of the year on the head and finding you can hear the footage and him saying, no hold on, hold on. it's gotta any stands up and pump suspicious in the air with blood trickling down the side of his head and the flag just draped right there in the background as you would have draped for any kind of presidential speech. and it is that, that, that the photo is going to be the shot is seen around the world, is going to travel the fast and it already has. and i think a, you know,
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i think the opportunity here really is to, for president trump to come out and say, you know, this is an american democracy, joe biden. and i are going to continue to battle it out. and, but this is a, this isn't what american politics is about. and he can see he can actually take the higher stage here and say, i wouldn't, you know, i wouldn't, i wouldn't want to condemn any activity that would target joe by and we're going to take the fight. but we're gonna take a bite to them to the ballot box, and i think that would be a very strong moment for him. and if he doesn't speak much until the convention, i think you're going to have a bonanza of ratings for the convention. i would just let the image stand for itself for now, and a couple of press statements in this area. it's going out. as we understand that the investigation of course is still going onto the shooter. we don't know yet anything officially about the shooter or his or her political affiliations, but nevertheless, can variously theories are spreading already on social media. is it in the
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republican party's interests to allow those conspiracy theories to spread further and further, or is the point at which the policy should actually been trying to temp those down? given what you were saying that this was important for donald trump in your opinion, to actually say no, this is, this is a democracy that we live in. this is a fight, essentially, a political fight between me and joe biden. yeah, i think when you use words like spite, you want to take the fight to the ballot box and you want to be very specific in those things. you know, this is also a moment where joe buying and recently said that donald trump, we have to put them in the bowls i. those are really ratcheted up. uh, you know, kind of rhetoric in terms that i think need to need to stop. and no one's accountable for this except for the shooter who took the action of sell um, but we can all be part of the solution. or we're, we're having a more civilized discussion. and so we'll debate, i think, for president trump and you know, the so called says the conspiracy gary's. yes,
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there are a lot of things that are not out there. i don't know that i would call them necessarily conspiracy. there is, i've seen things from, you know, of the prominent reporters in the us and mainstream outlets who say that this was, this individual was a member of and t for that's yet to be confirmed for certain. but that there seemed to be some evidence of that. i just think for the, for the presidential campaign for donald trump, it's best not to say a lot right now. and when they do say something to take the tone that i had just suggested. and of course products of donald trump, i'm going to say that he contributed to the 5 royal atmosphere that we have in us politics at the moment. yeah, he's been doing it for years in terms of his tweets and that is sort of his social media presence. but also of course, they would point to statements that he'd be making on the stump. even just a, you know, a few days ago within the last few days at meetings, he's how do you think that we are likely to see
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a change in the way that donald trump approaches issues like that? is he likely to dialogue back, given the repercussions essentially, that he has seen over the last few large as i, you know, what i think donald trump, to do much more disciplining, in this campaign overall. um, any, it has been a lot more moderated and, and in his conversations and, and, and, and speeches and, and also the content that he's put out via so so obviously he's not on twitter now packs anymore, but that content gets circulated from his social media platform truitt social, and it's been down back quite a bit and there's been much more discipline in there already. this is just a, a pivotal moment. i think in, in this presidential contest. i think voters are, are overwhelmingly those kind of undecided voters are going to be sympathetic to him in this moment and he should just ride that way without it's kind of punching card and punching back. it's really interesting to get your thoughts on this james
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davis. we appreciate you being with us and i'm just gonna, so thank you very much indeed. yeah, absolutely. the one thing i would add here is that i'm that freedom vessel and las vegas right now before i head to the republican convention tomorrow. and, you know, i saw robert f kennedy speak last night. we had private security. joe biden has been denying in the secret service security. and i think that that is something that we're likely to see change really quickly and they should be pushing for it really quickly. but it's going to be interesting to see how security arrangements change over the next few months. good time you buy this. thank you very much. indeed. thank you. that we're going to be backwards molding the upon the assassination attempt of donald trump. stay with us, the needed services can be the difference between life and the tier in gaza. the lives
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of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was actuating the injured from the hospitals and they were stopped around balances. we intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with present. they stripped us, of our clothes, treated us women's terrific way of the war, was supposed to prove him deadly for those attempting to say it twice. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of i'm getting an emergency he wants to go there and a strike on that. it's clinic in the cities, the house ministry described him as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in prison. some like so they have son is he would continue working to see colors to wheels unless it's raining somebody i think the
