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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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to subscribe down to what you as a year right 2024 more. the the, the former us president donald trump survives of assassination. attempted to rally in pennsylvania. that killed one spec, tyesha, and critically injured to others. the gunman has been shot dead, has been identified as 20 year old, thomas matthew cox. his motion of remains on the pedal on elizabeth bonham. and this is algebra live from to how also coming up at least 12 pounds to the inside being killed. and it was really striking on the you
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when one school housing displaced people, and then the site at the refugee camp in the central casa, the, and the police and kenya, fy 2 guys had crowds news signs for the music nation for the pots of several women helping found the we begin in the us stage of pennsylvania where the f b i has named a 20 year old thomas matthew cooks as the gunman and the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. the attack killed one person in the crowd and severely injured to others. this is what we know so far. trump appeared on stage of his riley in western pennsylvania on saturday at around 22 g m t. the gunman was set to be on the roof of the manufacturing plant, just north of the butler farm show grounds. according to the secret service,
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he fired multiple shots using an a r 15, semi automatic rifle. thomas matthew cooks was on a roof top across the way about a 120 to a 150 meters from trump stage. a john headwind, who was at the valley in butler, pennsylvania begins coverage. the, the attempted assassination of an american president unfolded minutes after he began to speak. if you want to really see something this said, take a look what happens? it is, donald trump spoke to the friendly pennsylvania crowd, shots rang out, and the former president hit the ground. he list president said his name isn't time, says i want to get my shoes. and i heard that directly from him. they must have
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fallen off when he'd be pushed him down on his right cheek was a tear drop of blood right here. then when he turned, you could see the right here, from the top of the year to the bottom. blood wasn't pouring blood, but it was blood secret service. gunman responded within seconds, killing the shooter as other agents swarmed truck. one man and the crowd was killed and 2 men were critically wounded. this video shows the gunman on an nearby rooftop . the f. b. i has identified the shooter is 20 year old, thomas, mathew crooks. police still have many questions including whether the man acted alone. we do not currently have an identified motive. although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was. one other person in the crowd was also killed when you are coming up after the
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secret service as far as with uh, retreating him and putting him into a secure vehicle and bring him off. the president is hit or nick right here. according to the my photos he was bleeding here and down in this area here as far as on the right side of his face. trump offered more detail in his own statement saying, i was shot with a bullet. the pierce, the upper part of my right ear, i knew immediately that something was wrong when i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin, much bleeding took place. so i realized then, what was happening to president joe biden locked in a heated campaign against trumpet, condemned the attack. there's no place in america with this kind of violence. it's sick. it sick? why? the reason why we have to unite this country? we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. what begin is
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a cheerful event with thousands of the supporters or former president donald trump lining up to see his last rally before his nomination for president, ended in gunshots with people fleeing in fear. left unexplained is how a gunman was able to get so close to the former president in an area that had been swept by secret service agents were backpacks were banned, inspector screened individuals. the secret service is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. john henry and l. g 0, butler, pennsylvania. we have our correspondence covering the story in the us company health is at the white house in washington, dc that he called haine is in milwaukee at the republican national convention. but 1st, let's go to kristen salumi. she's joining us live from betterments to in new jersey where trump spent the night had one of his residents as following the attack. and custom. trump has called for americans to unite courting for unity after the attack of the he has. and he arrived here in bed
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minster, 6 hours after the shooting happened in the early morning hours arriving here to relax at his club, which is about an hour outside of manhattan. his son, donald trump junior, has described him as being in great spirits and earlier today he did put out a post on his social media site truth social saying that he was thankful to everyone. let me read you exactly what he said. he said, thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday. as it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. you will see or not, but instead remain resilient. he goes on to offer prayers for the recovery of the wounded. 2 people of course injured in that shooting and the dead one person dead. more important than ever. it is more important than ever. he said that we stand
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united and show our true character as americans. and he goes on to say that he looks forward to speaking to our great nation this week from wisconsin. of course, the republican national committee is meeting in wisconsin this week starting on monday to make his nomination as a republican candidate for president official. we don't know when he's going to be heading that way, but he is due to speak to the convention there on thursday. we've had no update on his condition since last night. other than him saying that he is fine. and his a supporter saying that he's in great condition and great spirits, and certainly he's gonna want to show that to his supporters when he goes to wisconsin this week. chris, and thank you for that update. kristen. so let me live in bed. instead. new jersey is, let's bring in our white house correspondent, company how goods, not often that a former president or a presidential candidate survives an assassination attempt. kimberly,
