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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now the take a look what happened the adult chapter and the divided nation and attempted to kill a former us president and republican frontrunner donald trump sent shock waves across america on the last 20 rows come was killed on science, but there are obviously questions about how us presidential candidate could face and such. and the
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a and this is al jazeera life and also coming the really forces target displaced palestinians. and yet again, at least 17 people were killed in a striking on a un run school and simple guns. several villages ensued on have been cut off off the river, passed its banks following torrential rains, a neighboring ever change. the whole we begin with the attempted assassination of the former us president on republican fun product, donald trump, and probably look at the moment when they've gotten an opened file on from who has been speaking at a campaign valley in the state of pennsylvania. take a look what happens. the secret service agents quickly swarmed. tom's shielding him some,
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found the gunshots as you see that the moment's lisa and offices wished him away to a wasting worst case. the attack crow killed one passing in the crowd and severely injured to others. the f. b. i has now named a 20 year old thomas matthew crooks as the gunman. it's understood, he fired multiple shots using a semi automatic rifle within seconds. the secrets of us had saw some dead, but they're all still questions about just how close he got to the former us president with his heavy security detail. have a look at the aerial shot taken of the rally, and it shows just how close he was. cooks was that on the roof of the manufacturing comments just about a 120 maces from the stage where trump was standing. now some of the trump support is say that they saw him and they tried to warn law enforcement officers before the shooting. the gun, when i was up at the fence line, i saw the guy move from roof the roof talk, told an officer that he was on the roof and the officer come look. i went back to
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where i was standing. i heard that there was somebody that could see the person, so i went back to where they were standing. so the person went back and told the officer again that if he goes back to that particular spot, he can see the person figuring that he would go with radio. and when i turned around to go back to where i was, when the gunshot started, and then it was just k awesome. we all came running away. when i was sitting there, a guy said, oh god, you had a gun. i looked up, there's a guy on top of the building right over there and with an m. 16 with a blanket point and that the president, he started shooting file about about about, about $4.00 to $5.00 shots rang out. all right, so i threw the guy out with jim on the ground. i jumped to the ground. i look up, and then i see it. his head gets split open by the shop front of the secret service out the cops started flying over,
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pushing us out. they pushed me off to the side because i was right there and i was able to see everything they took my name. i went to support and everything like that. um my cellphone number just to get in touch with me to go over what happened . and also the 2nd time since the attack tongue has been posting messages on his social media platform, tooth, social and his latest post. he called the unity, he said it was god alone who prevented the i'm think people from happening. i think we will fair not, but instead remain resilient. and i'll face and defiant in the face of wickedness. we paid for the recovery of those who were wounded and hold. and now hans, the memory of the citizens who was so horribly killed from finished by saying it is more important than ever that we stand united. i'm sure our true character as americans. well, the victim killed at the trunk, riley has been now identified as 50 road corey compar tool. pennsylvania is governor joshua pura held immediate confidence, and buckland shed little more about the father of 2 for he was a girl,
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dad. cory was a firefighter, corey went to church every sunday. corey loved his community, most especially cory loves his family. corey was an avid supporter of the former president, and was so excited to be there last night with him in the community. i asked corey's wife it would be okay for me to share that we spoke. she said yes. she also asked that i share with all of you the corey died secure of the cory dove on his family to protect them last night at this rally as well. that's kind of nice as now from washington dc and speak to our white house correspondent can be health. it can be, it feels like we're getting more details about the gunman and his apparent plans where we are right now with the investigation. yeah,
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well the us president and vice president are getting up to speed on exactly that. i can tell you that for the last few hours they have been in the situation room in the white house. this is a secure skiff as it is known, where they are getting an update, in addition to the secretary of the department of homeland security, as well as the, the secretary for the department of justice and also the head of the f, b i. and what they are doing, this is getting a full briefing from the head of the f. b i christopher ray, who has taken the lead on this investigation over from the secret service who is really being ranked over the coals if you will, for the lapse in what has occurred. namely that this is an attempt on the
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life of a former president. i can tell you when it comes to the secret service they have what's called a no fail mission. in other words, when they go out to protect the president, there are mistakes are not allowed to occur. and clearly a mistake has been made in the fact that a shooter was allowed to pull a trigger, and bullets were fired. so that now what is happening is the after action and they are going over why this happened and trying to figure out how it can be prevented in the future. so that is what is occurring as we speak. we also know that there are some things that they are trying to analyze in terms of the shooter, what his motives might be, and whether or not there were signs that were ignored. so what we do know about this individual, he was 20 years old. he was the, there was no sort of previous signs that indicated that this may have been occurring so far. what we also know is that he had been active on social media. and,