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one to bring you back up to date on no top story at the moment just shortly after $22.00 g m t, former us president donald trump walked on stage and the ton of buffalo on a shuffled campaign, roddy and pennsylvania, he greeted the crowds and he started his speech, but only minutes since it is address shots rang out enjoying the former president and killing at least one audience member john henderson. was that the raleigh in box of pennsylvania as the the apparent attempted assassination of an american president non folded minutes after he began to speak. if you want to really see something, the said, take a look. what happens is donald trump spoke
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to the friendly pennsylvania crowd, shots rang out in the former president, hit the ground. the live present man, present to him says, i want to get my shoes and i heard that directly from him. they must have fallen off when we pushed him down on his right cheek was a tear drop of blood right here. then when he turned, you could see the right here, from the top of the year to the bottom. blood wasn't pouring blood, but it was blood secret service. goodman responded within seconds, killing the shooter as other agents swarmed truck. one other person in the crowd was also killed when you are coming up after the secret service as far as with retreating him and putting it into
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a secure vehicle and bring your mind the president is hit or nick right here. according to the my photos he was bleeding here and down in this area here as far as on the right side of his face. trump offered more detail in his own statement saying nothing is known at this time about the shooter who is now dead. i was shot with a bullet, the peers, the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong when i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then, what was happening to president joe biden locked in a heated campaign against trumpet, condemned the attack. there's no place in america with this kind of violence. it's sick. it sick? it's one of the reason why we have to unite this country. we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. what began is a cheerful event with thousands of the supporters, a former president,
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donald trump lining up to see his last rally before his nomination for president, ended in gunshots with people fleeing in fear. left unexplained is how a gunman was able to get so close to the former president in an area that had been swept by secret service agents were backpacks were banned, inspectors screened individuals. the secret service is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. john henry and l g 0. butler, pennsylvania o. u. s. president joe biden spoken to donald trump, but we're going to take a look at how politicians on both sides of the aisle are reacting to the shooting of the trump valley. many already waited on social media, former us president bark obama has issued a statement saying there's no place for political violence in our democracy. we should all be believed the trump was not seriously hurt us senate republican leader mitch mcconnell said tonight, all americans are grateful. the president trump appears to be fine after
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a despicable attack on a peaceful, riley. violence has no place in our politics. we appreciate the swift work up the secret service and other law enforcement. is that no crime counterpart? senate majority leader chuck schumer said, i'm horrified, but what happens at the trump body in pennsylvania and relieve the former president . trump is safe. political violence has no place in our country. the global leaders of also being speaking out against the shooting british prime minister castanan has said, i'm appalled by the shocking scenes of trump shortly. political violence of any form has no place in our society's canadian prime minister, adjusting pseudo, and said, i'm sick and by the shooting. it can't be overstated. political violence is never acceptable. well, over the course of 46 american presidencies for have been assassinated while in office and 19, in 1865, abraham lincoln became the 1st president to be assassinated in the history of the country. lincoln was shot in the back of the head while watching
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a play just days of the end of the civil war. less than 4 months after taking office president james garfield was shot at a railroad station in july 18, 81. he died 3 months later. then 19 o one, president william mckinley was shot twice while the musical event in buffalo, new york. and of course president john f kennedy was assassinated in dallas, texas in 1963, what's traveling in his presidential motorcade alongside his wife? well michael scott is a research professor the mattresses with the center for political studies at the michigan university of michigan. he's joining us now live from michigan. so thank you very much indeed for being with us. there's a lot of finger pointing already about the political tensions that are being argumentative people say buys social media, but going through that list of assassinations. and of course that have been all the assassination attempts has always been that political tension. i
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don't think the political tension as bad as strong as it has been in the united states. in the last 60 years, we went through a very difficult period in the 96. these with the assassination of john kennedy and robert kennedy and martin luther king rank subsequently the account. ronald reagan. i recently we've had a number of attempts on, on members of congress. this is a very unfortunate part of american life and american political life. that's due to the availability, i think of guns in american society as well as the increasingly polarized conversations that we're having about political issues. we've been hearing from some of our guests on both sides of the this is a possibly an opportunity to be able to diffuse. that's tension. do you see that there is a window to be able to do that?
