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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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0 now the that's what happened the dog chapter and the divided nation. an attempt to kill a former us president and republican frontrunner donald trump sent shock waves across america. on the 20 year old gunmen was killed on the sides, but they are still questions about how us presidential candidates could face the assumption that the uninstall. did hey, this is al jazeera at lawson don't have the
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resources to get this place, palestinians, yet again, it's 15. people are killed in a stripe on the un run school, the police. and can you, if i tear gas of crowds, your site when use relation party possible song? the probably begin with the attempted assassination of former us presidents and republican frontrunner donald trump. have a look at the moment when a gun opened fire on trump, who was then speaking at a campaign rally in the state of pennsylvania. take a look what happens. the secret service agents put this in from because you see and shielded him. some of the gunshots, and then movement stays on the offices with him a ways when wasting most the case,
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and now it's not until one person in the crowd and severely injured to others. yes, he has named 20 year old thomas matthew eclipse as the gunman. it's understood, he fired multiple shots using a semi automatic rifle. within seconds of the secret service agents had shelton dead. but they're all still questions about just how close he got to the former us president with his heavy security detail. have a look at this aerial shots, it's taken of the raleigh and it shows us how courtesy was a cook's, was that on the roof of a manufacturing top that's just about a 120 meters from the stage where trump was standing. now some of the support does that say that they saw him, they tried to warn on force, much efficient offices before the shooting began. i was up at the fence line. i saw the guy move from roof the roof talk, told an officer that he was on the roof and the officer come look. i went back to where i was standing. i heard that there was somebody that could see the person.
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so i went back to where they were standing, so the person went back and told the officer again that if he goes back to that particular spot, he can see the person figuring that he would go with radio. and when i turned around to go back to where i was, is when the gunshots started and, and then it was just k awesome. we all came running away. when i was sitting there, a guy said, oh god, you had a gun. i looked up, there's a guy on top of the building right over there and with an m. 16 with a blanket point and that the president, he started shooting about about, about, about, about $4.00 to $5.00 shots rang out. all right, so i threw the guy out with jim on the ground. i jumped to the ground. i look up, and then i see it. his head gets split open by the shop front of the secret service of the cops started flying over, pushing us out. they pushed me off to the side because i was right there and i was able to see everything they took my name,
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my with the support and everything like that, my cellphone number just to get in touch with me to go over. what happened? well, for the 2nd time now since that a tech, trump has been posting messages on his social media platform, tweet, social, and his latest post. he's colfey unit team. he said it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening, adding we will fan notes, but instead remain resilience and now face and defined in the face of wickedness. we pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and holding how hots the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. trump finished by saying it is more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as americans. john heads and reports for us from that riley and doctor pennsylvania. the the attempted assassination of an american president non folded minutes after he began to speak. if you want to
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really see something, the said, take a look. what happens is donald trump spoke to the friendly pennsylvania crowd, shots rang out in the former president, hit the ground on the list. president said president, princess, i want to get my shoes and i heard that directly from him. they must have fallen off when we pushed them down on his right cheek was a tear drop of blood right here. then when he told you could see the right here, from the top of the year to the bottom. blood wasn't pouring blood, but it was blood secret service gunman responded within seconds, killing the shooter. as other agents swarmed truck. one man in the crowd was killed and 2 men were critically wounded. this video shows the gunman on
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a nearby rooftop guy, the f. b. i has identified the shooter is 20 year old, thomas, mathew crooks. police still have many questions including whether the man acted alone. we do not currently have an identified motive. although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was. one other person in the crowd was also killed when he were coming up after the secret service as far as with uh, retreating him and putting him into a secure vehicle and bring him off. the president is hit or nick right here. according to the my photos he was bleeding here and down in this area here as far as on the right side of his face. trump offered more detail in his own statement, saying i was shot with a bullet, the peers, the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong when i heard a whizzing sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin,
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much bleeding took place. so i realized then what was happening to president joe biden locked in a heated campaign against trumpet, condemned the attack. there's no place in america with this kind of violence. it's sick. it sick? it's one of the reason why we have to unite this country. we cannot allow for this to be happening. we cannot be like this. we cannot condone this. what began is a cheerful event with thousands of the supporters or former president donald trump lining up to see his last rally before his nomination for president, ended in gunshots with people fleeing in fear. left unexplained is how a gunman was able to get so close to the former president in an area that had been swept by secret service agents were backpacks were banned, inspectors screened individuals. the secret service is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. john henry and l g 0 butler, pennsylvania. well,
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that's and i'll speak to christine, so let me. she was in bed minutes to new jersey where the former president spent his night off to the attack. chris and we saw when he got off the plan come, didn't need any health tools heading down the stairs and we've been hearing anything about his health from him and his team of the world. so use his own words president, the former president says that he's doing just quote fine. uh he has uh, posted twice on social media since the incident happened. he arrived here in bed minister and the early morning hours, 6 hours after that shooting took place is a say he is in great spirits and his social media posts have express thanks towards the people who have been praying for him and showing their support. thanks to the 1st responders, including the secret service who helps them in the moments after that shooting. and he's been calling for unity among the american people, a team that was echoed on social media by his wife maloney of trump as well.