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but he had been a registered republican but had previously been donating to democratic causes. we also know that in the midst of all of this, there has been a lot of calls from the law makers with in the united states, namely on capitol hill. both republicans and democrats, recognizing that the rhetoric in the united states has become so heated that that is also led to some of what has occurred. and now there are repeated calls for this rhetoric to be tongue down. recognizing that there has been almost a toxic mix of ingredients that has led to the episode that has occurred on saturday in pennsylvania. can be, as you say, present by them is now being released on, on the latest in the investigation. i believe we all going to hear from him soon. i . so that's right. the us presidential body will be speaking from the roosevelt room in approximately 30 minutes or so. and what i can tell you is that we are
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expected not only to hear from the president in the role that president's often taking these moments of prices in the united states are often you here in times of war. they're called the commander in chief, but in times of crisis, they're also called the consoler and she, and that is what's happening right now. you have to remember just 48 hours ago. what we were talking about here now is a 0 and all around the world was the discussion about joe biden and his political future. and whether or not he was going to remain at the top of the ticket for the democratic party. all of that has been washed away. they're no longer is a discussion about that. the country is united around the fact that right now there is a crisis and there is a concern about the future of this country in the midst of an election that is emitted in november. and the country is united around the leadership of the current
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president. right now, they want to hear from the president in the oval office right now. the soothing words that will come from president biden, a statesman, and who has the experience of decades in the presidents, all of the law office as vice president and in the us congress. so that is what the us president will be discussing. he will also though, has to answer some difficult questions because it is, it has been revealed that the us presidents made some don't comfortable caught comments about in a private donors, a fundraising event in the weeks leading up to the shooting attempted on donald trump, that there was a need to put a bull's eye on donald trump. now, obviously this was unintentional or, and right as certainly figurative speech, but the speaker might, johnson has called for this type of rhetoric that has been used not only by
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the current president joe biden, but also by donald trump, himself speaking about his opponent, the current sitting president, the fact that this type of rhetoric has become so heated on either side is a mark of just how toxic the election has become in the united states. so we expect that joe, by that will be asked by the pull reporters about this comment specifically. and what he will do about it to bring the temperature down in the united states. sunny, very fragile environment for the country. it can be held at the white house correspondent. thank you. kimberly. well, this is all happening as republicans are gathering the state of wisconsin. so their republican national convention, which is due to start on monday evening, not to raise even more questions about security if it's such a huge event, as you call, hey, and has been taking a look at the preparations, which will be nice even before the attempted assassination. of donald trump,
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block after block after block bear cajun fence is assembled in a large ring around the arena, where the republican national convention will be held. the trump campaign insisted the event will go ahead. even before the assassination attempt to former president donald trump. authorities were preparing for worst case scenarios. this team installing this simple box as a tier to sniffer chemical weapons in the air. thousands of police from all over the region called in a secret service announced 3 charter plains full of agents was headed to wisconsin on sunday. the barriers meant to keep the attendees separated from everyone else. what's going on america right now is now it's very sad. policies you're trying to yourself to take down, come down, but the people of justice will be served in trump will be back. we're doing this because we don't want the republicans here. we don't want them anywhere. and we're going to run the amount of anywhere that they try to be like, oh, well,
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we're fighting against a racist and reactionary agenda. we're fighting for immigrant rights for reproductive rights for palestine. and ultimately, they're just the opposite of everything that we want to see on this country. the convention will take place inside that secure perimeter of secret service is in charge of that there no guns allowed in the venue, not the case here. this is one of 2 parks were milwaukee says people can legally protest because of a state law. guns are allowed here. but to milwaukee police chief jeffrey norman insist that doesn't pose a unique threat. and so when we are dealing with the those type of protected door, those across these rights, is that about the actual caring? so be 8. do you have any behavior that's outside of what we deemed as a responsible behavior? then there will be, again, there is going to be a reaction that is going to be response and we will take appropriate action, political tension now, actual violence. the republican convention will take place in an atmosphere unlike
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any other petty calling al, jazeera, milwaukee, wisconsin. the of these really minute tree is again conducting as strikes on heavily populated areas across garza, or palestinians. olive in on the deterioration conditions, trying to seek shelter. these 17 people have been killed in the latest as rarely strikes insensible garza. all these were left, discuss it on the ground as well. again, targeted in unrest. school housing forced to be displaced people and the new server can you and run schools are meant to be protected on the international humanitarian . 6 they are targeting civilians inside schools, look like the whole world. see, these are the remains of a human being. we was searching and suddenly they hit the school. this is