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how is this being absorbed there? yeah, almost 2 generations since we have seen something like this in the united states, not since 1980, when ronald reagan had been the attempt on his life, have americans experience something like this. so americans, waking up to this in the united states, still trying to come to terms with this. the reactions in the united states have been one of the shots that this could have occurred. and now we are hearing from various politicians including the some of the top in the us congress, nancy pelosi saying, but there is no place for this in our society. she herself has experienced this, given the fact that her own has been popular as he was attacked their old home back in october of 2022 and was nearly killed by an attack or so the country is really. and now many politicians calling on as their counterparts,
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both on the right the left to bring the temperature down in terms of the rhetoric that may have led to this event. as the president who is here at the white house is being raised along with the vice president on the investigation, the ongoing investigation by law enforcement. i can tell you that the speaker of the house mike johnson is calling for an investigation into what exactly happened and led to the events that drew turned out to have an attack on the former president donald trump's life. take, listen, i have already announced that congress will do a full investigation of the tragedy yesterday to determine where they relapsed isn't security, and anything else that the american people need to know and deserve the no. but in the meantime, we've got to turn to rhetoric down, we've got to turn the temperature down in this country. we need leaders all parties
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on both sides to call that out and make sure that happens so that we can go forward and then maintain our free society that we all are blessed to have. in the meantime, what a all can so can tell you, is that for the next 48 hours, the biding campaign has pulled it as it's a tact, as on the former president, donald trump in light. 9 of the attempt on his legs, the assassination temps in get out of consideration. as for sensitivity, they feel it's not appropriate given what has just occurred. company, thank you very much for that white house correspondent company how could there let's go live to milwaukee and wisconsin. now patty called haines joining us from there. no doubt. that's where all eyes will be passing. not just to see what comes out of the convention. what donald trump will say when he gets there. but the security plans for the convention of the now
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keep in mind they've been working on this security plan for this convention. for 18 months, there are 16 different agencies, dozens and dozens of police forces that have come in from all over the country. and the republican national committee says their convention is going to go ahead just to assure you of the scene that is where thursday donald trump is expected to. again, make that critical speech will want to hear what he has to say. busy and accept the official republican nomination for president. we can tell you that they're getting ready because they've been testing all the different lighting systems and, and you can see people putting all the finishing touches on again, the convention starts monday night. inside there is incredibly tight security. we saw dozens and dozens of secret service agents. i spoke to one who said that he was going to be working a 16 hour shift. they obviously beefed up after the assassination attempt. uh whether they're going to change their security plans. undoubtedly they'll be looking at that, but even though even before this happened, there was a really tight, really wide security perimeter around this convention center had
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a look of the block after block after block bare occasion fences assembled in a large ring around the arena, where the republican national convention will be held, the trump campaign insisted the event will go ahead. even before the assassination attempt to former president donald trump, authorities were preparing for worst case scenarios. this team installing this simple box as a tier to sniffer chemical weapons in the air. thousands of police from all over the region called in a secret service announced 3 charter planes. full of agents was headed to wisconsin on sunday. the barriers meant to keep the attendees separated from everyone else. what's going on america right now is very sad. obviously you're trying to do something picked out coming down, but the people of justice will be served in trump will be back. we're doing this
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because we don't want the republicans here. we don't want them anywhere. and we're going to run the amount of anywhere that they try to be. why? oh, well, we're fighting against a racist and reactionary agenda. we're fighting for immigrant rights for reproductive rates for palestine. and ultimately, they're just the opposite of everything that we want to see on this country. the convention will take place inside that secure perimeter of secret service is in charge of that there are no guns allowed in the venue, not the case here. this is one of 2 parks we're milwaukee says people can legally protest because of a state law. guns are allowed here. but to milwaukee police chief jeffrey norman insist that doesn't pose a unique threat. and so when we are dealing with the those type of, uh, protected door, those customers, right? is that about the actual caring? so that'd be a, do you have any behavior that's outside of what we deem as a responsible behavior? then there will be, again, there is going to be a reaction that is going to be response and we will take appropriate action
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political tension. now, actual violence. the republican convention will take place in an atmosphere unlike any other petty calling al jazeera milwaukee wisconscin. still head on algae 0, south korea celebrates 1st defect to stay highlighting both screening from the know the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the move in the f one is government with this. this part that you say getting russell, a thought provoking nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president. joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not the need for the effective he of the story on talk to how does era
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the colleges when the, the. ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out of the out of me, elizabeth put on them and don't ha, i've a mind to of on top stones the seller is being an assassination attempt on donald trump. the presumptive republican presidential nominate was speaking at a campaign valley in the state of pennsylvania, when shops rang off a bullet raised his y. c. s. president joe biden has condemned being attacked. a picture of the suspect of government has been released. the fbi i as identified 20 year old thomas matthew cooks is the subject involved, shot dead at the scene investigation starting on his most of yet. and trump is posted on social media according to americans to you. nice feel to sentence condolence since the families of the spectator who was killed and 2 others wounded at fascinates rowdy.