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earlier today he said in one of his posts that it's more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character. as america is very positive message coming from the former president, leaving some more critical statements to his supporters in the republican party who have been questioning how this was able to happen amid the security presence there, and also accusing joe biden. and the democrats of, uh, being using rhetoric that led to this kind of an attack, saying that by accusing donald trump of being a, uh, uh, a threat to democracy. that he, that they had raised the rhetoric to such a point that it led to a situation like this. j. d vance, a senator from ohio,
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who's in the running to be president trump's running mate at the which he will announce that the republican national convention. this week is one who has been coming out saying that when the democrats say things like a trump isn't a thor, terry, and stashes too must be stopped at all costs that leads to incidents like this, a gun. trump himself not saying that keeping it more positive, but saying he looks forward to addressing the american people at the republican national convention later this week. teasing off that speech. kristin. meanwhile the i see more and more details are imagined about the young gunman. can you focus through the latest on the investigation as it stands? yeah, young man by the name of the little bit of information coming out as the investigation is continuing full speed ahead. we know now that the gun he used to attack
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the former president was purchased by his father legally. it is described as a, an a our style assault rifle. we are hearing reports that she had explosive materials in the vehicle that he used to get to the location. and we know that investigator spend much of the night scouring the area and making sure that those explosives were all under control so that there was no explosion or any further damage at the site. and they stayed at the location, the to the very early morning hours. and this investigation right now is going full steam ahead with the federal bureau of investigation, the f b i leading on the federal front and the state police in pennsylvania on the local fried multiple law enforcement agencies. and lots of security here in bed minister where i am as well surrounding the former president's golf estate where he is resting right now until we head to that republican convention in milwaukee wisconscin. oh,
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certainly bring you all the developments as they happen here. and i'll just hear a constant sending me that for us in edmonton, new jersey. thanks, kristen. well that's got the view from our white house correspondent can be house that she has more on developments to and there's a lot of shock in the united states and also height security here in washington given what has occurred and the fear that it could happen again, right now the us presidential by this year at the white house, along with his vice president campbell, a harris. what we should also point out though is in the midst of all this, you'll remember that the major story prior to the assassination attempt on donald trump's life was the call for uh, potentially joe biden, to step down from the top of the ticket for the presidential nomination for a democratic party, that is no longer the case. now this party has unified around in joe biden. and that is also the case when it comes to generally the case around
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a donald trump. they're really seems to be a call for unity in the united states. that there seems to be a general consensus that the rhetoric in the united states has become so hot. that is one of the things that has led to this incident. well, this is all happening as republicans, the gathering in the state of wisconsin to the republican national conventional it's due to start on monday evening as well. so raising even more questions about security for that huge event project. how has been taking a look at the preparations which are being made before the attempted assassination of donald trump. the block after block after block bare occasion fence is assembled in a large ring around the arena, where the republican national convention will be held. the trump campaign in assisting the event will go ahead even before the assassination attempt to former president donald trump. authorities were preparing for worst case scenarios. this
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team installing this simple box as a tier to sniffer chemical weapons in the air. thousands of police from all over the region called in a secret service announced 3 charter plains full of agents was headed to wisconsin on sunday. the barriers meant to keep the attendees separated from everyone else. what's going on america right now is now it's very sad. obviously you're trying to do something to take down, come down, but the people of justice will be served in trump will be back. we're doing this because we don't want the republicans here. we don't want them anywhere and we're going to run the amount of anywhere, but they try to be like, well, we're fighting against a racist and reactionary agenda. we're fighting for immigrant rights for reproductive rights for palestine. and ultimately, they're just the opposite of everything that we want to see in this country. the convention will take place inside that secure perimeter of secret service is in charge of that there are no guns allowed in the venue, not the case here. this is one of 2 parts we're milwaukee says people can legally
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protest because of a state law. guns are allowed here. but to milwaukee police chief jeffrey norman insist that doesn't pose a unique threat. and so when we are dealing with the those type of, uh, protected door, those customers, right? is that about the actual caring? so that'd be a, do you have any behavior that's outside of what we deemed as a responsible behavior? then there will be, again, there is going to be a reaction that is going to be response and we will take appropriate action, political tension. now, actual violence. the republican convention will take place in an atmosphere unlike any other particle hanging al jazeera, milwaukee wisconscin. companies just as a professor of us and international politics at university college dublin, he says, all i is will now be on how trump reacts to political violence and future. in the case of the capital tab. on january the 6th 2021. you had