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a shelter. we are a non civilians guy. the and this all came crashing down that the whole world see this as a human beings, hand thousands of engine palestinians were taken to the nearby accept hospital. many of them as we see the children. the medical facility is overwhelmed with a she, a number of patients and a still trying to cope with his visual to just supplies. doctors are again being forced to treat the wounded on the field of all these races, strikes time as funerals were being held literally every 15 minutes in gaza. that's off city is really minute to kills that these 90 palestinians on saturday and then attack it said was targeting last minute 3 lead a prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there's no certainty that he was killed. meanwhile, the israel's army. it says that it has killed the brigade commander of from us in con units. rough us along. i'm us is yet to confirm. will that speak to honeywell
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when he joins us now? from general bala in central garza honey. i want to ask you about that latest a test on, on the school. you watched thousands of wounded being taken into the hospital that behind you. can you tell us how people are coping now at the moment? yes, we'll have another dates for the figures right now. we're talking about 17 people who are being killed in exporting to 5 witnesses who were at the hospital and seeing the bodies transferred from the bond side. that's the honor was school in the say, right, right. you can, the majority of the bodies transferred to the hospital were women and children. these are the displays that ready traumatized people. a forced into this in force in turn of displacement for the past 9 months. in fact, we are to from an eye witness saying that some of the families, family members were killed in the schools were just arriving to the school within
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the past couple days as more as more waves of displacement any vanquishing orders issued by these really military close 80 people have been critically injured and all that transferred to either here or lock the hospital or allow the hospital but the risk right now with due to or the critical ones right now, the lack of medical supply. i was extremely dangerous and put it but their lives at risk right here. we managed to walk into the emergency department and see and paste is on the floor of the hospital. it gives of women and children experiencing severe burns in those versions. put them in agony for a long time to cry and out of the pin and the agony that they experience. and we were told by one of the doctors that the longer it takes, the harder would be for them to recover on top of that, the trauma that they are experiencing because of the severe burn. this is all the
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result of these bonds, incinerating bonds that are packed with trap nose and nails, causing not all the severe burns to these little bodies, but also the, the burns that they are experiencing a likely to stay with them for, for the future. one of the ones that come to port for us from outside along, so hospitable and durable. i thank you, honey. a still a head here on al jazeera. tell us alvarez has just made it back to bass. wimbledon type of us will have the option for the in depth analysis of the days headlines is where it is like his re accusing that i was looking for them since informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to north korea in 24. yes. why is he making it now critical debate?
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i believe the selections will empower him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the government challenges here with the
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the program that you're watching now to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound is an attempt to kill a former us president and republican frontrunner donald trump has sent shock waves around america on the last couple of shots holding a campaign around the anastasia pennsylvania on saturday for a picture of the suspect. the government has been released the f. b i has identified 20 year old thomas and matthew has begun. he was shot dead himself at the scene. investigation is all still determining his much we'll have to bring in the next man. he's a professor of history on the presidential historian with american university. he
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joins us now from manhattan beach in california. i was looking at some of the numbers and the congressional research services saying that had been at least 15 direct assault on presidents, president elect, or presidential candidates. 5 of them resulted in desk. one of them was while the desk kennedy, who was shot off to winning the democratic primary back then how, how the fascination attempts effective campaign in the past. hey, wanted to say this. i know the impact on my campaign is this leading you, that's not judgement. so always wrong, it's going to take a long time before this place. i could play all the different ways on the one hand, it couldn't benefit. donald trump either be seen as a more, as a ro, extra year on the republicans could be blowing this by based loosely waiting to get a job. i'm the grass and so we know about the shooter
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is he's registered republican for 3 years ago. donators are doing boss to a democratic organization, appears to have no box whatsoever job. i'm going to the democrats. the issue here is whether or not this will focus us on the norm is epidemic. and why it was in america for a good publicized day in america. america, it is 20 times more likely to kill buyer to be, or there are closest pure nations that could benefit the democrats. oh, let me ask you another question about the states of america right now you're talking about gun violence. there's also a huge amount of political violence that seems and, and the victim of this incident of political violence is
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a man who himself stands accused of inciting political violence. how much does that reflect the state of division in the us right now? it is very said, is that a little while? and she is a dinner in america, this is by no means the 1st or even necessarily the last to remedies apple over the bottle 7 years ago. and the representatives, felicia republican, were shot more recently. they are politically motivated, attack visions, handler attack on the hospital dancing below. see that was supposed to be a pause below 20 out of cost. last fall. the worst political violence in the history of the country was decided by donald trump, himself. the direction on january 6th, injure saw seriously one of the $140.00 police officers that resulted directly or indirectly into a numerous data, several deaths,