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i'm not convinced that there is such a window a because there's a fundamental difference between the 2 parties in terms of how they take positions on the issue of gun control. and the, the republicans in particular have been against any increase and controls on the availability of guns in the american society. on the other hand, this could be time for introspection of a part of donald trump thinking about this close call. and it gives him a chance to talk about a different policy for the republican party. i doubt that it's coming to, we were talking to the republican strategist just a moment ago and was asking him about whether allegations that donald trump's
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critics would make that he has in effects helped to create this situation. this it helped to create this tension that we're seeing and whether or not we might see a change of emphasis. he suggests that there is a change of strength and the statements that are coming from donald trump. do you think, given what has happened, that we may see? reversal if you like, of that role of donald trump, or are we going to see a more cautious? i use the term advise if they approach from donald trump from what he says in public in the future. well, i think one kind of go out is the nature of that discourse going forward is what we learned eventually about this person who was issued. and of course, what we learned about this person is going to have to be indirect because she was immediately killed by a secret service members. so if this is, for example,
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a low matter with the history is mental disorders. that would give donald trump and the republicans a chance to talk about such things as red flag, lars. and which kind of people which groups of people in society should have their access to guns, limited are removed. so i would say that the, the content and the town of conversation going forward will be contextural based upon factors like that. and we're obviously facing the presidential elections in november. i would imagine that both parties are going to be examining for this happened over the last few hours and how they adopt it, shall we say our work around it and with a view to going forward. how do you think both parties are likely to use? what has happened over the last few hours with a view to what is going to be happening in the elections and november?
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well, i think far we have to learn more in the immediate aftermath about outcomes . uh uh, injury. but i think this is likely to be, at least in the short term, a rally factor for the republican party. and for down the prompts page, i think fact on the democratic side, they'll probably increase their discussions about the need for our john controlled policy or legislation, joe biden, into the about that in his recent campaign and parents. but i think the real issue is that given the current margins in the congress, both back house and the senate and their inability to pass very much new legislation, it's not likely to be an active in terms of loss between now and november. i
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wouldn't want to bring them a shot and 1981, and obviously he was assessing presidents and his injuries were far more se significant at the time. never the less he received a significant bump in his popularity. um, how likely is it, do you think that that donald trump campaign is going to see a similar reaction? as i expected, you will see a similar reaction, especially since the incident occurred right on the eve of the republican convention. i'm. i'm sure that there are a republican operative sort of thinking about how to cooperate this into the story that they're going to try to tell during the convention. one of the central parts historically, of the convention is the presentation of a kind of biographical video which contains a lot of the themes of the campaign. and also some of the content that will appear
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in subject finance. and i'm quite confident that they're trying to figure out our coverage that should to that video project, probably for wednesday night in terms of the kind of negotiations that we have seen in the past about gun control. you refer to it previously as part of something. the both parties are likely to use going forward towards november. do you think that this will make any significant difference to the republican stand on gun control? i don't think that it necessarily will. i think the, the most likely possibility would be if we were to learn that this person who fired the shots was alone actor with some history of mental disorders. that might result in some action being taken on restricting who can have access to guns or
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who could have a guns taken away. but i don't think they'll be fundamental differences between the parties that arise with regard to the 2nd amendment to the us constitution. for example, mm hm. and in terms of the republican party calling the conventions of the republican national convention, that is going to be held over the next few days. what is the chance? do you think that what has happened over the last few hours is essentially going to dominate the entire n r n c agenda. and that's what regular in inverted commas. perhaps non tempest republicans might regard as poor elements of the republican party are going to be pushed to one science and ignored. and the focus is going to be far more on what has happened to donald trump as an individual, as well that donald trump has already become the hero of the republican party, or at least of a significant portion of the republican party,
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this function space. and although i think that this will strengthen their support of donald trump, it won't have any net sort of numerical difference in, in the support for him in relation to joe biden. but this is going to be a very close election and mobilization. turn out factors are going to be critical in the end, and this could affect the election and the republican or donald trump's position. by increasing the likely ordinances based support is going to catch folks . and in terms of the way that the democratic leadership is reacting to all of this, what do you see is going to be unfair and ask you to predict what is going to happen over the next few months. a given what has happened over the last few hours, you did outlines how you felt that the democratic leadership should be responding