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the at least 15 palestinians have been killed in his riley strike and central gaza. the target has a u. n. run school housing displays people and they the say that refuge account the injured have a rush to the nearby unlocks the hospital. that's bringing our correspondent, honey, my food. he's joining us live from then on by that in central garza, any medical official saying that 70 people have been injured in that attack in the status as well as those codes the. the yes and the number keeps increasing exponentially as time goes on. we're looking at a close to 70 people have been critically injured down the fact that some of these critical injuries are in bad shape right now. do some of them very alive, but they are, they are, they are burned. the, the where incentive rated by the bonds that were dropped on the tools as we were
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told by i went, this is multiple air strikes, targeted the school as one the 1st one. and as soon as people gather to rescue those who were inside the, the school facilities to save their life. and another bomb was dropped on the same side and causing a greater civilian casualties. we're talking about bonded to our hot with this from nose and nails, and that's why the kind of ones here that are writing through the hospital are hard to 3. and given the big street, georgia medical supplies, and on top of that, these are sort of incentive reading funds, many of the children's here that we've managed to walk inside the immersion department and see some of the cases on the floor of the hospital that this department right here are fully burned and they are in agony because there isn't what if there's anything available to stop the pain and to help them survive these severe 170. and people reported at 313 people as confirmed
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right now by whole management here at the hospital being killed and 70 of the critical injuries. this is not the 1st time we're seeing on or what facility is being targeted deliberately and destroyed the bins for the past. 9 months, many of the facilities across the gulf trip targeted and direct me destroyed or either severely managed, particularly with time of evacuation centers were displaced, families, 1000 of them, took them as shoulder. they've been shouldering inside these evacuation centers. as there is no safe to play is and there is no wheres across the god script to go to seek safety and protection from the unpredictable fall in bonds. the crowd that you'll see in here walking by these are remaining family members who rush to the hospital to check on their children and relatives who are show during inside the hospitals. the seeing here is a quite heart breaking. many of them lost their children or loved ones,
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and these are top honey. thank you very much for that. that is honey. my food live and dead on by the and central gaza. the police and kenya have 5 gas have crowns in the disuse quality and nairobi from with retrieve the bodies and neutralize and body parts of at least 10 people. since friday, i'll come with reports from i will be the the it started with a young woman searching for her missing sister. 10 bags of mutilated bodies kept coming. they've been retrieved from this disused korean mccurry. the neighborhood of slums in my baby is treated outrage among kenyans following protests last month against the government of president william recheck. holden, 40 people were killed rights group say thousands of protesters have been adopted and several are still missing. so i do enjoy. we don't know whether they are among
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the people who were abducted because of the protest. since most of them are ladies, we are not sure if it could be some side or in securities that have been happening . crowd wanted the police to open the bags at the same police, refused any 15 and 10 years. police are frequently accused of extra judicial killings including in this community. activists say offices a rarely convicted piece of said they'll investigate the bodies and rights groups can participate in post bolton's skepticism and, and run deep. i think it is now the work of the pathologist and the forensic investigators to tell us and to tell the nation what is happening. because if you put those videos together, you're talking about 13 bodies being recovered in about 24 hours. that is not a normal thing for any nation. please have our
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firing. diagnostic crowds of angry residents down the streets have been without a swing by throbbing science. is it the mistrust in this community of the place on the government? they've been telling. seeing roots a must go in their graves not least because the buddies, the phones just meet is from the cooperate police station many and retailers, deputy president for 9 years before he was elected president 2 years ago and then he said he didn't, kenya is long history to disappear and susan, extrajudicial killings, people here at the quarry side along with many canyons, say they no longer believe what he says. the truth must be found. so that those who are involved in this community of act must be punished and must be taken to court and must be the law must be applied to its fullest extent. resident said the police might disappear the bodies to the school to pick up carrying them
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all the way to the city. moultrie acted, they say the entire flooded quarry would need to be told to find out how many more parties could be to whether or not any one is held to account. it's clear in this community to have almost no face in that government. malcolm web out to 0, maybe south korea is coming to raising its 1st national defect as day since the end of the korean war, more than 34000 people from north korea have made their way south from the bride reports from sold. taking his seats in south korea is national assembly is the latest milestone for north korean defect. to talk to him kwan having studied to attend a late university supporting north korea's nuclear weapons development. he says he used the excitement surrounding the 2009 launch of what p o young claims was a satellite as
