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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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sedation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0. the map and the a former us president donald trump survivors an assassination attempt to the rally in the state of pennsylvania. if the names of 20 wrote gunmen, it says was behind the trump shooting as thomas bucking cooks the lovely bulk of this. so just the rely from doe ha also coming up. c
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many people are still missing under the rubble of the israel bomb to come sheltering palestinians in southern gauze. 90 people have been killed and a general striking the occupied westbank with palestinians denouncing israel's war garza. the thanks for joining us. we begin to the united states where the f b, i has named 20 year old thomas matthew cooks is the shooter in the attempted assassination of donald trump. that was panic when the shots right now, so the riley and the state of pennsylvania of secret service agents quickly spill over to the full, the president said, providing a protective shield. trump merge with a bloody face and is now returned to his residence in new jersey. john henry begins coverage from the riley and butler, pennsylvania. the, the attempted assassination of an american president unfolded minutes after he began to speak. if you want to really see something this said, take a look,
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what happens is donald trump spoke to the friendly pennsylvania crowd, shots rang out in the former president, hit the ground or the lift president, slip midway, present senses. i want to get my shoes and i heard that directly from him. they must have fallen off when we pushed him down on his right cheek was a tear drop of blood right here. then when he turned, you could see the right here from the top of the year to the bottom. blood wasn't pouring one, but it was blood secret service. goodman responded within seconds, killing the shooter. as other agents swarmed. trump one man and the crowd was killed. and 2 men were critically wounded. this video shows the gunman on
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a nearby rooftop. the f. b i has identified the shooter is 20 year old. thomas, mathew crooks. police still have many questions, including whether the man acted alone. we do not currently have an identified motive, although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was. one other person in the crowd was also killed when he were coming up after the secret service as far as with uh, retreating him and putting him into a secure vehicle and bring him off. the president is hit or nick right here, according to that of my photos. he was bleeding here and down in this area here as far as on the right side of his face. trump offered more detail in his own statement saying, i was shot with a bullet, the peers, the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong when i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin,
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much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening to president joe biden locked in a heated campaign against trumpet, condemned the attack. there's no place in america with this kind of violence, it's sick. it sick? why the reason why we have to unite this country? we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. what began is a cheerful event with thousands of the supporters or former president donald trump lining up to see his last rally before his nomination for president, ended in gunshots with people fleeing in fear. left unexplained is how a gunman was able to get so close to the former president in an area that had been swept by secret service agents were backpacks were banned, inspector screened individuals. the secret service is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. john henry and l. g 0, butler, pennsylvania. well,
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even more people from raleigh have been describing what they stool. i was up at the fence line. i saw the guy move from roof the roof talk, told an officer that he was on the roof and the officer come look. i went back to where i was standing. i heard that there was somebody that could see the person. so i went back to where they were standing. so the person went back and told the officer again that if he goes back to that particular spot, he can see the person figuring that he was going to radio. and when i turned around to go back to where i was, is when the gunshot started and, and then it was just k awesome. we all came running away. when i was sitting there, a guy said, oh god, you had a gun. i looked up, there's a guy on top of the building right over there and with an m. 16 with a blanket point and that the president, he started shooting file about about about,
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about $4.00 to $5.00 shots rang out. all right, so i threw the guy out with jim on the ground. i jumped to the ground. i look up, and then i see it. his head gets split open by the shop front of the secret service out the cops started flying over, pushing us out. they pushed me off to the side because i was right there and i was able to see everything they took my name i with the support and everything like that. um my cellphone number just to get in touch with me to go over. what happened while i was off to the assassination attempt, donald trump landed at an airport in new jersey. he's spending the night of his golf club, them as he gets, have to pay. and you can see raising his hand to wipe those who are looking on the whole areas also surrounded by secret service agents. some of the heavily armed offices were present. joe biden was brief by law enforcement agencies and is reported to a spoken directly to donald trump. in the optim off of that attack, there being reactions to the shooting from prominent politicians on both sides of the oil forming us president bark. obama issued a statement saying there's no place for political violence in our democracy. we