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and the dogs on site for 3 hours. while it may have occurred as either inflating the crowd by an incendiary tweet. about what passed? well, there's trying to pay my pass. so this is come save. unfortunately as no surprise, i'm very glad that the $400.00 president seems to be okay. and the status of my heart goes out to those who to the person who was chilled to this family acts of those who were injured and was the weapon that was use for this killing b, a r 15, a semi automatic weapons that has no use of the account was my people as possible, that was one said back in the ninety's. but the last it is shows that on like our peer nations, we haven't come to grips with gun violence. which by the way, is one of the top chillers of children in america. and i want to understand how
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this moment exists and in american imagination in history, i see a number of republican politicians involved in terms of attempt to overtime the election result. they quoting for unity. now, alongside democrats are the zip code for physical force against posting and protest, as for instance, all themselves now condemning political violence. is this perhaps a moment for the country to come together or does history suggest even deeper division the head? you know, we had an extraordinary thing, have this precedent for this. when ronald reagan were shop in 1981 of the great republican conservative president, his press secretary of change brady was previously was astonished. conservative republican. but he took advantage of this situation not to come over banish, not toward the democrats, but try to bring the country together to stem government while they have some graciousness along with his wife. the last rate uh,
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initiatives nationally and ongoing. she were purch, were pushed 5 chairs for 80. i who's bought it. we have the assault weapons ban and we have the brady bill that the guy in the background checks for government purchases. i could only pull that we build on the president and we deal with the unique care for the mileage that reflects americans. you know, he's pure countries, a mental health problems. they have drug problems, but do for issues, how they deal with guns, brand products to get those. is there someone or today to bring together, we will indeed see how this continues to pay out island victim in a presidential historian with american university. thank you for joining us on out of here. my flushing side here. how full villages insert on the eastern stage of casala remain isolated by floodwaters days
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off to the roof, a gash bust it's banks. this is all caused by torrential rains in eritrea. mountain vall reports a this is a slice of life of what's going on here. ok. city if a gosh jump to area that has been flooded a few days ago. for villages, at least, besieged behind these theories, besieged by water. and we're told that so few people can actually wait through this month. you want to go out and bring them supplies, they can't escape onto them. no. and only some individual volunteers come on, bring them as fuel thinks they need, but no international or locally relief agencies. have been able to go and help them out, even for people living on a slightly higher ground. the inbox is visible, the waters have swept across a section of the out on the town. when most of the families live in month houses,
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they've seen their homes meltdown in the flooding. so the families that have managed to escape are now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, their family land, as well as their homes off or being something most local authorities believe that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected. and they are afraid this might only be the beginning. flushed lodgings normally stopped in august. and this early incident, as well as predictions of heavier things this summer, out of social video concern here. how much fun does the all the town of rome, i guess other states eastern, so then well that's it for me and associates. i remember you can always find much more on a website that's out of here a dot com next inside. story looks at the fallout from israel's lace test, masika and gaza. i'll have one who's often statements, or hello
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the weather's looking pretty quiet across much of the middle east, that present aspect. here's a little more clinical saw than most policy might just cash. the gold right shop, west in areas of u. m. and maybe just around the southern end of the red sea. but as you can see it as long as you try. little bit of lift it dustin's and then a bit of us use our fresh brace. i'm gonna fill that fresh, 40 full celsius here and go ha, picking up to about 45 as we go on to choose the player wants to further north for q way into a rock noticed water to show us over towards the black sea. just around the cool cuz it's but again, nothing too much to speak of and not much to speak of. across the eastern side of the magic might see the shower and to waste and there is a duck. yeah. is the heat once again nicosia, $41.00 celsius, a brisk wind rolling across the gene. well, how sunshine, pretty much sums it up. oh, sunshine to across north africa! tripoli could talk 43 celsius on monday, could scattering the showers across west africa. now that what the type is they
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should be with, they all that we have to show us that would set a goal. liberia pushing across, gonna using cost between a fossa southern process it down into south. so that again, seeing some blog, the shows future. i was to, into kenya, but for my to solve in africa is drawn quiet, of the serious, darkest days with one man leaving the country throughout, present to all of us out as last legitimacy. he needs to step down. how did he retain control to over a decade of war? we examined the global power gates of president bush auto saw. we believe aside was simply carrying out a ronnie and orders. what keeps you awake at night? many a reason that could affect any human. i saw most of of chaos on audra 0 global outcry after israel committed yet an.


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