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to this. but how do you think that it's going to play out amongst democratic voters and the undecideds, of course. um, moving forward over the next few months. wow. i, i think it's fine. it would priest, the difficulty of the joe biden focusing on. why do you, she's asked the week, this is a battle drop because she's going to have to get beyond what will certainly be a short term kind of sympathy response to the section. i mean, to the thinking about this occurrence only a few hours we're going to into jobs, michael chicago. it's in there because we're taking to i press to you to a press conference, which is being held by the federal bureau of investigation, which has been conducting an initial investigation following the attempted assassination. either on the right hold of a former president donald from joining
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a meeting that he was having in pennsylvania. so my name is kevin road jack, that's r o j e k. i'm a special agent in charge of the pittsburgh field office. the 1st thing i wanna say that the f b, i stands with the people of butler, county and western pennsylvania and our hearts go out to the victims of this heinous act which occurred today. this is our community and i wanted to let the public know that the f b, i has deployed a number of our resources, including investigative agents, are evidence response, team bomb technicians. and we have additional resources coming from other field offices, as well as from f. b. i headquarters including our evidence response from quantico, virginia. we have intelligence analysts, as well,
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working from our field office in pittsburgh working previously to attempt to identify the individuals who did this in any motors behind why this was done right now we need the public's help. anyone who was on the scene who saw anything for identified any information. please report that to the f b i using either the phone number 1800, call us b i for online. at f b i dot gov slash butler. this evening we had over calling an assassination attempt against our former president, donald trump. it's still an active crime scene. as i mentioned, we have a number of agents seen. we also are working closely with other federal agencies, our state partners, and our local police partners as well. again at this time,
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we are not prepared to identify who the shooter is. we are close to that identification and as soon as we are 100 percent confident in who that individual laser will share it with the press. with that being said, also we do not currently have an identified motive. although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was at this time, i'm going to turn over the podium to colonel chris paris, independent pennsylvania state police. thank you very much. my name is cornel chris paras, p a r i s commissioner of pennsylvania state police. i would just like to say that say police have been in regular contact with the governors office and the full support and assets of the entire agency are behind the have to be i and our other
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federal municipal partners to assist with this investigation the thoughts and prayers of the pennsylvania state police are likewise with the victims of this terrible act. we are prepared to support this investigation in any way, shape or form. and we stand ready to participate in a full fair and confident a thorough investigation. to give you an operational rundown, a deputy commissioner of operations, lieutenant colonel george bins is behind me and he will discuss the operational portion that's being conducted by the pennsylvania state police, which i currently have. it's a good evening. so let me describe for you a little bit about the, the scene that we have over there. as you know, uh uh, you know, there was a grand stand, a very large area, a lot of people there when this all and. ready the former president had come out and begun to speak shortly after 6 o'clock this evening. excuse me this evening.
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and within about 10 to 15 minutes, a number of sounds were heard and it became apparent that shots were being fired in that direction. chaotic scene, law enforcement, i believe, acted heroically, quickly identifying and, and, and neutralizing the threat as well as responding to assist the various victims. p . s p had a significant presence on the scene along with all of our federal partners at the time of the shooting. as we have since enhanced that presents significantly bringing and resources from all over the commonwealth to ensure that we have a speedy, thorough investigation. we're working very closely with the f b i, as we work through this. and you can imagine, you know, because of the variety of crimes that have been committed somewhere under federal jurisdiction somewhere under state jurisdiction. and so, you know,
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we're working through all of that, not an issue at all. we work seamlessly, but the f. b, i has maintained the lead on the attempted assassination. p s. p will take the lead on the homicide and the shootings of the other individuals in the, in the grandstand area. and so there are a lot of witnesses to be interviewed. a lot of things to be processed, there were some complicate. ready years that hopefully the next time we speak we can describe for you, but some conflict. ready slowed down some of the processing and the positive identification of the shooter. but know that at this time we have no reason to believe that there is any other existing threat out there. we're doing everything we can to make sure that this is thoroughly investigated and that if there is any information developed that anyone else was involved that between the
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espn, the f b i that will very quickly be followed up on. so i think this time we would open it up to questions from all of you. and again, i think it's too early to say that we have one shooter tentatively identified. but we're, we're not stopping there. we're following up on a lot of information. it will be some time until we can conclusively say, or answer that question again, that will be part of the investor. ready action, but that will be part of the investigation. but uh, i can tell you that uh preliminary really it appears everything. everything unfolded very quickly. so, you know, again, we'll have more information on that,
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but it's just too early to start definitively saying this happened at this exact time. that's correct. we'll have that information for you. it was some distance outside of the we're following up on those. i will tell you that i am aware of the. ready and, and i am aware that law enforcement had responded to a number of reports of suspicious activity. and the specific response to this will be all part of the after action. but yes, the law enforcement was responding to check on several suspicious occurrences that will all be part of the investigation.


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