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should all be relieved. trump was not seriously hurt. meanwhile, world leaders are being reacting to what happened in pennsylvania. european union's form policy chief close at burrell condemned to be attacked, saying once again, we are witnessing unacceptable. acts of violence against political representatives . british prime minister keeps thomas said he was appalled by the shocking scene to the routing and the french president to my new my chrome cool. the shooting a tragedy for our democracies. and a statement from the kremlin says the us must take stock of policies, inciting hatred. so james davis is a republican political strategist. he says, such events will help trump during the u. s. selections. i think that it gives trump another boost in this selection overall. um, you know, he was it be really presented as a victim overall and some of the, the prosecution cases earlier this year. and uh and then, you know,
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obviously this ratchet sits things up quite a bit. uh, the eye clinic, uh photo. and the footage of him, but the secret service was covering him, his shots were still being fired. he had already been struck in the, in the side of the year and the head. and then, and you can hear the footage and him saying no hold on, hold on. it's got any stands up and punched his fist in the air with blood trickling down the side of his head in the flag. just to write the right there in the back for him as you would have it draped for any kind of presidential speech. and it is that, that, that photos is going to be the shot you seen around the world is going to travel fast and it already has. and i think, you know, i think the opportunity here really is to, for president trump, to come out and say, you know, this is an american democracy, joe biden,
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and i are going to continue to battle it out. and, but this is a, this isn't what american politics is about. and he can, he can actually take the higher stage here and say, i wouldn't, you know, i wouldn't, i wouldn't want to condemn any activity that would target job. i'm, we're going to take the fight, so we're going to take bite to them through the ballot box. and i think that would be a very strong moment for him. and if he doesn't speak much until the convention, i think you're going to have a bonanza of readings for the convention. i would just let the image stand for itself for now. in a couple of press statements in this area, it's going out. what you just said, this is all happening as republicans gather in the state of wisconsin for the national convention. and that's raising many more questions about security for the event. popsicle haynes being taking a look at their preparations which were being made before the attempted assassination of donald trump block after block after
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block bare occasion fences assembled in a large ring around the arena, where the republican national convention will be held. the term campaign insisted the event will go ahead, even before the assassination attempt to former president donald trump. authorities were preparing for worst case scenarios. this team installing the simple box as a tier to sniffer chemical weapons in the air. thousands of police from all over the region called in a secret service announced 3 charter plains full of agents was headed to wisconsin on sunday. the barriers meant to keep the attendees separated from everyone else. what's going on america right now is now some very sad policies. you're trying to yourself to take down drop down, but the people of justice will be served in trump will be back. we're doing this because we don't want the republicans here. we don't want them anywhere. and we're going to run the amount of anywhere that they try to be. why? oh, well, we're fighting against a racist and reactionary agenda. we're fighting for immigrant rights for
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reproductive rates for palestine. and ultimately, they're just the opposite of everything that we want to see on this country. the convention will take place inside that secure perimeter of secret service is in charge of that there are no guns allowed in the venue, not the case here. this is one of 2 parks we're milwaukee says people can legally protest because of a state law. guns are allowed here. but to milwaukee police chief jeffrey norman insist that doesn't pose a unique threat. and so when we are dealing with the those type of, uh, protected door, those customers, right? is that about the actual caring? so i'll be a, do you have any behavior that's outside of what we deem as a responsible behavior? then there will be, again, there is going to be a reaction that is going to be response and we will take appropriate action, political tension. now, actual violence. the republican convention will take place in an atmosphere unlike any other petty calling al jazeera milwaukee, wisconsin. we're going to show is