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a distraction to make his escape. in the 15 years since he has seen those missiles developed greatly, antonius video and they started testing hypersonic ms. silas, for the 1st time in 2021. and recently there are a signs of testing multiple warhead messiahs. and that says park should worry north korea's neighbors to northern board, north korea, china and russia, a roll nuclear, and if they form a strong alliance, then south korea, which does not possess nuclear weapons, becomes vulnerable and then try one could be next followed by japan scale he's up beat about south korea's future, wanting his success to be an example to others of the move in 30000 north korean defectors who made it to the south. punctual quantity is one of only 4 added to serve on the national assembly. and it comes at the time when into korean relations are the worst they've been in. he is making relations more complicated. a recent
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moves by russian president vladimir putin to forge close to ties with the north korean leader kim jong. good to help with the war and ukraine has them from told me that kim jong stands to benefit the most. if the condition is russia transfers k technical help, instead of lights, nuclear powered submarines and re entry rocket technology to north korea. and then there's the possible return of donald trump to the white house in november as us presidential election to represent the toner. in your book, the former president trump returns came, john sees a chance to reopen dialogue with the us, potentially dining recognition as a nuclear state. that could be used into solomon negotiations to ease sanctions. but ultimately, with all of the uncertainty, he says he wants to use his new found position to help the human rights situation of the citizens to be left behind. rob mcbride,
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i'll just say era. so more than 50 people are still missing and they fall off shore . landslide swept to bosses into a river rescue. teams is searching for survivors. monica lack of reports. so this highway link the southern, the palm to the capitol cap, man, do it's a busy route and for now or 30 say it's a high risk area in the early hours of friday, a land slides with 2 buses off the road through concrete barriers and down a steep and bank went into the false loving river below. each vehicle had been carrying dozens of passengers emergency response teams all coming the waters for surviving. let me say over here. these are a lot of time in research deep under the water, but we couldn't find anything. so have to come back, come on for the days of heavy monsoon. rain have left the room. american rescue work is a using special. so in our equipment to try to detect any sign of
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a lie to guess more is one of the few passengers who made it out to live. he survived the says, but he's coming to the water was up to my neck, but i managed to get out on the river by the 4 of my family. and con, official figures show at least 2400 people were killed in road accidents and the 12 months to april. analysts point to poorly constructed roads, inadequate safety standards and reckless driving. this crash took place before doing. now the government says it will band buses from travelling at night. if weather alerts are in place mike level, which is their, as finally as bulletin national day celebrations, underway and falls, mocking the beginning of the french revolution in $1789.00. president con is attending the traditional military parade in paris. the arrival of the 11th at torch in the capital meant the parade was unable to take its usual boots on the
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shops. any say. the celebrations of taking place on fonts remains in deep political uncertainty following snap elections in which none of the political blocks won a majority. well, that's set for me, elizabeth put on them, but do stay with us to to allen to 0 is coming up next. thank you for watching the probably we have say some very heavy right across central parts of china, wrongly menu front. and you can see how is just dragging its way across a similar area. there is a stationary front, making his way across the korean peninsula fading across a good part of japan. so live you down pools, further flooding concerns. but the warnings enforced the parts of japan, south korea, and pushing up across the northeast of china, more heavy, right? as you can see,
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to slide again here are rolling for you by aging easing for the north, which east within the next pulse of what the weather. just around the yellow sea farther south, it's generally dry, but scattering a shower has erica, southern positive china. over the next couple of days, the shelves extend out across the indo china and not just a 2nd. i should not may well develop into a tropical system. i suspect it why? because it's too close to the lab now, but either way, pulsing some very heavy rain in across the good parts of the vietnam. northern central pa is the vietnam in to allow system favorite weather to come to central and southern parts of the philippines over the next couple of days. scott could show us across malaysia, indonesia, lot of fine and dry weather. i love destroyed by the to, with the focused on over the next 1000 was into the final about the end, the bhangra dash, i'm the pull bull every time pulls the hairs from,
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i'll just on the go in the tonight i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out is 0 new at using. is it the i'm for training you said in china a place many considered to be at the forefront today we dive into the world upholstered manufacturing. neo often have is trying to luxury electric vehicles. we're headed by volume li stubs. china is the loan. neil has captured global attention, but it's in as i said, and swap the battery technology. it challenges the conventional charging model and


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