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a man who was president who was trying to overturn the election, who yeah. busy it is supporters fight, fight, fight. that same man yesterday stood up and pointed to the supporters put a fist into the or it's a fight fight. fight in the case of nancy pelosi, that's equally interesting because far when calling for a cold up from political violence. when nancy plus his husband talked was the show for the fractured scope from an attacker to one of the main or show his wife. trump did not condemn that, but instead he actually ma nancy and paul closely saying, well, she had a wall around her house, but i guess it didn't work too well. so the question is, what type of truck do we get going forward? what? who sees that this celebration of violence is not the way to go for, or one who has flush. if i get back to the white house in january 2025 on day one, i will act like a dictator. and i will shake retribution against my supposed penalties. it's close
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to the head here on out as there are several villages and sedona been cut off off to elizabeth to its banks following torrential rains and neighboring on the train. the how are we have say some very heavy right across central parts of china, wrongly menu front. and you can see how it's just dragging its way across a similar area there as, as basically from making his way across the career. and i just left fading across a good part of japan. so live you dial pulls the flooding concerns, but the warnings enforced the parts of japan, south korea, and pushing up across the northeast of china. more it'd be right to shoot and say to slide again. here, a rolling for you by aging easing for the north, which east within the next pulse of what the weather, just around the yellow sea farther south, it's generally dry, but scattering
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a shower is there across southern positive china. over the next couple of days. those shows extend out across the indo china and not just a 2nd. i should not may well develop into a tropical system. i suspect it why, because it's too close to the land now, but either way, posting some very heavy rain in across the good parts of the vietnam mold in central parts of it now into allow system favorite weather to come to central and southern parts of the philippines over the next couple of days. scott took a show us the cross malaysia, indonesia lot of fine and dry weather, lot destroyed by the to, with the focused on over the next hour. so. sure i was into the final buffer, india or bangladesh. i'm to pull bull every samples. the african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean, that rock band. i do have plucking of them. i think,
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to shoot documentary by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya. serenade of this kind and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0 the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. this is an attempt to kill former us president and republican frontrunner donald trump has sent shock waves across america. on the compass shotwell hosing a campaign rally, anastasia, pennsylvania on sasha. the picture of the suspect have done that has been released
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the f. b. i has identified a 20 year old thomas matthew products as the gun who was shot dead on the scene. investigation is often looking as much as the now these really minutes he is again conducting as strikes on heavily populated areas across garza where palestinians are living under deteriorating conditions, trying to seek shelter at least 15 people have been killed in the latest strike and central garza or these, they're all gas was on the ground as well. again, targeted and unrest, school housing supposed to be displaced to so any of these have attracted you to you and run schools are meant to be protected on the international amount of time. the targeting civilians inside schools look like the whole world. see,
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these are the remains of a human being. we was sitting and suddenly they hit the school. this is a shelter. we are a non civilians and this all came crashing down. it's a whole world. see, this is a human beings, hand with thousands as injured has been taken to the nearby ups of us because many of them, as you see there, which isn't the medical facility is overwhelmed to the she and number of patients. and there's also trying to cope with a severe shortage of supply of doctors, oregon being forced to treat the wounded on the floor. his laces strikes 10, as the funeral was supposed to have literally every 15 minutes process that's off. so these wait a minute to killed at least 90 palestinians on saturday. in an attack it said was targeting a mass military leader. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there's no such thing to you, but he was killed. israel's army go now says it has killed the brigades,
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come on to us from us, and con, units of office, along with some officer is yet to confine. well, let's speak to honey ma, what he joins us now from outside the opposite hospital, and they're all bella, honey, let's start with that attack on the, on the school, you're outside all outside, thousands of wounded. we're taking that. can you talk us through how the doctors all kinds of things and like there, at the moment the yes, well unfortunately this has been going on for quite a while for the past 9 months. these very military did not spare a moment of attacking gun international organization and then their facilities across the goal is to be including the on or why and its facilities all everywhere . whether they are they evacuation centers or the distribution points. this particular schools today, we can simply count up to 5 as schools so far within a matter of 10 days have been attacked deliberately and directly by these really