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a republican strategist. she says, the increasing the toxic american political discourse has led to this moment. i must say, um, i am completely shock. i've spent 8 years warning about the increase of political violence and extremism in this nation. a political operative who like me, who's worked in the political arena for 17 years. i have never felt a moment like this. i was a tiny girl, barely born when uh, reagan was shot in washington dc outside the washington, hilton. i will remember this days with the rest of my life. of the immediate former president of the united states was shot. this is america. i'm not surprised. i've been waiting for this day, almost. i expected it. i will get what can you say about a former president who, when he was still in office on january 6, 2021 standing at the ellipse of the white house, addressing supporters of his. and we know now through transcripts that were made
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available through the january 6th select committee on capitol hill that he was fine with people bringing weapons through the mag nominators at that. riley on january 6th, 2021. what can be said? when we know these facts, of course, people with guns are welcome at trump rallies and little trump rallies. like i said, i've been on this network many times talking about how i do not support the former president. i don't vote for him in 2016. i have, i did not vote for him in 2020. i am not supporting him this time around. do i have never changed my registered republican status, but i'm still an american. i'm still a person with eyes and ears and a heart. and i can say that this shocks, the consciousness no matter what, everything changes from here on out. i cannot overstate how not to this moment is as the republicans roll into milwaukee where again, weapons are and are allowed to be taken into the convention. promises in cleveland in 2016 and they were also allowed. but so we should expect this kind of thing,
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but it's not right and it's so wrong and it highlights how the charge, the retrograde is politically in these united states. we have less than a $120.00 days to go, and this re sets everything without a 0 still a head. rage and kenya's attention rises up to police for trees, the bodies of at least 10 people off the weeks of anti government prices. and itself could be as 1st national defects as day commemorating the 34000 people from north korea. it was made by waste south since the peninsula is defined at the, the hello we are looking at some role. the ones settled whether on either side of the philippines over the next couple of days ago, the circulation to swelling away in the south china sea, possibly developed into
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a tropical system, even if it doesn't, lots of heavy. right. and they're particularly, it's a vietnam across much of, in the china. and then as we go on into tuesday, just notice this next little system. and that'll bring some very heavy right into the central and southern parts of the philippines. south is that up to about a total lot of fine, dry and sunny weather, one or 2 showers of cool st. deposit, malaysia. northern areas of indonesia that allows the dry across a good possible straight but down towards the south east have been keeping a close eye on little system in the tasman. see, and that's been bringing some really windy weather that's gonna say this way up across a good positive tasmania. they pack the ice of us. a very strong weight is coming in from my topic, a cold waiting to see whether a winfrey bloss damaging wins here. plenty of rain around as well at wet weather, making his way across the tasmania, across that eastern side of victoria in particular. and we'll see that where to where the gravity pushing up into something passed on new south. well,
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so i some pretty disappointing weather as it goes through the next couple of days. but then again, it is winter as the, [000:00:00;00]
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the what back to without a 0. his reminder of our top story is this, and i'll speed and assess the nation attempt on donald trump. the presumptive republican presidential nominee was speaking of the campaign, riley in the state of pennsylvania, when shots rang out a bullet grazed his right ear. as a joe biden has condemned the picture of the suspect, and she said it has been released the f. b. i has identified 20 old thomas matthew cooks is the subject to the phone. the government was shot dead sea investigate and still getting those. the at least 16 palestinians have been killed in overnighted, strikes in kansas city but follows an attack on milwaukee and southern guns are $0.01 a day. the cube,
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at least 90 palestinians, who they have described as a rif picking, must security for any reported to be still missing. under the rubble, thousands of displays people were seeking show phenomena last season, society for us as a designated the area, so close safe. so let's go live to target, but who is a him who joins us from darrell by the in central garza so terry, bring us up to speed with these latest early morning. an overnight strikes specifically on kansas city. what more do we do? what, what will, excuse me, what more do we know? yeah, that's right. need one, fax we. what we do now is that at least 60 palestinians have to report it kills what more than 50 others wanted. and all the noise strikes the target, the key senses and urban areas in gone with the city i'm. it's ongoing efforts being made by civil defense crews in order to look for survivors. but there was a growing relative as zeus of raisins. i still don't going that well people are the high tre to the hungry and was the bomb and continue. and it continues and been also destroyed. and some of you,
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so for asians are slow going into the central areas off because especially with the surveillance of drones. that's our continue to hold off on the finishing up the hospital side with the over the skies of the deputy by town. and the central areas of this trip for more than 50 hours. so now you and of course, you know, it's a day off to the was be described as a masika and elma. while i see the death told us, we know tarik is at least 90, but there was so many more people missing of the this is very a problem right now result from the use by the attack and come off the area that at least that we're talking about dozens of palestinians have been buried under ground to do so, they use very from bottom. and so that has been widely topics in the last area. we've been hearing some eye witnesses, that the attack was incredibly destructive, that people are still under the ground of thinking the process of who would have to
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look for survivors. but basically what we've been hearing also from the civil defense is that they are facing clear a notable difficulties in order to recover damages, essential equipments. and basically they are afraid to be targeted. a den, especially that as well has been mostly targeted civil defense crews. in the areas that had witness, different sorts of is very from apartment and also people that are experiencing a very disturbing psychological tool might result of the from the outside. they're afraid sonics on those as of them have to have lost their lives. they transferred you to the tech and right now they are absolutely without any proof of shelter, as they have been told by the military that this place would be safe with them, but no longer is available to be safe due to the widest scale attacks that had been launched in that area on potentially in the future might take place again, like many things about a topic advertising, then terabyte in central gas. and well let's bring in a sealed by doing. she's a senior manager of advocacy and campaigns for medical aid for palestinians who
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joins us from ramallah very well. welcome to you. i'm 1st of your reaction to the devastating attack on velocity as we were saying that at least 90 people dead, many more presumes missing. another example of high powered weapons being used in densely populated areas like the kind of affection she'll like is when you wake up every morning on a dentist, you can use a phonetic. i really don't know how to act thing or how to feed on to be humans that we keep every morning i wake up feeling really worried about my clinics. i just want to reach them by phone to see if there a life event where they can't about the stories that they would be sharing. but looks like there's a few of these things. some guys already we are running out of sports. i don't have any verbal reaction to say a few days ago. the units, like the general describe the price of postings and guns are, is living as if they were in a game of crew,
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a pinball being forced from one location to another. we've been saying for many months now, but no, we're safe. as an engineer with a team working and living that one. can you tell us about the latest forced evacuation or doesn't, doesn't so the question started, so it's a long 9 months of evacuation games, isn't it? so 1st of all, what are things have been describing in the past fix is as if it's as intense as a being before. tens of thousands of people are running to nowhere stage. they are lacking basic amenities. they don't know where to go is lachelle car. there is and 4 people are just in the street. also, when we hear about the defax region or the real hospitals are also going to be actuated. so our could be examples of a spot in describing images of people holding their loved ones who are injured behind their back and just walking to a no safe face to know where to go to. they know whatever they go. luckily with possessor they, they will be targeted. so people are the to be just running in time,
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probably injured. they have clear trouble ties. and i don't think we have witnessed the civic sophistry for every week. people are like mass number of civilians are just asked to it on some a place to another and then targeting them again. i was setting another m d out of like a top like ukraine where there's a bus come comes in, fix. instigating asked if they face, they just receive me just or messages to don't. what's wrong, they don't know what's happened to them. they don't know. people can see it on the wrong. they're hungry, it's summer time. and what about the law space is a deepening medical crisis that appears to be getting worse to worse on a daily basis. and as your organization been able to provide any health care in the areas most recently effective let me start with the health care situation and then what we have on trying to do. so we all know the assignment and stuff thing in across because the whole operation is facing the possible risk of genocide. in
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addition, isabel has been systematically dismounting the health care system. more than 460 effects. more than 1051 to 500 south workers have been killed. every hospital has been targeted. you know, policy and doctors are either a displaced the teen last loved ones, or the extremely overstretched with work. and many of them had been subjected to torture, doing the attention of hundreds have been detained and the number of house for burke has killed is more then all health workers could in conflicts and 20212022. in addition to that is 80 total siege means that they can look at the end of the ride, an advocate amount of medical supplies, a lot of medical expense have been denied access. so we're talking about not only this mass of collapse tucker system, but the doctors are reading, working over the hours with nothing necessarily with the very basic we have. so we're talking about the interviews of chopping out,