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military. this particular school accommodated 1000 displays. families been sold during inside its facilities for the past 9 months. and more reason the people who were force or pushed into internal further in force displacement ended up in the school, then they were killed. as the bombing took place today to most of do air strikes, targeted parts of the school, why people were still inside. no warnings, what was given whatsoever. people were not given the time to seek filters of protection elsewhere, they were the 1st mess. so was fire then within a matter of time, just short time as people to try and duce to get inside and save those who feel casualties of, of these attacks the victim. another missile was fired, causing further civilian casualties. now we have a confirmed number of 17 people who were killed. the majority of them were women and children, displays women and children inside the schools were shouldering and seeking
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protection close to 8. the people of the credit clips, critical injuries ended up either here in a locked saw hospital or really struggling on daily basis to provide the proper medical care to be a really large number of injuries and, and, and patients inside the hospital as well as to allow the husband that to them site rot refugee account just within the past few minutes, within heart breaking scenes of, of mothers and then collapsed father and crying mother is just bidding for honey. i am so sorry to interrupt the governor of pennsylvania. judge shapiro is now speaking to the press, is just outside the command center in the county where the president trump was shot during his campaign. raleigh, let's listen and loved one another respect one another. unfortunately, last night had to deal with tragedy in their neighborhood. i've just come from a briefing with the api i and the pennsylvania state police. i've joined today of
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course by colonel christopher paris of the pennsylvania state police. law enforcement will have more to share. throughout the day. i'd like to make a few comments separate from the ongoing investigation. first and foremost, the assassination attempt on the former president donald trump last night was absolutely unacceptable and tragic laurie and i are grateful that the former president is safe. and according to him and his team was fine. it's also important to note that last night, 3 of our fellow pennsylvanians were shot one, fatally, 2 in critical condition. i'm just spend time speaking to the families. and i want to offer my prayers and the prayers of all 13000000 pennsylvanians for the 2 individuals who were being treated at this time we lost uh. busy pennsylvania and
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last night corey come for a tour. i just spoke to corey's wife and corey's 2 daughters. poor. he was a girl, dad. cory was a firefighter, corey went to church every sunday. a corey loved his community, most especially corey loved his family. corey was an avid supporter of the former president and was so excited to be there last night with him in the community. i asked corey's wife it would be okay for me to share that we spoke. she said yes. she also asked that i share with all of you the corey died, the hero, the cory dove on his family to protect them last night. at this rally,
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cory was the very best of us. may his memory be a bless? last night was shocking for this community for this commonwealth. and i know for this country political disagreements can never ever be addressed through violence disagreements or okay. but we need to use a peaceful, political process to settle those differences. this is a moment where all leaders have a responsibility to speak and act with moral clarity for all leaders leave to take down the temperature and rise above the hateful rhetoric that exists in search for a better, brighter future. for this nation, the work that i try to do every day here in the commonwealth of pennsylvania,
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and that's the work that falls to each and every american right now. so i asked that you join me in prayer for the 2 pennsylvanians who were in critical condition that we continue to wish for a full and speedy recovery and pray for the former president. and the coverage for a family remains in our thoughts and prayers. they have some very challenging times head of them. they will have an empty seat at the dinner table for the rest of their lives. we need to make sure the corey's memory is forever a blessing. and here in pennsylvania, we will see to it that that is the case. and with that, i'll be happy to try and take a few of your questions together. a lot of folks are starting to ask the tough question about whether that feeling that the shooter access should have been secure, should have been secured and do the pennsylvania state police have any responsibility to have. i'm not going to get into any questions regarding the
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answer. any questions regarding the ongoing investigation? i trust with the fbi i in the pennsylvania state police. i will keep you posted throughout the day and in the days ahead. as to their investigation, governor, there were some concerning items at the police and found in the suspects vehicle. do you have any update on those and are you confident at this point? right is over that he acted alone in the public is in fact the investigation is ongoing and law enforcement will update you on the status of their investigation throughout the day. i have not spoken directly to the former president. i have wished them well. i mean multiple times, last evening through statements laurie and i have the people of pennsylvania, i know we're praying for him. and again, according to his team and himself, it seems as though he will be fine. obviously, relatively speaking. and we're glad to see that violence is never acceptable. i
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should also let you know that i did speak to present biden. he called me last night to make sure that here in the commonwealth we had all the resources we needed. i assured him that we did at the time he had yet to speak to president trump. i think they connected later in the evening and he wanted me to know or that he was trying to reach out to the former president. i think that that was the honorable and right thing to do and i'm, i'm glad the present button did that. we have no one met needs at this time and we're working in concert with our federal partners. and i let the president know that chris i spoke to the family of one of them and the other left a detailed message and i'm not going to get into their status that will be shared.


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