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which is the most severe type of injuries. what we're trying to do as medical is passing, as we're trying to get some of the conditions inside because somebody continues, we're trying to get as much of can the equipment better and maybe they are accepted . we're trying to get medications as well. but what other we're trying to get in is there to drop in the ocean, as you're speaking about some remodeling in the occupied westbank, a day of national strikes as being declared there, it seems. largely symbolic. a show of real outrage. it dislikes this attack by as well. i just wonder what the underlying message people the occupied westbank had indeed, and other countries in the region that are also protesting related strike bias rather trying to send these. so i think of them as hell seems we have another spelled as helpless as we have been feeling since the start of that goes over the effect we have more than 560000 skills since october, including $131.00 children. isabel has been reading of this single town on since
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the 1st semester bank. so seniors but now what we're sitting with a message we're trying to do is we don't know how to show. so the direct our own people and god. so we don't know what to do, a strike to go to, i don't know what process we are really getting angry, frustrated hope that in addition, we are also under attack. so the message is trying to send or people because of the we don't know if we don't go to work. maybe we show them how, how they are. if we don't go to our shop, if we don't open, it's like something and hope this message. that's right there, the free software as well, or i so, so by june, for medical aid for policy in use, thank you for joining us and i was just there. thank you. i'm policing. can you have 5 tea, a gas, a crowds. they are a disused korean nairobi where they've retrieve the bodies on mutilated body parts of at least 10 people since friday is triggered outrage of to weeks of anti government process to which whites groups like $41.00 people with code and dozens
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of ducted by security agencies where possible from nairobi, the it started with a young woman searching for her missing sister. 10 bags of mutilated bodies kept coming. they've been retrieved from this disused korean mccurry. a neighborhood of slums in my baby is treated outrage among kenyans following protests last month against the government of president william recheck. holden, 40 people were killed. rights groups say thousands of protesters have been abducted and several are still missing. so i do enjoy. we don't know whether they are among the people who were abducted because of the protest. since most of them are ladies, we are not sure if it could be some side or in securities that have been happening to get it to the crowd, wanted the police to open the bags at the same place, refused to 15 and 10 years. police are frequently accused of extra judicial killings,
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including in this community activists say offices of rarely convicted piece of said they'll investigate the bodies and rights groups can participate in post mortems. but skepticism and anger run deep. i think it is now the work of the pathologist and the forensic investigators to tell us and to tell the nation what is happening . because if you put those videos together, you're talking about 13 bodies being recovered in about 24 hours. that is not a normal thing for any nation. please have our firing gossett crowds that angry residents down the street. they've been retaliation by scrubbing site and so that the mistrust in this community of the place on the government they've been telling, seeing roots a must go in their graves not least because the bodies, the found just meets, is from the call re police station many and retailers,
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deputy president for 9 years before he was elected president 2 years ago and then he said he didn't, kenya is long history disappearances and extra judicial killings. people here at the quarry side along with many canyons, say they no longer believe what he says. the truth must be found so that those who are involved in this kenya act must be punished and must be taken to court and must be the little must be applied to its fullest extent. resident said the police might disappear the bodies to the school to pick up carrying them all the way to the city. moultrie acted, they say the entire flooded quarry would need to be told to find out how many more parties could be to whether or not any one is held to account. it's clear in this community to have almost no face in that government. malcolm web out to 09 baby. so career is come embracing its 1st national defect as dang,
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since the korean war armistice was signed. well, the 34000 people from north korea. i've made my way south of abroad report, some sole taking his seats in south korea is national assembly is the latest milestone for north korean defect to talk to him for having studied that's in a late university supporting north korea's nuclear weapons development. he says he used the excitement surrounding the 2009 launch of what p o young claims was a satellite as a distraction to make his escape. in the 15 years since he has seen those missiles developed greatly, antonius video and they started testing hypersonic ms. silas, for the 1st time in 2021. and recently there are a signs of testing multiple warhead messiahs. and that says park should worry north korea's neighbors to northern board and north korea, china and russia, a role nuclear. and if they form a strong alliance, then south korea,


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